Coille McLaughlin Hooven: Porcelain 1974–2008
Essays courtesy of Jenni Sorkin & Coille Hooven Legacy Project
Jo Lauria, Art Curator and Historian
Introduction by Jenni Sorkin
One can always spot a Coille Hooven piece in a ceramic collection. Although frequently small and delicate, they have great impact. Her white porcelain forms, with seemingly naive decorative elements, belie their scale and fragility as the emotional thrust of their narratives powerfully shout out their presence. And the story they have to tell is personal and intimate, as one will see from the depth of the work included in this book. The vessels and sculptures that are featured focus on Coille's journey as a woman navigating the waterways of life. Shaped and crafted through clay, Coille takes us on many adventures through forms, always complex but also playful, and always worth the exploration.
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