To avoid any misunderstanding, I’m talking about those twinkly things in the night sky, not people on telly with cheesy grins.
You might be tempted to think that this is about as boring subject as can be, but it really isn’t so please read on. Most people will have heard at least a couple of star names, Polaris, so called because it is almost over the North pole when we look up, you might have heard of Sirius, the bright dog star, and Betelgeuse, because it’s a great name used in a film, but where do these names come from?
Stars have 2 names, a modern scientific one which is very useful but boring, and an ancient one given to the star thousands of years ago by Arabs and Greeks, and those names have meanings. But why name stars at all? Imagine you are one of a nomadic people, finding your way across the land without a map and you can’t plug a satnav into your camel, so you have to use the Sun in the daytime, and the stars at night. Now suppose you want to tell someone the way somewhere, you might tell them that in the Spring you follow the star Aldebaran until he (not it) sets. Aldebaran is Arabic, it means the follower, so called because it seems to follow the Hyades across the sky. The Hyades? They were nymphs that brought rain in Greek mythology. This is where the naming gets messy, already we’ve mixed up Greek and Arab names, this is an accident of history, the names we know now are what has survived all the centuries of story telling that long ago became fixed when someone started writing them down. Often the names get a bit mixed up, you probably know the constellation the Plough, Ursa Major in Latin which means Great Bear. There is a bright star in the plough called Dubhe, which comes from The Arabic Dubb meaning bear.
Is that confusing? Try this. The constellation Leo, the lion or Al-Asad in Arabic has a bright star called Regulus, a name only given about 500 years ago, but earlier it was Qalb Al-Asad, the heart of the lion. It's not far from Danab Al-Asad, the lion’s tail.
Lastly, Betelgeuse, it's a big red star in Orion. We call Orion the hunter, but it was a Greek boy’s name meaning rising in the sky and shining. I’m surprised no film star has used that for their child. In Arabic it was Bat Al-Jawsa, the giant’s shoulder, how appropriate.
Book readers among you can’t fail but notice how many of these names have become part of literature, JK Rowlings Harry Potter characters, and Aslan the lion used by CS Lewis are the obvious ones, ancient and modern coming together.
What beautiful, ancient and descriptive names now seldom used in our society and how strange that we use an ancient language to give a standard set of names for our modern science.
Charles Oates, Vega Baja Astronomy Group.● To find out more about observing and astronomy, email us at vegabaja.astronomygroup@gmail.com
I have been overwhelmed by the reaction of people in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England. As we know the Queen loved Balmoral, where she has spent many happy days growing up and having her family there, with no press around to disturb the joy. It was so appropriate that her last request was to go to Balmoral. I believe the Queen knew she didn´t have much time left and she wanted to die in one of her favourite places. How proud and sad the Scots were and they gave her a very dignified and loving goodbye. Then she was returned to London and I think the Royal Air Force handled her return with great respect and dignity. It was the start of the enormous part the Services played in her funeral.
On the day of the funeral, everything was extraordinary and beautiful. The organisation and planning behind it all was very professional and sensitive. From family and friends, dignitaries and politicians and both the British and worldwide public, everyone was able to say goodbye to such a wonderful Queen, who had been part of our lives for so long.
I have nothing but admiration for King Charles. Although his grief was etched on his face and with Camilla by his side he was able to carry out all the duties expected of him. His sister, Princess Anne was just amazing - she never left her mother's side, wherever the Queen went, she was there.
I wonder if the Queen realised how much she was loved by both her family and by so many millions of people throughout the world. The British people pulled together in their grief to give the Queen the send-off she deserved and also to welcome the new King and the beginning of another era.
I personally feel that King Charles, who has been preparing for years, will make an excellent King and gives us hope for the future.
If you would like any information or a quotation, please contact one of my offices, email info@jennifercunningham.net or visit the website www.jennifercunningham.net.
I feel that it is appropriate to speak about Queen Elizabeth instead of insurance this month.
The Macmillan's Coffee morning at Jolly's Bar was a huge success as always. A huge thanks to all that came along to show your support and for all the donations that were gratefully received from both the public and local businesses. We will announce next month exactly how much was raised once all the final figures have been done.
The main upcoming event is Halloween where many venues across the Costa Blanca will be holding parties, quizzes and entertainment. I am usually a lastminute.com person but I am really trying to plan in advance and already have one of our family's costume on order.
I am also attempting to plan ahead for Christmas and start to get some stocking fillers in, but whether this goes to plan or not is another story. What I do know is that it will be here before we know it and already many venues have bookings or are even fully booked.
Don't forget the clocks go back on 30th October. Until next time....
QFocus Magazine covering the Alicante South region and Focus On Magazine covering the Alicante North region.
Discuss advertising with your local
Sales Manager Michelle 663 178 228 michelle@femalefocusonline.com
QFocus Office: Mon to Fri. 10am - 2pm Tel. 657 501 055
Pick up your next issue on 2 November
Deadline for advertising & editorial - 17 October
We are having a free coffee and cake morning at 10.30 a.m. On Monday 10th October, 2022 at Finca La Montenosa, Calle ibi, 1, Hondon de las Nieves, Alicante, Spain. This is for Spanish residents only.
Edny VanDen Broek from the Prudential Sterling, Scotland office will be giving a 40 min talk about the Pru product mentioned below. Edny has been with Prudential International for 10 years and has built up a solid experience of offshore business in Europe. Additionally, he has an extensive knowledge of various investment markets to help guide you to your best solutions for a decent return on your money.
Call me, Dave Diggle, to reserve your place - 615 607 278. Seats are limited to 30 people.
THIS IS OUR NEAREST PRODUCT TO OFFERING A FIXED RETURN - Amounts now being applied to investor's accounts DAILY, after charges: (Sterling) Growth Fund 4.1% p.a. (Sterling) Cautious Fund 3.4% p.a. (Euro) Growth Fund 3.0% p.a. (Euro) Cautious Fund 2.3% p.a.
(note: The above is what new investors would receive and investors of over 5 years would receive 1.2% p.a. more than published rates above)
In addition to the above returns on your money the investments are wrapped in a Spanish Tax Compliant investment product designed for Spanish resident ex-pats and this will give you various benefits that we will discuss on 10th October.
Please call me for information on investment solutions for your circumstances.
David Diggle C.A.T. DipFA TEL: 865 751 713 / 615 607 278 / 965 704 338
Seagate Wealth Management, Avenida Federico Garcia, 101, Benijofar, 03178, Alicante, South Costa Blanca. EMAIL: dave.diggle@seagatewealth.es WEBSITE: www.seagatewealth.es
We work in conjunction with fully regulated and authorised companies.
See advert below left for more information
Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different levels for you to try. not maths game at all logic game. the that every row, every every x 3 the digits through to 9 no repeats, which that no number in any row, or box.
CROSSWORD rapidly (4) (8) (8) (4) pep (5) (7) rattles old (7) place (5) (4) (8) exercises (8) (4) (6) do (13) (5) (7) before Lent (13) food (6) for one (7) men swilled paint (6) (6) together (5)
As the weather cools down and people are looking at ways of making their space work for them all year, we are revisiting this topic.
Patios and semi-open porches are very popular in Spain and are traditional Mediterranean architecture as they introduce cold breezes into the property and provide shaded areas. The traditional living style is based on intense use of outdoor spaces due to the excellent weather, which explains why our properties tend to be small internally compared to other Northern countries, with patios, porches, conservatories and sun terraces being predominant. Under this mindset, it is frequent for international property owners in Spain to enclose patios, semi-opened porches, terraces, pergolas etc, without a proper major licence. Often there is no problem until it’s time to sell. At this point, lawyers freeze the sale, and either the extension needs to be demolished or legalised, or the purchasers pull out, alarmed by the illegal extensions. Yes, in the Spanish system, these light enclosures require a major licence, and reasons are:
They increase the size of the property: covering a patio or glazing a terrace adds new metreage, even if done within the footprint, transforming exterior space or semi-exterior to interior space.
It increases the number of the premises: Number of rooms and new uses are incorporated into the property.
It affects the description of the escrituras (title deeds): They cause the escritura and the rest of the property’s legal paperwork to become different to the reality, raising legal issues.
It affects habitable conditions, ventilation and light: According to Spanish rules, almost all rooms must be ventilated and have direct access to natural light. Enclosures commonly cut off the unlimited natural light and ventilation, making the affected premises illegal.
In any given extension, its material is disregarded by Spanish authorities, which will only focus on the added volume: The fact that these enclosures are done with a simple glazing or light materials such as aluminium or plastic is disregarded by Spanish authorities that only care about the size increase and the impact to habitation regulations. What are the consequences of having these enclosures carried out without a proper licence?
Done without a proper licence they will be subject to a fine and demolition/legalisation order if detected by the Spanish authorities.
The cost of the fines will vary between town halls, size of the extension etc, but can easily be over 300€ per sqm. (eg a fine for a 10sqm shed can easily reach 3,000€). It also affects the selling process.
For the above reason and if not detected by the authorities, they will devalue the price of the property if it is being marketed or will become a bump in the marketing process.
How to fix it if you have installed these kinds of installations?
By obtaining a retrospective licence from any qualified Spanish Architect, the unlicensed extension can`t be objected to by any authority, regardless of any future law changes.
The Conditions to Obtain a Retrospective Licence are:
• In Murcia, to obtain a Retrospective Licence, extensions must be at least 4 years old.
• In Almeria, the building work needs to be over 6 years old.
• In Alicante, the building work needs to have been completed before August 2010.
No Retrospective Licences can be issued for extensions that have already received a fine or demolition order.
Currently the process for obtaining a Retrospective Licence is straightforward. Once confirmed, Martinez de la Casa Architects will arrange an appointment to survey the pool/extension requiring only your NIE and current Title-Deeds. Afterwards, the Retrospective Licence is stamped by the Official College of Architects or Notarised and delivered within 10 working days (guaranteed).
The price of a Pool Retrospective Licence (Certificate of Antiquity) is 229€ IVA incl. and for Extensions such as glazings, coverages, sheds, workshops or any other extensions is 326€ IVA incl. (All extensions in the property included).
Martinez de la Casa Architects is the Number One company for Building Certification, including Energy Performance Certificates (121€ IVA incl) and Habitation/Occupation Licences and Retrospective Licences.
For all enquiries or to arrange an appointment, please call 665 810 411 (English) or visit www.martinezdelacasa.com to see an impressive list of over 300 testimonials.
Find all the Spanish words from the word list in the puzzle grid. Words may be found going forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonally. Answers can be found in the back of the magazine. Good Luck. SEARCH
LIBERTY SEGUROS also understands that in this current climate, price is without a doubt a mitigating factor; and it is proud to be a competitive player in the expat insurance marketplace.
When it comes to choosing an insurance policy that’s right for you, it’s important to take into consideration a number of things. Price will (of course) be a significant factor, but you really need to consider what you’re going to get for your money.
Are you paying for what you actually need? Will you have the backing of a reputable company that really understands your requirements –and can they offer the right advice on the right product(s) for you? Moreover, do you have the chance to discuss, personally, your insurance needs with a professional insurance advisor in your own language?
The insurance market is now more competitive than ever before, so it’s not surprising that consumers are increasingly looking for more competitive and innovative packages that can be tailored to their own circumstances. Leading expat insurance provider, LIBERTY SEGUROS understands this, which is why it continues to innovate its range to be able to offer products that can be personalised to suit customers’ real needs.
Furthermore, it regularly offers fantastic deals to not only new customers, but also existing customers to reward their continual loyalty. (This is not something that every insurance provider out there does!).
For example, from now up until 24th November 2022, with LIBERTY SEGUROS existing clients will receive €60 Cashback on each new policy that they take out. New clients can make great savings too, with €30 Cashback on their first Life, Home or Car policies and €60 Cashback on subsequent new policies thereafter*.
This means that if you take out more than one product with LIBERTY SEGUROS, apart from having the peace of mind of having it all under one company, you will always save more!
Best of all though, their competitive products now come with more benefits and advantages than ever before!
As an example, you don’t need to declare your vehicle accessories with LIBERTY SEGUROS Car policies. All your car’s extras are covered as standard, for free, if they have been fitted by the vehicle’s manufacturer. Car policies also include a courtesy car for up to 45 days or €35/day for taxi. You can also choose your own repair garage and, in the case of total loss or theft, you can get up to 30% compensation on top of the list price.
When it comes to Home policies, customers can now add Optional Packs to suit their individual requirements too. For example, you can get compensation for additional water costs due to a broken pipe up to the value of €1,000; and up to €600 per claim/year to help with the unblocking of pipes. Surveillance can
also be provided for up to 72 hours for a home that has been left unprotected after a robbery and you can have cover for garden furniture even when it has been damaged by adverse weather conditions.
With regard to Life policies, the covers and optional extras are extensive as well. For example, you have the option of taking out Level Term Life Insurance with no premium increase for 10 years, guaranteeing the same death benefit and the same level of payments for the full length of the term.
Amongst others, optional extras for Life policies include: extended cover for repatriation to any country; and, if you have children under the age of 18, beneficiaries can receive double the insured capital in the event of the death of both spouses in the same accident without having to take out an additional policy.
LIBERTY SEGUROS really does have you covered and always has your real needs in mind, so it’s not surprising that it is still the expat’s preferred insurer in Spain. It offers peace of mind with its wide range of products and provides you with all the necessary tools to keep you, your loved ones and your assets safe and secure.
To find out more, why not speak to one of the more than 300 qualified expatriate brokers and agents and explain your individual needs. They are available to provide friendly, tailored and expert advice about the best covers and options to suit your specific circumstances in Spain.
For the location of your nearest broker/agent, simply visit www.libertyexpatriates.es or call 91 342 25 49.
* Conditions and minimum premiums will be applied.
1 kg Lamb diced medium pieces
2 tspn Garlic paste
2 tspn Ginger paste
Salt to taste
1 tspn Turmeric
5 Cloves
1 stick Cinnamon
5 Green cardamom
1 Onion, thinly diced
1/2 cup Yoghurt
2 tspn Red chilli powder
2 tspn Garam masala
250 gm tomatoes, pureed tin or fresh Oil
Mix together the lamb, garlic, ginger, yoghurt, salt, turmeric, cloves, cinnamon, green cardamoms, red chilli powder and garam masala powder.
Heat the oil in a heavy base pan and cook the onions and chopped tomatoes on a low heat.
Add the lamb mix and cook until lamb is cooked, add a little water if required.
It is a dry dish, serve with raita and naan.
The Spice Hut Quesada. Tel. 966 731 063 or visit www.spicehutspain.com.
We are a relaxed and friendly mixed group who meet once a week at the Laguna Hotel in Quesada at 3pm for a chat and coffee. The aim of the group is to support those who have lost someone close and help make new friends. We also enjoy meals / lunches out and day trips etc. For more information call Joan on 634 336 103 or Steve on 623 220 052 or just come along for a chat one Saturday.
This desirable venue is situated just off the high street in Quesada and a warm welcome awaits you from Joanne, Ronald and their friendly team.
Joanne and Ronald were the proprietors of the popular restaurant Ronalds at La Marquesa Golf before embarking on their new venture by opening Boka Vino y Tapas. The attention to detail in all aspects at Boka is second to none and there is a very pleasant ambiance making this venue a sought after dining experience.
At Boka, fantastic food is always served but in a manner that is very different to their former Ronalds Restaurant.
As the name suggests, Boka is what their brand says...vino y tapas. A large selection of tapas are available including vegetarian and vegan options, and everything is cooked fresh to order so please don't expect your tapas to arrive at the same time. Food is served in the traditional Spanish manner that you receive your order bit by bit and therefore your table is yours for as long as you want it and of course you can add to your food order throughout the evening. Some similarities have been brought from Ronalds Restaurant as you will receive a complimentary soup, bread and alioli with your food order and a few of their most popular dishes have been incorporated into their new menu.
Their weekly entertainment programmes are always very popular and most likely sell outs so early pre-booking is essential to avoid disappointment.
From Monday 31st October they will start opening their doors from 10am – 2pm to serve a mouth watering breakfast menu which will be available daily from Monday to Friday.
Private parties and functions are catered for so if you have an upcoming birthday or anniversary speak to Joanne to discuss your individual requirements.
Boka Vino y Tapas is open daily from 5pm however closed every Tuesday and Wednesday.
For all enquiries and reservations please call 603 489 886.
You can follow their Facebook page Boka Vino y Tapas for their upcoming events and entertainment. The whole team look forward to seeing you at this contemporary, classy establishment. See their advert below for more information and contact details.
Article by Sarah Farrell - www.sarahswritestuff.com
The new autumn season at the Teatro Principal de Alicante theatre sees the return of spectacular musicals for the first time in two years because of the pandemic. Three of the biggest productions are:
● La Jaula de las Locas - La Cage aux Folles - is a comedy about an explosive encounter between two very diverse families. This is being staged from Thursday October 20 to Sunday October 23 with tickets from €39.
● Forever Young, directed by Tricicle, is on Friday November 4 to Sunday November 6 and is about six centenarians spending an evening on the stage reminiscing about their hits of yesteryear. Tickets are from €20.
● From Thursday January 26 to Sunday January 29, the Alicante theatre is the setting for El medico, based on the novel by Noah Gordon, when the life of the young Rob J. Cole changes the day he is orphaned and discovers he has an unusual gift in his hands. Tickets are from €40.
Throughout the autumn, there are 55 theatrical events including seven children's stories in English on Saturdays. These events include:
● An evening with the Blues featuring the Keith Dunn Blues Band and guests on Tuesday October 11
● La Bohème by Puccini on Thursday October 27
● Totally Tina - a tribute to Tina Turner - on Thursday November 10
● Tosca by Puccini on Wednesday November 30
● Swan Lake by the Cuban ballet company of Laura Alonso on Thursday December 15
● The Nutcracker, also by the Cuban ballet company of Laura Alonso, on Friday December 16.
Further information about these events and the full programme is available on the theatre website https://www.teatroprincipaldealicante.com
Introducing the new multi national ladies Chorus, Sonrisas Harmony who meet every Tuesday 10.30am – 1.30pm at the Estribor Function Room in Los Alcazares. Come along and meet the members, we are a friendly group of ladies some who have been singing together for many years and a few new members too. No previous singing experience required.
Our Musical Director Valerie Lynch has a wealth of knowledge and experience in Acapella four part harmony singing, so our programs will be varied, entertaining and packed full of songs past and present.
Sonrisas Harmony love to sing, but we also like to enjoy ourselves and will have a regular social calendar. If you would like to come along and meet us please contact the chorus Co-ordinator Lynda on 672 192 222, we look forward to welcoming you to our friendly group of ladies.
Slim4Life, with Exante and NEW YOU, Autumn programmes now available, to assist you to end 2022 with renewed vigour.
What a successful summer 2022!
We have achieved more transformations than ever before. SLIM4LIFE – our successful weight loss programme, combines 4 top quality Meal Replacement ranges:
This gives SLIM4LIFE a totally unique programme being run here locally in San Luis. We continue to have outstanding transformations with clients losing weight and regaining health and, most importantly, maintaining their weight loss through professional weight loss coaching, which is included and part of the programme.
The new addition in 2021 of the Diabetic II, NHS approved, programme saw clients in reversal within a very short period.
SLIM4LIFE San Luis look forward to welcoming you and getting you trim, healthy and bursting with life for the festive season of 2022.
The photos show our amazing summer of 2022: Slim4life Transformations.
See our advert alongside for contact details.
Crescendo International Choir has many concerts planned this fall, including several with the Royal British Legion. The first one to be held with RBL is in Benidorm and will take place Saturday 15 October at 1900 at the Don Pancho Hotel.
On Friday 11 November, Crescendo will be performing with the RBL at the Plaza de Constitucion in Torrevieja for a Poppy Day remembrance service. Time of the event will be publicised later.
In the month of December, two Crescendo and RBL concerts are planned. One will be held Friday 9 December in the San Fulgencio Teatro while on Friday 16 December, both groups will perform Christmas music together in the evening at the main plaza in Torrevieja.
In addition, Crescendo International Choir plans at least three public concerts of its own. The first will take place at Salt Church in Los Montesinos on 26 November at 1800. Concerts are also planned for Saturday evening, 10 December in Benijofar as well as Saturday 17 December at La Siesta Church in Torrevieja.
If interested in joining Crescendo, see the Crescendo website at www.crescendo-choir.com. The choir would be delighted to have more male singers, especially basses. The choir includes sopranos, altos, tenors and basses. The group sings a variety of songs ranging from musicals to spirituals, from pop to classical, in English and Spanish. Choir rehearsals began 5 September and will continue until June 2023. Rehearsals take place at Rincon de Miguel Restaurant in Los Montesinos Mondays between 17:45 to 20:00. All singers are welcome!
The Poppy Appeal Launch in Benidorm takes place on 15 October starting at 1200 hrs and forms up in Av Castello, marching to Av. Ametlla de Mar, s/n, 03503 Benidorm, accompanied by Torrievieja Pipes and Drums. There will be a concert in the evening at the Don Pancho Hotel starting at 1900. More information closer to the time will be posted on their Facebook page: Benidorm & District 3489 Royal British Legion.ACTS are busy rehearsing for their next production, Sex Please We're Sixty which they will be presenting at Casa de Cultura in Benijofar on the 17, 18 & 19 November, as usual the tickets will be 10€, curtain up at 7.30pm. You can reserve your tickets for this hysterical play by WhatsApp message to 602 683 925 or visit their website https://www.acts.website/ for the full list of ticket outlets.
Rojales Pantomime Group:
Panto is coming to Spain.... Oh yes it is…. Pantomime is typically British theatre and Rojales Pantomime Group are excited that rehearsals are commencing in September for the very funny production of Treasure Island on 1, 2 and 3 December, at The Belluga Theatre, San Fulgencio.
There will be rip roaring songs..... slapstick comedy.... lots of pirating.... Crazy Ladies dancing and, of course, the usual audience participation. This is going to be pantomime at its very best and you WON’T WANT TO MISS IT. For more details contact: voreilly16@googlemail.com.
Studio 32 are rehearsing for their new show ‘A Night on Broadway’, on 10, 11 & 12 Nov at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio. It is a celebration of award winning Broadway musicals that Studio32 have produced over the past 8 years. They are always looking for enthusiastic people to join their group who can, or have the aspirations to sing, dance and act especially males, or if you would like to participate working behind the scenes, full training will be given. They also need people who have experience working with costumes. If you would like further information or you would like to book tickets please visit their website www.studiothirtytwo.org to book tickets online, email tickets@studiothirtytwo.org or call 679 062 272.
The Costa Blanca Singers were delighted at the amazing talent and enthusiasm shown by their new members to this fun, friendly and committed singing group. Newly formed in September, group members continue to grow. Seize the day and join CBS who meet every Wednesday at 2pm at The Social Centre, La Marina urbanizacion (behind the medical centre). You are welcome to just turn up or make contact for additional information. No auditions required and your experience or lack of it, is equally welcome. Bring along your passion to enrich your life and that of others. WhatsApp or phone 0044 7850431876 or 641 992 164.
If you would like to be part of this band of charitable entertainers, please email editor@femalefocusonline.com. Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication. Full details of all Stage Diary entertainment groups are available online at www.femalefocusonline.com
If your vehicle is going to be parked for a long time, but you want to keep it in your name, you have the possibility of temporarily de-registering it and thus save on maintenance costs.
In order for a vehicle to be on the roads, it must be in a status of administrative registration. This status implies being up-to-date with road tax and having valid insurance and ITV. Therefore, if you are not going to use a vehicle for a while, it is best to SORN and save the costs involved with having a vehicle registered in your name. It is possible to temporarily SORN any type of vehicle: car, motorbike, truck, bus...
The temporary de-registration process is intended for vehicles that, for whatever reason, are not going to be used for a long period of time, but still have the possibility that they will be used again in the future. It is therefore a status that is easy to reverse to be able to drive the vehicle again.
If there is a judicial or administrative seizure notice on a vehicle, it is not possible to undergo any procedure with it. It is necessary to get the seizure notice annulled before doing so.
Information provided by the DGT (Traffic Department); https://www.dgt.es/.../no-vas-a-usar-tu.../baja-temporal/ (Text translated by https://torreviejatranslators.com/)
As of the 1st of November, the DGT will change the way notifications of traffic fines are delivered. As of that day, Tráfico will stop issuing fines on paper and will do so via the electronic mailbox.
This new rule will NOT affect individuals, since they are not required to have an email address. However, it will impact companies. They will have to register with the Dirección Electrónica Vial (DEV), the mailbox where they will receive communications and notifications from the DGT. Tráfico will directly assign a DEV to any holder of a driving licence or a vehicle.
A historic vehicle is one that, due to its age, at least 30 years, interest or uniqueness, deserves special consideration to protect its representative and symbolic character, thus safeguarding the cultural and symbolic heritage of our time and allowing its use with due technical and mechanics characteristics. Those that:
- Have a minimum age of 30 years.
- Are included in the General Inventory of Movable Assets of the Spanish Historical Heritage or declared assets of cultural interest and those that are of special interest for having belonged to a relevant personality or participated in an event of historical importance.
- Are considered collection vehicles, which due to their characteristics, singularity, manifest scarcity or other very outstanding special circumstances, deserve to benefit from the regime of historical vehicles.
- Vehicles (except mopeds); 99.77€
- Mopeds; 27.85€
For more information on the steps to be taken before requesting a historical license plate visit: https://sede.dgt.gob.es/.../matriculacion.../index.shtml
The N-332 are a group of Spanish Traffic Police Officers who decided to create a Facebook group to inform all ex-pats and tourists about Spanish traffic laws as they think it is unfair to fine them for breaking rules they didn't know about. You can find them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DrivingSpain/ and follow them to keep up to date as they only share official information.Road Safety is a thing for everyone. Drive responsibly!
This month is all about making some major decisions about your future, about your family, friends and most importantly yourself. They are ones you will have to make alone to enable you to get the decision you want and not the ones that others feel you should be making.
It is not long until the end of the year. Some serious planning needs to start now in order to reach your final goal or as usual, you are going to be left rushing everything at the last minute. Lists are going to become your best friends.
After all the hard work you have been putting in recently, now is the time to stop and take a break and relax. If you can get away great, if not then make sure you put time aside for recharging those batteries.
A problem which is not really anything to do with you should be left alone. As much as people are trying to get your opinion, it is better to keep it to yourself and let them sort it out between themselves.
Family matters will take a forefront this month and getting everyone settled will take some patience and diplomacy. If you can get them onside early on it will make it so much easier. Cooperation will be key to success.
Personal problems within your immediate circle of friends will threaten to derail the stability of the group. If you all pull together you can all survive this together. Isn’t that what friends are for?
This month will really test your management and planning skills to the max. Chaos is your enemy and the inability of those around you to get things in order is driving you mad. Remember that they may thrive in organised chaos even if you don’t.
With a new focus in your life you will see just how effective a single change can be on everything. It makes you stop and think just what other almost insignificant things could be changed to make huge differences in your life.
Your family is so important to you right now and you are feeling you need more time with them. Stop thinking it and do it - make it happen. Even if it can’t be immediately, put the plans in place.
Even though things seem to have failed for you recently don’t be put off. Finding what doesn’t work is almost as important as finding what does. Your intuition will lead you in the right direction.
Looking to your relatives for support and advice will help you get a sense of order and help you find your direction. They will encourage you to reassess your goals and values as they have been truly tested recently. Take their advice, but also don’t ignore your own ideas.
Your own satisfaction and fulfilment has a major effect on everything you do so don’t neglect yourself. Colleagues, friends and relatives have been saying this to you for long enough. Now is the time to listen to them.
AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS For families and friends of problem drinkers. There are meetings in Torrevieja. Phone 634 349 961.