QF Focus December 2018

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December 2018

Inside this issue:Your Local Entertainment Scene The Vega Baja Astronomy Group A View From the Top - Book Review by Ivor Kindle Finance - Health & Beauty - Your Horoscopes Violet King - Keith Nicol's Forthcoming Events Club & Charity News - Local Business Reviews Win 50â‚Ź 'Spot the Logo' brought to you by.... Classified Adverts Puzzles, Recipes and so much more...

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QF Focus Magazine

Just what are these Black Hole things anyway? I seem to have opened a can of worms last month. After rambling on about different types of star, I closed by mentioning that when a really big star explodes, it can make a black hole. Some of the people who have talked to me about this seemed to think that black holes were the stuff of science fiction, not real, or the unproven 'imaginings' of crazy cosmologists. Let’s get this one out of the way, black holes are real, there are a heck of a lot of them, and trying to imagine what goes on near them will stretch our common sense to its limits. Let’s begin with a huge star, with about 20 times the mass of our sun. When it uses up its fuel, gravity makes it collapse, firstly to a neutron star, then, because gravity is so great it keeps on going. It’s swallowing up all the matter near it so it becomes more massive still. More mass means even more gravity until there is so much that nothing with mass can escape, not even light. That crude description should have left you with a picture in your mind of something no light can get away from, so it will appear as a black area in space, hence the name. Storytellers like to ask what would happen if you could go through a black hole. Forget this one, you absolutely can't. Firstly, you couldn't get near one, imagine if you were a thousand miles from a hole, gravity is immense and so is the rate it changes at with distance. You will have a huge difference in what's pulling on your head and your feet, so you would be ripped apart, so would the atoms we're all made from. Next is the problem with time, tricky one this, I'll try and simplify something called gravitational time dilation. Gravity near a black hole isn't only attracting everything in to it, it's huge enough to bend space, or more correctly space-time itself. There is a region near a hole that is a kind of border between being drawn in, and escaping, it's called the event horizon. In this area space-time is bent so much that if you could spend a few weeks there, thousands of years will be passing for everyone else at home. If they could see you at the event horizon, it would seem as though you had just stopped. Is all that weird enough for you? The universe is a strange place, and the more that is discovered the stranger it gets. Next month we are having a break from all this and beginning some practical astronomy. At our last meeting of the Vega Baja Astronomy Group we noted that there are many people who buy a telescope and progress very little further. Next year we will be starting some, come and see us days where anyone can bring their telescope and be shown how to set it up and use it. We will be following this up later with some ‘how to start observing’ nights. If you or someone you know is interested, please email me, the address is vegabaja.astronomygroup@gmail.com. Group Vega Baja Astronomy

Charles Oates

For more information on the group and meetings please visit: https://sites.google.com/site/vegabajaastronomy/.

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QF Focus Magazine

I’m really looking forward to Christmas this year even though I haven’t started any Christmas shopping yet, but that’s not anything unusual as I always leave things to the last minute. It will be nice to spend some quality time with family and friends and also to have some much deserved time off work after what has been a very hectic time with this bumper issue and the distribution of Focus on Professional Services Autumn/ Winter issue.

There’s quite a lot of events in the lead up to the festive period including the Christmas Market in Rojales where my angel will be dancing on the opening night. This is a yearly event which always gets me in the spirit (and panic mode) for Christmas. The QF Focus team is continuing to grow with the recent addition of Yesica who will be covering the Torrevieja – Orihuela Costa area. Fluent in both English and Spanish I am confident Yesica will attract many new clients and now with 3 sales representatives covering the Costa Blanca south area, I'm sure 2019 will see growth in many directions. Welcome to the team. On a more solemn note, I would like to pay my respects to a true gentleman, Victor Peetoom of The Stone Horse in Benijofar, who sadly passed away recently. I first met Victor around 10 years ago and always found him pleasant, kind and very funny. He will be greatly missed by all who had the pleasure to know him and the team of Female Focus Publications offer their sincere condolences to his wife Lorraine and all his family. May you rest in peace Victor. To finalise my thoughts for 2018 I would like to thank (as always) our readers, advertisers and contributors for your continued support and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. Congratulations to Stephen France from Quesada who won last month's 50€ competition after spotting the logo on page 28. See if you can spot the logo in this issue for a chance to win 50€, see inside for details of how to enter. Good luck!


Female Focus covering the Alicante North region and the QF Focus Magazine covering the Alicante South region. Discuss your advertising with your local representative:-

Torrevieja & Orihuela Costa Yesica 699 830 438 yesica@femalefocusonline.com

La Marina, Catral & Dolores Merf 634 349 521 merf@femalefocusonline.com

QF Focus Magazine Office Tel: 96 587 5421. Please send editorial to


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All other areas - Sales Manager Michelle 663 178 228 michelle@femalefocusonline.com

Pick up your next issue on 8 January Deadline for advertising & editorial - 17 December

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QF Focus Magazine

Amata Craft Fair In the month December Amata, the regional craft association, is organising a special Craft Fair where you can buy (or order!) those special, hand crafted gifts for Christmas, that are so difficult to find anywhere else. The fair is on 15 and 16 December, in the centre of San Fulgencio.


Amata specialises in original craft work: in a fair organised by Amata you won't find cheap import or factory made products: everything is hand made by the participants. And not only that: the organisers also make sure that every stall offers something different, so that you can find original presents for all your loved ones: for children, youngsters, men, women and even for pets! And, as all participants are real craft people and most of them bring their tools along, they can take special orders if you don't find what you are looking for. The fair is set up around the Plaza de la Constituciรณn, the square in front of the Town Hall. As more people live in nearby estates, there will be a special bus service at regular intervals running from the Urbanizaciรณn Marina to the fair both to encourage people to come to the fair and to minimise the parking problem! Both Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 December the fair opens at 11am and closes on Saturday about 9pm, on Sunday a bit earlier. For more information you can ring the organisers on 639 979 678 - they speak English.

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QF Focus Magazine

Modelo 720 asset reporting – values at 31st December 2018 A reminder to those SPANISH TAX RESIDENTS with OVERSEAS ASSETS to declare all assets they have outside Spain worth more than 50,000€ per the following asset categories: 1) Cash, deposits, ISAs 2) Property 3) Financial Assets (investments AND pensions)

If you filed a form last year and assets already declared have not increased by more than 20,000€, or you haven’t closed/sold an asset, or brought a new asset, you do not need to file a new one. Non-disclosure of Information We understand that should the Spanish Tax authorities discover that you have assets of cumulative value of over 50,000€ in any of these groups and deem that you wilfully have not disclosed this information the penalties imposed are a minimum of 10,000€ per asset group with a further 5,000€ per piece of missing information. With regards to the Modelo 720 there is no statute of limitations on how many years they can go back. I won't pretend that I don't find this requirement an intrusion, if not impertinent, and it does make me question whether most of us foreigners would have moved here if we had understood the idiosyncrasies of Spanish law and extremely punitive fines for omitting information. Spanish tax Compliant Investments Those of you with Spanish tax Compliant Investments do not need to report these investments on a Modelo 720 (even though they are held outside Spain), as the product providers will meet the reporting requirements. This is SO MUCH EASIER for you

than reporting and detailing non-compliant individual investments on a form. It could therefore be worth the effort to exchange your overseas investments or cash for compliant products, especially if your cash is not earning any interest. It's relatively easy and we will be able to prepare everything for you. May I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year and please, as these are difficult times, don't forget to help those more unfortunate than yourselves throughout the year. This article does not constitute an offer to sell the above product and any product recommendations will absolutely be based on your family circumstances and objectives. Please email me or call for more information. David Diggle C.A.T., DipFA of Blacktower Financial Wealth Management (International) Limited. Telephone: 615 607 278 / 965 058 212, email: dave.diggle@blacktowerfm.com. Website: www.blacktowerfm.com. Location: Costa Blanca.

The Blacktower Group has been established from the UK for almost 33 years offering sound, financial advice. The above information was correct at the time of preparation and does not constitute investment advice and you should seek advice from a professional adviser before embarking on any financial planning activity. Blacktower Financial Management Ltd is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and is registered with both the DGS and CNMV. Blacktower Financial Management (Int) Ltd is licensed in Gibraltar by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and is registered with the DGS and CMNV in Spain.

QF Focus Magazine

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Quirónsalud Torrevieja incorporates a Genetic Study to improve the Prevention of Relapses in Breast Cancer Patients 35% of patients do not respond to the ingestion of tamoxifen and may experience a relapse Approximately 7 of every 10 patients diagnosed with breast cancer express the hormonal oestrogen receptor, and are therefore candidates for a treatment to present the appearance of second tumours sensitive to inhibitors of this hormonal receptor. “Most patients are treated with tamoxifen,” explains biologist Elena Martínez, geneticist with the Quirónsalud Torrevieja Oncology Platform, “this treatment, a selective modulator of the oestrogen receptor, consists of taking a tablet for five years after the surgery. This medication helps reduce the annual rate of relapses by at least half, and decides mortality by one third.” The response of these patients to tamoxifen varies widely, and approximately 35% do not respond to this therapy, and may experience a relapse. This resistance may be due to several factors. As Doctor Martínez explains, “one of the most important factors is the huge genetic diversity of one of the enzymes tasked with transforming tamoxifen into its active form, called CYP2D6. Therefore, depending on the genetic characteristics of this enzyme in each patient, we can classify patients into several categories: those considered fast, intermediate and slow metabolisers.” Thanks to this innovative test performed at the Molecular Genetics department, in collaboration with the Oncology Department of the Clinical Oncology Platform at Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja, it’s possible to establish the characterisation of this enzyme and find the patients that are “slow metabolisers” and incapable of transforming tamoxifen into its active form, and thus would not benefit from this form of prevention of the disease. This genetic study is endorsed by the international organisation Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium, due to its efficacy in diagnosing the patients who are candidates for substituting tamoxifen treatment for one that would be more effective in their cases. Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja. Tel: 96 692 1313. www.quironsalud.es. See main advert on page 13 for more information.

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QF Focus Magazine

We've got your back, Millie Millie is 13 years old and is a keen dancer, loving all types of sports and gymnastics. People who are acquainted with Millie know how active she is, and she is always out and about on her roller boots and scooter. Millie was first diagnosed in 2015 with severe scoliosis. Scoliosis is the curvature of the spine, on Millie's last x-ray the curve of the spine had elevated to a degree of 60/65. She has worn a back brace for the past 3 years to sleep in but unfortunately this has not worked. The rehabilitation specialist said surgery is now the only option. On the healthcare system, they only use the Harrington procedure which is a metal rod fusion. This procedure does work but would drastically limit Millie’s flexibility and she would never be able to dance or do gymnastics again. The Traumatologist said that she would also need to wear a brace for 22 hours a day whilst she continues to grow and they would only be able to operate on her in a few years time. As parents Emma and Steve want to give Millie the best opportunity in life that she deserves. Emma and Millie have met with Dr Juan Carlos Olaverri who is a private surgeon in Barcelona and is one of only 20 surgeons in the world who perform an alternative procedure. He performs the VBT - Vertical Body Tethering and ASC - Anterior Scoliosis Correction procedures which are a lot less invasive and recovery is much quicker. This will allow Millie to continue to grow hopefully without any further problems. The operation is lateral, but instead of a metal rod it incorporates a flexible cord into the side, which will allow the spine to straighten more as she grows. Dr Olaverri has advised that this procedure needs to be done sooner rather than later due to her age and expected growth spurts. The surgery is scheduled on the 4th of February 2019 and it will be necessary for Millie to be in hospital for 7 days, and then a further 2 weeks nearby in an apartment for aftercare from the surgeon. The cost of this procedure is in the region of 60,000€. A go fund me page (https://www.gofundme.com/millie-spinal-operation) has been set up following the encouragement of family and friends wanting to help with donations and organising charity events to help fund the procedure. The support from local businesses and from the general public has been outstanding and already there are many events planned in the forthcoming weeks and months including a Charity Golf Day, a Christmas Fun Day, A Talent Show and much more. All the events are shown on the Facebook page “We've got your back Millie” where there is also a link to the gofundme page. If anyone has any ideas of fund raising suggestions, merchandise or ideas that could be auctioned or donated then please get in touch with Emma Grundy on 645 297 963 or Steve Grundy on 645 376 946. If there is anything that you can do or help with in any way it would be greatly appreciated.

QF Focus Magazine My name is Steve Woods and I am a solicitor specialising in claims for asbestos related diseases and I thought I would look at a number of questions that often arise and that make people worried about the possibility of making a claim. My message is, if in doubt ask! I CANNOT REMEMBER WHERE I WORKED, OR THE COMPANY I WORKED FOR NO LONGER EXISTS. It is not unusual for companies that traded in the 1960s, for example, to have long since stopped trading. With investigations I can trace insurers who provided cover for these companies and they are obliged to deal with the claims. Even if you are hazy about the exact name of a company or your period of employment with them, I can obtain your work history from HM Revenue & Customs and this provides confirmation of who you worked for all those years ago. I HAVE BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH AN ASBESTOS CONDITION BUT I DID NOT WORK WITH ASBESTOS. I always like to meet my clients and it is surprising how often, when you start talking about a person's work history, what they remember. Often, it turns out that even if a person did not actually work with asbestos, they worked alongside people who did and therefore came into contact with dust. Another possibility, and a particularly sad one in my experience, is a wife who comes into contact with asbestos from her husband’s work clothes. A RELATIVE HAS DIED FROM AN ASBESTOS RELATED CONDITION BEFORE MAKING A CLAIM. It is not widely known that claims can be made even though the person affected has died (provided the claim is made within 3 years of death). The claim is made on behalf of the person's estate. DIAGNOSING AN ASBESTOS RELATED CONDITION. There are a number of conditions that can be caused by exposure to asbestos, including lung cancer. The main issue is whether the breathing difficulties can be attributed to asbestos. This is the point we have to prove in all respiratory disease cases, not just asbestos related but also, for example, silicosis – medical evidence is required to prove a link. Claims for breathing problems caused by exposure to asbestos can be complex but the quicker the claim is started the quicker these issues can be dealt with. So, if you are concerned about your particular situation or have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. I am happy to talk to you free of charge.

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QF Focus Magazine

Know Yourself ‌ and Eliminate Stress We all experience stress in our lives to some degree. We do not, however, all have to suffer from it, allowing it to interfere with and invade our life so as to control us. It may interest you to know that we can learn to let go of stress, while some hold on to it, allowing it to either plague their health, or disrupt their relationships - these people can become ill. Perhaps, however, stress is not the cause of the illness so much as not being able to accept and love ourselves.. The challenge of dealing with stress is not so much to cope with living in the world, but to cope with living with ourselves! Self-Knowledge Self knowledge is a wonderful thing. You cannot control yourself until you know yourself. You cannot expect to understand the world and the motivations of others until you look deep into yourself. Sadly, it is not possible to love yourself if you do not understand yourself. Self-responsibility The failure to be true to oneself, to live one’s life for one’s own reasons, instead of living it for the hopes, and the expectations of others, is the common cause of stress which often manifests as depression and powerlessness or as resentment and anger, and is an obvious symptom of our inner disharmony. Self-responsibility also demands that we put an end to the practice of finding fault and putting blame on circumstance and on the action of others, in the end, we must look to ourselves. Self-appreciation People who suffer from stress are very often impatient with themselves, have a low self-esteem, are too self-critical, experience a sense of inner frustration which tells them they should be doing better than they are, and may not even recognise their own achievements. They have lost the ability to love and appreciate themselves for what they are. Basically, the challenge of stress is not so much to do with others, but with living with ourselves, but we can find peace within our selves. Answers to our problems can be found more often within us than in any other place.... Find them! Until the next time! Violet King

QF Focus Magazine

Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre 2019 calendar Our mission is to rescue and rehabilitate abused, neglected and abandoned horses, ponies and donkeys, while campaigning for the better treatment of animals across Spain. We are a no-kill foundation and provide each rescued animal with a safe and loving sanctuary – either here at our centre or via rehoming – for the rest of their lives. Help us fund raise for much-needed internal fencing at our rescue centre by purchasing our beautiful 2019 fund raising calendar! Each calendar month you'll meet a new rescued equine and learn their incredible survival story, with our horses, donkeys and ponies featured in gorgeous photographs captured by our volunteer photographer, Elaine Warnock. This full-colour and highly functional 13-page calendar opens to A3 size and includes date boxes to write important events and reminders. All proceeds from the sale of this calendar will go towards our internal fencing fund-raiser, helping us replace costly electric fence tape held up by plastic posts that deteriorate rapidly in the hot Spanish sun, requiring constant replacement. Buy three calendars, and you'll allow us to buy an entire metre of strong and permanent Tornado Wire fencing! And because everyone who worked on the calendar project volunteered their time, almost every cent raised from sales goes straight to horses in need. Order online at https://easyhorsecare.net/shops/online-shop/ calendars/2019-rescued-equine-calendar and you can select delivery to your door or pick up from our monthly open day or charity stores. Find out more about the charity at www.easyhorsecare.net.

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QF Focus Magazine

WE WANT YOU! The biggest event on the Costas for all your Homes, Gardens, LIFESTYLE and Leisure time needs, is preparing for the 10th edition of the superCASAfragalistic Show jam packed with information, inspiration, products, services, fun and feature attractions, talks and demos and our outdoor cookery theatre! For the 5th & 6th APRIL 2019 we are looking for 2 more chefs/restaurants to complete our Tapa Trail and Cooking Demos. If your local restaurant has that ‘something special’ and a Chef with the WOW factor and creative flair we would like to recognise their talents! … get them to get in touch with us! If you are an Artist - WE WANT YOU! For our new style Art Competition/ Gallery for 2019 With The Theme - ‘ON THE ROCKS’ this ‘Artwork’ Competition is open to any artist to enter one piece of art work in the form of: an original painting, drawing, photograph, sculpture or arrangement. Representing the theme ‘On The Rocks’ use your creative imagination and artistic talents to interpret and express the 2019 theme! Painting/drawing/photo (max size 32” x 26” to be displayed on artists own easel. Sculptures/ arrangement sizes to be advised on entry forms. Our visitors will be voting for their favourite piece of artwork which reflects ‘On The Rocks’ most creatively! 1st place prize 50€, 2nd place prize 25€, both with certificate and cava. Max 25 entries, so don’t delay email gina@gmpromotions.es for your entry form to be registered for the Competition. Entry is 10€ per piece. Artwork to be delivered to the Hotel. A Keen Gardener? Or Flower Arranger – WE NEED YOU! Put your blooms pride of place in the Homes Gardens & Lifestyle Show’s miniature gardening competition! You can enter you green fingered feature! Into our Baskets in Bloom competition……. Show off your green fingered talents by entering you creation at the Show……… Styles acceptable are feature mini gardens, hanging baskets, flower and plant arrangements in containers no bigger than 60 x 60 centimetres. Entries to be delivered to the hotel on Friday 5th by 11am, the judging will take place on Friday at the Show, and the winners announced and prizes awarded on Saturday 6th at 4.30pm in the outdoor/ garden area. For an application form email office@gmpromotions.es. Our PAWSOME Pet photo competition is now OPEN for PET IDOL 2019. Is yours the Purrrfect Pet! We would love to receive your cutest, funniest pictures of your pets to show in our Pet Photo Gallery at the HG & L Show in Salon Olivos, stand area No 68. Have you got the cutest cat, for our Cat Category, or a delightful dog, for the Dog Category or another furry or feathered friend for the General Animal Category. Email your animal photos to gina@gmpromotions.es with your name, the name and age of your pet, and they will be displayed at the Show, for everyone to be able to say Ahhhh! The visiting public will be voting for our Pet Idol Star 2019! Is your Pet just Pawsome enough to be our first prize winner? Jalon Valley ARC will be hosting this feature attraction, they will be on hand so you can find out more about this registered animal charity and how you may be able to lend a hand to help and support the valuable work that they do! www.calpeholidaylettings.com are kindly sponsoring this feature attraction. TO EXHIBIT - BOOK YOUR STAND NOW! To showcase your business, products and services to thousands of visitors. This is the perfect platform to promote your products and services in style! If your business is related to anything homes, gardens, lifestyle & the leisure industry to fiscal and financial, health, wellbeing & beauty then this is the Show for you. We provide the fun and feel good factor ensuring our visitors have a truly great Show experience and fun day out. We are pulling out all the stops and popping the corks to create our 10th Show, all under one roof at the 5* Villa Gadea Hotel in Altea, on the N332 and exit 64 off the AP7 motorway on Friday 5 & Saturday 6 April 10am – 5pm. Put the dates in your 2019 diary now! See www.gmpromotions.es, FB GM Promotions, FB Homes Gardens and Lifestyle Show, call 695 399 841 or email gina@gmpromotions.es for any information and the floorplans and prices……. Meanwhile Merry Christmas! See you in the January edition for more Show updates thanks to our Main Media Sponsors Female Focus Publications.

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Book Review by Ivor Kindle

Christmas Gift Ideas As it's almost Christmas I thought I would suggest three books that would be excellent presents. These books all have the theme of helping with one's ability to learn and speak Spanish... We live here, we should be able to communicate should we not? Try these: Book 1 - this is especially for the younger reader...Title: The Cat in the Hat..... El Gato En El Sombrero published by Random House and of course the author is Dr Seuss. Book 2 - Madrigals Magic Key To Spanish written by Margarita Madrigal and published by Broadway books. Book 3 - Barrons 1001 pitfalls in Spanish published by Barrons. These three selected books are essentially aids to understanding the art of learning another language. The Dr Seuss is interesting in that it has dialogue in both English and Spanish, designed and aimed at the younger reader, nevertheless the adult reader will also gain from seeing both languages side by side. The other two books are written in an attempt to ease the reader slowly into the Spanish language. Have a go ... it's wonderful to be able to communicate with your Spanish neighbours.

...Keep reading and learning Merry Christmas, Ivor Kindle.

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A View From The Top

Welcome to my monthly column “A view from the top”. Hopefully you will find my rambling readable (maybe even enjoyable). You may agree or you may disagree with my views, I care not. These are my views long held and forged over a life time of work, travel and experience. Now that’s over let’s have a look at what is really winding me up. Hi Everyone...As Christmas draws near may I take this opportunity of wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. As per my norm at this time of year I will once again dispense with my usual column and instead will share with you my 12 Wonders of the year past. 1. You may remember that at about this time last year I was taken unwell with a heart attack and had to have simple surgery (if there is such a thing) to repair arterial damage that had been caused by a viral attack many years previously. My first Wonder of this year of course therefore has to be ...The Wonder of the skill and professionalism of the people of the Spanish Health service as a year later I am still up and around. I am still able to spout my views and opinions and to always take a balanced view of the political landscape and social mores of Britain, the land of my birth, as it is run into the ground by the most ineffective and useless Prime Minister that politics has ever seen ...how's that for balance! 2. On another note ...I am certainly a person that on occasion can be

QF Focus Magazine known to suffer from a bout of melancholy (sadness ..depression etc). I used to think that as an individual, perhaps as I aged the ‘melancholyness’ would get worse ...imagine how happy I now am to realise that Wonder of Wonders, good old Jose Mourinho beats me hands down in the melancholy stakes ...miserable so and so. 3. Now I am not a fan of tennis ...Oh I admire the skill and the pace of the game, but as an inner city Londoner, myself and the game of tennis were divided by essentially two things. The first being the lack of money to be able to book a court at Battersea Park Tennis courts, and the second thing of course was a working class complete lack of interest in middle class pastimes. So, you can imagine my Wonder when I watched in amazement as Serena Williams blew her top at the US open Tennis Championships over some perceived slight by the Umpire. My Wonder of course is that people bother to watch Women’s Tennis at all. My Dear Mum used to call Women’s Tennis "Bat and Ball" and that’s exactly what it is. Women’s Tennis is played for half as long as the Men’s game ...it is half as athletic and is played at half the speed ...and for all these differences the prize money is the same. Now that is something to Wonder about. 4. Now you, dear reader must by now be wondering why I haven't engaged in a little Political commentary ...well here goes. As this year comes to an end I do have to wonder at the absolute folly of Brexit (My Opinion) and how this act of folly is being managed by the most useless bunch of political nitwits that it has been my experience to witness. Jacob Grease Mog ...Dimwit Davis ...Dominic Rabid and of course Boris NHS Johnson ...all led by the Maybot ...God help us all. 5. On a positive Wonder ...I really do Wonder at the time and effort and sheer humanity of the people who run the myriad of animal charities that operate over this part of Spain. I cite the work of the "Easy Horse Care" Rescue Centre. The work they do in taking in and saving these beautiful animals from sometimes dire circumstances is in itself a Wonder to behold. This animal welfare is mirrored amongst the many cat and dog rescue centres, and

QF Focus Magazine again the people who manage these centres are nothing short of Saintly in their efforts on behalf of God’s creatures. 6. While on the topic of God’s creatures ...I must ask, why in a supposed civilised wealthy Western European country …as I type, more than 440 human beings have died on the streets of Britain this year through sleeping rough. These people have been found dead in shop doorways and camping in tents in woodland. The Wonder is that without the work of voluntary organisations the numbers would be higher. Where is the common humanity toward others who need help? 7. On the theme of common humanity ...I really do Wonder just how long it will be until the Orange terror that is Donald Trump can go on before he sets in motion a train of events that may lead to a World catastrophe? 8. Being something of an environmentalist, I did have to Wonder what on earth goes into expensive men’s underarm sprays. My eldest son was over on a visit with his family and every time he sprayed under his armpits with posh deodorant the blooming smoke alarm went off. In fact, I have had to change the smoke alarm as the underarm spray rendered it useless. 9. Now I do like to watch the occasional TV show ...I am not a soap lover and I detest the X factor ...that said I do like to watch The Chase. It is not only that you can play the game at home that makes me such a Chase fan, it is also the nice easy going charm and wit of Bradley Walsh that make the show so watchable. To this day I indeed still Wonder at the scene when Bradley Walsh was sent into raptures by the "Fanny Schmeling" question. 10. On a game show note I have tried on more than one occasion to watch the show "Pointless" ...I do now concede defeat and do in fact really Wonder at what I perceive to be the utter pointlessness of the show. Alexander Armstrong must be the smuggest person on television as he announces to the losing contestants ...you are so very unlucky ...he then turns to the camera and says ...but you at home watch tomorrow and see if anyone can win our cash prize of

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Page 15 Yuk ...the cash prize is usually about 1,000 sterling ...and that for a show that is on the best part of a hour. Oh yes, it’s pointless alright. 11. Almost at the end of my Christmas Wonders ...but before I go it would be sheer folly for me not to Wonder at the Madness that is Brexit, as massive an act of National self harm that any Country has bought upon itself. Ask yourself, if it’s such a good thing to do then why has Nigel Farage sought and received German passports for two of his sons? Why has Jacob Rees Mog moved two massive hedge funds to Dublin? And why has Dyson decide to build his electric cars in Singapore? It’s a massive con job ...any Government worth its salt would not have entered into such an act of self harm ...and before you Dear Reader start to ramble on about Democracy etc ...let me remind you that a third of the British electorate did not vote and people like me were denied a vote as I had lived in Europe for ‘too many years’ at the time of the vote ...My real concern is not about how Brexit will affect me ...No, I am fully aware that it is us older generation that have mucked up Britain ...my concern is for the younger generations that follow being denied the rights of their fathers in travel, education and work opportunity, as well as the sheer character building that meeting and enjoying other cultures can bring. 12. My last Wonder for this year comes in the form of a plea for the World to be saved from the curse of crap politicians of all political colours. I have always Wondered at the "doff the cap attitude" of the British people ...I await the day when I can Wonder at the people of Britain telling the establishment what they can do with the ruling classes and the Monarchy ...The sound of tumbrils along Whitehall would be a sound to Wonder at.

Happy Christmas and a very Happy and Healthy New Year to you all.

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QF Focus Magazine

The Colina Club family would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year

As the year draws to a close we would like to welcome all our new residents who will be celebrating their first Christmas with us. Also mark with sadness the residents that have departed during the year. It is an especially sad year for us at The Colina Club as we said good bye to William 'Bill' Milner who passed away in October. Bill was one of the very first residents to move into the Colina Club 27 years ago. Good bye to a wonderful gentleman.

Nestled in an exclusive urbanisation on the lower slopes of the tranquil hills surrounding Calpe on the Costa Blanca area of Spain, The Colina Club offers the residents a home to enjoy the stunning views over Calpe to the Mediterranean Sea and the famed nature reserve of the PeĂąon de Ifach. The Colina Club was the first purpose built Continuous Care Complex on the Costa Blanca and today it is still going from strength to strength. It consists of 48 one and two bedroom Independent Living Apartments and a fully licensed 20 room Nursing and Rest Home with private en-suite rooms. The Colina Club is all about providing families with peace of mind and the security of excellent care and enjoying life in your senior years. Purpose built for senior living, the apartments have been specifically designed so that both the ground and first floor apartments have level access from the parking area directly outside.

The Club runs its own free minibus service to Calpe town, five days a week. Every other Saturday the mini bus goes to the local markets. There are regular mini bus services to Iceland and Lidl. It really is the perfect place for seniors who want to retire to sun, enjoy a level of independence, whilst safe in the knowledge that qualified care is literally on their doorstep. The good thing about living at The Colina Club is that you can keep your independence yet still have all the medical back-up available, including your own personal help alarm, monitored 24 hours a day in case of an emergency, and these services among others are all included in the price of your monthly rental. So why not call today and arrange to come and see for yourself as places are now much sought after and limited. Telephone: 96 583 5226. Website: www.colinaclub.com.

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Crunchy Roasted Chickpeas Crunchy, crispy chickpeas are a great tasty and healthy snack for the festive season. Chickpeas are one of the oldest legumes which have been harvested and eaten for centuries. There are so many different varieties of chickpea, in different shapes and colours; beige, black, red, green and brown. Chickpeas are used all over the world known by different names; garbanzo beans, Bengal grams, Egyptian peas, ceci beans, kabuli chana, kali chole and chole.


High in protein they are a great versatile ingredient to cook with. Did you know chickpeas have been used as a coffee substitute since the 18th century? 5. After 15 minutes move the chickpeas thoroughly around the tray so they dry out evenly and are crunchy. 6. Leave to cool in the oven, once cold then store in an airtight container.

I can chick peas 1 tablespoon oil 1 teaspoon paprika ½ teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon black pepper ½ teaspoon chilli (optional)

Time: Prep: 5 minutes. Cook: 45 minutes. Recipe 1. Heat oven to 180ºC/160ºC fan/gas 4. 2. Drain and rinse the chickpeas. The key to crunchy chickpeas is to ensure they are dry as possible before cooking. Pat dry the chickpeas on a kitchen or a tea towel to remove any excess liquid. 3. In a large bowl mix the oil, paprika, cumin, salt, black pepper. 4. Add the chickpeas and toss well until they are well coated. Tip out onto a baking tray, spread evenly out and bake for 35 mins or until crisp and golden.

The Spice Sisters run Indian cookery classes in Spain and UK. Please get in touch for further information. Email: keepcalm@curryoncooking.com https://www.facebook.com/Curryoncooking/ www.curryoncooking.com Visit our Facebook page to find out which of your local fairs we will be attending on the run up to Christmas. Curry on Cooking kits can be purchased online and include:

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Where should I ask Santa to pick up my new Laptop, PC etc? When purchasing a new laptop, PC, Tablet or Mobile Phone you want that good old “comfort factor” that you are getting a good deal combined with good service (and a smile from Uncle Paul). On many an occasion people have called into my shop with technology such as a laptop, having just purchased it from one of the large department stores here on the Costas or even in the UK, with concerns about the purchase. For those who are not acutely aware the so called “big boys” make the price look good compared to us small fries but when adding on all the extras (preparation, data transfer etc.) the price is bumped up to well over the cost of purchasing it directly with us here in Quesada Computers. We at Quesada Computers can purchase whatever PC, laptop etc. you require and at any specification. We can generally get it next day, if not on display already in our shop, so long as our suppliers have it in stock (which generally is no issue). So, what gives us the edge over the “big boys” you ask? Well let me explain further. Firstly, included within our laptop and PC purchase price we include preparation in any language desired. Secondly, we will transfer data (not applications – see my earlier publication to distinguish between the two) from your old laptop or PC to the new one. Finally, we currently have a special offer to install ‘Microsoft Office 2016 Professional Plus’ (Word, Excel, Outlook Mail, Publisher etc.) for free and fully activated (normal price is around 180€ just for the Office Suite) and this is for life! Yes Life!! Unbelievable eh? In the initial stages we will assist you for minor problems or the not knowing how to get around Windows 10 for instance by installing ‘Remote access’ Software so no need to step outside of your house to visit us. All we do with your permission is to remotely log into your device and talk you through the issue you may be experiencing. So, if you are looking to treat yourself this Christmas then why not call in and discuss your requirement with us. We are always on hand to help you and answer any questions or concerns you may have. That’s enough of me for now. This is the final publication for this year so I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our clients past and present a very Merry Christmas and the very best for the New Year. Adiós for now amigos. Quesada Computers, Avenida De Las Naciones, Quesada, Telephone, 96 627 2416, email sales@quesadacomputers.com. Checkout our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/quesada.computers or on the web www.quesadacomputers.com.

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year from all of our advertisers to all of you

Please try to shop locally and support the local business community in your area

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Merry Christmas


ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS SERVICES 2018 In addition to the normal Services (see Footnote) the following special Services are planned over the Advent and Christmas 2018 period: LA SIESTA Tue 4 Dec Chaplaincy Advent Carol Service 11am Mon 10 Dec Ecumenical Carol Service 6pm Mon 24 Dec Midnight Mass – Holy Eucharist 11.30pm LOS BALCONES Wed 12 Dec Traditional Nine Lessons and Carols Service with the Royal British Legion Band 6pm Sun 16 Dec Christingle Service 10.30am Tue 25 Dec Christmas Day - Holy Eucharist 10.30am CAMPOVERDE Thu 13 Dec Traditional Nine Lessons and Carols Service with Coro Pilar 6pm Sun 23 Dec Carols at the ‘Rusty Nail’ 6pm Mon 24 Dec Holy Eucharist 8.30pm Sun 30 Dec Christingle Service 6pm SAN FULGENCIO Sun 9 Dec Ecumenical Carol Service 6pm LAGO JARDIN Thu 20 Dec Carol Singing outside Lago Jardín – (followed by Tapas) 6pm LA MANGA Mon 24 Dec Christmas Eve – Holy Eucharist (St Teresa’s, Las Lomas Village) 6pm FOOTNOTE For more information on the workings of the Chaplaincy and other planned activities and events – please view their website: http://www.c-of-e-torrevieja.com/wp/ The specific location of the various Churches together with their normal Services can be found here: http://www.c-of-e-torrevieja.com/wp/where-we-are/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anglicantorrevieja/ The Anglican Chaplaincy extends a very warm and friendly welcome to all denominations who live in or are visiting our area and our Church Centres.

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Happy New Year

Trip to the Elche Ice Rink Saturday 22 December Leaving Rojales 5pm. Price 13â‚Ź including 2 hours of skating. More information available from the Rojales Townhall.

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Merry Christmas

Help bring some Christmas Cheer to the animals Non-profit charity Happy Animales Orihuela is organising a Fashion show and Tombola, with new and nearly new clothes, on 7 December at Cheers Bar Restaurant in Eagles Nest. Doors open 12.30, on arrival a glass of Bucks Fizz and 1 tombola ticket for 2â‚Ź, Fashion show from 1pm to 2pm, sales from 2pm to 3pm, there will be also handbags, shoes and jewellery on sale to match with your outfit you are going to buy.... Happy Animales Orihuela, whose founder is Mona Nowak, is supporting about 50 animals at Finca Villamartin. There are 7 horses, 4 ponies, 8 goats, 2 dogs, 20 cats, Donald and Daisy Duck, 5 pigs, 13 geese, and every day the volunteers have to feed these hungry bellies. So please come along, enjoy the afternoon and help them to raise lots of money. The kitchen will be offering soup and a sandwich for 4â‚Ź, or you can choose from the menu. If you miss the fashion show, you can come to the Christmas party at Finca Villamartin on 15 December from 1pm to 5pm, on the canal road from Villamartin towards San Miguel. For more information and directions you can become a member of their Facebook page, or call/ Whatsapp Mona on 616 792 355 or call/Whatsapp Sol 678 224 728.

QF Focus

Happy New Year

QF Focus

TCF Annual Winter Fair Torrevieja

Christian Fellowship (TCF) are holding their Annual Winter Fair at TCF, Avenida de la Cortes Valencianas 68, 03183 on Saturday 17 December between 1pm and 3.30pm.

Our Craft Club have made beautiful inexpensive gifts for Christmas, including j e w e l l e r y, handmade cards, knitted goods and embroidery. There will also be home baked items, toiletries and bric a brac stalls. Also a mini-auction will be held at 2.30pm. Free admission and there are refreshments on sale. Bring your family and friends.

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I suspect like me and many people, we open cupboards, drawers, garages, sheds, underbuilds and the like and our eyes fall upon boxes full of items carefully wrapped and we, sometimes, can’t remember what on earth is inside.

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Previously bought crockery, bedding, towels, kitchenware, lamps, pictures, glassware, kitchen gadgets, small electrical items and ornaments all with the good intention of using these items, but now they just take up space. We may have been given gifts, which we’ll never use, because they don’t suit our homes or lifestyles but just don’t have the heart to dispose of. There is a saying ‘If you don’t use or wear an item in one year, you don’t need it’. So how many of these items do we possess clogging up valuable space? Now is the time to decide, either use it or donate it. At Age Concern we welcome all donations of household items, clothing and small electrical items for sale in our charity shops. The benefits of donating to Age Concern are threefold. One being that space is being created in your home, secondly your items could be just ideal for a customer looking for a change of wardrobe, a handy gadget, beautiful ornament or piece of jewellery to add to their collection, and thirdly a lot of personal satisfaction is gained knowing you could be helping other people. All donations are gratefully received at our charity shops in Avenida del Mar, Los Montesinos or Patricio Zammit, 41, Torrevieja or at our Day Centre at Calle Paganini, La Siesta weekdays between 10am– 1.30pm. If you are donating a lot of boxes, heavy bags or small items of furniture we would be delighted to collect from your home. To arrange your collection please telephone 96 678 6887.

QF Focus Magazine

Hi All!

I feel very privileged to be able, in the course of writing this review, to meet up with so many different musical entertainers.

One such very talented performer is Anita van den Berg, better known as Lady Jazz. Anita moved to Spain 3 years ago and, in her own words, "without a plan". But first, allow me to give you an insight into the background of this charming entertainer, who hails from Holland. In the Netherlands Anita was an Events Organiser, and for many years she was the Events Producer at The Casino Company. This task involved arranging luxury casino event projects for prestigious companies, many held in various locations. In addition to this Anita started her own model agency "Gold Models", which became an instant success. Her inspiration to start this venture came from the time she worked with other agencies and saw further potential in this industry. Anita was also responsible for introducing The Glamour Bingo, a great event for the ladies with beautiful prizes, and a corresponding theme of a Party every time. Later, after all the pressures of business, Anita decided to take things slower and relocated to Spain. It was then her passion for music returned to her. As a teenager Anita was already a seasoned performer in her native Holland, and recorded her first single at the age of fourteen.

Page 27 Even at that young age her marketing skills were apparent, as she walked from door to door, selling her record. Settled in Spain, it was so much easier for her to resume her singing career as her voice had matured and was perfect for the Jazz genre of music. In the past 3 years Lady Jazz has firmly established herself on the local entertainment scene. Her versatile performances have made her very much in demand by many venues, catering for both tourists and residents alike. Anita was surprised and honoured to be chosen as official support act to the American soul group "Earth, Wind and Fire" when they appeared at Torrevieja. In her words - an evening and an experience, never to be forgotten. Her music is ideal for restaurants, Lounge Club, Cocktail Lounges, weddings or private parties. Stylish music covering numbers by the likes of Billie Holiday, Etta James and the unforgettable Frank Sinatra ...but also more modern artistes such as Melody Gardot, Amy Winehouse, Sade and Karen Souza. Contemporary songs with a wonderful jazzy sound, that everyone can appreciate. For more information, take a look at her Facebook page - Lady Jazz Anita or her website www.lady-jazz.com. Bye for now - but not without wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Speak again in 2019. r now, D.P.

Bye fo

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SIMON'S STORY In 2003, Simon noticed changes in the way he was feeling. He had been struggling with depression. Worried about what people might be thinking of him, he avoided going out and meeting his friends. His GP diagnosed him with agoraphobia and referred him to a mental health team. But he was still struggling to cope, Simon explains:

As a man, it is still difficult to open up about the way you feel. It isn’t 'manly' to share your feelings. The trouble is, for men who are battling depression, this expectation can be damaging. If you carry on bottling things up, overtime they will overwhelm you. "I spent the best part of a decade feeling alone with the way that I was feeling. I think this is part of the reason why I would feel suicidal. These thoughts and feelings lead me to attempt to take my own life on more than one occasion." He says: "I heard of Samaritans and I knew that they were there to listen. But before I called them, I didn’t realise what a positive impact their support would have on my life. "I explained that I was thinking about taking my own life. He wanted me to walk to the branch to meet face to face. The thought of this was so overwhelming - it took me everything just to leave the front door. The volunteer remained on the phone with me until I was just a short walk from the front door. I was welcomed with a warm smile, before sitting down to talk about what was making me feel so down and depressed. Knowing that there is someone there, has improved my quality of life. I no longer feel alone, with nobody to understand. The day I chose to get in touch with Samaritans, I took back some control." Simon says that with hindsight, he should have reached out to Samaritans sooner. He hopes that by sharing his story, fewer men will suffer in silence: "You can call them on any given day, at any time of day or night." You can call Samaritans on Freephone 900 525 100, email us at pat@samaritansinspain.com or call 634 325 906 to organise a WhatsApp call.

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What are dental implants? A dental implant is a titanium post that is surgically positioned into the jawbone underneath the gum line that allows your dentist to mount replacement teeth or a bridge into that area. Because implants fuse to your jawbone, they provide stable support for artificial teeth. Dentures and bridges mounted to implants won’t slip or shift in your mouth. This secure fit helps the dentures and bridges – as well as individual crowns placed over implants feel more natural than conventional bridges or dentures.

For some people, ordinary bridges and dentures are simply not comfortable or even possible, due to sore spots, poor ridges or gagging. In addition, ordinary bridges must be attached to teeth on either side of the space left by the missing tooth. An advantage of implants is that no adjacent teeth need to be prepared or ground down to hold your new replacement tooth/teeth in place. If you are considering implants, you must have healthy gums and adequate bone to support the implant. If your bone is too thin or soft and unable to support an implant, you may require a bone graft. Or if there is not enough bone height in the upper jaw or the sinuses are too close to the jaw, you may require a sinus lift. Dental implants offer an attractive and comfortable solution for those who have lost a tooth to decay or injury, providing a permanent replacement option that looks and feels like a real tooth. Because a dental implant feels and looks like a normal tooth, it can do wonders for a patient’s self-esteem. Many people who were shy about smiling due to a space from a lost tooth feel perfectly comfortable after a dental implant. After placing an implant you must also commit to keeping these structures healthy. Meticulous oral hygiene and regular dental visits are critical to the long-term success of dental implants. Should you wish to speak to our informed team with any concerns or book an appointment simply call 96 572 5940 or pop in to the clinic at C/ Los Arcos 19, Quesada.

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Recipes by Pushpa from the Spice Hut Ginger & lemon turkey Healthy option after xmas 250g turkey pieces 125ml plain low fat yoghurt 4 tbspn of fromage frais, fat free if possible 2 tspn garlic paste 2 tspn ginger paste 2 tspn shredded ginger 1 tspn of curry powder 1 fresh lemon - juice of the lemon and the grated zest. 2 fresh green chillies, finely diced

1 tbspn of dried chillies 4 tbspn fresh coriander Salt 1/2 tspn turmeric Little oil 2 bay leaves 4 cardamom pods Stick of cinnamon Few cloves Few peppercorns

Mix together the yoghurt, lemon juice, zest, ginger, garlic, chillies fresh and dried, curry powder, turmeric, salt and fromage frais. Marinade the turkey with the mix and set aside. In a frying pan, heat oil and sizzle the whole spices on a medium heat until you can smell the spices. Add the marinaded turkey, pour all the mix over it and cook on a low heat, keep stirring occasionally until cooked. Garnish with the coriander sprigs, shredded ginger and serve hot. Check the flavours and add extra spice or garlic/ ginger if needed.

The Spice Hut Quesada. Tel. 96 673 1063 or visit www.spicehutspain.com.

QF Focus Magazine

TCF IS ON THE MOVE.... Torrevieja Christian Fellowship (TCF) – a large English-speaking church began 31 years ago with a handful of Christians in the home of a Missionary. We are currently located in Cortes de las Valencianas, 68, in Torrevieja where the average Sunday attendance is 176 people. We have been there for over eight years when we converted the building into the lively and thriving church it is today. We are about to enter a new exciting chapter. Our rent in May 2019 is due to increase and we find ourselves unable to afford to stay. Instead we are looking to search and buy our own building to convert into our church and we are currently seeking a bank mortgage. Since January 2018 we have had two gift giving days in TCF and the congregation have so far generously raised an amazing 110,000€. The mortgage when secured will be less than the rent we are paying now! Said Pastor Chris, who has only been in post for just 17 months “when my wife Helena and I took up the helm, little did we know that we would not only be relocating to Spain but also relocating TCF as well! The church members have not only welcomed and supported us since arriving, but in unity are rising to the challenge of finding a new church building which will allow us room for expansion and new community initiatives!” He added “We still have quite a way to go to raise enough money for the deposit on a new church building - with sufficient funds to convert it so we have a large worship auditorium, multiple rooms for kids church, reception, meeting and prayer rooms, kitchen and coffee lounge – but we have faith that it's God’s Will we should “step out of the boat” and do this for His Kingdom. Watch this space...” Additional information is available on our website below. If readers wish to attend a lively English speaking church our services are: 10.30 am every Sunday morning (including communion and kids church), 6pm every Wednesday (Bible teaching) - Wednesday Services in December may be affected by Christmas holidays. Please check website for further information. A Carol Service will be held at TCF on Sunday 16 December at 10.30am. Telephone: (+34) 96 670 0 391. Secretary: (+34) 654 446 864 Email: Jacqui.tcf@gmail.com. Website: www.tcf-spain.org.

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Gran Alacant Oldies Walking football club

The 61st session took place on 8 November of the Gran Alacant Oldies Walking Football Club, at the Gran Alacant sports hall. 14 players took part plus 1 referee and 1 injured player on the sidelines. There were also four spectators looking to, perhaps, play in the future. With Remembrance Day just three days away, it was decided by a ballot within the club, to donate some of our match day funds to the local British Legion. Three members from the British Legion were there for the presentation from one of the players, James, who suggested the idea. The picture shows the presentation taking place. If you would like to join us, or ask more, or even turn up to watch, please email Barry for more information at laneinspain@hotmail.com.

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our ARIES You have an opportunity to make the end of this year really special for someone without it costing you a lot of time, or money. Go for it and not only will they enjoy it, you will too. TAURUS Without putting yourself into financial problems, with some careful shopping you should be able to give everyone a lovely gift to show them just how much you appreciate how they have supported you this last year. GEMINI Now is the time to make plans for 2019 and have something you can work towards during the coming year. Goals need to be set otherwise you will find yourself in the same place a year from now. CANCER It is not easy with all the festivities to keep everyone happy but make sure you are enjoying yourself before you worry about everyone else. You are entitled to some down time so don't let others spoil it for you. LEO It is time for you to indulge a little more than you normally would without feeling guilty about it. Let your hair down, enjoy yourself and have fun with those around you without going too far, you deserve it. VIRGO You will feel richer this month than you have done in a long time and that is not just in a monetary sense of the word. Having family around you during the festive season will bring more joy than you hoped.

oroscope LIBRA You are ending the year in a place you could never have imagined this time last year. So much has changed and so much has happened that you really are amazed that you have got so far. Keep up the momentum and keep reaping the rewards. SCORPIO Although there are some obligations you would rather miss you know that there will be many more fun events this festive season where you can let your hair down and relax. Being prepared is the key to enjoying yourself rather than stressing and rushing everything at the last minute. SAGITTARIUS Stop trying to organise everything down to the last detail. Ask for help, delegate a few jobs and things will not fall to pieces. In fact the opposite, everyone will enjoy things much more. CAPRICORN Down time is really needed to get recharged for a new year and everything it brings. Planning will mean you can get enough time without letting anyone down. AQUARIUS A few social events over the festive season mean you can really get to know people properly and they will surprise you, as you will some of them. New bonds will be made. PISCES As the year closes you are looking forward to the challenges of the coming one as you have been planning these changes for some time now. Embrace them and all they have to bring for you.

QF Focus Magazine

Welcome to Máximo Beauty, your new Modern Hair and Beauty Salon in the Heart of Benijófar. Owner Laura Mattin is honoured to have been able to start this new venture in the town of Benijófar were she has lived for the past 18 years. A lot of people may already know Laura but for those that don’t, she would like to let you know a little bit about herself and her background in the hairdressing industry. With over 10 years’ experience, Laura has previously worked in salons in Benijófar, Algorfa and Ciudad Quesada and is constantly learning new hair trends by attending different hair courses and researching online. This is a very important aspect to Laura as it enables her to offer the new hair fashions to her clients. Máximo Beauty works with L´Oreal professional hair products, as they are a very high quality brand and also offer ammonia free colouring and 100% vegan hair colouring if requested. All hair aspects such as re-styling, advanced colouring techniques, hair extensions, men’s hairstyling and much more are undertaken at Máximo’s. Making people feel great with their hair and being able to give them the hair cut, colour or style they ask for, is of the upmost importance to Laura. From the moment you step into the salon, Máximo’s team will endeavour to make you feel naturally beautiful both inside and out. Laura is also very proud to have a great team of specialists in their fields which is made up of Megan, who is a great young hair stylist with more than 5 years’ experience in hairdressing, lovely beauticians Julie and Katie who cover all beauty treatments from nails, waxing, facials, massages, spray tans, hopi ear candles and much more, and the amazing Indra who is an expert in individual eye lash extensions and the popular Russian Volume lashes. When you visit Máximo Beauty they will make sure you have a warm welcome and have an amazing experience. You are more than welcome to pop in at any time to meet them and have a chat about your requirements or you can contact them on 96 572 4671, Facebook messenger, instagram messenger or by email: maximobeauty@gmail.com.

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QF Focus Magazine Cross Code man; or just a temporary loan of a light sabre. It might be something to do with the stripes in the road. Areas covered by chevrons – designed to keep vehicles safely apart – also seem to have the same magnetic ‘Cornish cream tea to a wasp’ appeal to those behind the wheel.

Watch out; the secret’s out!

Journalist and broadcaster Jack Troughton plays ‘Johnny Foreigner’ and casts an eye over Spain and focuses on stories that serve as a gentle reminder he remains an Englishman abroad. The Lapland Express

THE man in red and white has already started popping up across the Costa Blanca reminding us all of the magic of Christmas – even though the first recorded sighting of Father Christmas this year was actually ahead of Guy Fawkes Night. Every year along the coast charities have to tweak the calendar to get in a festive fair ahead of 25 December – there are only so many weekends available after all - and Santa is often the star attraction; the differences in height and build, obviously important to adapt to the different sized chimneys around the globe. Yes, Mr Claus, we at Female Focus believe! The high-speed commute from Lapland seems to work well; the reindeer are left to prepare for the big night and it saves everyone having to get carrots and mince pies ready too early. Santa Claus can still work a crowd and simply by appearing he is a magnet for kids. Favourite so far this year was a little girl zooming in like an exocet missile; tugging at the red jacket and once getting his attention, simply announcing her important 2018 manifesto (take note Theresa May): “Father Christmas ...I have been a REALLY good girl this year.” And he doesn’t blink an eye at suddenly having to morph into Papa Noel for excited Spanish youngsters, no translation needed after all for a jolly ‘Ho, ho, ho’...

Careful now ...there’s a zebra crossing

PEDESTRIAN crossings are where people can get from one side of the road to another safely without the need for a whole troop of Boy Scouts; and a necessary part of modern life and town planning. British motorists are used to a prohibition on parking each side of the black and white markings of the zebra itself, here in Spain cars are left right up to the crossing itself. However, anyone living in this part of the world for any length of time knows that our hosts are very adept at creating spaces to leave their vehicle – and not just the double parking while ‘popping’ into a shop, bank, or post office. Out walking the dog one morning and looking to utilise a crossing to get to the other side (there’s an old joke there somewhere) we took a step forward and three back as a car slowed but then pulled into the kerb right across the zebra itself. On go the hazard lights, clunck goes the central locking and driver heads off leaving one man and his dog to squeeze between bumpers and hope for the best. Dog looks up at master with a questioning look – not the wideeyed cute one in the hope of getting a treat ...more of the ‘modern life is rubbish’ version – and grumpy owner suddenly wishes he was treated by a flying visit by Darth Vader rather than the Green

GRAND old British newspaper The Times has asked its readers to “raise a glass of Rioja to the Spanish” to toast the news the country is set to have the longest life expectancy in the world; soon to be table toppers; even pipping the Japanese, grand masters of longevity. The jealousy is in the headline: “They drink, they smoke, so why are the Spanish living so long?” The answer is one of lifestyle and good news for us expats who adopt the habits of the natives rather than remain in the ‘socks-with-sandals’ brigade. Naturally, this includes the much-hyped traditional Mediterranean diet – including red wine – said to be the underlying reason why these people are living longer; adding up to 25% on a life by incorporating fresh produce; as well as seafood, fruit and vegetables, nuts, olive oil, and tomatoes. The Spanish also take a daily stroll, take a siesta after the main meal of the day (luncheon), work hard but take more breaks, and eat ‘tapas-style’ at night which is apparently beneficial to health. The green-eyed Thunderer also notes the Spanish have more sex. Even the language scores highly (but takes practice, obviously) – scientists say Spanish is considered the most joyful with the greatest frequency of upbeat words being used; although boffins fail to mention anything about volume. This is all food for thought. However, given the time of year readers will be forgiven for lapsing into bad habits for the coming winter feasting. Have a good one!

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The Association Of Retired Police Officers (known as ARPO). Retired police officers from any national or international force are very welcome to join our group. We meet every 2nd Wednesday at Sacko’s Bar, El Limonar at 10:30. We are a social and self help group and look forward to meeting new members and their partners. For information and forthcoming events,www.arpo.org.co.uk. Crime Watch Spain (Vecinos Colaborando) Reg. VG – 08261/2002 advise the community citizens about security matters and help them to report any incidents in their communities to the authorities to try to keep out any intruders. For more information please email: colaborando.crimewatch@skynetlink.com. F.A.B. or Friends After Bereavement meet on a Saturday at the La Laguna hotel, Quesada at 13:45. We are a friendly group who meet up, chat, and spend days out together helping people to re-start their lives after the death of a partner. We are not in the least morbid, just a cheerful bunch who support each other through difficult times. Royal British Legion - Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch meets on the 1st Monday of the month at 18:00 in LOUNGE D in the Plaza Mayor (known as Masa Square) Gran Alacant. New members are always welcome, and remember that you do NOT have to be ex-services to join. Further details from email:- granalacant.secretary@rbl.community. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch have a bowls team who play at Casa Ventura on Thursdays and Saturdays, 1.30pm for a 2pm start. We would be pleased to see you there. Come along and have a game. Everything supplied. We are Torrevieja Maritime Association and our aim is to “Stimulate and maintain interest in maritime activities in the Torrevieja area among people of all nationalities”. We meet on the second Wednesday of the month at Casa de Galicia in El Chaparral, Torrevieja and can be contacted at torreviejama@outlook.com or via our Facebook site, Torrevieja Maritime Association. The Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch meet on the first Wednesday of every month at Bar/Restaurante El Paraiso near Carrefour, Torrevieja at 15:00 and remember you don’t have to have served in the Royal Navy to become a member. We look forward to seeing you soon! If you would like to join the ship mates or just find out more please phone Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 96 671 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 96 692 1996. Almoradi scrabble club. The club meets at Cafe Almoradi, Calle Major 91 on the last Tuesday of the month from 15:30. We really want to extend our membership. If you are interested please come and join us, or for more information call 694 437 698 or email mrandcwatkins@hotmail.co.uk. The Aircrew Association Costa Blanca. Former and serving aircrew of the UK or Allied Armed Forces are very welcome to join this convivial and friendly organisation, founded here in 1988. Details from the Secretary on: 96 640 4123. Revival Torrevieja Rugby Club based on traditional ethics of rugby, family and respect, as well as a completely new set up. Out with the old and in with the new. Thur evenings touch rugby at 20.00, plus 15’s on Mon and Wed and for more info about all the teams and training places and times contact the co-ordinator Tony on 670 972 366.

Animal Adoptions and re-homing Easy Horse Care.

You’re invited to come and meet our rescued horses, ponies and donkeys during our open day, held on the first Sunday of each month from 1pm to 4pm. Entry is free and children are welcome. On the day, we offer a free guided tour of our stables and fields at 2pm sharp – make sure you pop along at this time to be able to meet our horses. Call 652 021 980 or email rescue@easyhorsecare.net. For more information visit our website http://www.easyhorsecare.net.

K9 Club.

Pepe is seven years old, a very mild epileptic who requires half a tablet a day. He is a cross poodle /basset, is quite sweet and very gentle, unknown with cats and children. Please call 600 845 420 or email: k9clubinfo@gmail.com. www.k9club.es.

Pets in Spain.

Rosie is around 1 year old and was living on the streets in Granada. She is a sweet little girl weighing around 6 kilos and is good with other dogs. Rosie is sterilised and will make a wonderful companion. Call: 645 469 253. Email: info@petsinspain.com. To view more animals for adoption go to www.petsinspain.com. Calling all clubs and charities - let us know about your forthcoming events and animals for adoption. See page 4 for contact details.

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The Stage Diary now in its 11th year of publication is not only an important guide to what’s on in all regions but is also an on-line web introduction to potential expat’s researching community life in Spain. The diary also acts as a planning guide to assist groups avoid unnecessary clashes of production dates. Again, this month I (Lesley) am sitting in for Benny as he is taking some time off following an operation. All at Female Focus Publications wish Benny all the very best. Actors Community Theatre Society (ACTS): After packed houses for ‘Calendar Girls’ we were able to donate 2,000€ to local charities in San Fulgencio (photo), and proceeds of the accompanying 2019 calendar will go to support those living with cancer. You can still buy one at only 5€. Meanwhile, we have cast our next show ‘The Play that Goes Wrong’ and will present it in March. If you are interested in joining ACTS please contact us at tickets.acts@gmail.com or on 699 982 726. Andante International Classical Choir: The Choir will perform Christmas carols on Sunday, 9 December at 7.30 pm at Benijófar Church. Entrance will be free with bucket collection for the local charities. The audience will be invited to join in with the singing. The programme will include traditional English, Basque and German carols. We are still seeking Basses and Tenors to join our friendly choir. Anyone wishing to do so should contact elcvdvecht@gmail.com or telephone 625 707 294 for more information. Cantabile Female Choir: Having performed two concerts of sacred music, the choir are now looking forward to a short Christmas break before beginning rehearsals for their next concert at the end of March which will consist of a variety of secular music. This friendly choir always welcomes new members, the ability to sing in tune the main requirement. Rehearsals are from 2.45 - 5pm on Friday afternoons at La Siesta Church, Torrevieja. Contact: valcantabile@gmail.com or phone 96 679 5816. New Cardinal Theatre Group: The Company look forward to their next production which will be in 2019. They hope those who saw their last show enjoyed themselves and look forward to their continued support next year. Contact Tom Ford: 96 679 0547.

QF Focus Magazine Rojales Pantomime Group: The cast are rehearsing very hard to bring you a pantomime for all ages ‘Camelot the Panto’ at the Escuela De Musica Y Cultura Montesinos. A wizard, a witch, a beautiful queen all come together in a very funny plot at the castle of Camelot. Evening performances 7.30, Saturday matinee 2.30pm. Tickets are 7€ adult, 5€ child and proceeds go to local charities. Ticket Hotline 678 212 034. Stagestruck: A new version of the classic tale ‘Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood’ is to be presented at Teatro Cardenal Belluga, San Fulgencio, on 6, 7 and 8 December – curtain up at 8pm. The show is suitable for children. Telephone 625 883 387. Email: stagestruck.show@gmail.com. Net proceeds go to The Alzheimer’s Association and other local charities. Studio 32: At the time of going to press ‘The Wiz’ was underway to the enjoyment of all. The group will be back in the New Year with information on their next venture. Full details are on their website www.studiothirtytwo.org. To r r e v i e j a Barbershop Harmonisers: Whatever your singing talent a warm welcome a w a i t s you at the Harmoniser’s. We are a friendly club including all nationalities, ours is a fun loving Men’s Harmony Chorus singing in the Barbershop style. We meet every Friday at 10am at Casa Contenta in Rojales near Quesada, drop in and see us, you will be more than welcome. Velvetones Harmony Chorus: Velvetones 20th Anniversary Christmas Concert. Come and help Velvetones Harmony Chorus celebrate 20 years singing on the Costas! Wednesday 5 December at 7.30 pm at restaurant El Paraiso, Jardin del Mar, Torrevieja. It will be different from other years, as guest Pianist Ron and Pilarmonics will be joining in the Christmas festivities. Tickets 5€ in aid of their charity ALPE, special needs school! Check out the website velvetonesharmonytorrevieja.com or call Mary-Anne on 96 671 4973. Find us on Facebook Velvetones Harmony Chorus.

If you would like your group to be part of the Stage Diary please email benny@female-focus.com. Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication.

Stage Diary Costa Blanca North information can be found online at www.femalefocusonline.com

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QF Focus Magazine

Feliz navidad - Merry Christmas - Yes, it's that time of year again, where does the time go?.

if you can find all 27 Spanish words (in blue). Remember words can go up, down, across, Word Search See diagonally and even backwards and to make it harder, some letters will have been used more than


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QF Focus Magazine

Quesada Bowls Club report by Dee Stephenson The Winter season is now in full swing and our members have played in a wide variety of conditions including sunshine, rain and wind. It all adds to the challenges they’ve faced on the greens and has resulted in some mixed results for the squads. At the time of going to print the Southern League Division A, the QBC Swallows, after some hard fought games and very close matches, are currently in 4th place in the league. In Division B the Swifts are also doing well with some good wins and are currently in 2nd place in the league just 9 points behind the leaders, Mazarron Miners. Also in Division B, unfortunately the Swans are not doing so well and have suffered some defeats. But there’s a long way to go and plenty of time to turn things around. Good news for Quesada’s Winter league squad though, who are doing extremely well. They’ve had some convincing wins which means they’re in 2nd place in the league only 2 points behind the leaders, Jávea. In the South Alicante Winter League Enterprise Division, we have opposing results with Quesada Pearls enjoying some good wins, placing them 4th in the league at the moment. Whilst Quesada Diamonds have been less successful and after some difficult matches are towards the bottom of the league. Again, plenty of time to turn things around. In the Discovery Division QBC Rubies have also had mixed fortunes with some wins but also some painful losses but will hopefully pick up some points in the coming weeks. In addition to the league games, members are keeping busy as our Club Competition is now underway, with many of our members involved in all of the disciplines. Second round matches will be completed by the time you read this and the deadline for 3rd round matches is 16 December, just in time to give members a rest over the Christmas period! Just a reminder about our popular Saturday morning chicken drive which is open to visitors. Green fees are only 6€ if you have your own shoes and bowls and 7€ if you need to hire them. Anyone interested in taking part, please report to The Club, Quesada for a 9.30am start. For more information about our club, please contact our membership secretary Angie Goddard on newleaf2014@hotmail.com. New bowlers are always welcome and introductory coaching is available.


Spot the difference -

See if you can spot all 12 differences


SUDOKU Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.

Answers to puzzles in the classified pages

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QF Focus Magazine

Costa Blanca Benidorm WCT Marcha 2018 It was a very cold 15 degrees on Saturday 27 October when we met and left the shop at 05.00 on our way to the Terra Natura Theme park in Benidorm for the 1st Benidorm WCT Marcha. We arrived and proceeded to park in the Terra Natura car park and went in to the Hotel reception for registration. After collecting our numbers, goody bag etc we looked for a café / restaurant but found that there weren’t any, only the Hotel dining room, so we all took our chances and walked in for a coffee. We were the lucky ones as we just managed a quick coffee and cake before loads of other people tried their luck but were asked to leave as they were not guests of the hotel. Back to the cars, bikes prepped and onto the start line for a 7.30am start. We had 9 riders taking part in this Sportif and it was the first one that I had to drop out of due to my hip problems and being unable to stand on the cranks when climbing. It was 153km with 3600 metres of climbing, so with deep regret I decided to let the guys get on with it and just act as support (It was just as well I did). At 7.30am they were off heading down to Benidorm town for a 10km loop of the town before passing the hotel again towards Finestrat for the first climb of the day - 4km at an average 5%. It had just started to rain. After Finestrat they headed towards and up the Tudons, 12kms at an average of 12% (this has featured in many La Vueltas). I had just settled in to a comfy seat with a coffee when my phone rang - it was Harry, he was sitting in the back of an ambulance with Hypothermia as it was now 7 degrees with a chill factor of about 0 degrees and torrential rain. He said the ambulance driver could not take him as he had many people to look after and could I go and get him. So off I go ‘Thunderbird One’ to the rescue. As I drove to Finestrat I started to pass cyclists with race numbers heading back towards the hotel, only a couple at first then a few more then groups of them. I must have passed over 200 cyclists including some professional riders all heading back and looking frozen as it was chucking it down by now, and many riders had taken refuge in local bars and restaurants including Graham and Richard as I recognised their bikes when I passed. It took me over an hour and a half to reach Harry who was over 60km into the race and had already completed the Tudons and was now at a water stop with Daniel who also had to retire. I gave them a blanket each to wrap up in and keep warm. We had just left the water stop when Moth, who was with the lead group, phoned to say he had a double puncture and was now out so off we went to rescue him. After another 50km we collected Moth and the 4 of us went for a coffee in a local village to warm everyone up, the rain had stopped by now but there were not many riders left. After coffee we headed to Col de Rates, which we bypassed so as we could get in front and be back at the hotel before the finish. At the finish they started to arrive in ones and twos, no big groups and very few sprinting. Everyone just wanted to get finished and changed into warm clothes. Out of our 9 starters only Alan Quearns, Dom TJ, Paul Cameron and Steve Buckley made it and received their well deserved medals. Steve Buckley’s better half Julie Hipkiss started cycling with Lynn on Hybrid bikes 3 years ago and last year decided to make the change to a road bike where she has gone from strength to strength. She is out cycling on her road bike most days and has become a very strong cyclist. She has successfully completed 3 major Sportifs and not only did she start this one at Benidorm she braved the treacherous weather conditions and continued where others had failed and was proudly presented with her finishers medal. Well done Julie, we all take our hats off to you. Out of the 460 starters only 175 managed to finish. In hindsight the organisers should have cancelled the event as 800 riders had already pulled out the week before when they announced that it was no longer going to be closed roads, these included the 3 invited professional riders. Here’s to our next Marcha, let’s hope the sun shines. Team “Cyclogical” meet every Tuesday and Thursday night at 5.30pm and Sunday mornings at 8am and cover between 90 and 120kms at a moderate to fast pace so, if you fancy a challenge, looking to improve your fitness, riding ability and speed and also have a new group of friends to train with then why not come along and give it a try or call Gary on 637 487 377.

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QF Focus Magazine

Forthcoming Events By Keith Nicol As winter approaches, there’s a chill in the air as we enter the Christmas Shopping Frenzy. In Spain, one and all receive two bites at the Cherry, with Christmas celebrated more by Northern Europeans and those from the British Isles, while the Spanish have their main gift giving day on 6 January. Thus there are lots of shopping specials in the local towns and shopping centres and plenty of events, including Carols in the Square, Torrevieja, and music on La Zenia Beach on Christmas Day morning. If you have children or grandchildren looking for a very special day out, then head on up to the IFA Exhibition for Exponadal, which is 25 years old this year, and to celebrate they’ll have a lot of surprises. More information: w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / Exponadal. The expo opens its doors on 21 December and it’s a great opportunity to give the youngest of the house, a day of family fun. Inside you’ll find, robots, dinosaurs, inflatables, virtual reality simulators, fairground attractions, Wipe Out tests and also, picnic areas, so you can bring your own food although there are restaurants, self-service buffet and cafeterias, etc, all on site. During the winter the The Cuevas del Rodeo Rojales Craft Market is open on the 1st Sunday of each month in the morning from 11am to 2pm. It’s is a fun place to visit if you are looking for a small gift, piece of art or decoration. Local artists put their work on display along with other craft works to browse and enjoy. Also on the 1st Sunday of each month is the Ace Cafe Classic Car event, on the street outside La Torre Hotel in Los Montesinos from 11am to 1pm. Admission is free. Another fun and unusual event for kids of all ages is the Torrellano Miniature Steam Train. It is run by the friends of the railways association and so is normally only open on Saturdays between 4pm and 8pm. Every month the Friends of the Railways Association host a miniature train event at the railway museum in Torrellano. Donations of 1.50€ per visit are requested. Don’t forget that 6 and 8 December are Public Holidays, and 7 December is usually taken as a ‘bridge’ day. Many businesses may also close on the Monday, giving them a break from Thursday 6 to Monday 10, so plan ahead for your shopping and banking needs. If all goes to plan, Torrevieja’s Carols in the Square, should be taking place on Friday 14 December. It all takes place in front of the Town Hall and Inmaculada Church with the music beginning about 5.30pm, carols at 6pm and all coming to end before 7pm, for the International Mass in the church. Thousands of people are expected so try and get there early, especially regarding finding parking.

Torrevieja’s International Auditorium has a couple of excellent performances coming up starting with a celebration of the music of John Williams (Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, etc), on 15 December. The Film Symphony Orchestra are on stage from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. On Friday 21 December The Imperial Russian Ballet perform the classic Swan Lake. The Ballet features the White Swan and Black Swan: two opposite poles: one is sweetness and fragility, the other - power and provocation. The deception and true love, Good and Evil. “Swan Lake” is the best known, most requested and most performed ballet over the past 140 years. Moving into the New Year, there are two performances of the Concierto Año NuevoReyes. The Concert for the New Year, from la Orquesta Sinfónica de Torrevieja. The first show is on Saturday 5 January at noon to 2pm, and the following evening at 7pm. This show always has a sense of humour and a Boston Pops feel to it, and promises full houses so book your tickets early to avoid disappointment. More info at: https://auditoriotorrevieja.com. Hundreds of Three Kings Parades take place all over Spain, with one of the largest in the region taking place in Torrevieja. Their Majesties, the Kings of the Orient, Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar, arrive in the City’s harbour, by boat, at 5pm on Saturday 5 January to be greeted by hundreds of children before making their way through the streets of the City via the Old Man of the Sea Monument, Calle Ramón, Cajal and Zoa, along Ramón Gallud, finishing at the main facade of the Church of Immaculate Conception, in front of Constitution Square. Typically more than 3,000 kilograms of candy and sweets are thrown into the crowds lining the streets, or gently handed out to the small ones. Children are advised to bring along their own plastic bags to fill them with the candies and gifts thrown into the crowd by the passing parade. For those whose memory may be dulled by the mistletoe and wine leftover from New Year’s Eve, Gold you all know about, Frankincense is a perfumed resin or oil and Myrrh is a dried oleo gum resin used primarily as incense or for embalming. Now you know. More than 500 people will participate in this spectacular Three Kings Parade that will end at Torrevieja’s City Hall where the Mayor will receive them. The Three Kings Parade is the first of this year’s spectacular street processions that take place in Torrevieja, all of which are free to watch and fun for all the family. All information is correct at the time of going to print. We advise you to check for any changes which are beyond our control.

QF Focus Magazine Services LADY JAZZ performing at the Costa Blanca! Perfect for your Lounge Area, Private Party’s, Weddings, Fine Dining and Cocktail Bar!! High quality vocals & chillout tunes. Telephone 677 233 879 FACEBOOK:LadyJazzAnita or visit www.lady-jazz.com COYS RENT A CAR: An independent Car hire company operating from the Torrevieja area, Alicante & Murcia airports. To get a quote, look at our website: www.coysrent-a-car.com TRANSLATOR AND INTERPRETER English/Spanish. All legal, medical and business matters. Covering the Costa Blanca. Contact: 658 957 404 or ejbtranslations@gmail.com BUILDING WORK All types of small or large building work undertaken including bathroom and kitchen refits, patios & terraces, painting, pool repairs, extensions and underbuilds, plumbing and electrics. Call 96 671 2832 or 662 455 960 for a free no obligation quote.

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Classified Adverts GLOBAL DISCOUNT FURNITURE Wanted – Quality used household & garden furniture. Top prices paid. Cash Waiting. Collection available. Call 96 671 3457 or 604 239 149 or email info@globaldiscountfurniture.com or www.globaldiscountfurniture.com

Misc Sales

TOW ROPE & THINGS TOW ROPE 4m €8, 2 x RATCHET TIE DOWN 2.5mm x 5m €12. FALL PROTECTION SAFETY BELT + SAFETY ROPE 1.50m €15. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin.

TOSHIBA - BLU RAY disc player HDMI / AVC HD / BD LINE / DVD Video / DIVX HD / Dolby digital plus / TRU HD / dts Master Audio Essential €35. INTERLUSA - CEILING LIGHTS (still available in shops) 1 orange, 1 Lime green, round glass Silver Aluminium Fittings Takes 1 bulb €35 each or €60 for the two. Tel; 633 188 951 Villamartin. HANDCRAFTED ALOHA 7ft 8” Longboard. Greg Clough Design. Includes Body Glove Padded Surfboard Bag, 3 fins and Leash. €280. HIX UNDERGROUND, Classic Longboard, three finned, 7ft 10” made in Pembrokeshire, Wales, by HIX Surf Company - circa late 1980’s. Includes RHINO SURFLITE Padded Surfboard Bag and 3 fins. Needs TLC. €120. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin.

FINS/FLIPPERS: SEAFOR POOL S-M short & blue, €10. SEAFOR POOL M-L short & blue, €10. Black beachline scuba 34-35, €15. Blue+Grey Tribord 41-42, €20. Yellow Cancun salvas 4041, €20. Yellow Sunray 36-37, €15. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. SOCKET WRENCHES from €5. Extensions and sockets from 50c buy more save more! Snow chains €25. 1/2” Dr. micrometer adjustable torque wrench ‘new never used’ €55. Towing eye screw for vauxhall Vectra, Astra, Zafira, Corsa €10. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin.

SINGLE BEDDING +MATCHING CURTAINS Matching Single Bed, 2 x Quilted Bedspread with skirt €15 each. 2 x Cushion with frill 43cm (approx) square €5 pair. Matching From BHS Single Bed 2 x Quilt cover, 2 x Pillow Case. €5 each set. Pair of Curtains / Par de Cortina 132cm long 150cm wide With tie-backs that match quilt cover and pillow case €5. All for €35. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. Visit our website for more classified adverts www.femalefocusonline.com

Health & Beauty Slim4life with Exante. New groups with Keely Lilley in La Marina. Call 633 957 100 for more information.


Puzzle Solutions

Very easy


Page 42

Classified Adverts

Misc Sales Cont. TUBING + BRACING, TUBING; PVC CORRUGATED 60m x 32mm + reinforced corrugated pvc 60m + polyethylene 10m + galvanized metal cable bracing 150m. All for €40. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. WETSUITS; Men’s Long O’NEIL HAMMER Long-Short Detachable arms 3/2 SIZE M (Small cut on stomach through neoprene only, that has been repaired) €65. Men’s Long O’NEIL EPIC 5/3 SIZE Medium, €120. Boy’s Long TRIBORD SIZE 14 Years 2/2, €20. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. ENGLISH READING BOOKS: Mostly all Hardbacks, 6 Fishing Books €10. 4 Gardening Books €10. 2 DIY Books €5. 2 Surfing Books + 1 Book about Sharks €5. 8 Animal & Geographic incl. Encyclopaedias €15. 5 Mixed Books €10 Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. DICTIONARY Español / Spanish – Castellano €5. SPANISH READING BOOKS for teenagers (3) €5 each. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. MARTIAL ARTS TROUSERS Black with a white stripe down the sides, size Large or 30. As new, never used. €15. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. TV BRACKET; Previously used for a 42” Flat screen TV. 83cm long x 38cm wide x 4 1/2 - 3 1/2 depth. Wall Bracket only €10. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin.

SURF/ SCUBA ACCESSORIES Da Kine 2x ROOF RACK PADS with tie down straps 45cm. €10. Da Kine 2x FOOT STRAPS Windsurf €15. Body Glove BOOTS size 8 / 40-41 M 6.5mm €20. Sola Titanium WETSUIT HOOD Size M 2mm €10. 2 pairs Titanium Alder Polypropylene GLOVES Size M 6.5mm €20 each. Thermo X O’Neil RASH TOP long sleeve SURF TOP Size M 3mm €10. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. VARIOUS TROWELS (BRICK, TILING, Notched), spreaders, hand floats, 11 in total. €20. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. 3m TRANSMITTER TOWER €40. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. SPORTS STUFF; Wooden Skimboard €15 Black Bike Helmet Large Oxelo €7. “TSG Dawn” White Bike Helmet 57-60cm with Go-Pro base €25. VINTAGE Women’s/Girls “CALIFORNIA” ROLLER SKATES retro style size 4/5 - 37/38. €25 NIKE Men’s/Large Boys Shin Pads with detachable Ankle guards NEVER USED in bag, €10 NIKE Boots/ Shoes bag €5. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. VA R I O U S I T E M S Y O G H U RT MAKER makes 1 litre of yoghurt. Includes 1 spare container and instructions. €8. VINTAGE GLASS PUNCH BOWL & 6 CUPS SET, perfect condition €15 Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin.

PSP inviZimals PSP camera included +2 Traps. 2 games; 1.THE HUNT STARTS HERE 2.JOIN THE HUNT €15 Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. TOTAL CONTROL UC-AV10 R00. Picture and sound of your AV equipment, such as DVD, VCR, Satellite, Set-top box, etc. Available everywhere in your home without the use of cables. Quality picture and sound using ultra high frequency. Noise free signal assured by three free selectable channels. Remote control extender that enables you to control your device from the viewing location. Easy to set up. €30. Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. KEY SAFE POD Brand new/never used keep keys safe while you’re out and about. Dimensions L 9cm x W 6.3cm x D 2.8cm. €20 Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. VARIOUS RODS & RESTS ROD REST €15 ROD + TENAX CARBON TELESCOPIC POLE WHIP ROD 8 Sections with bag. 7metres. AS NEW, NEVER USED. Telescopic pole/whip is suitable for salt water fishing and freshwater lake and river fishing. €45 Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin.

QF Focus Magazine SECURITY CONCERTINA DOOR grill white; 204cm x 83cm. It is only half a large concertina grill, the side without the lock. Great condition. €30 Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. PACKARD BELL 19” PC MONITOR + cables VGA input but It’s easily connected to HDMI €20 Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin VOLUMISING EXPRESS BLOW DRY BRUSHES x 2 BRAND NEW Creates a Massive Fringe or just Big Bouncy Hair €5 each Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. BEIGE LEATHER COAT, quilted lining, with belt, 2 pockets and 5 buttons (+spare). Size 10-12/3840 never worn as new €25 Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin. KNEISSEL OIL RADIATOR with thermostat Colour white, On wheels. Maximum Power 2500w. 3 maximum levels. 65cm height Length 55cm Width 15cm. €45 Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin LAZER - CERAMIC FAN HEATER Colour silver, Tall & Slim. Oscillates. 2 settings 750w + Maximum Power 1500w. Never used, as new in box, with instructions. €35 Tel; 676 519 118 Villamartin.


Personal AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS For families and friends of problem drinkers. There are meetings in Torrevieja. Phone 634 349 961.

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The Professionals Vega Baja issue 14 NOW OUT

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Property Sales & Rentals

VERY PRIVATE VILLA 5 minutes walk into Orba. Our home for more than 15 years with 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms plus a family bathroom, set in some 188m2 + is set in a large flat plot in excess of 2,500m2. Lounge of 24m2, separate media/ sitting room, kitchen diner re-modernised in May 2011, office/ study has been used as a 4th bedroom. Front covered terrace, a rear covered terrace dining area, outside kitchen plus store. Large patio surrounding the pool and children’s / cooling off pool that cascades down the rockery into the main pool. Garden areas including several types of fruit trees, palms etc. Electric gate system, full irrigation system, 2 carports and parking for a further 10 cars. The property is approached by a tarmac road that has a total of only 7 properties on the full length, all of a very high quality and value. The village has bars restaurants, supermarkets, chemist and lots of various shops. There are sea views to the Denia coast and it is surrounded by mountains and a valley making it probably the most private property in the area - totally unique. 10 minutes drive to a large shopping mall, 15/20 minutes to the coast. Selling for 395,000€. For photos and all information call David on (0034) 666 037 331 or email d.edwards.homes@gmail.com DETACHED HOUSE WITH APARTMENT DETACHED 3 BED house with independent 1 bed apartment, Garage, off street parking for 3 cars, 800 sq m plot, Pinar de Campoverde , offers around 265,000€. Telephone 637 718 651. VILLAGE TOWNHOUSE, BENIARDA Beniarda. Village Townhouse with shops and bars nearby. Open plan dining, lounge and kitchen. Downstairs toilet. Woodburner and electric radiators. 3 bedrooms, one with terrace. Study area. Bathroom. Roof terrace with mountain views and kitchen. Fibre broadband. 30 mins to coast. Reduced to 145,000€ or consider an exchange to smaller house or bungalow. Tel 693 246 318.



Autos COYS RENT A CAR An independent Car hire company operating from the Torrevieja area, Alicante & Murcia airports. To get a quote, look at our website: www.coysrent-a-car.com


Built 2001. 225m / 800m2. West facing. Lovely sea and hillside views. Benissa Coast. 4 bedrooms / 3 baths. Spa bath. 2 sitting rooms, 2 kitchens, utility. Large naya. All upgraded. Excellent decorative order. Gas CH, Double glazing. Auto. gates leading to large driveway. Nice gardens. 9x4m pool with lights. Quiet area. Garage/ workshop/ pump room/ storage. REDUCED from €425,000 to €375,000 for private sale. Tel: 96 649 7841. Mobile: 647 008 223. Email: jeanprice.spain@gmail.com for photos. 2





NEW SUPERSTORE OPENING IN LOS MONTESINOS Calle Rojales (formerly Tony Firth Auctions). Grand opening at 11am on 4th January offering Free BBQ, Free Drinks and for one day only 10% discount on all furniture purchased.

Man and Van Contact us now for a quotation SPECIAL OFFERS NEW Double Storage Bed complete with mattress from only 350€. 135cm x 190cm choice of colours.

604 199 265 · 688 883 097

CASH WAITING For your unwanted Secondhand furniture Call us today Large ranges of new and quality used sofas at great prices.

We go to so you don’t have to! Flat Pack furniture now available in-store & to order.

Next to Benimar complex opposite Aldi / Consum Rojales Calle De La Constitucion 55 · Rojales · 03170


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