The first presentation of our autumn season will be held on 6 October at Salones Canor Teulada. Registration 10:00 - 10:50am. Meeting starts at 11am.
The theme of this presentation will be ‘The Golden Age of Mexican Painting’ by Chloe Sayer. Chloe has conducted extensive research and native fieldwork throughout Mexico over many years, and is the author of numerous books relating to the charm and humour of Mexican folk art.
She is a Fellow of The Royal Anthropological Institute, and having studied languages at Trinity College Dublin, she is a fluent Spanish speaker, among other languages.
Chloe regularly lectures for the Art Society and has led several cultural tours to Mexico. Please contact us for further details of the Society, venue and programme for 2022/23.
For membership contact the Secretary at mb.marinaalta@theartssociety.org, or for anything else, tr.marinaalta@theartssociety.org.
The presentation is once again sponsored by Blevins Franks, which is much appreciated. Contact Blevins Franks for the 2022 update of their renowned guide for expats entitled ‘Living in Spain’. javea@blevinsfranks.com
Also sponsoring our presentation is Inmobres a premium estate agency in the Marina Alta, www.Inmobres.com
David Glover. Chair: The Arts Society Marina Alta.
Wednesday, October the 12th is a date for your diary.
It's a fiesta day, a Bank Holiday but better still it's the autumn Antiques Fair at Salones Canor, Calle Assegador, Teulada 03726.
It takes place in an elegant salon so weather is never a problem.
We have a full house of exhibitors displaying and selling a broad spectrum of items from retro through to antiquities.
It's an opportunity to support 2 of our local charities who do such valuable work in the community, HELP of the Marina Alta and the Lions of Calpe and Benissa will be selling donated items.
Our plant man Michel will be adorning the entrance with his beautiful plants.
As usual, bar food and drinks are available all day and parking and entry are free.
We are open from 9am until 3pm and look forward to seeing you there.
For any queries call Paul on 626 795 587.
I feel that it is appropriate to speak about Queen Elizabeth instead of insurance this month.
I have been overwhelmed by the reaction of people in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England. As we know the Queen loved Balmoral, where she has spent many happy days growing up and having her family there, with no press around to disturb the joy. It was so appropriate that her last request was to go to Balmoral. I believe the Queen knew she didn´t have much time left and she wanted to die in one of her favourite places. How proud and sad the Scots were and they gave her a very dignified and loving goodbye. Then she was returned to London and I think the Royal Air Force handled her return with great respect and dignity. It was the start of the enormous part the Services played in her funeral.
On the day of the funeral, everything was extraordinary and beautiful. The organisation and planning behind it all was very professional and sensitive. From family and friends, dignitaries and politicians and both the British and worldwide public, everyone was able to say goodbye to such a wonderful Queen, who had been part of our lives for so long.
I have nothing but admiration for King Charles. Although his grief was etched on his face and with Camilla by his side he was able to carry out all the duties expected of him. His sister, Princess Anne was just amazing - she never left her mother's side, wherever the Queen went, she was there.
I wonder if the Queen realised how much she was loved by both her family and by so many millions of people throughout the world. The British people pulled together in their grief to give the Queen the send-off she deserved and also to welcome the new King and the beginning of another era.
I personally feel that King Charles, who has been preparing for years, will make an excellent King and gives us hope for the future.
If you would like any information or a quotation, please contact one of my offices, email info@jennifercunningham.net or visit the website www.jennifercunningham.net.
Well, the volunteering took a different turn to the one I expected and we now have a new our lives. She is a gangly bundle of love who has 'saved' us from a scratty kitchen sponge, a couple of empty plastic bags and a feather filled cushion, all of which were shredded across the driveway. It looked like a flock of birds had been massacred. Needless to say the cats are livid, but they are holding their own and steal her food at any opportunity!
October sees the birthday of not only the magazine, but of my daughter and granddaughter. I can see lots of cake being eaten which suits me just fine.
It is great to see the groups and associations starting up again and reading through the magazine there really is a lot happeningsomething for everyone to enjoy. Until next time, take care and be kind.
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If your vehicle is going to be parked for a long time, but you want to keep it in your name, you have the possibility of temporarily de-registering it and thus save on maintenance costs.
In order for a vehicle to be on the roads, it must be in a status of administrative registration. This status implies being up-to-date with road tax and having valid insurance and ITV. Therefore, if you are not going to use a vehicle for a while, it is best to SORN and save the costs involved with having a vehicle registered in your name. It is possible to temporarily SORN any type of vehicle: car, motorbike, truck, bus...
The temporary de-registration process is intended for vehicles that, for whatever reason, are not going to be used for a long period of time, but still have the possibility that they will be used again in the future. It is therefore a status that is easy to reverse to be able to drive the vehicle again.
If there is a judicial or administrative seizure notice on a vehicle, it is not possible to undergo any procedure with it. It is necessary to get the seizure notice annulled before doing so.
Information provided by the DGT (Traffic Department); https://www.dgt.es/.../no-vas-a-usar-tu.../baja-temporal/ (Text translated by https://torreviejatranslators.com/)
As of the 1st of November, the DGT will change the way notifications of traffic fines are delivered. As of that day, Tráfico will stop issuing fines on paper and will do so via the electronic mailbox.
This new rule will NOT affect individuals, since they are not required to have an email address. However, it will impact companies. They will have to register with the Dirección Electrónica Vial (DEV), the mailbox where they will receive communications and notifications from the DGT. Tráfico will directly assign a DEV to any holder of a driving licence or a vehicle.
(Translation provided by Torrevieja Translators)
A historic vehicle is one that, due to its age, at least 30 years, interest or uniqueness, deserves special consideration to protect its representative and symbolic character, thus safeguarding the cultural and symbolic heritage of our time and allowing its use with due technical and mechanics characteristics. Those that:
- Have a minimum age of 30 years.
- Are included in the General Inventory of Movable Assets of the Spanish Historical Heritage or declared assets of cultural interest and those that are of special interest for having belonged to a relevant personality or participated in an event of historical importance.
- Are considered collection vehicles, which due to their characteristics, singularity, manifest scarcity or other very outstanding special circumstances, deserve to benefit from the regime of historical vehicles.
- Vehicles (except mopeds); 99.77€
- Mopeds; 27.85€
For more information on the steps to be taken before requesting a historical license plate visit: https://sede.dgt.gob.es/.../matriculacion.../index.shtml
The N-332 are a group of Spanish Traffic Police Officers who decided to create a Facebook group to inform all ex-pats and tourists about Spanish traffic laws as they think it is unfair to fine them for breaking rules they didn't know about. You can find them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DrivingSpain/ and follow them to keep up to date as they only share official information.Road Safety is a thing for everyone. Drive responsibly!
Financial planning means different things to different people but inevitably we will all consider our own financial position several times in life. Regardless of what instigates the need to review our circumstances, one thing is for sure – you never plan to fail in your objectives, but sometimes we can fail to plan.
Having a clear financial strategy in place can aid in numerous ways. It can help you visualise your current position with the use of numbers, set financial goals and likely timescales, or provide a clear indication of what the future could hold, financially. The latter – Financial Security - is quite often the most important aspect of financial planning for those in, or approaching, retirement.
There are of course many unknown variables that will hit us during our lifetimes, many of which will be completely out of our control. Nevertheless, knowing where you stand and having a clear vision, backed up by a well-constructed plan, will only increase knowledge and likelihood of success.
As US Business Magnate, Warren Buffett, once quoted “Risk comes from not knowing what you´re doing”.
If you already deal with a financial adviser, make sure they are reviewing your overall financial position, not just the investments they manage and earn money from. True financial planning encompasses all aspects of an individual´s circumstances, including income & expenditure, goals & objectives, and tax position. Consideration should be given to any immediate needs as well as estate planning for later life.
We believe this is one of key benefits of working with us at Logic, as it is common practice for us to analyse all areas of a client’s financial position before we put forward any recommendations. It is our belief that unbiased, impartial advice can only be given once we have a full picture of our client´s circumstances.
If you would like a free consultation or would like us to review your financial position, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We work on a strictly confidential basis, in line with UK best practices.
● Logic Financial Consultants are fully regulated & licensed financial advisers, covering the Costa Blanca, Murcia and Canary Islands. We can travel to you, or you can visit our office at Calle Andres Lambert 24, 1B, Jávea. Tel: 965 020 444. Email: info@logicfc.com Web: www.logicfinancialconsultants.com.
When it comes to choosing an insurance policy that’s right for you, it’s important to take into consideration a number of things. Price will (of course) be a significant factor, but you really need to consider what you’re going to get for your money.
Are you paying for what you actually need? Will you have the backing of a reputable company that really understands your requirements –and can they offer the right advice on the right product(s) for you? Moreover, do you have the chance to discuss, personally, your insurance needs with a professional insurance advisor in your own language?
The insurance market is now more competitive than ever before, so it’s not surprising that consumers are increasingly looking for more competitive and innovative packages that can be tailored to their own circumstances. Leading expat insurance provider, LIBERTY SEGUROS understands this, which is why it continues to innovate its range to be able to offer products that can be personalised to suit customers’ real needs.
LIBERTY SEGUROS also understands that in this current climate, price is without a doubt a mitigating factor; and it is proud to be a competitive player in the expat insurance marketplace. Furthermore, it regularly offers fantastic deals to not only new customers, but also existing customers to reward their continual loyalty. (This is not something that every insurance provider out there does!).
For example, from now up until 24th November 2022, with LIBERTY SEGUROS existing clients will receive €60 Cashback on each new policy that they take out. New clients can make great savings too, with €30 Cashback on their first Life, Home or Car policies and €60 Cashback on subsequent new policies thereafter*.
This means that if you take out more than one product with LIBERTY SEGUROS, apart from having the peace of mind of having it all under one company, you will always save more!
Best of all though, their competitive products now come with more benefits and advantages than ever before!
As an example, you don’t need to declare your vehicle accessories with LIBERTY SEGUROS Car policies. All your car’s extras are covered as standard, for free, if they have been fitted by the vehicle’s manufacturer. Car policies also include a courtesy car for up to 45 days or €35/day for taxi. You can also choose your own repair garage and, in the case of total loss or theft, you can get up to 30% compensation on top of the list price.
When it comes to Home policies, customers can now add Optional Packs to suit their individual requirements too. For example, you can get compensation for additional water costs due to a broken pipe up to the value of €1,000; and up to €600 per claim/year to help with the unblocking of pipes. Surveillance can also be provided for up to 72 hours for a home that has been left unprotected after a robbery and you can have cover for garden furniture even when it has been damaged by adverse weather conditions.
With regard to Life policies, the covers and optional extras are extensive as well. For example, you have the option of taking out Level Term Life Insurance with no premium increase for 10 years, guaranteeing the same death benefit and the same level of payments for the full length of the term.
Amongst others, optional extras for Life policies include: extended cover for repatriation to any country; and, if you have children under the age of 18, beneficiaries can receive double the insured capital in the event of the death of both spouses in the same accident without having to take out an additional policy.
LIBERTY SEGUROS really does have you covered and always has your real needs in mind, so it’s not surprising that it is still the expat’s preferred insurer in Spain. It offers peace of mind with its wide range of products and provides you with all the necessary tools to keep you, your loved ones and your assets safe and secure.
To find out more, why not speak to one of the more than 300 qualified expatriate brokers and agents and explain your individual needs. They are available to provide friendly, tailored and expert advice about the best covers and options to suit your specific circumstances in Spain.
For the location of your nearest broker/agent, simply visit www.libertyexpatriates.es or call 91 342 25 49.
* Conditions and minimum premiums will be applied.
To avoid any misunderstanding, I’m talking about those twinkly things in the night sky, not people on telly with cheesy grins.
You might be tempted to think that this is about as boring subject as can be, but it really isn’t so please read on. Most people will have heard at least a couple of star names, Polaris, so called because it is almost over the North pole when we look up, you might have heard of Sirius, the bright dog star, and Betelgeuse, because it’s a great name used in a film, but where do these names come from?
Stars have 2 names, a modern scientific one which is very useful but boring, and an ancient one given to the star thousands of years ago by Arabs and Greeks, and those names have meanings. But why name stars at all? Imagine you are one of a nomadic people, finding your way across the land without a map and you can’t plug a satnav into your camel, so you have to use the Sun in the daytime, and the stars at night. Now suppose you want to tell someone the way somewhere, you might tell them that in the Spring you follow the star Aldebaran until he (not it) sets. Aldebaran is Arabic, it means the follower, so called because it seems to follow the Hyades across the sky. The Hyades? They were nymphs that brought rain in Greek mythology. This is where the naming gets messy, already we’ve mixed up Greek and Arab names, this is an accident of history, the names we know now are what has survived all the centuries of story telling that long ago became fixed when someone started writing them down. Often the names get a bit mixed up, you probably know the constellation the Plough, Ursa Major in Latin which means Great Bear. There is a bright star in the plough called Dubhe, which comes from The Arabic Dubb meaning bear.
Is that confusing? Try this. The constellation Leo, the lion or Al-Asad in Arabic has a bright star called Regulus, a name only given about 500 years ago, but earlier it was Qalb Al-Asad, the heart of the lion. It's not far from Danab Al-Asad, the lion’s tail.
Lastly, Betelgeuse, it's a big red star in Orion. We call Orion the hunter, but it was a Greek boy’s name meaning rising in the sky and shining. I’m surprised no film star has used that for their child. In Arabic it was Bat Al-Jawsa, the giant’s shoulder, how appropriate. Book readers among you can’t fail but notice how many of these names have become part of literature, JK Rowlings Harry Potter characters, and Aslan the lion used by CS Lewis are the obvious ones, ancient and modern coming together.
What beautiful, ancient and descriptive names now seldom used in our society and how strange that we use an ancient language to give a standard set of names for our modern science.
Charles Oates, Vega Baja Astronomy Group.● To find out more about observing and astronomy, email us at vegabaja.astronomygroup@gmail.com
Eve Taylor Skin Care is not only effective, professionally recognised by beauticians and skin care experts alike, it’s also affordable.
With over 50 years in the professional beauty industry, the skin care products are formulated to balance the correct pH of the skin and are completely cruelty free, which is one of the reasons Mimiskru use her product range, as well as the effective results!
The products don’t contain artificial colours or fragrances or other known irritants which are sensitive to the skin or can block pores.
One of Mimiskru’s all-time favourites are the Eve Taylor Serums as mentioned in September’s Focus article. Followed by her Refining Eye Gel
A super hydrating eye gel to help minimise fine lines around the eye area while helping revitalise and refine skins textures. The water-based eye gel absorbs easily into delicate skin, deeply hydrates, plumping fine lines and smoothing skin texture. Great for those tired eyes constantly on computers or mobile phones. Mimiskru also offer a refining eye mask treatment incorporated with one of their Eve Taylor facials.
Age resist morning moisturiser - perfect morning/daytime use; containing essential oils to minimise the signs of ageing, whilst nourishing the morning skin. Soya ceramides defend against moisture loss and sunflower oil nurtures the epidermal layers for a soft supple complexion. Great for ageing and premature ageing skin. Enriched with vitamins to protect the skin and essential oils to strengthen and regenerate. Giving you that morning glow.
Age resist moisturising day cream SPF 30 - perfect for using in Spain. Protects all day against damaging ultraviolet light, as well as reducing signs of ageing. Packed with easily absorbed botanicals, essential oils and ceramides which help strengthen and maintain a healthy barrier against sun damage. Enriched with vitamins A, D and E.
All the above creams, Eve Taylor masque and many more are used with our Eve Taylor facials. Why not sample our Express Eve Taylor facial, a nice introduction into her skin care range. This is a 30 minute treatment with a fast acting masque. Great gift Idea.
All products available for purchase at MIMISKRU. Gift vouchers available online at www.mimiskruhairandbeauty.com Or come and visit us at the Salon, we are just near Specsavers in Jávea. Tel: 965 793 584 or 615 259 685.
● Local 12, Edificio Caribe, Av del Pla 129, Jávea. Tel 965 793 584. www.mimiskruhairandbeauty.com Facebook Mimiskru. See our advert on the Horoscopes page.
A Hydrafacial is a medical-grade hydradermabrasion device that carries out a patented three-part regime — cleansing, exfoliating, and then infusing skin with intensive serums.
Cleanse and Peel Step 1
Rather than blasting the skin with grit, as with a traditional dermabrasion, this gentler approach vacuums out pores while simultaneously delivering potent actives, which moisturise, brighten, plump, and protect. It appeals to nearly all ages, complexions, and concerns. This is nice for teenagers with acne, adults with pimples, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation and for older patients with sun damage and even flaky pre-cancerous spots (as part of more serious treatments).
Extract and Hydrate Step 2
How many times have you told a therapist to skip the extractions and squeezing for fear of redness or next-day eruptions? HydraFacial is a relaxing, feel-good experience. It's never painful, in fact, patients compare the sensation to a “light massage." The device suctions impurities from the pores, no squeezing or pressing required.
Fuse and protect Step 3
A HydraFacial saturates the skin’s surface with antioxidants and peptides to maximise your glow. Targeted, proprietary skin solutions are delivered to address specific skin concerns.
Instant gratification in 30 - 60 minutes with zero downtime "HydraFacial hits the sweet spot. It's more than a basic spa facial, but less invasive than a laser treatment. Making it a rare unicorn among the no-downtime options, its payoff is immediately apparent: "We can quickly improve texture and tone, and even help conditions like acne, without any residual irritation or peeling.
At Zen, we also further enhance the serums infused during the hydrafacial by applying LED phototherapy as an add on at the end of the facial, red light for older skin types to stimulate collagen production and blue light for acne prone skin.
EMSELLA is the first technology able to create lasting strength in the pelvic floor, the set of muscles holding up the pelvic organs. This works both for incontinence after prostate surgery as well as uncontrolled urinary dripping that occurs as we age, a condition that affects more than 200 million people worldwide. In a study presented at the 2018 American Society, more than 67% of patients saw reduced use of hygienic pads after EMSELLA treatment.
Together, EMSCULPT and EMSELLA provide “Core to Floor” therapy, a fantastic combination of HIFEM stimulation designed to build and strengthen the core muscles and pelvic floor specifically to combat conditions such as incontinence and abdominal separation.
Proper nutrition is essential to healthy living, successful weight loss and the overall well-being of the body. Seeking advice from a Nutritionist can help you to understand and stick to a diet plan based on your health, physical goals and medical needs.
Firstly, a visit to your GP is essential to assess your general health. They may ask for a stool or blood sample to be taken to rule out any underlying health problems and to help to identify the cause of weight gain, as this can be due to various reasons one being Gut Dysbiosis.
Gut dysbiosis is an imbalance of bacteria in your gut. When gut dysbiosis occurs, one or more of these changes occur:
► You lose beneficial bacteria in your gut
► You get potentially harmful bacteria taking over your gut
► You have less diverse bacteria in your gut. Most of the bacteria in your gut are actually 'good bacteria", meaning that they will not cause you any harm. The rest of the bacteria are called "opportunistic bacteria" meaning they will not cause you any harm as long as they are kept in check by the good bacteria. However, once they over run the good bacteria, they can wreak havoc on your body and cause gut dysbiosis!
In your gut, there are trillions of microorganisms that make up your gut microbiome. Your gastrointestinal (GI) tract is home to many bacteria keeping your gut healthy. When these become out of balance, dysbiosis happens. If left untreated this can cause a range of chronic illnesses and conditions such as food intolerances, obesity, Chron’s disease, Type 1 diabetes and colorectal cancer.
A Nutritionist with the results of these diagnostic tests can work out an individual plan tailored to your lifestyle and personal diet preferences to lose weight healthily and for the long term.
Your nurse at the GP surgery should also offer you regular follow-up appointments, every 2 weeks to a month, to monitor your weight loss and progress.
Magnum Concert Productions are very pleased to once again present Queen Forever featuring “Chess” on Tuesday the 8th November at 8pm.
Chess are renowned for their amazing tribute to the Super Group “Queen” and perform all the classic hits that earned Queen the reputation of being the Champions!
This magnificent show will be staged in a new venue which is the Teatre Auditorio in Beniarbeig. (Please note, this is in Beniarbeig not Benidoleig). A link with the map location is posted at the end of this information and is also available on request. This is a new venture for us, and is a very exciting project. The theatre is brand new and is a fabulous auditorium, it is located literally five minutes from the Ondara shopping center and has a capacity of 300 in lovely air conditioned comfort. It has fabulous acoustics and is located near bars and restaurants, with plenty of free parking.
If there is sufficient demand we will hire a coach service to and from the venue, from Moraira. Tickets are priced at 20€. We will also be selling tickets in the foyer in Espai La Senieta, and in the Ayuntamiento in Beniarbeig. For information email: magnum.concerts@gmail.com Or call 618 017 201.
So come along and see a great show, in a lovely theatre. Many thanks for your support and I hope to see you soon. You can join our mailing list which will give you prior notification of all our future events by emailing: magnum.concerts@gmail.com.
Peter Johnson. CEO Magnum Concert Productions. https://www.google.com/maps/place/TeatreAuditori/@38.8237461,-0.0057021,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4! 1s0xd61e3e2a9dbf237:0xebf0b1d08ecd2205!8m2!3d38.8238307! 4d-0.00357
Calling all groups and charities send your forthcoming events & information to editor@ femalefocusonline.com before the 15th of the month prior to publication.
A huge pan of paella packed with mussels and prawns with golden grains of rice is seen by many as Spain’s national dish, but this hearty fare comes from Valencia where much of the Spanish rice is grown.
Moors introduced rice to Alicante Rice and saffron were among the finest ingredients introduced to Spain by the Moors, who ruled many parts of Spain until the 15th century. The Moors also introduced many new crops including orange, lemon, peach, apricot, fig, sugar cane, dates, ginger, pomegranate as well as saffron, cotton, silk and rice.
Until the Moors planted rice in the wetlands, like Pego, in the 8th century, it was considered difficult to grow and only eaten by well-to-do families. The Moors’ irrigation and farming methods are still very much in evidence today and by the 15th century, rice had become a staple part of the diet.
There are many ways to enjoy rice – in dry dishes such as paella, soupy dishes, cooked in the oven, in a cast-iron cauldron or over wood in a massive paella dish. In the Alicante region, the major fields are in the Pego marshlands, just north of Denia. The rice is harvested in September. Traditional Valencian paella includes snails and rabbit rather than seafood, but there are hundreds of varieties.
The dishes are primarily made with the local Bomba rice, which is much more absorbent than long-grained rice, so more of the flavour soaks in. Bomba rice is originally from India. The grains expand during cooking, which absorbs the rich flavours of the stock. Other rice needs two cups of water to one cup of rice. With Bomba rice, the ratio is 3 to 1, which gives an idea of how much more favour gets soaked into the grains. It is also less likely to stick to the pan.
As Bomba rice is difficult to grow compared to other short or medium grain, is it is usually more expensive. However, it is worth the cost as it means your meal is packed with flavour. The temperate climate combines to provide the ideal situation for rice to thrive. It is still cultivated using ancient methods which are less disruptive to nature and to the wildlife which live in and around the marshes. Rice growing is also good for the environment as it can be grown in salty soils or salt marshes. The cultivation of rice is sometime also the only way to keep the salty sea water away from the land.
Spain is the one of the largest exporters of rice in the world with much of it heading to northern European countries including UK, France and Germany.
Paella is a traditional communal meal eaten by workers, such as farmhands. It was cooked by men over an open wood fire, with the fragrance from the branches adding to the paella flavour. They would have lit a fire and simmered the rice, adding whatever ingredients were at hand. This could be local vegetables or a rabbit. On the coast, fishermen would add fish and shellfish. ‘Paella’ often also refers to the large, shallow dish that is used for cooking.
It is eaten at lunchtime – which in Spain is mid-afternoon –and in real Valencian style, never in the evening. Guests can be served straight from the large paella dish with the sticky, toasted pieces at the bottom of the pan being the tastiest bits. Valencian's will say there are only two types of paella – one with meat and the Valencian white bean, while the other is with seafood. Each town or village has its own variation depending on local ingredients with ‘paella with cod and cauliflower’ being a top choice in many Alicante towns.
From becoming a rich man’s food to part of the everyday diet, rice began to lose its appeal in the 1920s. In Gandia, the residents were so fed up with rice that they started to use thin noodles instead. This ‘fideua’ is still being enjoyed in many restaurants today.
It has also now become a custom at mass gatherings in the Valencia region (festivals, political campaigns, protests, etc.) to prepare enormous paellas, sometimes with an aim to win a place in the Guinness book of records.
From its humble origins, paella is now enjoyed all around the world. Every year, Valencia celebrates World Paella Day in September. Paella has transcended all borders, with eight million yearly searches on the internet, making it the fourth most important dish on the planet.
Forty members of the Spanish Culture & Cuisine Group of the Jávea U3A, have just returned from an 11-night tour of Cantabria, a journey to escape the heat and crowds! Cantabria is known as “Green Spain” and it was wonderful. We visited many of its prettiest little towns, including Potes, home to medieval bridges and stone streets, backed by the rugged slopes of the Picos de Europa mountains, and Liérganes, with perfectly preserved architecture from the 17th and 18th centuries. The mounted police at the Palacio de la Magdalena in Santander posed with us for some spectacular photos, and no doubt one of the highlights of the tour was the annual Laredo Flower Festival, with its amazing floats all made from fresh flowers. A memorable holiday, organised by group leaders, Angela Chantry and Tony Dearie, with thanks to Keith and Sieglinde for the photos. For information about the Jávea U3A and how to join, visit the website at www.u3ajavea.com.
The group has been meeting monthly for a number of years enjoying the company of members, guests and friends.
After a busy summer performing The Entertainers are taking a well-earned break during September. They will kick-off their autumn programme in October, with four events planned before the start of the Xmas, carols in the Square(s), programme. So make a note in your diary and come along to support these local charities.
- El Cid, 8 October – in aid of Franciscan Monks’ Gandia Hostal
This charity is well deserving of our support and is in urgent need of funds. Entertainment including BBQ price 17€.
- Los Arcos, 13 October – Awesome Autumn, in aid of Jalon Valley Help
Our locally based Alcalali charity is holding their last of the season ‘Bring Your Own’ picnic evenings in the Los Arcos garden. Price 10€.
- El Cid, 19 October – Final El Cid gig in aid of Jalon Valley Help
This will be a fitting opportunity to close this year’s fund-raising efforts for JVH. Price including BBQ 17€.
This year is the first year that we have continued to meet in July and August and fifteen arrived promptly at Restaurant Toix in Calpe for aperitives followed by lunch which included a drink and a chupito. We chose from four entradas, four main courses and a similar number for desserts. The service as well as the quality of food was very good and a great time was experienced by all. No one seemed in a hurry to leave. We are happy to include new friends and interested parties who are asked to contact arthurandfreda@gmail.com. www.u3a.org
We hope many of you will be able to attend these events and, by so doing, help to raise funds for local charities.
Visit our Facebook page for more details: The Entertainers - Vall de Pop and Beyond Article written by Peter Sockett
A Special Evening was recently held to celebrate the end of a successful Masonic year and to thank everyone for their help and support with the special events and the Charity Fund Raising, especially over the summer months.
Many events including Crazy Golf Days and Bowls tournaments have been organised by the Worshipful Master, WBro Ian Makin and his wife Jackie. They have all been well attended, raising much needed funds for various local charities.
Restaurant Leonardo’s in Albir was completely taken over and a fabulous evening of VIP dining ensued. A generous and unexpected donation was made by the owners and staff of Leonardo's amounting to one hundred and fifty euros for which, we are very grateful!
A Raffle where all prizes were for the Ladies and included a meal for two, chocolates, wine and even a new spatula! An exceptional amount was raised along with a lot of fun and laughter. Making a total for the evening of four hundred and fifty euros
Two Loyal toasts were made to mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the succession of King Charles III. These were observed by all, regardless of their country of origin. A most enjoyable night was had, and the money raised will be put to good use to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
Also last month we made a visit to the Nazareth School as a result of the Provincial Grand Master's decision to donate five hundred euros to this school, and to highlight the sincere gratitude of the school director for the donation and the interest of our order in the work that the Nazareth School carries out for the benefit of the children and adolescents of Alicante who need support and help.
Nazareth College was one of the four charities identified by the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Rodney Bignell, to receive donations of money raised at the Provincial Golf Tournament at Bonalba Golf Club in June. We subsequently sent them five hundred euros and this visit was to follow up and find out more about them, with future support from the lodge in mind.
In attendance were the Worshipful Master of the RLS Hiram Abif 80, WBro Vicente López Revuelta, the Worshipful Master-elect Bro Jorge Prieto Cueto and Bro Sergio Pereira, Charity Steward of the same lodge.
In a very pleasant talk, we were given a complete tour of the school's facilities, together with a summary of its history. He described the main activities they carry out for the benefit of children and adolescents at risk of social exclusion in the province. We had the opportunity to witness the work they do at different levels and in the training courses for the children.
We also had the opportunity to briefly explain the support work that our Order carries out through the Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia and its lodges for the benefit of the community and that we hope to continue in the future, in order to help the children of the school in their different initiatives.
We agreed to keep in touch to be attentive to any specific needs that they may have and that in some way we can help to alleviate.
Should you have an interest in joining freemasonry, please contact us on :- sec@glpvalencia.com.
The Chaplaincy had 3 services remembering her late Majesty, as well as prayers and appropriate hymns in all the regular Sunday and mid-week services.
In Calpe we joined our Roman Catholic hosts, at the invitation of priest, Don Juan Carlos, for a Civic mass in her memory on Sunday. Around 200 people attended, including the British Vice Consul together with several Councillors. The congregation was mostly Spanish and British, but several other nationalities were also represented. Anglican Chaplain, Fr Rodney took part.
On Monday there were two requiem masses, attended by over one hundred people The first at the Forum in Alfas del Pi, led by Fr. Paul, and the second in the parish church in Orba, led by Fr. Rodney and Fr. Robin.
For information on the churches and services of the chaplaincy visit their website - costablanca-anglicanchaplaincy.org.
Everyone is made very welcome.
The Poppy Appeal Launch in Benidorm takes place on 15th October starting at 1200 hrs and forms up in Av Castello, marching to Av. Ametlla de Mar, s/n, 03503 Benidorm, accompanied by Torrievieja Pipes and Drums. There will be a concert in the evening at the Don Pancho Hotel starting at 7.30pm. More information closer to the time will be posted on their Facebook page: Benidorm & District 3489 Royal British Legion.
In October, Amata is organising no fewer than four craft markets in the provinces of Alicante and Valencia. Plenty of opportunity for lovers of beautiful handcrafted items to indulge themselves.
During the weekend of 14, 15 and 16 October there are two markets: the first one on the seafront promenade in the port of Jávea, the other also close to the beach, but in La Mata (Torrevieja). The market in Jávea goes together with La Mar de Tapas, where the local bars and restaurants offer all kinds of sea food tapas with their drinks.
In La Mata it was decided to keep the market on the Plaza Encarnación Puchol of La Mata, because there are fewer parking problems there than in the centre of Torrevieja. The Enrique Simón trío provides occasional live Jazz music and there are workshops and demonstrations of various crafts.
The following weekend, Amata's artists and craftsmen can be found in Tibi, up in the village near the chapel of La Santa. This market is enlivened by a juggler and faquir, a stilt walker and demonstrations of crafts.
These three markets in the province of Alicante are open on Friday afternoons from six o'clock; on Saturday and Sunday both in the morning and the afternoon.
During the last weekend of October there is a very special market in Xàtiva (Valencia), which lasts until the 1st of November (a national holiday in Spain). The beautiful old town of Xàtiva then hosts the Fira de Borja, a festival with concerts, guided tours, gastronomic tasting and special menus and this year for the first time an authentic arts and crafts market with many workshops and demonstrations of crafts, puppet shows and performances of a juggler. This market opens on Friday evening and is open all day on other days from 11am to 10pm.
For more information these markets, 639 979
Cam is a sweet dog, who enjoys rides in the car and walks calmly on the leash. Cam doesn't realise his size and can be boisterous when playing. He is very much missing his own home and with some training would be a wonderful, loyal family member. Please contact Akira on 657 689 567 or email akirashelter@aol.com.
Sebra, DOB, 12.2009, 60cm, was thrown over our fence in the night, with her sister Santa. Sebra is a little bit more confident than her sister. She sits when somebody talks to her and she is very fond of being cuddled. Please call 618 754 635 or visit www.apasa.eu.
Bertie and Harry are 5 year old Dalmatian mix brothers. They desperately need to find a new home either together or separately. The boys are super friendly with people but not so good with other dogs. They do need some education and socialisation. They are both castrated vaccinations up to date and have passports. For more info please call PEPA on 650 304 746 or email p.e.p.a.animalcharity@gmail.com.
Meet Our Horses! Join us on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings at APAC Rescue Horses to see the horses and help support us. Everyone Welcome. For more information email apacprotectora@gmail.com, visit www.apac-cv.com or Facebook: Apac Rescue Horses.
Find all the Spanish words from the word list in the puzzle grid. Words may be found going forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonally. Answers can be found in the back of the magazine. Good Luck.
Juani is one of our many lovely cats. Shelter open every Sunday 10am - 12pm, whatsapp Luisa 669 376 113 for more information. Denia Cat Protection League –Aldea Felina, please visit www.aldeafelina.es
Netty is only 9 months and a loving pup. She needs to learn all about life outside the shelter. An experienced home would be needed, or foster to help her build confidence. She is certainly smart enough. Want to know more about our Netty, or our other dogs? Contact us on facebook (Tanamera Rescue) or by email (stichtingtanamera@gmail.com)
This is Akira, a Dalmatian cross. She is about 5 years old, is very loving and friendly and well looked after. Please call 965 856 268 or visit her between 10am-1pm in Benidorm Animal shelter. www.protectorabenidorm.org
Merlin is a 5 year old, statuesque Podenco without a bad thought in his head. He is still very shy but slowly he is learning to trust us and his character is beginning to peep out. A gentle, sweet dog, he loves to play chase with his friends and his walk times. Please contact apropego@gmail.com or call 654 616 043.
If you have spare time on your hands please contact your local pet charity to see how you can help out. They are always in need of more volunteers to walk the dogs, stroke the cats, meet the horses or help with cleaning out the kennels and stables. If you have an idea for fund raising they would love to hear from you.
A fire station building, on the scenic Cumbre del Sol Mountain may seem an unusual home for a Church, although it is conveniently situated between Moraira, Teulada and Jávea.
Admire the magnificent coastal views and sense the beauty all around as you make the short journey from the main road in Benitachell, up the Cumbre to The Lady Elizabeth School. The Church, based in the Civil Protection Building, El Puig, is just below the school, painted lime green and white. Parking is easy, with ample spaces right outside. It is an ideal place for the worship, prayer and music we have come to appreciate, enjoy and look forward to.
Every Sunday at 11am we welcome people looking for an English speaking, interdenominational church, whilst living in Spain or on holiday here, whether you’ve been a Christian for one month, many years or maybe you are at a stage where you feel there is more to life than you are experiencing.
Contact Sue on +44 7770 372879 sue_hunton@hotmail.com or Eric on +34 678980 151 for further information or if you have a special prayer request. We will always be happy to hear from you.
Flamenco Night at the Pinosol Hotel Restaurant, Jávea on Saturday 15th October at 7.30pm.
Spanish 3 course paella menu with wine and lots of music and dancing! Tickets only 25€pp.
There will be dancing with Marina and Endanza Jávea and a raffle. For more information Whatsapp or call Janet on +34 656 549 617.
Cantamus is looking for new members, in all voice groups, to join them. The choir sings a selection of spiritual or uplifting songs. Members are provided with all the music and tracks to learn to, so you can practice at home between rehearsals. Now would be a great time to contact Philip on 638 734 285 or Eileen 607 706 904 and they will be happy to give you all the details about the choir. They rehearse on a Monday morning 10:45 to 13:00 and will be happy to welcome you.
Caprice: The ladies choir are looking forward to taking part in 'Choral Overload' concert organised by the Costa Blanca Amateur Music Group at Lady Elizabeth College in Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell on 8 October. Tickets are available from costablancamusicgroups.com priced at 10€. For more information on the choir contact musical director Aileen on 696 514 613, website www.capriceladieschoir.com or their Facebook page - Caprice.
Careline Theatre presents Marina Alta's Got Talent. Any age amateur, Singers, Dancers, Magicians, Comedians. Auditions begin Tuesday 27th, 29th Sept & 4th, 6th, 11th, 13th, 18th October at Careline Theatre, Alcalalí at 7pm. Come along and register. To register and audition is 10€. Semi Finals & Final open to the public. Tickets 10€. The winner receives 100€. Contact carelineevents@gmail.com for more information.
Jávea Players: Fancy yourself as a sleuth? Can you beat Sergeant Trotter to the solution of the murder in a snowed-in country hotel? The suspects are a young married couple, a spinster, an architect, a retired army major, an unexpected visitor with an incapacitated car and a jurist. The Mousetrap will be performed on 2226, 29, 30 November and 1 December.
See https://javeaplayers.com/jp/the-mousetrap-november-2022/ for details.
The Phoenix Dancers are happy to be back performing at local venues helping to raise money for some very worthwhile local and national charities. They are now starting to get dates in for the rest of the year. They would love to hear from anyone who would like to join them (singers, dancers, acrobats, etc). Call 607 290 896 for more details.
Sounds Familiar are rehearsing for their next musical revue called Musicals Tonight. Sounds Familiar have been producing musical shows since 2009. If you are interested in this show, in joining the group for future productions, or would like more information, please see their website at www.soundsfamiliar.es or contact Philip on 96 558 1483, or philip@soundsfamiliar.es
The Vall del Pop Singers are currently inviting new singers to join them on Tuesday afternoons in Alcalalí. There is no requirement to read music and the group sing a selection of popular songs. This is a friendly group who welcome new singers and it is open to anybody of any age. Please contact the group for more information at valldelpopsingers@gmail.com talent?
If you would like to be part of this band of charitable entertainers, please email editor@femalefocusonline.com. Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication. Full details of all Stage Diary entertainment groups are available online at www.femalefocusonline.com
Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir The choir will be singing in a concert called ‘Just Us’, at the new 300-seat Auditori in Beniarbeig on 26 October at 19:00 during the town’s cultural fiesta. Tickets are 10€ and must be booked online at www.costablancamalevoicechoir.com. They are one of 6 choirs taking part in a festival organised by the Costa Blanca Amateur Music Group at Lady Elizabeth College in Cumbre del Sol, Benitachell on 8 October for which tickets are also available on our website.
Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. It is not a maths game at all - it is a pure logic game.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
7 Move rapidly (4) Get a degree (8) Diamond (8) Drops off (4) Full of pep (5) Cut down (7) Earthquake rattles old satellite (7) Pyramid place (5) Diplomacy (4) Vocalist (8) Vigorous exercises (8) coverings (4)
1 Force (6) Making do (13) Nimble (5) Hedge (7) Sunday before Lent (13) Heavy food (6) Frigate, for one (7)
15 Ale men swilled paint (6) Attractive (6) Grind together (5)
Thirty metres of old walls have been uncovered in La Pobla de Ifach, the medieval town at the foot of the iconic Peñón de Ifach in Calpe.
Specialists from the MARQ archaeological museum in Alicante have been working on the site throughout the summer where they uncovered new parts of the wall. These findings will help them know more about the construction of the old town.
The medieval town is an urban enclave dating back to the late 13th century and was built by Admiral Roger de Llúria, an important figure of the time. This huge walled area contained buildings, homes and an impressive church dedicated to Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles with a medieval cemetery. However, it was shortlived and abandoned within 100 years or so.
For the past 17 years, MARQ has been working with Calpe town hall and the natural park’s management team to find out more about this remarkable town. Previous works have found tombs in the burial place of the town’s inhabitants along with buildings and the entrance arch to the old town.
The team is also removing rubble from the hotel built on the remains of the Pobla de Ifach. This will open up a 40-metre stretch of wall where two defensive towers and further buildings are located.
October is a fabulous time to be in the Calpe area with two incredible fiestas - Moors and Christians and Oktoberfest.
The Moors and Christians festivities held in honour of the patron saint, Santísimo Cristo del Sudor, take place from Friday October 21 to Sunday October 23. Events include parades of the Moors and Christians, running battles, a reenactment of the Miracle of Calpe which saved the town, music, children’s games, and fireworks.
While many Costa Blanca towns hold their own Moors and Christians fiestas, Calpe’s event is one of the most spectacular. Not to be missed is the dramatised Miracle on Saturday October 22, which acts out the story of how the Christians in Calpe came very close to being defeated by the Moors, thanks to the treacherous Moncófar.
The Christians retreated behind the city walls and their captain, known as Caragol, was trying unsuccessfully to close the heavy doors to the walls. He asked Santísimo Cristo del Sudor to help him - and the miracle happened. Moncófar died, and the Moors panicked and fled taking their dead and wounded with them.
Also this month is the hugely successful Oktoberfest from Wednesday October 5 until Sunday October 15 at the Ciudad Deportiva Camilo Cano in La Nucia.
Running for 34 years, the German beer festival has a fine selection of German beers accompanied by typical Bavarian food including six types of sausages and sauerkraut.
Entry is free but it is advisable to reserve a table. More details are available on the website https://ccc-calpe.es/oktoberfest.
At the time of going to print Calpe had not released the dates in October when they would be celebrating their own Oktoberfest.
Members of the English Choir of Teulada -Moraira are delighted to say “Singing's coming home” because after two years away, due to Covid restrictions, we are now back in our well known, well loved rehearsal rooms in the pensionista suite within Teulada town hall, although we do thank Bar Mediteranio for taking us in for a while!
Sadly Jan Gardner-Brown retired as our musical director last June but happily John Edwards another director of great renown has agreed to take us on. Under his mighty baton, and accompanied by Kirsten Glenn on the piano we are straight into rehearsal for our next concert which is to be performed at Lady Elizabeth School Benitachell on 8th October. It is entitled “Choral Overload” and it sees us sharing the stage with no less than 5 other local musical groups. They are Costa Blanca Male Voice Choir, Caprice Ladies Choir, Coro de Camara Contrapunctum, 152.8 Chamber Choir and Montgo Chorale. Each group will perform in its own distinctive manner so it promises to be a very interesting and entertaining evening. We are really pleased to be part of this exciting new venture. Something for everybody’s taste and we very much look forward to seeing you again. Tickets costing 10€ are available from www.costablancamusicgroups.com
I often go and meet new clients to show them our Artificial Grass products and as you can imagine in the process of them starting to look at or be interested in a product normally means they have been doing their homework. They may have been looking on the internet and / or going to large retail outlets to get a better grasp of the product. This often creates a little bit of a problem for us, as I have heard, “Your grass is more expensive than ----------¨, but the truth is we are not.
As a professional company experienced in garden landscaping and initially working with artificial grass nearly 17 years ago, we know a lot about the product, what is a good product, what isn’t, how it’s laid, how it performs, everything. Consequently, when we give a price to a client, whether it includes prep work or not, our price for grass is at a m2 price which includes, delivery (over 50m2), installation materials, labour to install and IVA. All in. A professional job with a team that has years of experience.
So, on some recent trips to certain large retail outlets, I often start questioning the whole, are we more expensive and the simple answer is NO.
For starters the grass products we supply are in my opinion (that’s an opinion of working with artificial grass products for over 16 years) better quality. The problem lies in the fact that these large retailers, are giving you a price per m2 for just grass. You then must add the price of joining tape and glue, the smaller the pieces you use, the more tape you need the more glue you need. Now as a professional team we can deal with large rolls of 100m2 in one piece. The average client, or even unexperienced workers, would not be able to move and deal with this as easily due to the weight and experience of moving the grass, which is very difficult, meaning they have to buy smaller rolls. If you don’t want to do ten trips in your car or hire a van, then you also have to pay for delivery from said supplier which only increases the bottom line.
So, based on some generous calculations on the behalf of the retailer and based on our grass qualities, I did some calculations. I looked at our most popular selling grass, which is one of our cheapest grasses but is exceptional quality for the money, and then calculated based on our most expensive grass of similar standard to the large retailer - our prices worked out to be from 27 cents more expensive per m2 to over 2 euros less per m2, the perceptive of you may be saying ha ha, the cheaper one is more expensive by 27 cents, but don’t forget our price includes professional installation. So, by the time you allow for labour it means our grass choices are by far cheaper, with none of the hassle for you to calculate, go and look, arrange to buy etc. We come to you, do all the calculations, organise, deliver, and install for less total cost. Now can you see why I am saying, look at the bottom line. It is very easy to become swayed by a price which initially seems cheaper, but in truth it doesn’t really work out that way. So don’t even waste your time and petrol, call the professional team who come to you and do everything for a great price.
Article supplied by Lee Charlesworth from Artificial Grass Spain. Telephone: 696 283 704, Email: info@artificial-grass-spain.com, Web: www.artificial-grass-spain-com
I bet we are all so relieved that the temperatures are dropping here on the Costa Blanca. It's so great to be able to walk in the countryside again without passing out! And isn't it so wonderful to be able to sleep properly again? Summer heat and a solid night's sleep don't always go hand in hand. Hence, the Spanish siesta, to help us catch up on a hot sleepless night! On that note, I'd love to write about something that I LOVE doing almost as much as walking. And that's sleeping!
Sleep is so incredibly important to our health & well-being and many of us need to adjust our attitude toward it. We need to LOVE sleeping, ENJOY sleeping, and APPRECIATE sleeping. But, not overdo it of course! If you sleep too little then one needs to find ways to help fix that. If you sleep too much, then you are missing out on LIVING time and that's a shame. We need to get the balance right.
It's a long story that I won't bore you to sleep with, but to put it briefly, in May 2007 I stopped sleeping. For 14 years I didn't sleep. Insomnia ate me up. It gave me rage, distress, tears and frustration. It was as a result of anxiety which would manifest at night when I had time to slow down. A snoring snorting hubbie in the bed didn't help the situation (or our relationship!). In January 2019 I removed
alcohol from the equation and, guess what; I fell back asleep! I now enjoy 7,30 hours of solid, restful uninterrupted, blissful sleep every single night. My body knows what it needs and wakes without an alarm when it has completed it's 5 x 90-minute sleep cycles. (Oh, and hubbie ditched beer and snoring too!)
Sleep is essential to every process in the body, affecting our physical and mental functioning the next day, our ability to fight disease and develop immunity, and our metabolism and chronic disease risk. Sleep is truly interdisciplinary because it touches every aspect of health. Why is sleep so good for us?
- Can help you maintain or lose weight.
- Can improve concentration and productivity.
- Can maximise athletic performance.
- Will strengthen your heart.
- Affects sugar metabolism and type 2 diabetes risk.
- Poor sleep is linked to depression.
- Supports a healthy immune system.
- Poor sleep is linked to inflammation.
- Affects social and personal interactions
- Lack of sleep is dangerous.
There is a proverb that says “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.” And I tend to agree. If you think booze might be affecting your sleep please feel free to drop me a line and we can have a chat. I'm a qualified Alcohol-Free Coach and help people address their relationship with alcohol and help determine how it may be affecting their day-to-day lives. Or if you don't drink booze at all but still have trouble sleeping, I strongly suggest you incorporate walks in the fresh air to help clear your mind and tire you out. Like I always say: Walk Your Way Well! admin@walkyourwaywell.com.
The new autumn season at the Teatro Principal de Alicante theatre sees the return of spectacular musicals for the first time in two years because of the pandemic.
Three of the biggest productions are:
● La Jaula de las Locas - La Cage aux Folles - is a comedy about an explosive encounter between two very diverse families. This is being staged from Thursday October 20 to Sunday October 23 with tickets from €39.
● Forever Young, directed by Tricicle, is on Friday November 4 to Sunday November 6 and is about six centenarians spending an evening on the stage reminiscing about their hits of yesteryear. Tickets are from €20.
● From Thursday January 26 to Sunday January 29, the Alicante theatre is the setting for El medico, based on the novel by Noah Gordon, when the life of the young Rob J. Cole changes the day he is orphaned and discovers he has an unusual gift in his hands. Tickets are from €40.
Throughout the autumn, there are 55 theatrical events including seven children's stories in English on Saturdays.
These events include:
● An evening with the Blues featuring the Keith Dunn Blues Band and guests on Tuesday October 11
● La Bohème by Puccini on Thursday October 27
● Totally Tina - a tribute to Tina Turner - on Thursday November 10
● Tosca by Puccini on Wednesday November 30
● Swan Lake by the Cuban ballet company of Laura Alonso on Thursday December 15
● The Nutcracker, also by the Cuban ballet company of Laura Alonso, on Friday December 16. Further information about these events and the full programme is available on the theatre website https://www.teatroprincipaldealicante.com
This month is all about making some major decisions about your future, about your family, friends and most importantly yourself. They are ones you will have to make alone to enable you to get the decision you want and not the ones that others feel you should be making.
It is not long until the end of the year. Some serious planning needs to start now in order to reach your final goal or as usual, you are going to be left rushing everything at the last minute. Lists are going to become your best friends.
After all the hard work you have been putting in recently, now is the time to stop and take a break and relax. If you can get away great, if not then make sure you put time aside for recharging those batteries.
A problem which is not really anything to do with you should be left alone. As much as people are trying to get your opinion, it is better to keep it to yourself and let them sort it out between themselves.
Family matters will take a forefront this month and getting everyone settled will take some patience and diplomacy. If you can get them onside early on it will make it so much easier. Cooperation will be key to success.
Personal problems within your immediate circle of friends will threaten to derail the stability of the group. If you all pull together you can all survive this together. Isn’t that what friends are for?
This month will really test your management and planning skills to the max. Chaos is your enemy and the inability of those around you to get things in order is driving you mad. Remember that they may thrive in organised chaos even if you don’t.
With a new focus in your life you will see just how effective a single change can be on everything. It makes you stop and think just what other almost insignificant things could be changed to make huge differences in your life.
Your family is so important to you right now and you are feeling you need more time with them. Stop thinking it and do it - make it happen. Even if it can’t be immediately, put the plans in place.
Even though things seem to have failed for you recently don’t be put off. Finding what doesn’t work is almost as important as finding what does. Your intuition will lead you in the right direction.
Looking to your relatives for support and advice will help you get a sense of order and help you find your direction. They will encourage you to reassess your goals and values as they have been truly tested recently. Take their advice, but also don’t ignore your own ideas.
Your own satisfaction and fulfilment has a major effect on everything you do so don’t neglect yourself. Colleagues, friends and relatives have been saying this to you for long enough. Now is the time to listen to them.
Marina Alta Edition: 15,000 copies per issue on high quality gloss A4 paper every six months.
Vega Baja Edition: 15,000 copies per issue in high quality gloss B5 paper every six months.
Pages are sold on a first come first served basis. The magazine is also published as an online digital magazine with ‘live’ links, where readers are one click away from your website and Facebook page therefore one click away from becoming your client.
Marina Alta and Vega Baja editions - coming out in Autumn 2022, don't miss your chance!
See page 4 for contact details of your local representative
Apartment located near the El Arenal beach in Jávea. Supermarkets, banks and pharmacies all in walking distance. Situated on the third floor (without elevator), the apartment is south facing with views across the communal area and down to the sea. It has an entrance hall, living room with access to a terrace, kitchen with storage room. Three double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, a bathroom, and parking space. The property can be viewed now but new property ownership after November 1, 2022. The sale is private to private. In total approximately 75m² living area. Concierge 24 hours on site. Community fees per year 200€. Selling price is 169.000€. For more information please whatsapp +34 688 692 229.
This has to be one of the most successful magazines on the Costa Blanca, incorporating professional & trade services.