Digital Textile Conference Americas 2011

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FESPA Digital Textile Conference 2011 Americas February 25th, 2011 Orlando, Florida 0900‐0930 0930‐0945




1050‐1110 1110‐1135


Registration and coffee Welcome Frazer Chesterman, Managing Director, FESPA and John Scrimshaw, Editor, Digital Textile Magazine Digital Textile Printing – Revolution or Evolution? While highlighting the global technical developments in the Digital Textile Printing Industry, John will briefly review where the industry has come from, and importantly the future directions the digital textile market will take in the next few years. Estimates of the global market size of the digital textile market will be made, together with the key technology drivers of the various digital textile market segments. Finally, what are the best business models to further drive the digital textile market forward, particularly into the main‐stream traditional textile printing industry. Dr John Provost, Technical Editor, Digital Textile magazine, and consultant Market trends in digital textile printing Focusing on the diversity of digital textile printing, Tim will explore the main trends affecting the print sector today and in the future, highlighting how digital textile printing is positioned within the wider print marketplace, and the potential of this still‐growing technology. Tim Greene , Director, InfoTrends Growing your business with fabric printing Exploring the wide array of applications which digital textile printing allows, and drawing out the new markets which the technology can allow your business to enter, Deborah will demonstrate the potential power of digital textile printing Deborah Hutcheson, Director of Marketing, Agfa Coffee Transitioning a Custom T‐Shirt Printing from Screen Printing To Digital Printing Can screen printing and direct‐to‐garment t‐shirt printing co‐exist in the same shop? Drawing out the differences in work flow and highlighting the cost savings associated with digital printing versus traditional screen printing. Who is a good candidate to transition from screen printing to digital printing? What should I base my decision to enter the digital printing market on? How do you evaluate equipment prior to purchase? Kevin Kelly, President, Blue Heron Industries Printing for fashion The end‐user’s perspective, exploring the value offered by digitally printed textile to today’s fashion designer. Raylene Marasco, President, Dyenamix



1245‐1345 1345‐1405



1450‐ 1510 1510‐ 1535

As big as it gets Exploring the uses of digitally printed fabric in some of the biggest applications in the world, Andreas will amaze and inspire the group with a behind‐the‐scenes look at the production of these projects, showing how some of the inherent challenges were overcome. Andreas Skantze, Owner, Big Image PANEL SESSION: Which business models are strongest in digital textile printing? Andreas Skantze, Tim Greene, Raylene Marasco, Mike Fralix, Kevin Kelly Lunch Sustainability, Mass Customization and the Digital Supply Chain Exploring and examining the integration of digital printing and single‐ply cutting and highlighting issues related to pattern development, dimensional change of fabric, piece registration of cutting systems and developments in ink chemistry for digital printing. Can all of these topics reinforce the transition to a totally digital supply chain that supports mass customization and sustainability at the same time? Dr Mike Fralix, President and CEO, TC² Tips and tricks to successful printing on dark garments How to avoid common pitfalls through: proper art file preparation; Color profiling your printer to achieve more accurate CMYK prints; creating white ink layers manually; garment selection and pretreatment procedures. Scott Hopper, Business Development Director, Kornit Digital North America Getting quality coloration results on polyester with latest technologies In the Flags & Banner industry we see a major shift towards printing on polyester fabric with water‐based disperse dyes. Different dyestuff chemistries and properties linked to the application process will be explained, to help printers get the right coloration and fastness results, with a specific focus on direct‐to‐fabric printing. In the Apparel sector the largest market segment in digital PES printing is sportswear, normally printed by transfer techniques with sublimation inks, whose limited fastness properties mean sportswear companies are looking for another solution. Direct printing will be proposed, using high heat‐ and wash‐fast disperse dye chemistry, combined with latest industrial inkjet technologies for high‐speed printing. Kevin Myers, Head of Global Inkjet Business, Huntsman Textile Effects Coffee Inkjet as a medium for functional textile coating Inkjet technology provides a compelling proposition for the deposition of functional materials onto textiles with the promise of enabling “smart fabric” applications in the future. This talk will outline the benefits of the technology and outline some of the technology challenges that must be overcome to ensure successful implementation. Malcolm Burwell, General Manager of US Production Line Systems, Xennia,

1535‐ 1600

1600‐ 1630

1630‐ 1650

1650‐1700 1730‐1900

Pushing the frontiers of digital textile printing Can pigment‐based blue light curable ink technology help reduce textile printing steps and minimize environmental impacts of pre‐ or post‐treatments required in some types of digital textile printing? These formulated inkjet inks have been tested, results will be evaluated. Professor Quingo Fan, University of Massachusetts KEYNOTE: The future ‘considered’… a sustainable product journey Exploring Nike’s sustainability projects that fall under the umbrella of ‘Considered’ while showing how printing fits into the bigger picture at Nike Martin Wragg, Global Materials Quality Manager, Nike PANEL SESSION: What are the priority areas for technical development? Connecting the day’s speakers with the wider group as we debate the key growth areas and what R&D is required to expedite the rate of growth for the sector as a whole. Malcolm Burwell, Kevin Myers, Quingo Fan, Scott Hopper, John Provost, Mickael Mheidle (CEO and President of Sawgrass Europe) Chairmans’ closing remarks Networking Drinks Reception

This programme is correct as at January 4th, FESPA reserves the right to change the programme at any point, without prior notice.

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