2 minute read

Fettes Community Podcast and Social Media

During the pandemic we moved lots of our content on-line. Our webinars and Zoom events were popular and will be continuing along side our physical events and activity. We now have podcasts which are edited recordings of our Zoom events or bespoke interviews. A summary of the podcasts from the last year are below.

You can listen to these by searching ‘Fettes Community Podcast’ on your usual podcast provider or by visiting this page: bit.ly/3QZnq7p

Fettes in Conversation – Start-ups, Technology and Innovation with Tech Entrepreneurs

Fettes in Conversation: Climate Change with Old Fettesian, Martin Lees

Fettes Talks Climate Law: with Navraj Ghaleigh

Fettes in Conversation: Finance and Climate Change with Old Fettesian Wai-Shin Chan

Fettes Talks Adventure: with Old Fettesian, Mark Agnew

Fettes Talks Sandy Gunn, OF Spitfire Pilot

Social Media Highlights

We use Twitter to update OFs on events, highlights and achievements. To keep in touch, follow us on Twitter at: twitter.com/oldfettesians twitter.com/fettescommunity

Highlights of the year include:

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