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Ottawa Advantage

Discover the Carleton Campus

Your home away from home


Carleton’s self-contained campus is bordered by the Rideau Canal, the Rideau River and the surrounding community. It is located a short ride from Parliament Hill and Ottawa’s downtown core. This blend of city life and nature, culture and heritage, business and government makes Carleton a unique place to study and learn.

Travel to Ottawa

As the capital of Canada, Ottawa is well connected locally, nationally and internationally. It is a 2-hour drive from Montreal, 4.5 hour drive from Toronto and a 1-hour drive to the state of New York.

EnvironmentallyFriendly Campus

Carleton’s Sustainability Plan embeds the UN Sustainable Development Goals to better align our contribution to global efforts. We are on our way to becoming a zero-waste campus and we are a Fairtrade Campus and Green Restaurant certified, demonstrating a commitment to local and sustainable dining operations. carleton.ca/sustainability

Join us for a tour

You can view our 45-minute Guided Virtual Tour on this website: virtualtour.carleton.ca. We also offer on-campus walking tours which usually take 1.5 hours and are led by current Carleton students.




United States

New York



CONNECTING YOU TO THE WORLD Home to over 1.3 million people, the Ottawa area is many things: it is a research and development hotbed and is the heart of the federal government. It is a major economic engine, offering jobs and opportunities in a wide variety of industries and sectors, and is home to world-class research centres and operations by major international companies. Ottawa is also a youthful city with a low median age that is rapidly diversifying. Although it is a place of achievement and career opportunities, Ottawa is also an architecturally and environmentally stunning city — surrounded by waterways, perfectly blended with urban and rural beauty and providing year-round outdoor activities.


Ÿ One of the world’s cleanest cities1

Ÿ One of the safest cities in Canada2

Ÿ Best place to live in Canada3 LIFESTYLE

Ÿ One of the world’s top 50 best cities for students4

Ÿ Over 980 km of multi-use pathways, bike lanes, off-road paths and paved shoulders throughout the area

1Forbes, 2007 2Mainstreet Research, 2017 3MoneySense, 2017 4QS TopUniversities 5CBRE Group 6Statistics Canada, 2021 EMPLOYMENT

Ÿ Top ranked talent market in

Canada in 20205

Ÿ #1 for lowest unemployment rate compared to Canada’s six other largest cities6

Ÿ Home to 130 embassies and high commissions from around the world

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