February 2020: The Sex Issue

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What is a primary election?

A primary election is “a preliminary election to appoint delegates to a party conference or to select the candidates for a principal, especially presidential, election.” (Oxford) US Government teacher Nicholas Beckmann emphasizes the

importance of voting in primary elections. “I think everybody gets involved in the general election because it gets most immediate attention. But the primaries help you to determine who’s even going to make it... if it’s an open primary, anybody can can vote, but you get a chance to say out of a certain group of candidates that’s who you want representing the party,” Beckmann said.

Who votes? 46% of voters under age 29 voted in the 2016 presidential elections (Census Bureau)

29% of voters voted in the most recent set of presidential primary elections

36% of voters under age 29 voted in the 2018 mid-term elections (Census Bureau)

27% of voters identify as Democrat, 27% as Republican, and 45% as independent

(Pew Research Center)


The Candidates Biden


Joe Biden was vice president from 2009 to 2017 under President Obama, He previously served as Senator from Delaware. PHOTO: Review University of Delaware


Bernie Sanders has served as Senator from Vermont since 2007. He previously ran for the Democratic candidacy in 2016. PHOTO: Shelly Prevost


Elizabeth Warren has served as Senator from Massachusetts since 2013. Warren advocates for a wealth tax. PHOTO: Gage Skidmore

Pete Buttigieg was previously the mayor of South Bend, Indiana. If nominated, he would be the first openly gay candidate of a major political party. PHOTO: Gage Skidmore


(clockwise from top left) Biden - 27.2% Sanders - 23.5% Warren - 15.0% Bloomberg - 8.0% Buttigieg - 6 .7% Yang - 4.7% Klobuchar - 4.3% Steyer - 1.8% (information up to date as of the afternoon of Feb. 3)



Andrew Yang is an entrepreneur. He advocates for a universal basic income, and speaks about the dangers of automation. PHOTO: Gage Skidmore


Amy Klobuchar has served as Senator from Minnesota since 2007. She runs on a moderate platform. PHOTO: Amy Klobuchar


Mike Bloomberg is a former mayor of New York City. He does not accept donations, instead funding his campaign using his own money. PHOTO: Mike Bloomberg

Tom Steyer is an activist. His platform revolves around tackling environmental problems including climate change and tackling issues of inequality in politics. PHOTO: Gage Skidmore

Missouri’s primary elections will be held March 10 (sos.mo.gov) DISCOVER

Page by Sam Chen


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