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The Faculty of Science at Carleton University is a thriving community of professors and students who have a passion for learning and exchanging ideas through the creation, dissemination and application of scientific knowledge. Award-winning faculty in all of our programs (listed below) will challenge you to discover and thrive during your time at Carleton. science.carleton.ca
Challenge yourself to be the best that you can be!
Biochemistry (Specialization) Bioinformatics (Specialization) Biology (MSc, PhD) Biomedical Engineering (MASc,
MEng, PhD) Chemical and Environmental
Toxicology (Specialization) Chemistry (MSc, PhD) Computer Science (MCS, PhD) Data Science (Specialization) Data Science & Analytics (MEng,
MASc, MCS, MIT, MSc, PhD) Earth Sciences (MSc, PhD) Health: Science, Technology &
Policy (MSc, Grad Diplomas) Health Sciences (MSc, PhD) Human-Computer Interaction (MHCI) Mathematics & Statistics (MSc, PhD) Neuroscience (MSc, PhD) Physics (MSc, PhD) Legend
MSc �����Master of Science MASc���Master of Applied Science MEng ���Master of Engineering MCS�����Master of Computer Science MIT ������Master of Information Technology MHCI ���Master of HumanComputer Interaction
Scan the QR code or visit graduate.carleton.ca/programs for program descriptions.