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Reunions of 2020 and 2021

Celebratory Black-tie Reunion Dinner – Friday 4th March

On Friday 4th March, the OFA hosted the first of two reunion events offered to those OFs who had missed their Commem weekend reunion due to the pandemic. We were absolutely delighted to be able to host the first black-tie dinner at Fettes College since 2019. OFs were warmly welcomed back onto campus to the rousing sound of piping from current students, Pipe Major Clara Johnson (PS-Ar 2014–2022) and Archie Simpson (Mo 2017–2022). The event had all the hallmarks of the Commem dinner. The top table were piped in before Rob Harrison (Staff 1992–2021) kindly said the Fettes Grace. Everyone was then seated for an amazing dinner that was well received by all and described by one OF as the best food he has ever had at Fettes. Following dinner, the Head, Helen Harrison (Staff 1996–present) and the President of the OFA, Henry Cave (SH 1980–1984) both delivered fantastic speeches. Pipers Clara and Archie returned for a toast with the President after which they played a medley of songs, much appreciated by those in attendance.

After some much needed catching up and a few glasses of wine, the evening was rounded off by an enthusiastic rendition of Floreas Fettesia, wonderfully led by Tom Worlledge (PS-Mo 2009–2016) and Hugh Findlay (PS-Gl 2007–2015).

It was a very special evening, and we are grateful to all those who joined us and made it so. It felt wonderful to host an in-person event once again after so long.

Summer Reunion Evening – Friday 27th May

Around one hundred OFs from across the generations gathered together for the second of our Commem replacement reunion events, on Friday 27th May.

They enjoyed a relaxed atmosphere on the Head’s Lawn with cocktails and delicious food. There was much reminiscing, mingling and laughter, particularly when looking at the range of archival photographs on display to help OFs remember their time at Fettes. Guests were warmly welcomed by current Lower Sixth student Will Farquharson (Ki 2018–present) playing the pipes and short speeches were delivered by the President of the OFA, Henry Cave (SH 1980–1984) and Senior Deputy Head, James Weatherby (Staff 2007–present).

It was fantastic to see how OFs embraced this alternative event, especially the Classes of 1990 and 1991 who attended in large numbers.

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