welcome back
WELCOME Dear Parents Welcome to the Autumn Term at Fettes Prep School. The return to the Prep School next week, whether you are new to Fettes or not, may not be as you had imagined it would be. One thing remains unchanged, however, and that is that your family, the teachers and all of the staff at the Prep School are at the centre of our plans and preparations when it comes to their safety, wellbeing and education. The purpose of this document is to reassure you that the arrangements we have put in place for a controlled, safe and positive environment are simple and straightforward. The day-to-day school experience for your child may be different from what you were used to or what you expected, but the following pages will take you through the day so that your family know what simple changes to expect to ensure everyone’s safety.
Your willingness to be flexible will be really important because guidelines will change and new procedures or routines may be needed; your child’s Housemaster, Housemistress or Tutor (a key figure at the Prep School) will keep you regularly informed of any changes we need to put in place once term starts again and we will need you to support the teachers and indeed all the staff by your readiness to adapt and work with us. We are, all of us, part of a special place and crucial to the successful re-opening of our school. We will get through this time, stronger and no doubt, wiser and we and the world at large will be all the better for that.
Please follow these guidelines – they are for us all.
We are very excited to welcome your family to a new year at Fettes Prep. We want you to enjoy every moment of your time with us.
PRACTICAL ADVICE The following is a quick list of the new protocols we will all be adhering to: ✓ Pupils’ temperature will be checked as they arrive at the beginning of term and there will be regular checks thereafter ✓ Pupils will be fully briefed on the infection control protocol which must be followed on campus (regular handwashing, correct coughing/sneezing etiquette etc) ✓ 1st and 2nd Form pupils (and staff) must wear a face covering when they are on the move i.e. between classes, along corridors and in communal areas ✓ Hand sanitiser will be available at the entrance and exits of all buildings ✓ There is a one-way system in place with very clear signage – we expect children to obey these instructions at all times ✓ All pupils will be required to carry a school bag to and from lessons when they need to change rooms and they will not share resources or equipment with others
✓ Pupils should bring to school on the first day their own stationery; at a small cost, each child will be provided with a set of Art equipment ✓ No pupil may borrow any items of clothing or stationery ✓ Pupils should bring a named water bottle ✓ We need to limit access for visitors so sadly parents need to remain outside the boarding houses and other school buildings unless a specific meeting has been arranged ✓ Pupils must physically distance from staff and those not in their year group “bubble” at all times
Pupils must physically distance from staff and those not in their year group “bubble” at all times
WELLBEING We are really looking forward to welcoming everyone back to the Prep School, but we know that this may also be an anxious time for children. Your child may be feeling a little worried about returning to school for all sorts of reasons. That is very normal and lots of others will be feeling the same way too. We will take some time in the first few days of term to help pupils get used to new routines and to make sure everyone understands what we need to do to keep our community safe. There will be daily Tutor meetings and these, along with PSHE sessions, will help pupils navigate the transition phase safely and address any wellbeing or health and safety concerns.
There are many people here at the school who can help and support children in the days and weeks ahead, all here to listen and talk through any questions or worries. In the Prep School, we know how important it is for children to be happy, so that they can take advantage of all the wonderful things on offer here. We are proud of the pastoral care and will do all we can to look after and support every pupil throughout this challenging time, helping thrive in all areas of school life.
All staff in the Prep School are here to offer any additional support which you may you need.
ROUTINES Timetable We are going to begin term with a slightly adjusted Prep School Timetable. We will be following the normal school timetable but will be minimising movement around the school as much as possible.
• Lunch times will be staggered to minimise interaction between year groups
• The length of the school day is similar to our current routine and there will be lessons on a Saturday morning
• Preps will still be set as usual
• As usual, games sessions will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday As all pupils in the same year group are a afternoons. M-T Form will have games “bubble”, all students can be taught in the from 14.00-15.10 and 1st and 2nd Forms classrooms but the desks will be arranged to will have early prep, followed by games face the front. 15.15-16.30
• Classes will stay in their form rooms for the majority of their subjects, and teachers will move to the classrooms • ICT, Music, Drama and PE will be taught in specialist rooms. Students will use hand sanitiser before entering and these rooms will be cleaned after each lesson
• Staff will observe physical distancing from the students and each other • During this initial phase, Chapel services and assemblies will not take place
Transport, Drop Off and Sign Out Any day pupils travelling to the Prep School by public transport must observe the rules on face coverings and we ask that parents dropping children off observe distancing guidelines. We will also follow guidelines for any school transport. We hope that it is helpful to maintain a degree of flexibility in the collection times, but in the early weeks of term we suggest that, where possible, M, P and S Form pupils do not stay until 17.00 or 18.00.
Day Pupil Drop Off (Every Day):
Day Pupil Collection (Monday to Friday):
Day Pupil Collection (Saturday):
M and P: 07.45-08.10
M and P: 15.30-15.45
M and P: 12.15-12.30
S and T: 08.05-08.20
S and T: 15.45-16.00
S and T: 12.30-12.45
1 and 2: 08.15-08.30
1 and 2: 16.00-16.15 (Tuesday and Thursday), 16.45-17.00 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
1 and 2: 12.45-13.00
• Families with more than one child will all be able to arrive at the time for their youngest child
• T, 1st and 2nd Form will sign out from three areas in the Gallery Corridor
• Families with more than one child will all • M, P and S will be taken in year groups be able to sign out at the time for their (M and P together) up the stairs to the eldest child horseshoe by a graduate assistant • There will also be a sign out at 17.00 and • If you are travelling by car, please stay in 18.00 Monday to Friday. We hope that your car this can be accomplished to tie in with • The speed limit should be respected family arrangements. • We will be able to offer tea for day pupils, • If you are on foot, please wait for your child near North Lodge (the cottage by but we will not be able to allow everyone the gate) to sign out at 18.00
Boarding We will be following all guidance with respect to residential accommodation in order to look after the wellbeing of our whole community and each individual boarding house has undergone a detailed risk assessment. We will talk honestly and openly with boarders about the situation because this is their home. We have to work together to keep everyone safe and follow government guidance in this special environment. • Guidelines allow for our boarding houses to be in a “bubble” so they can mix for breakfast, tea, in the evenings and at weekends
• All areas will have extra furniture and clutter removed to facilitate infection control • Day pupils will not be allowed to enter the boarding houses • Staff will observe distancing in the boarding houses with visiting Tutors wearing face coverings • Face coverings may be required for certain activities and at certain times in the boarding environment
Cleaning & Laundry
Sport and Activities
A revised cleaning schedule has been agreed for all areas of the school prioritising areas with mixed entry access and frequently used contact surfaces.
We have decided not to play any external fixtures in the first month of term, but Jenny Fletcher and Richard Mill have organised a full programme of Games sessions, which will focus on skill development. We expect there will be the opportunity to play localised external fixtures when the national governing bodies allow. Please be assured that all sports will be played for a similar length of time to other years but the timings throughout the year will be adapted.
At this time, the guidelines state that music lessons involving singing or playing wind/brass musical instruments should be avoided during the initial return to schools. We are therefore looking at continuing with virtual lessons but will be sending out further information about Instrumental, Singing and Pipes and Drums lessons before the start of term.
All meals for day pupils will now take place in year group tables. During this phase, the lunchtime meal will be served as a packed lunch to ease service but this will be substantial and healthy.
• Cleaning will be frequent and thorough including classrooms • Boarders will use the laundry service regularly. As usual, Matrons and other House Staff will oversee this process • Day students should not keep extra items of clothing at school during this first phase. They should be encouraged to wash their uniforms frequently at home • On days when there are PE and Games lessons, children will be allowed to wear their kit throughout the day. However, this kit must be washed before being worn again
Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer the 18.00 to 19.00 activities until after half term, at the earliest. Please bear with us on this.
Evening meals for boarders and any day pupils who wish to stay will be our normal service but, again, day pupil year groups will sit together. Boarders will sit together in house groups for breakfast and tea.
WHAT IF SOMEONE FEELS UNWELL? The Medical Centre has been expanded to have separate entrances for Covid related illnesses and all other aches and pains. Pupils will be talked through how to access the Medical Centre at the start of term. We should all be vigilant for the symptoms of Covid-19, and to understand what actions we should take if someone develops them, either onsite or offsite. If anyone is suspected of having contracted Covid-19, a clear procedure will be followed to look after the student. They will
be isolated while the school’s medical team, consulting with Health Protection Scotland, assess whether other students in the bubble may be required to isolate. Medical staff will liaise with House staff and parents on the procedures required in this case. It is essential that day students do not attend school if symptomatic, but instead selfisolate (along with their household) and follow guidance on NHS Inform and from Test and Protect.
All our students must inform a member of staff if they feel unwell with symptoms of Covid-19.
The most common symptoms of Covid-19 are: New continuous cough Fever/high temperature Loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste
FETTES PREP SCHOOL COVID-19 CHARTER Whilst we are at school, we must work together to stay safe. To keep yourself, your friends and family and our community safe, you should: • Follow the rules and expectations of the school and use this code of conduct • Observe the signage around the school and follow the one-way systems • Remember that frequent handwashing with soap is the best defence • Stand back and give each other space
Health & Hygiene • Tell a member of staff if you are feeling unwell • Do not come into school if you are feeling unwell • Wash your hands throughout the day, following the government guidelines
• Use hand sanitiser where soap and water • Carry a face covering with you around are not readily available campus; 1st and 2nd Formers will need to wear theirs as they move around • Use all cleaning equipment provided
Social Interaction
In House
• Ensure you maintain physical distancing requirements, particularly with adults and anyone outside your year group
• Day pupils should not enter the boarding houses
• Avoid hugging and hand shaking • Do not crowd together in one place • Maintain good cough and sneeze etiquette, using disposable handkerchiefs wherever possible, or the crease of your elbow - not your hands!
• Be respectful to each other, at all times • Do not enter other dorms • Keep your room ventilated • Do not crowd into rooms or small spaces • Keep to your allocated “bubbles” as much as you can
Conduct in Classrooms
Dining Hall
• Between lessons wait quietly for the next teacher and stay in your seat
• Go to meals with the rest of your “bubble” at the allocated time
• When going to Drama, Music or IT, wait quietly in line outside the classroom
• Form orderly queues and maintain distancing
• Do not move furniture in classrooms and • Sit only in designated areas face the front • Do not change the layout of the tables or spacing of chairs • Only use the equipment given to you and do not share equipment • Take your books, and laptop if you have one, to class in a bag or rucksack • Carry a water bottle with you
Please do encourage your children to adhere to this charter.
A NOTE FROM MR EDWARDS We very much look forward to seeing your children in person next week. All the measures outlined in this handbook are in response to Covid-19 and are based on the latest guidance from Government. Nevertheless, we all know that the recommendations and advice evolve as new information comes to light and we must be ready to adapt our thinking and procedures. I have every confidence that our community will rise to and embrace this extraordinary challenge.
By working together and watching out for one another, by being the caring community that we know we are, we will look after each other as we enjoy being back at Fettes Prep. Every family can contribute by remembering the simple things: maintain an appropriate distance, wash your hands and keep doing so, and remain calm and sensible. In return, we will endeavour to provide your family with a safe place to live, learn and develop.
Stay safe and Floreas Fettesia!