FRANCIS HOWELL NORTH Vol.23 Issue 4 2549 Hackmann Rd. St. Charles MO, 63303 Feb. 11, 2009
Feb. 23- 27 Be prepared for awesome events going on during the Scholastic Journalism Week! Monday: Expect treats as you walk through the door in the morning before school. Tuesday: Stop by 026 for an armband to celebrate the Tinker case. Wednesday: An exclusive SJW Podcast minisode will be posted on Thursday: Make sure you wear your Fantastic 4 shirt, because if you’re seen wearing it during lunch, you’ll be given a ticket to possibly win a prize. Friday: The winner of our Fantastic 4 shirt contest will be announced. And our next FHN Publications contest will start!
Did you know that this year is the 40th anniversary of Tinker vs. Des Moines court case, that helped sculpt student free speech? Head down to RM. 026 and see about getting your armband in honor of this historical year! Visit to learn more about this case.
17 38
This year’s Prom Fashion Show will be on March 5, and will feature models from FHN.
The poor economy is affecting the Francis Howell district and will most likely continue to next year.
2549 Hackmann Road St. Charles, MO 63303
Boys Varsity basketball team will be competing in Districts Feb. 12 at
As a beast on the court, junior Stephanie Agre poses a threat to every opposition she faces.
Due to an ocular deficiency, senior Jacob Wilson’s vision changes with the flip of a switch.
As a teen, sophomore Logan Ponche knows all about procrastinating and it’s disease.
As the class of ‘09 leaves FHN, business teacher Mike Kenny will be following their lead.
Althought Feb. 14 is a day of love, one student calls for death to the arrow-wielding Cupid.
Come visit us at, your #1 place for Knightly news. Last week, FHNtoday held an exclusive contest to give students a chance to win tickets to teen idol Jesse McCartney’s next concert at the Pageant. To find out who landed the tickets, check out the “Contests” tomorrow on Make sure to check out the Q&A with senior Dani Langnes that was posted yesterday on Langness traveled to Washington, D.C. for President Obama’s inauguration.
page design tyler kirk
“Providing an open forum for Francis Howell North since 1986.”
Distributed free to FHN by the North Star staff. Co-Editors-in-Chief: Cami Wade, Tyler Kirk & Jordyn Klackner Editors News Editor: Barbara Jean Palmer Features Editor: Brittany Schulze Sports Editor: Vicki Viehman Opinions Editor: Chelsea Kaufman Dir. of Photography: Sarah Semmel Digital Media Dir.: Andrew Hairlson Copy Editor: Betsy Blanchard Marketing Director: Luke Christisen Business Manager: Nathan Bryant Ad Design Editor: Xenia Klimenova Podcast Editors: Tori Bowden and Kaila Kamp Online Editors: Katie Siebuhr, Jon Henderson and Katie O’Neil General Staff Fareeha Amir Gabrielle Moore Bethany Brady Mallory Mueller Sam Bowden Kieran Myers Jessica Bremer Lydia Ness Elizabeth Diggs Jessica Payne Sam Dulaney Logan Ponche Brent Evans Nicole Renner Ryan Firle Jacqueline Sage Sam Fitzwalter Allison Sheffler Kaitlyn Fouch Sidney Shelton Pat Flynn Hanna Sherman Julia Gabbert Lauren Skinner David Hoehn Rebecca Sklander RJ Howes Lauren Smith Rachel Hunt Nicole Thompson Joe Jacobi Krissy Torkelson Maggie Jasper Morgan Vetter Miranda Lindquist Brandon Walter Monica Martinez Nicki Wittman Adviser Aaron Manfull
THECOVER Drinking and driving has become a common act among today’s teen, and the North Star takes a look at those that have been affected by it.
Senior Bob Strickland and junior Kaylie Habighorst practice for the Missouri Music Education Conference. Both qualified for the conference this year in Osage Beach, Missouri. This is Strickland’s second year attending All-State. (Morgan Hamby)
Music students to State Strickland and Habighorst had three rehearsals with the other students. These rehearsals were to Seniors Bob Strickland, Tim help prepare the students for the Hanak, and junior Kaylie Habigconference. horst traveled to the Tan-Tar-A “I am so ready to go back for my Resort in Osage Beach, Missouri second year in a row,” Strickland this past weekend, Jan. 28-31, said. “I’m really excited and ready for the Missouri Music Educato work.” tion Conference. Strickland and The conference consisted of Habighorst auditioned and are two of the 16 students who qualified in performances by all the qualifying the Suburban District. Hanak au- students from districts all over the ditioned and was one of 107 band state. “It was the greatest thing ever,” members in the state to qualify. Hanak said. “It was my greatest “I was so proud to know that experience in music up till now.” both of the students made it,” The students left last WednesChoir director Lorraine Smith said. “They definitely deserved it.” day and rehearsed in Osage Beach on Thursday and Friday. Prior to the conference, maggie jasper
Librarians hope discussion is ‘Wild’ lauren smith
On Feb. 27, the library will be holding a discussion about the book “Call of the Wild,” a novel about an adventurer in Alaska with his sled dogs and the race they are in, during sixth and seventh hours. Unlike books in the past, this book was chosen in coordinance with the St. Charles County Library system’s “Big Read,” a community-wide book discussion. “This is the first one St. Charles County Libraries have sponsored,” librarian Sheri Pogue said. “But the state has had [“Big Read”] for quite a while.” While this book may not be as new as books from previous discussions, Pogue hopes that this particular book will draw in new faces to the discussion. “This is a nice short book and because of this topic, I’m hoping more boys will participate,” Pogue said. Another reason to come check out the book discussion, is that showing up means there is the possibility of walking away with a prize. “When the county contacted me about this I was very happy to participate because they offered me free books which I’m going to use as incentive to get people to show up,” Pogue said.
Football and wrestling coach Chris Brown does crunches on one of the schools new weight room machines. (andrew harilson)
Weight room gets beefed up pat flynn
The weight room’s typically loud noises were silenced and replaced by smoother and overall better equipment on Monday, Jan. 26. “I think we needed it,” junior Mike Boschen said. “The other stuff was too old. I’d like to thank whoever did it.” After receiving roughly $12,000 from the school board, $2,000 from the booster club and $2,000 from various sports teams, FHN’s weight room got a makeover. “We will have some of the best equipment in the state,” wrestling coach Chris Brown said. “Hopefully, it will
encourage more kids to come.” The new machines are free-loaded, which allows the seats move to isolate specific muscles and allows the user to lift more and maximize their results. “It’s pretty cool,” sophomore Larry Edwards said. “It moves with you, to get you stronger and it doesn’t strain the other parts of your body.” All new equipment was delivered and purchased from 2nd Wind. “We got about $30,000 [worth of equipment] for $16,000,” Brown said.
CSLP changes plans for future logan ponche
Along with the rest of the district next year, North will be changing up the CSLP program. Central did it this year, and there were rumors it was going to happen at North soon. Sure enough, it’s happening. Effective in the 2009-10 school year, the Community Service Learning Program will switch from an after-school club/class to an inschool course. Students who sign up for CSLP will become mentors in the success classes, which are for freshmen and sophomores behind in the curriculum. “[The district did this] because we wanted to focus more on getting tutoring for kids in the school,” Principal Darlene Jones said. “And they were a resource we had to tap into. This year Central did it the new way, but us and Howell did it the old way.” Currently, CSLP is an after-school activity for students to go out and help out in the community. Right now students can take CSLP 1, 2 and 2.5 after school, all of which are worth
one half credit. “Each year we normally have three fieldtrips were we go out to do stuff for community service,” CSLP teacher Kellie Hausner said. “After those, the kids have to go out and get 25 hours of community service on their own; it’s a requirement to pass the class. Last year, we went out and did Habitat for Humanity, and later we went to St. Peters to remove honeysuckle trees.” With the change next year, the field trip portion of CSLP will no longer exist. Students who had previously participated in it will be put into Volunteer Knights to do similar activities. “CSLP is a way for kids to get out and help out with community service,” senior Dani Langness said. “It’s also another way to bring kids together. For that, I don’t see why they’re taking it away.” However, CSLP students will still be able to help out in a big way: with the students at North. “I think [the change] sounds good,” Hausner said. “You’re giving back to the kids at North and making it a positive place to be. What better place to give back than here at North?” For a story on what’s to come for this year’s CSLP members go to on Feb. 13
page design elizabeth diggs and bethany brady
Students role play their way to districts taylor berra
On Feb. 10, DECA headed to Mid Rivers Mall, but not for a sale at Macy’s - they had DECA districts. Between the 12 other schools in the district, the top six individuals and the top three teams will move on to the State competition. To prepare, Co-Adviser of DECA Melissa Trochim has guided the students through a variety of activities. “We did role playing and took different tests for all of the events and we had a mini-competition,” Trochim said. “The students also got to role play with someone besides the marketing teachers.” As the students arrived at the mall, they individually took an hour-long test. The judges then ranked the stu-
dents on how well they role-played and scored on their tests. For senior Nicole Hume, competition season is her favorite part about DECA. “My heart beats DECA,” Hume said. “I absolutely love it.” As the District Six Vice President, Hume has a high expectation for herself to perform well. Not only is she excited for Districts, but she is looking forward to possibly going to Anaheim, CA later this year. For President Alyssa Fixley, the best part of DECA is the people involved. “I love DECA,” Fixley said. “The competitions are really fun and we all just have a good time.”
Wear the ugliest sweater you can find!
No School!
Super Hero Day Dress up as your favorite Super Hero!
Go to for your Knightly news.
To see photos of Snowcoming go to on Feb. 23.
To see who qualified for DECA State go to on Feb. 12.
Snowcoming Spirit Week Wed: 18 Tues: 17 Mon: 16 Group Day Ugly Sweater President’s Day
Get a bunch of your friends together and pose as a famous group of people!
Neon Colors
For a recap the North Steet Coffee House, go to on Feb. 16.
Wear bright, flashy colors today!
Infographic bethany brady and elizabeth diggs
FHN cafeteria is refurnished monica martinez
Mack Weaver, Jasmine Park, Alex Oppenborn, Megan Jacobsmeyer, Kyle Rowlet, and Cody Haslip eat lunch on Feb 2. The North cafeteria got some much needed new lunch tables. “The new lunch tables are cool and great,” Mack Weaver said. (kaitlyn fouch) Now that you have seen the new improvements to the cafeteria, go to to see what other improvements can be expected.
page design elizabeth diggs and bethany brady
Two weeks ago, North’s lunchroom experienced a drastic change. The gum-covered, deteriorating lunch tables that students had gotten used to were replaced by shining, bluish-gray bleacher-style tables. Assistant Principal Jack Ameis was in charge of ordering them. “The lunch tables we used to have were just bulky and were hard to move,” Ameis said. “Some of the [old tables] folded, and some didn’t. With so many lunch tables, that means more chairs to be moved with them.” The tables fold up like a tent and will have wheels on them, making them handier in terms of mobilization. They also have attached benches. The commons have about 30 or so new lunch tables, and a couple of other tables to fulfill students’ needs. “They’re terrific because there’s not a lot of chairs to clutter up the cafeteria,” freshman Aly Bouquet said. However, some students feel there is no need for the new tables. “I don’t think there was a need for new lunch tables,” freshman Ruth Castro said. “The ones we had were just fine. What we really need are some new desks.”
Go to tomorrow to see who rewrote the best lyrics to the songs “Leavin’” or “Beautiful Soul” by Jesse McCartney . This person won two free tickets to his concert on Feb.17.
Mock Rock Left: Seniors Nick Berra and Alison Cooke strike a pose during last years Prom Fashion Show. Middle: Prom Fashion Show hosts Lauren Cooke and Caleb Krenning raffle off prizes after the fashion line up. Right: FHN graduate Ryan Manning and senior Katie Kirkman show off their prom attire. The Prom Fashion Show will be held on March 5 in the Auditorium--. (file photos)
Junior class delegates host fashion show
Upperclassmen will be participating in a fashion show to ease the usual stresses of prom. morgan vetter
hen Prom season rolls around, most people worry about where they are going to dinner beforehand, who to go with and what to wear. The junior class delegates and officers will being easing some of that stress for students attending Prom on March 5, by creating a prom fashion show. “I’m excited to see all the new fashions and see the girls have a fun
night,” junior Soo Yang said. The Prom fashion show has been a tradition for many years. Junior delegates sponsor Lori Lutz and officers Yang and Zack Short, headed by President Crystal Friedman, will be taking on the work load this year. “We are going to get dresses from David’s Bridal, and we are going to look into Glitz,” Lutz said. This year, some changes will be made. Although they will be using the same guidelines as last year’s
show, they will also be making some improvements. They will be decorating the walkway more, and also giving every dress and tuxedo a detailed description so that students know where to find that particular fashion. “I can’t wait to work with everyone and to see that everything looks really great,” Friedman said. Both male and female models will be strutting the catwalk at this year’s show. To sign up, see Lutz in room 022 for an application. Applicants will
also need to sell at least five tickets to the show, and you must be a junior or a senior. Applications are due Friday, Feb. 13. Tickets for the event can be purchased at $5 each. It is a “first come, first serve” basis, so applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. For pictures from the Prom Fashion Show go to on March 6.
New adviser takes over the Cadet Teaching Program Government teacher takes over long running program after sponsor moves midway through the school year. betsy blanchard and bethany brady
overnment teacher Chip Crow is the new kid on the block. Again. After returning this year as the girls’ swim coach, Crow is now taking over the school’s Cadet Teaching program. The position came to Crow this semester when Kim Coil, also a government teacher, left mid-year to move to Canada because her husband got a job there. F.E.A. - Future Educators of America - is a club at North that works closely with the program. Club President senior Katie Coffey had grown close to Coil, but says Crow is “doing a great job.”
“I’ve known [Coil] for years, and she’s been a part of my life, but I’ve been really excited for this change,” Coffey said. “With change comes great success, and I do see that with Mr. Crow.” Other students involved with the program share Coffey’s sentiments. “I feel he has done a pretty good job replacing Mrs. Coil who has run the program for several years,” junior Colton Farrell said. “He’s really taking it over well, he’s really prepared. He’s got a lot of things for us to try and start and do.” Cadet Teaching is a program that allows juniors and seniors to leave during seventh hour to aid elementary and middle school teachers with their classes, offering them the chance to get first-hand teaching experience.
Crow currently works with 23 students, many of whom are looking to utilize teaching as a possible career. “If the student is truly interested in the education field, it’ll give them a taste of it,” Crow said. “It’s kind of like an internship. There’s a lot more involved than you’d think.” In recent news, due to conflicting events and lack of a chaperone, Crow is unable to take F.E.A. to the F.E.A. Convention this upcoming Feb. 27-28. “The FEA Convention is great,” Coffey said. “It’s sad that we aren’t going this year.”
page design krissy torkelson and sidney shelton
What does it mean to you? RANDI ST. JOHN, FRESHMAN
It pretty much means everybody coming together to accept other races and a time to settle differences. BRENNEN JONES, SENIOR
It helps us recognize and respect people’s differences.
It means a lot to me, I was born in Feb., so it’s just special to me especially with Barack Obama. ADAM RAPERT, SOPHOMORE
[It’s about] honoring those who have helped us.
It’s the recognition of the trials and tribulations and sacrifices blacks have made.
he economy. It’s on everyone’s mind. It’s affecting homes, jobs and taxes. However, what many don’t realize is its direct effect on the Francis Howell school district. “It has already begun to affect our school district and will continue to affect it,” Superintendent Renee Schuster said. “[Currently] our biggest concern is the impact of our economic times on the ability to fund our schools.” The district’s income comes from a variety of sources, that primarily being from local property taxes on real estate. State revenue, personal property taxes on vehicles, and sales taxes also contribute to the cause. Schuster estimated a $1 million decrease this past year in sales taxes towards the district, laying a heavy burden. Schuster also noted that the district’s income from property taxes is also wavering. Scott Shipman, St. Charles County Assessor, reported that the FHSD should expect approximately an 8% drop in income from property taxes. In order to make up for losses, the district is looking to reduce their budget. “It’s already begun,” Prin-
cipal Darlene Jones said. “We’ve been asked to scrutinize all the money that we are spending for building operations. Any money we don’t spend from our budget this year would be able to be used for next year to hopefully avoid some possible cuts.” Courses for the 2009-10 school year will face some changes. According to Jones, requirements for a class to be offered will increase. This year, classes must have at least 20 students, a number that will most likely increase. Class sizes will increase slightly, with an estimated one or two extra students in each class. “It’ll be harder to help individual students,” Chemistry teacher Donna Malkmus said. “Individualized help will be near impossible.” Sacrifices are being made elsewhere as well. In November, the district announced that no teacher or administrators would attend conferences outside of Missouri. The money that was originally set aside for that could then be returned to the district. On a positive note, President Barack Obama’s recent bailout plan has prohibited the States from reducing any funding next year to school districts. Approximately 34 percent of the district’s revenue is provided by the State, leaving the remaining 66 percent under heavy scrutiny. “We’re trying to be frugal, just as we know families are being frugal with budgets. It’s very stressful for everyone,” Jones said. “We don’t want to lose anybody.”
betsy blanchard
As the economy heads south, it effects North
Economy hits district
Literary magazine’s future up in the air due to a lack of funds Dilber, members are optimistic for publishing despite uncertainty with money, content brittany schulze
t the beginning of the year, it was decided that the Lit Magazine would be brought back. Due to the lack of funds, it has yet to publish any work; however, the members still try to meet once a week. “I wanted a place for students to publish creative work,” sponsor Dan Dilber said. “People just weren’t interested in running it last year.” It is still in the air as to what will be published in the magazine. Topics can range from artwork, short stories, poems and/or song lyrics, but since money is low, the page design
jessica bremer
magazine is sticking with just literary pieces. “What I like most about it is that we always have a lot of fun,” music editor Brittany Velasco said. “Everyone knows what they’re doing.” The group’s members have a goal to put out at least one issue by the end of the year. If money does not allow them that, they will definitely have one out by the beginning of the 2009-2010 semester. “It was frustrating trying to get people to be motivated to raise money,” president Ashley Watkins said. “We have done pizzas and a bake sale [to try to raise money].”
On Tuesday, Feb. 4, FHN English teacher Dan Dilber discusses possible designs and a pizza fundraiser during the Lit Mag meeting. (brandon walters) For a preview of Lit Mag submissions go to on Feb. 11.
Is it worth the rush? Fast growing product may be misleading luke christisen
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Side Effect Facts Serving size: 8 fl oz Ingredients caffeine: insomnia, restlessness, irritability, nervousness, headaches, hand tumors, irregular heartbeat, unable to focus, increase in blood pressure, increase in breathing rate and the jitters. information provided by
inforgraphic by luke christisen and allison sheffler
guaranine: insomnia, trembling, anxiety, palpitations, urinary frequency, and hyperactivity information provided by taurine: congestive heart failure, cystic fibrosis, irondeficiency anemia, epilepsy, high blood pressure, and diabetes information provided by ginseng: nervousness, excitability, decrease in ability to concentrate, decrease in blood sugar, asthma attacks, increase blood sugar, and palpitations. information provided by sugar: physical and mental fatigue, headaches, fast heartbeats, aches, muscular pains, shakes, loss of consciousness, paralyses, troubled vision, irritability, nervousness, moodiness, anxiety, fears and phobias, memory loss and concentration problems. information provided by
t’s growing, a flood rising up the levy and spilling over the banks. This torrent has taken the country by storm and there are no signs of letting up. Energy drinks are the fastest growing beverage category in the United States. Between June 2006 and June 2007, U.S. consumers spent $744 million on them, a 34 percent increase over the previous year according to the International Food Information Council. Many view energy drinks as a simple beverage alternative, however there are some potentially harmful aspects of these caustic concoctions. “It’s really hard on your stomach and kidneys. All of the artificial ingredients eat at the lining of your stomach and it can really hurt someone with ulcers,” FHN fitness trainer Joe Bommarito said. “Like alcohol, it takes a long time to break down and as a result you can gain weight.” The biggest drawing factor of energy drinks is right in the title: the energy. The fairy tale perspective that by simply drinking a drink enables boundless energy without consequence is often a misguided one. Although the abundance of caffeine in energy drinks (0-141 mg/serving) is linked to improved physical and mental performance, the consequences of caffeine consumption has been associated with increased heart rate, nausea, restlessness, anxiety, and tremors. “It’s what the sugar and caffeine do to you,” Bommarito said. “For someone with heart issues we aren’t just talking about passing out, it could possibly kill you.” According to a 2008 Brown University study, the biggest energy drink controversy stems from the fact that the target consumers for the drinks are under the age of 30. With children and teens still growing, the caffeinated effects are cause for concern, especially where physical activity is concerned. Energy drinks should not be used while exercising or when undergoing extensive athletic activity as the combination of fluid loss from sweating and the diuretic quality of the caffeine can leave the user severely dehydrated. Also, since energy drinks are stimulants and alcohol is a depressant, the combination of effects may be dangerous. The stimulant effects can mask how intoxicated someone is and prevent them from realizing how much alcohol has actually been consumed. “If you’re an athlete you should drink water instead,” track member Loren Ingle said. “There’s also Gatorade since it replenishes you.” With all of the beverage choices in the world, what it comes down to is being informed and responsible in choosing what to indulge in. There are other ways to get natural energy, like eating whole grains or having a balanced meal plan. A drink is not an endless fountain of energy; in the end there will always be that inevitable crash creeping around the corner. “It doesn’t matter even if they say ‘all natural’ or ‘light,’” Bommarito said. “You will still crash and burn.”
page design maggie jasper and allison sheffler
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Sundays 3:00-5:00 p.m. Church of the Shepherd, 94 &Jungermann (behind Wal-Mart)
CAUGHT CANDID IN THE HALLS Fashion is found not only on the runway but in the hallways too. Everyday FHN students show off their styles and prove that looking good can happen anywhere.
Chris Grither, 11
Ana Chanocua, 12
I wo uld say prep my styl py. e is I like mor to d e ress nice .
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Andy Lammers, 12
Courtney Staley, 9
d l kin hoo d sc l o t. ro bes Ret the just ’s t I
Shirt: Target-$15 Jeans: American Eagel-$30 Necklace- handmade Shoes: Journey’s-$45
Shirt: Pacsun- $10 Jeans: Hollister- $80 Belt: American Eagle- $15 Jacket: Hollister- $100 Shoes: Journey’s- $60
Shirt: Papayas- $25 Leggings: Wet Seal - $10 Boots:DSW - $50 Purse: Charlotte Russe-$35
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Shirt: Wet Seal- $10 Pants: Urban Behavior- $60 Boots: Journey’s Kids- $110 Necklace: ABC Trading Company- $2
page design mallory mueller and jordyn klackner
Locks of love
Giving ‘LOL’ a new meaning... Instead of giving a gift to just a significant other this Valentines Day, give the gift of a lifetime to a child who needs it...
Locks of love gives back hope miranda lindquist
nstead of receiving gifts this Valentines Day, do something different and share the love by giving. Locks of Love is a not-for-profit charity that assists those from The United States and Canada under age 18 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. It takes donated hair collected from salons and gives it to those children and teens. The recipients look forward to knowing that someone out there has the heart to share. "Being aware of cancer is really important nowadays and having long hair is becoming more popular," past donor Brittany Velasco said. "[If you donate your long hair] the cancer patients would really appreciate it." Locks of Love was founded in 1997 and it is continually becoming more and more popular. Local hair salons, like Great Clips and Fantastic Sams, all support Locks of Love. Once the hair is donated, it is washed and styled for free. Not only do donors get a free haircut, but a disadvantaged child gets something as well. On a ratio, most salons get at least one donor a week. "We actually take walk-ins here," Jungs Station Great Clips Manager Heather Thompson said. "They come in and they usually tell
us they want to donate their hair and we explain [the procedure]." In order to donate, hair cannot not be highlighted, cannot be bleached or have been previously bleached, cannot be in dreadlocks, and can be layered as long as the longest layer is 10". "When I found out about Locks of Love, I wanted to help, but I didn't have long enough hair," sophomore Alec Broeker said, "so my mom and I donated money to Locks of Love instead." If donating hair isn't possible, there are two other ways to help support Locks of Love: making a tax-deductible financial contribution, or volunteering time by holding a fundraiser. There is always a kid in need who just needs to just laugh a little and feel a little happier, and any sort of donation would help. "Everyone should start a trend of having short hair so [the cancer patients] have real hair to wear, just like everyone else," Velasco said.
For more information and photos on Locks of Love, visit the official web site at
Locks of Love is an organization that takes donated hair of almost anyone. The hair must be a certain length for them to be able to use it. The hair is used to make wigs for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. (fareeha amir)
page design chelsea kaufman
SHEDDING THE LIGHT Wilson continues to not let a little bump in the road stop him from achieving his goals.
Jacob Wilson has been blind at night his whole life. He has to get rides from his friends and uses a cane when he goes to the movies. Despite this, Wilson has a very positive outlook on his condition and uses it to help others. (kaitlyn fouch)
eye catchers 1.
33,700,000 visits are made to doctors for eye care each year
2. Reading in the dark will weaken your eyesight.
ryan firle
ave you ever thought how the flip of a switch can completely turn your world upside down? For senior Jacob Wilson, this realization has become reality. Jacob has Congenital Stationary NightBlindness Type 2, so literally the flip of a switch can cause a perfectly normal life of color to turn into a life of darkness. It is a rare genetic disorder in which the rods in the retina do not function at all. Because the rods are what allow you to see at night, no function in the rods causes night blindness. “I just can’t see real well at night,” Jacob said. “I’m pretty much legally blind, and I have to walk with a cane. Unlike many disorders, this one is very controllable. Take cancer, cystic fibrosis, or even regular
The space between your eyebrows is called the Glabella.
People generally read 25% slower from a computer screen compared to paper.
6. 7. 10
Wilson continues to cope with eye complications
100 million Americans are visually disabled without corrective lenses
Men are able to read fine print better than women can.
People generally read 25% slower from a computer screen compared to paper.
On average, your eyes blinks over 10,000,000 times a year.
information from
page design monica martinez and rebecca sklander
blindness for example, there is basically nothing you can do to control the effects, but with night blindness, it is different. It can be as easy as turning on a light. He can see in the light because the rods no longer serve a purpose in the light. Instead, the cones in the retina kick into gear, and his cones are perfectly normal allowing him to see. “It doesn’t really bother me at all,” Jacob said. “I don’t feel any different because I don’t know what I’m missing. It could be a lot worse” Jacob and his family have seen a lot worse. He has done some public speaking to completely blind kids, and because he is only partially blind he is a great role model. “He lives in both worlds, so he can really help out,” Jacob’s mom Suzan Wilson said. He has greatly helped out because his was selected by the Missouri Commissioner of Education to be on the Missouri Blind Task Force Board where he does public speaking at elementary schools and for blind children. Not only has he helped out other people, but he has used this disorder
greatly to his advantage. He currently sits at the top of the senior class with a GPA around a 4.8 and a thirty-five on his ACT. He also recently applied to Princeton University, the number one university in the entire nation. Although he does not know if he has been accepted, he and his family still believe it is a great honor to even have a chance of being accepted. “He has really focused on his strengths rather than weaknesses,” Jacob’s dad Scott Wilson said. “You just have to focus on the things you can control and can do and not on the ones you can’t.” Although Jacob has used this disorder to make him the best person he can be, it does come with some hardship. At night he walks with a cane and there have been sometimes when he did not know there was a crack in the street or a curve and it has caused him to trip and fall. Also, if the family goes out to a restaurant and the restaurant is very dim, Jacob’s mom or dad must read the menu to him. Perhaps worst of all, Jacob can not drive at night so he must depend on his parents or friends to get around. “It’s just a little inconvenient at night... especially in winter,” Jacob says
page design monica martinez and rebecca sklander
with a laugh. Almost right behind Jacob’s parents in people that have helped the most in his life, Jacob credits his mobility instructor Kevin Hollinger. “Before I got Mr. Hollinger, I couldn’t get around at night at all, but he has definitely helped,” Jacob said. Kevin Hollinger is a Orientation and Mobility specialist for the Francis Howell School District which in Jacob’s case, means he is trying to teach him travel skills by using his cane. “When there is no light or low light, he requires a cane to walk on sidewalks, movie theaters, etc.,” Hollinger said. “So we are trying to make him independent and be as confident as he can traveling.” These great strides in Jacob’s fight to overcome this disorder and continue to grow as a person are very encouraging to everyone who might encounter an obstacle in their life. “All things happen for a reason,” Suzan and Scott said. “You just have to use the gifts God gave you and don’t dwell too long on the things you feel you’ve missed out on.”
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Teacher of 32 years Mike Kenny stands in front of his fifth hour while they’re working on an assignment for his business class. “ One of my most valuable experiences I’ve had teaching is having old students of mine come back and talk to me about what there doing now, that is definitely my biggest gratification.” Kenny said. (cami wade)
Retiring after this year, a fine example of the talent we have here at Howell North leaves his mark julia gabbert
ou might know Mike Kenny as a business teacher. You might know Mike Kenny from his famous quote at the football games, “Another fine example of the talent we have here at Francis Howell North.” You might know Mike Kenny from his work with Knights of Excellence or the senior trip, but one thing is for sure: if you go to FHN, you know Mike Kenny. For the past 32 years, 19 spent at FHN, Kenny has been teaching business and accounting classes. However, Kenny will not be returning for a twentieth year. “Put a fork in it, I’m done!” Kenny said laughing. “Let the air out of the balloon, I’ve got nothing left!” Kenny decided on retirement simply because he felt it was time. However, his years of long work have not gone unnoticed. Kenny won the Walmart Teacher of the Year award in 2006, and was also voted Favorite Teacher by seniors in the classes of 2005 and 2006. “He’s had such a big influence in FHN,” fellow business teacher Joe De Ciechi said. “Everyone knows him as the voice of
Francis Howell North. Something I get to see that I’m not sure everyone gets to see is the number of students that come back to visit him, that had his classes or was on his team when he coached. He just has an enthusiasm that’s contagious and spreads to the whole room.” Although he will not be teaching anymore, Kenny will still remain active in many things at North. His company, Sun ‘n Ski Travel, will still coordinate the senior trip. He also hopes to continue announcing events at school. Students remain close with Kenny even after they are in his classes because of his sense of humor and sarcastic personality. “I was kind of disappointed when I found out he was retiring because he’s one of my favorite teachers,” junior Austin Haywood said. “I know everyday that I’ll walk out of his class with a laugh and a smile on my face.” Kenny has made a positive impact on not only the students, but the teachers as well. Teachers say they often turn to Kenny for advice in the business department, and that he will be a difficult person to replace. “Mike’s a team player,” marketing
teacher Melissa Trochim said. “He does so much for the students and for our business department. He’s truly going to be missed because in the years he’s been at FHN, he’s truly made his mark, especially in the accounting classes.” Other teachers feel the same way, agreeing that Kenny’s positive attitude and effective teaching style will be missed in the coming years. “He’s been such an asset to our school in the classroom, as a coach, and as the voice of FHN,” De Ciechi said. “He’s just done those things so well that our school is really going to miss him. He’s been an extremely strong advocate of the business classes, particularly accounting, that it’s just really going to help the kids when they get to college.” After being a teacher for so many years, Kenny had mixed emotions about the finality of retirement. “I was kind of happy that it was going to be over with, that I wouldn’t have to work anymore,” Kenny said. “And sad that I didn’t have to work anymore. I’d like to continue announcing and working the lower-level games. That way I’ll still get to
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Business teacher Mike Kenny holds up an award he received Feb. 4. for being selected as Teacher of the Year. (andrew hairlson)
Students share their favorite memories of Mr. Kenny: Favorite Mr. Kenny memory: I loved powder puff because he was so loud it was great. He should be a comedian. What Mr. Kenny should know: Bye, can’t wait till you leave
-senior Lauren Chadwick Favorite Mr. Kenny memory: I loved it when he would yell at the top of his lungs, it wakes people up and gets their attention in class. He always made me laugh. What Mr. Kenny should know: You have been a great teacher, and enjoy your retirement.
-senior Kenton Hilke Favorite Mr. Kenny memory: Powder was my favorite memory, he was so loud and obnoxious in a good way. What Mr. Kenny should know: You’ve done a great job, have a good retirement.
-senior Jessica Callison Favorite Mr. Kenny memory: There’s a lot of memories, I love his sayings at basketball and football games.
see all the students and keep in contact with the people that were here when I was. [My biggest accomplishment is] having had the privilege to teach and interact with all the students that I have in the last 19 years.” As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. By the end of May, Mike Kenny will no longer be a teacher at FHN. He will have to find something else to fill the void of teaching in his life. “I’m going to build an ark and start collecting animals two-by-two,” Kenny joked. Others take into consideration the way they would feel in Kenny’s shoes. “He always said that he’d be here with his red pen in hand forever,” Trochim said. “So I think that first day of school will be a bittersweet moment for him.” Despite the fact that Mike Kenny has been teaching at FHN longer than all of the students currently in attendance have been alive, he is not a teacher that will soon be forgotten. The past 19 years have proven that Mike Kenny truly is “another fine example of the talent we have here at Francis Howell North.”
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What Mr. Kenny should know: You will always be missed at FHN.
-senior Rachal Doeren
d ’ h s a l Sp
Want to tie-dye a shirt? Here are a few ways you can tie-dye shirts at your own home and have them still look great.
1. Lay T-shirt on flat surface, grab center and lift the T-shirt. 2. Run hand down the T-shirt, wrap rubber bands about one inch apart. 3. Continue this till you feel you have enough rubber bands.
TINY CIRCLES New tie-dye store Splash’d offers an exciting opportunity to the shoppers at Mid Rivers Mall. People can create their own one of a kind shirts here and take them home to enjoy. (sarah semmel)
Couple opens tie-dye shop At Mid-Rivers Mall Splash’d is a unique place to tie-dye “It’s a lot of fun making your own clothing and just being in a laid back, fun environment,” itting around and employee Jimmy Lee said. tossing ideas back and Lining the inside of the shop, fourth, 26-year-old tie-dye shirts hang on the walls. Chad Menke and his 29-yearPieces of white clothing are availold girlfriend JoAnne Scheffer able in the back for customers to came up with an idea. It was something creative and random pick from and design themselves. Types of clothing included are Tbut they thought it would be a shirts, hoodies, and towels. But if hit. Turns out they were right. customers don’t like what there is “The name Splash’d just to choose from, they can bring in came to us,” Menke said. something of their own that they’d “We wanted something with like tie-dyed. color and thought of splashing The tie-dying doesn’t take color.” long. The customer picks out The tie-dye shop, which currently has one location in the what design they’d like to do and the colors they want. The customMid Rivers Mall, opened this past November. Ever since, the er soaks the shirt in a solution and store has been a hit for teenag- twist in the colors they want. After all of that, they squirt the colors in ers and adults alike. North’s and let it sit for ten minutes. Once very own swim team and JV the ten minutes has passed, it’s basketball team went there to ready to be rinsed, washed, dried get tie-dye team shirts done. and then it’s able to wear. It’s a unique experience “It doesn’t take that long,” for workers as well as the JV basketball player Kelsey customers. allison sheffler
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Rutledge said. “I got my shirt back the next day and was able to wear it.” The economy is on Splash’d’s side because small, local businesses are being supported more than before because of special incentives. Splash’d continually seeks to offer deals to customers. “We offer low prices,” Menke said. “And we offer group prices like we did for the swim team and basketball team.” On top of offering group prices, they also have special offers for birthday parties. If a customer plans to celebrate their birthday at Splash’d and brings along five or more friends, their shirt is free. “The atmosphere we create keeps people coming back,” Menke said. “We make it friendly and a good experience so the word about us is passed along.”
1. Lay T-shirt on flat surface, pull up on layers of T-shirt. 2. Put rubber bands around these to form bumps.
1. Lay T-shirt flat down. Grab center and start twisting the shirt. 2. Continue twisting into a tight spiral. 3. Wrap several rubber bands around the outside edge of the T-shirt.
Students as
his month the North Star’s photo pages look into the lives of three senior students who are giving back to their community by teaching their skills to others. Training children in something they are truly passionate about, these North students are setting the stage for the next generation.
Senior Morgan Boudreau stands overlooking the St. Peters Rec-Plex pools where she teaches swimming lessons to children. Boudreau has been working at the Rec-Plex as a life guard for almost two years. She started teaching swim lessons soon after she became a life guard. (sarah semmel)
Senior Tim Hanak helps out sixth grader Caitlyn Chandler with her bass clarinet at Barnwell Middle School on Feb. 2. Hanak gets out of school seventh hour every day and goes to help out the sixth grade band. He has been playing the bass clarinet for eight years. Hanak started cadet teaching this semester. “I thought it would help me gain the experience of being a music teacher’” Hanak said. (jacqueline sage)
Senior Ashley Campise coaches some of her cheerleaders at the Spirit Elite gym. Campise has been dancing since she was 7 and she has been coaching for 3 years now. She also teaches hip-hop classes to both adult and children classes on Tuesdays. “It’s really inspiring to me to see how much they love their sport,” Campise said. (sarah semmel)
Drinking and Driving The next seven pages will discuss experiences, challenges, and stories of people who have been effected by others driving while under the influence of alcohol
Eight students share their feelings on drinking and driving.
Rebecca Brooks, 12 Emily Adams, 12 Noah Ellison, 12 Greg Felock, 11 Jon Kamp, 10 Kaitlyn Boyd, 10 McKenna Roberts, 10 Austin Doren, 9
How has drunk driving affected your life?
MR- I was good friends with Bailey Boss and their incident impacted my family a lot and tore apart their family. KB- One of my good friend’s brothers and some of his friends just got in a car accident about 5 months ago. Two of his friends died and he was in the hospital for awhile. GF- My cousin was in an accident and he died from it. NE- My uncle has had two DUIs and if he gets one more it’s pretty much going to ruin his life, so I’m doing my best to not drink and drive. EA- I worked with someone who just got in a car accident with all his friends. He was the driver and ended up being killed.
What are some consequences that affect your decisions?
EA- Thinking about what other people have done makes me think about what I’m doing on the weekends and trying to make the right decision. I don’t want to hurt anyone. That’s what I care about. Not so much about myself, but more other people. MR- I think about and care more about my friends. I wouldn’t want to put their lives at risk because of my stupid decisions. There’s no way. NE- Yeah, like if I got into an accident and someone died or got hurt, I couldn’t live with it. EA- It was obvious at the assembly that the guy who killed ruined his life.
Why do you think people drink and drive?
KB- I think that people want to go out and want to have a good time. They want to drink and do what everyone else is doing. They think at the end of the night that they have to go home. They think the only way to get there is to drive. They don’t want to call their parents to give them a ride because they’re afraid of getting in trouble, but they don’t realize if they drive drunk there’s more consequences than asking someone to come and get you. RB- Some kids think they’re invincible. They just don’t think it will happen to them. They say “I’ve been driving for two years. I can do it.” MR- I think it’s so stupid when you hear people say… “I drive better when I’m drunk.” Like, honestly….
What do you think parents can do to help?
NE- They need to make their kids understand that if they do drink they need to call their parents. My parents tell me “If you ever drink, just call us, and we’ll come pick you up.” I know no matter where I was, I could be halfway through Illinois and they would come get me if I needed it. EA- My mom would be more than happy to pick me up MR- I think a lot of people are just afraid to call their parents. They know they’re going to get in trouble. If you know it’s wrong, then why are you doing it? KB- I think some parents don’t realize that their kids are drinking. They’re having the conversation after they’ve already had an accident, or gotten in trouble, or somebody passed away. They don’t realize that they have to talk about drinking and driving with their kid before it’s too late.
Information from
383,000 The number of lives Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has helped save
The decline of fatalities compared to the 13,491 deaths in 2006
The number of estimated deaths caused by drunk driving in 2007
The average number of minutes between every drunk driving accident
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Two families struggle to accept jordyn klackner
Fatality statistics from 1999 through 2007 Year
Total traffic fatalities
Fatalities caused by drunk driving
Info from Infographic design by brittany schulze
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he accident 11:30 p.m. Just another Saturday night and the doorbell rings. Mike Liscombe opens his front door to two teenage boys with distraught faces. His wife, Kathy, is asleep. “I can remember them telling me that my son had been in an accident,” Mike said. “What are you supposed to do when someone says that to you? I did the first thing I thought of. I went [to the scene].” Roughly 15 minutes later, Mike and his son Craig, now 29, arrived at the scene of an accident that would change their lives forever. Their minds raced, muffling the sounds of surrounding sirens. In front of them lay a 1998 Honda Prelude that had flipped at least five and a half times across concrete, and numerous times in the air: a totaled 2-ton pile of metal that once held the lives of 16-year-old Jacob Liscombe and 17-year-old Brad Boss. That night, a similar scene was taking place in the Boss’ home, only instead of opening the door to two teenage boys, Susan Boss opened her front door to a sight no parent wants to see. “A couple of Brad’s friends had called and asked if I had heard anything about an accident or if I had already received any calls, and then I was opening the door to a police officer who informed me about Brad,” Susan said. Kids are invincible. What started as a good time for the two former FHN students turned deadly that night, on March 5, 2005. A party. A drink. A bet. According to reports the two boys agreed to a street race. They were headed Southbound on Highway 94 and Jungs Station at 95 mph, when the bet became more than a game, but rather a bet that would end their lives when the car struck a guardrail. Also according to the police reports Brad was at the wheel at the time of the accident with Acute Ethanol Intoxication, meaning there was alcohol in his system. Both bodies contained measurable levels of alcohol and THC, which is the hallucinogen marijuana. Jake’s brother remembers the night, and their last conversation vividly. “I was on the phone with him and he was telling me how they were getting ready to race,” brother Zach, now 21, said. “Then the next time I saw him he was on the side of the road with a sheet covering him. I was just
mad then.” Less than an hour after Jake had been identified, cars lined the subdivision streets of the Liscombe’s home - the house filled with friends and family that had already been affected by the accident. “Everyone was devastated,” Kathy said with watering eyes. “It’s safe to say [Jake] may have been the most well-liked kid in the whole school. He wanted to be everybody’s friend. He always came through the door asking who needed a hug. There’s just no way to ever describe how it feels to lose a son.” The Boss family was experiencing the same sense of loss on this night. Like most they were still thinking, “How could this happen to us?” “He was a very social kid,” Susan said. “I would say he was like the golden boy. Then, once he hit 16, he started experimenting. He had that circle of friends that he started to hang around with, and it was his sophomore year going into his junior year when I think he started to get pulled into the peer pressure. That night it took his life. You think it can’t happen, but it’s scary now, because I saw that it could.” Two lives were lost that night, including one that would have soon hit a milestone in his life. Brad would have turned 17 that following Tuesday. The aftermath. The Monday after the accident, Susan went to the funeral home; it was the first time she had seen Brad since Saturday night. While an emotional mother visited her son one last time, FHN was becoming a place of mourning. Students lined up to sign lockers, signs, and cards in memory of their friends. Both lockers were removed. Jake’s holds a spot in his bedroom, where the signatures of his classmates signed that day are clearly visible. Many couldn’t even make it through the whole school day, but grief counselors from North and other schools in the district were ready to talk when the students were ready. “I went to the school with Zach, who was a senior at the time, and remember walking into the commons and was amazed at all the kids,” Craig said. “It was like they were all packed into that one room to remember him.” One room. One place. Just as friends gathered together in the commons that day, friends and family gathered together at
Almost four years later and Jacob Liscombe’s room hasn’t changed very much from the day his accident took place. The picture on the bottom displays his locker and a few pictures of him. Students were allowed to sign his locker, as well as several of the lockers surrounding his, to say goodbye. The top middle is a tattoo that Zach Liscombe, Jake’s older brother, got in honor of Jake. The top is of a teddy bear made out of the shirt Liscombe was wearing at the scene of the accident, as well as a painting Megan Davidson painted in memory of him. The bottom middle picture was also signed by many of Liscombe’s friends after the accident. (sarah semmel)
Baue Funeral Home. The funeral was held five days after the accident and at the time it was Baue’s largest. A 75-car procession followed Jake - a loved friend, son, student, and athlete. Brad is buried in Collinsville, the town his mother grew up in. Also in memory, bracelets were sold for $5 to put towards a memorial: two stone benches that sit in the presence of FHN, right where bus riders everyday come and go, and act as a reminder that kids are not invincible. The Liscombes themselves initiated the memorial. It was what they wanted to do. The weeks and months following the accident were harsh on both families, but Susan was able to find comfort in the students themselves. “Brad’s friends have been amazing,” Susan said. “They’ve touched me, and it’s their support that made us survive losing Brad.” The Liscombes continued to speak out to the students, coming back to their sons’ school a year after the accident. They stood in the gym in front of 1,000 faces, faces of innocent teenagers just like Jake and Brad. Some of those faces knew their story, and some would be greatly affected, hearing it for the first time. Next to their three sons, Mike and Kathy told their story at the pre-prom assembly hoping to reach their audience. “It’s just sad that kids listen to kids more than they listen to their parents,” Mike said. “We wanted to speak then. It was hard, but it always will be. “I think when kids knew what happened to us and Jake, it scared the hell out of them. But eventually, they all went back to being teenagers again. Kids are invincible. There’s a place and time for everything, and they think they are.” Four years later. 2009. Since the assembly, neither family has spoken publicly about the accident, but live with its affects everyday. “It takes time to heal,” Craig said. “You always know he’s there. You always think it’s going to be the person next door until it’s your door [the police] knock on. The worst thing is there’s nothing you can do to bring him back.”
Each day they walk by his bedroom, now filled with his memories, photos, and bears made out of his clothes, knowing Jacob will no longer walk into it. Now, what hits them hard is the reason their brother and son is no longer here. A party. A drink. A bet. That’s where it started for these two teen boys on that March 5 night. Mike and Kathy weren’t even aware that Jake drank. Susan, on the other hand, had noticed a change in Brad’s behavior, but never would have thought he would make the choice he did. Both boys’ parents had talked to them about drinking and driving and thought that it would be enough. But one decision changed it all. “We know kids do it,” Susan said. “They have fun, but you have to set limits. You have to have boundaries. They think they’re invincible. I was always a mother who watched him pull out of the driveway and made sure he had his seat belt on. He was a responsible kid, but in a wild spell. I never would have thought Brad would get behind the wheel to race. I only hope that young adults listen and know that it could happen to them.” A Change. Today it’s the same decision that kills millions all over the world. In fact, two in every five Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash in their lifetime. Society watches families like the Liscombes and Bosses lose so much, and still make the same mistake. “You can’t put your kid in a bubble,” Mike said. “He was having fun, but it gets to a point where the chances of hurting yourself don’t matter. You have to be dumb enough to have the responsibility to do that to yourself.” Shortly after the accident, English teacher Dawn Jones started the PACE club, now known as TASC, which would hopefully bring out the responsibility in students according to Principal Darlene Jones. The goal was to get a group to come together and be proactive about the issue of drinking and driving. TASC may have been the one healthy thing the school got out of the accident. “They touched a lot of people,” Darlene Jones said. “I wish I could say people remember and have changed, but I don’t think I can say that. Kids just think it won’t happen to them until they think about a life ending.”
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The A-One Towing Family poses out side of their shop. Over fifty percent of the cars that the company tows are a result of drunk driving. Each driver has seen their fair share of blood and heart break. (kaitlyn fouch)
A-One Towing feels impact from daily job duties rachel hunt
ifty some-odd cars sit in pieces, sporadically on the perimeter of the lot down the hill from A-One Towing’s office. Gravel, a chain linked fence, and a concrete wall surround the area. Orange Xs on front windows (for those still with windows) mark the cars going to the junk yard or being sold on eBay. Wheels are missing. Entire engines and springs are exposed. Glass windows are folded over into the interior of cars. The majority of these cars’ fates lie in the hands of one thing: drinking and driving. “At least 90 percent of the cars in this lot ended up this way because of drinking and driving,” senior Heather Morgan, family member of the company, explains. “It’s just crazy how stupid it is. It may seem cool, but look at them now,” she says while motioning around the lot to the many pieces of metal and glass. Steve, an A-One Towing employee also known as “Shrek”, comes down the gravel hill in a blue and pink truck, maneuvers to the corner of the square lot, and steps out. It was time for a relocation. He hooks up the “j-chains” to what is left of a white BMW and slowly leads it onto the tilted ramp in a back and forth motion. “I’ve seen probably twice as much as most kids have in their lifetime,” Heather says. “Kids say they’ve seen a lot of drunk driving accidents, but they’ve never really seen what truly goes on after the accident. People don’t think about who has to take care of everything after they leave the accident. To actually see it changes your life. . .forever.” 11:15 p.m. March 5, 2005: the intersection of 94 and Jung’s Station It wasn’t an easy way to start the morning. It wasn’t a forgettable moment. It wasn’t a desirable outcome. A-One Towing had pulled up next to their bent up car, lights flashing, sirens blaring, eyes staring. Brad Boss, graduating year 2006, and Jacob ‘Jake’ Liscombe, graduating year 2007, both alumni of Francis Howell North, had an abrupt end to their lives that early morning, all from one quick split second of a drink and drive. “A-One Towing, this is Shaa.” Back in the office, employee Shaa Hatcher, Heather’s mother, answers the black phone on her desk. “So did your vehicle get towed already? Where is it going?” she asks and then
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waits for a response as she sits in her cushioned chair at her desk. “Yes sir, it’ll be $65 to hook it up and $3 a mile...alright, bu-bye.” Mounds of paperwork are tossed into stacks blanketing her wooden desk. Kindergarten ‘artwork’ and hand prints of Heather hang, stuck with scotch tape along the metal cabinets and walls. A carpeted hanging of the beloved Disney character ‘Tow-Mater’ decoratively matches the hundreds of tow-trucks neatly aligned on a shelf at the front of the office, including ‘Bob the Builder’. Heather walks through the front door dressed in jeans, a Knightline hoodie, Ugg boots, and with a pony tail. For the past three years Heather has continued to assist her family whenever needed with its love for mechanics and towing even though she is not an official employee. Heather moves along through the next doorway into the garage. Tires are propped around the perimeter of the concrete flooring. In one corner sits a plain white sink, an off-white refrigerator, and a vending machine. The trash can is overfilled with take-out boxes and Mountain Dew bottles. And in the center ring awaits the main attraction...’The Incredible Hulk’. Painted on the ‘boom’ of A-One’s largest truck reads “35 Tons of Fun.” Gary, step-father of Heather and owner of A-One Towing, stands over the front of a hoodless black mustang, head twisted, eyes narrowed and focused on the scraps of a dusty engine. “This has always been a part of my life,” Gary says, waving his arms, gesturing towards the cars in the garage. “I would much rather be out on the road in the trucks with our employees than be stuck behind this desk in this office everyday.” Gary has worked with mechanics from the day he walked across the stage in his cap and gown. His life, along with his family’s, revolves around A-One Towing, through fun times and sad nights. Gary has seen the shattered glass, the parents’ bland expressions of terror, the lifeless meaning inside each of the cars his company has towed. Heather Morgan was there when her mother received the call from the police, reporting a ‘J-14’[a fatal accident]. “It’s go time,” Heather remembered Shaa saying. She was there when Kevin heard the news of his best friends’, Liscombe and Boss’s, deaths. She will always be there for A-One Towing, not just a business of blood related employees, but a business of working together to pick up the pieces for those that need picking up. Those pieces of people’s lives caused all from one quick split second of a drink and drive.
Number of deaths caused by drinking driving (2007) Number ofand USA deaths caused by
drinking and driving in 2007 992
754 Info from Infographic design by molly jasper
1,110 3,214
ozens of calls a day. Hundreds by the end of the week. Thousands before the year is up. Voices on the other line broken with sorrow as families make the call to Baue Funeral home as they set up arrangements for a loved one. A lost loved one. Emily Schluter hears this almost every day. “It’s sad,” Shluter said. “It’s so sad, but it’s part of life. At least here we can give people a nice wake and goodbye.” Working at Baue Funeral home, staff like Shluter sees cases of death every day. In Schluter’s opinion, the most heartbreaking and tragic case is when reports of drunk driving come in. “It’s very painful to watch,” Shluter said. “But it happens too much. More frequently than people think. To see parents staring at just a picture of their son or daughter because that’s all they could see again is painful, especially when the child has been lost to drunk driving. I guess kids don’t realize how much it affects their loved ones.” At Baue Funeral Homes, cases come in frequently about not just teens, but people of all ages that have died as a result of drunk driving. Although accident cases can not be released, Schluter believes the numbers are too high. Because of the
enormity of numbers involving drunk driving, Baue has gone as far as to hold programs for drunk driving. Baue teams up with EMC, police, fire departments and schools to put on reenactments of drunk driving accidents for schools. “From reports and stories we have heard, it gets really ugly,” Schluter said. “You hear it on the news all the time. Cases of these poor kids dying in the more heinous of ways.” Baue funeral manager Scott Payne, who works so closely with families of the deceased, feels that the unnatural death of drunk driving is one of the hardest cases to deal with. “Nobody wants to have to see a dead body,” Payne said. “But it’s almost even harder to not see a body at a wake because the bodies are so mutilated, and there are so many cases like that, it’s unnerving.” Though Baue sees countless cases a week of this kind, the staff has hopes that not only teens, but people of all ages will see the real hurt drunk driving causes and make better choices in the future. “Kids know the consequences and that’s why it’s so sad,” Schluter said. “They know and yet they still go out drinking. We can’t always stop them from doing it, so hopefully they have enough common sense to stay off the road, or else they are going to either hurt themselves or put someone else at risk. Kids think we sound like broken records, but it can’t be stressed enough.”
page design cami wade and brittany schulze
THE RIPPLE EFFECT Bad decisions effect more than the decision maker
the building. When you’re in college to become a teacher you aren’t taught how to deal with something like that,” n invisible hand sculpts English teacher and TASC sponsor Dawn everyone in life, a hand that Jones said. “The only thing I could think forms and molds before firing into the final design of adulthood. That to do was try to make a positive out of something so tragic.” hand belongs to a great artisan, one After a month and a half of research who carefully decorates and adorns into Saint Louis and county area schools each person with experiences and and sitting in on meetings Jones spread memories. That artist is high school the word to her classes. What started as and students are its clay. an idea to help students advocate smart It would have been a typical choices become a school wide event and March day for FHN, students came, in its first year TASC started over 80 bells rang, class continued, however students strong. two desks would remain empty. In “By the following year we had 2004 after a freak accident a school about 40 dedicated members. The first recoiled from a blind-sided sucker punch. Two students were dead leaving Click-A-Thon had 120 kids show up,” behind a mess of shattered friends and Jones said. “Slowly members began to a deep-seated realization that no one is disappear and we had to change.” As the members of TASC dwindled invincible. school went on as usual, and over time Stumbling forward school the awareness of consequences and safety continued and the healing process was replaced with recklessness. Due to began. Counselors were available for the fact that students are prone to unsafe those who needed to talk, and some choices FHN implemented a variety of FHN staff members brought a glint of precautions in order to keep them safe. light into the inky uncertainty. “It was my second year teaching, From Breathalyzer tests at dances and events, pre-prom assemblies, and drug and there was devastation across testing, even new students see how the school actually dedicates itself to student welfare. “It’s for our safety, they don’t want luke christisen
page design cami wade and brittany schulze
one of us to be harmed,” freshman and new member of the Francis Howell school district Natasha Galenski said. “After high school we are starting a new chapter in our lives, they are responsible for getting us there safely and want what’s best.” While the school did its part students stopped doing theirs. In order to counter this TASC began to enforce positive choices instead of consequences feeding hundreds of local families over the holidays by sponsoring a penny war. The club still holds onto the dark reality that helped it to come into existence; drunk driving. Sponsoring the pre-prom assembly to promote sobriety. Their membership however dropped to a new low. With the memory of the tragic incident that brought a school together now four years in the past some feel its just a matter of time before students are shaken back to reality. “Since it’s been so long since a major school loss people just forget,” senior and former TASC member Stefany Gregory said. “Until something new happens people think they are invincible.” Despite a drop in student activity TASC and the rest of the school will be on hand to help students for the next big eye opener. “When you make a bad choice it’s like dropping a stone in a still pond. The ripples keep going until the whole pond is impacted,” Jones said. “Each person has such a huge impact on the people around them and every bad decision jeopardizes the lives of countless others. You choose your legacy and you don’t want it to be heartache.” By shaping decisions, molding imperfections, and sculpting smart choices high school can only do so much. It’s up to the clay when it’s time to dry and with that it’s up to the students to make the right decisions.
A son. A brother. A FRIEND. FRIEND Junior Lindsay Craig holds up a picture of her older brother Sam Craig, who died in August of last year due to a drunk driving accident. Sam was 21 years old at the time of death. His passing has caused enormous hardships within his family. The blanket in the above picture was made by Sam’s aunt with some of his clothes. (sarah semmel)
Five months have passed since the death of Craig, family feels loss jessica payne
am Craig lived at home with his parents and sister. He worked at the Holland House full time while studying online to be a personal fitness trainer. He was 21 years old. “He was a caring person, but you wouldn’t know it just by talking to him,” mother Sharon Craig said. “He would just do stuff out of the blue that was really thoughtful. He never volunteered to do things, but he would do anything you asked him to.” Growing up, Sam was especially close to his sister, Lindsay. As they both got older, the two grew apart. However, they were known for defending each other no matter what. “I would love days when he didn’t have his car and would drive around with me,” Lindsay said. “We didn’t get to do that often.” On Aug. 24, Sam left home to go out with a friend from work, Dan. The boys met up with friends Trevor Cummings, Tanner Kiel, Jake Buerck, and Justin Boudreaux, who were celebrating Trevor’s older brother’s birthday. Dan left and Sam caught a ride home with Trevor who was driving Jake’s car. The boys were driving west down Elm Street over “Dead Man’s Hill” at nearly 85 mph. The car was “airboarding” over a hill, causing the driver to barely miss hitting
another car and in turn, hit a fire hydrant. All except Jake were ejected from the car. Jake was fine. Tanner and Justin had severe head injuries. Sam died at the scene with broken kneecaps, ribs, tibia, and pelvic. Trevor later died at the hospital. At 2:30 a.m., the police knocked on the Craigs’ door to ask them to identify their son’s body. “I was in shock,” Sharon said. “I just couldn’t believe it. The whole time there I thought ‘No, maybe they’re wrong. Maybe it’s someone else.’” Immediately following, the family had to make funeral arrangements. The service was held at Baue Funeral Homes on Aug. 28, just ten days after his 21st birthday. “You kind of go through the motions without ever realizing the decisions you make,” Sharon said. “Nothing seems real. You still keep waiting for him to come home.” The accident has taken a huge toll on Sam’s family. Their home is filled with “Sam shrines.” Photo collages from the funeral cover the living room, complimenting the framed photos lining the wall. The three keep to themselves have become more distant with one another. Sharon has not once gone a day without crying. “It’s made me have to face the hardest
thing in my life that I will ever have to go through, losing a child,” Sharon said. “The rest of my life should seem like a piece of cake.” The family now focuses more on longterm aspects of life. Along with getting life insurance policies, and grave sites next to Sam’s, they have kept items from Sam’s life that were important to him, such as his toys from Kindergarten, graduation cap, the shoes he was wearing during the accident, and his unwashed clothes from the day before. The family put all of these items into a “memory box.” His aunt even made a blanket of all of Sam’s old clothes. “We’re stuck in this time warp right now,” Sharon said. “We get up in the morning, put one foot in front of the other, and get through the day. Your life feels like it’s in this rut, kind of like that song ‘A broken heart that’s still beating.’” Since the accident, Lindsay has difficulty feeling enthused about anything in her life that she once loved. This includes school, friends, and even softball. She sometimes lies and says she’s busy so that she can stay home. “People ask me if I’m OK and sometimes I lie to them,” Lindsay said. “It’s going to take longer than five months for me to get over this. To this day I still don’t think he’s dead. He’ll never be dead to me.”
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THEBRIEFS Cheerleaders go
Freshmen Katy Friedlein swims her backstroke at the tri-meet on Jan 23. North swam against McCluer South and JFK. The lady knights pulled a stunning victory with a final score of 122.(fareeha amir)
to work at camp lauren skinner
When the phrase “boot camp” is used in a sentence, most thoughts go to running in the rain through obstacle courses, and doing a thousand push ups. When people hear the word “cheerleading” their minds normally go to short skirts, pom-poms, and little blonde girls yelling chants. But rarely do the words cheerleading and boot camp go in the same sentence. However on Feb. 21 the cheerleaders at North will be holding their first ever cheer boot camp. The boot camp is for sixth through eighth graders, and the cost is $20 per child. The camp is set up to help bring in more future cheerleaders for North. “I think it will help the eighth graders be more prepared for when tryouts come around,” sophomore Cori Bradley said, “So hopefully they will feel like they know what they’re doing.” During the boot camp, the cheerleaders will be reviewing jumps, motions and stunting with the middle school students. JV coach Erica Gittemeier hopes that the boot camp will help the middle school students see that cheerleading isn’t just about wearing nice uniforms and being spirited, but instead that it takes lots of practice and hard work. “I think if I would have [been in] a boot camp last year before I went to tryouts, it would have helped me to be less nervous when I was trying out,” freshman cheerleader Ariana Pagan said.
Girls swim to record breaking GAC’s rachel hunt
The end of the season is approaching. They believe they have improved from last year, but still have more work to do. Now is their chance to compete against not only one school but twelve. Not a regular meet, but a meet that decides who attends state and who watches as a spectator. From Feb. 10-12, GACs will be held at the St. Peters Rec-Plex for the girl’s swim team. After a successful season, the team hopes to acquire many personal records, both for team and individual events. “I would like for us to place in the top six,” Varsity coach Chip Crow said. “It’s a realistic goal for the girls as a team. Because nearly twelve schools attend
GACs, the competition will be larger than what they have grown used to. Still, the team is focusing on personal bests, rather than beating other teams at an event. “I’m trying to improve my personal times that I already have for State,” senior Lauren Thrasher said. “We’re hoping to place higher than last year because we have a bigger team.” With GACs consisting of preliminaries, diving, and the top sixteen finalists, the girls are hoping to improve individual swim times while helping out the team. “We’re just hoping to make it through all together in one piece as a team with something worthwhile,” freshman Abbey Grone said.
Knightline dances their way to Disney World for nationals practices in September. Right before they left for Florida, they Knightline got the once in went through two-a-days. At a lifetime chance to perform at Nationals they had practices in Nationals on Jan. 29. They flew the morning, and were free to down to Orlando, Fla., joining explore the parks and Disney World for the rest of the day. 243 other dancing teams “Dancing was fun, but that were there to compete. Disney World was the best part,” Knightline practiced hard to make sure they would perform junior Jodi Wurm said. They competed Saturday their best when they finally got to dance. Their hard work paid morning, performing both their off when the team placed 13th jazz and hip-hop dances. The jazz dance was choreographed out of all the teams that were by professional choreographer there. “I think it was good for the Angie Behymer and the hip-hop routine was designed by both team,” Varsity coach Heather Behymer and junior dancer Box said. “There were some teams that when it was raining, Rachel Hunt. The team was glad they were out there practicing they had an opportunity to hang out with each other and do well at in the rain. I think it was good the competition. for the girls to see that type of “The competition was dedication.” handled really well and went Knightline began practicing their routines months ago. really fast,” junior Ellen Ransom They started the hip-hop dance said. “It went just right.” practices in May, and the jazz vicki viehman
Junior Deidre Meyer and other varsity Knightline dancers wait for their music to start during their halftime performance at the Pink Ribbon Game on Jan. 9. Knightline competed for the first time at Nationals in Florida at the end of last month. (sarah semmel) Check out to see the results of Knightline’s National competition in Disney World
page design pat flynn and david hoehn
Knights fight for chances at state pat flynn
Hearts pumping, breathing heavy. This is a sixminute fight for a chance to wrestle in the climax of all that is high school sports; a chance to wrestle at State. On Feb. 13-14, the Knight’s wrestling team will head to Hazelwood Central. There, they will spend two days competing for a chance to travel to the University of Missouri-Columbia and wrestle at the State tournament. “A top four place in districts qualifies you for state,” Head Coach Harold Ritchie said. “The higher you place, the better bracket you will be in.” Every year during the week before districts, the team has two-a-days: one practice in the morning and one after school. “We have two-a-days to fine-tune our technique,” Ritchie said. “It’s a mental thing; they know they have done the work and should go through the match with confidence. We also talk about the people who have placed at State and look at their names on the board. I also talk about the surprises, the kids who weren’t expecting to good, that do good.”
Sophomore Harold Ritchie attempts to put his opponent in a cradle. Ritchie will be attempting to return to the state tournament this year. (lydia ness)
With Districts right around the corner, the team will be putting all they have into these next couple of weeks. “I will be working extra hard at practice,” senior Alex Cassetta said. “I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing. The extra practice will help.” Some of the seniors will have their last opportunity to get to state and earn their spot in North history. For senior Tyler Lotz, this is his final chance. “This is year is important,” Lotz said. “I have never made it to State before. I would like to get my name on that wall.”
Go to for your Knightly news
The Hockey team is in their seasonending tournament. Check at the end of Feb. for the results.
Curious how the Knights did in districts? Head to Feb. 16.
Season’s end brings high hopes for senior night
david hoehn
On Feb. 13, the Varsity boys basketball team will play their final home game of the season against Troy. This will be their Senior Night game, and the Knights plan to be wellprepared for the Trojans. “Our focus in practice is on things we can control,” Varsity coach Bill Moyer said. “We want to improve what we know we can do and adjust based on the scouting report.” A central attribute of the Knights preparation for the final home game will be studying Troy’s key players. “We know that they have an aggressive point guard and two solid inside players,” Moyer said. “Our concentration will be on keeping them off the boards.” With the end of their high school basketball careers looming, the game against Troy will be the last time the seniors will step onto the court in the FHN gymnasium dressed to play. Senior Night is sure to be memorable for the players, and much will be on their minds as the game approaches. “We’ve gone a long way as a team from the beginning of the season until now,” senior Daniel Kirkpatrick said. “I’m going to try my hardest and leave it all on the court.”
page design ryan firle and brent evans
Senior Josh Kane dribbles the ball during a game against Fort Zumwalt West on Jan. 23. The Varsity Knights were defeated with a score of 61-40. (lydia ness)
Team Stats Record
Overall (7-12), Conference (1-2)
Girls swim team head to districts Feb. 10-12. Updates and a recap will be posted on
Josh Kane (13.6 points/game)
Josh Kane (2.67 assists/game)
Free-Throw Percentage Wes Simone (66.7%)
Josh Kane (2.20 steals/game)
4. For a recap of the boys basketball game against Troy on Feb. 13, check out
Josh Kane (2.5 rebounds/game) Check out to see the results of the boys varsity basketball game against rival Francis Howell
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MEET THE TEAM PLAYER SPOTLIGHT, You know them, you love them, and you support them, but you don’t always know who’s who. Each month the North Star will highlight an athlete from each team. We asked these players about their favorite part of their sport and what their season goals are.
Season goal: “I want to make it to state one year.”
Brooke Oostendorp,10 “Being with all my friends and trying to get better everyday Years played: 6 years Season goal: “My goal is to play all through high school.”
Nita Stein, 10 “My favorite part is being with all the girls. They’re really fun.” Years danced: 6 years Season goal: “I want to get my second turns.”
Years swam: 4 years
Boys Basketball
“Swimming is different than any other sport. You can be individual and have a goup thing.”
Tyler Lotz, 12
Girls Basketball
Girls Swim
Katy Friedlein, 9
“My favorite part is hanging out in the locker room. I also like the quickness of the game.” Years played: 11 years Season goal: “My goal is to win the W.I.C.K. when we find out what our seed is.”
page design morgan vetter and vicki viehman
Years played: 10 Season goal: “Make it to state.”
Stephon Whitehurst, 11 “I like the high level of intensity [in basketball.” Years played: 8 years Season goal: “My goal is to have more wins than losses.”
Sara Jewson, 9 “My favorite part is tumbling because its fun and the best thing I can do.” Years cheered: this is my first year Season goal: “I want to make Varsity next year and improve.”
Will Patton, 11
Eric Ortscheid , 12
“My favorite part is winning. I like hearing people cheer.”
“I like being able to be with friends and work as a team.” Years played: 8 years Season goal: “I want to be able to bowl a 250.”
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From Russia to St. Charles, brothers stand together jason shell and vicki viehman
Seniors Alex and Valery Cassetta stand in front of the wrestling wall where they hope to make their mark this year. Alex has made state twice in past years while Valery is trying to join his brother there this year. This is the first year the two have been on Varsity together. (sarah semmel)
ALEX CASSETTA Favorite takedown: Fireman Height: 5”6 Carry
ive thousand, two hundred thirty-six miles away from St. Charles is a place brothers Alex and Valery Cassetta once called home. Russia. The place where the two grew up until their early teens. The 18-year-old boys came to America when they were 13 years old after being adopted from their foster home in Bechory, Russia. Now, as seniors, the brothers reflect on their early years in a place far home. While they have enjoyed America, their memories of Russia were not as fond. “It sucked,” Valery said. “It was a terrible experience. We hardly got any food and had nothing to do. It was not a good environment to grow up in. There was no future.” They are enjoying their life in America. They get to play sports and work on their English. “I like America,” Valery said. “I’ve got a family and I have more opportunities.” One opportunity that the brothers found in the states came through wrestling. Alex started because his dad pulled him into the sport. Valery was tracked down by wrestling coach Chris Brown when he found out Alex had a brother. Alex has been wrestling for about six years and Valery has been wrestling for three years. They are both on Varsity this year. “Alex has gotten better at wrestling,” Brown said. “They both have improved their English and Valery improved his wrestling by four times.” Head wrestling coach Harold Ritchie met them in little league when they were about 13years old. He loves to have the boys around. Every time Alex is talked about around Ritchie though, he laughs because he remembers how Alex switches the coaches’ names. Alex has been on Varsity for two years, went to State both years and hopes to place his senior year. Valery made Varsity this year, and hopes for the best his senior year as well. On their off season they wrestle at Team St. Louis with 6 of North’s wrestlers. “As wrestlers, they’re good athletes,” Ritchie said. “They try really hard in America and they work really hard to become better wrestlers.” The Cassettas love America. America has given them a family, a school, and sports to play. Valery is trying hard to make it in to college. He has been practicing for the ACT test for about five months now. “Alex is a great kid, likes to battle, and will try new things,” Brown said. “Valery is a hard worker and is constantly trying to improve things he’s not good at.”
Favorite takedown: Power Double
Favorite pin: Alaskan Yangatang
Favorite pin: Half Helson
What he like about wrestling: Winning. I like how it is individual and I feel so accomplished when I win.
What he likes about wrestling: Winning because it’s you that do that.. You have accomplished it yourself
weight class
page design vicki viehman and sam bowden
weight class
After 17 games this season Stephanie Agre has averaged 14.1 points per game and 6.4 rebounds per game. “It felt like I worked hard last year, and this year I stepped up my game more.” (andrew hairlson)
Varsity basketball player gets recognition for her dedication and admiration from teammates
jordyn klackner
t 6’1 she stands in the middle of the court. She looks at her teammates smiling back at her as her name is announced. She proudly wears her medal. To most everyone who knows her, she is an athlete. Junior and three-year Varsity player Stephanie Agre lives for the game of basketball; this year she has proved it is her game. So far this year Agre has been chosen for the alltournament team three times. That’s three more than many can say they have been chosen for. “It’s just a rewarding feeling,” Agre said. “It felt like I worked hard last year, and this year I stepped up my game more, and it was nice to get recognition for it.”
Pro Pick Ems
The all-tournament team is a team that any player would be honored to be on. It is composed of 7-10 players chosen from any team playing in the tournament. Agre was chosen based on her play in the Marquette tournament on Dec. 2, the Rockwood Summit tournament on Dec. 27, and the Warrenton tournament on Jan. 2. Her talent played a big role in why she was chosen, but her teammates admire more than just that. “She’s hardworking and determined all the time,” sophomore and teammate Kelsey Fouch said. “She always has a positive attitude and shows us that if we work that hard, we can be successful too.” As a team captain she has proven that she can lead her team. She can lead a team with her spirit and with her skills she a lead a team to victory. So far this
season Agre has scored 247 points, averaging 14.1 a game. She’s had 109 rebounds, averaging 6.4 a game. She has a 68.9 percent free-throw average and 39 blocks. On top of that, she is the number two scoring leader in the GAC South district, number seven in rebounds, and third in blocked shots. “I owe a lot of my success to coach Hahn,” Agre said. “She’s always pushing me my hardest in practice and games, and of course my teammates because they always keep me up and make me smile. It’s nice to have people that care about you no matter how you play.” It’s her team that sticks with her through the season, it’s her team that overcomes the losses and celebrates the wins with her, and it’s her team that gets to share the recognition of being cho-
sen for the all-tournament team. The lady Knights, with a current record of 8-13, look to Agre as a role model. “Having her keeps the morale of the team high,” friend and teammate Dianna Prost said. “If we’re in trouble she’s there to pick us up and we can always rely on her. She’s sort of a threat to the teams we play.” Agre hopes to continue her legacy at North, and eventually carry it to a division one team in college. With the success she had this year many see a bright future for her, and FHN fans will continue to watch her develop as an athlete. “With every honor you receive it increases your motivation,” Coach Dawn Hahn said. “It’s helped pick up the team and see what everyone can accomplish.”
Each month a random student, staffer, and administrator will go up against the North Star team and choose their professional pick of the month. At the end of the year, the team with the best record will be named the pro Pick Em champion. HOOPS: Georgetown vs Syracuse, Feb. 14
NBA: East vs West Feb.15
NHL: Chicago vs St. Louis Feb.13
NFL: AFC vs NFC Feb. 15
ADMIN: Ed Gettemeier 7-2
STAFF: Larry Scheller
STUDENT: J.T. Thomas 7-2
North Star Staff
page design miranda lindquist
Junior Robbie Friedlein plays goalie at the first ever hockey Winter Classics on Jan 24. The varsity team played their first outdoor game at Shaw Park. Various high school and youth teams participated in this event. (fareeha amir)
Firle learns from Cardinals Star
Team faces freezing cold at outdoor game put on the rink against Oakville until five-thirty, the lights were turned up bright, but the temperatures had gone here’s a first time for everything, and the Knight’s Varsity down with the sun early that day. The boys had to move around a lot more Hockey team did something than usual to try to stay warm and that, they had never done before on Jan. 24. On that blistering cold night, the in turn, improved the excitement of boys played their first outdoor game at the game. “Everyone was skating a lot harder Shaw Park in Clayton. Saturday night, trying to keep their “It was a pretty big deal to be chosen to go to the first game like this body temperatures up and maybe score some points despite the cold,” Friedfor the league and it was definitely a new experience for the team,” junior lein said, “and even though we didn’t win, it was a good game.” Robby Friedlein said. The final score was 4-3, with Because the Knights were not rebecca sklander
Oakville taking the win, contributing to the Knights overall season record of 6-13-2. It was a close game, and kept the crowd’s attention throughout. Although chalked up as a loss at home, it was a good, new experience for the Varsity Knight’s Hockey team and something they are looking forward to participating in again next year. “We played them pretty evenly the whole game,” FHN hockey coach Dan Rushoff said. “It was one of the best games of the year. We closed the season on an emotional high before the playoffs.”
New, old players strive for scholarships rj howes
Freshman John Lay watches his ball go down the lane during practice at Cave Springs Lanes. (andrew hairlson)
page design sam dulaney
porting brightly-colored bowling balls, funky shoes and FHN jerseys, the FHN bowling team prepares for the State and Pepsi tournaments. They take place near the end of the year, and are considered a big deal for many. “Anybody can go [to State],” Coach Denise Lupo said. “Pepsi is only for those who qualify.” The State tournament takes place from March through May, which the team does not have to qualify for. Some think they didn’t exactly do their best last year at State in Blue Springs. For them that just means practice, practice, practice. “[I need to] keep practicing and definitely learn how to throw a curve ball,” sophomore Jeremy Hyatt said. The Pepsi tournament is a tournament you must qualify for to play in. It takes place in April. College scholarships, which a few students from FHN received last year, are given to bowlers who show extensive skill. “Some of the kids did very well,” coach Ronnie Hyatt said, “There were some scholarships [handed out] during the Pepsi tournament. Plus they [the students] gained a lot of experience by doing that.” The team ranges with students from all skill levels. For some, it is their first year playing on this team and they have shown much improvement after just committing to practice. “I’ve enjoyed it very much,” senior Ariel Goldstein said. “My average has improved and I love my team.”
ryan firle
hen everyone else gives up on you... Arizona Cardinals quarterback Kurt Warner has a lesson to teach that everyone can learn from. When you get cut from a sports team or have to ride the bench... Warner got released from the Rams and the Giants and played backup to rookies. Instead of being a “poor sport” and bringing his team down like T.O does every week, he took it like a man and made those rookie quarterbacks better. And remember, Chicago White Sox pitcher Mark Buehrle got cut from the baseball team at North. When you are striving to get into a certain college... Warner was bagging groceries in his mid-20’s. I mean sure that’s cool if your life-long goal is to bag groceries, but don’t plan on living too luxurious. Instead of being satisfied with bagging groceries, Warner worked really hard in minor football programs hoping for that shot to make it to the NFL which he finally got. So instead of settling for that community college, why not work hard in school to get good grades so maybe you might just get accepted to Mizzou or Missouri State or whatever dream college you have. When you are striving to get promoted at your job... Warner was the backup quarterback here in St. Louis. Being the backup quarterback in the NFL is easier than slicing bread with the limited time you play. Most people did even know that the name “Kurt Warner” existed until Trent Green had a devastating injury in the preseason and Warner quickly got promoted. Within a year he had won a Super Bowl. So if your dream is to become the CEO of Walmart and are currently pushing carts, work hard because you never know what could happen.
Procrastinator at heart
Cliché like me
jessica bremer
always thought the Breakfast Club was satire. People aren’t so fervently cliché. Except they are. Or at least I am, and I think I can safely conclude that you are, too. But Jessica, you may cry, I’m a unique and beautiful snowflake! Plus, you hate when people make assumptions about you, so why are you doing it? But this isn’t an assumption; my entire world view is based off the idea of clichés. All important things are inevitably cliché. Some things in life are so significant, so human that they defy all boundaries and logic. I’ll be the first person to admit I’m cliché. I enjoy thunderstorms and star speckled night skies. Snow reminds me of being childlike. I like holding hands and driving on highways at night. I fall in love easily and male attention makes me giddy and silly. I make wishes at 11:11. I think everything will work out in the end. Maybe these things are cliché, and I’m OK with that. I spend a lot of time feeling weird, and not in a good way. No matter what I do, I worry if it was normal, or if people think I’m weird. I probably am. I have an intense fear of stairs. I prefer writing to talking and probably spend too much time thinking about music. I overuse qualifiers. I think things need qualifying. I like avocados but hate guacamole. I don’t care if drum machines have souls. I don’t like rules, ethics, or morals because they’re too inflexible. I think the Twilight books are awful. Maybe these things are strange to you, and that’s OK, too. Because at heart, I’m a big, awkward, gushy cliché. But these big, awkward, gushy cliché moments remind me that yes, I am normal. Human. There’s a Bob Dylan song that goes, “I’m just like you/I hope you’re satisfied.” It doesn’t matter how individualistic you are. What matters is that you’re happy with who you are, because in the end, no matter what you do or how hard you try, you’re the only person you’ll ever get to be. Who is, of course, someone that’s just like everyone else.
Sophomore Logan Ponce finds it hard to concentrate and not procrastinate on his homework. With distractions on television, homework gets pushed aside. Logan talks about how it effects him. (nicole thompson)
logan ponche
ello my name is Logan Ponche, and I am a procrasta-holic. I’m not really sure exactly when it happened, but for as long as I can remember, I have had this problem. This is my story: Growing up, school had always come fairly easily to me; I never had to work too hard to get good grades. As a result, most of my time in grade school was spent bored. I never had to study for tests, and I could do assignments five minutes before they were due. The concept of homework didn’t really hit me until much later. School was easy,
and my grades were good, so what was the point of studying? It wasn’t until I came to North that I’ve learned that point. Here I have to study to pass tests, and assignments take longer than five minutes to finish. No longer can I breeze through school like it’s nothing. I have hit my wall, and I don’t know what to do. Here lies my problem; I’m a sophomore in too many classes that require a specific set of study skills, skills I don’t have because all I’ve ever learned to do is procrastinate. So now you can always find me, usually around midnight, doing homework I could have done four hours earlier when I was watching
Family Guy and Friends re-runs on TBS. So what am I trying to say here? It’s simple, don’t procrastinate! It’s like a virus that, once you catch it, is extremely difficult to get rid of. It has its symptoms, the guilt of not doing the assignment earlier, the progressing panic as you realize you’re not going to finish it, and the lack of sleep you end up getting that night. I’ve been sick for three years. If you don’t want to get sick, do your homework! It’s the cure.
jon henderson
page design julia gabbert
North Star It’s a parent’s choice, too take:
rinking has become more than an occasional good time for young adults and is now a common weekend scene in some teen’s lives. It’s as if the number 21 means nothing now. Why wait for alcohol when someone with an ID can get it? Or why not just get a fake? Too often something important is sacrificed when teens begin drinking. Every teen has been warned. Judgment is impaired. But even with warning, teens don’t always make the smartest decisions. And neither do adults. In fact, adults are to blame too. Maybe it’s not the young people themselves that are the one’s to blame for the increasing rates of teens drinking or the increasing amount of teens with alcohol poisoning, or even the increasing rate of drunk driving accidents. Sometimes it’s those that are legal that play an even bigger role in this problem. A vast majority of parents disagree with teens drinking, but too many times it’s the adults that are providing alcohol in the first place. Some parents only allow it if it’s in the house. But, really allowing a
photo by andrew hairlson
teen to drink in the house is just giving teens an open invitation to break both the rules and the law. Teens are not to blame for this problem alone. If a teen has an open invitation to drink without penalties, most will do it. And, furthermore they will do it without seeing harm in it. In fact, many teens are thankful for parents like these. But, is it the parents who continue to so say no that are doing the right thing? They are encouraging
their teen to be safe and smart. Most teens would never admit that their parents allowing them to drink in the house is a bad thing. But, that would be like turning themselves in. Parents, whether you talk to your kids about this issue or not, or take the kids’ keys when they walk in the door, this issue is yours, too. No one is perfect. We won’t even begin to call ourselves perfect, and not many that walk among us in this school
could call themselves perfect. But, do you think you’re invincible? So does every other teen that decides to get behind the wheel after drinking, let alone pick up the drink in the first place. The reality: no one is invincible. In today’s world it seems that it takes a lost life for people to realize the threats and dangers of drinking. And even then, teens bounce back into bad habits weeks later. Should it take death to realize reality? It can happen to any of us. Teens, just because your parents allow it, it doesn’t mean you should do it. You are not invincible. You know what can happen. What choice will you make? Parents, what choice will you make when it comes to what your teen can get away with? Teens, what choice will you make as parents someday? For the safety of you and everyone around you, we hope you make the smart one.
On behalf of the
North Star editorial staff
Blacks, whites alike should realize February’s importance
social equality, as well as social justice. We are a nation that has seen sacrifices, assassinations and segregation, all in the ow, I am obviously not black. name of equality. But does that mean that I can’t Countless black men and women celebrate Black History Month? have laid their lives on the line in order No it does not. to establish justice in a nation once I believe that February is one of the divided. Everyone - Whites, Asians and greatest months of every year, if not the Hispanics - owe an unpayable debt to the greatest. February represents something that no other month can even compare to: black community. If not for their strong the vision of a community that had to fight will, we may very well still be living in a country torn apart by hatred and racism. for what they believed in, in order to beBut it is because of pioneers come equals in a society that once looked pioneers like Rosa Parks, Martin Luther down upon them. King, Jr. and Harriet Tubman - that we This month is a time to celebrate the great strides that the black community has are living in truly united states. I believe that I, as well as you, and made over the course of many centuries. also the people seated around you, This month is a time to celebrate the should honor those who have fought cultural melting pot that our nation has for their rights in America, because become in a couple decades. This month is a time to celebrate the changes that have although most of the strife was endured before we were alive, it is still a very been made in our society. integral part of history of our lives. With the inauguration of America’s Not only is it black history, but also first black President last month, it is obvious how far we, as a people, have come. We American history. And it should be celebrated. have become a nation linked together by tyler kirk
Senior Tyler Kirk is embracing the African American Culture. “I may be white,” Kirk said. “But I still believe the African American Culture has overcome the greatest hardships in our nation’s history.” (sarah semmel)
page design taylor berra and logan ponche
mallory mueller
alentine’s Day, is it really a romantic holiday? Or just another day for Hallmark to make millions? Feb. 14 has become a day that media takes advantage of and abuses to make us, but guys especially, feel obligated to show our love through over-priced gifts. They push the sale of heart-shaped chocolate boxes, jewelry, and roses that have been doubled in price. Media claims that if you love someone you have to show it through expensive gifts, and the more the gift costs, the more love there is. Guys have been convinced that the bigger the better, that you have to go buy the sweetest chocolates and the flashiest jewelry to show you care. And us girls have been made to believe that if he doesn’t get us something big and fancy, that he doesn’t love us. But is that really true? Does that teddy bear really say “I love you”? Don’t get me wrong, getting that necklace you wanted or those melt-in-your-mouth chocolates is great. But do they mean “I love you?” Girls tend to think that just because he gets them those roses that he loves them, but is it love? Or is it just acting due to pressure by the media and everyone else? Love is an emotion. It’s what you feel for someone. That happy butterfly feeling you get when you’re with someone, not some corny love poem written
taylor berra
S What love really means
Junior Mallory Muller bites a rose showing her feelings towards Valentines Day. ( cami wade)
by a stranger that everyone else is us- I know he means it, instead of the ing to “say” I love you. If a guy wants made up day of love when everyone to buy me something to show his love, else is doing the same thing. I’d rather it be on a regular day when
good time or unnecessary waste? Movie Theaters Vicki and Julia throw down over the cinematic experience julia gabbert
vicki viehman
There are thousands of movies in the world. Some people wait hours outside just to see their favorites in theaters. Hear that last part? In theaters. Seeing movies in theaters is so much better than watching them at home. You have buttery popcorn, a giant screen and surround sound. Why would you rent a movie at home when you can watch the real movie at the movie theater? Movie directors design their movies to be seen in theaters, not at home on your TV. When you go to a scary movie, you feel like you’re actually there. You can’t immerse yourself in the movie at home. You have cars driving by outside, pets running through the house, and constant interruptions by family members. When you complain about the price of movies, remember that it isn’t just the movie that you’re paying for: its everything that comes with it When you watch a movie at home, you lose the best thing a movie theater offers you, the real movie.
photos by sam fitzwalter
Sticky floors, overpriced junk food, obnoxious people. Movie theaters are no fun. You decide: $7 to see a film once, or $20 to see it as many times as you want. Before DVDs and tapes, people only had the drive-ins to watch movies. I assume that as time went on, those drive-ins evolved into the theaters we have now. But it’s 2009, and since we do have DVDs, is there any real point to the theaters? Illegally downloading movies may be bad, but the Internet makes it so easy to get your hands on just about anything now. If you truly don’t want to wait for the DVD, that movie you’re dying to see is just a few clicks away. Now I admit, I did make an exception and endure the horrors of the theater this November, but it was for my beloved “Twilight,” and that simply could not wait. And you probably won’t catch me at the theater again until the premiere of the next “Harry Potter.” I’d rather hold off for a few weeks until I can add it to my Netflix cue.
itting in the car, staring out the window, seeing someone running down the sidewalk. Some people might think, “Why would you want to go through all the pain and suffering of running? That person is crazy.” I on the other hand, envy that person. I would wish I could be in their place instead of my own. Running is one of the main ways that people exercise and stay in shape. Most every sport contains some type of running whether it is short sprints or long distances. Since I am very involved in soccer, I know what its like to do both. Running is a universal activity, anyone can do it. Now I understand there are people who do not agree, and think “Why waste time when there is a countless number of things to do besides exercising?” I enjoy running because it gives me time to think and relax. I can think over the day or any challenges in my life. Of course I also love to lay around all day and watch TV and eat potato chips, but then again, I feel like that day was wasted. It often takes a lot of effort for me to get up and start running, but once I’ve started, I can’t stop. I know people have reasons why they don’t want to run, but to me, those are nothing more than excuses. Yes, it does take a lot of effort, and yes, you could always be doing something else, but after I’m done running I feel like I’ve done something better for myself.
Want to
your letter in the paper? Guidelines: -letters must be signed by the author and verified for publication -letters may be submitted to room 026 or Mr. Manfull’s mailbox -letters should include the author’s phone number and e-mail for verification -letters should not exceed 300 words -letters will not be printed if content is obscene, profane, invasive of privacy, encouraging physical disruption of school, and/or implies libel -letters will be edited for length, grammar, spelling, and content -authors will be notified if any changes are made to the letter by the editorial staff
page design lauren skinner
giving you the low-down
Nobody’s Princess
Shine Serum
jessica bremer
betsy blanchard
I must say, when I first started reading this book, I didn’t quite know what to expect; I just wanted something to read. As it turns out though, it was really good! The story is about Helen of Sparta and what she was like before she became queen. It’s full of adventure, focusing on women’s equal rights and the struggles this girl goes through to get them. She even goes so far as to dress up like a boy so that nobody will now her true identity as the future queen. If you’re looking for an easy read with a great message, you’ll love this book. Also, be sure to check out the sequel, “Nobody’s Prize.” I know I will.
Play Crayon Physics Deluxe tyler kirk
As an avid iPod Touch/iPhone user, I often find myself downloading the newest, most-hyped applications from Apple’s app store. Recently, I stumbled upon Hudson’s “Crayon Physics Deluxe,” which incorporates the device’s accelerometer. While the game may look like it was designed by a first grader, it’s actually one of the most mind-boggling, advanced games I’ve ever played on my iPod. Each level increases in difficulty and challenges your fingers with physics. However, at $4.99, this app’s price may be a tad steep. But it’s replay value is worth what you’re paying.
page design nicole renner
Paul Mitchell’s Super Skinny Shine Serum is most definitely skinny - in quality. This product, which is said to reduce blow drying time, smooth hair and prevent split ends is not worth its high price ($25.70!). My hairdresser conned me. In hopes that it would magically start working, I have religiously used this for over a year now and it has done nothing but empty my wallet and grease my hair. I have found that Aussie hair products not only work better, but smell better too!
Listen AC/DC concert sam bowden
When AC/DC came to the Scott Trade Center on Jan. 13, they put on one of the best concerts I have ever been to. Everyone was singing and having a good time. The arena was sold out, full of fans standing and rocking out. Legend guitarist, Angus Young, put on a great show, along with all of the other band members. My favorite part about the night, aside from the music, was the props, the lights, and the intro video. In the intro video was a train going down the tracks, then all of a sudden, a train came threw the screen and split it apart. They captivated the crowd with that. Hopefully AC/DC comes back to St. Louis again. Because they are truly amazing and by far the best band I have ever seen live.
Watch Bride Wars nicole renner
While at first glance, “Bride Wars” seemed your typical mediocre chic flick, it was anything but. The movie was filled with laughs with every attempt that one bride made to destroy the other one’s big day. I never thought it would be so funny to watch two grown women fight over something so trivial, but it was! In one particular scene, Emma, played by Anne Hathaway, goes in for tan. However, Liv, played by Kate Hudson, maliciously switches the tanning oil. The end result was a very orange bride. This was just one of the hilarious attempts the brides had at ruining the other’s big day. While the movie was a little long, it was well worth it and I recommend anybody looking for a good comedy go see it.
Ice Festival
miranda lindquist
Every year Delmar, in Saint Louis, holds an event called the Loop Ice Carnival; this year it was held on Jan. 17. The carnival had ice sculpture competitions with bocks of ice from the different restaurants. It was a lot of fun to see all of the different ideas people had. Festival- goers walked up and down Delmar into different stores for the temporary tattoo scavenger hunt in order to win a really, really sweet prize. The Delmar fire performers entertained people with spinning fire as carnivalgoers walked around. If you can stand semi-cold weather and like art and good food, you will love Delmar’s Ice Carnival.
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