Our beautifully illustrated book As the 150th anniversary approaches we hope that you will order our new beautifully illustrated book, Fettes: Our Place.
This wonderful 192 page large format hardback book, has been extensively researched by College Archivist, Craig Marshall and has been cleverly linked and captioned by Ralph Hughes (Staff 1985 – 2017). Packed with nostalgic photographs, printed materials and objects from across the generations in to chapters reflecting life at Fettes on our beautiful campus. Admirably combining the past and the present, it depicts much loved Fettes places and timeless traditions that anyone associated with ‘Our Place’ will recognise. We very much hope that you will enjoy these advance spreads and buy a copy of this highly visual and elegant publication.
How to pre-order
* Advance Purchase
Visit the Profile Editions website to pre-order www.profileeditions.com/fettes-college-hb
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Total cost £81
Free collection
* Until 28 July 2020.
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Announcing the Fettes Community portal Over 1,000 Old Fettesians are now registered on our new online portal, exclusively for members of the Fettes community, which launched in April 2020. If you have not done so already, please visit fettescommunity.org to register today. Once registered you will be able to access: • A directory of other users • Exclusive content • Photo albums • Career networking and mentoring opportunities • A jobs board • Groups • AND, towards the end of the year, access to the newly digitised and searchable archive of Old Fettesian Newsletters and Fettesian Magazines.
You will also be able to connect with others and contribute to the Fettes Community feed by commenting on posts or by posting yourself. It is testament to the strength of our community that over 40% of portal users are already willing to help each other in a number of ways, such as having a conversation about career choices; facilitating introductions or the possibility of internships and reviewing CVs or job applications. The portal is an excellent opportunity to support fellow Old Fettesians or seek help from them. If you have any queries about signing up to the portal, please get in touch with us by emailing fettes. community@fettes.com. Please do get involved and help us create a vibrant and thriving digital community.
Advance Purchase