B I Hello, I’m Fernando.
Here’s a bunch of stuff you may or may not want to know about me: I was born in Venezuela in 1988, but I got my Spanish nationality from my grandparents when I became a grown up
BASIC I N F O I got my high school diploma in 2005 in my home town (Barquisimeto) I became an architecture student when I was 17 at Universidad Central de Venezuela (Caracas)
I moved to Turin (Italy) when I was 22 to continue my studies at the Turin Polytechnic There, in 2012, I got my Master of Science degree in Sustainable Architecture Right after that, I got back to Caracas and got my five-years Architecture degree in 2013
Today, I’m a young professional passioned about architecture, design, communication, research and photography I think I should also mention I speak three languages: Spanish
because it’s my native language
because I’ve been living in Italy for +4 years now
because, well, you’ve got to speak english
Aaaand finally, these are some of the softwares I normally use:
Sketchup +VRay
w h at about my 2014-2015 Creative Advisor
Istituto Europeo di Design - Turin, Italy
2015 Graphic Designer
Museo di Antichità - Turin, Italy
2013-2014 Designer - Lighting art design, public art, lighting design & art installations Aether & Hemera - Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
2013 Researcher - Mapping, data collection and quantitative
research as part of the “Crowdmapping Mirafiori Sud” project, created to identify, map and develope a record of the physical barriers that produce discomfort in citizens of South Mirafiori Research and Documentation Centre in Technology, Architecture and City in Developing Countries (CRD-PVS) - Turin, italy
2013 Direct Marketing, sales assistant, leadership and product management InterItalia - Turin, Italy
2013 Communication Designer - Preparation and organization of the “Smart Explorations in Mirafiori Sud” exhibition Festival Architettura in Città - Turin, Italy
2012 Researcher, Project Management - Creation and organization
of “tur(i)ntogreen - international student design competition”, sponsored by the United Nations, being part of the advisory board and jury (http://www.turintogreen.org/) Research and Documentation Centre in Technology, Architecture and City in Developing Countries (CRD-PVS) - Turin, italy
2012 Communication Designer - Preparation and organization of the “Slumscape” exhibition Festival Architettura in Città - Turin, italy
2012 Research Intern - Curricular internship developing different
tasks, such as research, analysis, elaboration of publications, and preparation and organization of architectural events and lectures Research and Documentation Centre in Technology, Architecture and City in Developing Countries (CRD-PVS) - Turin, italy
work experience? 2008-2010 Tutor and professor’s assistant of the Urban Studies
Department of the Architecture and Urban Development Faculty (after winning the selection contest) Universidad Central de Venezuela - Caracas, Venezuela
now, let’s cut to the chase.
City Market
Barquisimeto, Venezuela
Ground Floor
UnderGround Floor
SOuth elevation
west elevation
Cinema House Turin, ITaly
Ground Floor
Second floor ++10M
First Floor +6,40M
section a-a’
section b-b’
Social Housing Barquisimeto, Venezuela
Ground floor
First floor +3,00m
Second floor +6,00m
Longitudinal section
cross section
west elevation
housing typology
south elevation
longitudinal section
Urban Planning Grugliasco, Italy
ground floor
Agro-Housing and urban farming Caracas, Venezuela
The Spaces
The Activities
The Buildings
The Ground floor is destined to public and commercial use, for collective activities and the sale of the produced food. The agricultural complex is complemented by four other buildings along a central line, from which two have the function to produce foods and the other two are for administrative and educational use.
Concept: Artificial Hills
An Artificial Hill is a multi-level housing building, conditioned by the social and urban realities of the city, with which it creates an structural system. It’s a hybrid between what’s natural and what’s built by men, looking like a building that’s coming up from the earth itself.
03 04
01 05 01
05 http://issuu.com/fernandocobelo/docs/thesis_caracas2020
TYPE 1 / 80m2 / 3 people
TYPE 2 / 90m2 / 4 people
TYPE 3 / 90 m2 / 5-6 people
Inside the slums of Caracas, the main reference of this thesis, family groups are normally bigger when compared to those in the city, and it’s very common for several families to gather inside the same house.
Now this.
International Student Design Competition
‘tur(i)ntogreen’ organized by POLITO and backed by UN Habitat on agro-housing in urban regeneration post industrial city: the case of Turin, Italy. Zero budget organization, paperless submission. It has been inserted in the UN Global Housing Campaign and “I’m a city changer” UN initiative. Results and report have been widely published.
Crowdmapping mirafiori sud turin, italy
Crowdmapping Mirafiori Sud is a pilot project coordinated by the CRD-PVS (Centre of Research and Documentation in Architecture, Technology and Cities in Developing Countries) of Turin Polytechnic, financed with the Polytechnic’s funds from the 5×1000 taxpayers’ contribution for student projects. The aim of the project is to identify and communicate, with the participation of the residents and thanks to the use of new technologies, the obstacles (physical and cultural) that prevent residents from making use of the public space in the Mirafiori Sud district. The information gathered, processed and classified, is made available through an online platform. Citizens are active parties: they can report the problems, proposals and also the things that work well in their district, thus feeding a process of complete and transparent participation.
Go on, go on.
Smart explorations in mirafiori sud Festival Architettura in CittĂ
An exhibition that shows the results of the international student design competition tur(i)ntogreen, which gives a picture of the structured reality and the most recent experimentations on the Mirafiori Sud neighbourhood. The exhibition took place during the Festival Architettura in CittĂ 2013, and it was organized by the Centre of Research and Documentation in Architecture, Technology and Cities in Developing Countries and the Turin Polytechnic, in collaboration with IED and the Fondazione Mirafiori Onlus, TNE and Milan Polytechnic.
Christmas communication Istituto Europeo di Design
IED - 25 years
Istituto Europeo di Design
newcastle upon tyne, united kingdom
Gloria Ronchi
newcastle upon tyne, united kingdom
Holi Fusion Festival turin, italy
Crowdmapping mirafiori sud turin, italy
Yep, almost done.
Constellations Arizona, USA
‘Constellations’ is an interactive lighting installation inspired by the Genus Loci of the Sonoran Desert, connecting its present natural landscape with its historic and cultural heritage. The artwork was the selected proposal by the Scottsdale Public Art Commission as part of the Scottsdale Waterfront masterplan.
The design of lighting effects of the permanent installation will rely on a mix of different technologies to exploit their unique features, including 3D mapping projections, RGB LEDs lights and laser projections that will react to people’s movements. Role in the project: designer of conceptual and rendering processes. All rights go to Aether & Hemera (www.aether-hemera.com)
Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Interactive installation, which visualises the gender experiences of the Northern Design Festival’s audience; it consists of dynamic lighting scenarios that elaborate on audience’s gender perception
expressed on a chromatic scale, transforming the Central Library into a colourful and dynamic environment. Role in the project: physical installation process, solution of structural problems. All rights go to Aether & Hemera (www.aether-hemera.com)
In the Wings of Freedom Amsterdam, Netherlands
Butterflies represent transformation and freedom across all cultures; ‘Bright Cities’ are places where people can grow culturally, socially and broaden their mind; our glowing butterflies are symbols of this potential change and cultural evolution.
The swarm of butterflies creates an array of RGB LEDs which are individually addressable and are choreographed for rich lighting effects based on the audience interaction. Role in the project: designer of conceptual and rendering processes. All rights go to Aether & Hemera (www.aether-hemera.com)
last part, i promise.
urban exploration
friends and walls
ok, so...
here’s some contact info, just in case. +39 328 70 77 343 menendezcobelo@gmail.com it.linkedin.com/in/fernandocobelo issuu.com/fernandocobelo instagram.com/fernandocobelo
thanks :)