SUMMER in Spain has been dubbed accident season, as millions of people take to the roads for holidays. Due to higher volumes of traffic, increased alcohol consumption, greater numbers of tourists and hot weather, there are more road traffic accidents in the summer meaning drivers need to be extra vigilant – especially when it comes to their vision.
In the months of July and August 2022 alone, there were 225 deaths due to road traffic accidents1 in Spain. This is why, the experts at Specsavers Ópticas are urging people to make sure their eyesight will not be a cause of accidents this summer and are sharing the following advice. Make sure your prescription is up to date - It is extremely important to keep up to date with your eye tests – at least once every two years or more often if required by your optometrist.
Choose lenses for driving in bright sunshine - Polarised lenses are a good option for driving during summer months as they eliminate glare from horizontal surfaces, such as roads, water and sand. They also offer 100% UV protection, improve contrast and help ease the strain on your eyes. Avoid dry eyes - Make sure air vents are angled in such a way that cool air is not blowing into the face, as this can dry out eyes. Also make sure to blink regularly, to prevent dryness. When we are very focused and attentive on something (such as driving), our tendency is to blink less.
Chantelle Hayward, director of Specsavers Ópticas in Calpe says: ‘Good eyesight is one of the most basic requirements of safe driving. It means drivers will be able to spot potential dangers, see pedestrians and other vehicles, read road signs and judge speed, distance and movement. Before you take to the road this summer make sure you have an up-to-date eye test to ensure that you can see clearly on the road.’
For more information or to book a test visit www.specsavers.es
1 Balance de siniestralidad vial verano 2022. Ministerio del Interior. Gobierno de España. https://www.lamoncloa.gob.es/serviciosdeprensa/notasprensa/interior/Paginas/2022/050922trafico-balance-verano.aspx
We can assist you with our bespoke life and mortgage protection policies to protect those that are most important to you, should the worse happen.
The first question would be – have you taken out Life Insurance? You may have a Mortgage Protection policy, which means on your death the mortgage will be paid. But of course, this does not provide your family with some financial security when they really need it.
Mortgage Protection is a good policy to have as it will pay off any mortgage you have on your house, keeping your family secure in their home. This is death only cover, however there are some additional options you can add on if you require them.
For example for Mortgage Payment protection, for €100,000 of cover for a 50 year old can be as little as €305 per year. Whereas life insurance provides a payment to your family. You can tailor the life policy to your own requirements and create a bespoke life insurance – whether to cover the initial costs incurred on your death or give your family a lump sum to provide for their future.
For example life cover of €50,000 for a 50 year old, can be as little as €155 a year.
Our bespoke life policies can give you the cover most suited to you needs with standard death only cover and additional covers to include:-
· Repatriation
· Permanent Absolute Disability
· Death by Accident
· Death by Traffic Accident
· Permanent Absolute Disability due to an Accident
· Permanent Absolute Disability due to a Traffic Accident
· Serious Illness cover/Serious Female illness cover
You do need to be resident in Spain for these policies and there will be a simple health/medical questionnaire that you will need to complete online. These policies are available with monthly direct debit payments, and our policies will be in English.
Alongside the life policies, we can provide various Accident Policies to give you protection throughout your life and provide support should you sadly experience a life changing accident.
If you would like a quotation or more information, please contact one of my offices, email info@jennifercunningham.net or visit our website www.jennifercunningham.net.
Our long awaited summer holiday has finally arrived. Time to relax, put the phones, laptop and other technology aside for a while and just enjoy the many places we will visit.
The men started their holiday a few days earlier than the girls with a fishing trip to the Ebro where they all succeeded with catching some large catfish followed by a day of kayaking.
The girls enjoyed an overnight stay in Tarragona where myself and my angel were surprised by the appearance of my son and his family joining us on our adventure. We then all met up in Barcelona to embark our floating home for the week. I am sure there will be lots of funny stories to tell on our return.
Soon after we return there are a few of us attending the Mad Cool music festival in Madrid. I wasn't going to go but after much persuasion from my friends I thought why not? Life is too short, we may as well enjoy it.
Until next time.
QFocus Magazine covering the Alicante South region and Focus On Magazine covering the Alicante North region.
QFocus Office: Mon to Fri. 10am - 2pm Tel. 657 501 055
Pick up your next issue on 1 July
Deadline for advertising & editorial - 17 June
25th May 2023 - provided by an Investment Product Provider extremely well known to British expats:
Amounts now being applied to investor's accounts DAILY, after charges:
(note: The above is what new investors would receive and investors of over 5 years would receive 1.2% p.a. more than published rates above)
In addition to the above returns on your money the investments are wrapped in a Spanish Tax Compliant investment product designed for Spanish resident ex-pats and this will give you the following benefits:
• Mechanism employed by the Provider smooths returns. Excellent for inexperienced investors and historically vastly better than bank interest returns.
• Option to give a regular monthly or quarterly withdrawal of 5% p.a. penalty free, giving peace of mind for the regularity of a set income.
• Avoidance of Spanish inheritance tax liabilities between spouses if written as a joint policy which is all held in Ireland i.e. outside of Spain.
• Named UK resident beneficiaries will only pay Inheritance tax per UK rules on the passing of this bond. In most cases this will be Nil.
• All income tax deduction and reporting and Modelo 720 asset reporting is done for you in Spain by the Product Provider. This is very simple for investors.
• Portable, should you move back to UK.
• Minimum investment £20,000 or €25,000 or US$35,000.
• 1.5% allocation bonus for investments over £150,000 (immediately worth £152,250). 0.5% allocation bonus for investments over £75,000.
Please call me for information on investment solutions for your circumstances.
David Diggle C.A.T. DipFA
Tel: 865 751 713 / 615 607 278 / 965 704 338. Seagate Wealth Management, Avenida Federico Garcia, 101, Benijofar, 03178, Alicante, South Costa Blanca
Email: dave.diggle@seagatewealth.es or info@daviddiggle.es
Website: www.seagatewealth.es OR www.daviddiggle.es
We work in conjunction with fully regulated and authorised companies.
Undertaking an extension without the necessary permits brings several potential drawbacks. Firstly, the lack of legal compliance poses a significant risk. Homeowners can face penalties, fines, and even demolition orders if the unlicensed extension is discovered. Living in a property with an illegal extension can cause ongoing worry and anxiety. Furthermore, the lack of proper documentation may complicate property transactions, hinder resale potential, and deter potential buyers or lenders.
The fear of discovery and constant unease create anxiety. Homeowners live with the constant worry of being exposed by authorities or neighbours. The knowledge that their extension is unauthorised brings a sense of unease and discomfort. This psychological toll prevents homeowners from fully enjoying their property, undermining their overall quality of life.
Addressing these hazards is vital. Obtaining a retrospective licence allows homeowners to rectify their non-compliant actions, restore legal compliance, and enjoy their property without fear of denouncement or legal repercussions. This proactive approach demonstrates a commitment to adhering to local regulations and provides peace of mind.
Moreover, a retrospective licence positively impacts the property's value and marketability. Prospective buyers and lenders value properties with documented, legally compliant extensions. Such properties generate increased interest and have the potential to maximise the selling price.
Obtaining the necessary documentation also enables homeowners to secure appropriate insurance coverage for the extension, offering financial security and peace of mind in case of unforeseen events. Retrospective licensing provides homeowners with the opportunity to plan for the future with peace of mind. It eliminates the fear of hidden legal issues or denouncement when undertaking
further renovations or modifications. Knowing that the extension has been rectified and brought into compliance instils confidence and allows homeowners to fully enjoy their property.
Additionally, obtaining a retrospective licence facilitates future property transactions. The comprehensive documentation provided satisfies buyer and lender requirements, ensuring a smooth and worry-free transfer of ownership. Homeowners can proceed with property transactions without concerns about the legality of the extension, streamlining the process and avoiding potential obstacles.
To obtain a retrospective licence for an extension built without a proper building licence, certain conditions must be met:
· In Murcia, the building work must be at least 4 years old.
· In Almeria, the building work needs to be over 6 years old.
· Alicante, it must have been completed before August 2010. By demonstrating a commitment to following regulations and taking the necessary steps to obtain a retrospective licence, homeowners can transform their hidden extension dilemma into a path towards legal compliance, security, and peace of mind.
Martinez de la Casa Architects, a trusted and reputable company, specialises in Building Certification. They offer services such as Energy Performance Certificates (121€ IVA Inc) Habitation Licences, and Retrospective Licences.
Homeowners can rely on their expertise and experience to navigate the process smoothly and efficiently.
For all enquiries or to arrange an appointment, homeowners can contact Martinez de la Casa Architects at 665 810 411 (English) or visit their website www.martinezdelacasa.com to learn more and access over 300 testimonials from satisfied clients.
Lyn Baines, Chorus Manager, said: “Good things come to those who wait, and we’re excited to be working with Stu Denham on the next phase of our journey. Stu has a musical background, has sung in a barbershop quartet in the past, and is no stranger to a cappella singing and ringing those chords. We love his bubbly personality, he’s great with audiences and he will fit right in with us.”
Spangles is busy working on some new songs which will certainly become audience favourites. If you love singing and fancy giving the a cappella style a try, why not go see them at a rehearsal and, if you like it, start learning to sing these new songs along with the team!
Spangles rehearse every Thursday, from 10.30am to 1pm at Centro Municipal Las Claras, Calle Helena, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares and you are certainly welcome to visit us – no appointment necessary!
If you’d like to book the chorus for an event or you are thinking about joining them, you can find out more on their website: www.spangleschorus.com or email info@spangleschorus.com
Last month I explained about solar storms and the immense energy they can deliver to our Earth. I suppose that all those disaster films lead many people to suppose that anything like this is all fiction, unfortunately this is definitely science fact and these events are real. We've already looked at past events, and the huge damage done by less severe solar storms on the primitive electrical devices of 1859, the Carrington event I talked about last month, so now it's time to look at what we can do to help ourselves when the next one comes.
The first thing to realise is that we can't stop a solar storm, it's a vast amount of energy moving very quickly through space, so we can't block or deflect it. What we can do is plan for it and that begins with forecasting space weather. Long gone are the days when all we could do was watch the Sun from Earth like Richard Carrington did all those years ago, we now have very special satellites built to observe the Sun and track the Coronal mass ejections as it burps them out. This all started in the 1970s with the Helios satellites, leading up to the Parker solar probe of 2021 which gets really close and is arguably one of the greatest machines ever built. It has flown so close to the Sun that it passed through the corona gathering the information needed by astrophysicists. The Parker probe and other satellites can spot a dangerous event, and together they can track and work out the speed of them to see if they will hit the Earth. It's called predicting the solar weather and it gives us time to prepare things here.
So, what happens when we know trouble is heading our way? Astronauts on the space station who are not protected by our atmosphere will go to a special shielded area and wait it out. Electricity companies on Earth prepare the grids and networks for power surges. Spare transformers are brought from storage to replace those that explode. Some installations may shut down for a short time to avoid cascading failures.
What all this boils down to is that systems have been developed and new types of components fitted to electricity supplies to mitigate the worst types of failures we might have expected - thank goodness for science and research. There is no disaster movie in all this, just good engineering and planning against the ferociousness of the Sun.
2023 is the start of the current solar maximum, which is why I am talking about all this. For the next year or two there is an increased chance of a solar storm coming our way but don't let it worry you too much, leave the scare stories to the tabloid press.
● To find out more about observing and astronomy why not join our group, email us at vegabaja.astronomygroup@gmail.com to find out more.
Many say Sue and Rod Weeding would give their life for the horses under their care at the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre, and tragically, Rod has come very close to that actually happening.
“My whole world has been turned upside down,” said Sue. She explained that her husband has been working so hard recently trying to prepare the centre with the correct installations ready for an inspection which would help them achieve the all important farm licence.
Sue added: “Rod has been working relentlessly for around 9 or 10 months, working 7 days a week including Christmas Day. The equipment needed was around 30,000€ which we managed to raise but we couldn’t afford labour so Rod has been doing it all himself.”
It was around three weeks ago that Rod started feeling seriously unwell after ignoring health warnings, wanting and needing to complete the work required. It was only after he collapsed and suffered convulsions that he was rushed to hospital and the seriousness of his medical health was realised. Sue is now caring for and nursing Rod at home as she single handedly takes on the epic task of running the Rescue Centre in Rojales.
“He’s 73 now, he is recovering and starting to eat but he can only stand for around 30 minutes at a time and he will never have his health back to how it was, he will never be able to take on the workload he has been doing. I’m here now doing everything. I have a few volunteers who come in the morning but I need more help.”
The situation is worsened as Sue receives news that Crevillente has 6 donkeys they want her to take in. “I really don’t know what to do as I can’t handle more animals, especially as they were apparently used for breeding so some could be in foal, but if I don’t take them in no one else will have them.”
The association, formed in 1988, exists to foster comradeship amongst those who, having been awarded an official flying badge, have qualified to operate military aircraft and are serving or have served, as military aircrew in the armed forces of the United Kingdom or those nations which are allies of the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth. If you are interested in joining this popular association or would like to know more, please call the Secretary on 96 649 5228.
Easy Horse Care are still waiting for their farm licence which they believe will permit them to be able to get more funding and help, including the money to be able to afford to pay for some staff to help them. The couple have dedicated their whole life since moving to Spain to the rescue and care of these animals, building a reputable, safe and nurturing environment for them, but for them to continue, help must come and it must come soon before it actually does cost their lives.
For more information or to find out how you could help or support, contact them via their website www.easyhorsecare.net, on WhatsApp 652 021 980 or email rescue@easyhorsecare.net.
(answers in the classified pages)
Last month’s tip about using banana skins as tomato food leads us to another use for them. You can chop up the skins and put the pieces around your plants, then cover with compost. A new plant or one you're re-potting can have the bits of skin put in the bottom. As the skin rots down it will release lots of nutrients, especially potassium, that plants love.
Tomato plants are in the garden centres at the moment, but you don't need to buy lots of them. Let the side shoots grow to around 13 cms, then gently break them off from the main stem. Next, dip them into rooting hormone and plant them up. Finally, you don't need to buy rooting hormone, you can make some for free that works really well. Get one of the prickly leaves from an Aloe Vera plant, slice it lengthways in half and scrape out the gooey mess from inside. Put the goo in a small jar and dilute it 1 to 1, and that's it, instant rooting hormone, another of nature’s little miracles that will save you money. I hope no-one will complain about the goo, it may remind you of a horrible child with a cold, just grin and bear it. Next month I talk a little more about the marvellous Aloe Vera plant.
This family run business based in Benijofar has had, for the 4th time, the crew from Channel 5 visit them for filming for their next series which follows the lives of expats, businesses and holiday makers on the Costa Blanca.
Haley, her father Mark and Global Discount Furniture were once again chosen to be featured in this popular observational and sometimes witty TV series which is due to air in the near future.
On Friday 19th May, Haley and Mark offered food and cava to the great turnout of customers, discounted offers on every line in store, as well as a variety of over 20 free prizes being given away. Haley and her valued team had set themselves a sales target for the day which they, all in all, smashed, and then some more....and there was even a visit from Global's new mascot! Mark has been in the trade for 41 years and after investigating the market at great length, Haley decided to take a chance with this business and has since gone from strength to strength. Being a single mum of two boys, it is with sheer determination, hard work, dedication and a little help from Mum and Dad, that she has come through the hard times we have all had to endure, and now has plans to open a new store within the next year.
Global Discount Furniture pride themselves in keeping prices as low as possible and the quality as high as possible offering a fantastic service which is second to none. All items are delivered free of charge to the local area of the store and there is also free assembly. This is why Global Discount Furniture is Where The Sale Never Ends, It Just Gets Better! Global Discount furniture now also have a factory in Yecla and manufacture their own sofas, beds, headboards and ottomans in a wide selection of sizes, fabrics, colours and styles.
Why not take advantage of their voucher offer this month - see their front page advert for details.
Global Discount Furniture. Calle Vicente Blasco Ibañez 50. Benijofar 03178. Tel: 966 713 457 / Haley 607 360 963. Open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, Saturdays 10am-1pm. www.globaldiscountfurniture.com.
Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. It is not a math game at all - it is a pure logic game. Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
1 This town used to be Aquae Sulis (4)
4 Perceptible to the eye (7)
8 Helps drivers see (8)
9 Tart (4)
10 Organ controls (5)
11 Reporter (7)
13 Pot cooker (4)
15 Statute (3)
16 Outstanding sports person (4)
17 Six-legged creatures (7)
19 As foal is to mare, so --is to cow (5)
22 The national one distributes juice (4)
23 Boot Iran out - it's a failure (8)
24 Depresses (7)
25 Nip (4) Down
2 Wide-awake (5)
3 Kind of bend (7)
4 The power to reject (4)
5 Press ten maladjusted
We are a relaxed and friendly mixed group who meet once a week in the lounge/bar of the Laguna Hotel in Quesada at 3pm for a chat and coffee. The aim of the group is to support those who have lost someone close and help make new friends. We also enjoy meals / lunches out and day trips etc. For more information call Joan on 634 336 103 or Heather 661 116 869 or just come along for a chat one Saturday.
old instruments (8)
6 Fundamental principle (5)
7 Send to school (7)
12 Fashion industry (3,5)
14 Entrails (7)
16 Jumped in fright (7)
18 Came to a close (5)
20 Shipwrecked Shakespearean heroine (5)
21 Scottish bog (4)
See back pages for answers
Benidorm has been dubbed the Mediterranean Manhattan and now a beach in Alicante is taking on a distinctive Miami feel.
Alicante artist, Antonyo Marest, has created two colourful lifeguard posts reminiscent of the distinctive art deco style of Miami. The landmark rescue posts have been put up on the kilometre-long sands of San Juan beach, about eight kilometres north-east of Alicante city centre.
Made of wood and with a base, a booth and an access ladder, these constructions give the lifeguards more space and shade than the previous ones. It is expected the posts in their vivid pink, turquoise and pastel colours will become a much-photographed tourist attraction.
The models of the posts that Marest designed for Alicante are called Allegra - his daughter’s name - and Mar Est, after the Mediterranean. The artist celebrated their opening with a special dedication to his daughter and to the team who worked with him, including the architect, Vadebo Arquitectura of Alcoy, and the constructors, the Wood Brothers Company of Petrer.
Marest's distinctive style can be seen in his works around the world including murals in Miami, a skate park in Rabat, and a hotel in Madrid.
Packed with multivitamins, and rich in healthy fats and an abundance of minerals, it’s no wonder avocados continue to be a trendy superfood.
Avocado is a fashionable feast at any time of the day - on toast for breakfast, in a lunchtime salad or in the form of guacamole or added to a poke bowl for dinner. As well as being a tasty and colourful addition to your meal, there are many health benefits to eating this fruit.
Consuming avocado daily can help lower cholesterol levels in the arteries, according to a study by researchers from Penn State in the USA. The fruit is rich in healthy fats to help prevent cardiovascular diseases. It also contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, B5, B6 and K, as well as folic acid, calcium, iron, omega 3, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, among others. All of which are good for digestion, bones and the heart.
On top of this, avocados contain carotenoids that are beneficial for the skin and eyesight, plus the fruit’s fibre helps prevent constipation.
The downside is that the avocado is a high-calorie fruit and can have about 240 calories per fruit. It is advisable to stick to half an avocado per day or a whole one if it is very small.
You can also add avocado to a smoothie as it makes the drink creamy and thick, almost like a milkshake. A popular recipe is to blend avocado, banana and spinach or try it with your own favourite fruits or cucumber.
Articles by Sarah Farrell - www.sarahswritestuff.com
ACTS drama group having selected its latest cast are now rehearsing for their next production ‘Play On’, a farce with a twist and plenty of laughs. You can see the production on 9 to 11 November at Benijofar Cultural Centre. Make a diary date, tickets will be on sale later in the year. If you would like to join this talented and sociable group who rehearse and play together contact sheilacowley101@gmail.com.
The Costa Blanca Singers are a fun-loving group who enjoy singing and socialising. The Choir Master Richie encourages each member to enhance their abilities and discover the singing voice that people often never knew existed. Everyone is welcome regardless of experience or lack of it. There is a versatile range of music to cover everyone's taste and ability. Check out the website www.costablancasingers.com for all details of venues and meeting times. Put Costa Blanca Singers into your diary every Wednesday afternoon at 2pm and discover a new passion. Open rehearsals are an ongoing feature. You will not be disappointed. Call or WhatsApp Lonée on 641 992 164.
Andante International Choir is the only choir in the Costa Blanca community devoted to sacred choral works and classical pieces. They meet in Los Montesinos at Calle San Antonio, 4 on Thursday nights from 7.15pm until 9pm. All are welcome to join them. They especially need tenors and basses. For more information contact Andante International Choir member Sue Lewey at suelewey@gmail.com. Also see the Facebook page, Andante International Choir (Spain).
Rojales Pantomime Group have been rehearsing their next Christmas Pantomime production, Snow White and the 7 Christmas Elves. Alas, they find themselves two Elves short … GRINCH who is very grumpy and DUSTY who sneezes a lot. Snow White and the other five elves NEED YOU to join them to take part in this very funny Christmas show which they are hoping will raise lots of money for local charities. If you would like to be an Elf and have some fun whilst raising money for charity, email rojalespanto@yahoo.com for more details. Rehearsals recommence in September in Quesada. It’s going to be a Christmas cracker……come and join us.
If you would like to be part of this band of charitable entertainers, please email editor@femalefocusonline.com. Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication. Full details of all Stage Diary entertainment groups are available online at www.femalefocusonline.com
Find all the Spanish words from the word list in the puzzle grid. Words may be found going forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonally. Answers can be found in the back of the magazine. Good Luck.
See back pages for answers
Aries: Mercury and Mars, together in the sixth house, allow for clear communications and it’s time to get all aspects of finance, including taxes and investments or any debts into perspective and under your own control, once and for all.
Taurus: Strong focus on the home and domestic issues this month as Mercury and Venus tryst in the fourth house. Renovations and projects are foremost, but here less cash and more dash are the keynotes to a happy welcoming home.
Gemini: The Full Moon, in the eighth house and resonating with Pluto, sees you ceasing to carry around heavy baggage. Be free, be yourself, but above all know that lightening up is just like shedding an old skin, and it’s time to move on!
Cancer: The New Moon this month is in Cancer. It’s time for a reboot by focusing on what you want to happen right now. Whilst plans will be made to see you safely through whatever you do; it’s not selfish it’s self appreciation at last.
Leo: As Venus retrogrades in the house of self, and the Sun shines in your sign it’s a great time to plan ahead. Check out healthy habits that will reflect wellbeing and wellness, and look after yourself at all costs, you deserve better.
Virgo: Mercury and Venus are in cahoots in the twelfth house. This is a time to enjoy being on your own. You need both time and space to think things out all ways. This means that you will get the answers to the questions you dare not ask.
Libra: The Sun is in the eleventh house and a chance connection sees you welcoming back somebody from your past. Things are different now, so have fun catching up and do whatever it is that you feel will make you happier right now.
Scorpio: Mars rules in the eleventh house and this month you are a very social animal. Friends, causes close to your heart, they all mean something very special to you and this month you will enjoy the connections and be happy celebrating.
Sagittarius: Be careful. The Venus retrograde until September may not be the best time to meet somebody new in your life. However it’s nothing ventured, nothing gained and ask yourself what are you really waiting for?
Capricorn: Mercury and Venus in the eighth house are willing you to dig and delve in a current situation that just doesn’t add up. Be brave, drop any fear, because it cannot help you; and face facts. Someone is being economical with the truth!
Aquarius: Regarding some unfinished business, rethink what actually makes you happy? Shine a light on the inner you as the Sun teams up in the seventh house to reward you for a job done well. Throw caution to the wind!
Pisces: The New Moon in the fifth house activates the child within as a new relationship is out there on the horizon. It’s a case of responding to new parameters and in so doing you can see why you are the one holding back for once.
As an Astrologer, Kenny has worked tirelessly for over forty years to produce quality Horoscopes Worldwide. He has received a major Award for his contribution to the Astrological Arts by being voted into the Top Twenty World’s Best Astrologers by the American Federation of Certified Psychics. He is awarded five stars as a Lightworker, and Psychic Medium. For personal readings/castings please call Kenny on: 686 361 594. kennycorris@hotmail.com www.kennycorris.com. Confidential and Personal Reply Guaranteed! Online
Readings: by Zoom, Skype,WhatsApp, Viber, FaceTime.
You’re invited to come and meet the Easy Horse Care Centre rescued horses, ponies and donkeys Call 652 021 980 or email rescue@easyhorsecare.net For more information visit our website http://www.easyhorsecare.net
ARENA is around 8 months old and is good with the other dogs. She can be shy at first but she just wants lots of cuddles and attention. She is vet checked, spayed, fully vaccinated and chipped with a passport. Call K9 on 711 082 807 - email: k9clubinfo@gmail.com - K9 Facebook.
Rocky is 5 years and needs a new home. He is chipped, vaccinated and neutered. Rocky is good with other dogs and cats. For more information call: 645 469 253, visit our website www.petsinspain.com or email info@petsinspain.com
Across: 1 Bath, 4 Visible, 8 Demister, 9 Sour, 10 Stops, 11 Newsman, 13 Kiln, 15 Act, 16 Seed, 17 Insects, 19 Calve, 22 Grid, 23 Abortion, 24 Saddens, 25 Dram.
Down: 2 Alert, 3 Hairpin, 4 Veto, 5 Serpents, 6 Basis, 7 Educate, 12 Rag trade, 14 Innards, 16 Started, 18 Ended, 20 Viola, 21 Moss.