Positio npaper

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Position Paper Committee: UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Topic: Integration and Protection of Tribal People and their Ecosystems Delegation: Republic of Uganda Delegate: Fernanda Solis Mendoza

Good morning fellow delegates and honorable chair. On behalf of president Yoweri Museveni this delegation is pleased to be in this committee in which Integration and protection of tribal people and their ecosystems will be discussed. This delegation is very concerned about this issue because the Republic of Uganda is expelling many tribes and also they have denied the use of resources to them. Idi Amin’s expulsion of the enterprising people of Asian origin from Uganda in the 1970s, this enable him to appear the all powerful leader of the various ugandan trival groups. Something that is being done is that the government of Uganda has welcomed the return of these people who had much for the economy of Uganda. The Americans, Germans and Japanese are economically and intellectually developed, the hindrances to development in Uganda. The delegation of Republic of Uganda proposes the following solutions in order to Integration and protection of tribal people and their ecosystem. ● National parks, reserves or even restrictive land use policies in general should not be seen as foreclosing indigenous economic or self-development opportunities. ● The suspicious of indigenou people need to be directly countered with arguments that demonstrate clear advantages from supporting. ● Whatever indigene deal is struck, the terms of the agreement should be beyond reach of upset by other, separately empowered bureaucracies of the national authority. ● Conservation areas of whatever description should not be seen as predetermining title to the lands in question; however the creation of conservation reserves coextensive with areas inhabited by indigenous people can be a first step towards acknowledgement


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