Serving the community since 1993

Keith from Rojales booked a routine eye test at Specsavers Ópticas in Guardamar and optician Lisa James noticed an anomaly on the retinal photograph that was taken in advance of the examination. Concerned about what this could be, she checked with specialist equipment in the test room and could see what she suspected was a large choroidal melanoma.
Knowing the urgency of getting this checked by a specialist, Lisa explained the issue to the patient and wrote a referral letter to the Doctor with an urgent request to refer to an eye specialist. The specialist diagnosed a melanoma and began immediate cancer treatment to the eye, saving Keith’s sight and protecting him against serious health complications.
“Eye cancer is thankfully rare, with only around 250 cases of melanoma reported in adults every year in Spain,” Lisa explains. “Unfortunately, it can be serious, as it does not always cause obvious symptoms before it is very far advanced, which makes treatment more difficult. I am grateful Keith responded to his eye test reminder, as otherwise the outcome could have been very different.”
Keith adds, “It’s frightening to think that I nearly missed my two yearly eye check-up - what a mistake that would have been! At Specsavers Ópticas in Guardamar, they identified an abnormal shadow behind my right eye during the examination. The director Lisa James referred me to Torrevieja hospital where a melanoma tumour was detected and I received radiotherapy at Barcelona eye hospital just in time. Missing that eye health check could have cost me my sight and caused subsequent serious illness. Please don’t miss your check up!”
Specsavers Ópticas offers comprehensive eye tests using the latest technology and all stores have a Digital Retinal camera. The Guardamar store is located on Avda. País Valenciano 43-Bajo, there are also stores in Torrevieja, La Zenia, Benidorm, Javea and Calpe on the Costa Blanca. Visit to find your nearest store or search for eye health information.
I hope you all had a fantastic time enjoying the festive celebrations and I wish you a very healthy, wealthy and prosperous New Year, I just can't believe it is all over so quickly.
2023 is going to be a year full of parties and celebrations from start to finish. Several family members (myself included) and many friends will be celebrating big birthdays throughout the year and us girls have already started the jubilations by indulging ourselves in spa day just before New Year. This saw the start of our friends 50th birthday with a party to follow this weekend, and we have so much more planned with the main event being a cruise around the Mediterranean in the summer. These plans have given us all a great feeling of excitement and joy that we all have so much to look forward to, starting the new year with such positive vibes for the year ahead. So, my New Year's resolution for 2023 is to make the most of life and enjoy what is has to offer...I don't think I'll be breaking this one!!!!
Until next time....
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The aim of Thy Will Be Done is to help UK nationals resident in Spain to plan for the future in a no nonsense easy-to-understand way that ensures their wishes are carried out following their deaths, preventing their beneficiaries having to encounter significant headaches and hurdles when trying to deal with their loved ones’ estates.
Organising a will or dealing with the estate of a loved one in Spain has always been a complicated business, especially if you or your family do not speak Spanish, however Paul and his team have economical and effective solutions, fully compliant with both the British and Spanish legal system that makes the whole process easy and cost-effective for clients and their families going forwards.
What services does Thy Will be Done offer to British expatriates in Spain?
We write Spanish wills and of course wills for England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man, each of which have their own unique laws. In addition we write powers of attorney, organise pre-paid funeral plans and conduct probate in both the UK and Spain.
What is the procedure regarding writing a will in Spain and in the UK?
Very simple, we speak with clients, either in person or on the telephone, and then we send them their drafts by email which, when approved, can be “notarised” either with our own notary in Torrevieja or Malaga, or, if clients prefer, they can use their own preferred notary.
What are the problems usually faced by your clients here in Spain?
I would say they are the following:
- Using the correct terminolgy and most up-to-date clauses in Spanish wills
- Clients not realising they need an up-to-date will for the UK
- Beneficiaries not being able to speak Spanish and not knowing where to start
- A surviving partner remarrying and then the whole estate going to the new spouse and the children of the deceased partner ending up getting nothing
- Clients not realising the importance of having a pre-paid funeral plan, thinking their loved ones would be able to simply take money out of their account to pay for a funeral
- Clients not having power of attorney organised in advance and then falling sick or losing mental capacity and their loved ones, as a result, being unable to access their bank accounts or deal with their
finances for them.
How can these problems be solved?
In short, by clients having a FREE consultation with us and finding out what they need to do and how much it will cost, without obligation and in plain English provides them with everything they need to avoid all of the above issues.
What happens when somebody passes away is a sensitive and delicate subject and many people shy away from discussing it; however, sorting out matters before the inevitable is essential to pre -
vent loved ones having to go through what is in some cases an extremely traumatic experience.
Nobody, who has recently been bereaved, would wish to be involved with legal complexities let alone be involved in disputes and arguments with family and friends. “Organising one’s affairs” is therefore a process that everyone should do well in advance for the peace of mind of themselves and their families.
Call Paul on 865 756 058 or visit
Inflation is eating your money. Therefore, your money held in a savings account earning miniscule bank interest is still going backwards in value. Fix the problem by calling me or popping into Seagate Wealth Management office in Benijofar, ask for me, and join our 100s of satisfied clients.
(Sterling) Growth Fund
4.9% p.a. (Sterling) Cautious Fund 4.2% p.a.
(Euro) Growth Fund 3.9% p.a. (Euro) Cautious Fund 3.2% p.a.
(note: The above is what new investors would receive and investors of over 5 years would receive 1.2% p.a. more than published rates above)
• Minimum investment £20,000 or €25,000 or US$35,000.
• 1.5% allocation bonus for investments over £150,000 (immediately worth £152,250). 0.5% allocation bonus for investments over £75,000.
Please call me for information on investment solutions for your circumstances.
David Diggle C.A.T. DipFA (Certified Accounting Technician & British level 4 Professional Financial Adviser)
CISI - Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments membership number 249741 Tel: 865 751 713 / 615 607 278 / 965 704 338
Seagate Wealth Management, Avenida Federico Garcia, 101, Benijofar, 03178, Alicante, South Costa Blanca Email: - Website: /
See our advert in this magazine for more information.
Is it time to actually fix the problem and make your money work for you?
Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. It is not a maths game at all - it is a pure logic game. Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
Across 6 Manet or Monet (13) 8 Nobility (7) 9 Jewish teacher (5) 10 Hint about not being obese (4) 11 Substantial (8) 15 North Sea oil port (8) 16 Kind of farm (4) 19 Worth (5) 21 Pancake-like bread of India (7) 22 Spiritless (13) Down 1 Desire for food (8) 2 What avengers do (5)
Sea-girt land (4) 4 Make right (7) 5 Member (4) 6 Computer feed (5) 7 Brief moment (5) 12 What the clock struck to scare away the mouse (3) 13 Mesmerize (8) 14 Abdominal gland (7)
15 Smith's block (5) 17 Seed planter (5) 18 Effervescent (5) 20 Gambler's asset (4) 21 Crushed taco on the outside (4)
In the UK, licences are pretty straightforward and easy, allowing the building of minor extensions or other buildings with a simple and basic process. However, that doesn’t happen in Spain and all building work needs one of the following three types of licences.
Required whenever there is:
·Extensions either attached or detached, such as garages, work sheds, etc.
·Any building work that implies building a roof with over 1.5mts height.
·Any structural building work inside or outside the property, such as putting new beams, structural repairs, knocking down loadbearing walls.
·Any internal change of layouts, such as making rooms, kitchens or toilets bigger or smaller, subdividing rooms etc.
·Pools - Even small or fibreglass ones.
Major building work licences always need to be signed off by a qualified architect and the paperwork required is usually vast. The process can be long and bumpy. Town halls take months to issue the licence and they also require that the builder is qualified and registered.
Minor building work licences are those needed to do any building work that doesn’t imply structure, doesn’t increase the build size of the property or doesn’t involve a roof, for example, tiling, repairing, cladding, plumbing, electricity etc. They are generally easy and cheap to obtain.
Retrospective Licence/Certificate of Antiquity
This is can be obtained whenever the property has been extended, altered or had a pool built without a proper building licence (prior to building).
To be able to obtain a Retrospective Licence / Certificate of Antiquity, the building work needs to meet two conditions:
A. It has never been challenged by any Spanish Authority
B. It has been built with over certain years, depending on each region:
·Alicante: The extension or pool needs to have been completed before August of 2010.
·Murcia: The extension or pool needs to be over four years old.
·Almeria: The extension or pool needs to be over six years old.
By having a Retrospective Licence/ Antiquity Certificate, building work already done becomes unobjectionable for the authorities.
·Vendors use it to avoid putting off potential buyers, due to the existence of undeclared or unlicensed building work.
·The Certificate of Antiquity is also the document needed at the Notary to update the Title Deeds (Escritura) with any alterations introduced to the property.
Martinez de la Casa Architects is one of the most prominent and respectable practices in the area, providing all types of certificates and licences, amongst other services. We are the Number 1 company in EPC Certificates (121€ inc IVA) and Number 1 for Antiquity Certificates (pools 229€ inc IVA, extensions 326€ inc IVA) and Habitation Licences (from 118€ inc IVA, Town Hall tax not included, depending on each municipality).
For all enquiries, or to arrange an appointment, please call 665 810 411 or visit to see over +200 testimonials on our services.
Find all the Spanish words from the word list in the puzzle grid. Words may be found going forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonally. Answers can be found in the back of the magazine. Good Luck.
Last month we had a look at what shooting stars (meteors) are and when you are most likely to observe them flashing across the night sky. Since then I've had a couple of questions, so I'll answer those now.
Firstly, how big are most of the bits of rock and dust that make these celestial fireworks? The little ones that burn up will be less than a mm in diameter, larger ones that give a really good trail of fire across the sky will be 2mm to 4mm, so they're mostly very small.
Secondly, how high up are they burning? Anywhere from 95 to 110 kms up for the vast majority, that's the edge of space where most of our atmosphere begins. You might like to know that the best estimate of the total amount of all this stuff, if we could weigh it is about 40 tons a day, so that's an awful lot of bits of rock.
Ok, now that I've cleared that up, I'd better explain my articles title, listening to meteors, and tell you how to have a bit of fun trying it for yourself. There aren't any sound waves from meteors that we can hear from our gardens, but they do affect radio waves, the signals that we all hear on our radios. To understand this I'll give you a technical word, Ionisation. When a meteor burns up, the heat makes the atoms in our air lose electrons which leave an invisible trail across the sky. This is similar to the old radio valves of our youth, where a hot filament of wire produced electrons to make your old gramophones etc work. This trail of ionisation does something special, it reflects radio waves and we can use it to 'hear' a meteor, very simply, and without any special equipment.
All you need is a decent FM radio. Pull out the aerial, and start tuning, what you need is a really distant station around 89 to 90 MHz. You are trying to find a station so weak that you can't make it out, there's something there, but you can't hear it properly. When a meteor burns up above us, that trail of ionisation will reflect the signal and you'll hear a momentary surge in the volume, and quite often a pop or whistle. That's all there is to it, you've heard your first meteor, and incidentally, done a bit of radio astronomy. You can try this anytime, but there is a best time to do it, unfortunately that's very late night until dawn. This is because as the Earth rotates, we move from a position in orbit where the meteors in space are catching up with us, to where we are advancing on them. That's not easy to visualise if you're not used to it, so I'll include a little diagram to help out.
That's all for this month so I'll leave you to enjoy the clear winter skies and cool as it is, be glad we're not standing outside in the UK.
● To find out more about observing and astronomy why not join our group, email us at to find out more.
Charles Oates, Vega Baja Astronomy Group.What was a gem of an idea one sunny afternoon at a neighbour’s BBQ, became reality on 4 December 2004, when Lyn Baines and Anthea Prentice formed Spangles Harmony Chorus. “We had sung together in a barbershop chorus in Poole, Dorset before we settled here in Murcia; we both missed the fun of camaraderie and ringing chords and asked ourselves why we shouldn’t do it here? There was no reason why not and we decided to start our own chorus” says Lyn. Since then, Spangles has never looked back, winning three gold medals, and singing not only throughout Spain, but also in Ireland, the UK and Portugal. Spangles is always recruiting new members. If you love singing, but are unsure about your abilities, they are very excited to be having an Open Event on 26 January for you to give it a try! Be brave! We all know it’s a daunting prospect to walk through the door of a rehearsal room, not knowing anyone and maybe not having sung for many years. We have all been there and we will admire those who are brave enough to take the big step!
Kate Purdom, who recently did just that, explains what it was like: “I have always loved singing, but never had the confidence to do it in public; that was until I moved to Spain 15 years ago and I was called up to sing Karaoke. After that I was hooked! Fast forward to today and I am now a wife and mother to a 10-year-old who was born with congenital heart defects and Down's syndrome. Though firmly settled in Spain I was feeling lonely and needed to do something for myself. When I saw the Grinch Christmas poster for Spangles, I knew this was something which could uplift me. I contacted Lyn and she encouraged me to come to their first rehearsal after Summer break. As soon as I walked in, I was made welcome. Since September I have felt like I belong. The ladies welcomed me with open arms and embolden me with their positivity and support. We are not just singing together but making friends too.”
Spangles’ Open Event will run from 10.30 to 13.00 at Las Claras, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares on Thursday, 26 January and all ladies, young or older, are welcome to join them. If you’d like more information, please email Lyn: Spangles is a ladies’ a cappella chorus, singing in four part harmony. They rehearse every Thursday, from 10.30 am to 1.00 pm at Centro Municipal Las Claras, Calle Helena, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares and visitors are always welcome. If you’d like to book the chorus for an event or you are thinking about joining them, you can find out more on their website: or email
Another Christmas put to bed and with it the particular smells so evocative of that Season –pine trees and candles, mince pies, roast turkey and this year, for me, the pungent rich and mystical scent of frankincense that pervaded every Christmas service at our medieval church of San Bartolomé de Jávea.
Over the centuries frankincense has achieved a highly celebrated status. Its contribution to the wealth of the ancient Arab world, where it was traded for other luxuries such as silver, gold, ivory, fabrics, wine and foodstuffs, is legendary. These precious aromatics, frankincense and myrrh, believed – along with gold – to be the prized gifts brought by the ‘Wise Men from the East’ to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus, were carried along well-travelled trade paths that were to become known as the Incense Route. Frankincense achieved the status of incense par excellence and often mixed with other fragrant ingredients to be used by the Romans in enormous quantities. It burns with a pure white smoke ideal, it is said, for sending messages to the Gods, or so the Romans and the ancient Egyptians believed. The historian al-Tabari wrote: “The smoke of incense reaches heaven as does no other smoke”.
Interestingly, our modern term perfume comes from the Latin “per fumum”, meaning “through smoke”.
Frankincense resin is obtained from an unlikely looking gnarled tree (Boswellia Carteri) that grows primarily in the Dhofar province of southern Oman. The best trees grow high in the mountains, around the usually parched riverbeds known as wadis, their only source of water provided by the occasional, intense flash flood. Despite the severe climate, the highly-prized frankincense trees prosper here, where little other vegetation survives.
Ever since the “Land of Frankincense” sites were added to the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List in December 2000, a series of excavation, maintenance and conservation programmes in collaboration with universities in Europe and the United States of America have helped to advance the knowledge of the ancient trade routes.
Frankincense and myrrh were the cornerstones of the economy of ancient Arabia.
The presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh, given by the Magi to celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus were, we are told, commodities so highly prized 2,000 years ago, they were the gift choice of kings. At the height of the trade, around the time of the birth of Christ, some 3,000 tons of frankincense a year were exported from the Dhofar region to points around the globe.
In the 21st century, frankincense still plays an important part not only in important festival services in churches around the world, including our own San Bartolomé de Jávea, but in everyday life in parts of the Middle East, particularly in Oman and the other Gulf states. Its inimitable smell is prevalent in ordinary homes and the most exclusive hotels alike. Sailors are reputed to burn it at the beginning of a long trip for good luck.
Frankincense also lives on in modern day Arabic proverbs. It is customary to light frankincense at the end of a celebration or a dinner, providing a discreet signal to the guests that it is time to leave. This popular custom was behind the Arabic proverb: “Once the incense is passed, there is no sitting on”. Maybe, especially during the Christmas festivities, this could elegantly solve the awkward ‘time to go’ syndrome? Keep it in mind for next year.
Almoradi was buzzing with people over the weekend of 26th/27th November. In the square was a Medieval Artisans fair together with festivities for the children. At the Casino, the Association of Movers and Shakers held a charity craft fair with a festive theme. There was a steady stream of people looking for that extra special Christmas Gift inside the Casino's Great Hall, including crocheted items; greetings cards; jewellery; home made cakes; Christmas decorations; small gifts; novelty lights; keyrings and badges. Outside Marion and her helpers enticed people with their tombola stall. The Lady Mayoress, Maria Gomez Garcia stopped by on her way to the square and a Wedding Party also participated. Altogether just under 250€ was raised. This money will be used to support sufferers and their families living with Huntington's; Ataxia; Multiple Sclerosis; Motor Neurone and Parkinson's in the Costa Blanca Area.
The organiser, Christine Watkins would like to thank the volunteers, stall holders and everyone who supported this event. If you, or someone you know are affected by any of these diseases, or wish to become a volunteer, please contact the President, Marion Smith on 711 008 250.
Further details can be found on their website:, or email
Slim4Life & Shape4Life look forward to welcoming current clients and new clients to their friendly studio in 2023.
Slim4Life - The successful weight loss programme unique to continues to have outstanding results with clients losing weight, regaining health & most importantly maintaining their weight loss through professional weight loss coaching. Through years of experience, we have combined 4 of the top meal replacement product ranges available throughout Europe, giving clients many additional benefits to the normal "one product range suits all" plan. Combining different ranges is usually very expensive. Not at Slim4Life! Here we have a huge range of higher quality meal replacement products that get the quickest results at the lowest prices.
The success of our plans & products is obvious in the amount of clients we have welcomed into the studio in 2022. In order to continue and build on these achievements we have decided to introduce a new onsite consultant. The lovely Julie has taken part in the journey herself, losing an incredible amount of weight & completing her transformation. Loving what the programme has done for her life, she wants to help others to achieve the same. Julie will be holding Friday group meetings & personal appointments.
The TONING TABLE part of the studio is now set to reach further achievement with our valued clients in 2023. With so many success stories in 2022 Leeanda is excited to bring more new ideas to the studio, ‘I’m looking forward to welcoming back previous clients and new clients alike. It’s so rewarding to be part of peoples journey and to see the new and improved version of themselves’.
Here at Shape4Life we specialise in both fitness and rehabilitation. Our SHAPEMASTER toning beds allow exercise to be available to everyone. We understand that every journey is different, some come to us to improve mobility, others to tone, some to improve strength and balance – we tailor make each persons package to suit their individual needs.
The team at SHAPE4LIFE & SLIM4LIFE look forward to welcoming you & getting you toned, trimmed & in the best of health for 2023.
New Year, New You! Book your free induction to see what we can do for you. Leeanda 0034 691 355 078 See our adverts below for full contact details.
On the 24th November our Worshipful Master, Terry Sharley, and our Charity Steward, Bernard Clifford, were able to donate five hundred euros from the Valencian Provincial Grand Master’s charity fund to Reach Out to support their cause over the Christmas period. Old Tower Lodge 49 will continue to support this charity into the New Year.
The photo shows Old Tower Lodge 49 Worshipful Master and Charity Steward handing over the cheque for 500€. Photo – L to R – Charity Steward Bernard Clifford; Reach Out Secretary Rachael; Reach Out Senior Manager Maria; Worshipful Master Terry Sharley.
If you are interested in joining Freemasonry, please contact us on
A huge thank you to Joan and her F.A.B. (Friends after Bereavement) group who very kindly donated 500€ to us recently.
F.A.B. have been going for 10 years and their aim is to help support people who have lost someone close and help make new friends through lunches and days away together.
Joan is seen here with the manager of our Pueblo Bravo shop, Craig Divers along with some of the F.A.B. members. Our grateful thanks to all.
We are a relaxed and friendly mixed group who meet once a week at the Laguna Hotel in Quesada at 3pm for a chat and coffee. The aim of the group is to support those who have lost someone close and help make new friends. We also enjoy meals / lunches out and day trips etc. For more information call Joan on 634 336 103 or Steve on 623 220 052 or just come along for a chat one Saturday.
That was the week that was recently at the Orihuela Costa and District Branch of the Orihuela Costa, with, firstly, Christmas lunch at YOLO’s Restaurant in Cabo Roig, and then, on the following evening, the December meeting including presentations to members, a carol service with Pilar Community Christian Church and ‘the big reveal’, the announcement of the total amount raised by the branch during the 2022 Poppy Appeal.
Starting with the lunch, attended by almost 50 members and guests, what a wonderful occasion it was. Held at YOLO’s Restaurant, the food was absolutely magnificent, thick slices of prime beef, or for the more traditional, a large portion of roast turkey, together of course with a wonderful selection of veg. My only criticism……too much food, but some consolation in the number of pampered pets that benefitted from the many doggy bags that left the restaurant. I don’t think there was any waste at all.
With fifty members thoroughly enjoying the afternoon, the branch was quick to book up Easter Sunday when, as word spreads, there are likely to be many more. A very well done to the kitchen and waiting staff at the restaurant who were responsible for the preparation and service. We had them all take a bow in traditional fashion as we showed our appreciation for their endeavours. The following evening saw Certificates of Distinction presented to five branch members in appreciation for the service and dedication they have provided to the Orihuela Costa and District in the last year.
The awards were presented by Branch President, Dr Tony Fuller, to Graham Rhodes, Sandie Coates, Louise Innes, Diana Wiltshire and Nicola Louden.
The five join Malcolm Cavendish who received his citation last week prior to travelling back to UK for Christmas. Well done to all six individuals. They are all thoroughly deserved. There then followed ‘the big reveal’, the announcement of the total raised by the branch during the 2022 Poppy Appeal, and once again it proved to be a tremendous amount, €34,707.46 which will be used here in Spain, to support those veterans and their families who are in need.
Thankyou so much to the very generous people who have donated, to the establishments who found room for our poppy boxes, to Overseas Supermarkets on whose real estate we camped for very nearly four weeks, and all those many people who helped out in any way whatsoever. Your efforts have been rewarded
Finally, the evening was brought to a most fitting close as members joined with Phil Molloy and her choir, from the local Pilar Community Christian Church, with a thoroughly entertaining and meaningful performance of many popular Christmas carols.
Of course it was compulsory that members joined in, some rather more tunefully than others, but with the bulk of the singing sensibly done by the choir it was a very enjoyable evening that helped to launch the festive season for many of our members.
A fitting finale to a truly wonderful week for the Orihuela Costa Branch of the Royal British Legion.
If you would more information or would like to join the Royal British Legion please contact the branch secretary by email at: It is not necessary to have a services background.
News of our events and activities can always be found on our Facebook page:
And please remember over this festive period the many people who will be spending New Year alone in your local neighbourhood. It takes nothing just to pop in and wish them well, maybe take them a small present. Just a small gesture, but it would mean so very much.
That was the week that was!
Andante International Choir, the only choir in the Costa Blanca community devoted to sacred choral works and classical pieces, has begun rehearsing again. They meet in Los Montesinos at Calle San Antonio, 4 on Thursday nights from 7:15 to 9pm beginning on 12 January. Works they are currently learning include Motet, Ave Verum corpus by Mozart, Benedicat Vobis by Handel, O Sanctissima, a traditional Sicilian hymn and Anima Christi by Marco Frisina and Missa de Angelis, arranged by Christopher Moore. Their music director is Manuel Jesus Perez Garcia, music director and pianist for Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Pilar (Our Lady of Pilar Church) in Los Montesinos. All are welcome to join them. They especially need tenors and basses. For more information contact Andante International Choir member Sue Lewey at Also see the Facebook page, Andante International Choir (Spain). They plan to do performances starting in 2023, including at Our Lady of Pilar Church. The Costa Blanca Singers You are invited to join this enthusiastic group of singers who meet every Wednesday at The Social Centre, La Marina urbanizacion (behind the medical centre). Arrive early for a prompt new starting time of 13.30. There is a wide range of talent within the group as some are experienced singers and others new and keen participants. Friendship, enjoyment and dedication are high on the list of requirements to join. They sing in English. All nationalities welcome. Their fabulous music director will bring out the very best in you as he does for all the members. For additional information 624 144 703, or 641 992 164.
The Rojales Pantomime Group would like to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year, especially the hundreds of people who were lucky enough to enjoy their fantastic recent pantomime, Treasure Island, which received brilliant reviews. Lots of money was raised for various local charities including the Stroke Association. The cast and crew worked very hard to make it all happen but really enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to the next production. For information on the group email:
Studio Thirty Two Musical Theatre Company proudly presents Hello Dolly! to be staged at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre, San Fulgencio from 31 May to 3 June from 7.30pm. They are always happy to audition new members into performing roles in the company, and to engage people in nonperforming roles such as backstage crew, lighting, sound or wardrobe. Please book your tickets online at or contact or phone 679 062 272.
If you would like to be part of this band of charitable entertainers, please email Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication. Full details of all Stage Diary entertainment groups are available online at
Popular New Year's resolutions are to lose weight, eat healthier and do more exercise. Soups are a good way to stay hydrated, eat more vegetables and lose weight.
This recipe contains cleansing ingredients to reduce the abdomen and lose weight gradually and healthily.
To prepare the soup, you need half a small cabbage - white or green - three onions, two celery sticks and a teaspoon of black pepper.
Wash and cut the vegetables, put in a saucepan with about two litres of water and black pepper. You can add other ingredients such as garlic or herbs. Bring to the boil and simmer for around 40 minutes until the vegetables are cooked.
Feel free to prepare this with some of your favourite vegetables, the more the merrier.
Vegetable soups and broths are ideal for weight loss as they have few calories, as long as you don’t add cream or cheese, while providing a lot of vitamins and nutrients.
If you don’t want to make soup, drinking Matcha tea or any green tea is also good for losing weight. You can get Té Matcha and Té Verde at most supermarkets.
This month you will have to up the pace from the start. There will be no time for relaxing but you will need to make sure you don’t rush things or decisions. Even though it is all go, take time to think things through or you will be correcting a lot of mistakes.
This year will bring the changes you have been longing for. They won’t all happen at once and you will have to work hard for some of them, but they will all be worth it as you really deserve better.
By planning some treats in advance you will always have something to look forward to. It doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot on cruises, just a few days trips or meals out will give you the boost you need.
Although there always seems to be someone trying to spoil your plans or put you off trying new things out, you need to carry on believing in yourself and not succumbing to their negativity. That doesn’t mean to say you can be reckless, you still need to be realistic.
Someone you didn’t expect is really fighting your corner when those you thought would be there for you aren’t being as supportive as you hoped. Changes in your personal life mean things will take a different direction.
New routines will bring more stability to your life and those around you. The new year brings with it new ideas and new experiences which you would not have imagined even a few months ago.
Ideas that have been going around in your head may now actually become reality. Don’t commit to too much, let people know just how much you are prepared to give and don’t waiver from that or things will become overwhelming again.
Family finances need to be addressed so that a plan is made for the year ahead. Setting goals now will ensure that you are not chasing your tail without actually seeing any reward for all your hard work.
Complications at the start of the year could have a knock on effect if you don’t deal with them immediately. Don’t try to ignore the obvious otherwise you will regret it later on. Sticking your head in the sand never works.
You have so many plans for improvement which keep getting put off. Make this year the year that they happen. Take them one at a time otherwise they will become overwhelming and unachievable.
Planning a trip will take up a lot of your time. You want to make it as perfect as possible so it will be a great memory making time, rather than a stressful one. Don’t try to over do it - sometimes less is more.
You feel like you could take on the world and you really are firing on all cylinders. Not everyone has had quite as good a start to the year, so give people space and support and they will soon have the same enthusiasm as you to the year ahead.
You’re invited to come and meet the Easy Horse Care Centre rescued horses, ponies and donkeys Call 652 021 980 or email For more information visit our website
TRIGGER is a 5 year old large dog. He is so affectionate, good on a lead and very obedient. He would make a great companion, and is house trained as he has come from a loving home. Trigger has a passport and is fully vaccinated. Call or Whatsapp K9 on 711 082 807 - K9 Facebook.
Galahad is a 7 year old Galgo cross. He is neutered, chipped and vaccinated. Galahad is good with other dogs and has been in a home with cats too. For more information call: 645 469 253, visit website or email
Across: 6 Impressionist, 8 Peerage, 9 Rabbi, 10 Thin, 11 Concrete, 15 Aberdeen, 16 Stud, 19 Value, 21 Chapati, 22 Lackadaisical.
Down: 1 Appetite, 2 Repay, 3 Isle, 4 Correct, 5 Limb, 6 Input, 7 Trice, 12 One, 13 Entrance, 14 Adrenal, 15 Anvil, 17 Drill, 18 Gassy, 20 Luck, 21 Coat.