Journal of Tourism
For elderly - Star your Journey here
National and International: Targeted Distribution
Touting the North and Northeast of Brazil
Year - III- nº 10 - July / August - 2015 - R$2,00
indow” and “He who can look can see”. Wise reflections, tough still little used or remembered in this twenty-first century, in hard times like this that we’re living, which, by the way, to live in difficult days in Brazil from 1964 to now, is no exception, it has become routine, at least that’s the memory of this scribe. The results we can get from the attention and use of the two Divine recommendations listed above are fabulous.
Our inspiration for this text comes from actions perceived in public administration from the small town of Pindoretama, on the east coast of Ceará, which is highlighted in this issue. Even being so close to the sea, but not having your beach, the much desired beach, to offer to the tourist, Pindoretama got a way to attract and captivate.
foto: A.Zedeque
Here we’re going to focus only on the action of social integration in search of solutions for the common good.
p. 4 e 5
Pindoretama - Ceará - Brazil
The Largest Rapadura of the World Is Here A stop to sweeten your trip, your life.
With goodwill, observation and integration, the city found the way out, the window that surely the Almighty left open.
SETUR - Pindoretama. “The one who knows what is looking for does not wait, because knows how to make it happens.” p. 3 Águas Belas Joy ! Joy ! p. 6 At the time of Bodega and Backyard
Today that little place, in Ceará, with no beach, but with attractions holding the attention of the tourist, the city is part of the important route of Cliffs - Color Scenarios, which takes tourists for a wonderful tour of the east coast of Aquiraz to Icapui. To find the exit, the Window, is a matter of faith, observation and action of good will. Quoting the story of David X Goliath, the example that comes from small is a living example of what we can literally call... INTEGRATION.
People and associations that make Ceará tourism are highlighted on the Tourist trail. If it is efficient and effective, it is or will be here. p. 2
Tourism & Culture
A tribute produced by the Tradition Complex Mill to this source of food and energy for the people of the Northeast of Brazil since the golden days of the carnauba palm (Carnauba wax). Served with beans, it was the snack or workers’ lunch.
ABBTUR - Ceará celebrates World Tourism Day
p. 8
p. 6
Ministério do Turismo
NOTE Our environmental responsibility spoke louder when we decided to print this newspaper on recyclable paper, even being aware of the loss of quality in the images, for that we are very sorry and we ask for the understanding of our advertisers and readers. The electronic editions of the newspaper are published in Portuguese and in English. See on http://issuu. com/fenelongoncalvesdeoliveira this way we all win. Grateful, The Editor.
p. 7
Fortaleza - Ceará
Viva essa alegria
Service elo
Marketing & Comunicações
Play fair with its beach!
Partners 2
Fortaleza - Ceará - Brazil - July / August - 2015
Proactivity highlights the zeal and vocation of the institution to promote tourism
l/r - Edgar Sá, Joaquim Cartaxo, Pedro Carlos, in the audience, up left, congressman Sérgio Aguiar
ollowing the words of Geraldo Vandre in his beautiful song “Don’t say I did not speak of flowers” ... “The one who knows what is looking for does not wait, because knows how to make it happens”, the coordinators of Ceará Tourism Forum, Pedro Carlos da Fonseca and Edgar Sá, as realizing the threat of extinction of the Ministry of Tourism of Brazil, decided to do something.
At a meeting whose main agenda focusing on this subject have managed to attract, mobilize and sensitize institutions, businessmen, politicians and the press specialized in tourism thus forming the Pro MTur (Ministry of Tourism) battalion. It might be only threats based on processing project that proposes the reduction of thirty-eight to twenty ministries, opinion and suggestion of Globo’s newspaper journalist, and based on the insignificant perception that some politicians have about this economic segment that has contributed to the improvement in quality of life of millions of Brazilians. The tourism has practically sustained the economy of some old world countries, and it’s ironic that many of those politicians who ignore
tourism as an excellent source of income go there and return to Brazil saying negative things about us and questioning “How can such a small country be more visited than Brazil?”. Besides the ignorance of world history, that kind of Brazilian politicians act with wickedness when comparing our country with the European continent, because it is the same as comparing a 5 year old with an adult of 50. We think that the exposed above so far is already plenty of reason for concern and justifies the proactivity of Pedro and Edgar, and we leave here for the record that the Brazilian Association of Tourism Journalists Sectional Ceará - ABRAJET-CE and the Journal Tourist trail They are attentive and supportive in this fight.
SKAL INTERNACIONAL DE FORTALEZA Project “Tourism Abroad” is on the agenda
Marcos Pompeu, Priscila Cavalcanti and Colombo Cildini
he SKAL International of Fortaleza held on August 19, 2015, in the Noble hall “Pedro Lazar” of Oasis
Hotel your “Lunch Party”. Opportunity to pay off new members, to congratulate the birthdays of the period as well as to present to members what the board of directors are doing to support tourism, especially Ceará tourism. Among the new members are the State Congressman Sérgio - also known as the tourism deputy - , Marcos Pompeu and Jocildo de Freitas. SKAL International of Fortaleza director of Planning, Selma Cabral, presented to colleagues the project designed by President Priscila Cavalcanti, Tourism Abroad, which was developed by its board of directors based on the tripod
Integration, Training and Tourism Promotion. To Selma Cabral, who is also a consultant of SEBRAE-CE and newly elected President of ALFE - Association of Tenants and Women Leaders (Ceará), the moment is extremely timely, and her entrepreneurial vision award say: “Moment of crisis is also a time of opportunity,” she emphasized. It was with this vision and enthusiasm that presented the Project Tourism Abroad, an opportunity for the institution provides good services to the business community and society in general.
Third Meeting of Tourism of Ceará East Coast
Fábio, Indira and Pedro attentive to the interference of the Entrepreneur Mamede (Joy Joy!).
athered at the Coliseum Beach Resort and Convention & Visitors Bureau on the East Coast of Ceatrá, businessmen, representatives of
Imprint: The newspaper Tourist Trail is a publication of Nelo Marketing & Communication, company entered in CNPJ No. 12.137.310/0001-31 with headquarters at K Street , 219 - Pq. Don Pedro, zip code 61880 - 000, Itaitinga-CE . ·General Editor: Fenelon Gonçalves de Oliveira - professional registration 3082 - SRTE/CE . ·Graphic Design : Nelo Marketing & Communications ·Design and Layout: Fenelon G. de Oliveira. ·Collaboration: Jornalist Antônio J. Viana de Oliveira, Sectorial Chamber of Carnaúba, Taline Pontes, Eliza Sousa ·Final artwork: Nelo Marketing & Comunição ·Reviewer: José Ocean G. de Oliveira Translation: Taline Pontes ·Correspondents in Macapá-AP .:Marly Tavares - DRT-0318-AP ·Commercial : Fenelon G. de Oliveira (085) 9 9940-9407 ( Tim ) / 9 8187-2211 (Vivo) /9 9147-8338 ( Claro) / ·Distribution: Operators / Travel Agents Domestic and International , Hotels, Airports, cooperativa de táxis, Facebook, Jornal on-line em e Issuu (mailing com base de dados coletados a partir de participação em eventos) ·Circulation: 2000 Example. (T. 5000 /10.000 esp.) Frequency: Bimonthly. ·The articles do not represent, necessarily, the opinion of the newspaper, being the responsibility exclusive of their authors. ·It is for bidden to reproduce portion sof this vehicle without the prior permission of the publisher. ·Printing: Expressão Gráfic Marketing & Comunications
The purpose of this column is to honor and prestige who made & makes the Ceará tourism, this activity that generates jobs and income significantly and has contributed and to Ceará be national and international prominence in the tourist scene. In each edition we will publish a group of honorees. “He who can look can see” As Jesus Christ said Edgar Sá He contributes for over 40 years with the founding of several agencies to promote tourism among them FORTUR-CE. He is currently Coordinator of Ceará Tourism Forum and Consul of Belgium in Brazil. Augusto Oliveira From 1973 to 1998, he provided important services in EMCETUR Ceará Tourism Company and in Fortur - Fortaleza Tourism Foundation, reaching the post of Advisor to the Presidency of this Foundation. Today is director of Marketing and Communication at Abrajet-CE.
Socorro Abreu
Over 40 years in the service of Ceará tourism. Current President of the Brazilian Association of Tourism Professionals and tourism specialist ABBTUR-Ceará.
Colombo Cialdini
30 years of tourism service cearense. Ex President of ABVA-CE, SKAL International of Fortaleza and current SINDETUR - President of the Union of Tourism of Ceará companies.
C&VB East Coast of Ceará the municipal government, SEBRAE-CE and specialized tourism press was held the third meeting promoted by the institution to promote tourism in the region. Under the leadership of Prof. Indira Guimarães, there were presented positive results through the Municipal managers of Pindoretama, which is now part of Route cliffs and Beberibe. These municipality presented their fruits tourist inventories than was planted in previous meetings. Good sign and encouragement to all who
Deputy State Secretary of Tourism of Ceará. 1995/2002 - 2012/2015-currently Director of UNICOM Promo. - Master in Tourism by UECE.
Mirian Beard.
(Hint: Rosana Lima - Municipal Secretary of Tourism of Camocim- Ceará)
Tourist itineraries 3
Fortaleza - Ceará - Brazil - July / August - 2015
Pindoretama - Ceará
TOURIST INVENTORY IS READY Pindoretama now is in the Route of the Cliffs - Color Scenarios fotos: Arq. Trilhaturística
Evelynne Tabosa, coordinator of the state of Ceará Tourism, SEBRAE-CE, and the consultant, also from this intitituição, Adriana Girão, it was made the presentation of the tourist inventory that drew attention of the guests not so much by the tourist vocation of the city but the diversity of unknown attributes to many who were there. The next step and the formatting of scripts that provides activities on the
beaches and in the cane fields, the famous and traditional cane sugar mills that has bring tourist in Pindoretama quiet some time, only through the CE-040 highway that leads to the beaches of the east coast of Ceará. Noteworthy is this kind of attitude from the public officer of not sitting back and wait for the sky to fall, especially in difficult times like now. This is an agenda that encourages
Mayor Valdemar Araújo receives inventory from Lucieuda Bezerra, manager of SEBRAE-Aracati, Ceará and Pedro Carlos FORTUR-CE.
Municipal government presents tourist inventory of the municipality. Following the words of Geraldo Vandre in his beautiful song “Don’t say I did not speak of flowers” ... “The one who knows what is looking for does not wait, because knows how to make it happens”, Adriana Albino put it on practice in the management of the Secretary of Tourism and Youth, and with the stimulation of the Mayor Valdemar Araújo, from the city of Pindoretama, which is 30 minutes
Pedro Carlos and Edgar Sá - FORTUR-CE
from Fortaleza and 10 minutes from the beach Águas Belas. In an effort to enter the small town on this route which is already well advanced in its structuring process, public managers resorted to technical support of SEBRAE-CE to reach the targets and requirements to be part of this script also known as Colour Scene. With the initial task of identifying potential, attributes and municipal tourist facilities, the tourist inventory process started with the willingness of entrepreneurs to provide the
necessary information and opening the doors of their commercial establishments (tourist facilities) for inspections necessary. Some ready to go into operation, other missing some adjustments to suit up and meet the requirements for the tourist or visitor,
Adriana Albino - Municipal Secretary of Tourism and Youth speaks of the action.
writing and dissertation, and inspires us from quotes like this Vandré, we used to initiate this matter. And I think that the “golden way” goes essentially by faith and effort of People with Good Will. Good luck and success to people from Pindoretama. Note: See page 4 and 5 on attractions and activities in the municipality of Pindoretama
Adriana Girão, SEBRAE-CE’s Consultant, explains preparation of inventory.
but showing willingness to make the necessary reform. With ready inventory, the Secretary of Pindoretama Tourism and Youth invited institutions focused on the tourism sector, among them the Ceará Tourism Forum - FORTUR-CE, Brazilian Association of Tourism Journalists, sectional Ceará - Abrajet-CE, business and industrial locals that encouraged the project among them the President of the CDL local, Mr. Agamenon and the director of Frutal group, Mr. Antonio Jose Mendonça. Under the coordination of Mrs.
itineraries THE ROUTE cliffs
small and ca
n old saying among us that unity is strength. In the field of tourism, the joint efforts around a target results in competitiveness and sustainability. United iniciative by Sebrae-CE, the municipalities that make up the East coast of Ceará full of beautiful beaches and other tourist attractions - are joined for formatting and dissemination of the Route of the Cliffs - Colour Scene. Part of the script municipalities of Eusebius, Aquiraz, Pindoretama, Cascavel, Beberibe, Fortim, Aracati and Icapuí. Are no less than 600 enterprises, including lodging facilities, food, trade and tourism products and other services in 35 beaches and its surroundings, a total of 215km of coastline. The idea is to take advantage of the full potential of the region to boost tourism with equal benefits for all stakeholders, and provide even more charm to visitors. In assessing the Sebrae-CE, the Route of the Cliffs stimulate the creation of new businesses and expansion of existing, expanding and qualifying services and equipment. Among the municipalities benefit from the formatting of the new Ceará sightseeing tour is the charming little Pindoretama, located 42km from Fortaleza, with fast and secure access by highway CE 040 . Unlike other localities that make up the Route of the cliffs, the city does not count with beaches. But that’s a detail. Pindoretama differs from other members of the route. Its biggest attraction is the perfect welcome to visitors who, between them stroll around the nearby beaches, diving attractions of Pindoretama in no hurry to move on.
ra in the world. The cady is exposed on a table in the sales point. It eventually became a challenge to the mill to be able to produce a bigger rapadura each time and beat the record itself. The largest one with The sightseeing tour by Pindo- 5.113 thousand kilos. retama is being built gradually and attends to all audiences, especially Beaches people of the Golden Age, who appreciate art in all its segments Because of the proximity of the and the pleasures of contemplation, Caponga beach and Águas Belas especially the visits to the planta- beach, both belonging to the neitions of cane sugar. ghboring municipality of Cascavel, the Tourism Bureau of Pindoretama The biggest rapadura in the articulates the execution of a partiworld cular travel plan within the Route of the Cliffs. The visitor would enIn the travel plan for Pindoreta- joy the accommodation and the bema mills, it should not miss a vi- auties of the two Cascavel beaches, sit to the Complexo Tradição Mill. making room in your vacation Located on the edge of the CE 040, schedule or prolonged holiday to the establishment accomplished the enjoy the Pindoretama attractions. feat of making the biggest rapadu-
through music. Currently, the orchestra has 50 members in the main group and Maintained by the Association has a musical initiation school with over 150 children. As they reach adulthood, the musicians come out to the professional field and new jobs are occupied by students of musical initiation school.
Wind Orchestra
Having performed over 500 concerts around Ceará, the group also performed in Germany in 2002 and 2006, where he was the sole representative of Brazil in several music festivals, including performances of Friends of Art (Aamarte), the during the World Cup in Hamburg. Wind Orchestra of Pindoretama is In June 2010, the orchestra held the main action of the city Culture its third international tour, having Point. The group has existed for 16 represented Brazil in the cultural years and aims to include, socially, program of Villa-Lobos Project in children and adolescents students Norway. of Pindoretama public schools, The Wind Orchestra of Pindo-
De 16 a 19 de Dezembro informações: Secretária de Turismo Adriana Albino e-mail: + 55 85 985388836
Fortaleza - Ceará - Brazil - July / August - 2015
Text: Fernado Brito adap. Fenelon Gonçalves photos; A. Zedeque / arq.PMP
vement of greater opportunity for children and adolescents, through the construction of learning in the music universe, to promote mental development and functional skills, music is like a very important factor in the formation and achievement in learning, affection and socio-cultural. The beneficiaries of the project are 50 among children and adolescents. The work done with our band has been expanding more and more, with their ideas and innovations. They are offered theoretical and practical lessons and as student performance are scheduled performances in parades and events of the school community and the municipality.
interactive pieces that fit into the daily lives of people of all ages. In typical house of the region, built in 1970, it is the majority of
retama has as artistic director and conductor the Arley França, the creator and founder. Co-direction is the assistant conductor, Adriano Martins.
DRUM Musical
the pieces. The large designs are in wide circulation outside area, which includes a small native vegetation reserve of 14,000 meters square attractive for short trips, especially for people from the Golden Age.
Ventriloquist And who also makes children and eternal child smile is Mr. Raimundo puppeteer that for years has captivated with his wooden dolls.
Among the artistic expressions In the square are held some of of Pindoretama stands out the quathe biggest religious festivals in the drilha Tradição, a group of municity, such as the Patroness and the cipal youth and that exist for two Holy Missions. years, in a fusion of the quadrilhas Explosão Junina and Tradição CaiBrinquedim museum pira.
ma, guard one of the largest tourist and cultural attractions of the city. Conceived by the artist Antonio Jader Pereira dos Santos, or rather the Dim Brinquedim, the Brinquedim Museum is magical space taken by
m omy s i r n Tou astro vents G E Newspaper and Magazine
For erderly - Star your journey here
investment R $ 350.00 Mod. 1 column x 3cm
“Who is not seen It is not remembered “ Dr. Ulysses Guimarães used to say
“Partnership is built like this: Together”
One of the big demonstrations held in Pindoretama is the Cavalcade of Peace. This year, the event has reached its sixteenth edition, bringing together about 400 participants, including knights, Amazons, children and lovers of sport. The Cavalcade of Peace is already part of the cultural calendar of the city. The mastermind is the manager and vice mayor, Tadeu das Rações. It all started with a simple walk among a group of friends. Hence came up the idea to do something bigger, that became a tradition in the city, involving tourism, sport and solidarity through the collection and donation of food to needy families of Pindoretama. On the tour, knights and amazons roam trails, riding safely, joy and fun under the light of a beautiful full moon, a true gathering of friends, ranchers, employees, families and lovers of horses.
A place full of green, located ten With the support of the muniminutes from downtown Pindoreta- cipal government, the group seeks to work the Northeastern regionality expressed in themes of presentations and costumes. The higher performance of the quadrilha takes place during the months of June and July in a true festival of joy and
The band Drum Musical began in December 18, 2012 by conductor Leide Dayana through the “Mais Educação“ Program. The ““Banda de Percussão Drum Musical” project acts in the area of music making possible the achie-
Along the way, the quadrilha already has several titles, such as the twice champion Junino Ceará - Stage East Coast, champion SESC Active metropolitan area in 2014, 5th best in the Ceará state in 2014 and champion of the SESC Active East Coast in 2015.
Cavalcade of Peace
The light of faith shines brighter in the Church of Our Lady of Grace, located in central area of Pindoretama. In the temple, dating from 1942, the Catholic community of the city gathers to Masses and other celebrations. With simple architectural lines, calls attention to the image of Our Lady of Grace, and the manifestations of faith held there, always with the public. The church is in the center of a square, along the Capitão Nogueira Ave. The street is one of the main points of meetings of locals. The space is cozy, bringing together people of all ages for moments of relaxation or sightseeing in lively conversations on the wooden benches under the shadows of a jambo tree.
bright colors.
Because “What is combined is not expensive” here some tips for your trip planning. We wish to make your stay unforgettable and rewarding.
Where to stay: Hotel rafts Caponga Where to eat: Municipal Bureau of Tourism and Youth. +55 85 98538-8836 DIM BRINQUEDIM The structure for welcoming visitors still needs improvements, such as space for snacks and shop. Dim streamlines to welcome those arriving to Brinquedim Museum. By the way, the appointment for visits are only made by phone. The equipment can be seen from Tuesday to Sunday from 8:30 to 17 hours. Admission costs $ 10.00, with half price for students. More information at (85) 992549637 and
Nelo Marketing & Comunicação + 55 85 9 9940-9407
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Fortaleza - Ceará - Brazil
travel plans
sugarcane field & BEACHES
The Largest Rapadura of the World Is Here A stop to sweeten your trip, your life.
Fortaleza - Ceará - Brazil - July / August - 2015
Águas Belas Joy! Joy! “Where the sun kisses the moon and the river embraces the Sea”
Mamede (left) talking to the newspaper’s Editor Tourist trail
roper tribute, rescue of history and concern for the traditions of its land, Pindoretama, in Ceará, took the businesswoman Maria do Socorro Pereira to produce its mill, The Complexo Tradição, the largest Rapadura in the World with legitimate right to record in Guinness Book.
Syrup preparation for the production of Rapadura
The great idea happened, when around 2005, the Germans tried to register this genuinely northeastern product. So it began the fight to achieve the deserved world record. In 2006 , the mill produced the 1st with 1351 Kg; in 2007, the 2nd with 1811 kg; in 2008, with 2190 Kg and the record came in 2013 with 5.113Kg, 3.85 meters long, 2.20 wide and 35cm thick .
CE-040 (highway that gives access to the beaches of the east coast of Ceará) the biggest Rapadura in the world is the center of attention and photographic clicks, among so many delicacies produced from sugarcane, the main local crop, it is also a source of pride for Mrs. Socorro and an inspiration for lovers of culture and tradition. Also worth noting the OAB (Order of Attorneys of Brazil)-CE’s efforts to defend our cultural and intellectual heritage, waging a legal struggle and achieving success to obtain registration of Rapadura expression as intellectual property in Brazil
he business and tourism enthusiast on the beach of Águas Belas, in the district of Caponga, Cascavel - Ceará, Mamede Rebouças, also known by his cry of enthusiasm Joy! Joy! It is tireless when it comes to leverage tourism in José de Alencar land. He is encouraging with much goodwill, corporate vision and his extensive network of relationships and good friendships the Pindoretama neighbor that is now part of the Route of the Cliffs - Colors scenarios. President of ASSETUC - Association of Tourism Entrepreneurs, Arts & Culture of Caponga and
tourist travel. His Hotel Jangadas da Caponga, beach tent Delicias da Jangada, and the Buggy Driver’s Association up his administration, for some time now have been placed, initially, on the disposal of the Tourism Secretariat and Youth of the city to compose with entrepreneurs and the government to format new routes that provide the visitor a very pleasant stay with comfort and security, to tourist that are lovers of the beach, but also appreciate culture, art, traditions and religious tourism, leisure options and activities available in Pindoretama, that doesn’t have beach but has an attractive heritage and products identified with the completion of its tourist inventory in partnership with SEBRAE-CE. Meanwhile, Mamede is just enthusiasm and a lot of ... Joy! Joy!
Location: CE 040 - Km 45 Pindoretama - Ceará - Brazil Facebook: Complexo Tradição
Exposed in the visitation room of the mill and in the Tapioca place, stopping point for tourists that travel in the Mrs. Socorro (1st left.) celebrates with family and friends
The Largest Rapadura of the World Is here
Guinness Book e Rank Brasil Location: CE 040 - Km 45 Pindoretama - Ceará - Brazil
Complexo Tradição /
tels.: +55 85 3375.2002 / 8536.4241 / 8741.4148 / 9602.0048
Águas Belas - is tireless when it comes to associations and cooperatives. He has strong reasons to believe in the tourist integration with the municipality of Pindoretama. Although there are some activities that tourists can enjoy in the region, new routes are already being developed and others need to be enhanced to better utilization of
Above the Hotel Jangadas da Caponga, Below the beach tent with three environments that accommodates up to 500 people in comfort and safety. Take a virtual tour through:
Tourism and Leisure 7
Fortaleza - Ceará - Brazil - July / August - 2015
COFFEE WITH TAPIOCA AT QUEIJIM A walk in the time of Bodega and Backyard
text: Fenelon Gonçalves photos: arq. Trilhaturística
These were the perceptions, feelings caused this editor to make a technical visit that very harmonious space, designed by visionary entrepreneurs. We can characterize the project as equipment the tourism service, a strong attractive that can contribute a lot to the development of trav
uddenly a stop for coffee, region. tapioca with butter, or tapioca filled with a variety The visit will certainly stimulate of add-ons to make your the senses that will lead happy and mouth water, as it offers the menu, rewarding moments. you can go beyond a extremely pleasant palatal experience. You can enjoy some animals and to see the production of cheese type Rennet,
In this new space, called Queijim, tour equipment and recreation for the locals and tourists is more stimulus to preserve the culture and traditions of the place. With spacious rooms and well decorated in regional character that can only provide welfare to visitors. The experience refers the visitor to memories and feelings that undoubtedly stimulate well-being far beyond a simple stop for a coffee. Provide a walk in the time of bodega and backyard. Articles like this one encourages the writer to hone in delight and persuade the reader to live unforgettable experiences.
plan in the east coast of Ceará, more precisely in the city of Cascavel. I suggest to agents and tour operators to make a technical visit to the place, for surely they will have one more quality product in their portfolios. For our part, while journalists specialized in tourism, lovers of the arts, culture and ardent upholders of tradition, we just have to congratulate the creators of QUEIJIM, to hope that their enterprise thrive and encourage new generations to know a little more about the history of their earth, objects that were part of the lives of their ancestors, to understand the past and to live better in the future. The Journal Tourist trail recommends QUEIJIM.
which in Queijim is produced in three flavors: Traditional, with Oregano or with pepper, and still buy beautiful pieces of crafts in the
Como Chegar - Fortaleza
TURISMO & LAZER Café e Tapioca Manhã & Tarde
face: Tapiocaria Queijim / e-mail: Tels.: +55 85 3334-5583 / 99628-6730 -Tim / 98810-2222 - Oi
- Morro Branco - Canoa Quebrada
Rua João Damasceno Fontenele, 4854
CEP:62850-000 - (Antiga CE cascavel - Guanacés) Cascavel - Ceará - Brasil
Tourism and Culture 8
Fortaleza - Ceará - Brazil - July / August - 2015
Brazilian Association of Tourism Professionals and specialist - ABBTUR-Ceará also celebrates its day with slogan “ Thousand millions tourists, thousand millions opportunities.”
he theme proposed by the World Tourism Organization - UNWTO for the celebrations of World Tourism Day in 2015: “Thousand millions tourists, thousand millions opportunities” was embraced by ABBTUR-CE and published in the celebrations organized by the association in partnership with SEBRAE-CE, the CDL - Fortaleza, Pirata – Brasil Eventos, Fortaleza International SKAL and the Fortaleza Municipal Tourism. The celebrations were opened with the beautiful presentation of the Orquestra de Sopro and Cordas da Vila Vela in the famous house events “PIRATA” under the coordination of the President of ABBTUR-CE, Socorro Abreu and its Vice-President Rosana Lima. Attended the event the superintendent of Sebra-
e-CE, Joaquim Cartaxo, and his colleagues Alci Porto - Technical Director, Evelynne Tabosa - Ceara state’s Tourism Coordinator and Consultant Adriana Girão, who was
Severino Neto and the Coordinators of Ceará Tourism Forum - FORTUR, Edgar Sá and Pedro Carlos da Fonseca, the last one also honored with the “Patativa” trophy.
(red dress) Socorro Abreu, President of ABBTUR-CE. Her left, Rosana Lima, Vice President and guests.
honored with the trophy “Patativa”.* Also honored with their presence, the President of CDL - Fortaleza,
Those present had the opportunity to listen to messages of support and encouragement to tourism professio-
The economic importance of tourism segment was very well put, but also the importance of small business in this context. Representatives of organizations present there, who took the floor, showed willingness to provide support to professionals. As well Alci Porto said “To act with professionalism is the solid foundation for success in any enterprise.” * Patativa - Tribute to the bird threatened with extinction.
ARRETANGO Events students of SENAC-Ceará pluck applause with the show
“From the head and hands of Janjão. “The Nothing is everything and everything is nothing”
switch to wax. Reading and enjoying the Bernini’s work, Italian sculptor of Naples (1598/1680), Janjão took interesting in sculpture and began working with pieces of dead wood that he picked up in the woods. Today, torn between his studio in Juazeiro and a small workshop in Fortaleza, he has a proud curriculum with exhibitions in João Pessoa, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Germany, but he still has a big dream of exposing in Fortaleza because he believes that house saints can and should do miracle in their
nals that came from SEBRAE, CDLFortaleza and FORTUR-CE and the beautiful message of Pope Francisco read by ceremonialist Elen Bezerra. The message speaks of the opportunities and challenges that tourism growth is to contemporary society.
“ARRETANGO”, we went to the beautiful presentations room of the Legislative Assembly of Ceará.
he Technical class in Events / 2015 - SENAC Turismo - Ceará dared and was not afraid to mix Tango with shindig, preparing a very interes-
It was a good surprise and foreshadowed auspicious prospects, because what we saw was something very joyful, a mixture of cultures, creativity with art and goodwill. Generally we realized that something big may have been born in this class and perhaps will contribute to the social and economic development of our state. Boys and girls did their homework straight for that we congratulate the organizers, actors and teachers who guided
oão Batista dos Santos, original of Aurora-CE (Cariri region), artistically known as “ Janjão “, born sculptor, and naturally happy with his art. Janjão is self-taught and had little opportunity to studied in the classroom, but read a lot, which gives him what gives you the right to transit, to speak with courage, excitement and facility of Van Gong, Picasso, Salvador Dali and our great Aleijadinho (Antonio Francisco Lisboa - 1738 / 1814 - MG). As a child, he liked to handle the clay, which was banned by his mother because the clay transmit diseases, so he
own home. Janjão de Aurora - Ceará To help strengthen ties between art lovers and the Janjão, here are his contacts: Tel. +55 (85) 99637-2802 Pio Norões Street, 501 – João Cabral ZIP CODE 63050-660 - Juazeiro do Norte – Ceará
ting spectacle that can become a tourist attraction, a very seductive product for Ceará and those visiting the land of José de Alencar. We received the invitation and with great pleasure and greatest curiosity, because the Show name is well Suggestive
the class. We appreciate the invitation and we finished saying it was worth going to the show and wishing to continue with ARRETANGO, let’s watch out! Good luck, Success for All!
New fleet, fair Prices Fortaleza - Ceará - Brasil
+55 (85)
9 8758-6774 - Oi 9 9939-7685 - Tim 9 8200-5152 - Vivo 9 9220-5115 - Claro
Maurício Farina
Marketing & Comunications