Orihuela Costa resident Pearl Whatford went into Specsavers Ópticas in La Zenia to change her glasses for more modern ones, but got more than she’d bargained for.
During the routine eye test to determine her prescription, she was shocked to discover that when she closed her left eye, she had very little vision in the right eye. Despite not noticing any deterioration of her vision, or any other symptoms, 80-year-old Mrs Whatford was later diagnosed with a macular hole, a small gap in the centre of the retina in the area responsible for central and fine-detail vision1 Following surgery to repair the hole, her vision is now good and improving every day.
Optometrist Jade Rose was performing the eye test when this issue was revealed. “The patient came into the store, with no concerns about her vision. However, during the testing process, I asked her to close her left eye and she realized that her sight was quite poor in her right eye.”
“I was shocked”, stated Mrs Whatford, “I could not see the letters or anything at all on the test through the right eye, even though I hadn’t noticed any change in my vision.”
Further tests were performed which clearly demonstrated the macular problems, so Jade urgently referred Mrs Whatford to a specialist. She was seen the same day and received the diagnosis of a macular hole and was treated through surgery to repair the hole and replace the lens due to early stages of cataracts. Her vision is now good and the team are not expecting any further deterioration to her sight.
Specsavers Ópticas La Zenia is located in Calle Unamuno 1, Local 2 and comprehensive eye tests, using the latest equipment are free. To find your nearest store and book an eye test, visit
I appreciate everything has changed due to Brexit, but it is now far more important to have health insurance. You need to make sure there is an English speaker who can help you understand exactly what you are purchasing and how to use it.
Of course, ASSSA health policies are accepted for your Residencia, TIE and Non Lucrative, Digital Nomad and Golden visa applications and they provide the legal certification required for the process and my consultants will be able to guide you with the correct policy necessary for your visa process.
It is vital you follow the guidelines for using the policy, especially in regards to emergencies and hospitalisation. You may find yourself with a hefty bill to pay, if you do not follow the correct procedures. If you decide to use the Spanish National Health, you will be required to provide a SIP card, EHIC or payment before treatment.
The Spanish health system is stretched and of course this means waiting lists. ASSSA provides hospitals, clinics, specialists and doctors, many of whom speak several languages to make your health decisions easier and faster.
Obviously if you are in acute pain, you do need to discover what is causing it and within the national health this can take many months to resolve and private health care offers the opportunity to speed up the process. ASSSA also provide emergency cover and their own ambulances, where you will be taken to a hospital related to ASSSA, which you find in your ASSSA book.
My company has an ASSSA administrator to help answer your questions, process your authorisation requests and liaise with ASSSA on your behalf if you should so wish.
Yes, there are many cheaper options that you could consider. Do not be tempted by the price, you will not get what you need or expect. All private health insurance in Spain are limited in certain areas and be sure to understand these limitations before purchasing.
If you would like a quotation or more information please contact one of my offices, email or visit the website
Sweet Caroline
Blue Jeans
Cracklin’ Rosie
all the hits and more
Suitable for Restaurants, Outdoor Venues & Private Parties
Call JJ.Jones - 684416833
We are a relaxed and friendly mixed group who meet once a week in the lounge/bar of the Laguna Hotel in Quesada at 3pm for a chat and coffee. The aim of the group is to support those who have lost someone close and help make new friends. We also enjoy meals / lunches out and day trips etc. For more information call Sheila 966 719 149, Brenda 966 718 403 or Jackie 645 928 242 or just come along for a chat one Saturday.
We are now getting very close to the summer period and as we have had very little rain this winter, it is raising concerns to the prospect of forest fires with the ground being so dry. It goes without saying that we should all try to save water and be sensible when having barbecues.
I have started the 6 monthly change over of wardrobes and found myself in desperate need of some new summer clothes. Rather than purchasing online and ordering clothes that either don't quite fit or the quality leaves something to be desired, I will be taking myself to some local shops and markets where you can get some lovely items.
A group of us girls are off to the UK for a long weekend to celebrate some big birthdays. It will bring lots of laughs as we are going to an 80s weekend at Butlins and fancy dress has become compulsory. I've been checking out the nearby charity shops to see what I can pick up and I've found some really good bargains... great to know that it's also helping and supporting their cause.
The Spring /Summer Focus on Professional Services will once again be hitting the streets at the end of this month so make sure you pick up your copy. And if you want your business to be featured in this prestigious publication, contact me now before it is too late.
Until next time...
QFocus Magazine covering the Alicante South region and Focus On Magazine covering the Alicante North region.
Discuss your advertising with your local representative:Sales Manager Michelle 663 178 228
QFocus Office: Mon to Fri. 10am - 2pm Tel. 657 501 055
Pick up your next issue on 4 June Deadline for advertising & editorial - 20 May
“Movers and Shakers” have been very fortunate in the last few weeks to receive 3 donations.
Firstly, from Sheerin’s Golf Society, secondly, from The Royal Naval Association and also from San Miguel Golf Society, totalling a magnificent 960€.
President of “Movers and Shakers”, Marion Smith would like to thank all the members of these clubs for their generous donation and also for the nominations, which is much appreciated. Marion said “this money will go a long way to helping our members with life threatening neurological diseases”.
Two of the presentations were made at O’Briens Bar in El Raso, where the “Movers and Shakers” meet every Friday from 1 – 3 pm.
Sheerin’s presented their donation outside Daya Nueva Town Hall together with 2 other charities.
Photo top right: San Miguel Golf Society representative Barry Roehrig passing the money over to Marion Smith.
Photo top left: Sheerin's Golf Society representatives
Steve Day, Dons Ralph and Brian Court with Marion Smith (2nd from the right) and other charity members that also received donations.
Photo bottom right: Royal Naval Association: Marion Smith receiving the donation from Carl Lauden.
At Absolute Hair & Beauty Salon you can have a vast array of services all under one roof from nails to facials, hair to massage to name a few and to add to this they have recently introduced a new treatment of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU).
This revolutionary non-invasive treatment is a great alternative to surgery and is a remarkable breakthrough in technology. HIFU uses the power of ultrasound to safely lift, firm and tighten the skin whilst improving your skin tone.
It stimulates natural collagen production which will enhance all the features of the face such as eyes, cheeks, mouth and chin. It is a viable alternative to botox with the added benefit of being able to maintain your facial expressions.
The treatment can be used on the face, neck, arms, stomach and thighs, producing instant and long lasting results. FDA approved for improvement of lines and wrinkles on the face and decollete, penetrating to depths previously only possible with surgery.
For the month of May you can take advantage of a special offer to have your saddle bags area (bum / hip) treated for just 200€ (normal price is 380€).
Keep updated with future special offers of HIFU treatments by checking their Facebook page.
To book your appointment call Absolute on 966 731 336 / 631 352 458 (whatsapp) or call into the salon.
See main advert below for details of other services.
Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. It is not a math game at all - it is a pure logic game. Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
The association, formed in 1988, exists to foster comradeship amongst those who, having been awarded an official flying badge, have qualified to operate military aircraft and are serving or have served, as military aircrew in the armed forces of the United Kingdom or those nations which are allies of the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth.
If you are interested in joining this popular association or would like to know more, please call the Secretary on 96 649 5228.
A town in Alicante is one of the best 'hidden gems' in Europe in 2024
Top of the list of 18 best destinations for 2024 is the colourful town of Villajoyosa, according to the tourist website European Best Destinations.
The platform looked for secret destinations away from the crowds to rank the 18 best hidden gems throughout Europe. The website says the number one best hidden gem in Europe enjoys a fine microclimate and temperature all year. It recommends visiting Villajoyosa’s Baroque church and the three kilometres of beaches.
Another Spanish gem comes second in the list. Ares del Maestre, in Castellon, is described as a 14th century hilltop city with narrow streets and an historic castle.
At number 11 is Castro Urdiales, in Cantabria, which boasts a medieval castle and a fishing port as well as fabulous beaches.
Illustrations, posters and comics by the Alicante illustrator Miguel Calatayud are on display in his A World Of Our Own exhibition in Benidorm until the end of July.
The exhibition also shows different projects based on Calatayud’s graphic novel ‘El pie rojo’ and one floor dedicated to the work related to ‘La Pista Atlántica’.
The idea for the event came about during an exhibition in Benidorm on the Alicante Enlightenment in 2022. One of the participants commented on the similarity between Benidorm and the tone relating to the leisure culture in Calatayud’s comic, 'La Pista Atlántica' .
You can see his work at the Museo Boca del Calvari in Calle de Tomàs Ortuño, close to the municipal market, between Levante and Poniente beaches.
People who read astronomy news will have noticed that comets feature in it quite often, and being interested, will know something about them. It's not unusual for there to be a comet cruising through our part of the solar system, but it's very unusual for any to be bright enough to be seen without a telescope or binoculars.
One that has been seen recently is 12P Pons Brooks. It's not a catchy name is it, comets get named after whoever discovers them, like Halley's comet which most people have heard of. Featured on the Bayeux tapestry, Halley's comet has been known about for over 2000 years, which shows how long the sky has been watched by human kind. Naturally in ancient times people had no idea what these things were, which is why so much superstition grew up around these supposed portents of doom. What does astonish me is that, occasionally you can still hear some of the old baloney repeated as if it is fact.
OK then, just what is a comet and where do they come from? Firstly let's not confuse them with asteroids, which are lumps of rock, big and small floating out in the solar system, or meteors, which are bits of dust burning up in our atmosphere, and meteorites which are bigger lumps that get through the atmosphere to hit the ground. The best description of a comet I've ever heard is to call it a dirty snowball, a lump of ice with lots of dust mixed in it. It's this mixture which gives comets the famous luminous tail streaking away from the centre. As this dirty snowball gets heated approaching the sun, we call the closest point perihelion, some of the water and gas vaporises and is lit by the sun resulting in a comet's tail. On the approach to the sun, the tail is behind the centre, or Coma to use the correct term. After perihelion, as the comet retreats, it will be flying tail first as the pressure of the sunlight forces the particles away.
Naturally, there is much more to all this, such as different gasses resulting in different colours, but this isn't the place for all that.
Lastly let me tell you where comets come from and how they probably came to be. There's a region out in space mostly between Neptune and Pluto called the Kuiper belt, it's like a ring of particles and rocks, very thinly spread. Over immense time some of these particles come together to make larger lumps, then these larger lumps are affected by the gravity of a passing planet and head towards the sun. This is where many regular comets come from, let's say they're the ones that might pass us every couple of hundred years. Much, much further out is the Oort cloud, a very little understood spherical area that possibly extends halfway to the next nearest star. Some of the rarer comets seem to come from here, the orbits don't match what we know about, and once they pass the sun, they head off into space never to return, what's called a hyperbolic orbit.
I've seen many comets over the years, some were lovely to see, but most were a bit boring. Perhaps I'll live to see one of the very rare ones with a gigantic tail arching across the sky like the great comet of 1881, fingers crossed.
● To find out more about observing and astronomy why not join our group, email us at to find out more.
Steeped in history and fascinating architecture, the Valencia region has plenty of superb places to visit for a day or weekend away from the coast.
Here are five beautiful towns to wander through.
Benissa's historic old town is a delight to walk through with its 18th century town hall in Plaza del Portal, which was once the local hospital. Nearby is the old church square, which is a picturesque spot often used for outdoor leisure and cultural events. The Purissima Xiqueta parish church dominates the town and, although it looks like a beautiful Gothic place of worship, it was actually built in the 20th century.
Other notable buildings are Les Cases del Batlle, dating from the 16th century, and now home to the library and an art centre; and the 18th century Casa Museo Abargues, which is a wonderful palatial home with splendid dining rooms and a private chapel.
This has to be one of the finest mountain towns in Spain with its cobbled streets and impressive squares filled with shops, museums - including a vintage car museum, medieval torture museum and miniatures museumand restaurants. A tour of its 11th century castle and its old town rewards you with breathtaking views over the mountains and the glorious reservoir.
On the way back from Guadalest, make sure you have enough time to visit the Fonts d’Algar waterfalls.
For more magnificent views, head further north to visit the castle in Xàtiva, which sits 310 metres over the city. The main part of the castle was built during medieval times and has a long history of legends and battles within its fortified walls.
Look out for the iron gate, which is the main entrance to the castle, and the frieze showing the city's coat of arms, as well as the cells where noble prisoners were held. A more recent addition is the Gardens of Ibn Hazm, which is well-stocked with a variety of local plants.
The incredible Peñíscola castle - also known as Papa Luna castle - may look familiar to you as it has featured in many films and TV series, including the Game of Thrones and El Cid.
Again, the castle, on top of a rocky crag jutting out to sea, has a fascinating history involving King Jaime I, and the Knights Templar. It is known as Papa Luna castle as it was the residence of Pope Benedict XIII.
After a stroll through the old town or a day on the beach, you can get to taste the gastronomic flavours of Peñíscola, especially its seafood such as prawns and monkfish.
Bocairent has steep cobbled streets lined with whitewashed houses and an attractive Plaza Mayor. The medieval old town and Gothic buildings invite you to get to know its fabulous history. As well as its amazing historic centre, take a look at the ice caves used to store snow and ice to be sold and consumed long before fridgefreezers were invented, and the impressive bridges built between the 16th century and 19th century.
A great walk through the medieval part of Bocairant starts at the town hall square with its 17th and 18th century buildings, continues along to the Covetes dels Moros caves for the views and on to the hanging houses perched over a ravine.
Founded by Benny Davis in 2007
Andante International Choir is the only choir in the Costa Blanca community devoted to sacred choral works and classical pieces. They meet in Los Montesinos at Calle San Antonio, 4 on Thursday nights from 7.15pm until 9pm. All are welcome to join them. They especially need tenors and basses. For more information contact Andante International Choir member Sue Lewey at Also see the Facebook page, Andante International Choir (Spain).
The Costa Blanca Singers recently delighted audiences at The El Raso annual Fiesta, The Ukrainian International Fiesta and The St George's Day fun fundraiser at Laguna Tavern. Their next event will be in La Marina on Saturday 11th May and you are all very welcome to attend this international celebration organised by San Fulgencio Council. Local press will give all the details of the days events and times. The Costa Blanca Singers rehearse in La Marina urbanizacion every Wednesday afternoon from 2-4 in The Social Centre located behind The Tourist information Office. You are invited to attend any open rehearsal. Just turn up to see what they are all about. You will be made most welcome.
Crescendo International Choir: Do you like to sing? Every Thursday evening
Crescendo International Choir rehearses and we welcome new members. No previous experience required. We rehearse at Rincon de Miguel restaurant in Los Montesinos between 17:30 to 19:45 every Thursday. For more details, see You can also follow the group on Facebook at Crescendo Choir. If you have other questions, email
all about being on the stage. We rely on an army of members who don’t want to be in the limelight. Pantomime is a really fun and creative hobby, offering escapism, confidence boost and a place everyone can get involved. Being on stage is just one part but it can also be fun helping backstage or front of house. We are looking for new members to fill lots of exciting roles behind the scenes with no previous experience necessary. There are sets to be built, scenery to be painted, etc so if you are handy with a paint brush, screwdriver or saw, come along and share with this happy group of people. Pantomime involves a lot of work but it is fantastic fun. If you’d like to help, please email us on
Studio32: As you read this, it is hoped you are not too late to buy tickets for The Studio32 presentation of The Pajama Game which shows on 2nd, 3rd & 4th of this month. Doors open at 6.45 at Cardinal Belluga theatre for a 7.30 start. After a short break, the Studio32 team will then be preparing for their next show, The Studio32 Broadway Christmas. WOW. Christmas already? No, not quite but Studio32 like to be prepared. Would you like to join the team? On stage, backstage, production team? There are so many enthusiastic people involved and you could be one of them. An open evening will be held next month and you are welcome to attend. Dates will be announced nearer to the time. Take a look at The Studio32 Facebook page to see what goes on behind the scenes.
If you would like to be part of this band of charitable entertainers, please email Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication.
Full details of all Stage Diary entertainment groups are available online at
Rojales Pantomime Group: It’s been a busy month for the Group as rehearsals for Dick Whittington commence. The Group has also contacted the Charities that will be receiving the Donations from our 2023 Panto. A first donation of 2000,00€ was made to the Alzheimer's Association, Spain, made possible through the wonderful support from our audiences and the hard work of our cast and crew. Further donations to our charities have also been made. However it’s not
Find all the Spanish words from the word list in the puzzle grid. Words may be found going forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonally. Answers can be found in the back of the magazine. Good Luck.
See back pages for answers
Driving or walking around the Costa Blanca at this time of year, the intoxicating scent of the orange blossom is pervasive. Its heady fragrance akin to jasmin, but somehow more subtle.
Orange blossom essence, with many blooms originating in our area, has long been an important component in perfume making with the essential oils extracted by steam distillation.
In Europe, the Moors introduced citrus fruits including the bitter orange, lemon, and lime to Al-Andalus in the Iberian Peninsula during the Arab Agricultural Revolution. Large-scale cultivation started in the 10th century, with complex irrigation techniques created or adapted to support orange orchards.
Citrus fruits – among them the bitter orange – were introduced to Sicily in the 9th century, but the sweet orange remained unknown here until the late 15th or early 16th century, when Italian and Portuguese merchants first brought orange trees to the Mediterranean area.
The sweet orange found great favour, particularly in areas –including our own – where it proliferated. Citrus became the fashion of the nobility and rich merchants; considered a luxury food, frequently grown by the wealthy in private conservatories, or ‘Orangeries’.
By 1646, the sweet orange had become well known throughout Europe; going on to become the most frequently cultivated of all fruit trees.
Louis XIV of France had a great love of orange trees and built the grandest of all royal orangeries at his Palace of Versailles.
....continued on next page &
Here potted orange trees in solid silver tubs were placed throughout the rooms of the palace. The King’s prolific Orangerie allowed year-round cultivation of the fruit in sufficient amounts to supply the court. When Louis XIV sacked his finance minister, Nichola Fouquet, in 1664, part of the treasure he confiscated from the disgraced nobleman included more than 1,000 orange trees from his estate.
The orange blossom that proliferates around Xabia, Denia and the rest of the Costa Blanca, is the fragrant flower of the Citrus sinencis. In addition to its role in the making of perfume, it has also been claimed as an aphrodisiac. The blossom is traditionally associated with good fortune and joy and has long been popular in Spanish bridal bouquets and wedding headdresses.
The petals of orange blossom can be made into a delicately scented orange flower water (a Middle eastern alternative to rose water) and are also utilised in French and Middle Eastern cuisines, most often as an ingredient in desserts and baked goods. In Hispanic culinary traditions, orange blossom is also used in the traditional cake of the Three Kings, the Roscón de Reyes. Locally, orange blossom honey which is becoming increasingly prevalent at local markets (also known as citrus honey), is produced by situating beehives in the citrus groves during the blooming / flowering period. The mouthwatering orange blossom honey that ensues is highly prized, highly priced and tastes sublime.
Here in the Costa Blanca, where the heady orange blossom scent gave rise to the touristic nickname ‘Costa del Azahar’, or Orange Blossom Coast, little of the blossom goes to waste – even fallen blooms are collected, dried and used as an infusion to make a delicious and refreshing tea.
Smell it, eat it, drink it, or wear it in your hair – just enjoy it while you can. The scent is beguiling but like all the best things in life, its season is all too short.
Save time and hassle by understanding the expiration periods for various certificates and licences.
Retrospective Licences / Certificates of Antiquity:
These render unlicensed building work un-objectionable, preventing fines or sanctions, and upgrade escrituras or council tax. Once issued, they have no expiry.
Energy Performance Certificates (EPC):
Legally mandatory for property rental, sale, or marketing in Spain and Europe. Valid for ten years, except for "G" rated properties which are valid for five years. The 5 years expiration rule is only aplicable for properties certified after 2021.
Habitation Licences:
• First Habitation Licence: Valid for five years, issued upon property construction.
• Second Habitation Licence: (Known as Habitation/ Occupation Licence): Valid for ten years, facilitating property sale, rental, and utility bill ownership changes.
Martinez de la Casa Architects is your trusted leader for Architectural Certification in Southern Spain, offering Energy Performance Certificates (121€ inc IVA) and Habitation Licences (prices vary by Town Hall).
See advert below for more information or call 665 810 411 (English) or visit our website to discover a remarkable collection of over 300 testimonials from satisfied clients.
Angels nursing care is one of the largest care providers in Southern Spain, caring for and supporting British and International expatriates living in the region. They are a fully registered, legal company.
The Angels provide tailor made care and support packages throughout the Costa Blanca, Costa Almeria and Costa Calida. With a team of nurses and carers in each area, co-ordinated by a lead nurse, Angels are able to offer care packages from 1hr a day to 24hrs a day and also a live in care package to enable you to continue to live in your own home, staying happy and as independent as possible.
The highly experienced Angels are all aware that no two cases are the same and the amount of attention provided is always adapted to the needs of each individual or household.
Some of these duties can include washing, dressing, feeding, toileting, administration of medication, cooking, shopping, and general household chores.
Also the years of service provided by the Angels team also guarantees that you can rely on full privacy, dignity and respect with all the services offered.
Angels services include
Pre and post operative care
Respite care
Palliative care
Support whilst in hospital Medication advice
Illness and disease advice
Dressing changes / administration of injections.
Your needs are the job description of the Angel’s carers looking after you!
To learn more about reliable, professional and individually tailored care services contact Angels Nursing Care for a free initial assessment with the clinical lead nurse.
Tel: 0034 711 08 04 62
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Image by Freepik
Aries: The New Moon in Taurus this month is in your second house of money and income, as well as impacting on Uranus, planet of invention. If you can resist the urge to splash the cash this month on trivials you’ll get to balance your books at last!
Taurus: Venus enters into Gemini this month, heralding a time for creativity and new horizons. Using your many skills in a positive way impacts on the many changes you currently seek but are afraid to set in motion just because you doubt yourself.
Gemini: Expect to get the green light this month on goals securing a longer term future for your current hopes, wishes and desires. This is a great time to network and socialise and Venus in your first house indicates a forthcoming new relationship.
Cancer: There is a liberating feeling in the air for you, telling you that if you have to go it alone right now, it could be your wisest move. Above all what you need is the time and space to realise that your way is the best option, and you can do better yourself.
Leo: A project needs your enthusiasm to get it going. With five planets in Taurus this month you have Jupiter to thank for support and good fortune, so be assertive and allow ambition and intelligence to guide you safely to where you should really be right now.
Virgo: There is a strong call for long distance travel this month, even if you are only just at the early stages of planning. Taurus in the ninth house sees you finding space and time in a busy schedule where the emphasis is on taking time out away from the routine.
Libra: Fiery Mars is at your side. You are angry about something inside and the subsequent stress does nothing to help you find solutions. Be open and honest, and if that means telling a few home truths, then do not hesitate to tell your side of the story.
Scorpio: Finally you are getting the clarity that you deserve. The New Moon alignment in Taurus should back you to the hilt and see to it that an agreement is upheld in your favour into the bargain. You have done nothing wrong, so why should you suffer?
Sagittarius: A great time for business and advancing your career. You have been burning the candle at both ends however, and that has to stop. Uranus has a way of making things happen quite abruptly, and the quicker you can get a result the better!
Capricorn: Closely examine all aspects of finance this month. Your money needs to be working for you, not you for it. A recent scheme seems far too good to be true, so be cautious and ask all the right questions. Stall if you have to but have your say too.
Aquarius: Venus brings harmony to a situation that bodes to go totally out of control. What’s needed is a truce before things become just too complicated. Anyone who really loved you would not treat you in this way anyway. Uranus guides you safely.
Pisces: The calm inner you is greatly boosted by actions with gentle Jupiter and an inspiring Mars. Dreams can be your new reality and yet this time around you have your feet on the ground waiting to be rescued. A recent decision was for the best.
As an Astrologer, Kenny has worked tirelessly for over forty years to produce quality Horoscopes Worldwide. He has received a major Award for his contribution to the Astrological Arts by being voted into the Top Twenty World’s Best Astrologers by the American Federation of Certified Psychics. He is awarded five stars as a Lightworker, and Psychic Medium. For personal readings/castings please call Kenny on: 686 361 594. Confidential and Personal Reply Guaranteed! Online Readings: by Zoom, Skype,WhatsApp, Viber, FaceTime.
A huge digital arts exhibition showcasing the work of Valencia artist Joaquín Sorolla has moved on to Barcelona.
Following the event’s success in the artist’s home town on the 100th anniversary of his death, Sorolla, A New Dimension can be seen in Barcelona until the middle of May. It’s a great excuse to visit this vibrant city, if you didn’t get to see the show in Valencia.
Sorolla’s art is seen in a new light in this immersive and interactive exhibition on the painter and his works on a giant screen with 360° projections. It takes place over two floors: the first highlights the key moments in his life while the second uses digital technology to animate his finest works.
Sorolla's paintings capture the intense light and broad horizon of the Valencia coast. Many of his works depict the beautiful Jávea landscape including its beaches, the Port, Cabo San Antonio and the Arenal.
Sorolla, A New Dimension is being held at the Centre d'Art Amatller (Casa Amatller). Passeig de Grácia, Barcelona. For more information and to book tickets, go to
Is this the month YOU drop a dress size? Is this the year YOU LOOSE WEIGHT AND BE SLIM4LIFE?
Firstly, we wish to thank our hundreds of clients – who joined us last year – who have transformed their lives with permanent weight loss.
Slim4Life are now entering into our seventh successful year in Spain, with our authorised New You, Shake That Weight and My Protein distributorship products-
Our totally unique programme combines the best of 3 top selling ranges, giving the client the best possible chance to lose weight quickly with full nutrition.
Slim4Life also includes Personal Weight Loss Coaching – which is the secret to successful weight loss.
How can we help you in 2024? If you have been thinking of losing weight – join us now – do not wait any longer.
We have the proven method to lose weight in the healthiest and most permanent way. With our support and guidance YOU can be the BEST YOU in 2024.
It’s so easy!
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It works, it’s convenient and it transforms lives!
It is less expensive than other “diets” – this is a lifestyle change, not just another diet. Does your busy lifestyle leave you short on time? Simply throw an Slim4Life bar, shake or snack into your bag for a delicious and nutritious meal on-the-go.
Our Weight Loss Coaching programme is the “winning factor” –it is not easy to lose weight without support, accountability and reprogramming of the mind.
Start Your Transformation
Try our 28 day SPRING – NEW YOU CHALLENGE to help guide you through the first 4 weeks of May 2024 - changing the way you eat with Slim4Life- Feel healthy and watch the pounds fall off.
The transformations here in Torrevieja have been awesome. These clients have now found the secret to losing and maintaining their weight.
Now let us help you to make 2024 the year you lose weight and transform your life.
Phone or email Shirley for your free consultation – at 675 619 568 or
“It’s a grand night for singing” on Wednesday 15th May at 19:30 at La Siesta Church, Calle Granados, Urb La Siesta in Torrevieja as locally renowned and popular vocal group “Lyrical” present the second of their two spring concerts called “Springtime Serenade” – a brand new programme for Spring 2024 including much loved classic show tunes from smash hit musicals such as ‘Phantom of the Opera’, ‘State Fair’ and ‘Carousel’ along with everything from Mozart to Manilow.
Ss Peter and Paul, Torrevieja, which is hosting the concert, will welcome back their friends from Lyrical to give another of their enjoyable programmes.
Father Richard A. Seabrook SSC, the Priest at the church, said: “Lyrical gave their first concert at La Siesta a number of years ago and we have had a close affinity with them since. They have been generous in their support for our church over the years and we love their music!”
Lyrical began singing together in January 2019 and was the brainchild of Trent Harris and Philip Mitchell who between them decided to create a small group of local talented singers, musicians and friends who just love singing together in 4-part harmony.
Father Seabrook said: “The concert is an opportunity for a delightful evening of music at La Siesta and then refreshments outside with –you’ve guessed it – a raffle. Lyrical are giving of their time and talents generously to raise money for church funds as we have to be selfsupporting. I am really grateful for this.”
Tickets for “Springtime Serenade” are 10€ and are available from Sue Maude on 693 530 935 or by emailing her at:
“We look forward to a really great evening – it is open to everyone,” said Father Seabrook, “Bring your family and friends. All are welcome.”
Father Richard A. Seabrook SSC, Email:
Instagram: @sspandptorrevieja, Facebook: @anglicantorrevieja
Nestled in an exclusive urbanisation in the hills above Calpe you will find the small village of The Colina Club. Here at The Colina Club, we have been providing a caring village atmosphere for our residents in their retirement since 1991.
The Colina Club Village comprises 48 Independent Living Apartments which are configured to provide either one or two bedrooms in 5, two-storey phases, and The Residence which is a fully licensed 20-bed Nursing and Rest Home.
These are arranged around the swimming pool to take full advantage of the spectacular views over the countryside and on out to the Mediterranean Sea and Peñon de Ifach.
The Colina Club apartments offer long-term unfurnished rentals for those who are looking for a caring, quiet, family-orientated, small village atmosphere in which to live. The apartments were specifically designed so that both the ground-floor and first-floor apartments have level access (just one small step) from the parking area directly outside.
One of the good things about living at The Colina Club is that you can keep your independence yet you can relax with the security of knowing help is always close at hand with your free personal 'HELP' alarm that is monitored 24 hours a day in case of an emergency. These services amongst others are included in the price of the monthly rental.
The free minibus service goes to Calpe Monday to Friday. Every other Saturday it goes to Calpe and additionally to the local markets, plus regular trips to Lidl and Iceland.
When the daily stress of day-to-day living becomes too much on your own, come and join your new family at the Colina Club Residence where you can enjoy the comfort, intimacy and independence of feeling at home in one of the 20 private rooms with en-suite bathrooms. The Residence offers assisted and full care to its residents.
The Colina Club is the perfect place for seniors who are looking for a caring retirement village in which to retire and enjoy a level of independence, whilst being safe in the knowledge that qualified care is literally on their doorstep.
The Colina Club is all about providing you and your family with the Peace of Mind and the security of excellent care by providing a caring, comfortable, secure, peaceful and healthy facility in a superb location, allowing you to enjoy life in your senior years, so why not come and see for yourself as places are now much sought after and limited.
Telephone: 96 583 5226 Independent Living Apartments · Telephone: 96 583 7310 The Residence ·
AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS For families and friends of problem drinkers. There are meetings in Torrevieja. Phone 634 349 961. You’re invited to come and meet the Easy Horse Care Centre rescued horses, ponies and donkeys Call 652 021 980 or email For more information visit our website
Arena is around 15 months old and did not have the best start in life so can be a little scared when you first meet her. She is good with the other dogs in her foster home and at the local dog park, she just wants lots of cuddles and attention, She is vet checked, spayed, fully vaccinated and chipped with a passport. Please call / whatsapp 711 075 305 or email
Calling all clubs and charities - let us know about your forthcoming events and animals for adoption. See page 4 for contact details.
Across: 7 Megawatt, 8 Obey, 9 Eke, 10 Valuable, 11 Garages, 14 Bathe, 15 Brave, 17 Session, 21 Offshore, 22 Peg, 23 Bear, 24 One-on-one.
Down: 1 Geneva, 2 Dare, 3 Larvae, 4 Still, 5 Nowadays, 6 Wealth, 12 Advisers, 13 S I S, 16 Refuel, 18 Eleven, 19 Organs, 20 Got on, 22 Pane.