Into the Sixth at Fettes College

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1. The Dual Pathway and IB

Fettes College offers both A Levels and IB pathways in order to give each individual the chance to select the curriculum and subjects that best suits them. Both pathways are rigorous and so whichever you choose, it will provide the opportunity for intellectual fulfilment, challenge and future success in Higher Education. However, both pathways are also different in what they offer.

Over the course of Fifth Form, we will be sharing guidance with current students and parents on the differences between the A Level and IB pathways, through in-House talks and tutorials; Parents Meetings; and the Fifth Form Roadshow in the Spring Term. Our students also have access to their Houseparents, tutors, subject teachers and our Academic Leadership Team to help make these important decisions.

For new students to Fettes in Sixth Form, there will be webinars available to you to help explain our curriculum and the Sixth Form experience that awaits you at Fettes Choices that are suitable for one student may not be right for another and it is about ensuring the pathway and combination of subjects chosen are right for each individual.

A Levels

The main features of A Level are:

• Students on the A Level pathway usually study three main subjects. This allows students to concentrate on a smaller range of subjects in greater depth

• Some students may opt to take four A Levels, especially where they may be uncertain about their final three subjects or where they are wishing to take Further Mathematics. Those who wish to take all three sciences must take Mathematics as a fourth subject to support Physics

• There is coursework in some subjects

• A Level students have fewer hours of face-to-face teaching time in their weekly timetable, as they study fewer subjects, but have a higher expectation for hours of independent study outside the classroom (15-20 hours per week)

• Students are also encouraged to take the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), which counts as half an A Level (equivalent to the old AS Level) Students conduct their own research supported by an academic supervisor in order to produce a final essay, artefact, field study or performance. Not all students see the EPQ through to a successful conclusion, but those who do often find that it is highly regarded by universities and proves an asset in their UCAS applications. More details can be found below in Section 4: Departments and Subjects

• For students interested in continuing Engineering, Enterprise and Technology (EET) at Sixth Form, the A Level pathway allows students to take this subject as their EPQ Option

• Exams are taken May-June and results are published in August Grades are awarded from A* to U

International Baccalaureate (IB)

The IB is an internationally renowned qualification that has existed for over 40 years and is taken in approximately 6,000 schools worldwide. It is a broad qualification and very different in character from A Levels. The main features of the IB are:

• All IB students’ study six subjects: English, Mathematics, a science, a modern or classical language, a social subject, and a creative subject. Students may choose to do a second language, social subject or science instead of a creative subject if they wish to specialise. Three of these subjects are studied at Higher Level in greater depth and three at Standard Level

• There is a coursework component in all subjects

• Students have more face-to-face teaching time due to the nature of studying 6 subjects. They are expected to do slightly fewer hours of independent study outside the classroom (approximately 12 hours per week)

• In addition, students have to take a course in the Theory of Knowledge (ToK), which is a course in thinking skills. This is an interdisciplinary IB diploma subject, because it applies to all the subject areas possible to study for a diploma: Maths, the natural sciences, the human sciences, History and the Arts. We look at how knowledge is slightly different in each of these areas of knowledge – for example, proof is central to Maths; experimental evidence is central to the natural sciences; and so on. The internal assessment is the TOK a virtual exhibition and the external assessment is an essay marked by external examiners

• IB students must also complete an Extended Essay (EE) on a topic of their choice and undertake a programme of Creativity, Action and Service (CAS), spending approximately 50 hours on each element of the CAS course over the two years

• Exams are taken from April onwards and results are published in July. Each subject is marked out of 7 and there are three points available for Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay. They must also complete their CAS component. The maximum mark is therefore 45

2. Options

Once settled on a pathway that suits your style of learning, the next consideration is subject options. Firstly, choices should be influenced by performance or interest in new subjects but should also factor in future career goals. It is important to find a balance, and so we advise that students select subjects they enjoy and are also likely to excel in.

It may be helpful to consider the information below, which sets out some of the recommended or complementary subjects for a range of university courses. However, it is worth noting that the precise demands of different courses depends on the university at which the course is studied

University Course

Accountancy and Finance





Business Studies


Recommended Subjects

Maths, Chemistry

Maths or Biology



Biology, Physics, Chemistry


Chemistry, Physics, Biology

Classics Latin, Greek

Classical Civilisation / Ancient


Computer Science


Drama / Theatre Technology

Classical Civilisation

Complementary Subjects







English, Philosophy

Maths, Computer Science, Further Maths Physics

Chemistry, Biology

Drama and Theatre

Economics Economics

Engineering (Chemical)

Engineering (Other Types)

Chemistry, Physics

Maths, Physics

English English

French French

Geography Geography


Maths, Physics, Chemistry

German German

History History

History of Art


History of Art





Computer Science

Another Language, History

Another Language

Economics/Another subject

Geography, Science/History/Eng.

Another Language



Other Arts subjects

Mathematics Mathematics Physics


Modern Languages

Chemistry, Biology

Two Modern Languages

Music Music


A science or Maths

English, Latin or Greek

A Language

Philosophy Classics



Physics, Maths

Any Arts Subjects

Psychology 2 sciences for BSc


Spanish Spanish

Sport Science

Television, Film & Media

Physical Education

Drama and Theatre

Veterinary Science Chemistry, Biology



Any Arts

Any Arts

Another Language


English, Music, Art

Maths, Psychology

More details of our departments and subjects at Fettes can be found below at Section 4.

Secondly, the subject combinations have to be practicable with the school timetable. At Fettes, subjects are arranged into columns. Only one subject may be chosen from any single column. The columns have been arranged to give maximum flexibility and have been chosen in the light of university and career opportunities explained above.

A Level Options

Column A

Column B

Column C

Column D

Column E

Art Drama Geography Biology Economics

Chemistry French Greek Classical Civilisation English Literature

Economics Geography History Computer Science Further Maths

German History Mathematics English Literature Physical Education

Latin Physics Psychology Mathematics Spanish

Politics Music


* Students taking Further Mathematics in column E must also select Mathematics in column C

IB Options

For the IB Diploma, students must not only pick a maximum of one subject from each column (see next page) but they also meet the following criteria:

• Six subjects total: three Higher Level subjects and three Standard Level subjects

• At least one subject in Group 1

• One subject in Group 2 unless taking two subjects in Group 1

• One subject in Groups 3, 4 and 5

• One subject in Group 6 or an additional subject from Groups 2-4

For students who have not taken a language at GCSE or equivalent, or who would like to try a new language, Spanish ab initio is offered in Group 2.

Students who are assessed to be native or near-native speakers in a language will not be eligible to study a Group 2: Language B qualification in that language. They will be encouraged to take Language A (where available) or to sit a different qualification in that language in addition to their IB Diploma.

Note: for students applying to German Universities, there can be very specific language requirements. Students are expected to apply with German (Language A) as well as English (Language A); or, if they would rather do a different language, this must be a modern (not classical) language and they must also complete a German language qualification outside of the curriculum in addition to their IB Diploma. If you would like to discuss this further, please do contact Ms Chakravarty (Deputy Head, Academic).




IB Higher Level Subject Choices

3. Admissions

Fifth Form students wanting automatic entry to our Sixth Form are expected to have achieved a minimum of 33 points from their best six subjects at GCSE. Students are looking to achieve a 7 or higher at GCSE in any subject which they are intending to take at A Level or at Higher Level in the IB, with specific requirements in some subjects as stated in Section 4 below. Exceptions may be made in discussion with the Head of Sixth Form and Academic Leadership Team, considering the circumstances of each individual student.

Entry for new students is dependent on the outcome of the entrance examinations and an interview. More details for prospective applicants are available on our website.

4. Departments and Subjects


In the Art Department, we offer a bespoke Sixth Form Art course designed to deepen your understanding of the visual world. Through hands-on exploration of materials and processes, you will develop practical skills while gaining insight into the broader subject by studying the work of artists across cultures and time periods.

In the Lower Sixth, A Level Art and Design (AQA) and IB Visual Arts students are taught together in a foundation-style programme that fosters experimentation with techniques, processes, and research methods. This integrated approach aligns with the assessment objectives of both pathways, equipping students with the skills and independence required for the more rigorous and specialised focus of their second year. Towards the end of the Summer term in the Lower Sixth, cohorts transition to their respective pathways.

A Level

Component 1 (60%)- Personal Investigation: an individually selected project working from an idea, issue or concept. Students pursue a chosen theme, researching it fully, both practically and through in-depth research into the work of artists and/or designers. This Component includes a 1500-word essay on the themes and concepts explored in the practical work.

Component 2 (40%)- Externally Set Assignment: a personal response to a theme set by the examination board, consisting of several weeks of preparation time and a 15-hour exam


Comparative study (20%): Students will analyse and compare artworks by different artists as well as artworks, objects and artefacts from differing cultural contexts.

Process portfolio (40%): Students submit carefully selected evidence of their experimentation, exploration, manipulation and refinement of a variety of visual arts activities during the two-year course. The work submitted will be in at least three different art-making forms.

Exhibition (40%): Students submit a selection of resolved artworks as a curated exhibition. The selected pieces need to show evidence of their technical accomplishment and an understanding of the use of materials, ideas and practices appropriate to visual communication. MissLSutherland


As the study of living organisms, biology is essential for explaining the complexities of life. Whether we are facing a pandemic or the increased prevalence of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or cancer in our communities, it is hugely relevant to our society. But the subject is not just about scientific specialism: there are important transferable skills from studying Biology that can lead to careers in not just medicine or life sciences but public health, ecology, accountancy, trading, e-commerce or government.

A Level

The AQA Biology course is split evenly between two teachers who guide you through the content and 12 required practicals. The content covers topics such as molecules, cells, genetics, evolution and ecosystems. The course will culminate in three exams where ten percent of the questions will be Maths orientated. Therefore, we often advise Chemistry and/or Maths alongside Biology A level.


One teacher will guide you through the course whether HL or SL. This includes the twenty percent coursework component where the Fettes cohort are taken to FSC Millport in June to get the coursework completed alongside teaching some ecology elements insitu

At HL, there is significant overlap with the A level course in content, so also selecting chemistry is beneficial. At SL, biology is probably the most straightforward science – especially if you completed triple science.



Chemistry is a subject with a reputation as being both a rigorous, academic subject but also as a highly desirable subject in terms of the doors it opens to further education and careers. It is essential for almost every area of science and the related disciplines and thus it is a pre-requisite for the vast majority of medicine, dentistry and veterinary science courses. Chemistry is also very highly regarded in countless non-scientific fields, due to the fact that it fosters a sharp, logical and enquiring mind and demands hard work to succeed. Indeed, a degree in chemistry opens the doors to all sorts of fields including business, management, finance and even law, to name just a few.

A Level

The OCR A Level specification has been written to provide progression from IGCSE Chemistry while introducing some new topics such as Spectroscopy, Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry. Modules taught include: Practical skills, Foundations in Chemistry, Periodic Table and Energy, Core Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry with Transition metals and Organic Chemistry and Analysis. The course is externally assessed in three exams.


This course includes all the essential principles of the subject. The course is available at both Higher and Standard Level and therefore accommodates students who wish to study science beyond school and those who do not. The Standard Level (SL) gives a good grounding in basic chemistry and consists of the core subjects. The Higher Level (HL) course consists of the same core subjects but takes a more in-depth approach to these and also contains a good deal of organic chemistry. This HL course would suit candidates who have a general interest in science and have studied at least two sciences to GCSE level and who might have an interest in studying Chemistry after school. For both SL and HL there is an Internal Assessment component.

All IB students are also required to carry out a collaborative science project, which is done in one day offtimetable. It is a collaborative scientific investigation where students from each of the sciences share concepts, theories and experiments to produce an overall project.


Latin and Greek

Studying Latin and/or Greek at A Level (OCR) or IB allows students to study some of the most famous ancient authors’ works in their original form. Throughout the course, we continue to build up our knowledge of

vocabulary and grammar to allow us to explore fully and appreciate a wide range of texts. Although the set texts will be different from those at GCSE, a great deal of the vocabulary and grammar is the same, and the real challenge comes from spotting these aspects in new and more difficult circumstances.

Latin and Greek are subjects which are highly respected by universities and should be considered by students who enjoy learning about the ancient world but also like a challenge. Equally, they are not only for die-hard classicists but make a nice addition for someone who is not thinking of taking Classics at university, as they help to provide variety when applying for universities and jobs. If you enjoy learning about the ancient world through translating and reading the texts in their original language, then this is the course for you.

Both courses follow a similar pattern. There are language papers and literature papers with comprehension, analysis and translation questions, with an extended answer based on the whole of a set text.

Classical Civilisation

You do not need to have studied Classical Civilisation before, or Latin or Greek, in order to study the subject at A Level. This course enables students not only to look at history but also at some of the greatest literature that the world has ever produced (in English of course). This course has a little something for everyone, whether you like history, literature or drama.

Classical Civilisation is a good subject to take even if you are not thinking of continuing with Classics at university, because it provides variety which makes you stand out as a candidate when applying for jobs and university. If you are interested in the ancient world, then you should consider taking Classical Civilisation at A Level.


Computer Science is more than just building or using computers it develops critical thinking, problemsolving, creativity, evaluation skills and resilience. These transferable skills are valuable for careers in any field, including law, medicine, engineering, or languages, and are crucial in a technology driven world. Of course, at its core, Computer Science is a subject most suited to those who enjoy Maths and coding challenges.

While GCSE Computer Science is preferred as preparation for A-Level or IB, it is not required. A strong foundation in Maths or Physics and some coding experience can be helpful, but we are equally looking for open minds and a willingness to work hard. Beginners will receive the support they need to be successful in the course.

Regardless of which pathway you choose, both the IB and A-Level courses study much the same content. Both courses involve learning object-oriented programming in Java as well as theory components including computer systems and networks; and both courses have a mixture of theory exams and a large, solo programming project to complete in Upper Sixth Form

A Level

For the OCR A Level, students explore a broad range of topics like computer programming, architecture, networks, legal/ethical issues, web technologies and databases. The course is split into two parts:

• Theory: Two written exams with paper 1 covering computer systems and paper 2 algorithms. Both papers are worth 40% each

• Practical: A programming project in Upper Sixth Form worth 20% of the final grade

Computer Science is offered at both SL & HL. It differs from the A-Level in that many of the problems studied are relatively contemporary and set in a business and international context.

The course is organised into two key themes which are each assessed with a written exam.

• Theme A - Concepts of Computer Science: Focus on how computing systems work including database development, networking, and machine learning. (35% SL, 40% HL)

• Theme B - Computational thinking and problem-solving: Focus on how students can use computing systems to solve real-world problems using computational thinking and the application of programming, both procedurally and using an object-oriented approach. (35% SL, 40% HL)

There is also a practical project, which students have to build independently. Students are also required to complete the collaborative sciences project in Lower Sixth Form (30% SL and 20% HL).

NOTE:September2025willseethefirstteachingofthenewupdatedIBspecificationforComputerScience whichisattimeforwritingisstillunderdevelopmentbytheIBandsubjecttochange.


Drama and Theatre at A Level and Theatre at IB are challenging and dynamic courses which are unashamedly practical. They take students on the journey from actor to director and leave them with the right to refer to themselves as creators of theatre. The combination of the practical and theoretical makes for a rigorous and engaging course, which gives students real-life skills, useful far beyond the confines of school. Students also often find the course adds balance and variety to their experience of study in the Sixth Form.

Both courses build on many of the foundations built during the IGCSE. There is a strong emphasis on studio work, providing students with opportunities to improve, present and acquire new skills both as performers, directors and/or technicians. The most important attribute needed by any potential student of these courses is a genuine interest in Drama and Theatre.

A Level

There are three components at A Level (Edexcel). All three involve the students in work of a varied nature, creating and writing their own piece; closely studying texts in preparation for performance; and applying theatrical techniques devised by theatre practitioners such as Antonin Artaud, Bertolt Brecht, Steven Berkoff or Constantin Stanislavksi.


IB Theatre is a five-term course which is completed before the end of the Spring Term of the Upper Sixth Form. Candidates are examined through a combination of internal assessment and external assessment. It should be noted that there is no terminal written examination and that the work presented for external assessment is prepared over a period of weeks before being submitted to the IB in March of the Upper Sixth Form.



Economics is a dynamic social science which encompasses everything from the foundations of individual decision making to the design of public policy making. In the sixth form, more than anything else, it is the study of choice. More broadly, it is the study of how our decisions (and the institutional contexts in which we make those decisions) impact our success in achieving our wants and addressing our needs. In particular, it helps pupils to develop an analytical approach to some of the major problems of our time, such as climate change, inequality, poverty, globalisation, automation, and many others. Previous experience of Economics is not essential but those entering the course should have achieved at least


grade 7 for Maths and 6 for English at GCSE as the course requires some numerical skill but also an ability to write clearly at length. Students who are considering Economics should also have a strong interest in current affairs and a desire to understand contemporary economic and political issues.

Economics complements a wide range of subjects and will bring greater depth to the study of other subjects such as History, Geography, Psychology, Politics, and many other related fields of study such as banking, business, government, management and public health.

A Level

Over the course of the A Level (Edexcel) course, students explore markets and market failure; the UK economy; business behaviour and the labour market; and the interaction of different countries in global context. The exam is made up of three papers (Microeconomics and Macroeconomics) and there is no coursework for A Level Economics.


The IB course covers similar content to the A Level with units covering: an introduction to Economics; microeconomics; macroeconomics; and the global economy. All IB students are assessed on these four units over two papers: one testing a student’s quantitative skills and the other testing both quantitative and qualitative skills; and are also expected to complete coursework consisting of three commentaries on different news articles. Higher Level students sit an additional, final exam paper focused on the application of economic policy.


English remains a very popular subject in our Sixth Form with over 140 students doing A Level or IB. The texts that we study are rich and varied, and there is a strong emphasis on collaborative learning. Studying English promotes skills in critical and creative thinking, perceptive close-reading, fluent self-expression, sensitivity and empathy - all qualities which are highly prized by employers. English complements a wide range of subjects including History, Psychology, Classics, Drama, Music, Art and Geography, but we have also had excellent students who combine English with Maths and Science.

A Level

There are two exams for A Level English Literature (OCR), both of which are worth 40% of the final grade. In Paper One (Poetry & Drama pre-1900) students study a Shakespeare play (e.g. Othello/KingLear) as well as Poetry (e.g. Milton’s ParadiseLostor Chaucer’s Merchant’sTale) and Drama (e.g. Webster’s DuchessofMalfi). For Paper Two (Comparative & Contextual Study), students study a particular topic (e.g. The American novel 1880-1940 (TheGreatGatsby& Passing) or Dystopian fiction (TheHandmaid’sTale & TheParableofthe Sower), writing comparatively and exploring unseen extracts.

There is a coursework element worth 20% of the final grade: students produce a comparative essay on post1900 texts (e.g. Jerusalem&TheWaspFactory) and a close analysis (or piece of recreative writing) in response to a contemporary poetry text (e.g. HalfGodofRainfall).


As part of English (Language A), we study a wide range of texts during the two-year course. Students might encounter Shakespeare, contemporary fiction, texts in translation, poetry, drama, graphic novels and nonfiction. There are two exam components: Paper One (unseen texts) and Paper Two (comparative writing). The Internal Assessment for HL and SL is a spoken assignment (the ‘Individual Oral’) and there is an additional coursework element for HL (a single essay of 1200-1500 words). There is a strong element of choice as students can decide which texts to prepare for final assessment.


Engineering, Enterprise & Technology (EET) is a dynamic and growing subject at Fettes College, designed to cultivate real-world problem-solving skills for the modern era. Breaking away from the traditional curriculum, EET offers students the freedom to pursue their own projects without the pressure of exams. Established in the 2023-2024 academic year, EET aims to expand naturally, providing an excellent opportunity for students to enhance their STEM portfolios.

Students aspiring to careers in STEM will gain valuable experience by completing a long-term technical project, showcasing their technical abilities and problem-solving skills. This is an excellent complement for those interested in engineering, design, technology, manufacturing, and related fields. It also provides students with the opportunity to strengthen their UCAS applications with concrete evidence of their skills and achievements.

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

The EET programme for Sixth Form is part of the A Level pathway but operates outside the standard option blocks. Those who opt for EET will work on their Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) as an artefact, utilising the workshop facilities. This will be accompanied by a portfolio documenting the design process, alongside the standard EPQ administrative work. While the options are broad, projects must fall within the manufacturing capabilities of the EET workshop.

To recognise the additional challenge in completing a practical project, in addition to the standard EPQ lessons available to all sixth Form students, those who take the EET offer will have time allocated in their free periods to receive additional support in completing their project and to access the workshop.

*Please note: due to the time commitment and workload, this option is not recommended for students taking four A Level subjects.


The Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) offers UCAS points equivalent to half an A-level and provides students with a unique opportunity to explore topics beyond their A Level curriculum. It is highly regarded by universities, with approximately 65% of Russell Group institutions willing to offer reduced grade offers in the event of students achieving an A-grade or above. Additionally, it serves as an excellent talking point for applications and interviews.

The EPQ fosters independence, project management, and academic skills vital for university such as research, referencing, and self-reflection. Students learn to manage their time effectively, meet deadlines, and communicate their ideas clearly. Although demanding, the process rewards commitment and maturity, with an average of 70% of participants achieving A or A* grades between 2021–2024.

Students can choose from four EPQ formats: writing a dissertation, creating an artefact, conducting a performance, or carrying out a field study. Each option requires the development of a research question, supporting documentation (e.g., research notes and an activity log), and a final presentation to summarise findings and lessons learned.



Geography is one of the most exciting and relevant subjects to study today. Our interconnected world depends on a fragile environment, with complex interactions that demand careful analysis and management. These challenges central to modern Geography impact both society and the planet.


Unique in bridging social and natural sciences, we explore Human Geography (cultures, societies, and economies) and Physical Geography (landscapes and the environment). It places these dynamics within the context of different places, examining cultural, political, economic, and environmental disparities. Geography not only helps us understand global inequalities but also connects various fields of knowledge, making it a perfect complement to both science and humanities in Sixth Form.

Beyond the classroom students are encouraged to pursue their interest in Geography through the Geographical Society, a student led society that meets weekly. Recent talks have included “The miracle of Medelin – an evaluation of Social Urbanism”, “Travels with energy goggles” and “An evening with a principal examiner ” The Department also runs a range of residential trips including Iceland, Sicily and Glasgow(!).

A Level

The OCR A Level in Geography equips you with the knowledge and skills to become an engaged global citizen. By exploring contemporary topics, you’ll tackle issues impacting people and places on local to global scales.


Geography, a Group 3 Individuals and Societies subject, adds balance to any IB programme and is offered at both Higher and Standard Levels. The course blends Physical and Human Geography, combining scientific and socio-economic approaches but is predominantly focused on Human Geography. It draws on diverse disciplines, fostering respect for alternative perspectives and ideas.

SL and HL students share common core and optional themes, with HL students tackling an additional core extension on Global Interactions.


A qualification in History is highly respected, both by universities and employers. The skills learned through the study of History are applicable to many professions, including law, politics, diplomacy, management, journalism and finance. History complements many other subjects studied in the Sixth Form, such as English, Economics, Politics and Geography but the communication and evaluative skills learned in the History classroom are helpful in many other areas and fields.

A Level

The OCR syllabus allows the study of a range of Early Modern and Modern courses covering British, European and World History. This syllabus requires students to cover a period of at least 200 years; one of the topics covered must be British with the remaining two possibly being either European or World History. Topics studied could include: The Early Tudors, Britain, 1930-1997, Civil Rights in the USA, France, 1498-1610, The Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Century, the Cold War in Asia, and the Russian Revolution.


At Standard Level, students study Rights and Protests, which includes a study of the Civil Rights Movement in the USA and Apartheid in South Africa. They also study Authoritarian States and the Cold War. Higher Level students study the same as the SL students, plus an additional focus on the History of Europe. Topics covered include Imperial Russia and German and Italian Unification. MsTJMcDonald



Mathematics offers scope for imagination and ingenuity. It offers the satisfaction of solving difficult problems and producing rigorous proofs. It requires care and accuracy and develops habits of logical thought and structured argument. Those wishing to study Mathematics in the Sixth Form will need a lively and enquiring interest in the subject and a willingness to work hard at mastering the essential techniques. They will also need considerable ability. Students who put Mathematics at the heart of their studies go on to not only study Mathematics but also Engineering, Economics and to support a wide variety of STEM subjects.

The Mathematics department offers Mathematics and Further Mathematics at A Level, Further Mathematics at AS Level and three different IB Mathematics options, namely Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation at Standard Level and Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches at Higher Level and Standard Level (Mathematics is compulsory for students taking the IB).

A Level

The A Level course (Edexcel) provides a sound background to any pupil wishing to pursue Mathematics or a Maths-based degree. No one with less than a grade 7 at IGCSE should consider taking Mathematics at A Level. A grade 8/9 at IGCSE is desirable.

The Further Maths A Level (Edexcel) aims to help pupils understand coherence and progression in Mathematics and how different areas of Mathematics are connected. Students who take this course will sit the three A Level exams and the four Further Mathematics exams at the end of the Upper Sixth. This course is designed for students who are passionate about Mathematics and find real joy in having a conceptual and logical understanding of the world of Mathematics.


It is expected that most students embarking on an IB Mathematics course will have studied mathematics for at least 10 years. There will be a great variety of topics studied, and differing approaches to teaching and learning. Thus, students will have a wide variety of skills and knowledge when they start the course. It is expected that mathematics students will be familiar and confident with the topics taught at IGCSE before they take the examinations, because examination questions assume knowledge of them.

Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation (Maths AI) SL: This course is appropriate for students who are interested in developing their mathematics for describing our world and solving practical problems. They will also be interested in harnessing the power of technology alongside exploring mathematical models. Interpretation of results in context is an important element of the subject. This subject is aimed at students who will go on to study subjects such as social sciences, natural sciences, statistics, business, some economics, psychology, and design, as well as those who do not wish to take Mathematics any further.

Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (Maths AA) SL and HL: This course is appropriate for students aiming to become fluent in the construction of mathematical arguments and develop strong skills in mathematical thinking. They will also be fascinated by exploring real and abstract applications of these ideas, with and without the use of technology. No one with less than a grade 7 at IGCSE should consider taking Maths AA. A grade 8/9 at IGCSE is desirable.

Students who take Maths AA HL will be those who enjoy the thrill of mathematical problem solving and generalisation. This subject is aimed at students who will go on to study subjects with substantial mathematics content such as Mathematics itself, Engineering, physical sciences, or Economics for example. There is an emphasis on calculus and on algebraic, graphical and numerical approaches.


IB and A level provide exciting opportunities to gain real insight into different cultures and make the leap towards fluency. They offer a good mix of history, society, literature, language, communication and analytical skills. In the classroom, students are accustomed to speaking with native teachers in the classroom and native language assistants in their individual oral lessons, and we offer regular trips and immersion opportunities. A language qualification in the Sixth Form is highly prized and will complement any other subject study. Indeed, many take languages beyond the Sixth Form and university in areas such as business, intelligence, travel, media, diplomacy, law and security.

A Level

A Level languages aim to give you relevant and up-to-date knowledge about the language and the culture of the country or countries where your chosen language is spoken. You will study a wide range of topics and you will carry out an Individual Research Project of your choice allowing you to pursue your own interests. You will also study literature and film. A Level languages: French, German, Spanish and Mandarin (AQA).


The IB has an international focus and languages form part of its core curriculum. Language study in the IB aims to give students practical language skills and aims to equip learners with the vocabulary, grammar and contextual knowledge to successfully communicate in different situations in a foreign language. The emphasis is on communication, and students are encouraged to explore a variety of cultures and societies where the language is spoken.


If you are a native or near-native speaker of German, you can opt for German Language A following the IB bilingual diploma. Further information on language and literature can be found here: . You would take German A as well as English A but instead of another language option

LanguageB:Spanish(HL/SL);German(HL/SL);French(HL/SL);andMandarin(SL);Spanishaninitio(for beginners,SL)

If you have previously studied a language, at GCSE for example, you can build on this by studying it at either SL or HL. These are language B courses designed for non-native learners. If you are a near native or native speaker of a language listed above, we would encourage you to take a new language Ab Initio course instead or German A if you are a native or near-native German speaker. Students must enrol in a language that provides sufficient challenge. The specification can be found here:



Music in the Sixth form offers a great deal to students, leading to many potential careers: Music education; Performing; Music production; Theatre management; Arts administration; Radio work; DJ; and Music Therapy to name a few. Both the A-level and IB courses will develop important skills including communication, collaboration, organisation and planning, attention to detail and the ability to work independently and under pressure.

A Level

Students need to have strong practical music skills in order to be able to do well at Music in Sixth Form and those who are working towards the ABRSM Grade 6 at the start of the course (with an anticipated upward progression during the course) ought to be able to score highly in the two practical units to be able to secure strong grades in the overall qualification.

The A Level course (AQA) is split into three components:

• Component 1: Appraising Music: This will test and develop analytical and aural skills on ‘known’ and unfamiliar repertoire, across Western Classical Music (compulsory), Pop, Music for Media, Music for Theatre, Jazz, Contemporary Traditional Music and Art Music

• Component 2: Performing: Students put together a performance of pieces lasting a minimum of ten minutes. This can combine solo and ensemble performance on instrument or voice, and music production (via technology)

• Component 3: Composition: Students produce two compositions of a combined duration of at least four and a half minutes. One is a free composition led by the student, and the other is a response to a brief set in September of the Upper Sixth


Students should have some experience playing a musical instrument (or singing), but do not necessarily need to be accomplished practical musicians. Students pick their own path through the various elements of the portfolio according to what interests them and in conjunction with the four AreasofInquiry, and there is no written exam.

• Music for Sociocultural and Political Expression

• Music for Listening and Performance

• Music for Dramatic Impact, Movement and Entertainment

• Music for Technology in the Electronic and Digital Age

The folio consists of three elements (with a fourth at Higher Level)

• Explore – study/analyse and write about music that interests you

• Experiment – explore two distinct and unfamiliar musical styles and devise 6 mini-experiments to learn more about the Music in question

• Present – create a portfolio of recordings (12mins) and original compositions (6mins) of highly polished music

At Higher Level, students take an additional element as part of their folio to make contemporary music. This is a project of their own devising and might include, for example, students composing and/or arranging music for a short piece of theatre or dance. The project is curated into a 15-minute recorded multimedia presentation in which the student discusses the processes and collaboration involved as well as presenting the finished product. MrATully


Physical Education or Sports Science looks to explain and explore the different areas that influence our health and performance. It takes the cores subjects of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Sociology and Psychology and applies them to us. This allows you to see how the body and brain are influenced and therefore gives you an understanding over how people function both physically and emotionally.

A Level

A Level PE (AQA) provides pupils with the opportunity to understand the different factors that influence our health and performance in physical activity and sport: . Previous experience of Sport Science/PE is not essential, but you must have an interest in human biology and sport/physical activity as this makes up a large part of the course.

Paper 1 guides pupils to understand how the body works; how it reacts and adapts during exercise; and how we learn skills and process information to make decisions. Finally, it looks at the development of Sport since the industrial revolution. Paper 2 allows pupils to understand how national governing bodies and a knowledge and application of exercise physiology, biomechanics, and sports psychology can improve performance.

There are two coursework elements to A Level PE: a written analysis of their personal performance (15% of grade) and practical performance in one sport in a competitive context (15% of grade).


As one of the sciences subjects in the IB Diploma Programme, Sports, Exercise and Health Science (SEHS) is primarily concerned with the scientific study of human anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and psychology. Students engage constructively with topical scientific issues. Integral to the student experience of the SEHS course is the learning that takes place through scientific inquiry, both in the classroom and in field work or the laboratory.

At Higher Level, students study additional topics such as genetics, fatigue and further anatomy.



Physics is an exciting and rewarding subject that opens the door to understanding how the universe works, from the smallest particles to the vastness of space. It builds upon the concepts learned at GCSE, allowing you to explore topics like astrophysics, electricity and radioactivity in much greater depth. You will also be introduced to some fascinating new topics such as quantum physics. Studying Physics develops critical thinking, problemsolving, and analytical skills that are highly valued by universities and employers, whether you’re interested in science, engineering, technology, or even finance. Plus, Physics pairs well with other subjects like Mathematics and Chemistry, making it a versatile choice.

A Level

This is a rewarding but demanding course, and preferably students should have at least a grade 8 in IGCSE Physics and Mathematics. Mathematics A Level is preferable for students studying Physics at A Level to fully access the subject. Any exceptions are at the discretion of the Head of Physics.

A Level Physics (OCR) is made up of six modules, these include: Practical skills, Foundations of Physics, Forces and motion, Electrons, waves and photons, Newtonian world and astrophysics, Particles and medical physics. All practical skills are assessed internally on a pass/fail basis at the end of the course according to criteria supplied by the exam board. The students complete at least 12 practical assessments throughout the course to demonstrate their skills. These are carefully integrated into the theoretical teaching of each part of the course to aid learning and develop understanding of the concepts covered. For more information on the course, go to:


The Physics course is well known to be one of the more challenging options on offer at IB, whether opting for Higher Level (HL) or Standard Level (SL). The two undertake a common core syllabus and practical investigation for the internal assessment (IA). Students at HL are required to study some topics in greater depth and some additional topics. It is important to note that students wishing to study one of the physical sciences or engineering at university should pair HL Physics with HL Mathematics. Students taking the subject at HL or SL should have at least a Grade 8 in IGCSE Physics and Mathematics.

Both courses are made up of five modules, these include: Space, time and motion, The particulate nature of matter, Wave behaviour, Fields, Nuclear and quantum physics. Practical investigation is an integral part of the course, with HL and SL students completing 40 and 20 hours of such work respectively as part of their exploration of the modules above. The experimental skills learned throughout the course are internally assessed through the completion of an independent practical investigation (10 hours), which makes up 20% of their final grade. IB scientists of all disciplines also complete the collaborative sciences project (10 hours) aimed at developing their communication and teamwork skills.

For more information on the course, go to:



Both A Level and IB courses require an interest in current affairs, though with a different focus. Both routes are also largely assessed by exams with a large essay content. Students need to enjoy writing at length.

A Level

This A Level (Edexcel) course offers a deep dive into how the United Kingdom is run, specifically British Politics, exploring the concept of democracy in Britain, parties and how elections are won and lost; and the British Government through study of the role of Parliament, the cabinet and debate over whether devolution has been successful. We follow the packed Edexcel syllabus which also includes an introduction to political ideas such as conservatism, liberalism, socialism and feminism, as well as foreign policy. It is assessed by three twohour exams with a number of extended written answers.


The IB Global Politics course is an entrée into International Relations, looking at global governance, state sovereignty, development and human rights. It is far more global than the A Level, which focuses mainly on the UK. Part of the assessment is the Engagement Activity, a 2000-word piece of coursework which students research themselves.


Psychology is the scientific study of people: how they think, act, react and interact. It is concerned with all aspects of behaviour (normal and abnormal) and the thoughts, feelings and motivations underlying such behaviour. Psychology crosses the division between the sciences, arts, humanities and therefore it can complement and enhance the study of all other subjects. Due to its applied nature, Psychology is an accessible science which has relatively little mathematical content. Like all sciences, we study research design and analysis, but we do this from the perspective of when and how we would use these techniques.

Psychology helps students to develop a diverse and rounded set of transferable skills, including critical writing, research design and data analysis. Psychologists are well placed for careers and further training in many fields and often go on to work in disciplines such as: Medicine and Healthcare, Law, Social Care, Business, Marketing, Public Relations, Education, Human Resources, Clinical, Educational, Research, Forensic, Counselling, Health, Neuropsychology, and Occupational Psychology.

A Level

At A Level (AQA), students explore introductory topics such as social influence, memory, attachment and psychopathology (Paper 1) before looking at psychology in context (Paper 2). Part of this is studying different research methods, which is helpful for understanding research in contexts in and outside psychology. Students also explore psychological issues and debates relating to relationships, stress and aggression (Paper 3). There is no coursework at A Level.

The IB course provides the opportunity to explore a range of topics. At Standard Level, students need to complete all three compulsory core topics, including the biological, cognitive and sociocultural approaches to understanding behaviour as well as one option topic on either abnormal psychology or the psychology of human relationships. Furthermore, they conduct one experimental study for the Internal Assessment (IA). At Higher Level (HL), students complete the same topics as the SL students but also study an additional option topic; qualitative and quantitative research methodology; qualitative research in psychology and one experimental study for the IA. MrsKSaunders

5. Super-Curricular Opportunities

In addition to their curriculum subjects, Fettes’ Sixth Formers have access to a range of academic supercurricular activities to deepen their academic understanding beyond the confines of examined material.

Academic enrichment is achieved through a programme of activities within departments. For example, departments organise Olympiads, competitions, lectures, talks, academic societies and Immersion Days to promote their subjects and also highlight the transferability of the skills gained in their subjects.

In addition, there are a range of whole-school events to enhance our academic offer, including our Debating Society, public speaking competitions, essay competitions and Paramecium – our academic scholars group. All of these opportunities allow our students to enhance their knowledge and understanding of their chosen discipline.

6. Future pathways

Careers Guidance

Alongside their academic studies, Sixth Formers at Fettes have access to extremely high-quality careers information and guidance. Caroline Davies, our Head of Higher Education and Careers, is an experienced UCAS advisor who offers bespoke careers guidance for every student. She is assisted by Richard Smith, who can provide support for any student considering an application for further education overseas. There is specialist support for any Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Medicine applicants.

Students also have access to resources such as UCAS and Unifrog to support with their research and preparation for university or alternative pathways. It is important that students are researching early, exploring online introductions to courses and engaging in activities that go beyond the classroom to strengthen their future applications.


Oxford and Cambridge are the most academically selective universities in the UK, seeking students with exceptional academic potential and motivation. Their application process is the most challenging, often requiring additional written assessments, submission of written work, and interviews with subject specialists.

At Fettes, we provide comprehensive support to Oxbridge applicants. Our Oxbridge Coordinator runs regular group sessions and meets individually with students to track progress. From the Lower Sixth, students are paired with a subject specialist mentor to guide them through the process. In the Upper Sixth, we host a practice interview evening with internal and external experts, giving candidates valuable feedback to help them succeed.

International University Liaison

Each year, many students successfully apply to international universities, including those in the US, Canada Europe, and Asia. Studying abroad is highly regarded by employers, and there are excellent institutions worldwide.

Our Head of International University Liaison supports students exploring these options. For US colleges, we offer weekly sessions and individual meetings throughout the Lower and Upper Sixth to guide students through the application process. We also provide group and individual support for other international applications, which often overlap with UCAS requirements. Currently, we are an ACT test centre, but not for the SAT, though this may change with the upcoming online SAT format. We do not provide in-house test preparation.

Access to employers and alumni

As a member of the Fettes community, students have access to the Fettes alumni network, many of whom give their time to come back to school for careers and higher education events, lectures or dinners. This access to mentoring and advice can not only inspire students but provide them with additional expertise should they need.

We hope that you have found this guide useful for understanding our unique dual pathway curriculum in Sixth Form; the factors to consider when deciding between the two and choosing options; and some of the additional support and opportunities that enhance this curriculum further.

For any questions, feel free to contact Anushka Chakravarty, Deputy Head (Academic).

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