CONNECTING AND SUPPORTING EACH OTHER Fettes Community Portal and Fettes Career Partnership During this recent time of uncertainty, the Fettes community has truly embraced the virtual environment. This is evidenced by the huge growth in participation and connectivity with the full functionality of the Fettes Community Portal and increased support for the Fettes Career Partnership programme. We are so fortunate to be brought together by our global Fettes connection. By joining the portal, relevant help and friendship is readily to hand. There are now over 1,800 registered users on the portal. We have welcomed a wide range of Old Fettesians from those who were at Fettes in the 1940s and are looking to reconnect with their contemporaries, to those who left Fettes in 2021 and are looking for support and guidance in the next stage of their lives, and Sixth Formers exploring their options. Former staff and parents who are willing to offer career advice have also signed up to this fantastic resource.
VISIT FETTESCOMMUNITY.ORG Find your Fettes friends Join a Group – connect with OFs in your region or those with an interest in common Participate in the Fettes Career Partnership programme by seeking or offering help Browse the digital archives, a fully searchable resource of Fettesian Magazines, Old Fettesian Newsletters and many House and Sports photographs.
Careers Support Offered From 700 Old Fettesians We are exceptionally grateful to the 700 OFs who have offered support to the Fettes Career Partnership programme since we launched Fettes Community in April 2020. Here are just some of the ways in which our wonderful community has provided support. Oxbridge Interviews In October, Old Fettesians with strong academic experience supported 45 applicants to Oxford and Cambridge with virtual interview practice. At Fettes we are proud to support all Oxbridge applicants from Edinburgh High Schools alongside our internal applicants. We are tremendously grateful to everyone who helped share their time and expertise. The experience is hugely valued as you will read in these testimonies gathered straight after the interviews: The interview was beyond helpful – the questions that were asked were thought-provoking and made me seek a better understanding of my subject. The feedback was great as well – I now have clear goals to work towards when preparing for my real interview. Applicant for English & French (Ox), Portobello High School.
Watch our short video guide here – vimeo.com/528433643/b375093e92
My interviewers were incredibly helpful in giving constructive criticism and though it was quite nerve racking and stressful, I think it has helped me gain a bit more confidence and familiarity with how the process is likely to be if I were to get an interview for Cambridge. Thank you for organising this. Applicant for Human, Social and Political Sciences (Cam), Fettes College