Eye tests play a huge part in making sure your eyes stay healthy. Not only are they important for indicating whether you need to start wearing glasses or need to change your prescription, but also for detecting some common eye conditions. For World Health Day (April 7th), Specsavers Ópticas are explaining how regular eye tests can protect sight and identify early signs of health conditions.
Lisa James, store director of Specsavers Ópticas Guardamar says: ‘In a Specsavers survey1 it was revealed that 21% of respondents didn’t know how often they should visit their optician for a routine check-up and the same percentage either can’t remember their last eye examination, or have NEVER had one. Not only does this mean their eyesight is at risk but potentially other aspects of their health too. That’s because while there are several changes we may notice in our vision which could be a sign of a wider health condition, there are also some things that can only be detected during an eye test.’
During a comprehensive eye test our opticians have spotted signs of conditions including glaucoma, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis and cancer, so it’s an important health check.
Cancer of the eye caught early thanks to an eye test
When Teresa B booked an eye test at Specsavers Ópticas in Jávea, she had no idea it would lead to saving her sight and potentially her life.
Teresa first noticed a slightly blurred area of vision in her left eye and suspected it could be the start of cataracts. But during the comprehensive eye test, the optical team noticed that there had been a significant deterioration in the clarity of her vision and she was experiencing distortion of her peripheral vision and referred her for further tests.
Hospital La Fe in Valencia confirmed she had choroidal melanoma, the most common kind of eye cancer in adults and she underwent a course of radiation therapy to stop the tumour growing. After further tests she has been told everything is OK and has only lost a small amount of sight in her eye.
Teresa says: ‘I would strongly advise anyone to have regular eye checks. If I hadn’t visited Specsavers this condition may not have become evident for a considerable amount of time and the damage to my eye could have been irreversible and the cancer could have spread to other parts of my body.’ Visit www.specsavers.es to find your nearest store and book an eye test.
1 OnePoll survey of 2,000 respondents conducted August 2022
Paul Cunningham Nurses Charity was my vision. On my return to Spain after losing my son Paul to spinal cancer at the age of 33, I was shocked to learn that there was no hospice care nursing available in Spain.
As a successful business woman, operating 8 offices throughout the Costa Blanca and Lanzarote, I have lived in Spain for over 30 years and understand the needs of the Ex-pat communities.
Then I met the right people, in the right place at the right time, to start the charity in 2008. It was necessary to have a massive amount of fund raising and support to open the first charity shop in Quesada, which is still open and running.
Fundraising events included galas, dinner dances, raffles, with participants donating not only money, but time and services. Many of the venues and music, were donated and every event was so enjoyable, and I tried to be present at many of these events. Without all this help, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
The headquarters of the charity share an office in La Marina with my insurance office and we now have 3 charity shops, which along with friends and sponsors of the charity, raise the necessary funds to support the nurses in giving home care for terminally ill patients. We work very closely with Torrevieja hospital, which in all reality is a godsend for them, as they call us to inform us when there is a patient who needs the charity’s help to enable them to return home.
We have all types of equipment available for free of charge loans and the nurse allocated will have a brief from the hospital doctors regarding medication and patient requirements. We are not just there for the patient, but also there to help and support the family.
Despite the problems over the last few years, we are surviving but it isn’t easy. Fortunately I have a very steady pair of hands, acting on my behalf – thank you Chris.
My vision and my hope would be finding somebody, with the enthusiasm and talent to take the charity to the next level and extend coverage throughout all of the Costa Blanca and beyond, but I do feel that this is just a dream.
To find out more about the charity or make a donation, please use the QR code in all of our adverts and if you require any information or a quotation for insurance, please contact one of our offices or email info@jennifercunningham.net.
So following on from my stumble last month, I finally had enough of the continuous pain in my wrist and took myself back to my GP's.
She took another look at my original xray and told me there was actually a fracture, a small matter that the on call GP missed at the time of the study. Anyway back down to urgencies at the hospital for further xrays only to find that there was now 2 fractures, so for the last 3 weeks I've had my arm in plaster.
Fingers crossed when I go back to the hospital they will take the cast off and I am back in business. To say it is extremely frustrating is an understatement.
On a much lighter note, April sees more big birthday celebrations for a close friend of ours with a party early on in the month, followed by a weekend in Mojacar at the end of the month. Hopefully we will still be blessed with this glorious weather we are currently having.
Until next time.... Discuss your advertising with your local representative:Sales Manager Michelle 663 178 228 michelle@femalefocusonline.com
QFocus Office: Mon to Fri. 10am - 2pm Tel. 657 501 055
Pick up your next issue on 2 May Deadline for advertising & editorial - 17 April
Female Focus Publications are supporters of www.aldeasinfantiles.es
Easter is a special time in Spain with sombre processions featuring spectacular statues depicting scenes from the Last Supper, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. Here are some of the best places to visit on the Costa Blanca at Easter, which is from Thursday April 6 to Monday April 10 this year.
Historic Orihuela
Orihuela has some of the best and biggest processions, including an appearance by the impressive sculpture, La Diablesa. One of the most overwhelming events is on Thursday April 6 at 11pm when around 10,000 participants walk through Orihuela’s old town streets in complete silence. The street lights are turned off along the route and the only light is that of the lanterns carried by the participants.
On Easter Saturday, the unique Holy Burial of Christ procession involves La Diablesa, a demon with wings created by the sculptor Nicolás de Bussy. The 17th century figure is paraded through the city centre streets but is not permitted to enter the church.
At other times of year, you can see La Diablesa in Orihuela's Archeological Museum in Calle Hospital. Other artworks used in the Easter parades by master sculptures including Francisco Salzillo and Nicolás de Bussy are on display in the Semana Santa museum in Plaza de la Merced.
Easter in Alicante
More larger-than-life statues by great sculptures such as Nicolás de Bussy are displayed in the Easter parades taking part in and around Alicante’s San Nicolás de Bari cathedral. One of the finest events is on Easter Sunday morning when Christ’s Resurrection is celebrated with a huge procession starring those grand statues. Many of the city centre and beachside restaurants serve special Easter menus during the weekend.
Santa Faz pilgrimage
Two weeks after Easter, on Thursday April 20 this year, Spain's second most popular pilgrimage takes place in Alicante. Around 300,000 people take part in the pilgrimage starting from San Nicolás cathedral in Alicante city centre and ending at the Santa Faz monastery, seven kilometres away. This is the only time of year when the important Holy Relic - the Veil of Veronica used to wipe Jesus’s face as he carried the Cross to his Crucifixion - comes out of its locked room in Santa Faz monastery
High Inflation is eating your money. Therefore, your money held in a savings account earning bank interest is still going backwards in value. Fix the problem by calling me or popping into Seagate Wealth Management office in Benijofar, ask for me, and join our 100's of satisfied clients.
(note: The above is what new investors would receive and investors of over 5 years would receive 1.2% p.a. more than published rates above)
Other benefits of the above package are:
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Please call me for information on investment solutions for your circumstances. I have some special investments for experienced investors only.
David Diggle C.A.T. DipFA (Certified Accounting Technician & British level 4 Professional Financial Adviser) CISI - Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments membership number 249741
Tel: 865 751 713 / 615 607 278 / 965 704 338
Seagate Wealth Management, Avenida Federico Garcia, 101, Benijofar, 03178, Alicante, South Costa Blanca.
Email: dave.diggle@seagatewealth.es.
Website: www.seagatewealth.es / www.daviddiggle.es.
1. Retrospective licences / Certificates of antiquity: Used to make building work carried out without a licence unobjectionable and therefore avoid fines or sanctions, or to upgrade the escrituras or council tax with extensions carried out with or without a licence. Once issued, they don’t expire.
2. Energy Performance Certificates:
Legally required before renting, selling, or marketing any property in Spain and Europe. Once issued, they are valid for ten years unless rated with a “G”. In this last case, they are valid for five years.
3. Habitation Licences:
- First habitation licence: Valid for five years. They are only issued when properties are originally built.
- Second habitation licences (commonly known as Habitation or Occupation Licence): Valid for ten years. Used to sell and rent, essentially to change the ownership in utility bills.
Martinez de la Casa Architects is the Number 1 company for Architectural Certification Southern Spain, including Energy Performance Certificates (121€ inc IVA) and Number 1 Company for Habitation/Occupation Licences (prices depending on each Town Hall)
The price of a Pool Retrospective Licence (Certificate of Antiquity) is 190€+IVA (229€ IVA Inc) and for Extensions 270€+IVA (326€ IVA Inc, all extensions in the property included).
For all enquiries or to arrange an appointment please call 665 810 411 (English) or visit www.martinezdelacasa.com to see an impressive list of over 200 testimonials by different clients.
Vega Baja Edition: 15,000 copies per issue in high quality gloss B5 paper every six months.
Marina Alta Edition: 15,000 copies per issue on high quality gloss A4 paper every six months.
The magazine is also published as an online digital magazine with ‘live’ links, where readers are one click away from your website and therefore one click away from becoming your client.
Vega Baja and Marina Alta editions - out end April 2023, don't miss it!
See page 4 for contact details of your local representative
From the Vega Baja gardening club. Hello all, this is the first of a series of short articles with some ideas from the club to help you look after your pots, balcony or garden.
Does your garden path or calle get lots of weeds in it? Try a solution of ordinary salt, about a quarter of a packet to a watering can full works well. You must keep it away from any soil you want to grow things in, but it really works without lots of horrible chemicals.
It's now time to put some seeds in, especially herbs like Basil, Oregano and Thyme etc. Annual flowers like Lobelia, Moss Rose (Spanish Portulaca) can be started and will make a beautiful profusion of colour in the summer.
If you've been growing Hyacinths and similar spring bulbs, you can remove the bulbs from their pots and allow them to dry out before putting them in a cardboard box to store somewhere cool until autumn.
If you haven't already done it, clip back any straggling shrubs, your passion flowers, Lantana and roses will get stronger new growth in the summer.
That's all for now, more next month.
Andrea Oates. Vega Baja gardening club. Email: gardenclub.vegabaja@gmail.com
President, Marion Smith said: “This was the fifth annual lunch at Giovanni’s. There was a fantastic atmosphere and through the generosity of guests and our host John (Giovanni), a magnificent 405€ was raised for the Association of Movers and Shakers”. The Association of Movers and Shakers offers support and friendship to people affected by Ataxia, Huntington’s Disease, Motor Neurone Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease.
If you suffer from, or care for someone with one of the above diseases, or you are interested in becoming a volunteer, you may contact the President, Marion Smith by telephone at: +34 711 008 250 or email at: marion.smith@amscb.org.es Additionally, you can visit their website at: www.amscb.org.es
The photos shows some of the guests enjoying lunch: In the foreground is one of the founder members David Smith, who suffers from Huntington’s Disease, David Storey, a Volunteer and Marion Smith, President of the Association.
Last month I finished by saying I have been building a simple radio telescope. It's not as crazy as it sounds, amateur astronomers have a long history of building things for themselves. My generation growing up after the war had little choice, but it still seems to be a normal thing to do. Club member Mark built a very effective star tracker not long ago.
Ten years ago, the receiver needed was a big expensive piece of equipment, but, as I mentioned last month we can now buy a little gadget that plugs into a computer, a Software Dependent Radio (sdr) and with some effort this acts as a receiving station for a radio telescope complete with digital readout and lots of impressive numbers on the screen.
I read a few tutorials and watched a couple of YouTube videos about it all, then my wife bought me an sdr, and told me to get on with it, I had no excuses now so get on with it I did. I downloaded the software needed, not the usual simple task as it has to be set up as it's installed then I plugged the thing in. It was at this point that it dawned on me that an antenna of some kind would be a good idea so I read a bit more about them. Did you know that antenna design is a field of science and maths all on its own? I do now!
The type of antenna depends on what you want to receive, its frequency, its strength, location, movement, and about 2 books more of stuff. So it was time to decide what to listen to.
Keep it simple I thought, an old TV aerial can be made to detect meteors as they pass through the French space radar beam so that's what I did, but not until I found I needed another electronic gubbins and some time pointing the blasted antenna in the wrong direction. There's a big difference between magnetic north and true north, I wish I'd remembered that earlier. The upshot of this was success, I can hear the pings and with some time I'll be able to do a lot more. I'm hoping to tie in my results with a meteor camera that a neighbouring astronomy group uses.
So what next I thought, listen to the storms on Jupiter? Listen and measure all the massive storms on the Sun at the moment? Or maybe try and map out the resonance of all the free Hydrogen in space as it sings its tune to the universe. You'll have to wait a month to hear about the next mess I got myself into.
● To find out more about observing and astronomy why not join our group, email us at vegabaja.astronomygroup@gmail.com to find out more.
At DiVito's Pizza Bar you are guaranteed a warm welcome from Matt and Noeleen whether for drinks in their cosy bar or to sample some of their delicious food. This venue originally opened in August 2020 and was then known as DiVito's by the 4 Amigos when Ollie and Tina were also involved in the business. However, in January 2022 they decided to move onto to pastures new and Matt & Noeleen became the proud sole owners of the business. They don't have a pizza menu per say... you create your own pizza with a choice of different base sauces and a large selection of toppings with Noeleen's homemade dough…. the final product is yummy.
The kebab wraps are also very popular where you can have a small wrap for just 6€ or go large for 8.50€. A selection of light bites are available for 6€ with a good choice of burgers, snacks and salads. Noeleen prepares and cooks all the food fresh to order and her homemade coleslaw is to die for.
All food is available for eat in or takeaway so you can call your order or WhatsApp for pick up on 711 078 509.
DiVito's will happily cater for vegan and gluten free customers and will endeavour to address any other dietary requirements. There is a spacious covered outside terrace and also a large seating area in the sunshine for you sun worshippers.
Situated just off Avenida Costa Azul, close to Canales Supermarket in Quesada….what are you waiting for?
The Jaguar Enthusiast Club J.E.C. Costa Blanca had a lovely drive out to the Jalon valley recently.
The day started early for members from the Murcia and the south of Alicante as they met at the motorway services in Elche, before making their way to Villajoyosa services where Mike Brook was waiting for their arrival with more members.
After a refreshment stop in Lliber where more Jaguars from the North of Alicante joined the group it was onto the Bodega XALO in the village of Jalon where they have wine tasting so you can try before you buy. Finely it was back to the road to finish up at the restaurant La Solana in Alcalali where lunch was booked for 55 members.
Once our lunch was over it was time to party when Susie Q a female vocalist sang and lifted the atmosphere of the room and the dancers took to the dance floor.
Meanwhile the Jaguar big Cat’s were making a wonderful display while taking up the full length of the car park all neatly parked in a line displaying their Jaguar badges on their bonnets and on some others Jaguar leaping mascots.
Once again it turned out to be a fantastic event and a fun packed day to remember as members danced, sang or chatted the afternoon away.
If you would like to join us on one of our monthly meetings telephone or whatsapp Mike Brook 640 866 711, Facebook. JEC-COSTA BLANCA or email mikebikejec@gmail.com.
One of the best Moors & Christians fiestas in Spain takes place in Alcoy this month. The festival in honour of Alcoy's patron saint San Jorge - St George - has been declared of International Tourist Interest since 1980.
It commemorates the historical events that took place in 1276, when the city was in danger of being defeated by the Moors during the famous Battle of Alcoy. But St George miraculously appeared as a giant warrior on horseback on April 23 to save the Alcoyanos. They, therefore, made him their patron saint and built a church with a great mural in his honour.
The fiesta over three days is full of incredible parades, music and an epic gun battle. On Saturday April 22, first the Christians - at around 10.30am - and then the Moors - at 5pm - parade through the streets. The main events are saved for St George's Day with more processions and amazing costumes at 11am and 7.30pm. The final day sees a reenactment of the battle to take control of the castle with events starting at 8am. As evening falls at around 9.30pm, St George appears on his white steed to recreate the miracle that Alcoy has celebrated for hundreds of years.
Typical dishes and drinks associated with the fiesta include Moros cakes and Café Licor mixed with iced lemon or cola.
If you can't get to the Moors and Christians in Alcoy in April, you can visit the Museu Alcoià de la Festa to find out more about the traditions and costumes.
Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. It is not a math game at all - it is a pure logic game. Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
1 Frown (5)
4 Grey (5)
10 "Raising ---" (1987 Nicolas Cage film) (7)
11 Hibernian (5)
12 Outer covering (4)
13 Final course sounds dry (7)
15 Stalwart in the lead, or out of sorts (11)
19 Implore urgently (7)
21 Emperor of Rome, 54-68
AD (4)
23 Throw out (5)
24 Angers (7)
25 Inheritors (5)
26 Rounds up (5)
2 Dry red Italian table wine (7)
3 Horse-stopping command (4)
5 Gymnastic pommel horse exercise (8)
6 Banish (5)
7 Bears out cavalryman's sidearm (5)
We are a relaxed and friendly mixed group who meet once a week at the Laguna Hotel in Quesada at 3pm for a chat and coffee. The aim of the group is to support those who have lost someone close and help make new friends. We also enjoy meals / lunches out and day trips etc. For more information call Joan on 634 336 103 or Steve on 623 220 052 or just come along for a chat one Saturday.
8 Obsolete form of marine propulsion (6,5)
9 Snap (5)
14 Forebear (8)
16 Appeared (7)
17 Grew less (5)
18 Pinch in the fundament (5)
20 Filch (5)
22 It's made of wood in the woods (4)
This year Amata exists 25 years and for this reason, a contest for unique pieces is held in all the fairs that this association of artisans will organise this year, and the public can vote for the most beautiful or original work.
The next event planned is a Medieval Market (also with Arts & Crafts), in Alcalá del Júcar (Albacete), at Easter. Alcalá del Júcar is one of the most beautiful villages in Spain and in itself is already worth a visit. But with the Medieval Market, which is being organized this year for the eighth time, to the wide range of touristic attractions are added authentic craft stalls, craft demonstrations, story telling, medieval characters and fire shows, so that young and old alike can spend a few unforgettable hours in this charming village.
The market is set up from 6 to 9 April, on the beautiful esplanade next to the river and opens on Thursday afternoon and on all other days both in the morning and in the afternoon. The programme for this market is published at https://www.puebloartesano.es/ alcaladeljucar.
Amata, the craft association that organizes these events, rigorously selects the participants, ensuring that there is quality and the maximum variety. In this way the public has the opportunity to buy directly from the artisan and even ask for something special if they cannot find what they are looking for. Most artisans bring their tools along, so they can personalise their products or adapt them to customer preferences, for example, painting a special design or engraving a name on the chosen piece.
J J. Jones has been portraying Neil Diamond for the past 30+ years taking him as far away to Australia for 5 years touring, and 3 years in UK theatres with his 7 piece band, but for the last 11 years as one of the top acts in Benidorm.
The time has come to now perform his show outside of Benidorm as he has recently moved home to Jalon and away from the hustle bustle of Benidorm - time to play in other areas, in other words to slow down a bit.
The show comes complete with full P.A. and state of the art lighting system. The show consists of a 1 hour first set which consists of the most popular ballads Neil Diamond has performed and written, from the film the Jazz Singer including Love On The Rocks, Hello Again, and the songs of life. The second set is 50 minutes of audience participation with songs Forever In Blue Jeans, Crackling Rosie, America, and of course everyone's favourite Sweet Caroline. The show is suitable for restaurants, outdoor venues and private parties. To enquire about this show please contact Lin or JJ at neildiamondtribute1@gmail.com, or visit
www.facebook.com/neildiamondtributebenidormJjJones or telephone 684 416 833.
Andante International Choir is the only choir in the Costa Blanca community devoted to sacred choral works and classical pieces. They meet in Los Montesinos at Calle San Antonio, 4 on Thursday nights from 7.15pm until 9pm. All are welcome to join them. They especially need tenors and basses. For more information contact Andante International Choir member Sue Lewey at suelewey@gmail.com. Also see the Facebook page, Andante International Choir (Spain).
The Costa Blanca Singers invite you to come along to an Open Rehearsal throughout this month and join in if you wish. New enthusiastic members are joining them every month as the word spreads of the fun and friendship within The Costa Blanca Singers. Their brilliant choir master will bring out the very best in you. Whether you come alone or with others, you will feel immediately welcome. They have an ever-increasing list of invitations to sing at organised charity events. For dates and venues, check out www.costablancasingers.com, Facebook or call/ WhatsApp 624 144 703 or 641 992 164. Don't be shy, give it a try.
Rojales Pantomime Group keep on giving. 1000€ was donated to San Fulgencio Caritas from the performance of the pantomime Treasure Island to help the needy of the Parish. John Fagg, the Group’s Chairman presented the donation to Jose Sampere Ballester, San Fulgencio Mayor and Ramon Belda Diez, Parish
Priest and Caritas President. The Group are recruiting a Stage Manager and backstage crew, together with a Costume Manager to ensure that their next pantomime will be a great success and raise lots of money for local charities. For information regarding these positions and the future Group’s pantomime performance email rojalespanto@yahoo.com.
Studio32 invite you to come along for a night of pure entertainment when they perform the award winning musical, “Hello Dolly’. Coming to you at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre, San Fulgencio from Wednesday 31st of May to Saturday 3rd of June. Doors open at 7:00pm, curtain up at 7:30pm. To book tickets online for our show please visit our website www.studiothirtytwo.org, email tickets@studiothirtytwo.org or call Linda on 679 062 272. For those of you unsure of how to use our system you can call into The Post Box in Doña Pepa, or Quesada Tech where someone will be on hand to assist you with booking tickets. You could also come along to one of our rehearsals at Casa Contenta, Rojales, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7:30pm and 9:30pm where someone will be available to assist you.
If you would like to be part of this band of charitable entertainers, please email editor@femalefocusonline.com. Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication. Full details of all Stage Diary entertainment groups are available online at www.femalefocusonline.com
Peacocks Petanca Club would love to see you for a fun game of Petanca at Westvilles Country Club.
Crescendo International Choir has two concerts after Easter. One will be Saturday, April 15 at Santiago Apostol Church in Benijofar. This performance should take place around 20.00, after the mass. This free concert will feature a bucket collection upon exiting the church. Funds raised will be used to support the town hall’s social services department.
Then, Crescendo International Choir will be performing at La Siesta Evangelical Church in La Siesta Urbanization, Torrevieja, on Monday, April 17 at 18.30. There will also be a bucket collection at this free concert in support of the church’s charity work.
Songs the choir plans to perform include Make You Feel My Love, I Say a Little Prayer for You, The Rose, and Hallelujah. The group will be singing City of Stars, from the popular film LA LA Land, and for its grand finale, the choir will sing a medley of six songs from the highly popular musical Les Miserables. So don’t miss it!
No experience or equipment required, just come along and we'll help you all the way.
We meet at 10.30am on Monday mornings. Food and drink available. For more information, please visit WESTVILLES on Facebook or www.westvilles.com or phone 966 785 651/ 666 654 202. Westvilles are situated behind Guardamar park camping. We look forward to seeing you.
The choir now has a new president named Robin Myers. He took over as the leader of this group in February 2023 from outgoing president Mary Mitchell. She served as choir president for 13 years. Although no longer president, Mary continues to sing in the choir. The photo shows them at the change of leadership. For more details about the choir or its upcoming events, please check out www.crescendo-choir.com. You can also follow the group on Facebook at CrescendoTorrevieja. Or if you have questions, email info@crescendo-choir.com.
The choir would be delighted to have more singers, especially basses. This international group sings a variety of songs ranging from musicals to spirituals, from pop to classical, mostly in English or Spanish. Rehearsals typically take place at Rincon de Miguel in Los Montesinos on Mondays between 17:45 to 20:00. All singers are welcome!
The Homes Gardens & Lifestyle Show will be OPEN from 10.00 – 17.00 for two fabulous fun days next month on FRIDAY 5th & SATURDAY 6th MAY at the SUITOPIA HOTEL - Calpe, Avenida Europa 2
Save the dates to come and meet our amazing cast of exhibitors, speakers, chefs, artists, and Lady Jazz, all waiting to share their products, services, passions and love of what they do with YOU!
With over 65 quality exhibitors and an array of feature attractions! Soak up the beachy vibes in this year’s local art competition and section featuring our theme 'Swimming in the Blues!'
The Talks and Cooking demos are super interesting this year and you can interact with our speakers and chefs!
Be sure to stop at the VIP fizz and juice area in the Indoor Salon to toast the King and we are also televising the Coronation ceremony courtesy of Telitec so come and enjoy our street part atmosphere and bunting!
Lady Jazz and her amazing voice are joining us again on Friday 5th to get our party started!
Super excited that many of the exhibitors are offering huge Show discounts on prime products and services so if you are looking for fresh ideas and on trend solutions there is only one place to be…….
You can also taste your way around the Show following our FREE Tapa Trail sponsored by Avalon to enjoy some tasty sample nibbles..... and for more food and wine take your place for some cool cooking demos with fresh ideas, enjoy watching then sampling the dishes by the Show chefs sharing their culinary flare!
As always we are serving up inspiration and information on how to upcycle, upgrade, refresh and revamp your HOMES, GARDENS & LIFESTYLE not forgetting your well-being as we also have some great therapists offering some free taster treatments!
We are also supporting 5 local charities, providing free stands so they can use the event to help meet their needs as many are looking for volunteers.....
Could you be one in the future?
The Suitopa is a stunning hotel in a fantastic beach side location and you could WIN a luxurious night’s stay here if you visit the Show in our FREE prize draw being hosted by Exactly Gestors.
Refreshments and snacks are available throughout the day at this FREE to enter event there are 300 parking places available under the hotel and the towns FREE car park where the Wednesday market is held, is just a two-minute walk from the hotel. Our exhibitors are now listed on our website: www.gmpromotions.es
We look forward to welcoming you once again to the Costa’s Nº1 annual community event.
For any information on the Show and final opportunities available plus to book a last available stand contact us.
Facebook: @HomesGardensandLifestyleShow
Telephone: 695 399 841
Email: office@gmpromotions.es
Success with permanent Weight Loss - now in Torrevieja with Slim4Life.es
Owing to the massive success and rapid increase in demand for the Slim4Life products, together with our proven Weight Loss Coaching, Slim4Life.es is now the authorised New You and Shake That Weight Meal Replacement distributor in Spain.
It’s so easy!
1. Decide which Slim4Life plan is right for you.
2. Choose from our huge range of shakes, bars, meals, desserts & snacks
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Start your transformation! Phone Shirley 675-619-568 or Julie 603-176-827 and take that NEW YOU step now
Weight-loss: 5 stone 1lb. Living and loving my slim trim shape, so happy to finally be healthy.
Q: What made you decide to lose weight?
A: 10 years ago I had a cage fitted in my lower spine as I needed 4 discs replaced. I was in a wheelchair for a long time; I needed to learn to walk again. I hated the way I looked and felt and my health was suffering. I knew something had to change! Then I met Shirley and the Slim4Life family and I haven't looked back.
Q: What made you choose Slim4Life?
A: I have been overweight since being in the wheelchair, I have tried lots of diets. I had tried a VLCD before and had success but a move to Spain meant I had no support, something I needed. Slim4life was everything I needed, plus the important support!
Q: What Slim4Life plan did you follow?
A: Total Solution and maintenance plan.
Q: What were your favourite Slim4Life products?
A: Shakes, soups and bars, porridge and sweet and sour meals. Let's face it, all of them, such a great choice. No need to be hungry.
Q: What did you learn on the plan?
A: I am much more aware of what I eat and why in the past I made such bad food choices. I now choose to eat foods that are healthy for me, so no bad fats, low sugar and fish or white meat only.
Q: How did your plan fit into your lifestyle?
A: I didn’t find it too much of a problem at all. Shake for breakfast, soup or shake for lunch and a bar in the evening. On days out I could throw a bar in my bag and was ready to go! The plan is so flexible! I also talk to restaurant owners to ask them not to cook with fats for me.
Q: What kept you motivated?
A: I wanted my life back! Seeing the scales drop weekly and people starting to notice my weight loss kept me going! In addition, of course, having a better choice with size and style of clothesbuying what I wanted, not just what I could find to fit!
Q: What exercise did you do?
A: I'm lucky enough to have a great outdoor gym and a husband who is my personal trainer. I have a vibro plate which I love and I swim most days as well as walking at every opportunity.
Q: When did you first notice a difference?
A: When the cold weather arrived, I went to put on my winter clothes. I was shocked, as they were all far too big for me.
Q: How has your life changed?
A: I’m happier and more confident - but most important “I’m me again!”
Q: What is your next goal?
A: I have maintained my weight loss but I need Shirley and the Slim4Life family to help motivate and support me, as I want to stay slim and trim.
Q: Would you recommend Slim4Life to a friend?
A: Totally, as the support and motivation from the Slim4Life family is amazing.
Find all the Spanish words from the word list in the puzzle grid. Words may be found going forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonally. Answers can be found in the back of the magazine. Good Luck.
See back pages for answers
Ss Peter and Paul, Torrevieja, La Siesta Church, Calle Granados, Urb La Siesta, Torrevieja
Thursday 6 April – HOLY (MAUNDY) THURSDAY
1900 Mass of the Lord's Supper with Washing of feet Please bring bells to ring at the Gloria in excelsis At the end of the Mass we have the Watch of the Passion, a time of silent prayer at the altar which becomes the Altar of Repose, the Garden of Gethsemane
Friday 7 April – GOOD FRIDAY 1500 Celebration of the Lord's Passion
Saturday 8 April –HOLY SATURDAY 1900 The Easter Vigil followed by a celebration
Sunday 9 April – EASTER SUNDAY 0930 Holy Eucharist
For more information call Father Seabrook on 693 932 438
Facebook: @anglicantorrevieja
On the 1st of June myself Gill Thomson and my equally crazy friend Tracy Kacperski will set off to walk 800km (500 miles). We will walk the Camino Frances route of the Camino de Santiago. Starting in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France crossing over the Pyrenees then across the north of Spain from east to west passing through the Basque region, León and Galicia to arrive at our destination in Santiago. Sleeping in albergues (pilgrim hostels) along the way and hopefully mixing with many interesting people from many countries.
This has been a pilgrimage route since the 9th century, following in the footsteps of St James whose remains rest in a tomb within the Cathedral Santiago de Compostela. In modern days we now follow a well marked route with yellow arrows showing the way every few hundred yards. The arrows only appeared in 1980 when a priest from O’Cebriero designed them in a bid to recover the popularity of the pilgrim route. Last year over 400,000 people walked at least part of this route in order to be awarded a certificate. On reaching Santiago you must show proof that you have walked a minimum of 100km to gain a certificate. So back to us, the two not so young birds, we have decided we will walk the whole 800km. What makes someone want to do that?
I started reading the first of many memoirs about walking the Camino de Santiago around three years ago. I became obsessed with the subject and read everything I could find, watched films and YouTube videos. I really was inspired to do this walk.
People embark on this pilgrimage for a multitude of reasons. Everything I have read says that this journey is life changing. Some people walk for spiritual or religious reasons some for personal growth or out of gratitude for a prayer answer, or seeking the answer to a prayer. For some it is a walk seeking guidance for a life changing situation. For others it is a challenge or an escape from the pressures of life.
Around the time I started to read about walking the Camino my sister was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I visited her in Scotland as often as I could, spending hours talking to her about my new obsession among other things. Cancer was something we had almost expected and dreaded all our lives. Our grandmother, our mother's older sister and the our mother had all died at a young age from cancer. My sister encouraged me to go and follow my dream as she felt that cancer had robbed her of the chance to fulfil many of her dreams. You always think there will be time in the future but for many people that future is cut short. Sadly for my sister she lost her battle with cancer on the 21st of February 2022. My husband has also been a great encouragement, happy to point out that I’m not getting any younger so “I should get on with it”!!
Having decided to get on with it, I was talking about the walk in my local pub, Jolly’s Bar. This friendly bar has raised a great deal of money for Macmillan over the last few years. It was suggested to me that I might want to help raise funds for this much needy cause by collecting sponsorships for my walk...how could I say no when Macmillan were also very supportive to my sister. So Sarah has organised that sponsor forms will be located in Jolly's Bar and Harry's bar both in Quesada for anyone that would like to contribute. A go fund me page has also been set up if anyone would prefer to sponsor this way, a copy of this link is on the Facebook page for Jolly's Bar.
Mallorcan tennis ace Rafa Nadal is opening another Tatel restaurant - in the heart of Valencia. It is set to open in the summer in Calle Pascual i Genís, near the town hall, and will join the Tatel family which is already present in Ibiza, Madrid, Riyadh, Doha and Beverly Hills.
On the menu, you can expect dishes such as croquettes, oysters, jamón de Ibérico and rice dishes including a special arroz Tatel with ribs.
Tatel is part of the Mabel Capital group founded in Madrid and owned by business partners Manuel Campos Guallar, Abel Matutes Prats and the record-breaking tennis superstar. Rafa Nadal and Novak Djokovic hold the record for winning an impressive 22 men's singles Grand Slam titles.
“Tatel represents the quintessence of the welcoming and playful spirit that characterises Spanish restaurants. Tatel’s gastronomy is based on the most traditional Spanish-Mediterranean cuisine, but with a contemporary and innovative touch,” says the Mabel Capital website.
It is among the 25 restaurants in the world worth travelling for, according to USA Today.
Bob Dylan is performing at the Plaza de Toros in Alicante on Thursday June 15 as part of his international tour to promote his latest album, Rough and Rowdy Ways. The tour kicked off in Milwaukee in 2021 and includes 12 concerts in Spain starting with two nights in Madrid on June 7 and 8, followed by Seville (10 and 11), Granada (13), Alicante (15), Huesca (17), San Sebastián (19 and 20), Logroño (21) and Barcelona (23 and 24). Tickets from €60 to €185 are available from www.bobdylan.com/on-tour/ and www.alicantegoldest.com/conciertos.
The set list includes many of his classics as well as songs from the new album. The interesting thing to note is that it is a mobilefree zone where the audience have to lock their phones away in magnetic pouches during the show.
This association, formed in 1988, exists to foster comradeship amongst those who, having been awarded an official flying badge, have qualified to operate military aircraft and are serving or have served, as military aircrew in the armed forces of the United Kingdom or those nations which are allies of the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth.
If you are interested in joining this popular association or would like to know more, please call the Secretary on 96 649 5228.
In the middle of the month you will have an explosion of feelings as you start to celebrate a special time in your life. Friends and relatives are very generous towards you and things really are looking good. Enjoy this moment as you really have deserved it.
Don’t put it off any longer, get all the little things done and out of the way so you can concentrate on more important things. Planning a trip away can help to give you something to look forward to.
Someone you admire will surprise you with their help and support as you didn’t even know they cared that much about you. Your willingness to help out needs to be kept in check otherwise you are going to over do it.
You are fed up of just standing back when you know you are in the right. Make sure that it is worth it before you make a big deal about it. Sometimes it is just not worth the hassle, even though it does not seem fair.
Diplomacy seems to be the word of the month. You will need to have the patience of a saint with some of the situations you find yourself in. Fortunately you will find it and things will smooth over quickly.
You are heading for a rocky time with misunderstandings and regrettable words and actions. Try not to let it get out of control, be the better person before it becomes a cycle of tit for tat.
This month will find you much more settled in yourself. You have been a bit erratic recently but now seemed to be getting things sorted which have been held up for too long. With everything coming together you will be able to see things more clearly.
Looking to the future and starting some saving will give you the ability you need to do all the things you want, rather than just dreaming about them. Make it happen, you won’t regret it.
Opening yourself up to more opportunities and people and you will be surprised by how much you enjoy all the new experiences it brings you. Enriching your life really will be an eye opener, and you will wish you did it sooner.
Love is in the air, be it appreciating and reenforcing a long term relationship, or starting out on a new one. Enjoying each moment you are together and planning for the future will cement the bond you have.
If you need a get away, try to make it happen. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. Just a day by the sea, or walking in the mountains can bring the space and tranquillity you are searching for.
Watching and waiting to see the reactions of others will serve you better right now. Jumping in will lead to regret later on. No hasty decisions should be made however straight forward they seem to be. Towards the end of the month things will become clear as to the direction you should go.
You’re invited to come and meet the Easy Horse Care Centre rescued horses, ponies and donkeys Call 652 021 980 or email rescue@easyhorsecare.net For more information visit our website http://www.easyhorsecare.net
BUDDY is a Spanish Mastin approx 10 months old and is already 42kg. Buddy is loyal, obedient, good on a lead and loves his cuddles. He is vaccinated, chipped and has a passport... so ready to find a loving family. Call K9 on 711 082 807 - email: k9clubinfo@gmail.com - K9 Facebook.
Rocky is 5 years and needs a new home. He is chipped, vaccinated and neutered. Rocky is good with other dogs and cats. For more information call: 645 469 253, visit our website www.petsinspain.com or email info@petsinspain.com
Across: 1 Scowl, 4 Ashen, 10 Arizona, 11 Irish, 12 Rind, 13 Dessert, 15 Lionhearted, 19 Beseech, 21 Nero, 23 Evict, 24 Enrages, 25 Heirs, 26 Herds.
Down: 2 Chianti, 3 Whoa, 5 Scissors, 6 Exile, 7 Sabre, 8 Paddle wheel, 9 Photo, 14 Ancestor, 16 Emerged, 17 Ebbed, 18 Goose, 20 Swipe, 22 Tree.