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Dear Nepo Mom
By Amanda La
Dear Nepo Mom is FEM’s advice column where Nepo Mom will answer any and all nepo baby questions submitted by the baby darlings of Hollywood.
Dear Nepo Mom,
Help! I want to break into the entertainment industry like my parents. What can I do? How can I let everyone know that I’m a nepo baby? #JustWantThatFame
Sincerely, Super New Baby Nepo
Dear Super New Baby Nepo, Options, options, and even more options for what you could do! À la Hailey Bieber, you could show the world your privilege by wearing a “Nepo Baby” tee. Be warned of the backlash you might get — the little tongue-in-cheek might make you look tone deaf if people don’t have a sense of humor. If this doesn’t work, you could convince your parents to let you show up on the red carpet with them. But if you REALLY want a job, you could start off with modeling or maybe ask to get casted in that new show one of your parents or their friends are producing? Don’t worry, the cameras will LOVE you.
design by katelynn perez
Best of luck getting your name out there (not that you’ll need it)!
XOXO, Nepo Mom
Dear Nepo Mom,
If my parents aren’t A-listers, am I still considered a #nepobaby ?
Sincerely, Confused
Dear Confused,
The answer is: it depends! Nate Jones, describes a “nepo baby” (short for “nepotism baby”) as someone who is “the child of a celebrity,” while others will insist that it’s anyone with a familial connection to the industry. Of course, it’s more complex than that. Having a random extra as a parent probably won’t do much for your career compared to having parents with actual connections that could sway certain hiring decisions and finance your Insta fame. At the end of the day though, don’t worry about it. If you are one, you’ll probably be labeled as one by the people on the internet. Afterall, you don’t get to choose the nepo life, the nepo life chooses you!
XOXO, Nepo Mom
Dear Nepo Mom,
I’m tired of everyone calling me spoiled and entitled! I’ve worked so hard to get here and people don’t understand! They keep say- ing my acting’s mid!
Started from the Top, Still at the Top
Dear Started from the Top, Still at the Top,
Whatever you decide to do — definitely avoid going the Lily Allen route and tweeting “the nepo babies y’all should be worrying about are the ones working for legal firms, the ones working for banks, and the ones working in politics.” That will make you come off as ignorant and just so not cool. First, maybe acknowledge that your parents being who they are definitely gave you a leg up in the industry. Whether you believe it or not, fake it till you make it. Do you think a regular person could be like Brooklyn Beckham and randomly decide to be a chef, photographer, or whatever career path he’s chosen each time he’s bored? Not likely.
You have access to resources that most people don’t — outside of job opportunities, it also includes all the expensive products you get to use, treatments you can afford to get, and how YOU help to set the standards. USE THEM AND SLAYYYY. If you still want to be upset, say it on a private account or your close friend’s story so that you won’t be canceled. DEFINITELY DO NOT throw an entitled tantrum and remind people that you’re a nepo baby, you might get less hate about it (probably won’t happen). But think about the positive: bad publici- ty is still publicity.
XOXO, Nepo Mom Dear Nepo Mom, My parents aren’t Hollywood stars, and I don’t want to be either. But can I still be famous? Is that even possible? What can I do?
Just an Unknown
Dear Just an Unknown,
If you don’t try, you’ll be irrelevant forever! It’s all about the name recognition babes. Look at Phoebe Gates or Eve Jobs whose fathers were tech moguls and definitely not Hollywood actors. Or, you can follow in whatever footsteps that your parents are in and make your name big in that industry. Plenty of nepo babies in the sports field too, think big! There’s a world bigger than just the entertainment industry.
XOXO, Nepo Mom
And that’s a wrap for this week’s advice. Don’t forget to submit any questions you have and you might just get a response back. See you next week! XOXO, Nepo Mom.