A Szentendrei Szabadtéri Tárlat Rómában / Szentendre’s Plein Air Exhibition in Rome

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Mostra all’aperto da Szentendre (Ungheria)

/ Szentendre’s 12. 10. 2019.

Plein Air Exhibition (Hungary)

Mostra all’aperto da Szentendre (Ungheria)


Szentendre’s Plein Air Exhibition (Hungary)

La mostra all’aperto di Szentendre si presenta Roma /

Uno dei capitoli più interessanti dell’arte figurativa moderna ungherese riguarda la Mostra all’aria aperta di Szentendre, la cui prima edizione ebbe luogo nel 1968. All’epoca alcuni giovani artisti autodidatti decisero di crearsi uno spazio espositivo sotto il cielo aperto, sulla collina della Chiesa di Szentendre. Il loro gesto fu importante poiché diedero forma ad una prospettiva di libertà nell’era comunista. La scorsa estate, nell’ambito di Art Capital è stata allestita un’esposizione occasionale dal titolo Art Ante Portas – quale tributo a questo forum eccezionale in occasione del cinquantenario dello stesso – che ha visto la partecipazione di numerosi artisti ex espositori. Quest’anno, il prossimo 12 ottobre, la Mostra all’aperto da Szentendre verrà ospitata a Roma, in Via dei Cappellari – nota per il suo fervore artistico – e vedrà la partecipazione di numerosi ex e nuovi artisti espositori, tra cui István ef Zámbó, László feLugossy, Imre Bukta, Zsolt Asztalos, Eszter Csurka, József Baksai, Ilona Lovas, József Gaál, Éva Magyarósi, János Szirtes, Barbara Nagy e Ottó Vincze. La mostra occasionale, dalla durata di un giorno, programmata nell’ambito del Festival d’arte contemporanea Mirabilia Urbis, si avvalerà prevalentemente del materiale espositivo delle vecchie edizioni della Mostra. Tuttavia, verranno esposte anche le opere di altri artisti ungheresi altrettanto noti, invitati dal Polo Museale Ferenczy di Szentendre. Gli interessati parallelamente alla mostra potranno assistere anche al concerto duetto dal vivo del celebre sassofonista jazz ungherese Mihály Borbély, nonché dell’altrettanto noto pianista Áron Tálas.

Szentendre Plein Air Exhibition Goes to Rome /

One of the most exciting chapters of modern Hungarian art is connected to the Szentendre Plein Air Exhibition, launched in 1968. When, back in the day, young, self-taught visual artists decided to create an exhibition space on Szendendre’s Church Hill for themselves and their peers out in the open, this counted as a gesture of special importance: they established a real perspective for freedom in a single-party state dictatorship [the Hungarian term for “plein air” (“szabadtéri”) incorporates the words “free” and “space”]. The exhibition Art Ante Portas, held at last year’s Art Capital in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Szentendre Plein Air, was a kind of homage to this exceptional forum – with the involvement of numerous artists who had exhibited there in the past. This year, on the 12th of October, Szentendre’s Plein Air Exhibition will make a guest appearance in Rome, in a street famous for its lively art scene: the Via dei Cappellari. It will feature many old and new exhibiting artists, including István ef Zámbó, László feLugossy, Imre Bukta, Zsolt Asztalos, Eszter Csurka, József Baksai, Ilona Lovas, József Gaál, Éva Magyarósi, János Szirtes, Barbara Nagy and Ottó Vincze. The exhibition, which will be realised within the framework of the Mirabilia Urbis festival, will, in accordance with tradition, only last one-day. While it will be centred on works by artists who were regular participants in previous Plein Air shows, artists that have been invited by the Ferenczy Museum Center are also represented in large numbers. During the event, visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy the saxophone music of Kossuth Prize-winning Mihály Borbély’s and Áron Tálas jazz pianist and composer’s duet.

Gertrúd Almási All’angolo In the Corner 2019. olio, tela | oil on canvas 50×60 cm


Zsolt Asztalos My Story – My Version I 2015. c-print 70×50 cm


Zsolt Asztalos My Story – My Version II 2015. c-print 70×50 cm


Jรณzsef Baksai Viaggio Journey 2019. cartone, carbone, matita | charcoal and pencil on cardboard 100ร 70 cm


Zsolt Berszรกn Untitled 2019. tecnica mista | mixed technique 168ร 250 cm


Zsolt Berszรกn Untitled 2019. tecnica mista | mixed technique 168ร 250 cm


Győző Bihon Paesaggio ungherese (Visegrád) Hungarian Landscape (Visegrád) 2019. olio, tela | oil on canvas 50×50 cm


Viola Boros Good Girl Gone Bad – Paradise 2010. tessuto, pelle, olio, acrilico, tela | textile, leather, oil, acrylic, canvas 320×200 cm


Gyรถrgy Bp Szabรณ 20 Bp. Szabo15 / Urban vibration 15/2 non specificato | N/A 17ร 13 cm


Gyรถrgy Bp Szabรณ 20 Bp. Szabo19 / Urban vibration 19/2 non specificato | N/A 20ร 14 cm


Imre Bukta Anguria Watermelon 2013. ferro | iron 150Ă—70Ă—55 cm


Lajos CsontĂł Europa Europe 2014. ferro, chiodo | iron, rivets 35Ă—87 cm


Eszter Csurka Senza titolo Untitled 2019. olio, tela | oil on canvas 140Ă—160 cm


Balázs Deim Space step 2017. stampa giclée | Giclée print 40×40 cm


Zsolt Dรณrรณ Torrente stagnante Backwater 2019. tela, acrilico | acrylic on canvas 120ร 120 cm


drMรกriรกs Carlo I Karl the First 2018. carta, stampa | print on paper 48ร 65 cm


drMĂĄriĂĄs Engels senza fissa dimora Homeless Engels 2018. stampa digitale | digital print 48Ă—65 cm


Istvรกn ef Zรกmbรณ Altare Situazione Status Altar 2017. olio, fibra di legno | oil on chipboard 53,5ร 57 cm


László feLugossy Messaggio all’asciugabottiglie Message to the Bottle Dryer 2017. tecnica mista | mixed technique 95,5×92 cm


Lรกszlรณ feLugossy Emblematico Emblematic 2018. olio, tela, tessuto | oil on canvas, textile 150ร 170 cm


Gรกbor Ferenczi Ombra I Shadow I 2017. tela, acrilico | acrylic on canvas 100ร 80 cm


Jรณzsef Gaรกl Persona 2015. stampa | print 175ร 140 cm


Lรกszlรณ Gรถrรถg Ispirazione Inspiration 2019. acrilico, tela | acrylic on canvas 100ร 40 cm


Andrea Gulyรกs Vela Sail 2019. legno, olio | oil on wood 40ร 40 cm


Balรกzs Hugyecsek Sotto di noi Cutting Our Own Throat 2019. legno, metallo | wood, metal 100ร 60 cm


Gyรถrgy Joviรกn Il vagabondo Rover 2013. olio, tela | oil on canvas 170ร 200 cm


Gergő Balázs Juhász Morfologia a colori (studio) Colour Morphology (study) 2013. ecoline, gomma arabica, acquerellata su carta | Ecoline, gum arabic and pigment wash on paper 50×50 cm


Zoltán Kemény Incontri I–III Encounters I–III 2016. acrilico, compensato, plexi | acrylic, wooden board, Plexiglas 30×30 cm


Attila Kondor Inner library 2019. video 8’29 ”


Gergely Krizbo Krizbai „Ti amo baby , ma questo è solo un massimo teorico” “I Love You, Babe, But That’s Only as Far as the Theory Goes” 2016. stampa | print 107×107 cm


Ilona Lovas Stendino Dryer 2004. membrana modellata | shaped membrane 22 cm


Tibor Lukács Incontro Encounter 2015. tempera all’uovo | egg tempera 30×38 cm


Tibor Lukács Attesa Waiting 2015. tempera all’uovo | egg tempera 50×66 cm


Endre Lukoviczky Riciclato I Recycled I 2010–2015. tecnica mista | mixed technique 50×66 cm


Endre Lukoviczky Riciclato II Recycled II 2010–2015. tecnica mista | mixed technique 50×60 cm


Éva Magyarósi Tundra 2018. 1920×1080 pixels, cut-out animation 05’40”


Szabolcs Margit Terme popolari Public Bath 2012. olio, tela | oil on canvas 60Ă—80 cm


Péter Márkus Aria Air 2010. aluminio fuso, verniciato | cast and painted aluminium 30×8 cm


Barbara Nagy Ritmi verticali V. Vertical Rhythms V 2009. incisione, legno pitturato | carved and painted wood 80Ă—60 cm


Ágnes Németh Potere – segno zodiaco dello Scorpione / progetto Meridiana Power – Sign of the Scorpio / Sundial Project 2000. rame giallo, morso di ferro | brass, iron snaffle 100×200×160 cm


Gabriella Pistyur Attesa Waiting 2018. olio, tela | oil on canvas 50Ă—70 cm


Imre Pistyur San Francesco Saint Francis pietra vulcanica | volcanic stone 35Ă—35Ă—32 cm


Anikรณ Rรกkossy Esotico Exotic 2017. olio, tela | oil on canvas 120ร 50 cm


István Regős Globo Globe 1997. tecnica mista | mixed technique 55×55 cm


István Regős UFO 1997. tecnica mista | mixed technique 110×40 cm


István Regős Grande universo Big Universe 2017. tecnica mista | mixed technique 90×180 cm


István Regős Da dove veniamo, chi siamo, dove andiamo??? 2019. legno, olio | oil on wood 18×220 cm


János Szirtes Against No. 10 2013. 00’29” video performance, loop

Pro No. 73 Recut 2014. 00’57” video performance, loop

Pro No. 82 2014. 01’02” video performance, loop

Pro No. 99 2014. 00’58” video performance, loop

Pro No. 139 2016. 01’41” video performance, loop

Rompi Sedia Chair breaker 2016. 23’47” video performance, loop


Jรณzsef Tasnรกdi Zevgar 2007. CGI, tela, stampa | CGI, print on canvas 150ร 85 cm


Jorgosz Tzortzoglou La bellezza nascosta del paesaggio The Hidden Beauty of the Landscape 2013. cartone, olio, fototipia | oil and phototype on cardboard 120Ă—90 cm


Lรกszlรณ Ujvรกrossy Canis minor / Costellazione Cane minore / serie CANICULA Canis Minor / Lesser Dog constellation / CANICULA series 2018. foto digitale | digital photograph 70ร 100 cm


Diána Verebélyi Pensieri sovracarichi Idea Overflow 2017. acrilico, olio, tela | acrylic and oil on canvas


Diána Verebélyi Creatori Creators 2018. acrilico, olio, tela | acrylic and oil on canvas 150×100 cm


Diána Verebélyi & László Görög Città da sogno Dream City 2019. acrilico, tela | acrylic on canvas 100×100 cm


Júlia Végh In alto sulla punta delle stalattiti High Up on the Tip of Stalactites 2019. olio, fibra di legno | oil on chipboard 87×108 cm


OttĂł Vincze Le coordinate della serata Coordinates of the Evening 2016. serigrafia | silk screen print 50Ă—70 cm


Bence Zarubay Ritorno a casa Homecoming 2018. olio, tela | oil on canvas 150Ă—100 cm


Mostra all’aperto da Szentendre / (Ungheria) Szentendre’s Plein Air Exhibition (Hungary) Editore responsabile Managing Publisher


Curatori Curators

Dalma EGED, Gábor GULYÁS

Design grafi co Graphic design

Krisztina Noémi KISS

Traduzione in italiano Italian translation


Traduzione in inglese English translation

Árpád MIHÁLY, Zsófi a RUDNAY

Correzione Proofreading Fotografi a Photo

Bori ZELEI Balázs DEIM

Marketing e comunicazione Marketing and communication


Organizzazione programma Program Organization

Anett SZEBENI-TÓTH, Judit POJÁK-GREGOR, Accademia d’Ungheria in Roma

Installazione Installation


Collaboratori Contributors

Gabriella GERGELY, dr. Adrienn KELLER

Assicurazione opere Fine art insurance Tipografi a Printed by

UNIQA Biztosító Zrt. EPC Nyomda

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