FGPA 2022-2023 Viewbook

Page 23

Discover the Carleton Campus Your home away from home

EnvironmentallyFriendly Campus

Carleton’s self-contained campus is bordered by the Rideau Canal, the Rideau River and the surrounding community. It is located a short ride from Parliament Hill and Ottawa’s downtown core. This blend of city life and nature, culture and heritage, business and government makes Carleton a unique place to study and learn.

Carleton’s Sustainability Plan embeds the UN Sustainable Development Goals to better align our contribution to global efforts. We are on our way to becoming a zero-waste campus and we are a Fairtrade Campus and Green Restaurant certified, demonstrating a commitment to local and sustainable dining operations. carleton.ca/sustainability

Travel to Ottawa As the capital of Canada, Ottawa is well connected locally, nationally and internationally. It is a 2-hour drive from Montreal, 4.5 hour drive from Toronto and a 1-hour drive to the state of New York.

Canada Montreal


United States

New York


Join us for a tour You can view our 45-minute Guided Virtual Tour on this website: virtualtour.carleton.ca. We also offer on-campus walking tours which usually take 1.5 hours and are led by current Carleton students.


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