The Young Wedding

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December Twentieth Two Thousand and Twenty





I have found the one whom my soul loves song of solomon 3:4


Taylor Clark Robert Young Jr. and



Order of Events

Prelude Lighting of the Candles Seating of the Family Entrance of the Officiant, Groom, and Best Man Wedding Processional Giving of the Bride Declaration of Intent Exchange of Vows Family Prayer Declaration of Marriage Presentation of

Mr. and Mrs. Young Recepti on to Fol l ow

Bride&Groom Taylor Meet the

Hometown: Columbus, Ohio Favorite Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:9 Favorite Holiday: 4th of July Favorite Dessert: Cake Favorite Movie: Best Man Holiday Favorite Food: Lasagna Favorite Restaurant: The Cheesecake Factory


Hometown: Miamisburg, Ohio Favorite Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:18 Favorite Holiday: 4th of July Favorite Dessert: Brownies Favorite Movie: The Dark Night Favorite Food: Steak Favorite Restaurant: TJ Chumps

Proposal The

A S T O L D BY T H E b r i d e At Robert’s family Christmas party in Dayton he proposed. The family just got done doing their Christmas party festivities, and Brother Drew says, “we have one more gift exchange!!” He got down on one knee and proposed! Secretly, I had a feeling he was going to do it because he was acting different and his mom was too! I also heard him pop the ring box in his pocket when we were in the car. I even texted my friends and said: “I think he’s going to do it!”

A S T O L D BY T H E g ro o m I proposed to Taylor on Christmas Eve at my Family Christmas Party. Before the proposal, we went to Southbrook Christmas play. I was impatient with Taylor as she spent 20 minutes in the bathroom (she was talking to her friend about me proposing) at the time I did not know.

We finished the show and headed back to the party. I waited till the end to propose to Taylor. Only a few people knew! I caught her off guard and she said yes, and did not stand up. SMH *She forgot to mention that she told her friends how she thought it was not going to happen.....

Find Your Seat Table 1

Willie Clark Michelle Clark Lindsey Baldwin Mychael Clark Shirley Mitchell Beverly Wonsick Thelma Towner Thelma Towner’s Guest Rhandell Mitchell Krystal Jordan

Table 4

Tierra Morris Rayshawn Hall Kennedy Byrd Shampain Sims Christopher McClure Kwataysha Casey Patricia Patterson Nate Johnson Brigette Hicks Dheimond Webb

Table 8

Todd Pierce Angie Pierce Carla Johnson Sharon Mitchell Michael Boykin Susan Boykin Candace Harris Latisha Anderson Nina Cox Doris Stimage

Table 12

David Dewberry Jenna Dewberry Jordan Shepherd Jayla Shepherd Jeremy Metcalf Nekesha Renfroe Dion Black Tiffany Black Kevin Anderson Chris Young

Table 16

Denzyel Graves Marsean Ross Cierra Brown Laiven Porter Kara Porter Sean Revels Ayanna Revels Kayla Duffin Carrie Slack

Table 5

Table 2

Crystal Taylor Drew Dennis Darlene Isome Cynthia Stevenson Andrea Taylor Jermi Taylor Latoya Stephens Eric Ellington Sr. Johnny Taylor D’Gary Wallace

Nikki Lofton Nikki Lofton’s Guest Pam Lofton Pam Lofton Guest Shajuana Davis Shajuana Davis’s Guest Rochelle Lofton Darryl Charleton Darryl Charleton’s Guest Robbie Robinson

Table 9

Cheyenne Rose Torrance Nicholson Makayla Briggs Kennedie Burston Tommie Mahoney Kierra Simpson Kierra Simpson’s Guest Briana Bannerman Christa Brown

Table 13 Josh Dillard

Josh Dillard’s Guest Andre Hawes Aarmanni Garnett Robert Walton Caitlin Douglas Chuck Wynn Ariya Wynn Larry Southall Tiah Snow

Table 17 Aleese Butler

Audrey Pumford Katlynn Gilbert Cameron Gilbert Maia Welker Cody Welker Bri Manuel Seth Manuel Brianna Noel Mitch Noel

Table 6

Table 3

Vivian Clark Sandra Fennell John Fennell Deborah Kaiser Eric Kaiser John Pickens Pam Pickens Ronald Pickens Sheryl Pickens Blair Clark

Robert Young Mary Loiuse Vanessa Young Christina Young Melvin (MJ) Young Sean Sims DeSean Sims Marquise Sims Mj Stollings Mariah Pitman

Table 10 Dave Brown

Erica Hill Layne Brockman Lance Brockman Zach Whittamore Joe Dunham Marcus Osmosule Mikayla Bauer Brett Myers Logan Smith

Table 14

Christopher Washington Shannon Washington Brad Myers Julie Myers Connor Brown Alex Tidewell Kristi King Brown Shawn Harville Jake Brown Jake Brown’s Guest

Table 18

David Dennis Nikki Dennis Joel Jackson Ileen Brown Derrick Lewis Carla Lewis Jimmy McFadden Stacy McFadden Raymond Robertson Raymond Robertson Jr.

Table 7

Anetra Sims Mario Byrd Tyreshia Franklin TJ Franklin DeNetra Franklin Nicole Bartholomew Khyreisha Bartholomew Robin Terry Kenny Brown

Table 11

Seneca O’Neil Rachel O’Neil Sean Blackburn Kristen Goggin Aaron Tiller Aaron Tiller’s Guest Willie Stimage Shedarion Waugh

Table 15 Tina Burgess

Breanna Mitchell Satia Thornton Tamia Bush Tyree Tate Savannah Thornton

Table 19 Eric Garber

Michelle Garber Brianna Garber Austin Tebbe James Bannerman Glenna Bannerman Christian Brown Eileen Brown Gene Johnson Oleta Johnson

First Dance OUR

Spend My Life

Eric BenĂŠt (featuring Tamia)


Dinner Menu STARTERS Hors D’Oe uvres: Ch icke n Ho n e y Sr i r acha Me at b a ll, Loa d ed Potato C up

MAI N CO UR S E Ga rde n S al ad S lice d Ro a s t B eef Ch icke n Bruschet ta Ch e d da r S ma s h ed Potatoes G r ee n Be a n S au té Wi th C a ra me liz e d Oni ons Fa r fa lle W it h Bl ackened C h i cke n A n d Broccol i Wi th A lfre do

D ESSER T B ut te r Pe ca n Cake Bucke ye Cake Va n illa Cake Va n illa C a ke Wi th Ra s pb e rry Fi l l i ng



Ho r s D ’ Oe u v r e s : Ch i c ke n H on e y S r i r ac h a Me atb al l , L o ad ed Po ta to C up MAIN COURSE G ar d e n S al ad S l i c e d R o as t B e e f C h i c ke n B r u s c h e t t a C h e d d ar S m as h e d Po tato e s Gre e n B e an S au te W i t h C ar am e l i z ed O ni o ns Fa rf a l l e Wi t h B l ac ke n e d C h i c ke n A n d B r o c c o l i W i th A l fr edo E SSbecome ERT “And the two D will one flesh” B u t te r Pe c an C ake

u c ke y e together, C ake “Therefore what God hasBjoined let no one separate.” Van i l l a C ake Va n i l l a C akeMark W i t h10:8-9 R as p b e r r y F i l l i ng

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