COSTA BLANCA south Serving the community since 1993 Q FREE ASTRONOMY The night sky in September, planets to look up for. EVENTS Davis Cup, Macmillan coffee morning, Butterfly Charity Ball... September 2022

Let’s start with Jupiter, by the middle of the month it will be nicely above the horizon in the east / southeast at 10pm. You can't miss it, it will be the brightest star like thing you see and it looks a bit orange. Historically, Jupiter is very important, it was the first planet Galileo looked at with a telescope and recognised that it had moons. He soon realised that the little points of light he saw were circling the planet, that in turn led to a better understanding of how the solar system works. That's an enviable legacy to leave behind, I don’t envy him his problems with the church of the day though.
It’s the beginning of a great time of year for looking at the night sky, and there’s some real wonders to look at. For quite a while two of our most spectacular planets, Jupiter and Saturn have only been visible from our part of the world in the early morning, and enthusiastic as I am, I have no intention of leaving my bed at 5am to look at the sky.
With a pair of 10x50 binoculars or a telescope and a clear night you can see the four Galilean moons, Io, Callisto, Ganymede and Europa. Look at them over a few hours or a couple of nights and you too will see them circling the planet. Incidentally, Europa might be the most interesting place to explore in the solar system, but I’ll save that for another time. If you’ve got a telescope, look for the famous great red spot, a vast anticyclonic storm that has been raging for hundreds of years and is bigger than the Earth. Now for Saturn, probably the most beautiful thing most of us will ever see with a telescope, it’s the planet with the bright rings. Mid month it will be in the southeast, and higher in the sky than Jupiter. It won’t be as bright as Jupiter, more like a bright star, but it is the brightest thing in that area. With your 10x50 binoculars, you can't make out the rings, but they do make the planet look oval. A telescope changes things, about 100x magnification will show the rings nicely, and with a decent 'scope and 150x, you can make out one of the gaps in the rings, Cassini’s division. There are over 80 moons around Saturn, Titan is the most famous, and the second biggest moon in the solar system (after Ganymede). You can see Titan easily with a telescope, but with binoculars, that's tricky. Conventional wisdom says that only unusually large binoculars will work, but twice now I’ve met people who say they’ve seen it with 10x50s. So, if anyone has seen Titan with ordinary binoculars, please let me know, with the time and location please.
One last thing to look at whilst you have your binoculars out, look in the south, you’ll be looking at the milky way, one arm of our Galaxy, millions of stars in a vast beautiful arc across the sky. That’s all for this month, except for a reminder, we are having a public star gazing night on October 4th. We’ll have a couple of telescopes to look through at the Moon and hopefully Saturn and Jupiter. We will be at on the seafront at Punta Prima, just south of Torrevieja, setting up from 7.30pm, ready for darkness after 8pm.
TIME FOR SOME PLANETS - THE NIGHT SKY IN SEPTEMBER age Q2 Focus Magazine September 2022 Charles Oates, Vega Baja Astronomy Group. ● To find out more about observing and astronomy, email us at
IT'S Page 3 QF���� Maga���e Se��e��e� 2022
Funeral Plans
Over the last few months, there has been an upheaval regarding funeral plans in the UK. Every week, it would appear that there was a new company providing plans. Most of these companies have now disappeared due the new regulations for funeral plan providers in the UK, as they are now regulated by the FCA. However, due to these changes, and after a considerable amount of research, I decided to provide my clients with a Spanish regulated funeral plan company, which has been providing funeral plans in Spain for many years, and is fully registered and regulated with both the Spanish authorities and the DGS. Why choose a funeral plan? Especially for the Expats and their families, funerals can be a very stressful and complicated experience. When you purchase a funeral plan, you are making the whole process far easier and less stressful for your loved ones. Prices are fixed, with either full payment or with a small deposit, and a payment schedule over 60 months which is interest free. There is no medical required, no health restrictions and no limit on age. In Spain, the funeral usually happens very quickly after death, which can be frightening and daunting for your family members to deal with. I cannot understand why you would not organise this, to help your loved ones at this very difficult time. One phone call and the plan goes into operation. There is a choice of three plans, and all the documentation required is included. If you decide that a funeral plan is not for you, you must make sure that your wishes are known, money is available immediately and that at least one of your loved ones has an NIE number. In line with Spanish law, direct cremation usually takes place 24-72 hours after death and prolonging this will incur extra mortuary Deathexpenses.isalways traumatic and exhausting – why make it even harder for those left behind. If you would like more information or a quotation, please contact one of my offices, email
or visit the website

The main event for us this month is attending the Macmillans coffee morning at Jolly's Bar. Always a great day out for all the family raising much needed funds for such a good cause, sure a really good turnout. 228 Female Focus Publications are supporters www.aldeasinfantiles.esof Please send editorial to Advert content to adver� Like and Follow us on Facebook & Instagram @FemaleFocusPublica�ons Female Focus is proud to have been voted the third most popular magazine worldwide in the independent Expat Survey Consumer Awards
The wedding of our niece at the end of July was a fantastic event, the venue, the food, the entertainment all was 1st class. Surprisingly we did manage to handle the pace by staying until 5am, although it did take a day or two to recover, but it was definitely worth it. August has been a relatively quiet month which is just as well as there have been days when it was difficult to leave the house and the comfort of the air conditioning. Although I do believe that is the calm before the storm when reality sets back in and normality returns with the kids back to school. With that comes the usual paperwork for enrolment and queuing in the papeleria for the purchasing of school books and required stationary. On the plus side, the roads will become more accessible and reservations in restaurants and bars achievable. age Q4 F���� Maga���e Se��e��e� 2022 Michelle QFocus Office: Mon to Fri. 10am - 2pm Tel. 657 501 055 Pick up your next issue on 4 October Deadline for advertising & editorial - 19 Sept QFocus Magazine covering the Alicante South region and Focus On Magazine covering the Alicante North region.
there will be
Until next time.... Discuss your advertising with your local representative:Sales Manager Michelle 663 178

 age Q6 Focus Magazine September 2022 THIS IS OUR NEAREST PRODUCT TO OFFERING A FIXED RETURN Amounts now being applied to investor's accounts DAILY, after charges: (Sterling) Growth Fund 4.1% p.a. (Sterling) Cautious Fund 3.4% p.a. (Euro) Growth Fund 3.0% p.a. (Euro) Cautious Fund 2.3% p.a. (note: The above is what new investors would receive and investors of over 5 years would receive 1.2% p.a. more than published rates above) In addition to the above returns on your money the investments are wrapped in a Spanish Tax Compliant investment product designed for Spanish resident ex-pats and this will give you the following benefits: • Mechanism employed by the Provider smooths returns. Excellent for inexperienced investors and historically vastly better than bank interest returns. • Option to give a regular monthly or quarterly withdrawal of 5% p.a. penalty free, giving peace of mind for the regularity of a set income. • Avoidance of Spanish inheritance tax liabilities between spouses if written as a joint policy which is all held in Ireland i.e. outside of Spain. • Named UK resident beneficiaries will only pay Inheritance tax per UK rules on the passing of this bond. In most cases this will be Nil. • All income tax deduction and reporting and Modelo 720 asset reporting is done for you in Spain by the Product Provider. This is very simple for investors. • Portable, should you move back to UK. • Minimum investment £20,000 or €25,000 or •US$35,000.1.5%allocation bonus for investments over £150,000 (immediately worth £152,250). 0.5% allocation bonus for investments over £75,000. Please call me for information on investment solutions for your circumstances. David Diggle C.A.T. DipFA TEL: 865 751 713 / 615 607 278 / 965 704 338 Seagate Wealth Management, Avenida Federico Garcia, 101, Benijofar, 03178, Alicante, South Costa EMAIL:Blanca OR We work in conjunction with fully regulated and authorised companies. See advert below left for more information INVESTMENT RETURNS PER ANNUM QUARTERLY ANNOUNCEMENT - 25th August 2022 provided by an Investment Product Provider extremely well known to British expats: Page 7 QFocus Magazine September 2022 Here are two Sudoku puzzles of different skill levels for you to try. It is not a maths game at all - it is a pure logic game. Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3 x 3 grid contains the digits 1 through to 9 with no repeats, which means that no number is repeated in any row, column or box. See back pages for answers CROSSWORD Across 6 Model Five fired men at the moon (6) 8 Many canoes get upset (6) 9 Olivia Newton-John sang about its banks (4) 10 Scorn (8) 11 Vermin catcher (6) 13 Have the helm (5) 15 Nought (3) 17 Leash (5) 18 Twelve --- High (1949 Gregory Peck film) (6) 20 Short of a Beatles album? (8) 22 Movable barrier (4) 23 Bring in from abroad (6) 24 Las Vegas' state (6) Down 1 Greek spirit (4) 2 If it ever existed, it missed the boat in Noah's time (7) 3 Attractive (5) SUDOKU 4 Statue support (8) 5 Crack (4) 7 Disturbed that war goes from side to side (7) 12 Stirrer (8) 14 Agitated (7) 16 Slackens (7) 19 Euro fractions (5) 21 Trees badly affected by fungal attack (4) 22 Donated (4)

1: Building work on plots that have already used there maximum build area. All plots have a maximum area which you are allowed to build on. This is known as maximum built area allowed. If the property has already reached the maximum size allowed, no major licence will be issued.
Most glass or bricked enclosed terraces and porches will not be allowed to be glazed in or transformed into interior spaces. Spanish properties traditionally tend to have patios and courtyards, along with semi-opened spaces like porches and partially covered terraces to provide shelter from the sun and to maximise the outdoor lifestyle. These semi-opened spaces are easily closed-in, but the bureaucracy is not as easy. These works, however small you might consider them, are adding to the registered square metres of the property and often permissions are declined. A Certificate of Antiquity is the only document that can make these existing works accepted by the planning department at the Town Hall.
4: Closing in small existing gaps in the property: patios, existing terraces, porches.
5: Underbuilds are not allowed to be used for living accommodation: Underbuilds with living accommodations are never done with the correct licences and again a Certificate of Antiquity/Retrospective Licence is the only document that can prevent prosecution for any interior alterations done at the property or alterations that don’t meet the planning standards.
Never jump into project expenses without being sure a licence will be issued
Martinez de la Casa Architects always recommend their clients enquire at the Town Hall if the licence will be possible before jumping into expenses for doing projects, employing architects, etc).
2: Plot under the minimum required size. No building work is allowed if the plot is under the minimum square metres required to build in the area. Some plots, although being legal, are under the minimum required size for building. This being the case no licence will be issued. Any existing shed, exterior built cupboard, semi-opened kitchen and other covered buildings or works such as a carport or pools will need a retrospective licence in order to become unobjectable in the future. age Q8 Focus Magazine September 2022
Here are 5 common reasons for the Council to reject a licence which, if the work is already done, can only be resolved using a simple Certificate of Antiquity/Retrospective Licence.
3: Extensions violating the minimum required distance to the plot’s boundaries. Permanent carports, or any kind of roofed buildings that are violating the minimum required distance to the plot’s boundaries is a reason to decline a license. National planning laws for detached properties require a minimum distance between a window and a neighbour’s boundary of 2 metres. Regional and local laws may allow between 3 to even 5 metres or more. There are many variables depending on different factors. A Certificate of Antiquity is the only document that can avoid previous works being objected to by the planning department at the Town Hall.
article supplied by Martinez de la Casa Architects &

possible Page 9 QFocus Magazine September 2022
Find all the Spanish words from the word list in the puzzle grid. Words may be found going forwards, backwards, up, down or diagonally. Answers can be found in the back of the magazine. Good Luck. case the building work has already been completed (applicable all cases the document needed is a Certificate of also known as a acts as a the against sanctions from the Town Hall. It is to of It will also be needed on completion of the sale in order to update the property’s description in Title Deeds & Land Registry. de Casa
Only properly qualified and registered Spanish Architects are permitted to issue Retrospective Licences, so if your solicitors are studying your case, ask them to contact Martinez
Architects to provide the Antiquity Certificate and they will make the whole process easier, faster and cheaper with their fixed published prices and guaranteed deadlines. The cost of an Antiquity Certificate/Retrospective Licence for pools is 190€ +IVA and extensions or complete properties only 270€ +IVA. Discounts are available if you also require an Energy Performance Certificate (121€ IVA incl.), Habitation Licence (from 118€ IVA incl., but Registration Tax not included) or any other of their services, done at the same time. If you want to have your Retrospective Licence/Antiquity Certificate for your extension or pool now, in accordance with present laws and to protect against possible future changes in the laws that may affect you, Martinez de la Casa Architects will arrange an appointment and guarantee the delivery of the Certificate of Antiquity within 10 working days after survey. For all enquiries, please call 665 810 411. Martinez de la Casa Architects guarantee the delivery of the Certificate of Antiquity within 10 working days after survey. Visit our website to see an impressive list of nearly 200 client’s testimonials.
illegal extensions to the property.
licence, protecting
highly recommended to avoid putting off potential buyers due
the existence
Retrospective Licence. Once issued, this document

Jolly's Bar in Quesada are proud to be once again partaking in the world's official biggest coffee morning for MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT.
See age 10QFocus Magazine September 2022
This event will take place on Saturday 24th September from 10am 'til 3pm, and is going to be bigger and better than ever before. Jolly's Bar are officially on the register to support Macmillan charity and all the work they do, which has a massive impact on many people's lives that have been touched by cancer - they have also decided to raise money for a more local charity, Reach Out Rojales. It has now become one of the biggest events of the year for Jolly's Bar, thanks to Sarah Devonport and her helpers for all the organisation before and after the event. Every year the amount raised gets higher and higher and although an actual target has not been set this year, it has already surpassed the 4023€ that was raised in 2021 and that is before the actual coffee morning! This has been achieved by the sale of football cards throughout the year, a sponsored skydive which 16 people took part raising over 4300€ and a Charity Golf Day in which 517€ was raised. Many thanks to John Dodds for organising the golf day and to La Marquesa Golf Club for giving discounted fees and donating prizes for the raffle. Moving onto the coffee morning itself.... a day not to be missed. Sarah has organised live broadcasting with Big FM, live entertainment from Emily Hullman and so many activities throughout the day for all the family. Lots of games like guess how many sweets in the jar, name the teddy, football cards, a huge raffle, colouring competition for the kids, popcorn and ice pops stall, and of course homemade and fake away cakes will be available to buy. anyone would like to contribute to these amazing causes by donating cakes and raffle prizes just pop your donated prizes into the bar as soon as possible and your cakes in on the morning of the 24th. put the date in your diary and come along to join in the fun and make a difference to other people's lives. Jolly's advert below for details.

all nationalities are welcome. You will find Razorsedge at Plaza
Commercial Square and can book your appointment by calling
free consultations on all
up and drop off service is available if you
package for your
See their advert on page 4.
At Razorsedge Page 11 QFocus Magazine September 2022
you will find
friendly team to make suitable arrangements. Kayleigh
Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon in San Luis a team of professional stylists and a beautician
and monthly special offers are always available,
Kayleigh is the leading colour technician with over 16 years' experience specialising in all aspects of colouring including tints, foils and full head colours including Balayage and Ombre. She has previously worked in salons in the Quesada area before opening her own salon and looks forward to greeting both previous and existing clients. David is a unisex hairdresser, well known and admired in the San Luis and Guardamar areas. He has been in the trade for over 25 years and has an eye for complete restyles should wish a dramatic change of look and is an expert in hair-up for special occasions. Belen is the beautician with over 20 years' experience and is a qualified nail master enabling her to teach the art of nail care. She uses only the best products such as crystal nails, gives top quality manicures and pedicures, gel nails and all nail art is freehand. She also provides reflexology, facials and Thai massage as well EFT tapping which can help overcome stress and traumas and to stop Razorsedgesmoking. bridal nails, make up, hair styling and/ or hair up with treatments. Vouchers as well as hair treatments - up to 15% off. A pick struggle to get into the salon, just speak to one of the and Belen are both Bi-lingual in English and Spanish and Tolosa, San Luis Kayleigh on 603 293 127 or David on 634 066 717.
if you recommend, you will receive discounts on
provide a

 age Q12 Focus Magazine September 2022
Celebrating the iconic Dama de Elche
Article by Sarah Farrell -
A special exhibition is being held to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the discovery of the emblematic Dama de Elche sculpture. The exhibition, The Lady of Elche: the birth of the icon, takes a historical journey from when the Iberian bust was discovered on August 4, 1897. The temporary exhibition is being held in La Alcudia Archaeological Park where the Dama de Elche was discovered, and is open from Tuesday to Sunday, 9.30am to 3pm, until September 30.
The Dama de Elche is considered to be a masterpiece of Iberian art and was stumbled across by farm worker Manuel Campello, while he was clearing land at the site 125 years ago. Until November 6, a second exhibition is behind held at MAHE history museum in Elche highlighting the role of women in Iberian Theculture.Dama de Elche, is one of the most famous sculptures in the world, and is currently housed in the National Archaeological Museum in TheMadrid.sculpture, dating back to the 5th or 4th century BC represents a richly dressed woman, whose identity is a mystery. According to Madrid’s National Archeological Museum, the figure is believed to have both human and divine features and could be a high-born Iberian woman. age Q14 Focus Magazine September 2022 The Spice Hut Quesada. Tel. 966 731 063 or visit BFD Spot the odd one out CAE Spinach (sag) and chicken 1kg chicken, diced 250g spinach, roughly chopped 2 tbspn of oil 1 medium onion, diced 4 cloves of garlic, crushed 2 tspn of ginger paste 2 green chillies, finely chopped 1 tspn of coriander powder 1 tspn of cumin powder 1 tspn of mustard seeds 1 tspn of cumin seeds 1/2 tspn of turmeric 1 chopped tomato Little water Heat the oil, put in the mustard seeds and wait until they start to pop, add cumin seeds and straight away add the chopped onions and cook until soft. Add the spinach and add all the spices and cook gently. Add the chopped chicken and water, tomatoes and cook further on a low heat until the chicken is cooked. Check for taste and add as required. Served with rice. Recipes by Pushpa from the Spice Hut Page 15 QFocus Magazine September 2022 SERGIO LEONE
Sad Hill Cemetery, near Burgos, Castille & Leon. reference 41 5925 N, 3 2431 W. is from ‘OUT OF SIGHT SPAIN, 150 places to visit.’ by local author Harry King. 216 pages. 140 colour
Sad Hill Cemetery TO SEE CLINT EASTWOOD, LEE VAN CLEEF AND Then come to Burgos and relive it like a cowboy from the American West; you will freak out! Sad Hill Cemetery was built between the Burgos municipalities of Contreras and Santo Domingo de Silos, to shoot the final scene of the movie ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’. This is where the classic movie scene was shot and in Burgos you can relive it at Sad Hill Cemetery. It was the summer of 1966 when the Italian film director Sergio Leone was in Spain locating exterior settings. Leone had already shot some of his famous spaghetti westerns in the Tabernas Desert in Almeria. The film he was shooting needed a stage with a bridge and a river, something he would hardly find in the province of Almería. He found it in the Arlanza river valley, in the Sierra de la TheDemanda.Monastery of San Pedro de Arlanza was transformed into the Mission San Antonio. Near the municipality of Carazo, the unionist Fort Betterville was erected. The Arlanza river became the Rio Grande’s Langstone Bridge. In the Mirandilla Valley, remarkably close to Santo Domingo de Silos, the Sad Hill Cemetery was built where the final scene of the film was shot. Leone had the help of the Spanish army to build the circular Sad Hill Cemetery. More than 5,000 ‘graves’ were created. Most of them had their own wooden cross. After filming the place was abandoned. Over the years, vegetation covered the graves; the wooden crosses rotted. In 2013, with the intention of recovering the film scenes for tourism purposes, the Sad Hill Cultural Association emerged. Its members took months to unearth the cemetery's original central cobblestone, scene of the big shootout between Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach. Two years later, on the fiftieth anniversary of the shooting of the film, the association began to recover ‘graves’ in the cemetery. Thousands of volunteers cleared vegetation and breathed new life into this gigantic setting. Since 2016, the association has managed to recover more than 1,500 ‘graves.’ It has done through a somewhat macabre patronage campaign. For only 15 euros, anyone could have a headstone with a name in Sad Hill Cemetery. This original campaign spread across the globe, with requests coming from everywhere. An American fan of the film even tried to have his ashes deposited here after his death. Among the tombs that already have a name is one dedicated to the director Sergio Leone, another to the unknown soldier. The success of the financial campaign was so astonishing it is now closed. The access track that goes to Sad Hill cemetery is three kilometres from Contreras and four from Santo Domingo de Silos. Once there the cemetery is open to visitors. Take time to stroll among the endless rows of crosses. Discover inscriptions that will surprise.
an extract
This article
photos. Best value source: Book Waterstones. com, Amazon Kindle Store.

● Serbia v Republic of Korea on Thursday September 15
We are a relaxed and friendly mixed group who meet once a week at the Laguna Hotel in Quesada at 3pm for a chat and coffee. The aim of the group is to support those who have lost someone close and help make new friends. We also enjoy meals / lunches out and day trips etc. For more information call Joan on 634 336 103 or Steve on 623 220 052 or just come along for a chat one Saturday.
Tickets for the Group B stage in Valencia and the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final being held in Malaga in November are available from
● Spain v Canada on Friday September 16
Four cities - Valencia, Glasgow, Hamburg and Bologna - will host the group stage finals involving 16 teams - Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Korea., Netherlands, Serbia, Spain, Sweden and USA.
Spain is certainly a team to watch having won the title six times in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2019.
F.A.B. (Friends after Bereavement)
The schedule for the David Cup Finals Group Stage in Valencia is:
● Canada v Serbia on Saturday September 17
● Spain v Republic of Korea on Sunday September 18
Davis Cup returns to Valencia
● Spain v Serbia on Wednesday September 14
● Canada v Republic of Korea on Tuesday September 13
Article by Sarah Farrell -
Top tennis stars can be seen in action in Valencia during the group stage of the 2022 Davis Cup by Rakuten Finals. age Q16 Focus Magazine September 2022
The Group B stage between Spain, Canada, Serbia and the Republic of Korea is being held in the Fuente de San Luis pavilion in Valencia from September 13 to 18.

This is not the first time, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have looked to Spanish brands or designers for their fashion choices.
British Royals continue supporting Spanish fashion Page 17 QFocus Magazine September 2022
They have already been seen out and about in brands including Mango Kids, Pepa & Co founded by Spanish-born Pepa González, and Amaia Kids.
Her support obviously paid off as England went on to win the final - in great style too!
On the 12th of September San Miguel de Salinas resident Andrew J Daniels will be setting off on an epic cycle ride from his old home in Hastings in the south east of the UK to his current home in the south east of Spain. The journey of approximately 1,200 miles will be undertaken to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy UK and will fund vital research. In 2002 Andrew fostered Matt, a twelve year old boy with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a muscle wasting condition for which there is currently no cure. What followed were fourteen years of incredible joy and crushing pain until Matt’s death in 2016 aged 26. Says Andrew, "Knowing Matt changed my life and brought out the best in me. Every morning he woke with an excitement about the coming day that I will be channeling during my cycle ride. For somebody with Muscular Dystrophy every day requires huge courage and determination, so that will inspire me when the going gets tough". After doing a sky dive in 2016, Andrew bought his first bike in thirty eight years to do a second challenge three years ago. For the current challenge he will be riding a vintage cycle and describes himself as a creaky old man on a creaky old bike. He hopes to cover an average of sixty miles every day. You can follow his journey and donate via JustGiving at: Andrew J’s Miles for Matt.
The British Royal Family have been flying the flag for Spanish fashion brands throughout the summer. Now they have handed down their sense of style to the latest generation of princesses. In an Instagram post wishing the Lionesses good luck in the Women's Euro 2022 final against Germany, Prince William sits alongside his daughter Princess Charlotte who is wearing a top made in Spain.
Article by Sarah Farrell -
The seven-year-old was sporting a navy blue shirt from the Spanish brand, Losan, a brand known for its everyday fashions which are both ethically manufactured and affordable. In a Facebook post, Losan announced: “We are proud to share that Princess Charlotte has chosen Losan as one of the essential brands in her wardrobe.” Focus Magazine September 2022 If you would like to be part of this band of charitable entertainers, please email Deadline for copy is the 15th of the month prior to publication. Full details of all Stage Diary entertainment groups are available online at COSTA BLANCA SOUTH Founded by Benny Davis in 2007 Spot the 13 differences(answers in the classified pages) ACTS are busy rehearsing for their next production, Sex Please We're Sixty which they will be presenting at Casa de Cultura in Benijofar on the 17, 18 & 19 November, as usual the tickets will be 10€, curtain up at 7.30pm. You can reserve your tickets for this hysterical play by WhatsApp message to 602 683 925 or visit their website for the full list of ticket outlets. Rojales Pantomime Group: Panto is coming to Spain.... Oh yes it is…. Pantomime is typically British theatre and Rojales Pantomime Group are excited that rehearsals are commencing in September for the very funny production of Treasure Island on December 1, 2 and 3, at The Belluga Theatre, San Fulgencio. There will be rip roaring songs..... slapstick comedy.... lots of pirating.... Crazy Ladies dancing and, of course, the usual audience participation. This is going to be pantomime at its very best and you WON’T WANT TO MISS IT. Details of ticket sales here next month.
Page 18
Studio 32 have started rehearsals for their new show ‘A Night on Broadway’, a celebration of award winning Broadway musicals that Studio32 have produced over the past 8 years. They are always looking for enthusiastic people to join our group who can, or have the aspirations to sing, dance and act especially males, or if you would like to participate working behind the scenes, full training will be given. They also need people who have experience working with costumes. If you would like further information or you would like to book tickets please visit their website to book tickets online, email or call 679 062 272.
The Costa Blanca Singers are welcoming new members to join this enthusiastic and fun group. Every Wednesday from 14.30 to 16.30 at The Social Centre La Marina Urbanizacion (behind the medical centre). Aim to arrive early for a prompt warm up. All welcome with no requirement to audition, your experience or lack of it, is equally welcome. Song choices traverse several genres and all members are encouraged to suggest their own favourites, which are considered by the group members. The Costa Blanca Singers are positive, passionate and proactive. Contact now for more information or just turn up on Wednesdays. WhatsApp or call 688 688 546 or 0044 7850431876.

If you are someone who travels using an electric scooter, you also have rules to comply with for your safety and that of all road users, for example: - 1 person only - Use of headphones prohibited - You cannot drive on the pavements Do not use electric scooters outside the city limits. These vehicles can only be used in urban areas. And something that must be considered, is that each town council can regulate the use of these types of vehicles in their municipality.
The N-332 are a group of Spanish Traffic Police Officers who decided to create a Facebook group to inform all ex-pats and tourists about Spanish traffic laws as they think it is unfair to fine them for breaking rules they didn't know about. You can find them on Facebook at and follow them to keep up to date as they only share Safety
Remember that our talks are completely free.
is a thing for everyone. Drive responsibly! Cars' Emission Stickers or Environmental Badges. Do you know the meaning? Where can you get them?
If you want to drive through some downtown locations such as Barcelona and Madrid it is mandatory to display it because they are classified as low emission areas. BUT in 2025, in the capital Madrid, ALL vehicles will have to display it. On its web, the DGT has all the information about it, and on this link, you will find out what sticker your vehicle must;
After two years without giving any talks, from October, N332 staff will start again to visit associations with their new presentations. Despite the pandemic, during these last years the Traffic Department has carried out several modifications to the Spanish Traffic Law and we would like to explain them to you. We will also review old topics such as the documents you must take with you, mandatory equipment in your vehicle, how to drive in a roundabout, etc.
Traffic Offences - Common Mistake
When some people receive a fine from a Police officer, they wait to receive another notification by post, and then they begin the process to appeal. This is wrong! Once the fine is delivered by hand, the process starts and they only have 20 days to appeal it or benefit from the discount. After several months of waiting, some followers have contacted us asking about when they will receive the second notification to appeal, and now they have lost the right to do so and will have to pay the full amount of the fine. We would like to share this information because we don't want this situation to keep happening.
official information. Road
Source: N332 presentations in Alicante and Murcia provinces.
Those associations interested, please send us an email to Duration:n332facebook@hotmail.com40minutesapproximately. Page 19 QFocus Magazine September 2022

On Saturday, 30th July, local Freemason’s Lodge, Old Tower Lodge number 49, held a summer barbecue at Sociedad Compas, Quesada which was very well attended including the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia and more than eighty Freemasons and their invited guests. Two slide shows of previous events held by Old Tower Lodge were shown by our Charity Steward and entertainment was provided by Carla Stone. This event, which was enjoyed by all, albeit the weather being a little on the warm side, was held to raise funds to support the Provincial Grand Master's local food bank charities. The raffle was extremely well supported and this event raised just over one thousand, one hundred euros for the food bank charities. Should you be interested in joining Freemasonry, please contact me by email:
Written by Sandra Brook At the end of July the Jaguar Enthusiasts Club J.E.C Costa Blanca once more took to the roads to visit a beautiful Catholic Church on a hill in Novelda Alicante, which has in its design a clear influence of the famous architect Antoni Gaudi, who designed the fantastic La Sagrada Familia church in the city of Barcelona. The Sanctuary de Santa María Magdalena can be seen clearly standing proud and magnificent at the very top of the hill, a most beautiful landmark of Novelda. After viewing the church, members gathered on the sun terrace of the Mola restaurant for refreshments,which had been pre-organised as it’s literally next to the Sanctuary. Then once refreshed it was time to commence on the next part of our run for lunch at Aspe at the Bellavall rural hotel restaurant, where a tasty lunch was served in their large and airy restaurant making it a wonderful finish to a wonderful outing, in the comfort of our beautiful Jaguar big cats. you own a jaguar and would like to join the club telephone Michael Brook 640 866 711 or mail
In these extremely difficult times, the Provincial Grand Master of Valencia, Right Worshipful Brother Rodney Charles Bignell, has urged his Freemasons’ Lodges to support food banks within the Province of Valencia as much as possible. age Q20 Focus Magazine September 2022
Local Freemasons help Charities
Following recent Masonic donations of firstly, two thousand euros to the San Gabriel in Alicante and secondly, seven hundred and fifty euros to Reach Out in Torrevieja, the Provincial Grand Master decided to assist another food bank operating in the City of Valencia, this time the Amigos de la Calle. Brother Andres, the Charity Steward from White River Lodge 153, recently visited Amigos de la Calle following a donation of one thousand euros to assist them with purchasing food and clothing for their invaluable work in helping the homeless of the City. as a group of friends to feed 70 homeless people, Amigos de la Calle now operates with 7 teams of volunteers to feed 700 people every Sunday, gives boxes of food to 200 with financial problems every 15 days, plus provides essential clothing.

 Page 21 QF���� Maga���e Se��e��e� 2022 Don’t Let Grinch Steal Your Christmas! Spangles Ladies’ Harmony Chorus started rehearsals in Los Alcázares, Murcia on 1 September after a well-deserved summer break. It’s hard to believe, but it's time to dust off their Christmas songs in readiness for many engagements during November and December. If you’ve toyed with the idea of joining a chorus, Spangles is offering you an ideal opportunity to ease gently into the art of singing four-part harmony, a cappella style – which means without an instrumental backing - during the festive season. No need to panic if you don’t read music, Spangles provides teaching tracks to make life really easy for you and they will be with you every step of the way during this fun time. If you fancy giving it a go, just send an email to or call 693 017 617 for full details. Don’t let Grinch steal your Christmas - do it now! Spangles rehearse every Thursday, from 10.30am to 1pm at Centro Municipal Las Claras, Calle Helena, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares. Visitors are always welcome if you want to see what it’s all about. If you are thinking about joining, or maybe you’d like to book the chorus for an event, you can find the full story on the Spangles website: or email Let's difference2022maketheyeartomakeaThinkBlue..... Have bookedyouyourspaceintheCoast'sleadingPrintDirectory? Vega Baja autumn edition is coming soon: 15,000 copies per issue in high quality gloss B5 paper every six months. See page 4 for contact details of your representativelocal

LEO You can see a crisis brewing and it takes a while to know with confidence if you should get involved. Don’t second guess, wait until you know for sure which way you want to go. Either way you will need to be prepared to pick up the pieces.
AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS For families and friends of problem drinkers. There are meetings in Torrevieja. Phone 634 349 961. oroscope
ARIES Financial plans should be carefully looked at as they may not appear as good as they first seem. Make sure you look at all possibilities before you choose. Love is in the air towards the end of the month leaving you feeling on top of the world.
GEMINI Work will be keeping you busy but fortunately without too many issues. Someone close to you needs to be reassured that they are still important as they feel their role slipping away.
LIBRA Your personal goals and ambitions need to take centre stage at the moment as you have been pleasing everyone else for too long now. Let them know how you feel and find out if they want to come along with you on your journey or if you will be doing it alone.
AQUARIUS And rest.... Try to give yourself a complete break this month from whatever it is that has been causing you so much stress lately. Move away from it for a while and once you return you will once again find the joy it gave you.
CAPRICORN This month will start with more frustration than usual. Everything you do seems to turn out badly. Stop, breathe and start again. Things will return to normal if you don’t over think it.
SAGITTARIUS You have more than proved your worth recently, so now might be a good time to voice some of your ideas. They will have to be broached with care or they may leave others feeling they are no longer important or needed.
CANCER Children will be the main focus this month, mainly the joy they bring to making memories together. This will have a fantastic effect not just for you but for your extended family and friends.
TAURUS You are doubting your ability to make a decision and will be relying on others to help you see things with more clarity as your mind seems to be all over the place at the moment. Things will start to become clearer as you have fewer things to deal with.
Things are settling down which means everyone has a bit more patience. Children will need more time spending with them this month in order to feel more settled. It may seem trivial to you but to them it isn’t. Help them put it into perspective.
VIRGO Again this month family takes a back seat as you try to move forward with your plans. You are fully committed now and determined to see this through, just make sure you don’t leave important people behind.
QF���� Maga���e Se��e��e� 2022 age 22
PISCES What you give is what you get. If you are not giving your best to a situation, how do you expect it to turn out well. You are so stretched that you cannot give 100% to everything. Work out how to cut back on your commitments.

Page 23 You’re invited to come and meet the Easy Horse Care Centre rescued horses, ponies and donkeys Call 652 021 980 or email For more information visit our website PUZZLE SOLUTIONS CROSSWORD SOLUTIONS Across: 6 Saturn, 8 Oceans, 9 Ohio, 10 Contempt, 11 Ratter, 13 Steer, 15 Nil, 17 Strap, 18 O’clock, 20 Helpless, 22 Gate, 23 Import, 24 Nevada. Down: 1 Ouzo, 2 Unicorn, 3 Bonny, 4 Pedestal, 5 Snap, 7 Athwart, 12 Teaspoon, 14 Excited, 16 Loosens, 19 Cents, 21 Elms, 22 Gave. Looking for a dog, puppy, cat or kitten to adopt. Call: 645 469 253, visit our web or email ANSWER TO SPOT THE ODD ONE OUT: B EasyMedium QFocus Magazine September Leo had been kept in a large cage for most of his 2/3 years with very little socializing. After time with us he is ready to go to a home. He is very noisy & bossy with other dogs, very quiet on his own. Passport & castrated, who wants a beautiful cheeky dog. Home with no children please. Call or Whatsapp K9 on 711 075 305 or or K9 Facebook.