FESPA Digital 2011 Post Show Report

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24-27 May 2011 Hamburg Messe, Germany


24-26 May 2011

FESPA Fabric 2011 lived up to its advance billing as an event that would engage the senses and reflect the energy and visual creativity of the garment printing and decoration sector. Over three days the ‘show within a show’ FESPA Fabric drew 2,500 visitors to see 54 companies demonstrate products ranging from direct-to-garment printers to the latest sublimation inks. But the FESPA Fabric experience was about much more than 2011 technology. It also set out to show just what the technology does. Digital is the word on everyone’s lips in textile printing, opening up huge opportunities for innovative garment and textile printers. Direct-to-garment (DTG) digital inkjet printing is perfect for short runs and fast turnarounds, slashing brand owners’ time-to-market and - because it’s easier to test market new ideas - leading to an explosion in creativity. FESPA Fabric brought these issues to life with a packed programme of live demonstrations, hands-on workshops, side shows and seminars. The presentations in the Fresener’s Fabric Theatre stimulated lively discussion of issues currently affecting the show’s spectrum of visitors, including ‘Special Effects for Garment Screen Printing’ and ‘High Performance Commercial DTG Solutions’. Complementing the educational programme of the Fabric Theatre, Charlie’s Corner returned with the mission of helping screen printers get the most out of their technologies while providing insight, practical demos and tips for success. Highlighting the practical emphasis of FESPA Fabric 2011, the Fabric Live! Fashion Show offered a daily programme of five energetic performances. Demonstrating clothing decorated or produced by event sponsors Print Equipment, J-Teck3, Xennia, Blue Max and B&C, the fashion show provided live examples of ‘the finished product’ for spectators, adding colour and movement to the event.


Orit Sharon, Kornit Digital’s Marketing Communications Manager, speaks for many exhibitors in praising “there was an excellent quality of the visitor. Visitors to our stand had a genuine interest in digital printing for textiles, and we were also amazed by the international demographic of visitors to the show, meeting printers from as far as Australia and America.”

Fabric Live! Fashion Show

Charlie’s Corner

New records FESPA Digital 2011 set new attendance records in every category, establishing the event as indisputably Europe’s biggest digital wide-format event. After the show sold out in March 2011, the doors opened on an event 70% larger than the inaugural Digital in 2006. According to independent registration company Expo-Systems, the 22,328 pre-registered visitors translated into a total of 12,949 unique visitors, up from 9,682 at the 2009 event. Of these, 25.1% stayed for more than one day, creating 5,155 revisits and contributing to a final total of 18,104 visits. On this basis, more than 40% of all visitors to FESPA Digital 2011 and FESPA Fabric 2011 devoted more than a day to their visit, 66% higher than in 2009. This is a strong indication of the extensive scope of the two exhibitions and the commitment of visitors to take in the full spectrum of technology innovations and educational content. The FESPA Fabric ‘show within a show’, specifically attracted 2,500 visitors looking to update themselves on the latest technology, substrate and ink development in garment printing and decoration.

43% of visitors were company owners or directors, with a third holding final decision-making powers. Of the 11,445 visitors who answered the question, 31.7% intended to invest at the show, or within the following 6 months. The content programme also proved popular, with 29.3% of visitors intending to attend show seminars. There is no doubt that the effective marketing campaign contributed strongly to these excellent figures. The media relations component alone generated a remarkable 685 items of editorial coverage before the show opened and a total of 106 industry editors from 20 countries travelled to Hamburg. See page 10-11 for more on marketing.

On the exhibition floor, exhibitors were universally positive about the volume, quality and international mix of visitors to what is now established as a global event. FESPA Digital 2011 provided further justification for FESPA’s strategy of holding events in different locations. Many exhibitors commented on how this ‘peripatetic’ progress around Europe refreshes the audience and steadily expands the digital wide-format community: 39% of visitors were attending a FESPA Digital show for the first time. The move to Hamburg, the media capital of Germany, naturally delivered an increase in German delegates to around 45% of the total, but also attracted visitors from growth markets in Benelux, Scandinavia, the Baltic States and Eastern Europe. 54.21% of visitors came from outside Germany, with strong representation from the UK, France and Italy and significant delegations from more distant markets such as Turkey, India, Brazil and China.


Visitor statistics At FESPA Digital 2011 there was a remarkable 34% increase in visitor numbers compared with FESPA Digital 2009 in Amsterdam. 12,949 Visitor attendance


9,308 7,512






















Positive outlook


Undoubtedly, the more positive economic outlook compared with Spring 2009 played a significant part in the growth in attendance this year. The unprecedented success of this year’s event also underlines the wide format sector’s irrepressible enthusiasm for new ideas. Print service providers in this arena are highly motivated to invest in new technologies and solutions, and FESPA Digital provides an optimal environment in which to explore the options. FESPA’s reputation for delivering content-rich and well organised events is certainly a factor in the growing visitor numbers. A bold and proactive multichannel marketing campaign optimised international awareness of the event and gave printers clear and compelling reasons to attend, resulting in record breaking pre-registration and conversion.

FESPA Digital 2011 witnessed a significant number of re-visits, visitors who attended on more than one day. 25.1% of visitors to FESPA Digital 2011 stayed for more than one day resulting in 5,155 revisits, 66% higher than in 2009. Taking these return visitors into account, the total attendance at FESPA Digital 2011 was 18,104. This reflects greater business optimism and a willingness from print service providers to commit more time and budget to an extended visit to the show. FESPA Digital offers a rich mix of show floor exhibits and educational content, and the growing proportion of visitors remaining for more than a day indicates their enthusiasm to take maximum return on investment from their time at the show.


GEOGRaphic reach The choice of Hamburg for FESPA Digital delivered a marked increase in attendees northern and eastern Europe.

2011 from

Top 10 countries – FESPA Digital

Top 10 countries – FESPA Fabric

The top ten countries from which visitors attended FESPA Digital 2011 are listed below. The choice of Hamburg for this year’s event, following previous Digital exhibitions in Amsterdam and Geneva, delivered a marked increase in attendees from northern and eastern Europe. Visitor numbers from the Nordic region received a significant boost, with Denmark registering the fourth highest number of visitors.

The top ten countries from which visitors attended FESPA Fabric 2011 are listed below. As with the FESPA Digital show, Denmark and Sweden both register in the top ten attending countries. Although one third of visitors came from Germany, numbers from other geographies were more evenly spread.

GERMANY - 46.4%

GERMANY - 37.2%



UK - 4.5%

POLAND - 4.7%

DENMARK - 3.4%

TURKEY - 4.2%

ITALY - 2.9%

DENMARK - 3.4%

BELGIUM - 2.9%

UK - 2.7%

POLAND - 2.8%

ITALY - 2.6%

SWEDEN - 2.8%



SPAIN - 2.4%

FRANCE - 2.2%

SWEDEN - 2.4%

Visitors by geographic area As expected, the highest number of visitors to FESPA Digital 2011 came from Europe, accounting for over 86% of all visitors. Outside of Europe, the number of visitors from South East Asia increased significantly compared with 2009, demonstrating the region’s status as a growth hotspot for the print industry and boding positively for this year’s FESPA Asia 2011 event.

UK - 5% UK - 5%

EUROPE - 83.7%

EUROPE - 83.7%












Areas of interest

Areas of interest As expected, the majority of visitors registered an interest in the digital print engines on display at FESPA Digital. Significantly, at FESPA Fabric alone, 58% of visitors were interested in the digital printing equipment, despite digital still being a relatively niche technology in the garment decoration and printing sector. More than 21% of visitors to both shows were interested in software solutions, indicating that this is a growing area of interest for the wide-format industry. FESPA Digital - areas of interest

FESPA Fabric - areas of interest



















OTHER - 1%


OTHER - 1%
















, Volcano fails to cloud fespa s horizon The impressive visitor attendance at FESPA Digital 2011 was achieved despite the unexpected six-hour closure of Hamburg airport on the second day of the show due to the localised ash cloud over north-western Europe arising from the Icelandic volcano. The FESPA organising team received effusive praise from exhibitors and visitors for its proactive handling and communication of this situation on site. A crisis communications strategy was in place just an hour after the closure was announced publicly, with all members of the operations and marketing teams involved in delivering a coordinated response. The team immediately pooled knowledge and resources with the Hamburg Messe and its travel agencies, setting up an advice desk and large TV screens delivering real-time travel updates in the main atrium of the Messe. Details of alternative travel options, including a FESPA ‘community car-share’, were circulated to all exhibitors immediately, while visitors already on site in Hamburg were contacted by SMS and email, and via a live update to the


new FESPA Digital app, to advise them of the arrangements being put in place on site. Pre-registered visitors who had yet to arrive in Hamburg were emailed with useful links and the number for a FESPA telephone helpline, with a view to facilitating their travel to Hamburg. The FESPA website landing page was updated regularly, and alerts were sent via FESPA’s multiple Facebook, Twitter and Wide Network social media platforms. FESPA Managing Director Neil Felton comments: “The team’s response to this unforeseeable crisis was proof of their exceptional collaborative spirit. They were quick and creative in their response, considering the situation from the perspective of all our stakeholders, and pulling together a range of pragmatic solutions to ensure that we would stay abreast of the changing situation, filter out speculation and rumour, and communicate the facts using all available channels. They managed to do this while remaining calm and – most importantly – maintaining an empathetic human face towards our exhibitors and visitors.

A themed marketing campaign Delivering an understanding of the evolving marketplace and the need for adaptation in order to survive was key messaging for the industry. The chosen 2011 campaign theme for ‘Evolution’. It built on the messages ‘innovation’ articulated in 2009/2010, revolutionary ‘Digital Man’ icon from 2009 campaign.

FESPA Digital was of ‘revolution’ and and refreshed the the FESPA Digital

Since FESPA Digital 2009, we have witnessed digital become established as the present and future technology. It has physically changed the landscape of our cities and towns with building wraps, billboards, point of sale and vehicle graphics. As we emerge out of the economic storm, we see technology and innovations in the digital wideformat industry driving steady growth into the market. The change in the market has created optimism, and forward thinking businesses have observed the opportunity to adapt to the new conditions whilst overcoming obstacles.


The theme ‘Evolution’ challenged print service providers to take ‘one giant leap for digital print’. FESPA used an image of a ‘parkour’ runner as an analogy for the commercial challenges and opportunities facing wide-format printers in 2011, and raising the point that progress also involves risk. The parkour runner runs through the urban landscape, negotiating obstacles as quickly and efficiently as possible and adapting movements accordingly as conditions change. This offered a strong metaphor for today’s wideformat scene. Our communications goal was to re-enforce the message that for survival in the already competitive market place, businesses needed to look for niche opportunities and adapt with technology and with the demands from its customers in order to survive.

Visitor Leaflet


Visitor Newsletter


Marketing activity Website The FESPA Digital 2011 website www.fespadigital.com supported the core marketing campaign. Launched in October 2010, the website provided key information for both visitors and exhibitors – including feature news, supporting news stories, registration facilities and travel and accommodation advice. As FESPA Digital is an international event, the website was delivered in multiple languages to cater for our main audience - English, German, French and Italian. Website Traffic Visits to website Unique visitors to website Pages viewed Average time spent on website Highest daily total visits

124,255 70,664 592,676 4min 39sec 4,896

Website Pages visited Home page (English)


Exhibitor list


Home page (German)


Visitor information (English)


Visitor information (German)


Advertising The FESPA Digital 2011 advertising campaign was planned to reach a truly international audience using the industry’s most respected trade publications. Starting in September 2011, 127 adverts were printed in 18 different languages, some of which included English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Korean, Swedish, to name a few. Each advert displayed the show messaging of the “Digital Evolution” but also bore the strapline ‘one giant leap for digital print’. All adverts were designed to drive prospective visitors to the event website and to prompt pre-registration. As well as printed adverts, FESPA also used publication and trade resource websites to promote the show using 42 multiple translated web banners, skyscrapers and videos. Each online advert was tracked and directed to the relevant language show website. Loose inserts were also incorporated into the FESPA Digital advertising campaign, distributed in four different languages within trade publications. A total of 104,770 were distributed 10 FESPA DIGITAL 2011

with marketing collateral describing the show content, visitor features and including a full exhibitor listing.

Direct Mail Over 213,000 pieces of direct mail were produced including visitor leaflets, show posters, stickers, visitor newsletters, exhibitor newsletters and badge mailers. Each direct mail piece was sent directly to our ever growing visitor and exhibitor database to inform them of the event, support any news coming from show feature or exhibitor launches. The majority of the marketing collateral was available in four language versions, English, German, Italian and French. Material was sent to our database from four months out, up until two weeks prior to the event.

Emails FESPA used emails to support marketing communications to visitors. E-newsletters were sent to a database of over 125,000 records at least each fortnight informing our network of features and exhibitors at the show. Email marketing proactively encouraged visitors to preregister for the event, highlighting the Euro 25 saving to be made by registering in advance. This was successful in driving traffic to the website and enabling FESPA to maintain proactive communication with visitors as new show features were added, or as the exhibitor list developed.

Social media Social media is another communication channel for FESPA to connect with its community. Using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and The Wide Network FESPA was able to deliver important messages and news to its followers whilst gaining traction for its exhibitors. See page 13 for more information.

Smart phone application For the very first time, FESPA launched the official smart phone app. Finding your way around an exhibition or searching for an exhibitor relating to a product of interest to you can sometimes be difficult. The FESPA App was used to enhance the visitor experience, before, during and after the exhibition. Features included live updates, showcase theatre seminar streams, interactive floorplans with GPS to help navigate visitors around the exhibition, live feedback and links to social networking sites.

INtegrated communicationS A major factor in the success of FESPA Digital 2011 and FESPA Fabric 2011 was the integrated communications campaign. FESPA again worked with specialist international communications agency AD Communications, which has supported FESPA through eight major European exhibitions.


Once again, the campaign combined print and online advertising, media relations, direct and viral marketing, event activity, online and social media (see page 13). An immediate challenge for the marketing team was how to build on the provocative 2009 ‘Revolution’ theme, which had so strongly differentiated FESPA Digital from other European shows by imbuing it with an edgy excitement that reflected the myriad opportunities for wide-format digital production. Other significant objectives included delivering growth in visitor numbers (and hence exhibitors’ ROI) to support the extension of the show from three to four days. Over the nine-month period prior to the shows, AD Communications supported FESPA’s Marketing team in developing and distributing a steady flow of Evolutionthemed news and feature material to stimulate editorial coverage of both FESPA Digital and FESPA Fabric. The centrepiece of the media relations campaign was FESPAFest 2011, held in March in Hamburg and attended by 27 international editors and opinion-formers. In addition to presentations from the FESPA team, attendees networked with major exhibitors, whose presence reinforced the exhibitions’ importance to the wide-format digital sector. For FESPA Fabric, FESPA produced a serialised blog and substantial white paper-style feature examining the impact of fashion, the internet, personalisation, digital printing, the economy, evolution and convergence on the garment market and the printers that serve it to support the need for information in this sector. AD Communications distributed a comprehensive standby-stand guide to the media, which resulted in multi-page previews in many international publications.


building a social community FESPA considers social networking an essential tool for actively engaging with its stakeholders and ensuring that the campaign reflects the communications environments inhabited by a young, creative graphics and imaging community. FESPA promoted FESPA Digital 2011 using social media platforms, entered into dialogue and responded to show comments via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and The Wide Network.

Working with FESPA’s Corporate Sponsor HP, the character of ‘Dan Digital’ was created. Introduced as a reporter working for FESPA TV he was tasked with investigating new and innovative developments in the print market. Videos of his interviews were posted on the FESPA website and FESPA YouTube channel. Twitter proved vital during the exhibition. Supplying visitors with up-to-date news regarding the volcanic ash cloud flight disruptions, Twitter was used to direct users to the FESPA website for detailed information.

The FESPA Digital 2011 marketing campaign was fully integrated with social media. The @FESPA Twitter page, in combination with @FESPA_PR and the various Twitter accounts (managed by members of the FESPA team) projected news stories and responded to community content on a daily basis. During the course of the campaign the @FESPA page grew to attract more than 2,550 followers with a true reach (engaged audience) figure of 915. Amplification of news via multiple Twitter pages grew the audience and captured interest. In the lead up to and during FESPA Digital 2011, social media was used to promote the Digital Man campaign, adopting a more irreverent approach to the digital theme and using the ‘Digital Man’ persona. Promoted across all major platforms, Digital Man had a particularly strong Facebook and Twitter presence. FESPA’s community was encouraged to submit pictures of themselves dressed as Digital Man via Facebook. The winning entrant was uploaded using YouTube. Facebook was also used to update the community on Digital Man’s journey to Hamburg.


tweeting fespa Chimigraf: We are very happy with the result of @FESPA it’s growing fast! There was a large number of customers and exhibitors. claritypro: Back from a superb #FESPA show in Hamburg. Galleries and information coming shortly... @FESPA JRKraft: Beginning the long journey home from Germany, great #FESPA Digital show! The content and vendors were very strong this year kornitdigital: The most amazing print show -- #FESPA Digital 2011 - Day 1 XenniaTech: @FESPA #fespadigital was a great show for us. We think it will make a real difference to our business! #print #fespafabric

Explaining evolution The pace of evolution in wide-format imaging is quickening, according the FESPA’s comprehensive new Print Evolution research study, launched at FESPA Digital 2011.

Digital technology is at the heart of the innovative strategies service providers are applying in technology, business processes and sales and marketing. Despite mixed opinions on whether the sector has recovered from the downturn (49% believe it has) most businesses are exploring a wide range of ideas that change the products they provide and how they deliver them - three quarters of those surveyed have transformed, or are busy transforming, ‘old line’ offset/screen businesses into digital operations. The research was conducted for FESPA by InfoTrends, with the support of FESPA’s Global Technology Partner Xaar. It divides evolutionary strategies into those that are operationsdriven - providing greater speed, quality, efficiency and so on - and innovation-driven measures that deliver new services or products to new customers via new business models. The three most common strategies are to make pricing a non-issue (56.8%), invest in technology to raise service levels (53.7%) and launch a new wide-format digital service (51.8%).

remains high on the agenda, with 45% of PSPs surveyed reporting that they have developed ‘green’ printing practices. The FESPA Evolution Study, in English, is available free of charge in PDF format to members of FESPA’s national associations. For further information, readers can email info@fespa.com, or contact their national FESPA association, details of which can be found at www.fespa.com.

Other popular strategies include developing new processes to fuel growth or enable entry into new markets (47.8%) and selling wide-format services in a different way (45.7%). Less common, but equally welcome as a sign of evolutionary thinking, is awareness of cross-media elements such as Quick Response (QR) codes: although just 18.2% of service providers have integrated such features into designs, 13.1% are working on it and 20.4% plan to. A significant number of businesses regard certification in international colour standards as a means to differentiate themselves from competitors - 24.1% are already certified and 42.9% are either in the process of gaining certification or planning to do so. Web to print is a key business growth strategy for 45% of businesses, while sustainability also


Lasting impressions The FESPA exhibition team set out to give visitors innovative show content that brought the evolution of the digital wideformat industry to life, leaving a lasting impression to 12,949 visitors. Lunchtimes were the time for lively debates on the FESPA stand, where the FESPA Live Interviews - a brand-new feature - saw industry authorities sparking discussions on the most challenging areas of the digital print market. Kicking off with ‘Who says print is dead?’, the debates tackled a series of big issues such as ‘What’s Your Big Idea? A conversation with our customers’, ‘The intelligent use of the internet for print’, and ‘History, Innovation and the Future’.

By expanding FESPA Digital from three to four days, and running FESPA Fabric alongside for the first time, FESPA Digital 2011 delivered a progressive evolutionary message, encouraging printers to look forward and adapt to market conditions in order to avoid extinction. Business growth was the focus of FESPA’s third FESPA Digital Textile Conference on Day Two. Expert speakers covered topics including the growth areas of the industry, niche application, digital fashion and application technology. Moderated by the editor of industry authority publication Digital Textile, the conference also included a panel discussion on how to identify and leverage opportunities. Over in the Digital Showcase Theatre visitors could attend a three-day programme of free-to-attend seminars from speakers including Ronen Zioni of HP, Mark Alexander of Xaar and Steve Bennett, VP of Sign & Display Business at EskoArtwork. The seminars provided exclusive insights into a variety of digital printing topics, examining changes in technology and applications, and underlining opportunities to evolve in response to market trends.


Throughout the exhibition, the third leg of the Wrap Cup Masters Series - becoming established as a crowd-pulling favourite at FESPA shows - created a competitive edge on the show floor, pitching the very best car-wrapping teams against each other through five rounds over four days. See page 9 for more.

Next stop barcelona! It’s clear from the exhibitor feedback* that the decision to hold FESPA Digital 2012 in Barcelona has gone down well. applies to FESPA Digital, which along with FESPA Fabric, will occupy the larger Gran Via (240,000m2) from 21st until 24th February 2012. Securing FESPA Digital owes much to Fira de Barcelona’s strategy of focussing on new shows in expanding sectors. The organiser has also developed strong links with Latin America and Asia.

The move is expected to significantly boost visitor attendance from Spain, France, Italy and Portugal, along with Latin America. Among the many executives eagerly anticipating next year was Steve Richardson, sales director of UK MIS supplier Optimus: “We’ll definitely be at FESPA Digital 2012 Barcelona. It’s an appealing destination, particularly since the Spanish-speaking markets are very significant for us. And on the strength of this year’s event, we plan to increase our exhibition footprint and raise our game in terms of marketing.”

Away from the exhibition, Barcelona’s world-famous attractions range from the magical architecture of Antoni Gaudi (Barcelona is the only city to win the prestigious RIBA award for architecture) through the historic medieval Gothic Quarter to the sweeping panoramas of the city from Montjuic and Tibidado. And there aren’t many exhibition venues where a 10-minute walk from the city centre will take you to 4.2 kilometres of golden sandy beaches - although with another busy gathering of the FESPA wide-format community in prospect it’s doubtful anyone will have the time...

There’s more to Barcelona than the artistry of FC Barcelona and Lionel Messi. Spain’s second city population, 1.5 million - is also home to one of the leading international exhibition venues in Fira de Barcelona. Next year FESPA Digital and FESPA Fabric will become the latest shows to join an expanding roster of over 70 industry exhibitions attracting some 35,000 companies and 3.5 million visitors each year to the Fira’s twin centres of Montjuic and Gran Via. Fifteen of the exhibitions are international ‘benchmark’ events ranked in the top three in their sectors - something that certainly

* see pages 18-19 POST SHOW REPORT 15

THE exhibitors Companies who exhibited at FESPA Digital 2011. 3A Composites GmbH DE 3M Germany GmbH DE 3P InkJet Textiles AG DE 656Editions FR 7C Graphic Material CN A. Berger GmbH & Co. KG DE Achte display system GmbH DE Adria Artigianato SRL IT Afford Industrial SA ES Agfa Graphics NV BE Ahlstrom Osnabruck Gmbh DE Algroup International DE All American Mfg & Supply US Alphachem Europe GmbH DE AMC Pancke AG DE American Biltrite Inc. BE AnaJet Inc US Aqua Tint IN Ara NV BE Aristo Graphic Systeme Gmbh & Co DE Arjowiggins Papiers Couchés SAS FR Arlon Inc. NL Artfoam Co., Ltd. KR Aslan, Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG DE Asphalt Art International AG CH Astec4u DE Atlantic Zeiser GmbH DE ATP adhesive Systems GmbH DE A-UNO-TEC SRL IT AXYZ International UK Azon GmbH & Co. KG DE Badgetec GmbH DE Baldwin UV Limited UK Bannergear Ltd FI Barbieri electronic snc IT Basic Technical Paper NL Beaver Papier B.V. NL Bee nv/sa BE Beijing Fulei CN Beijing Katian Tech Co Ltd CN Bergstein Digital B.V. NL Beste Collection DE Better Presentation Service GmbH DE Biedermann GmbH DE Big Sign & System KR Binder GmbH DE Blue Max Banner Group Ltd UK Borchert & Moller DE Bordeaux Digital Printink Ltd IL Brook International UK Brother Internationale DE Bundesverband Druck und Medien e.V. DE Caldera Graphics FR Candex Marketing CN CC & Co A/S DK Cgate Solutions Ltd DE Cham Paper Group CH Changzhou Lintel AD Material CNA Chemica Company FR Chimigraf Iberica SL ES Cielle srl IT Clarity Software UK Coldenhove Papier NL Colgraphix NL Color-Alliance GmbH DE ColorGATE Digital Output Solutions GmbH DE Colorific Ink UK Comhan Holland BV NL ComPlott Papier Union DE Concordia Textiles BE Contra Vision UK Cosign BE Crown Norge AS NO Danish Label Coating A/S DK Danish Sign Export A/S DK Dataplot GmbH DE Dave Renton ScreenPrinting Supplies UK Delahaye & Esser ohg DE Designious RO Deutsche ADP GmbH DE Dgen Inc. IT Dickson Coatings FR


Digidelta PT digidirect GmbH DE Digital Designware DE Digital Graphics Incorporation KR Digitex Printing Technologies HK Dijital Teknik TR Direct Color Systems US Dollfus Muller-Dynajet FR DP Solutions GmbH & Co. KG DE DPL Industri A/S DK Dr. Honle AG DE DRAABE Industrietechnik GmbH DE Drucktech Kft HU Drytac Europe Ltd UK Duo Display FR DuPont LU Durafos Inc KR Durst Phototechnik Digital Technology GmbH AT E. Michaelis & Co. DE Eckart GmbH DE EDP UK EFI NL Elektronik & Sign GmbH DE Elitron IPM S.r.l IT Emball’iso FR EMGroup GmbH AT Encres Dubuit FR Endutex-Revestimentos Texteis SA PT Epson Europe UK ErgoSoft AG CH ESC GmbH & Co. KG DE Esko-Graphics NV BE Eurodrop IT Eurotech Printers/Stetjet Digital Inks TR Fepatex Nederland B.V. HO Ferrari SA FR FESPA UK Filmtex, S.A.S. CO Finestfog GmbH DE Flaggfabriken PL Flexa Srl IT Folex AG CH Forever Digital Transfer Appl. Tech. GmbH DE Fortuna International Business Co., Ltd CN Fotoba IT Fotolia SARL FR Four Pees BE Franmar Chemical Inc US Franz Hagemann GmbH & Co. KG DE FTC UK (Ltd) UK Fujifilm UK Gandy Digital US Gardner Denver Thomas Gmbh DE Gaya co. ltd KR GCC Europe BV NL Gebruder Aurich GmbH DE GEW (EC) Ltd. UK Giben International SPA IT GOQ LED Europe NL Grafityp Self-Adhesive Products N.V. BE Graphic Report IT Grapo Technologies, a.s CZ Grzybowski KG DE Guandong Italia srl IT Guangzhou Xusen Coat Material Co Ltd CN Guenther Business Solutions DE Guyenne Papier FR Haas & Co Magnettechnik GmbH DE Haining Dongyi Digital Textile Co Ltd CN Hangzhou International Exhibition Co., Ltd CN Haymarket Business Media UK Heathcoat Fabrics Ltd UK Hexis S.A. FR Heytex Bramsche GmbH DE Hilord Chemical Corp US Hoff & Korbel Stickmaschinen DE Hongkong K & D Trading Co., Ltd CN Hongsam Digital Color Technology Co Ltd CN Hostert-Pro GmbH DE

HP ES Huntsman Advanced Materials CH Igepa Group GmbH & Co.KG DE Ikonos sp. Z.o.o PL Imaging Solutions AG CH Impression Technology Europe UK Imprifab.com BE Impuls Apparatebau Jaeger & Sohn GmbH DE Inglet SLU ES Inkjet Systems pte Ltd. SG InkTec Co. Ltd KR Inkwin UK Limited UK Innova Art UK INPRO bv NL InSpe LT Integration Technology UK International Expo-Consult LLC AE INX Digital International Co. IT ISM/GD Pro UK IST Metz GmbH DE iStockphoto Europe GmbH DE ITINK Co Ltd (Korea) KR IVB TransferDruckSysteme N. Koch DE IVM SignTex GmbH DE J & A (International) Ltd UK Jaysynth (Europe) LTD UK Jetbest Corporation TW JetTrueMedia Digital Image Material Co., Ltd CN Jiangyin Hongmao Decoration Material Co Ltd CN Jiangyin Huahong Alubond Metal Industrial Co Ltd CN Jiaxing Baichuan Printer Technology CN Jiaxing Fly Digital Inkjet Materials Co Ltd CN Jin Kwang Chemical Co Ltd KR Jinan Apollo Ink Co.,Ltd CN JingJiang Naisi Digital Technology Co Ltd CN J-Teck3 S.r.l. IT Jutu Technologies Ltd CN Kala SAS FR Kammi Digital Printing Co Ltd CN Karl Gröner GmbH DE Kaspar Papir d.o.o. SI Keencut Ltd UK Kernow Coatings Ltd UK Kiian Spa IT KIP Deutschland GmbH DE Klieverik Heli BV NL Konica Minolta IJ Technologies Inc UK Kornit Digital Ltd IL La Meccanica C.M.T. SPA IT Large Format DE Laser Tools & Technics Corp TW LG Hausys Europe GmbH DE Liteks Plastik Imperteks Tekstil San. Tic. Ltd. Sti. TR Lotus Transfers International DE LT Flex CN Lynx Europe BE M & T Displays TR Macksmedia GmbH DE Macron Gmbh DE Mactac Europe S.A. BE Magnet Ltd CN Mapro Co., Ltd S.KR Marabu GmbH & Co. KG DE Mark Bric Display AB SE Matan Digital Printers (2001) Limited IL Medacom graphics GmbH DE Mehler Texnologies GmbH DE Melco Europe CH Membrana US Microtec Technology Co Ltd CN Mimaki-nbn GmbH DE Mireco co. Ltd KR Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V DE mode... information DE ModulMounter ApS DK Montag Hampl & Partner GbR DE Monti Antonio S.p.a. IT Mountek Textilmaschinen-Vertriebs GmbH DE

MS Srl IT MultiCam GmbH DE Mutoh BE Nae Wae Precision Co KR Nanjing Colorway Digital Technology Co., Ltd CN Natura Media Inc. KR Nazdar US Neofoam Ltd KR Neolt Spa IT Neschen AG DE Ningbo Jiangbei Fuyuan Decorating Material Co.,Ltd CN Ningbo So-Fine Paper Products Co Ltd CN Nite Industrial Co.,Ltd KR Norbert Wittstock GmbH DE Nordiska Etikettbolaget AB SE Nuclear Flex CN Obeikan Technical Fabrics SA Océ-Deutschland GmbH DE Onewaypro BE Onyx Graphics, Inc. US Optimum Digital Planet SPRL TR Optimus Group Limited UK Outdoor Digitaldruckmaschinen DE OYO Instruments, Europe Ltd. UK PC Technology N.V. BE Phoseon Technology US Photo USA Electronic Graphic Inc. CN PilloPak BV NL Planet Graf S.C. Rafal Raczka PL Plastic Tech Developments ES Poli-Tape Klebefolien GmbH DE Polychromal BV NL Polyprint SA GR Polytype SA CH Prime Sign International Ltd HK Print Equipment GmbH & Co. KG DE PRO Aluminium s.r.o SK Promattex International FR Qingdao Makebest Trading Co.,Ltd CN Rainbow Pigment Co.,Ltd TW Rauch GmbH DE Real Color Industry Co Ltd CN REDGiant Inc (Korea) KR Reflectiv Sas FR Regulus GmbH DE Reliabond Taizhou Baiyun Jixiang Decorative Material Co Ltd CN Rex-Tone Industries Ltd IN Rimslow Global Pty Ltd AU RISO KAGAKU CORPORATION JP Ritrama SPA IT Robart International BV Sign Products NL Roland DG Benelux NV BE ROLLSROLLER SE Rowmark Europe SAS FR SA International - Europe BE Sawgrass Europe UK Schallenkammer Magnetsysteme GmbH DE Secabo GmbH DE SEI Deutschland GmbH DE Seiko Instruments GmbH DE Sensient Imaging Technologies CH Sentec International BV NL Sepiax Ink Technology GmbH AT SETeMa B.V. NL Shanghai Alubang Decorative Material Co., LTD CN Shanghai Hanker Industry Co Ltd CN Shanghai NAR Industrial Co.,Ltd CN Shanghai Precede One Way Vision Material Co., Ltd CN Shanghai Unisign Industrial Material Co Ltd CN Shanghai Wit-Color Digital Science & Technology CN Shanghai Zeafee Digital Inkjet Composite Materials Co Ltd CN Shenzhen Inkbank Digital CN Shiraz Software UK Shock Line SRL IT SiDream S.r.l. IT Siebdruck Service Welle DE

Signscal (Kunshan) Coating and Lamination Co Ltd CN Signtech Austria AT Signtrade GmbH CH Sihl GmbH DE Sinergy Distribuzioni s.r.l IT Siser s.r.l. IT SJ-D5 Inc KR SM Media Group KR SMI Corporation KR SO.L.TER by PLOTTERFILMS IT Solunaris GmbH DE Soyang Technologies Co.,Ltd CN Spandex Group BE Stadur Produktions GmbH & Co. KG DE Stahls’ DE StarFlex Co., Ltd KR Stiefelmayer-Contento GmbH & Co KG DE Stitch & Print NL Stork Prints B.V. NL STS Refill Technology US Summa BE Sun Chemical Ltd (UK) PL Sun LLC RU Superwide Solutions GmbH DE Suzhou Industrial Park HK swissQprint AG CH T.P.M. Co., Ltd KR Tara Materials Inc. US Taya Canvas (Shanghai) Company Ltd CN TCH Warp Knitting Base Fabric Co Ltd CN TECA ES Technoplot GmbH DE Texo Trade Services B.V. NL Theurer.com GmbH DE Tongxiang Zhenxing Fabric CN Transfair Spezialpapiere GmbH & Co KG DE Transmatic s.r.l. IT Triton GmbH DE Trotec Produktions u. Vertriebs GmbH AT Tulip AE Tullis Russell Coaters ltd UK Unico Digital sa BE Unifol Self Adhesive PVC Films TR Union Technology Int’l (M.C.O.) Co., Ltd MO UV Ray srl IT uv-technik meyer GmbH DE Valiani srl IT Verseidag-Indutex GmbH DE Vhf Camfacture AG DE Vivid Laminating Technologies UK VKF Renzel GmbH DE Walter Schulze GmbH DE Wasatch Computer Technology LLC US Wefound Composite Material Factory CN Westermann Prozess Technik DE WNP Verlag GmbH DE Wonpoong Corporation KR World Textile Publications UK WTB Werbe Technik Bedarf GmbH & Co.KG DE Wuxi Guoshun AD Material Corp Ltd CN Xaar plc UK Xennia Technology Limited UK X-Film Selbstklebefolien GmbH DE Yavilioglu Reklam TR Yellotools Ltd DE Yeong Jeou Industrial (M) Sdn.Bhd MY Yupo Europe GmbH DE Zeus Co Ltd S.KR Zhejiang Botai Plastic Co Ltd CN Zhejiang Dejia New Material Co Ltd CN Zhejiang Extend Plastic Co Ltd CN Zhejiang Ganglong New Materials Co CN Zhejiang Hallide New Material Co Ltd CN Zhejiang Huasheng Warp Knitting New Materials Co Ltd CN Zhejiang Huifeng New Materials CN Zhejiang MSD Warp CN Zhejiang Tianxing Technical Textiles Co Ltd CN Zhejiang Yuli Plastic Co Ltd CN Zimmer Maschinenbau GmbH AT Zund Systemtechnik AG CH

exhibitor Countries Exhibitors came from all over the world to exhibit at FESPA Digital 2011!

Germany (DE) - 106 China (CN) - 56 United Kingdom (UK) - 36 Italy (IT) - 28 South Korea (KR) - 22 Belgium (BE) - 20 Netherlands (NL) - 20 France (FR) - 17 USA (US) - 13 Switzerland (CH) - 12

Turkey (TR) - 7 Spain (ES) - 6 Austria (AT) - 6 Denmark (DK) - 5 Poland (PL) - 4 Sweden (SE) - 3 Taiwan (TW) - 3 Israel (IL)- 3 Hong Kong (HK)- 3 India (IN)- 2

Portugal (PT) - 2 Slovenia (SI) - 2 United Arab Emirates (AE) - 2 Australia (AU) - 1 Columbia (CO) - 1 Czech Republic (CZ) - 1 Finland (FI) - 1 Greece (GR) - 1 Holland (HO)- 1 Hungary (HU)- 1

Japan (JP) - 1 Lithuania (LT) - 1 Luxembourg (LU) - 1 Macau (MO) - 1 Malaysia (MY) - 1 Norway (NO) - 1 Romania (RO) - 1 Russia (RU) - 1 Saudi Arabia (SA) - 1 Singapore (SG) - 1



Here s what they said... Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what some of the exhibitors at FESPA Digital 2011 had to say... “FESPA Digital 2011 was very successful.The migration of conventional jobs to digital production, combined with the ability to use digital data across the applications range, is blurring boundaries, so for the first time at FESPA an HP Indigo press was on display, to demonstrate the potential of large-and small-format digital printing.” Ronen Zioni - Marketing Director, Graphic Solutions Business, EMEA, HP

“The international range of visitors was much wider than just Germany. The best part of FESPA is the way it brings the whole supply chain together, and it’s very interesting to see the way in which the exhibitors fit alongside each other. Every aspect of the industry is represented here.” Patrick Gomez - Sales and Marketing manager KIP Europe

“This has been a great show for meeting potential new customers and for showing our existing customers our new printers. Holding FESPA in Hamburg has been perfect - the economy is one of the best in Europe and the buyers it attracts are serious. We’ve seen a particular increase in visitors from Scandinavia.” Timo Keersmaekers - Marketing Manager Roland “FESPA is such a positive organisation! The visitors were good quality and the traffic in the halls was also good. Hamburg was a great venue and we’re looking forward to FESPA Digital 2012 in Barcelona.” Jean-Francois Teneul - Sales Manager Western Europe DuPont Protection Technologies


“FESPA Digital was great for the Northern and Eastern European markets, and we believe the peripatetic nature of FESPA encourages visitors from other geographical markets as well.” Floris-Jan van Heuvel Texo Trade Services BV

“We’ve met all the right customers and distributors at a senior level. The profile and the quality of the visitors seem to improve year on year. It feels to us that senior decision makers made up 75% of all visitors.” Monica Cingolani - Image and Communication Manager Kiian

“Running FESPA Digital and FESPA Fabric together is a good idea because of the opportunity it gives exhibitors to present solutions to customers that they may not have considered.” Jolanta Niemirska - Sales and Marketing Specialist GCC Europe B.V.

“FESPA delivered a premium product which was well attended with quality visitors. We had customers who drove up to eleven hours to attend the event due to the air-travel chaos. We met all our objectives for sales, leads and product demonstrations.” Paul Cripps - Managing Director EMEA EFI

“This year, Fespa digital worked incredibly well for us. We certainly attracted a lot of overseas visitors. And I’m glad to say there were a lot of overseas visitors!” Frank Seemann - Head of Marketing & Communications Neschen

“Once again FESPA has been a very good show. The people who visited our stand were ready to learn and to see what was new. We’ve had a lot of positive feedback from visitors, who included people from India, South Africa and South America.”

“We made lots of excellent contacts and sales leads, and discussed many interesting projects with delegates – packaging printing, direct product printing and decoration, printing of foils and films, as well as security printing.”

Rosaria Pozzoni - Business Operation Manager J-Teck3 S.r.l.

Ralf Hipp - Vice President Digital Printing and Coding Solutions, Atlantic Zeiser

“FESPA Digital has been a great show for two reasons - the quality of visitors has been very high, and these visitors have already converted into strong sales leads. We came prepared for an international show and haven’t been disappointed with visitors from all around the world. Océ will exhibit again at FESPA Digital 2012.”

“FESPA Digital is one of the most important shows in the world. It is extremely international and the people here have a focused interest in the products on show. The visitors to FESPA are the most serious in the industry.”

Dale Mortimer - International Marketing Director Océ

“FESPA Digital was an excellent showcase for the creative potential and continued growth of digital inkjet technology. A greater variety of digital printers for a greater variety of applications were in action, with narrow format growing wider and wide format becoming narrower as companies seek to deliver more choice to the market. We never stand still and nor does FESPA.” Mark Alexander - Director of Marketing Xaar

“FESPA Digital proved to be an excellent show, with heavy footfall, particularly in Hall A4. Our stand was constantly busy, and we finalised good business, with a number of orders taken and a large amount of quality leads to follow up on.

Stefano Rogora - EMEA Marketing Supervisor INX Digital Italy srl

“The best thing about FESPA Digital is that the customers come with their own specific goals in mind and they know that they can achieve these at the show. That’s what makes it so unique when compared to a more generalist print show.” Rolf Lottermoser - Sales/Marketing Mimaki-nbn

“We had high expectations of FESPA Digital which have been more than fulfilled. We’ve seen a lot of serious buyers at the show. We’ve really seen that digital has grown from an interesting experiment to a serious money generating tool. We’ve generated sales from a variety of regions including Asia and Brazil.” Jos Notermans - Business Unit Manager Stork Prints B.V.

Tudor Morgan - Group marketing manager FUJIFILM Europe


FUTURE EVENTS 26-28 October 2011

21-24 February 2012

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