fernanda carlovich portfolio 2010-2013
index billings harbor academic project 2011 habitacle academic project 2011 biostructures international workshop 2012 channel city academic project 2012 wood続 summer course 2012 cinecoral academic project 2012 teto volunteer work 2010-2013 curriculum
billings harbor urbanism architecture design
2011 beatriz brito fernanda carlovich liene baptista tiĂŞ higashi prof minoru naruto
The design of an urban harbor in the Billings reservoir must be understood not only as a work of infrastructure but as something that helps increase the quality of urban life in a neighborhood so needy in SĂŁo Paulo. In addition, the existence of a nautical square above the pier brings greater environmental conscience to those who live in the surroundings of the dam, aiding in the protection of the waters of Billings.
two accesses: one for the harbor and the other for the nautical square 1
2 preserve the most beautiful view by
placing the dock on the other side
3 create a sophisticated outlook
bringing water to the building interior
preserving the beauty of the view one of our biggest challenges
habitacle design
2011 ana cristina niessner carolina ciardi fernanda carlovich fernanda tsuda prof giorgio giorgi
The exercise consists in creating a structure close to the human scale that modifies the relationship between the person who experiences and the space around it. A single volume made from cardboard that can be aggregate to the pre-existing bank is the major concept of the project. The structure ensures better ergonomics, auditory and visual comfort since it combines a inclined backrest to an acoustic shell also used as a protection for sunlight.
1 acoustic
shell makes the space suitable for concentration
2 protection
from the sunlight prevents glare on reading
3 friction
with the ground stabilizes the whole structure
creating through
bio-structures architecture design
2012 fernanda carlovich rodrigo coelho prof anthony viscardi
The workshop aimed to creating analysis of a structure of nature and subsequently developing of an analogy of its use for something. From the movement of a flea, I created a small structure tensioned by a rubber band that jumps when activated. This small analogy progressed into the prototype of a modular roofing that provides a series of uses options. The result of the workshop was presented in two exhibitions in different buildings of FAUUSP.
producing new structures through nature observation
step one study of a flea jump direct analogy
step two transformation of the first analogy into an architectonic structure
step three abstraction of the first structure creation of an architectural prototype
works exhibition
at the college atrium
channel city architecture urbanism design
2012 ana cristina niessner fernanda carlovich fernanda tsuda prof angelo bucci
The Channel City is a study of occupation based on the theory of hidroanel, great waterway that could integrate the territory of sao paulo by its periphery. The project proposal is to occupy a block next to the waterway with services, commerce and housing.Thereby, the region becomes independent from the city center and can be developed as a new centrality. The project has two residential buildings consisting of four towers around a central square. The design of the building is based on a geometry that makes the visual experience of passing through the building interesting.
housing plant three diferent apartments: 65, 70 and 90m²
longitudinal section
ground floor and basement housing access comercial modules
second floor service modules standard housing floor access to the green roof
study maquette
comprehend the volume
wood続 design architecture
2012 fernanda carlovich
The WOOD続 summer course featured theoretical and practical activities having as main subject the wood and its usability. In theoretical activities, were discussed the characteristics of the Brazilian timber industry, the beneficiation process of lumber and some physical properties of wood. Then, in practical activities, we designed and produced a tridimensional object made with traditional wood joinery from Brazil.
direct contact with the material
cinecoral architecture urbanism design
2012 ana cristina niessner fernanda carlovich prof angelo bucci
The project consists in choosing a vacant urban space in the central area of Sao Paulo and then reintegrate it to the daily life of the city. We selected a vacant that enchants for having housed the Cinecoral, a successful movie theatre in the golden age of street cinemas in Sao Paulo. The possibility of crossing the block through a permeable building is also a quality of the space. Through the project, we seek a higher density housing combined with the redevelopment of cultural life in downtown. The notion of empty space was preserved by the free span that invites the passerby to walk through the gallery and cross it as a breather to the central density.
on-site research contact with the city
initial drawings
downtown s達o paulo
1 create
a underground access to the subway, improving urban mobility
2 develop
a passage across the block, adding movement to the project
3 differentiate
the private of the public circulation
elevated ground floor preserves the privacy of residents
residential plant two apartments per floor with views of both sides of the terrain
frontal section housing access detail the movie theatre section shows the removable wall that allows projections in outdoor space.
longitudinal section structural details of housing front view of the movie theatre
analytical model relation to the city
teto architecture urbanism
2010-2013 16000 volunteers
Teto is a NGO that seeks to end extreme poverty in Latin America. In Brazil, the main objective is to build emergency houses for families living in favelas. By working on this project, I have been able to get in touch with the reality of my country and help improving life of some people. The constructions are organized and executed by college students aiming to provide dignity to several families.
1175 families 16000 volunteers 58 communities
about me Daughter of a plastic artist and a theater actor, I breathed art for my whole life and could not imagine a future without it. Among all artistic fields, the choice of architecture came with my passion for the environment in which I live and the will to improve it, producing something concrete that outlives me. I’m not the best speaker, but through architecture I know I can make myself heard, as I found my voice in it. For that reason, I know that I want to spend my life designing architecture, and I dream of teaching at the university that gave me not only a career, but my best form of expression.
education 2010-2014
University of Sao Paulo Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism FAUUSP
academic activities 2012
Mentoring in the discipline Social Basis of Architecture and Urbanism professor: Paulo César Xavier Pereira
Undergraduated Research Urban Mobility on Paulista Avenue instructor: Gil Andrade
publications 2011
PROJETOS FAU 2011 – Edusp Library PROJETOS FAU 2011 – Occupancy study in Vila Sônia
extracurricular activities nov/2012
XX National Simposium of Undergraduate Researches work: Urban Mobility on Paulista Avenue
participation in the event Arqfuturo - Sao Paulo
Wood³ Summer Course architet: rafael novais passarelli
Workshop Bio-structural analogies: arms, wings and mechanical things professor: Anthony Viscardi (Lehigh University - EUA)
XII National Simposium of Urban Geography Science and Utopia: a possible geography work: Utopia and Imagination on the XX century Urbanism
other experiences 2011-2012
NGO TETO – volunteer work in housing construction
ELEA Brasília – Latin America metting of architecture students
languages english spanish french
advanced advanced basic
“Utopia lies at the horizon. When I draw nearer by two steps, it retreats two steps. If I proceed ten steps forward, it swiftly slips ten steps ahead. No matter how far I go, I can never reach it. What, then, is the purpose of utopia? It is to cause us to advance.” Eduardo Galeano
thank you!
fernanda carlovich correia dias 363 32 são paulo - brasil +5511 995539209 fernanda.carlovich@usp.br