Disclaimer: This comic is an independant comic, based on the Batman Character created by Bob Kane and based on the Novel "Batman: Earth One" by Johns und Frank. The comic is a non-profit fan comic for private use only, it is not intended for any sales of any sort. This Comic is produced solely for the personal uncompensated enjoyment of ourselves and other Batman fans. DC Comics, DC Entertainment and all affiliates have no association with this comic. All characters and associated names/references are copyright and trademark of their respective holders. The content of this comic could not be sold or rented or used for any commercial enterprise in any way, shape or form. Text/Idea: Maximilian H. Tonsern Graphics/Art Work: Micka messino English Translation: Sarah Matiasek
"None of his bones shall be broken, and so was performed which has been predicted.“
And the skies darkened, as he, who was hanging there, died. The clouds grumbled and thunderbolts announced their rage.