Digital Textile Conference Americas 2011

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FESPA Digital Textile Conference 2011 Americas February 25th, 2011 Orlando, Florida 0900‐0930 0930‐0945




1050‐1110 1110‐1135


Registration and coffee Welcome Frazer Chesterman, Managing Director, FESPA and John Scrimshaw, Editor, Digital Textile Magazine Digital Textile Printing – Revolution or Evolution? While highlighting the global technical developments in the Digital Textile Printing Industry, John will briefly review where the industry has come from, and importantly the future directions the digital textile market will take in the next few years. Estimates of the global market size of the digital textile market will be made, together with the key technology drivers of the various digital textile market segments. Finally, what are the best business models to further drive the digital textile market forward, particularly into the main‐stream traditional textile printing industry. Dr John Provost, Technical Editor, Digital Textile magazine, and consultant Market trends in digital textile printing Focusing on the diversity of digital textile printing, Tim will explore the main trends affecting the print sector today and in the future, highlighting how digital textile printing is positioned within the wider print marketplace, and the potential of this still‐growing technology. Tim Greene , Director, InfoTrends Growing your business with fabric printing Exploring the wide array of applications which digital textile printing allows, and drawing out the new markets which the technology can allow your business to enter, Deborah will demonstrate the potential power of digital textile printing Deborah Hutcheson, Director of Marketing, Agfa Coffee Transitioning a Custom T‐Shirt Printing from Screen Printing To Digital Printing Can screen printing and direct‐to‐garment t‐shirt printing co‐exist in the same shop? Drawing out the differences in work flow and highlighting the cost savings associated with digital printing versus traditional screen printing. Who is a good candidate to transition from screen printing to digital printing? What should I base my decision to enter the digital printing market on? How do you evaluate equipment prior to purchase? Kevin Kelly, President, Blue Heron Industries Printing for fashion The end‐user’s perspective, exploring the value offered by digitally printed textile to today’s fashion designer. Raylene Marasco, President, Dyenamix

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