7 minute read
Run, Hike, Bike Repeat by Krista Turcasso
Todd Penke
My family moved to Fernie in the Fall of 2020 for the recreational opportunities in the area, the feel of the community, and proximity to family just over the border in the Crowsnest Pass. We loved our home in Seattle, but it was time to leave the grind and get closer to family and the spaces we love. The birth of our second child early in 2020 made it even more clear.
I was fortunate to be in Fernie as the Fernie Trails Alliance (FTA) sought to fill a new Executive Director position. I think my experience supporting philanthropies and non-profits during the day, serving on the board of a conservation org, and general passion for the outdoors helped get me in the seat. That and perhaps a set of fresh eyes. Regardless, I couldn’t be more excited for this role. The town’s network of trails and outdoor opportunities are supported by a tireless group of organizations, volunteers, local businesses, and landowners that make Fernie so special to each of us.
I hope that I can help to keep the good work going, lessening the burden on volunteers and enabling more people to enjoy time outside. One of the things I love so much about Fernie is how ubiquitous use of the trails feels for the people here. On any day out on the trail, I think I see a mix of genders and ages, from toddlers on their parent’s mac-rides, to silver-haired ladies pausing briefly at the top of Swine Flu before charging down.
I think that is the awesome thing about conservation and outdoor recreation, now. Yes, there’s a challenge in the incredible growth in outdoor user-ship over the past two-years, but it’s also an opportunity. How do we build trail networks and communities to reduce the barriers for new users, while still maintaining an incredible experience for those long in the tooth? It's amazing seeing the relatively recent rise of organizations like She Jumps, Outdoor Afro, Brown Folks Fishing, etc. helping share the outdoors to previously underrepresented communities. The more communities and people care about the outdoors, the more voices we'll have to protect it. Fernie still has a great feel and is taking the right steps to stay ahead of these trends. The new funding announced for sustainable tourism is a great example of this. The program, managed by Tourism Fernie and in partnership with a plethora of local orgs, is taking steps to maintain or improve the experience of classic Elk Valley treks and haunts, and preventing them from being loved to death.
Q. We live in the Elk Valley because…
A. Where else can you do so much? From trails like Swine Flu, to floating the Elk for native westslope cutthroats, this town is paradise.
Q. Summer in Fernie is so special because…
A. The bike, and the daylight. I love seeing people of all ages out and about riding around. I also love that the 10pm sunsets enable parents like myself to tuck their kids into bed and still get out for a ride.
Q. Something we make sure to do each summer in the valley (at least once!) is...
A. Dinner at Island Lake Lodge. We had a meal last summer with friends that featured a rare bison ribeye, melt-in-your mouth halibut, and a cow moose that sauntered by our balcony table.
Q. One Fernie secret we are willing to share is...
A. Not sure how secret it is, but have you tried Graffito pizza?
Not surprisingly, the value of recreation has become even more pronounced these last couple of years. Alongside the freedom and enjoyment it provides, the physical and mental health benefits have helped many to navigate challenging times.
This summer, there is an excitement in the air. We are all ready to get out, explore and connect – both with nature and one another. There is a respect and an appreciation for the opportunities these spaces, trails, waterways and mountains provide. And a gratitude for the many individuals and organizations dedicated to creating, maintaining and enhancing recreation in the Elk Valley.


Trail Running
This sport has picked up momentum the last few years, in large part due to the duo behind Stag Leap Running Co., Mike and Abi Moore. Stag Leap hosts weekly run clubs and popular annual events, such as the Elk Valley Ultra and the Lone Wolf and has created a community of passionate trail runners!
Fairy Creek Trail
Difficulty: Green Distance: 5km Elevation: 169M New to trail running? This is the perfect first trail to tackle! An out and back from the Visitor Centre on Hwy 3, this is a beautiful trail that parallels Fairy Creek and takes you to the base of a waterfall. Please note – this is a busy trail in summer, for less traffic consider an earlier or later run!
Gorby Loop
Difficulty: Blue Distance: 7km Elevation: 247M
For the intermediate, start out at the Gorby Parking lot, found on Island Lake Road just beyond the Mount Fernie Provincial Park. Cross Lizard Creek over the bridge and take a left shortly after on Gorby and climb all the way to Red Tree Road. Take a left on Red Tree and continue below the T-bar up to the top of Megahurts. Take a left down Megahurts and enjoy a canopied, old-school trail with roots and some bridges. Continue down Old Goat, all the way until you reach Gorby again. Take a right down Gorby, returning the way you came.
Baldy Loop
Difficulty: Black Distance: 8km Elevation: 552
This is such a beautiful loop, with stunning views down the Lizard Range. Starting at Island Lake Lodge, take the Lake Trail to the right for half a km until you reach the sign for Mount Baldy. Turn right and continue up a steep double track road where you will get your shuffle on. Finally, you will reach a right turn onto some single track, crossing Mount Baldy and reaching the apex and viewpoint. Take a breath, and enjoy the scenery before a fast paced, switch-backing descent to the lodge. The best part? Après on the Bear Patio of course!
Run, Hike, Bike Repeat
You’ve made it to Fernie and are sitting on one of many patios in the Valley bottom looking up at the surrounding peaks, wondering just where and what should you start with?
Here are a few ideas to get you started!
There are endless hikes to discover, some from town and others a short drive with options at Fernie Alpine Resort and Island Lake. Here are
some great ideas for this summer!

Difficulty: Blue Distance: 4km Elevation: 283M
Lift access hiking at its best, this short loop gets you to amazing vistas quickly! From the top of the Elk Chair at Fernie Alpine Resort, walk up the Summer Road trail to the first view point. From there continue to climb, reaching the Skeleton Flats trail, enjoying the gorgeous valley and Fernie from afar. Connect back to the Summer Road and return to the Elk Chair for the fun ride back down to the base. Enjoy a patio refreshment at the Rusty Edge or Legends to finish off the day’s adventures!
Mount Fernie
Difficulty: Blue/Black Distance: 8km Elevation: 900M
Mount Fernie is accessible from town (parking at the Annex Park) or you can start from the Canyon Trails subdivision. The trail begins climbing immediately, and eventually starts to switchback as you gain elevation. Just over half-way, you’ll find the Batman Bench looking towards the Three Sisters, a perfect spot for a snack or to turn around for a shorter hike. Continuing up, the trail breaks into the alpine with epic views of Fernie with some rocky navigation as you make your way to the ridge. Once there, you’ll find a couple of benches to rest up. You’ll notice the option to connect to Heiko’s Trail via Rocky Road (next time!). Return the way you came and enjoy some deserved après in town.
Difficulty: Black Distance: 9km Elevation: 826M
An iconic trail attached to an iconic trail! Goldilocks was built by three female trail builders and is a stunning extension to Spineback trail at Island Lake Lodge. Starting from the lodge, go right around the lake following signs for Fir Trail / Spineback. Once you reach Spineback, it climbs steeply and then switchback as you near the top. Enjoy this bench, but not for too long as the adventure continues! Follow the trail until you reach the Goldilocks loop, either direction works, but I enjoy going counter-clockwise. The trail is rocky and steep, with some loose shale sections. As you reach the ridge the views will take your breath away. Hopefully you booked dinner at the Tamarack Lodge as you’ll be worthy of a reward!