EXPERTS are reminding people of the importance of regular eye tests to support World Sight Day (10 October) and sharing the connection between diabetes and vision loss.
The advice comes from Specsavers Ópticas on the Costa Blanca as part of their awareness raising activities for the research charity DiabetesCERO. Michael Olsson from Specsavers Ópticas in Guardamar explains that many people with diabetes do not get any symptoms, which means it can take up to 10 years before they are diagnosed¹. However, if it is left untreated it can cause damage to the eyes, heart, kidneys, and feet.
Michael explains: ‘14.8% of adults in Spain are living with diabetes, over 5 million people². Almost 1 in 2 adults (44%) with diabetes remain undiagnosed³. This means that worldwide there are 240 million people who are at risk of developing serious eye health complications and even sight loss.
‘Diabetes is one of the fastest growing health conditions today – fuelled by record levels of obesity, excessive sugar consumption and sedentary lifestyles. If we continue to ignore the risk of developing type 2 diabetes as a result, we can only expect to see the number of cases escalate.’
Around 1 in 3 people with diabetes develop some form of eye health complication, according to the International Diabetes Foundation (IDF)⁴.
How diabetes affects your eyes
A complication of diabetes is diabetic retinopathy, which can occur when high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels in the back of the eye. If left untreated it can cause blindness.
Michael adds: ‘Diabetic retinopathy is one of the leading causes of preventable blindness in working age adults, even in developed countries⁵, so it’s hugely important that diabetes is detected early and monitored correctly to minimise the risk of avoidable sight loss.
‘The connection between diabetes and sight loss has led us to choose the charity DiabetesCERO as our official charity for 2024. We’ve pledged to raise €5,000 for the charity in 2024 and want to educate and inform people in our community about the link between diabetes and vision loss. We encourage anyone with diabetes to ensure they carefully manage glucose levels to prevent health complications. They should also have regular eye tests, including the latest technology, to check the health of the eyes and identify any nerve damage early, before it affects their vision.’
Michael is taking on the challenge to bungee jump between two bridges in Mascarat to raise funds for the charity. His aim is to raise €1,000 on behalf of the Specsavers Ópticas stores in Guardamar, Torrevieja and La Zenia. To support him, please make a donation in a Specsavers Ópticas store or via their GoFundMe page “Puenting para recaudar fondos para DiabetesCERO”. Every donation made will help fund vital research into Type 1 Diabetes.
For more information about DiabetesCERO visit www.diabetescero.org. To find your nearest Specsavers Ópticas store and make a donation visit www.specsavers.es.
³https://worlddiabetesday.org/about/facts-figures/ ⁴https://idf.org/news/99:idf-and-leading-eye-health-organizations-call-forurgent-action-to-address-diabetic-eye-disease.html
Life cover is essential for parents and anyone with financial dependents in your household. This type of policy is one of those things that just about everyone needs but far too few people actually have. It’s easy to put off purchasing a policy when you’re young and relatively healthy. But the longer you wait, the greater the chance of something happening before you get yourself coverage.
Losing a loved one leaves a hole in any family. With the right protection in place, if the worst were to happen, your loved ones could be financially protected with a lump sum.
Having dependents doesn’t necessarily mean having children - even your partner or your family members could be financially dependent on you.
If you were to become critically ill and unable to earn a living, do you think your dependents would be able to get by or would they struggle without your added income? We can tailor the policy to include serious illness cover to provide an agreed sum payout should the unexpected happen. Other benefits can also be added to the policy including Permanent Absolute Disability, Death by Traffic Accident and Permanent Absolute Disability due to a Traffic Accident
Example: €100,000 Death only cover for a 50 year old male starts from as little as €27 per month. We also offer mortgage repayment protection cover which will pay off any mortgage debt you have on your house, keeping your family secure in their home if death occurred during the policy term.
You do need to be resident in Spain for these policies and there will be a simple health/medical questionnaire that you will need to complete online. These policies are available with monthly direct debit payments, and our policies will be in English.
If you would like a quotation or more information, please contact one of our offices, email info@jennifercunningham.net or visit our website www.jennifercunningham.net.
Early in September I had a night away with my two sisters to Altea. We found a lovely restaurant to dine at in the church square and it was a real pleasure to have some time just the three of us... already we are planning our next night away. If you haven't been to Altea then I would highly recommend it... only a short drive and it feels like you're truly on holiday with it's winding cobbled streets and little boutiques.
We then enjoyed a weekend in Mojacar which was a welcome break away although the weather was not in our favour. On arrival the heavens decided to open and we were forced to find a nearby venue to take cover and have some delicious tapas and indulge in a few beverages. As long as we could have some chill time that was all that mattered and we definitely achieved that.
Now this month feels like it's going to be another hectic month both on the work front as well as the social front ...the next Professional Services magazine will be out in November so I'm trying to plan ahead and the upcoming Macmillan events will also take up some of my time ...all for a good cause though. Before we know it we will be planning Christmas all over again.... Until next time...
QFocus On Magazine covering the Alicante South region and Focus On Magazine covering the Alicante North region.
Discuss your advertising with your local representative:Sales Manager Michelle 663 178 228 michelle@femalefocusonline.com
QFocus Office: Mon to Fri. 10am - 2pm Tel. 657 501 055
Pick up your next issue on 4 November Deadline for advertising & editorial - 21 Oct
The well established cycling store Cyclogical, who have been in business for over 18 years on the Costa Blanca, have recently moved into new premises just around the corner from their previous shop. This new unit which is situated on Calle el Ancla 12B, Quesada (next to Donde) gives more space to browse their extensive range of cycles, accessories and clothing all on one floor, and boasts its own parking area making drop off and pick up for customers even easier.
This family run business caters for all cyclists, from the beginners to seasoned pros and offers knowledgeable advice to make sure you are well equipped for your cycling days ahead.
With over 350 cycles in-stock (new and used) you are sure to find the perfect fit regardless of age, height or weight, and any ordered items can usually be in store within 2 – 5 working days.
Cyclogical is more than a bike sales shop ....they also offer a comprehensive maintenance and repair service by qualified staff, and bike hire whether that be for a day, week or month.
As well as your traditional cycles such as racing and mountain bikes, Cyclogical also have a range of the popular E-bikes, so whether you are looking at purchasing or renting a cycle this really is the place to go.
You can contact them on 637 487 377, by email enquiries@cyclogicalcostablanca.com or visit their website www.cyclogicalcostablanca.com or simply by popping into see the friendly team in Calle el Ancla 12B, Quesada.
Everyone is invited to the annual World's Biggest Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Support to be held at Jolly's Bar in Quesada. This year the event will take place on Saturday 19th October from 10am until 3pm with many activities planned for the day to raise as much money as possible, whilst also making a fun day for all the family.
Along with the many delicious cakes that will be available to purchase, there will also be fund raising throughout the day. This will consist of a huge raffle, tombola, football cards, football predictor, Angel card readings by Taz for just €5 pp (she is donating all of the money taken to Macmillan), and Music bingo with Kev from 1.30pm.
There will also be a lot of fun games for both adults and kids like Hook a duck, a giant snakes and ladders, lucky dip and much more. And if the cakes available don't quite satisfy your hunger, the kitchen will be open serving breakfasts throughout the day.
Jolly's Bar are proud to officially be on the register to support Macmillan charity and all the fantastic work they do, which wouldn't be possible without the great organisation skills of Sarah Devonport and her helpers, both before and after the day. However after this year Sarah will be taking a well deserved break from Macmillan due to her forthcoming wedding that will no doubt take up too much of her time to be able dedicate fund raising events to Macmillan. From the start of Sarah's involvement in these fund raising events, up to and including last year, the total amount raised has surpassed an amazing €30,000 so let's all get involved in this last one for a while and make it a day to remember.
If anyone would like to contribute in this amazing cause by donating raffle prizes just pop them into the bar as soon as possible and your cakes on the morning of the 19th.
So put the date in your diary and come along to join in the fun and make a difference to other peoples lives.
In last months 'how do we know that' I talked a bit about how we know what stars are made from, this month it's how to measure how far away they are.
It saddens me that even today many people have no idea of just how far it is to anywhere in space, but I am rather biased about astronomy. We don't use kilometres to talk about a star’s distance away, the numbers just get too big to be meaningful, we use light years. A light year is a measure of distance, not time, it is simply how far light can go in one year, so, how far is that? Everyone knows Jupiter is a very long way away, over 700 million kilometres but that's only about 39 light minutes. One light year is nearly 6 trillion kilometres, so how the heck can we measure anything so far away? Actually, there's several ways, but the first is really simple and you have probably noticed the basis of it in everyday life, it's called parallax.
Close one eye and stretch out your arm with a finger pointing upwards, now line up your finger with something, maybe a door edge. Now close the open eye and open the other one, you'll notice that the door edge seems to have moved, keep swapping eyes and the edge keeps moving. If you did that whilst sitting in a bar, don't blame me for the strange looks you're getting.
What's happening is probably obvious, each eye is seeing the door edge from a different angle because your eyes are a little way apart. If you did this scientifically, with lenses and something to measure the angles, you can work out the distance using the elementary maths you did at school, thank you trigonometry.
Of course, even a nearby star is a huge distance away, but there is a simple way of using this same method to measure the distance of quite a lot of stars, we just need to look much further apart than our eyes are. The Earth orbits (goes around) the Sun in one year, so every six months the Earth is on opposite sides. If we measure the angle of a nearby star at each of these positions, we have 2 angles measured about 300 million kilometres apart and that is big enough to get quite an accurate measurement. Needless to say, there is a lot more to this, for example stars all have their own movements, called proper motion, and maybe a star is at a difficult angle to observe. Then there's the problem of getting an accurate measurement through our atmosphere, the twinkling of a star makes measurement tricky. Fortunately professional astronomers are a clever lot and there are ways of allowing for these problems..... up to a point. In the 180 or so years since the first star's distance was measured a lot of work has been done, especially since special satellites were made to get more precise measurements. Where a big problem arises is with very distant stars, the angular measurements are too small to work, this is where one of the wonders of the universe comes to our rescue and we can measure the distance of really distant stars, but that will have to wait until next month.
● To find out more about observing and astronomy why not join our group, email us at vegabaja.astronomygroup@gmail.com to find out more.
Charles Oates, Vega Baja Astronomy Group.
Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. It is not a math game at all - it is a pure logic game.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box.
6 Rebellious Duke (8)
8 Mucho (1,3)
9 Endlessly (5,3,5)
10 Weld and woad (4)
11 They're stuffed in the kitchen (7)
14 Software release (7)
16 Yield (4)
19 Swirling spirits act shy for some doctors (13)
21 Baby beds (4)
22 Water (8)
1 1 Ran in the park (6)
2 Middle Eastern spice (5)
3 Element emerges when humidor is smashed (7)
4 Chill out (4)
The association, formed in 1988, exists to foster comradeship amongst those who, having been awarded an official flying badge, have qualified to operate military aircraft and are serving or have served, as military aircrew in the armed forces of the United Kingdom or those nations which are allies of the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth.
If you are interested in joining this popular association or would like to know more, please call the Secretary on 96 649 5228.
5 Inform (6)
7 Racehorses yet to win (7)
12 Storing (7)
13 Proposition (7)
20 Zodiacal divider (4)
See back pages for answers
The world’s first pirate-themed resort with access to a zoo and water park is getting ready to welcome guests - in Benidorm.
Magic Pirates Island Resort is opening for business on April 30, 2025, with 270 themed cabins, three swimming pools with play areas including pirate ships, themed food and unlimited access to Aqua Natura water park and Terra Natura animal park, thanks to the partnership of Grupo Fuertes and Magic Costa Blanca.
The new resort, focusing on the needs of families with children, will take guests on a wonderful world of legendary pirates and their stories. There are also themed bars, buffets, restaurants and entertainment areas, including a large video games room. On top of this, there is the free and unlimited access to the water park and zoo, both of which are on the resort’s doorstep.
Benidorm continues to be a hot destination for domestic and international tourists.
According to figures from the hotel and tourism association for the Valencia region, Hosbec, hotel occupancy in the seaside resort of skyscrapers exceeded 86% in the first half of July. Of these, 57.3% were international tourists.
This is not the only new attraction for Benidorm visitors. A super cypress labyrinth of more than 5,000 square metres, Mazeland, is due to open at the beginning of next year. The complex, next to the Sierra Helada Natural Park, is being managed by Laberinto Sierra Helada S.L. As well as the labyrinth created between more than 4,000 Mediterranean cypress trees, other attractions include a cafe, zip lines and an organic garden.
Article by Sarah Farrell - www.sarahswritestuff.com
ACTS amateur dramatic group are already concentrating on our late Spring 2025 production. We have an exciting new play up our sleeve written by Rich Lucy a local musician and playwright. Loosely based on Romeo and Juliet, it is a comedy romance and more called 'Roger and Julie’. We need ACTORS and anyone else interested in any aspect of theatre to contact our chairlady Janet Ford on janetford47@hotmail.com. Read throughs and auditions are being scheduled for 2nd & 23rd October 6.30pm at Casa Contenta.
Andante International
Choir is the only choir in the Costa Blanca community devoted to sacred choral works and classical pieces. They meet in Los Montesinos at Calle San Antonio, 4 on Thursday nights from 7.15pm until 9pm. All are welcome to join them. They especially need tenors and basses. For more information contact Andante International Choir member Sue Lewey at suelewey@gmail.com. Also see the Facebook page, Andante International Choir (Spain).
September brought many new members to join The Costa Blanca Singers which is always wonderful as the family of singers keeps on growing. New friendships develop and hidden talents are unlocked. The health benefits gained through singing are well documented and include lowering blood pressure,
increasing lung function and reducing stress and anxiety. Would you like to attend an open rehearsal? You will be made most welcome for both the singing and the many social events that members enjoy. Come along to the Social centre La Marina urbanizacion at 1.45pm on any Wednesday. And in addition take a look at www.costablancasingers.com for more details or WhatsApp 641 992 164.
Crescendo International Choir: Do you like to sing? Every Thursday evening Crescendo International Choir rehearses and we welcome new members. No previous experience required. We rehearse at Rincon de Miguel restaurant in Los Montesinos between 17:30 to 19:45 every Thursday. For more details, see crescendo-choir.com. You can also follow the group on Facebook at Crescendo Choir. If you have other questions, email info@crescendo-choir.com.
Rojales Pantomime Group: There's a distinct frisson of excitement in the air, as the Cast of Dick Whittington wholeheartedly embrace their characters and perfect their lines. Costumes provide a most wonderful array of colours, glitter and sparkle. Prop making is nearly at an end with the store filling up rapidly with an eclectic array of items. There’s great anticipation as our background scenery unfolds as local artist, Katrina Snowdon, puts brush to paint to reveal the splendour. Tickets will be on sale this month - so watch the press for their release date! Don’t be disappointedget yours soonest. If you would like to join in the excitement helping with stage makeup, managing off stage props, etc, please do get in touch! You would be very welcome, so email us on dw2024rojalespanto@gmail.com.
The Studio32 Broadway Christmas Cabaret is only a few weeks away. This fabulous show will be performed at Cardinal Belluga Theatre from Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th November. Tickets are already on sale and are selling fast. You can get yours online at www.Studiothirtytwo.org or at the many outlets as shown on the Studio32 website. Do not leave it too late as this show will have you fully engaged from the very first moment. This is THE Cabaret show of the Costa Blanca and you'll be singing these well-known classics right up to Christmas. If you appreciate West End shows, you'll absolutely love this one. The cast have been rehearsing since June and their expertise and dedication is awesome. See you there.
If you would like to be part of this band of charitable entertainers, please email editor@femalefocusonline.com. Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication.
Full details of all Stage Diary entertainment groups are available online at www.femalefocusonline.com
Find all the Spanish words from the word list in the puzzle grid. Words may be found going forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonally. Answers can be found in the back of the magazine. Good Luck.
See back pages for answers
Ten years ago in 2014, the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission captured the imagination of the world as it rendezvoused with Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and deployed a lander, Philae, to its surface for the first time.
To celebrate this anniversary, the Costa Blanca Astronomical Society are pleased to invite you to a talk about this extraordinary mission. The talk will be given by the Senior Advisor for Science & Exploration at the European Space Agency at the time, Mark McCaughrean.
He was responsible for communicating the results of ESA’s exploratory missions to the science community and the wider public. He has now retired from his post at ESA, and moved to Germany where he is a scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg.
He will give us a behind-the-scenes view of the mission – its history, the 10-year journey to reach the comet, and the exciting events that took place during more than 2 years of operations there, before ending in September 2016, when Rosetta joined Philae on the comet.
He will talk about some of the challenges and risks involved in the mission, and give some insights into the key scientific findings revealed to date about the formation of our solar system, the origins of water, and perhaps even life on Earth. The talk will take place on Tuesday 29th October starting at 7pm at the Casa De Cultura in Denia – Salle de Actas on the first floor.
It is expected to last until 8:30pm, with time for questions. The talk will be given in English and all are welcome. There is no entrance fee and no reservations are necessary. We look forward to seeing you there.
For more information on the Costa Blanca Astronomical Society please visit our website: https://costablancaastronomers.wordpress.com/
A warm welcome awaits you from Bert, Debbie and their family to this cosy Cafe Bistro situated on Calle Quesada Ballester, La Marquesa Golf, Rojales.
This friendly, family run venue invites you to sample some superb food from breakfasts, tasty tapas, pizzas and kebabs as well as some special signature dishes which change on a regular basis.
Vegetarians are catered for and a kids menu is available for just 5.50€ including ice cream dessert.
Both Bert and Debbie come from a background of hospitality and therefore know what it takes to make a success in serving fantastic food and making your visit a pleasurable one.
Before making the move to Spain 9 years ago to bring up their young family, Bert was a hotel manager and chef in various locations in London including some top hotels, and served members of the royal family over the years before becoming a firefighter. Debbie enjoyed working in the airline industry before becoming a Pub Manager and both are now thriving in the challenge of their new venture.
Ideally situated just by the 9th hole on the golf course, you can pop in for lunch or refreshments as you pass, or even order a sandwich for takeaway to enjoy while playing your round of golf. If you have an early tee off and would like breakfast to start your day then have a chat with Bert and he will always try to accommodate you by opening up early if possible. He is also happy to provide packages to golf societies to suit their requirements. As a keen golfer himself, Bert will take pleasure in listening to how you played, having previously been the captain of Eurogolf and a Marshall on La Marquesa Golf for 5 years. Zulma's can be contacted on 656 306 594 to take orders and bookings.
Understanding the difference between permanent and non permanent installations or why light glazed extensions require major licences in Spain (even though they are so easy to install)
supplied by Martinez de la Casa Architects
I'm sure you sometimes wondered why the Town Hall would not give you a proper licence for a glazed metal structure serving as a sun terrace. Why are the installers never able to provide an official licence?
A non-permanent fixture is an installation or building work that can be moved as a whole without dissembling or demolishing it. Non-permanent fixtures are, therefore: light prefabricated dog kennels and parasols. Also, non-permanent installations can be considered textile materials or other materials that decay over short time spans (5-10years).
A permanent fixture is just the opposite: that cannot be moved as a whole or doesn't decay in the short term. Permanent fixtures are glazed areas, aluminium roofs, or covered patios.
The material does not determine the nature of permanent or non-permanent. Therefore a wooden roof is permanent, even being a light structure, same cases even aluminium. However, an aluminium parasol or canopy with wheels will be considered non-permanent by the authorities.
Under these concepts, authorities assume any permanent extension (regardless of its material except if textile) is illegal if it hasn't been installed without a proper major licence (and therefore subject to being fined or receiving a demolition order).
So yes, in the Spanish system, all permanent extensions require a major licence regardless of their material when:
- They are roofed as they increase the size of the property, transforming exterior space or semi-exterior to interior space. So an uncovered pergola (wooden frame) doesn't increase the size, as it doesn't have a roof.
- They increase the number of rooms, and new uses are incorporated into the property, even if detached from the property. The minimum height to be considered a room is 1,5 metres. So a dog kennel is not considered a "built area" for the Spanish system.
- It affects the size you are paying in the rates bills or the description of the escritura (title deeds): The escritura and the rest of the property's legal paperwork become discrepant with the reality of the property or its use.
- It affects habitable conditions, ventilation and light: According to Spanish rules, all rooms (except bathrooms) must be ventilated and have direct access to natural light. Enclosures commonly cut off the unlimited natural light and ventilation, making the affected premises illegal.
In any given extension, its material is disregarded by Spanish authorities, who will only focus on the added volume: The fact that these enclosures are done with a simple glazing or light materials such as aluminium or plastic is disregarded by Spanish authorities that only care about the size increase and the impact to habitation regulations.
Done without a proper licence they will be subject to a fine and demolition/ legalisation order if detected by the Spanish authorities. The cost of the fines will vary between town halls, size of the extension, etc., but can easily be over 300€ per sqm. (EG a fine for a 10sqm shed, can easily reach 3,000€.) It also affects the selling process.
....continued on next page &
For the above reasons and if not detected by the authorities, they will devalue the price of the property if it is being marketed or will become a bump in the marketing process.
How to fix it if you have installed these kinds of installations?
By obtaining a retrospective licence from any qualified Spanish Architect, the unlicensed extension can't be objected to by any authority, regardless of any future law changes.
What are the Conditions to Obtain a Retrospective Licence are:
• In Murcia, to obtain a Retrospective Licence, extensions must be at least 4 years old.
• In Almeria, the building work needs to be over 6 years old.
• In Alicante, the building work needs to have been completed before August 2010.
No Retrospective Licences can be issued for extensions that have already received a fine or demolition order.
Currently, the process for obtaining a Retrospective Licence is straightforward. Once confirmed, Martinez de la Casa Architects will arrange an appointment to survey the pool/ extension requiring only your NIE and current Title-Deeds. After the Retrospective Licence is stamped by the Official College of Architects or Notarised and delivered within 10 working days (guaranteed). Retrospective licence are issued by particular architects and they are not notified to the Town Hall or any other authority, so there is no chance of being fined.
Martinez de la Casa Architects is the Number One company for Building Certification, including Energy Performance Certificates (121€incIVA) and Habitation/Occupation Licences and Retrospective Licences.
For all enquiries or to arrange an appointment, please call us on 665 810 411 (English) or visit www.martinezdelacasa.com to see an impressive list of over 300 testimonials.
The month of October will be a busy one for the organisers of the regional craft association Amata: almost every weekend they have to set up an Arts & Crafts fair in a different village or town in the province of Alicante. All of them with original hand made goods, nothing from a factory, nothing imported.
The first one is on 4, 5 and 6 October in Onil, where they form part of a big event to promote the village. “Onil es Mostra” offers, apart from the Arts & Crafts Fair, local specialities, processions, parades, a marathon, games for children, concerts and fireworks. This Fair is set up in medieval style around the Palace in the centre of the Old Town and opens on Friday afternoon at 6pm; on Saturday and Sunday from 11am until 2pm and in the evenings from 6pm onwards.
The following weekend, 11, 12 and 13 October, another Amata fair is held in the Port of Jávea. The fair is at the sea front and opens on Friday from 5 until 9pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 11am until 9pm, not closing at midday. This fair has its own page in Facebook and Instagram, where you can find more information. Look for javea.artesania.
The other two fairs are both during the last weekend of the month, one in Tibi, a little village not far from San Vicente del Raspeig on the road form Alicante to Alcoy and the other one in La Mata, just North of Torrevieja.
In Tibi the craft fair is set up on the promenade leading to the Ermita, a lovely chapel at the top of the village with stunning views of the surrounding mountains. Opening times from 11am until 2pm and then again from 5 until 10pm; Friday the 25th only in the afternoon, from 6pm onwards. In Torrevieja you will find the stalls at the Plaza Encarnación Puchol and opening times are on Friday from 5 to 9pm; on Saturday and Sunday they open from 11am until 2pm and from 5 until 9pm, although on Sunday they might close a little earlier.
The participants will be different in each fair, although some artisans will come to two or more fairs. To summarise, you can visit an Amata fair:
- 4-6 October in Onil
- 11-13 October in the Port of Jávea
- 25-27 October in Tibi and La Mata (Torrevieja)
At the latest two weeks before the date of each fair you can find the programme under “Real Fairs” in https://www.puebloartesano.es/en.
(answers in the back pages)
Crescendo International Choir is gearing up for its 20th anniversary concert on Saturday, October 26, at the Salt Church in Los Montesinos. A wide variety of popular music is planned for this special event. The concert will start at 16:30 and costs 10 euros. Tickets are available from choir members, at Salt Church, and at the Post Room and Face2Face, both located in Benijofar.
Choir rehearsals resumed at Rincon de Miguel in Los Montesinos the first week of September. They are now being held Monday evenings from 17:30 to 19:45. All singers are welcome.
For more details, please visit crescendo-choir.com. You can also follow the group on Facebook at Crescendo Choir. If you have questions, email info@crescendo-choir.com.
The choir would be delighted to welcome new singers. Our current choir includes people from England, Scotland, Wales, the US, the Netherlands, Germany, and Scandinavia, among other nationalities. Our Music Director, Irene Oliva, and pianist, Antonio Guillen, are accomplished Spanish musicians.
The photo shows Crescendo International Choir at Salt Church in Los Montesinos
Aries: The New Moon Solar Eclipse in ten degrees of your sign in the seventh house starts the month with a strong focus on relationships. Time to finally have your say and mean it! You are only telling it like it is!
Taurus: An alignment with a communicative Mercury opens up some recently closed doors. With a sixth house in your sibling planet of Libra, healthcare and wellbeing are on the agenda this month.
Gemini: Actions in the fifth house this month herald love and romance and harmony. A time to open your heart and trust that what happens is going to be a change for the better. There is no going back this time!
Cancer: The warrior planet Mars features strongly in your house of domesticity. Backing for the projects you are planning for your home is secure, so eliminate doubt and fear. Mars ensures that all will work out.
Leo: Great time for travel, even if it is just at the planning stage. A strong bond between the third and ninth houses, though they are in opposition, guarantees that this is going to be a trip to remember. Enjoy!
Virgo: The fourth house is prevalent in the forthcoming Solar Eclipse. For you it’s all about money and financial commitments. Check small print and only sign any documents if you are sure that the contract is secure.
Libra: Mars is in a hard angle and in opposition to the New Moon Solar Eclipse. Something isn’t right, and whilst you can’t put your finger on it, you can be aware that in recent changes someone isn’t fully committed.
Scorpio: Mercury is conjunct with tenth house actions that mean that you need time for yourself right now. A retreat or a few days away, or a spa day will help you to focus on the inner you. Time to chill and get to know who you are!
Sagittarius: The Full Moon is in Aries, opposing Libra this month. You may find it hard to get your head around recent developments; however everything is for a reason right now and you will find out why and just move on!
Capricorn: The Sun in Scorpio sheds an illuminating light on matters of the heart this month. Your emotional wellbeing is of the greatest importance but whatever you do, do not close your heart down and love yourself.
Aquarius: Venus is in Scorpio until November in the first house of self. Though you yourself have set boundaries, pastures green await your recent regrettable decision. Be strong and carry on regardless.
Pisces: A conjunct with Mercury starts the ball rolling on something that you are keeping close to your chest. You’ll get your green light, but be patient in the meantime. The Solar Eclipse shines a light on all good things to come.
As an Astrologer, Kenny has worked tirelessly for over forty years to produce quality Horoscopes Worldwide. He has received a major Award for his contribution to the Astrological Arts by being voted into the Top Twenty World’s Best Astrologers by the American Federation of Certified Psychics. He is awarded five stars as a Lightworker, and Psychic Medium. For personal readings/castings please call Kenny on: 686 361 594. kennycorris@hotmail.com www.kennycorris.com. Confidential and Personal Reply Guaranteed! Online Readings: by Zoom, Skype,WhatsApp, Viber, FaceTime.
By Rhona Wells - rhonawells@hotmail.com
Life can be hectic and at times we may find we need a place to recalibrate, somewhere to slow down and reflect, a place away from the bustling crowd.
The Albarda Garden is recognised as a model of excellence in the world of Mediterranean gardens. Created in 1990, it demonstrates the great richness of the flora that thrive in our Costa Blanca climate.
With an area of 50,000m², the garden showcases more than 700 species of native plants, highlighting the diversity of our local flora in all its splendour.
The land on which the Albarda Garden now sits was previously an orchard of orange and lemon trees. In the 1980s, Valencian businessman Enrique Montoliu acquired the plot with the idea of converting it into a house and garden. Over time, his fairly straightforward plan developed into an ambitious project of conservation.
The garden is now managed by Fundem, the Enrique Montoliu Foundation - established in 1996 - with the strictest sustainability criteria. It is a reference model in the world of both public and private Mediterranean gardening.
In addition to its botanical biodiversity, L’Albarda lays claim to a formal garden, a variety of orchards, including apple, orange and lemon groves, exotic strains of palm trees, ferns and an
AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS For families and friends of problem drinkers. There are meetings in Torrevieja. Phone 634 349 961.
Across: 6 Monmouth, 8 A ton, 9 Again and again, 10 Dyes, 11 Turkeys, 14 Version, 16 Cede, 19 Psychiatrists, 21 Cots, 22 Irrigate.
Down: 1 Jogged, 2 Sumac, 3 Rhodium, 4 Hang, 5 Notify, 7 Maidens, 12 Keeping, 13 Solicit, 15 Easton, 17 Entity, 18 Story, 20 Cusp.
abundance of protected species of little known flora.
Albarda’s numerous wild areas, boast a profusion of vividly coloured flowers and plants, allowed to re-seed and proliferate as nature intended. In other areas, there is more formality, among these the impressive recreation of the ancient Renaissance gardens of Valencia, which were widely influenced by Arab culture.
One area is particularly reminiscent of the Majorelle gardens in Marrakesh, designed by Yves St Laurent with its vibrant colour scheme of orange and blue.
Just such characteristics have brought recognition, accolades and awards to the Albarda Garden from highly regarded conservations bodies around the world.
Meander through its shaded pathways and you will find ponds covered in waterlilies, entertaining frogs, dragonflies and the occasional turtle. Various statues and sculptures are also dotted around the grounds; it seems there is always more to discover here and one can easily spend a couple of hours strolling quietly through the garden.
As well as being a beautiful, peaceful oasis, L’Albarda frequently plays host to concerts and other events, including book launches and painting exhibitions.
Up and coming events at the Albarda Gardens include a concert by the young chamber orchestra Marinae Ensemble on 20th October at 11am and a Christmas Market on 23rd and 24th November.
L’Albarda Garden is located in Pedreguer (Alicante-Spain) The address is: Urbanización La Sella, C/ Baix Vinalopó, nº 8.
Leo is 1 of 5 kittens in need of a home. They are around 7 weeks old and have been in foster since born so are very affectionate and litter trained. For more information please call Pets In Spain on: 645 469 253 or email: info@petsinspain.com
You’re invited to come and meet the Easy Horse Care Centre rescued horses, ponies and donkeys. Call 652 021 980 or email rescue@easyhorsecare.net For more information visit our website www.easyhorsecare.net
This is the gorgeous Cookie, who is a 6 year old Mastin x. She loves her walks and is good on the lead, likes being made a fuss of, lots of cuddles and is very playful. Can anyone give Cookie her forever home. Contact us at the Shelter to come and meet her. Call / WhatsApp 711 075 305 or k9clubinfo@gmail.com.
Altea is gearing up to mark 500 tourist attractions, council buildings and shops with pictograms that can be read by people with visual difficulties. Already 402 buildings and attractions have been signposted, so Altea is well on the way to reaching its target of 500 pictograms by the end of the year.
The Braille and high-relief pictograms, where the image extends out from the background, have been designed by Ilunion Accesibilidad, of the ONCE Social Group, to improve accessibility, especially for people with total or partial visual impairment and cognitive difficulties.
NaviLens QR codes have also been installed on urban route panels so that people with visual difficulties can use them. Strategic points in the town, such as the town hall square, promenade and old town streets have had panels installed which describe the places and urban routes together with NaviLens QR codes so people with visual difficulties can also access them.
You can use a mobile phone camera to scan the codes without having to know precisely where they are placed; without the need to focus (unlike traditional QR codes); and without having to be up-close to the code - they can be scanned from a distance of several metres.
This month, Ilunion Accesibilidad is also holding awareness training courses for local police staff and the commercial and hospitality sectors.
We are a relaxed and friendly mixed group who meet once a week in the lounge/bar of the Laguna Hotel in Quesada at 3pm for a chat and coffee. The aim of the group is to support those who have lost someone close and help make new friends. We also enjoy meals / lunches out and day trips etc. For more information call Sheila 966 719 149, Brenda 966 718 403 or Jackie 645 928 242 or just come along for a chat one Saturday.