North Star November 2011

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F H N T O D A Y . C O M -‐ F R A N C I S H O W E L L N O R T H H I G H S C H O O L -‐ S T . C H A R L E S , M O .

the h c a re ill st le p o e p n a c r o , n e k Is it bro

? m a e r D n a c i r e m A

november 16, 2011 volume 026 issue3


contents NORTH STAR / NOVEMBER 16, 2011




8-9 world food day World Food Day is an event for packaging food for those less fortunate in other countries and spreading awareness.

3 Marching Band After a winning season, Marching Band looks back on their accomplishments.

32-33 Bus rides Check out how different North sports teams prepare for their games during bus ride.

10-11 Fashion page Want to see what’s hot


34 state competitors Read

and what’s not this season? Check out how fall colors are the current thing in North’s hallways.

passing a tax rate increase, the District contradicted themselves by overruling their first vote.

14 ride of the month For November's Ride of


the Month, North’s “computer guy” Larry Tate shares his shiny, red Mustang.

16 alter egos Contrary to popular belief,

teachers actually have lives outside of school. Check out what interesting things teachers at North spend their time doing.

43 occupy wall street

Saville explains her view on Americans involved in politics, including the Occupy Wall Street protests. 44 North Star editorial

See how the North Star editors feel about the newly proposed District tax rate.

about how Alexis Happe and Patrick Fountain made it to State for their sports.

14 In the Soulard Market in downtown St. Louis, there’s something for everyone, whether it’s custom-made jewelry, fresh food or relaxation.

36 motocross Since she was

about 10-years-old, junior Tori Hanke has been a motocross rider.

In-depth 20-29 American Dream

In these tough economic times, FHN students struggle with the pressure of trying to reach the American dream.

on the cover The North Star takes an in-depth look into the American dream and whether or not it is attainable for the average person, including FHN students. (photo by kaitlyn williams) DISTRIBUTED FOR FREE TO FHN BY THE NORTH STAR STAFF / PROVIDING AN OPEN FORUM FOR FHN SINCE 1986



to cook

North seniors compete against other FHSD schools for the title of Iron Chef BY BRIANNA MORGAN | @BriMarie1006

On Nov. 15, the fourth annual Iron Chef competition was held at FHH. This year’s theme was the 2012 Olympics. FHN, FHC and FHH participated in the competition. “Iron Chef gives students a way to showcase what they are capable of producing, and it shows what an incredible job the teachers are doing FHNTODAY.COM in training them,” District Chef Karin Mann said. For the competition, each team made a Scan here to watch a video three course meal made up of five dishes. of the Iron Chef participants This year North’s menu included fish, potato preparing for the competititon. fries and salad. OR use this link: “The foods we [made], based on the theme, have a creative twist with them,” Culinary Arts teacher Rebecca Just said. “It’s not the usual way you would make a common dish.” This year, North’s Iron Chef team is composed of only seniors. The North chefs are Ellice Estrada, Devin Mundy, Nicole Grider, Jasmine Crawford and Chris Gegg. These seniors have taken the school’s Culinary Arts class. “When you are working by yourself it’s more of your creativity,” Gegg said. “But when you’re working with a team it is more unique because you have every Senior Chris Gegg practices his cooking skills during the Iron Chef practice on Oct. 27. Gegg and the one’s strength and personalities put into the meal.” other Iron Chef teammates were preparing for the competition that was held on Nov. 15. (sarah teson)



journalism nationals

Ap GovErnment trip

Jazz Band Concert

teacher week

“I’m excited because it’ll be beneficial because I’ll attend sessions taught by professionals and will hopefully learn a lot,” -Kaitlyn Williams, 12

“It’ll be educational because you get to see how our court system really works and what goes on behind the scenes,” -Sam Renda, 12

“We are working on producing an exceptionally cohesive sound from both an individual and sectional standpoint,” -Sydney Santsch, 11

“It’s important because we forget about teachers and only reward students, but without teachers we wouldn’t be where we are today,” -Kelli-ann Corrao, 12

11.16.11 FHNTODAY.COM 01



IN ACTION To inform everyone effectively, the District purchased a better communication program BY KAYLYN SHINAULT | @kayshinault

The Board of Education (BOE) recently approved a new communication system called SchoolMesVHQJHU 7KLV UDSLG QRWLÀFDWLRQ V\VWHP LV GHVLJQHG to deliver a large mass of messages to a variety of medium (voicemail, e-mail, text messages, home phones, etc.). The SchoolMessenger will notify parents, students and faculty about upcoming events or when school closings occur. It also can be used for DWWHQGDQFH QRWLÀFDWLRQV 7KH V\VWHP JRHV LQWR HIIHFW late this November. “The District needed some sort of mass FHNTODAY.COM communication system,” FHSD Chairman of Technology Ray Eernisse said. “This will have more usage with a better budget.” Scan this QR The system the BOE approved will lecode to be taken to the verage the investment the District has made SchoolMessenger with the current phone system by allowing app to sign up for an account. for non-priority messages (attendance or events) to be delivered through the current OR use this link: phone lines. All priority messages (school closures or other emergencies) will be routed through the Internet portion of the system. “It’s a way to improve communication,” FHN mother Michelle Curran said. “It’s direct contact.” Although SchoolMessenger costs $14,000 per year, it will end up saving the District thousands of dollars. The old electronic news system was less effective because it only sent to those who subscribed to the Enews system. The people with phone numbers in the FHSD system will automatically be signed up for SchoolMessenger, and the District web page will also have information for people to sign up and make preference changes. When this new system takes place, the District hopes to have a more organized and accurate communication system. “I think since the District is going directly to the phones on record and not relying on watching for school closings on television,” teacher Jon Travis SchoolMessenger, the new rapid notification system the Board approved, will enable texts, emails and VDLG ´,W ZLOO EH TXLFNHU IRU SHRSOH WR ÀQG RXW WKH LQphone calls to go out to parents about school closings and events. The new system will be enabled in late formation.” November. (photo illustration by murphy riley)





ns TOP TWEETS @Katie_Step

The wood winds and brass section of the Knightsound Marching Band play the second song of their three song show entitled “Concrete Jungleâ€? at the senior night football game on Oct. 21. The band placed in every competition this season, including one first place finish and tie for first.  (brandon  neer)

great season comes to a close

Marching  Band  looks  back  at  their  achievements  as  things  wrap  up BY ISABELLA LANZARA

This year, Marching Band celebrated many victories from their most successful season in more WKDQ Ă€YH \HDUV 7KH\ SODFHG Ă€UVW in several competitions, including the Belleville East and St. Charles West Competitions. They tied for Ă€UVW SODFH DW WKH 2¡)DOORQ 7RZQship Competition and were top ranked at the Blue Springs Competition, where some of the bands who attended also compete at a national level. Although they didn’t DOZD\V SODFH Ă€UVW WKH\ UHPDLQHG top-ranked throughout the season. “These achievements give me pride in what I do,â€? junior Nathan

“I feel great because it’s my Compton said. In previous years, due to the senior year, and we’re winning like steady decrease in the number of crazy,â€? Poulsen said. Even though the Marching students participating in Marching Band, the many hours of practice Band season ended in October, Drumline starts after didn’t pay off as Winter FHNTODAY.COM Thanksgiving, the band members Guard starts at the end of would have liked. November and Jazz Band This year, howScan this QR continues year round. ever, things were code to be taken [V H ]PKLV [V Ă„UK Marching Band will start different. Accordout why kids like to be in Marchup again next August. Acing to band direcing Band. cording to Moorman, if tor Jeff Moorman OR use this link: they stick to the plan they and band member used for this past season, Andy Poulsen, Marching Band was able to Marching Band will see many vicachieve astonishing results due to tories in the future. “Our process might take a bit the simpler formation design and the fact that everyone played bet- longer,â€? Moorman said, “But it’s worth it.â€? ter and stronger as a whole.


fhn student passes AWAY in car accident Earlier this month, sophomore Clayton Newell passed away after being involved in a car accident on Greens Bottom Road on Oct. 17. Newell was 16-years-old. Newell attended Hollenbeck Middle School before he came to North last year. He was a member of the FHN Hockey team and had played hockey since he was in the sixth grade. He was interested in art and drawing, and he was enrolled in Intro to Art as well. Newell wanted to be a Airforce pilot after high school. A memorial service was held for Newell on Oct. 22. Many FHN students attended the service. A small group of students is selling memorial t-shirts to remember Newell and raise money for his family.


the best way to spread christmas cheer is by singing loud for all to hear #WatchingElf #inchoir Katie  Stepanek

@kdoz5 That awkward moment when you bolt into your 3rd hour b/c your late then realize it’s Wednsday and your suppose to be in homeroom #fhnnews Katie  Dozier

@thenameiskenny I didn’t know my car was supposed to have a puddle in it..

Kenny  Ruiz

@ItsZackxD 5HPHPEHU WRGD\ LV WKH ÀUVW day of the rest of your life. #quotesfromroungun

Zack  Eaton

@Justin_Jones12 Just listened to the Graduation speech. #lifejustgotreal

Justin  Jones

@Arieljensen Well I was ready for bed but I can’t sleep #WideAwake 7RR0XFK&DIÀHQH

Ariel  Jensen

@zach_wood Showered and dressed in 9 minutes. Thats what happens when I have to ride the school bus. #lifeofaloser Zach  Wood

Want to see your tweet here? Tag tweets about school with

#FHNnews 11.16.11 FHNTODAY.COM 03

fhsd District


a new tax

rate Though  a  tax  rate  increase  of  18  percent  was  originally  proposed  and  passed,  the  Board  of  Education  amended  that  rate  two  weeks  after  passing  it.  JORDAN BRYSON | JORDAN.BRYSON90@GMAIL.COM | @jordan_bryson



The Board of Education (BOE) held a special meeting to correct an error they felt they made that would have given the District an extra $1 million. Instead of keeping with the originally proposed tax rate of $5.18 that they approved, they re-voted and agreed on the tax rate of $5.1352. The $5.18 would have given FHSD about $1.2 million in surplus. In contrast, the tax rate of $5.13 will give only $200,000 in surplus funds. Students at North shouldn’t expect any change in how their school normally functions for the rest of the school year, but due to the $5.13 tax rate only collecting about a $200,000 surplus, cuts may have to be made in the coming years. “At North, the question comes in ‘Is it necessary we spend that money now?’â€? BOE Director and supporter of the $5.18 tax rate, Marty Hodits said. “‘Can we put that off until a later date?’ That’s what will happen throughout the District.â€? Though missing out on the extra million won’t affect FHSD this school year much either, in the coming years, the District and its schools will have to prepare for a steady decrease in the amount of surplus they will have at their disposal. At the beginning of the 2011-12 school year, FHSD started out with a $39.4 million surplus, but by the beginning of the 2015-16 school year, it is projected that they will start the school year out with a mere $2.8 million surplus due to the approval of the $5.13 tax rate. This loss of reserve money means that more programs or staff members could be subjected to the chopping block in the coming years, especially if the assessed valuation of the District continues to decrease as it has in the past four years. “For this year, it will not have much effect if the state government gives us all the money they say they’ll give us,â€? Hodits said. “If they don’t give us all the money WKH\ VD\ WKH\ ZLOO WKHQ ZH¡OO EH GHĂ€FLW spending. We’ll be spending more than we’ll collect.â€? The Money Trail At a BOE special session on Sept. 28, the FHSD board passed a revised tax rate of $5.1352. At the regular meeting on Sept. 15, the Sloan administration originally proposed a tax rate of $5.18. This motion was passed 4-3, but President Mike Sommer and Director Mark Lafata requested the special session to re-discuss the amendment. By the end of the Sept. 28


On Sept. 15, the Board of Education decided to raise the tax rate from $5.0008 to $5.1352. The increase will give the District a $200,000 surplus. The motion to amend the rate was passed 4-3. (photo illustration by ashley brophy)

vember and until the tax rate changes. meeting, the BOE overruled their original “For the average tax payer, [they] would vote by passing the new rate of $5.1352. not have increased taxes,â€? Supple said. “I don’t This motion also passed 4-3. think tax payers will even notice.â€? “I believe the intent was we should One reason for such a decrease be considerate of tax payers,â€? in the surplus over the years is that )+6' &KLHI )LQDQFLDO 2IĂ€FHU the money FHSD receives from tax Kevin Supple said. “Reduce payers isn’t permanent. In 2004, tax WKH UDWH E\ Ă€YH FHQWV WR SD\HUV YRWHG IRU D Ă€YH \HDU ORQJ LV JLYLQJ EDFN Ă€YH FHQWV cent sunset provision. This meant to tax payers.â€? WKDW LQ Ă€YH \HDUV WKH\ ZDQWHG FHSD receives their revcents to come off of the tax rate. In enue by taxing the personal Projected surplus 2009 when the levy expired, FHSD amount (in millions) property of FHSD boundUHVLGHQW YRWHUV JUDQWHG )+6' D Ă€YH ary residents (houses, cars, 11-12: $39.4 year extension to the sunset proviboats, etc.) and the personal 13-14: $39.9 sion. This means that unless the BOE property of FHSD boundary doesn’t vote to change the tax rate businesses (items they have 14-15: $33.5 again, in 2014 the tax rate will go for sale). Due to a 3 percent down to $4.93 from the current tax decline in assessed valua15-16: $22.5 rate of $5.13. tion, the tax rate had to be 16-17: $2.8 “I would absolutely not be comincreased to make the District fortable with them keeping it,â€? FHN revenue neutral. Because of parent Mary Kranzberg said. “Only this circumstance, the averif they could invest it. If they reage tax payer will have little turned the money back to the people, then we to no increase on their bills starting with could make money on it.â€? the next one they will receive in late No-




OWN D K A E R B E H T ether Piecing it to


To  calculate  what  you  will  pay  to  the  District  in  a  personal  property  bill,  use  the  following  formula.  Average Home Value: $225,000 1. Multiply the home value by .19 (19 percent)  $225,000(.19)  =  $42,750 2. Divide that number by 100 $42,750/100  =  $427.50 3. Multiply that number by the tax rate, now $5.1352 $427.50($5.1352)  =  $2195.30 That’s  the  amount  an  FHSD  resident  would  pay  to  the  District  in  their  an-­ nual  tax  bill.



For an in-depth look at the results from tax surveys given to students, scan this QR code. OR use this link:

11.16.11 FHNTODAY.COM 05

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Volunteers of all ages lend a helping hand, packaging and shipping food off to malnourished children on the other side of the world. BY EMILY KATSIANIS | @EmilyKatsianis


t is a sunny October day as an elementary school bus deposits a large class of eager 8-year-olds at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center registration table. A mix of this class, other children, teenagers, senior citizens and families of all sizes gather around the volunteers stand to collect their wristbands, assigning them to a table inside. At this table, an assembly line of 10 to 15 people stand with soy covered hands and dust covered clothing. These people are preparing for World Food Day. “We’re decorating the food boxes for the



kids in Africa,” 7-year-old volunteer Jayla said. “It’s really far away, but we’re showing them that we love them.” World Food Day is a worldwide event during which volunteers devote an entire weekend to packaging food and spreading the word about world hunger. This year’s World Food Day packing event took place on Oct. 14 and 15 from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Three thousand volunteers gathered together to package bags of rice, dried vegetables and soy protein, feeding more than 523,000 starving people in Tanzania. The first World Food Day took place in 1981, making this year its 31 anniversary; however, this is only its second year here in PAGE BY EMILY FORST

St. Louis at the Danforth Center. The Danforth Center, located in Olivette, works to assist humanity through the use of plants. “The Danforth Center’s research is designed to make enough food so we don’t have to have days like this,” Danforth’s associate director, Missy Miller said.

It only took about six weeks for Ted’s church to jump on board, sending off 150,000 meals for their first mission, the earthquake in Haiti, then another 350 meals to their Zambia mission site.

TED MEDLIN Greeting volunteers at the door is 75-year-old Ted Medlin, a man truly passionate AT THE about the mission to feed starvDANFORTH CENTER ing mouths around the world. The meals assembled Ted’s interest with World Food by Ted’s church are the Day began after the funeral same as the bags volunof the famous Dr. Norman teers are preparing at the Borlaug, a 93-year-old wheat Danforth Center. Every bag breeder who remained an acassembled contains one part FHNTODAY.COM tive farmer his entire life. rice, one part dried vegetaBorlaug won the Nobel bles and two parts soy proPeace Prize, as well as the tein. Each 25 cent meal bag To watch an interview with Lisa Saville World Food Prize, the Presifeeds up to six children, and about World Food Day and how she dential Medal of Freedom and one box fits 36 of these meal helped out. the Congressional Gold Medal bags, making a total of 216 OR use this link: for his outstanding dedication meals in just one package. to advancements in feeding To prepare these bags, malnourished people across volunteers pour beans and the globe. Borlaug fed over rice into insulated plastic two billion people in his lifebags through a funnel, then time. pass them down the line as “I was just so inspired,” more contents are added Ted said. “I wanted to learn evto the meal. The plastic is erything I could about this man sealed and packaged neatly and his cause.” in the boxes to be shipped. This inspiration led Ted to As the five minute mark is a World Food Day convention called, the air thickens with in Des Moines, Iowa where tension. Hands moved fasthe joined 16,000 people for a er, and voices rose higher. three day packing event. They The volunteers sift and pour sent off over three million and pass with the ambition meals to the St. Louis Food to pack as many meal bags Bank that weekend. possible. They succeeded; Nick Keller, Upon leaving the event, 23,000 boxes were shipped Ted made a donation to the Outreach Program off from this one hour sesdeveloping World Food Day Coordinator sion alone. Foundation, wanting to con“We were all working totribute as much as possible to their cause. gether for a good cause,” volunteer and FHN “I told them I wanted a demonstration junior Sarah Creeley said. “It really shows [of the packaging assembly line] for my that the people here in America are willing Sunday school class,” Ted said. “I wanted to help out. It helps so many people, and it to bring this experience home to my kids.” makes you feel good, which is a plus.”


"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."




One in 12 people worldwide are malnourished.

160 million children under five are malnourished.

Hunger kills more people than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.

A child dies every six seconds from malnutrition and related illnesses.


Each meal package contains rice, soy protein, dehydrated veggies and vitamin and mineral packs.

Each package provides a nutritionally complete meal for four adults or six children.

The cost of each life-sustaining meal is approximately 25 cents which includes the ingredients, packaging, administration and international shipping of the food.

The sealed packages have a shelf life of three years.


In 2010, World Food Day had 2,000 volunteers who put together 355,000 meal packages.

At the 2011 World Food Day, 3,000 volunteers put together 523,000 meal packages. information from:

11.16.11 FHNTODAY.COM 09

n o i h s a f


AuTumn ATtire



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leather Kate Watkins, 12 JACKET: $25 Forever 21


ce behind the s the PHOTO SH


Watch behind the scenes footage from the photo shoot. See Kendra Barnard and the models as they pose for their chance to be in the spotlight and hear some of the models thoughts about fall trends.

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11.16.11 FHNTODAY.COM 11

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Buisness Teacher Melissa Trochim stands with her favorite NASCAR driver, AJ Allmendinger, the driver of the #43 Ford Richard Petty Motorsports Best Buy car. Trochim had a Hot Garage Passes, which allowed her to tour around behind the scenes as well as participate work on the Pit Box with the crew chief of the #43 car. (submitted photo)

A Need for speed Unexpectedly, Trochim finds a new passion in the world of NASCAR. Now, she’s hooked.

and the Sprint Cup garage area. “We got to sit behind the crew chief,” Trochim said. “There were two chairs where we HN buisness teacher Melissa Trochim can see the pit crew go out and change the never thought she would have a passion tires and fill up the gas and see a whole differfor the National Association for Stock ent aspect of the racing side of things.” Car Auto Racing (NASCAR). Her faThis was not the first racing event that ther watched it nonstop when she was a child, Trochim and her husband have attended. but she had zero interest of watching cars Trochim’s first race was the Inaugural Race drive in a circle for three hours; she would at Homestead Miami Speedway during the rather watch football. Since 2000/01 school year. They went then, a lot has changed. FHNTODAY.COM to the Inaugural Race in Chicago When Trochim met her husduring the 2002/03 school year, band Brian Trochim, she had and they have been to NASCAR zero interest of watching or Kansas Speedway a total of three To watch an interview with paying attention to NASCAR. times. Trochim about her love for Brain told her he would take While Trochim now loves NASCAR. her to her first race and she NASCAR, many women remain OR use this link: would be hooked. He was right. uninterested. Some people think “When I took her to her that NASCAR is only a man’s first race she liked the atmosphere, and she sport, but according to Trochim and her first asked a lot of questions, and she liked learnhour student and NASCAR fan Brittany Belt, ing about it,” Brian said. “Then we got garage that is not the case. passes, and she got to take pictures with the “Danica Patrick influenced women to race drivers, which she really liked.” with guys,” Belt said. “I look up to her beOver fall break, Trochim and her husband cause she shows that women can race too.” Brian Trochim attended the NASCAR KanIn the future, Trochim plans to continue to sas Speedway with garage passes for a weekgo to as many NASCAR races as she can. end. They had access to the NASCAR driv“NASCAR is a great sport,” Trochim said. ers, their teams and to both the Nationwide “I will always have a passion for it.”

BY MADDIE HIATT | @maddiehiatt





Kayla and sister, Tori Busby, follow in their father’s footsteps at Donut Delight. BY AMANDA CORNETT

Senior Kayla Busby works at Donut Delight, a donut shop in Florissant. Kayla bakes, decorates and sells the donuts. To make it to work for her 2 a.m. shift, Kayla has to wake up at 12:50 a.m. “It’s not that bad,” Kayla said. “It’s only on the weekends, and I usually just go home and take a nap, and it usually doesn’t interfere with the rest of my plans for the day.” Even though she has to wake up early, Kayla say there are many advantages to her job. She believes that it has made her more sociable because she talks to many of the customers, including the regulars that come in. She describes this as being one of her favorite parts of her job. Kayla is not the only member of the Busby family that works at the donut shop. Her sister Tori and their father work at the shop along side of Kayla. Their father has been working at Donut Delight since he was 16. “I like working with them,” sister Tori Busby said. “It makes it easier because its my first job.”

11.16.11 FHNTODAY.COM 13


Ride of

the month Technician, Larry Tate, stands out with his “sharp looking” ride. BY TANNYR SEDDON

Every weekday, a bright red 2012 Ford Mustang sits in the parking lot in front of the school. This two-door sports car belongs to “the computer guy” Larry Tate. Tate bought the Mustang four months ago after his ‘97 Trans Am was flooded. After some online searching, he found a car that, with it’s black interior, rear seats that fold down and almost blindingly shiny, silver Mustang symbol, stands out among the other staff member’s cars. “It stands out on the parking lot there,” teacher Bridgett Myers said. “Always nice looking at a shiny, new Mustang. It beats looking at the SUVs in the parking lot.” Tate agrees that the car’s bright red color and Mustang build cause it to stand out, especially amongst the staff parking. “Not many staff have sports cars,” Tate said. “Probably because they’ve grown out of it.”

SCAN HERE To watch a video about Larry Tate and his ride.

OR use this link:



The Soulard Farmers Market offers a wide variety of products such as fresh produce, clothing, and jewelry. Temock Meosqueda works at a stand in the Soulard Market called “Native American Collections.” Temock sells numerous items including dream catchers, jewelry, clothing, and knives. The market is open all year round on Fridays and Saturdays. (michelle spencer)

SOULARD MARKET A great place to buy cheap, organic food from farmers and have fun on Saturday morning.



azz music flows through the ears of hundreds of people at the Soulard Farmers Market. Money in hands, they wait to grab the fresh food brought in from local farmers. Past the farmers, an indoor section holds various stores and restaurants. Scattered through out the Market, stands are occupied by independent vendors that sell merchandise such as hats, perfume, bamboo and more. Near the end of the first indoor building, one such vendor, Temock Meosqueda, stands with a table full of handmade Native American jewelry, art, dream catchers and leather purses. Everything Temock makes, like most items for sale at Soulard, is one of a kind. “I never mass produce my jewelry,” Temock said. “You have to work your brain. Creativity is a tool. It pulls you on another level mentally.” The market is located off the seventh

street exit past downtown St. Louis. The general market is open year round on Fridays and Saturdays from 7 a.m. until about 5 p.m. On Saturdays, which is the busiest day, every store and vendor is open. “Saturday is the best day to come,” customer Alicia Grover said. “I like seeing the crowds and getting the whole feel of it, plus a lot of the farmers will have special deals that day.” Many locals come to the market, as well as people from out of town. The crowd is mixed with people of all ages and reasons to be there. Some people come just for something to do on a Saturday morning. Others come to buy gifts, purchase their week’s worth of groceries, get a bite to eat or buy fresh produce. Some come to sit and play music for tips. With all the various types of stands and shops, there is something for everyone. “The atmosphere keeps me coming back,” customer Ellie Ordway said, “And they’re cheap. I like it here, especially in the fall. It’s my favorite time to come.”


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Teacher alter Egos For FHN teachers it’s not all grading tests and creating new ways to torture students; it’s a balancing act. “We have lives too.” KATIE DOZIER | DOZIER.KATHLEEN@GMAIL.COM | @kdoz5 PHOTOS BY MAGGIE CURRAN

Brocksmith Guitar Guru Joe Brocksmith teaches science and is the sponsor for Ecology Club. Outside of school, Brocksmith is the lead guitarist and back-up vocalist in a ‘90s rock cover band, “That’s What She Said.” “I always enjoyed playing music, and I’ve been playing music since I was like 10 years old,” Brocksmith said. Although Brocksmith says he likes being in the band, there are disadvantages to it as well. Every Monday the band practices at the drummer’s house in South City and almost every other weekend the band plays late at several local establishments and taverns. “I really don’t like getting home at three o’clock in the mornings after we play our shows,” Brocksmith said. Some students would be surprised to know that Brocksmith is in a band, but many students who know think it’s a cool thing to do. “I’ve been frequently asked questions by my students about the band; they always harass me to perform for them,” Brocksmith said.



Alter EGOS Zac Smithey Art teacher

He has been a scenic artist at the Muny for the last five years. At the Muny, he paints all of the sets for the shows and they use about 50 gallons of paint per show.

Tracy Heaton Spanish teacher

Ms. Heaton has been studying abroad almost every year since 1999. The past two summers she has studied in France and Costa Rica. This summer she is headed to Africa for three weeks.

Anne McPartland German teacher

Ms. Mcpartland has played the guitar since she was in college where her roommate taught her to play. She still plays at Fraufest and loves to share her “Zoo Song” sing-along.


Laura Montgomery

Fluent Flutist


Books n' Bikes


Brian Santos, Spanish teacher at FHN, leader of the Spanish Club, and a flute player of 12 years. “I enjoy the challenge of it, the fact that I can practice for decades and never master it,” Santos said. “In order to sound good you have to be a perfectionist.” Every Christmas Santos plays “Feliz Navidad” to his students. He also plays when they do work stations to indicate when it’s time for the students to change stations. “At first I was shocked, but then I was thrilled,” Senior, Knight Pride member, Kelli-Ann Corrao said.

Over the summer, FHN librarian Angie Gunnell biked the entire 225 miles of the Katy Trail, which stretches most of the state of Missouri. “I bike almost exclusively on the Katy Trail because I love being in the outdoors, like in the woods. I’m kind of a nature girl,” Gunnell said. Most students don’t know that Gunnell biked the entire Katy Trail but are pleasantly surprised when they find out. “I think it’s cool that she rides bikes,” sophomore Natasha Kozak said.

Ami Barlow is a thirdyear history teacher at Francis Howell North and a hair stylist at Great Clips. “It’s kind of like coaching a sport,” Barlow said. “If you do something you really love then you make time for it.” Barlow is repeatedly asked to cut her students hair but continually turns them down, not wanting to mix the two worlds. “I think [having two jobs] shows students they can have a serious side and a creative side, and you can do whatever you want,” Barlow said.



Savvy Stylist

Biology teacher

Ms. Montgomery has been riding horses on and off since she was five years old. She currently has two horses named Nova and Nugget.

THERESA MAHER English Teacher

She loves seeing the United States and her life goal is to experience all 50 states. The only states that she hasn’t visited yet are North Dakota, Alaska and New Mexico.

Darlene Jones Principal

Jones loves to ride her bike on the Katy Trail; her goal is to ride from St. Charles to Jefferson City when she retires and stay in bed and breakfasts along the way.


Knights captian and forward David Hitchcock hoists the Gold Cup after their victory against the Vikings. (brandon neer)

Knights forward Daniel Rosse pushes past the Viking defense in the Gold Cup game on Nov. 5 (brandon neer)



Daniel Rosse tries to avoid getting checked from behind by a Howell player. Rosse scored several goals during the Varsity game. Varsity won 5-3. (kendrick gaussoin) PAGE BY EMILY FORST

David Hitchcock and his parents walk Clayton Newells’ jersey and some flowers to his mother and his brother. Varsity and JV won both of their games in remembrance of him. Newell passed away in a car accident on Monday Oct. 10, 2011. (kendrick gaussoin)

Varsity lines up for the pre-game introductory ceremony. All players had a number two sticker on their helmet to show support for Clayton Newell. (kendrick gaussoin)

11.16.11 FHNTODAY.COM 17

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erica strive for, but Am in le op pe g un yo at wh is e A comfortable lifestyl h the North Star takes an nt mo is Th ? at th e ev hi ac to what does it take IIHFW )+1 VWXGHQWV¡ HGXFD D HV VV WUH O V LD QF QD Ă€ RZ W K D ,Q 'HSWK ORRN IRU HYHU\RQH WR DFKLHYH WKH OH LE VV SR ¡V LW RW U Q R HU WK KH Z WLRQ DQG

American Dream

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s t n e d u t s f o e c n a t r The impo

t h g i R ff o g n i Start With  economic  pressures  weighing  on  families  in  the  District,  students  are  feeling  the  pressure  and  it’s  affecting  their  academic  performance. BY AMANDA STALLINGS | @AStall13

Since the 2008 real estate meltdown, and the ensuing recession, one of the most asked questions has been whether or not the American dream is dead. Teenagers have grown up with the recession, living with the austere conditions that accompany it for nearly four years now. Instead of dreaming of the future that they want, many teens are forced to focus on WKH GLIĂ€FXOW VLWXDWLRQV WKH\ Ă€QG WKHPselves and their families in now. This domestic stress and pressure starts to affect teenagers ability to focus on their education and future. According to a study published in Child Development, researchers found that the kids who had higher levels of stress at home at the start of high school had poorer academic performance by senior year. In a 2009 survey conducted by, 30 percent of children reported beLQJ ZRUULHG DERXW WKHLU IDPLO\¡V Ă€QDQFLDO VLWXDWLRQ ZKLOH RQO\ SHUFHQW RI WKHLU SDUHQWV WKRXJKW WKHLU Ă€QDQFLDO VLWXations were causing their child’s stress.




Beth Bell, a licensed professional counselor for children, says that the new independence that comes with beLQJ LQ KLJK VFKRRO JLYHV VWXGHQWV WKHLU Ă€UVW UHDO JOLPSVH into adulthood. As they hurdle toward adulthood and the real world, they start to make crucial steps to their future career paths, and ultimately, their American dream. However, when many students think about their future, the path they have in mind for themselves can often be impacted by unforeseen stresses. $W Ă€UVW JODQFH WKH EXUGHQV WKDW ZHLJK RQ WKH VKRXOGHUV RI KLJK VFKRRO VWXGHQWV SDUWLFXODUO\ Ă€QDQFLDO EXUdens - aren’t obvious. One would never guess that the guy sitting in the next row over has to work more than 26 hours a week to support himself. There’s no sign that the girl who is involved in many extra curricular activities is stressed out about how her family is going to pay their rent QH[W PRQWK :LWK WKH VWUHVV RI Ă€QDQFLDO problems at home, some students get caught in the middle and end up losing focus on their education. ´,¡OO EH WKLQNLQJ DERXW WKH Ă€QDQFLDO problems I’m having at home,â€? senior Brittany Kabacinski said. “It keeps me from focusing and then it becomes a distraction with what I’m doing in school.â€? 0DQ\ SDUHQWV ZKR DUH VWXFN LQ Ă€QDQFLDO UXWV EHOLHYH that if they try to hide their monetary stress, their children will never notice. They don’t think that their teenager could be able to pick up on their worries.



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“Parents think that if they hide things from kids, they’ll never notice that they’re stressed,â€? Bell said. “[The kids] usually see right through their parents, though. They usually see if something is wrong. Parents need to bring teenagers into the loop more. They need to give them more knowledge because the teenager might think that they’re doing something wrong. It makes them feel like their whole world is falling apart.â€? Typically, money woes don’t appear to be something that contribute to a teenager’s stress level. At least, they don’t seem to be something that would bother many teens. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. $FFRUGLQJ WR %HOO Ă€QDQFLDO KDUGVKLS DW KRPH LV D ODUJH factor of adolescent stress. “Money stress is a symptom of bigger stresses,â€? Bell said. “If there are money stresses and other things haven’t been taken care of then money becomes the big stress. A lot of these kids already have other stresses, and then you throw money into that and things really fall apart.â€? Bell believes that money issues stress kids out so much because they view money as security, and they feel things more strongly. “Most people in America look to money as security,â€? Bell said. “It buys you a house, a car to drive, and it’s your link to family time. When everything starts breaking down and the money isn’t there to bring the security back, it’s extremely stressful. Because teens feel things so much more strongly than adults do, the stress really sets in and they feel like there’s no point in trying to focus on school work.â€? If a student is unable to balance their stress and their schoolwork, the pressure makes what were once mundane activities to become too much for them to handle. Bell believes that coping with the stress is the key to preventing this. “Any bad habit can affect you for the rest of your life,â€? Bell said. “If someone has a bad habit of not dealing with stress, they need to learn how to. If [the stress] is something that they regularly deal with and they don’t do anything about it, then I could see them potentially

The State of the

American Dream In a survey conducted by Metlife in 2010, it was found that people still faith in The American Dream despite economic challenges, international uncertainty, and institutional distrust.

The Dream Defined


said they view the American Dream as Ă„UHUJPHS ZLJ\YP[`



have an adequate personal safety net

28% say poor education is a main barrier in achieving the American Dream


SCAN HERE For a video of FHN students talking about what their idea of the American Dream is.




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me get through the rough times,â€? Clynes said. “When I’m starting to fall behind, I just think about what we talked about, and it gives me a push to keep succeeding in school while still having to work.â€? Kerr-Grant believes that a student should know of the resources available to them, so she tries inform all of the students who come to her of the programs that can help them. Some of these resources include counseling, which can even be given at school, agencies that can help the student’s family pay their bills, the free lunch program and the A+ program. “The A-Plus program is an unbelievable opportunity to get two free years of college,â€? Kerr-Grant said. “It gives the student a chance to work and save up money to pay for the rest and then they’ll have small student loans, so I think APlus is awesome.â€? While students are coming to deal with the added pressure of preparing for college and dealing with the inFUHDVLQJ Ă€QDQFLDO burden on their families, the American dream becomes more elusive, tempting some to stray off the path. They then run the risk of remaining stuck in this rut for longer than they had anticipated. Kerr-Grant thinks that a student’s chance of doing better and pulling out of rough economic situations can be better if D VWXGHQW IRFXVHV RQ Ă€QLVKLQJ VFKRRO “You want to do the best you can in school to be able to have more opportuniWLHV ZKHQ \RX Ă€QLVK Âľ .HUU *UDQW VDLG ´7KH more choices you have and the better you do in school, the more opportunities you’ll have.â€?


Your Workload Use these tips to keep yourself organized so you can focus on what you’re learning.

- Have enough school supplies. You want to focus on your test next hour, not the #2 pencil you need.



becoming dropouts or turning to things that do make them feel good, like drugs. Family relationships can also totally break down, but if they can learn the skills to cope then they can turn everything around.â€? Mary Kerr-Grant is the crisis guidance counselor at Francis Howell North. When there are students at FHN with economic issues, students who work or who are upset about the problems their family is having with PRQH\ WKH\ FDQ Ă€QG HPRWLRQDO support, ways to cope and resources that help them in KerrGrant. Kerr-Grant tries to guide students in any way possible to break them out of the cycle of economic situations. Typically, students who go to talk to Kerr-Grant will not always directly say what they’re stressed about, or if they’re having economic problems that they’re worried about. She says that after they open up and start talking to her about things, she’s able to discover what’s really bothering the student. “Sometimes they’ll come to me because they feel upset, anxious, or depressed, and then as we talk, I realize that some RI WKH VWUHVV LV Ă€QDQFLDO causes,â€? Kerr-Grant said. “Usually a kid won’t come in and say ‘I don’t have any money’.â€? When a student is having economic issues and problems, Kerr-Grant thinks that if the student has a trusted adult to talk to, some of their worries can be relieved, which is why she believes it’s good for a student to come in and just talk to her about their issues. Junior Brandon Clynes, works a parttime job and feels that when he talk to someRQH DERXW KLV Ă€QDQFLDO VWUHVV DQG ZRUULHV LW helps him pull through. “Talking to someone when I’m upset about money helps


- Find a calendar that works for you, whether that’s an app, a notebook, or a desk calendar. When you’re stressed, it will keep things straight for you.

- Find a tutor. Sometimes it’s easier to learn from a peer. FHN has tutors and some classes even have facebook groups formed for studying.


SCAN HERE For a list of FHN students available for tutoring.


t e g o t d r a h s ’ t i y m o n o c In a rough e

e c n a h C d n o c e AS For those who didn’t do well in school, getting back on track with their American dream can be difficult. And economic conditions don’t help. BY PAIGE YUNGERMANN

One year ago, the American dream was out of sight for Steve Wilkins. He was unemployed, had no education beyond high school and lived with his aunt on the Illinois side of St. Louis. Steve signed up for Illinois’ food stamp program. One condition of this program is that those who DUH DEOH PXVW DWWHPSW WR ÀQG ZRUN 7KDW·V KRZ 6WHYH IRXQG himself at Employment Connection. Every year, over 1,500 of St. Louis’ unemSOR\HG ÀQG WKHLU ZD\ WR (PSOR\PHQW &RQQHFWLRQ 7KLV QRQSURÀW RUJDQL]DWLRQ KHOSV WKRVH VWUXJJOLQJ WR ZRUN ÀQG DQG NHHS D job. While Employment Connection clients range from ex-offenders to women on welfare, most have one thing in common: the vast majority of the clients have no high school or college diploma. Steve says the reason he didn’t further his education after a high school was because of his involvement in a gang. At that time, his own indifference to education, reinforced by other gang members, stopped him from continuing on to college. Now, Steve understands the value of an education and strongly encourages teenagers to continue their education after high school. “A little education can go a long way,” Steve said. “Without the proper education, you’ll be working at a hamburger stand.” Since the economic crash in 2008, Employment Connection has had more people come to them for help; howPAGE BY KELSEY BELL

ever, due to a focus on quality instead of quantity, fewer clients are accepted. The clients that are accepted are one step closer WR ÀQGLQJ D MRE 2QH VWHS FORVHU WR DFKLHYLQJ WKH $PHULFDQ dream. “The American dream is just the opportunity to have choice and freedom and being able to go after the pursuit of happiness,” Employment Connection representative Jonathan Walz said. “With the economy being the way it is, you almost have WR KDYH D SHUIHFW SDVV LQ HGXFDWLRQ WR ÀQG DQ HQWU\ OHYHO SRVLtion.” Walz believes that in these economic times, the American dream is becoming harder to obtain. He cites the number of foreclosures, which are topping 8,000 a month nationwide, as proof that people are drifting further from achieving the American dream. “The American dream is based on the idea of having things and being able to go after things. There are a lot of people now that are not even able to try to get the American dream,” Walz said. “The American dream is crumbling.” At Employment Connection, they attempt to revive this crumbling dream. Here, clients get one step FORVHU WR DFKLHYLQJ WKLV GUHDP E\ ÀQGLQJ HPSOR\ment. “We assist people with the American dream by helping them get on their feet and pointing them in WKH FRUUHFW GLUHFWLRQ ZLWK WKH KRSH WKDW WKH\·OO ÀQG a job,” Walz said. 7KH ÀUVW VWHS DW (PSOR\PHQW &RQQHFWLRQ LQ achieving the dream is World of Work (WOW) training. This four day program instructs job seekers on topics such as interviewing, creating resumes DQG PDQDJLQJ ÀQDQFHV $IWHU FRPSOHWLQJ WKLV SURgram, clients are assigned a Career Specialist, who links clients with potential employers. In addition, clients are provided with other services as needed. One such service required by many clients is counseling. “Many need counseling to avoid being depressed and to stay optimistic,” social worker Steve Zegel said. “They might have a job 11.16.11


interview, they’re excited, but they think ‘Well, they’re not going to call me back.’ “ According the Zegel, the counseling services provided by Employment Connection are extremely successful. In addition to helping clients stay optimistic during the job search, counseling helps clients recover from past experiences such as homelessness, military service and time in prison. With these issues taken care of, clients can fully focus on Ă€QGLQJ DQG NHHSLQJ D MRE ´,W FDQ EH YHU\ GLIĂ€FXOW WR GR ZHOO XQGHU certain circumstances,â€? Zegel said. “We provide the psychosocial support to help them keep the job. The clients that participate in our program are usually very successful.â€? In addition to counseling, Employment Connection provides a multitude of other services, such as housing, food and transportation, all designed to get clients back on track to obtaining their American Dream. Steve was provided with donated suits to wear on job interviews and computer access to email potential employers. “There are other issues that come with unemployment,â€? Walz said. “If we can take care of those other issues, then our clients are IRFXVHG RQ Ă€QGLQJ DQG NHHSLQJ D MRE Âľ Even with the help of agencies such as (PSOR\PHQW &RQQHFWLRQ Ă€QGLQJ D MRE LV still a challenge. Out of the 1,030 clients that completed the WOW program in 2010, 440 found a job. “Certain individuals aren’t ready to do what it takes,â€? Walz said. “It’s a struggle. If you aren’t ready to meet that challenge, you won’t succeed, but we don’t give up on anybody. We work as hard as we can.â€? For Steve, Employment Connection changed his life. His hard work during his training caused Employment Connection to RIIHU KLP D SRVLWLRQ DW WKHLU RIĂ€FHV DV D PDLQtenance worker. He is now close to completing a degree in Computer Information Systems, and he realizes that getting a higher education is something he should have done a long time ago. “I kick myself every morning,â€? Steve said. “When my back aches and my knees ache, I regret not furthering my education. I now have to do hard, strenuous labor I might not have to do if I’d furthered my education.â€? Once he completes his degree, Steve hopes to be promoted. Even without a promotion, he says he will always be grateful to Employment Connection for helping him achieve the American dream. “How can you describe a 180 degree turn?â€? Steve said. “I was really struggling, trying to make ends meet. Now, I’m able to maintain my own lifestyle without government assistance. It’s been a blessed experience for me.â€? 26 FHNTODAY.COM


Help with College Prep


Planning for college now can be extremely stressful. Follow these tips to help ease your mind about your education.

- Sign up for the A+ program, even if you don’t plan on going to community college, many other colleges across the state are beginning to offer scholarships for A+.

- Sign up to talk to your counselor. They are one of the best resources at FHN for all things college related. They can help you figure out what classes to take, and find scholarships.

- Maintain a good GPA. Colleges offer bigger scholarships to students with higher grade point averages, so whatever you can do to keep yours up will benefit you.

- Apply for scholarships, even if some of them are a long shot. It never hurts to apply, and you don’t know how much money you can get unless you apply.

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When times get tough, stud ents


A Place That Can Help Mathews-­Dickey  has  worked  with  a  million  disadvantaged  students  across  St.  Louis  to  help  them  achieve  their  American  dream.  Â

BY KEVIN BEERMAN | @k_beerman

6DLQW /RXLV LV RQ ÀUH (YHU\ GD\ LW VHHPV that the American dream becomes less and less attainable for the 300,000 who call St. Louis home. It’s hemorrhaging its once huge population from a wound in its underbelly. The jobs are leaving. The houses are less valuable. The schools are falling apart. The American dream is crumbling. Numbers tell no lies. Numbers tell a story. Numbers give depth. Numbers tell that 41 percent of children in the City of Saint Louis live below the poverty level. Only 62 percent of children in the City Public School System graduated last year-- and that’s the highest in more than a decade. The other 38 percent will ÀQG WKDW DOPRVW KDOI RI WKHP ZLOO OLYH LQ SRYHUW\ at some point in their life. Numbers are everlasting. The dream is not. PAGE BY KELSEY BELL

MR. MATHEWS In the middle of the 1950s, an AfricanAmerican league baseball coach, A.C. Anderson, was on his way out. He had just suffered a stroke, and he wasn’t getting any younger. He had done many great things with his life, including coaching an African American baseball league in a racially tense mid-century St. Louis. But, he wanted to do something good for the children of the St. Louis community. He approached one of his players, a young man from Poplar Bluff by the name of Martin Mathews. He invited Mathews to his house to meet with him and discuss what service they would provide. Because of Anderson’s recent stroke, he had cleared the table out of his dining room and replaced it with a hospital bed. When Mathews arrived at Anderson’s house, this is where he found him waiting--with 30 inner city boys surrounding him. Anderson asked if Mathews would take half of these boys and teach them how to play baseball.

“I reluctantly told him, ‘yes,’â€? Mathews said. “I was hoping to drop them within a year. But I found that these kids needed so much assistance and were so excited that I decided to keep ‘em.â€? The next year that Mathews spent with this group served as a prelude for the organization WKDW KH ZRXOG FUHDWH RYHU WKH QH[W Ă€YH GHcades. He took them from a group of boys who couldn’t catch and throw a ball to a three championship team. To this day, Mathews still calls this, “one of the proudest momentsâ€? of his life. “Those were 17 kids who couldn’t win a game,â€? Mathews said. “But you work with them, you inspire them, and they become the best. It planted the seed.â€? There isn’t a surface in Mathews’s RIĂ€FH WKDW GRHVQ¡W KDYH D IUDPHG QHZVpaper article, proclamation or photo. Trophies sit sporadically throughout the space. Under the glass-top on his desk, photos create a collage of news makers--from former mayors to former Presidents--all of whom are posing with Mathews. A signed picture of Jackie Robinson, 11.16.11


City Academy City Academy is a school founded in 1999 based on the success of the Mathews-Dickey boys club. All families pay tuition at City Academy, but tuition income only generates 20% of the school’s annual budget. Because of this, the school has to rely on community support from individuals, corporations & fondations to fund 80% of its operating costs - over $2 million annually.

72% Of academy students live in under performing school districts.

65% Of academy students live in a household with an annual income of $35,000 or less. City academy’s full annual tuition is $20,100. The average tuition paid by families is $3,500



one of Mathews’ heroes, hangs next to a plaque from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. But, Mathews’ prized possession, is a three-line note from former president, Ronald Reagan. Mathews-Dickey didn’t start as an organization that tutored underprivileged children who were working to achieve the American dream. In fact, if you weren’t a boy, it didn’t service you at all. MathewsDickey started with that 30 boy baseball team. When word spread about their success, more and more young men wanted to play ball with Mr. Mathews, and his partner at the time, the late Dickey Valentine. By MXVW Ă€YH \HDUV DIWHU $QGHUVRQ KDG DSSURDFKHG Mathews, they had more than 1000 kids wanting to join their program. So they went to work and founded Mathews-Dickey Boys’ Club, as everyone who works there so lovingly says, “under a shade tree.â€? “There were so many kids striving to get on the team, but we didn’t have the space to let them on,â€? Mathews said. “We wanted to show these men that if they stayed the course and worked hard, they would do great things with their lives.â€? STAY THE COURSE, WORK HARD. %DUEDUD :DVKLQJWRQ LVQ¡W WKH HYHU\GD\ QRQ SURĂ€W staffer. She sings gospel; she has an album. She serves QHDUO\ UROHV IURP RIĂ€FH JUHHWHU WR EUHDNIDVW FKHI WR VHUYLFH RUJDQL]HU +HU RIĂ€FLDO WLWOH 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW PR & Special Events, makes her the go-to person for pretty much everything at Mathews-Dickey Boys’ and Girls’ Club. That’s how things work at Mathews-Dickey. They’re a family. A large family--they have more than 5000 volunteers--but a family nonetheless. They may service more than 40,000 kids in the St. Louis region every year, and have serviced millions in their 50 year history, but to Barbara and Mathews, there is nobody too small for their attention. “We always work with the child, for the child,â€? Washington said. “I don’t want to see anyone live without having.â€? Washington hasn’t always had things herself. She grew up in an impoverished family in one of the poorest regions of Mississippi. It was by fate that she met DQ RIĂ€FHU LQ WKH PLOLWDU\ D PDUULDJH WKDW GLGQ¡W ODVW WRR long, only long enough to give her two children. But, it took her out of her poverty stricken life. It eventually took her to Mathews-Dickey. It took her to her American dream. She had been volunteering with the Boys’ club when she wasn’t serving as the spokesperson for General American Insurance Company. Mathews started to take note of her work at the club: how she would work tirelessly, sometimes until midnight. Mathews watched her. He saw her on Channel 4 news every once in a while. His Vice President of Public Relations was leaving. He saw an opportunity. He asked. She said no. “I didn’t want to get paid for this,â€? Washington said. “I didn’t know I could get paid for this.â€? After a bit of persuasion, Mathews had convinced Barbara to leave General American and work for him

full time. Shortly after joining the staff, Washington worked to integrate more programs into the tutoring service. Eventually, she became the catalyst for the addition of girls athletic and tutoring programs. These now account for more than half of the students at Mathews-Dickey. ´6KH KDV EORVVRPHG LQWR RQH RI WKH Ă€QHVW VXSSRUWHUV WKDW \RX FDQ Ă€QG LQ WKH FRXQWU\ Âľ 0DWKHZV VDLG ´0\ PRWWR LQ OLIH LV Âś0DNH WKH EHVW EHWWHU ¡ 6KH Ă€WV WKDW PRWto. Mathews-Dickey was good, but she made it better.â€? A Presidential Proclamation and a plan. North St. Louis gets a bad rap. It stands as one of the poorest areas in the region. It’s crime rate is higher than almost any other part of the city--and the country for that matter. It’s local high school, Beaumont, graduates a meager one out of two students every year. It’s a problem that Mathews-Dickey has been working to curb since it was founded. To Mathews’s every kid is a product of their home life, school and community. “We take the kid and talk through their issues. We work through their problems,â€? Mathews said. “The kid is a victim of his environment. Everybody has selfworth. There is good in every kid.â€? They have many programs, all designed to get kids off the street, in the schools, then into college. Their Tri-A Program works with troubled students, students who had disciplinary issues and weren’t succeeding in VFKRRO ZHUHQ¡W DOORZHG WR JR WR VFKRRO $IWHU MXVW Ă€YH years of work with 100 kids, the program had a 99


percent return rate. It was so successful that the public school system adopted it and uses it to this day. They started an internship program that spread across the nation. It provided 50 kids with internship opportunities across the city. It eventually became so large that the city took it over. In other words, if the kids can’t get themselves to their American dream, MathewsDickey has the means to aid them in the process. “If kids don’t have the resources they need to pick themselves up by their boot strings,” Washington said. “They won’t succeed.” In 1982, this behavior caught the attention of then president, Ronald Reagan. That year, on a trip to St. Louis, he stopped by Mathews-Dickey to present Mathews and Valentine with a proclamation. And to declare Mathews-Dickey a Model for the Country. “It inspired us to keep doing good,” Mathews said. “That inspired me more than anything in my life to have the President of the United States say that.” The philosophies of Mathews-Dickey are living on. Just across the street from the club, the former Education Director for Mathews-Dickey, Don Danforth, founded City Academy. For more than a decade, City Academy has provided tuition to its elementary students, half of whom qualify for free and reduced lunch. Now, it’s one of the most successful private elementary schools in the country. “There is a need for more opportunities all over the community,” Danforth said. “These are smart kids PAGE BY KELSEY BELL

who needed a push and someone to take an interest.” Mathews is working to ensure that his organization lives to provide access to the American dream long after he is gone. After being hospitalized earlier this year for several weeks, Mathews is spending his time on what he feels will be his last great contribution to the community: a program working to keep kids in school and out of jail. “There is good in every kid,” Mathews said. “They just need someone to bring that out of them. I want to instill that dream in them.” As Mathews looks upon what he has created, all the good works he has done over the course of the organization’s 50 years, it all comes back to baseball. He recalls standing in the middle of Forrest Park with his young team. They had won their third state championship, despite the battles they had working against them. This moment planted the seed for him. He saw boys who had accomplished their dream because he had put the effort forth for them. They lived their dream; he’s lived his. “Those boys were champs and they realized, ‘I’ve done this. I can do other things,” Mathews said. “I’ve accomplished goals--impossible goals--in life. The American dream: if you work hard, you can reach the American dream. I have lived the American dream.” 11.16.11


n h o j s i so, this


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gold cup View photos from important events and sports games such as Gold Cup.


turkey bolognese

mushroom AND GREEN bean pie

See photo galleries from last week’s game and spirit week.

Ingredients: 3 cups sliced fresh mushrooms 4 tablespoons butter, divided 2-1/2 cups chopped onions 6 cups cut fresh green beans 3/4 teaspoon dried thyme 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 8 oz cubed cream cheese 1/2 cup 2% milk 2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour

BASIL CORN Ingredients: 4 large ears sweet corn 4 tablespoons butter, softened 1/2 teaspoon dried basil 1/4 teaspoon sugar Dash salt Dash garlic salt 1 cup fresh basil leaves

Ingredients: 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 onion, chopped 4 garlic cloves 1 carrot, peeled and finely chopped 1 pound shredded cooked turkey (preferably dark meat) 3 cups marinara sauce 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil leaves Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 pound spaghetti Freshly grated Parmesan


2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon dill weed 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup cold butter, cubed 1 cup (8 ounces) sour cream 1 egg 1 tablespoon whipping cream

pumpkin bars Ingredients: Bars: 4 eggs 1 2/3 cups granulated sugar 1 cup vegetable oil 15-ounce can pumpkin 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda

Icing: 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened 2 cups sifted confectioners' sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

SCAN HERE For a video that gives stepby-step instructions on how to make these recipes. OR use this link:

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the ride to victory

Two  FHN  sports  teams  share  their  experiences  on  bus  rides  to  away  games  and  how  it  affects  them.



f the multiple sports team here at FHN, no matter how different they all share something in common: bus rides to away games. This is a time for teams to come together and prepare for the game ahead. Every team has their own unique way of how to prepare for games, whether it means focusing or bonding, it brings the team together. FOOTBALL 6LOHQFH Ă€OOV WKH EXV WHQVLRQ FDQ EH IHOW throughout the air. Blasts of music from the earphones of an iPod can be heard thoughout the bus. The mood: serious and focused. “Usually we play better when we are focused on the game. When we are not focused on the game, we don’t play as well,â€? sophomore Alex Heigl said. The players must be focused on the mental make-up of the game. They are expected to know what to do in any given situation when it presents itself. According to coach Jeff Sar-



"BUS RIDES ARE JUST A GOOD WAY OF GETTING EVERYONE FOCUSED AND ON THE SAME PAGE." -� ANDRI KRUGER, 12 gent if the players are joking in the pre-game, they will be joking during the game. “The main thing I expect is for them to prepare mentally for the game, whether it is listening to music, or talking about the game,� coach Jeff Sargent said. These bus rides create a sense of unity within the team, that the players feel, is key WR VXFFHVV DORQJ ZLWK ZRUNLQJ WRJHWKHU DQG creating a winning team. In the minds of all

the players and coaches concentration is key. “Bus rides are just a good way of getting everyone focused and on the same page,� senior Andri Kruger said. TENNIS Scattered though out the bus, sitting one to a seat, is the Varsity girls Tennis team. Whether it is sleeping, lying across the seats, listening to music, or just talking across the DLVOH WKH DWPRVSKHUH RQ WKH EXV LV DQ\WKLQJ



YOU DO ON BUS RIDES? A few athletes from FHN were asked what they enjoy most about bus rides to away games. Here’s what they said.


“It’s not a sport; it’s a lifestyle.” The FHN Tennis team takes bus rides to away games as a time to have fun, talk, play music, and bond. While the football team insists on sitting quietly, straight forward, and with their headphones in. Both teams stress how important bus rides are to their pre-game. For both teams bus rides create unity, focus, and concentration. (photos submitted)

but serious. “We are really goofy and never serious, unless we are playing,” junior Jasmine Wahlbrink said. Each game, a player is assigned to bring snacks or drinks for the game and for the bus ride, whether it is home or away. This is just one more thing that brings the team together. 7KH G\QDPLFV RI WKLV WHDP DUH YHU\ VWURQJ they always support one another and cheer each other on. “We all work really well together and we bond easily,” junior Jackie Jorel said. “We know when to work hard and when to have fun.” Bus rides are a key part of the team’s pregame strategy. Even if the atmosphere is not


completely serious, each player is thinking about the game in the back of their mind. Creating a positive atmosphere puts the players in a good mood before they play. “We play better when we are in a good mood because we don’t get as frustrated as much when we play,” Wahlbrink said. When compared, the Tennis players feel that they have a strong advantage over the football players when it comes to bus rides. “Tennis bus rides affect the team better because we become calm before we go to play, we bond better as well because we get to know each other with each of our conversations,” senior Alyssa Miller said. “We can help one another before the match starts with advice on how to play better.”


“To get focused and energized for the game, I listen to music.”



“On bus rides, I talk to my teammates.”



“I take a nap to refresh my mind before the game.”

11.16.11 FHNTODAY.COM 33


two athletes

one goal

Both senior Patrick Fountain and sophomore Alexis Happe made it to State championships this year. BY TAYLOR BARTRAM


n what she considers her most challenging race yet, sophomore Alexis Happe ran in the State Cross Country competition in Jefferson City on Nov. 5. With coaches and teammates cheering her on, Happe placed in the top 90 for girls Cross Country. Along with Happe, senior Patrick Fountain attended State for the boys Swim team. Fountain and Happe are the only two North athletes to make it to state competitions. “I was super excited, but I was not ready for another week of practice,” Happe said. It wasn’t easy for Happe and Fountain. Both worked hard before and during the season. Happe ran every day this past summer with teammate Brianna Schroer, running at least 5 miles every day. Fountain practiced to increase his endurance, perfect his stroke and make his stroke more powerful. “She [Alexis] always showed up at practice and always pushed herself at practice, especially at hill workouts,” coach Beth Phillips said. On Nov. 11 and 12, Fountain swam in the state competition at the Saint Peters Rec Plex. As of press time, his results are unavailable. To see how Fountain placed, check out “I’m excited, but I’m also nervous because it’s my last chance to accomplish the goals I’ve had during high school,” Fountain said. )RXQWDLQ LV RQH RI ÀYH VHQLRUV RQ WKH ER\V Swim team. This means that this year was his last chance to compete in State. Happe, however, is a sophomore and has two more years ahead to run at state if eligible. “I would like to make it into the top 50 and in my dreams the top 25,” Happe said.


AS OF 11/9/11



Patrick fountain SWIMMING 100 meter Breast Stroke1:04.24 Individual Medley2:06.15

Senior Patrick Fountain Garner and sophomore Alexis Happe are the only two athletes from the fall sports season to make it to State competition. (kendrick gaussion)

GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY While Cross Country didn’t make it to State, they came closer than other teams by placing fourth in Districts and qualifying for Sectionals.

Alexis Happe CROSS COUNTRY Best 5K time19:36


Senior Danielle Meyer swims in the breast stroke event in a meet from the 2010-2011 season. The swim team starts practicing for the 2011-2012 season on Nov. 14. “I’m looking forward to senior night, because there is going to be like 16 of us,â€? Swim team Captain Susanna Mcfarland said. (file  photo)

swim tryouts create tough competition Swimmers  spots  on  the  team  are  contested  for  the  first  time BY ANDREW CURRAN | @AnCurr13

In the upcoming winter sports season, a change was made for the girls Swim team. Unlike previous years, tryouts for this year were held for positions on the team. Tryouts took place on Monday, Nov. 14 and around 25 girls were chosen for the team. Because tryouts were held this year the girls

are now put into a more competitive situation and talent might have been out shown by the dedication to swimming. “As long as they are committed to coming to all the practices and working hard,� sophomore Megan Hampson said. “I’m sure they’ll have no problem making it.� Swimmers think tryouts this year will improve the team by

bringing the girls closer together and by creating a more dedicated team; however, tryouts also increase competition amongst the team members and it’s possible it might cause tension between the girls. “I think there will be more girls wanting to swim the same events,â€? junior Alexis Christo said. “I think it will make choosing who swims PRUH GLIĂ€FXOW DQG JLUOV PD\ QRW JHW the events they want.â€?

early state brings cheer a new break BY NICK PONCHE

Freshman Emily Chowning stunts during the fall pep assembly on Sept. 23. The Varsity Cheer squad performed part of the routine they competed with at the 2011 State competition. (kaitlyn  williams)

With Football season at an end and Basketball season yet to begin, the Varsity Cheerleading squad, for WKH Ă€UVW WLPH HYHU LV H[SHULHQFLQJ VRPH PLG VHDVRQ down time. This break, caused by State competitions being moved back to July this year, is a welcome change. “It’s nice because we get more time to relax and take a break, and we don’t have to stress out about the competition,â€? cheerleader Taylor Schumacher said. However, the squad’s work is far from done. Practices will continue as they learn their routines for Basketball season and upcoming pep assemblies. The extra time gives opportunity to prepare and improve. “This year is a lot better,â€? cheerleader Allie Medlin said. “We’ve squeezed in a lot more [during practices] and gotten a lot done.â€?


Taylor schumacher CHEER

100 meter Back Stroke- 1:06 200 meter Individual Medley- 2:23

Stunt completed- Toe Touch Back Tuck Working on- Round Off Back Handspring Full




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no off SEASON

Athletes  should  not   slack  off  during  the  off  season,  rather  put  effort  forth  year  round.  BY ANDREW CURRAN | @AnCurr13

You hear coaches tell athletes this all the time, and there are even Nike shirts that say it. There is no off season. If you want to be better at your sport, you should continue trying to improve during your off season. Putting in the extra work will GHÀQLWHO\ VKRZ RQ WKH ÀHOG Over training during your off season may cause you to burn yourself out of the sport by playing it too much. However, you shouldn’t stop practicing and limit yourself to only playing it when the season comes around. For example, many baseball players go to facilities to work on things including WKHLU KLWWLQJ DQG ÀHOGLQJ The months you have from the end of one season until the beginning of the next is a crucial time. It’s the best time to improve at things that you are below average at and to get better at the things you’re already good at. Keeping up with your workouts will help you improve and stay on track for the upcoming season.

11.16.11 FHNTODAY.COM 35


Life on the

dirt road Tori Hanke has been riding dirt bikes since she was 10-yearsold and racing for over a year BY MATT HILLIS


t Paradise Motocross Park on Oct. 16, junior Tori Hanke is ready to race. After she puts on her helmet, she revs her dirt bike to a roaring start. Her eyes are focused on the dirt trail in front of her, and she is ready to win. “I’m very anxious,” Tori said. “I’m excited, tense, and my blood is pumping, but I try to stay as focused as I can.” Tori has been riding dirt bikes ever since she was about 10-years-old. It started when her best friend, Alyssa Purdom, got her involved. “Motocross is a great way for us to bond,” Alyssa said. The motocross season is from March through October, and Tori usually particiates in 12 races. Annually, she attends the Paradise Motocross Park competition, where the last time she raced, she placed fifth. Tori’s average is third and her best was second place. “She progresses very well,” Tori’s mom Mary Hanke said. “Every race she gets better.” Before a race, Tori and the rest of the motocross racers arrive at the track a day early to practice and prepare for the race the next day. “I hang out with all my friends that ride,” Tori said. “I also jump around and dance to get the nerves out.” At Paradise Motor Park, Tori crosses the finish line in the middle of the pack, finishing in fifth place. She takes her helmet off and celebrates a long day of racing with fellow riders as they say their goodbyes until next year. She then packs up and heads home, already looking forward to next season. Tori can’t wait.

the briefs 36 FHNTODAY.COM


Tori Hanke performs a jump on her dirt bike. Hanke has been racing motocross for six years after a friend introduced her to it. (photo submitted)


girls diving



Susanna McFarland, 12 “We have 14 seniors this year, that’s the most we’ve had in a long time. We’re gonna run it.”

Dominique Meyer, 9 “It’s my first year, and I’m really excited to do another high school sport.”

Lauren Kopf, 12 “I’m looking foward to winning lots of games, working hard as a team and funny moments.”

Ryan Jeppeson, 12 “We’re working on getting in shape by running. I’m excited to start playing games and winning.”


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Nine athletes express how they are inspired by the pros to get where they are today.

Deann Krufal, 11

Emma Nicolli, 12

Varsity Basketball

Varsity Basketball

“Yadier Molina, he’s a great player that puts forward a lot of effort.”

Where they're going Three seniors were asked what college they’re planning on going to for sports.


Nicole Yuede plans on attending Louis University next year. She will be playing for their volleyball team. “You talk to a bunch of colleges, and see who you like and who likes you.”

“Rebecca Womach, she’s just a really good athlete, and works really hard at what she does.”

Kyle Lemons, 11

Andrew Raguini, 11

Varsity Basketball

Varsity Basketball

“Derrick Rose, because he inspires me to play better. He’s a role model.”

“Steve Nash because he works hard every day while knowing he doesn’t have a ring.”

Abbey grone, 12

Amanda iborg, 12

Varsity Swim

Varsity Swim

“David Freese, he’s kinda like the all star right now, and he saved St. Louis’ butts.”

“Dara Torres, she is the oldest Olympic swimmer, and she drives me to keep swimming.”

Danielle Meyer, 12

Susanna Mcfarland, 12

Varsity Swim


Saint Louis University

Baseball “They offered me a scholarship, and over the summer I visited and fell in love with the place.”

MEGAN FRKOVIC Truman State University Soccer “They offered me and I liked their campus.”



Varsity Swim

Nastia Liukin: “It’s a whole new lifestyle when you get up to that level. It gets intense and I think it’s cool that she can balance all that.”

“Michael Phelps, because of how hard he trains, like 24/7.”

Fhn wrestler inspired by the pros Kevin Weggeman, 11


Weggeman has been wrestling for two years, and he plans to continue wrestling throughout high school.

“All of the state champions [wrestlers] inspire me to do better, I don’t have a specific one.”


Don't you want to be

this happy?

Make sure you’re not missing out on announcements this year. There are lots of new ways to get them -- you can even have them sent to your phone via text. Huh? You probably noticed that the announcements are no longer being read over the intercom every day, but have no fear, there are some new ways to get the information you need!

Online On, there will be videos of the announcements being read posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; a text version of the announcements will also be posted.

QR Code Want your updates on your smartphone? Scan a QR code with a smartphone that will be posted throughout school that will direct you to the announcements.

Via Text You can even get text messages sent to your phone, text Follow FHNTodayNews to 40404.

StuCo StuCo is also helping to get the announcements out by putting them on the Toilet Talk and a TV in the commons which will showcase announcements on a constant loop throughout the day!


Get your fix, Scan here For links to view all reviewed content, OR use this link

ToweR heist


This new burglar comedy, released Nov 4, follows the classic revenge plot but adds its own light-hearted twist. BY SIDNEY SHELTON |

In “Tower Heist,” revenge is a dish served with $21 million on the side. Eddie Murphy and Ben Stiller team up in this comedy centered around a plan to rob a businessman of part of his fortune. Going into this movie I wasn’t expecting much. Stiller’s last piece of work, “Little Fockers,” was a huge disappointment, and Murphy hasn’t made me laugh since he played Donkey in the first “Shrek”. So naturally I wasn’t overjoyed to be seeing this movie. I expected forced jokes and a predictable plot. Stiller plays Josh Kovacs, the ex-manager of The Tower, one of the most expensive, exclusive apartment complexes in the nation. After an exposed scheme leaves the majority of The Tower staff penniless, Stiller takes it upon himself to get revenge. He assembles a group of people, all affected by the scheme, and a petty thief named Slide (Murphy) to embark on his vendetta. I don’t know if going into this movie with low expectations helped, but upon leaving the theater I was surprised that I didn’t hate seeing the movie as much as I thought I would. I was surprised that I was actually laughing at some of the lines and the way they were delivered. I also found myself hoping that the characters succeeded in their heist because it was for more than just personal gain. This movie did have its funny parts that were strategically placed so that they didn’t seem forced. The plot is predictable; however, there are some unexpected scenes between the characters. Despite the predictable plot, this movie is a light hearted comedy that I enjoyed; it is not a full price film but it is perfect for a movie night at home with friends.

7 APPS You will uninstall after downloading Ranked by Aurora Blanchard






The number of times you actually need to bump data to another phone is close to zero.

This app tells you the price of an item before you take it up to the checkout counter. But so does a price tag.

With high-pitched, disproportionately small keys, this app only proves to be annoying and useless after a few days.



“The Heart, She Holler,” which premiered on Nov. 6 at 11:30 p.m. on Adult Swim, is both comical and disturbing. A southern father leaves his inheritance to his long-lost son Hurlan (played by Patton Oswalk). Along with this inheritance, Hurlan is given the run of the town, which is full of unusual, dim-witted folks. Hurlan is neither sociable or intelligent, maybe because his father hid him from the world in the walls of his home for the last 40 years, and running the town seems like an impossible favor. In order to prepare Hurlan for this impossible task, his father leaves him videos about the world,

hot dogs and how to run the town. The plot unravels further as Hurlan’s two sisters (played by Kristen Schaal and Heather Lawless) attempt just about anything to get their hands on the fortune. Fast paced scene changes and quick introductions of characters make the show easy to follow. In addition, this show, with it’s immature and sketchy characters, reminds me of old homemade videos of someone getting hit in the face by a baseball bat. This show will also make you question the creator’s sanity, as well as your own if you choose to watch it. If there is nothing else on, and you just want to sit back and enjoy a late night TV show with perverted jokes, then “The Heart She Holler” is just the show for you.

the chosen one

metallica, lou reed



Thirteen-year-old Kyra was born into a family that believes in arranged marriages. Kyra wants to be with her secret lover, Joshua; however, her father has other plans. This book showed me how parents can force decisions on their kids, instead of letting them make their own choices. Yes, parents should have some impact, but Kyra proves that teens should have the final say on life-changing choices. Kyra has to decide on being obedient to her father and standing up for what she believes in.

Metallica has teamed up with singer Lou Reed to create the album “Lulu.” On this album, Lou Reed tried to create dark, disturbing and enigmatic poetry, but what he got was unbearable phrases and shouts. Also, instead of singing, he simply recites these lyrics. Metallica, however, sounds great in such songs as “Junior Dad” and “Iced Honey”, and they could have made a great album. Unfortunately “Lulu” is too constrained to the ideas of Lou Reed’s vision to rise to the top. Regardless of the two good songs this album is a disappointment.

not SO

AMAZINGPHIL Popular YouTube icon “AmazingPhil”is more frightening than amazing. BY PAIGE YUNGERMANN | @plyungermann

Perhaps the most unusual YouTube channel I’ve ever watched is AmazingPhil. This channel is one of the top 50 most subscribed YouTube channels in the United Kingdom, and I have yet to figure out why. When I first watched some of Phil’s videos, I couldn’t decide whether I was entertained or creeped out. Some of Phil’s videos are unique, funny and have a lot of potential; however, other video segments are just strange. One such segment is titled “Draw Phil Naked.” While these viewer-submitted drawings are not at all explicit, I still find this segment, along with Phil’s sense of humor, extremely awkward. I think if AmazingPhil focused a little more on making his audience feel comfortable, instead of being as absurdly outlandish as possible, he would become truly amazing.





If you want to know that Missouri’s beet season ends in November, it’s a fantastically useful app.

What’s the point of popping bubbles over and over? Not sure.

Handy for all the times you’re lost in an uncharted forest and need to make your way back to civilization.

Most times you need a thesaurus you’re typing an essay on the computer anyway and can just google synonyms.





YOU TAKE THE LEAD Don’t fall into the status quo. Live life accepting yourself and others. BY BRITTANY STECK | @LittleMsBritt

On Sept. 16, 17-year-old Canadian Akash Wadhwa committed suicide after posting on Tumblr that he was bullied and “life had become too much.” Too often I find myself hearing or reading about tragic teenage suicides, such as Akash’s, due to bullying and pressure to fit in. 44,000 lives a year are taken by suicide, making suicide the third leading cause of death among young people according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. This needs to stop. People sitting in the very same room as you may feel that they are unable to stand out because individuals who do not conform with the status-quo are often treated differently. We all know that one kid in class who dresses, talks and acts differently than our standards. While we might think gossiping about that student behind their back is not harmful, words can have a lasting effect. What you say can still be hurtful, even if you think the person is not listening. FHN Counselor Joyce Barker feels that the first step to stop bullying is to stop making assumptions based on your first impressions of people. It’s not fair to pick on others especially when you are judging them based on what’s on the surface instead of getting to know them. Without acceptance, teenagers will continue to resort to the extreme of suicide. We need to look past the differences of others and get the know them for the person that they are instead of the person that they appear to be.

Your take FHN voices their opinions on events happening around the school, country and in the world.



MATT WATSON on EDUCATION “I think a lot of people go to college because it’s the thing to do but don’t actually have a direction.”

COLLIN TOEDTMANN KIRSTIN LITZ on judgment on next President “[Voters are] probably going to go for Republican this time because before they voted for a Democrat.”

“False judging doesn’t bother me. It’s just putting people into classes I guess.”


USE the right to start a revolution The Occupy Protests are leading Americans in the right direction BY LISA SAVILLE | @savvysaville

Americans need to be more involved with fulfilling their civic duties. It’s high time people of all ages stop rolling their eyes at the government and do something about the problems. I suggest figuring out what it is you don’t like and advocating for change; this is something the Occupy Wall Street protesters are doing now. Whether you’re a liberal or a conservative, against it or for it, you have to give credit where credit is due; the occupiers have guts.

Thomas Jefferson believed that a nation should have a revolution every 20 years. Evidently, his meaning of a revolution is up to interpretation. In my opinion, for a nation to be great, its people have to constantly challenge its authority and demand nothing short of excellence; it’s of the utmost importance that the budding generation educate itself on issues impacting society and hold the government accountable. The Wall Street protests have sewn seeds of progressive activism into fertile and fervent soil that may mature into something Jefferson could approve.

utilizing our education We have the opportunity, now what? BY AUSTIN SEAY | @seaysthday

It’s hard to walk through school without hearing complaints. Everyone has bad days at school and complains; however, we never stop to realize what we have. When everything is given to us, it’s hard to see what things are worth. Even in a recession, every child is given a free education. Around the world, that isn’t the case. In Kenya, few are given the opportunity for a proper education. American students just

KEVIN RUDBERG on BUS RIDES “Bus rides are awesome. We joke around and it’s really funny.”

WHITNEI PENNY on FALL FASHION “I enjoy wearing layers and boots.”


assume they deserve an education. Others don’t get one at all. Jeanine Cinco has seen this first hand. In her two years volunteering at an elementary school in Nairobi, Kenya, Jeanine only had two students with the money and support to enter high school. “It’s very different,” Cinco said. “In Kenya, [students] would beg for homework.” It’s time for FHN students to appreciate what they have. It’s time to finish work on time, study for tests or at least stop complaining in order to appreciate the value of an education that some will never receive.



“We’re going to win this year because we’ve practiced a lot.”

“Francis Howell North has a small band, but we beat bigger bands. We’re dedicated.”



Senior Amanda Cornett examines how people often judge things by size. BY AMANDA CORNETT

I stand at 5 feet 2 inches. I’m not exactly the tallest tree in the forest; however I’m not dumb. I’m not a useless, little garden gnome. People tend to treat short people like they’re small and stupid. I understand that I’m short, and one does have to physically bow their head and talk down to me, but just because you are average height doesn’t mean you should talk down to me. There are many famous people who are smart and short. Take scientist Marie Curie. Standing at 5 feet, she was well under average height. Napoleon Bonaparte was famous for his strong will and short stature. Tiny Tim is another example. He changed one man’s life with his kindness. Even right here in our own hallways, some of our own teachers fall under the line of average height, but they are far from stupid. Next time you meet someone don’t judge them based on size. You never know, you could be talking to the next tiny genius. 11.16.11 FHNTODAY.COM 43

north star take: DISTRICT FUNDING

With the new tax levy, the District faces more fiscal responsibilities. ON BEHALF OF THE EDITORIAL STAFF | @fhntoday

Just over a month ago, the Board of Education pulled themselves out of their fall hiatus when board president Mike Sommer called the body together to debate a provision that would amend a tax rate of $5.18, passed two weeks prior, to $5.13. Through all the debate and squabbling over relatively minuscule amounts of petty savings, the question begs, should we be providing our schools with the meager bare minimum? Of course we shouldn’t. Of course we should take as much money as we can for education. Of course we should spend hundreds of millions on schools. Of course we should spend tens of thousands of dollars per student. Education isn’t a Ponzi scheme; it’s a right. Education is the silver bullet. It’s the end all, be all. It’s what has gotten the District to where it is, and it’s what will take us where we want to be. The tax rate that was first passed would



not only have made the District fiscally solvent, but would also have provided the District with a $1 million surplus to be used at the District’s discretion. Most arrows pointed to a “rainy day” fund, which, given the volatile economic condition, wouldn’t have been a poor investment. However, after heated debate and pointed fingers and a special session, the District, for the first time, voted to amend that rate. In just over a year, the District will lose the 20 cent Sunset Provision that has kept the sinking District budget afloat for the past three years. When the District loses this levy, if they do not choose to put it to a tax payer vote, they will lose $4 million and see a set of austerity measures that it hasn’t had to cope with in over a decade. And, all this at a time when EOC scores are growing at a sub-average rate, graduation rates are stagnate, and the looming No Child Left Behind deadline plagues the minds of administrators. The tax payers passed the sunset provision not once, but twice. And in two years, they’ll do it again. The Board just has to ask. Now is no time for austerity measures, especially ones which are self-imposed. The idea that the difference between the rates will save a

significant amount of money is laughable compared to the difference between the rates in terms of benefit for the District. The median home value in the District is $225,000. The owners of such a home would pay a mere $21 more with the $5.18 rate compared to the $5.13, and when paying for a $225,000 home already, what’s $21 more? The sustainability of this plan relies on the hope that the state government will provide as much money as the formulas say they should. The state’s in the midst of its own budget crisis, with a general assembly that can’t pass legislation without gridlock, so dependence on them is wishful thinking at best. Long-term self-sustainability needs to be at the forefront of revenue policy discussions. If the Board holds the rate at $5.13, assuming it doesn’t ask voters to make the Sunset Provision a permanent revenue source, the District has projected that it will lose $37 million over the next seven years. Our schools should be palaces. Our teachers should be experts. Adequate shouldn’t be enough. Good shouldn’t be the goal. Great educations cost money, and Francis Howell students deserve nothing less than extravagant.




North star

staff Editor-in-Chief: Kelsey Bell

Managing Editor: Emily Forst


Society can benefit by relying less on Western medicine and progressing toward holistic healing


Headaches, chest pains, anxiety, nausea and thoughts of suicide are often the very reasons people take prescription and over-thecounter medicine. Yet these same symptoms usually occur again through side effects. The dangers of Western medicine have not been presented in a fair light and neither have the benefits of holistic healing. While Western medicine is thought to be nothing but benificial, it actually hospitalizes 142,000 Americans annually from antibiotic side effects. The potential side effects are far-reaching. Modern medicines such as minocycline and accutane are supposed to cure acne; however, they can actually cause birth defects. Some holistic treatments involve vitamin supplements and chiropractic adjustments to

strengthen the immune and nervous system. If the immune system is strong, it can prevent disease from weakening the body. A strong central nervous system makes the whole body work as one strong unit. The idea is not to keep you on pills, half-miserably muddling through the day but to ensure your body has the balance it needs to operate naturally. When artificially engineered pills are taken daily, they evoke a negative response from our bodies because our organs are not made to process lab-made chemicals. They are made to digest the types of foods humans ate before food processors and margarine. We cannot afford to blindly follow Western medicine without accepting its negative aspects, and we cannot label the old ways of healing as archaic and useless. In order to move forward as a culture, Western society must be open minded to both old and new methods of healing.


Got an opinion on something in this month’s paper? Submit a letter and tell us about it.

• Letters must be signed by the author and verified. • Letters are submitted to room 026 or Mr. Manfull’s mailbox. • Letters must include the author’s phone number and e-mail for verification.


• Letters should not exceed 300 words. • Letters will not be printed if content is obscene, invasive, encourage disruption of school, and/or implies libel. • Letters may be edited for length, grammar, spelling, and content. • Authors will be notified if any changes are made to the letter by the editorial staff. The full version of the Editorial Policy can be found at

Editors: News Editor: Jordan Bryson Sports Editor: Nick Bussell Opinions Editor: Aurora Blanchard Copy Editor: Paige Yungermann General Staff: Taylor Bartram Brianna Morgan Amanda Cornett Nick Ponche Andrew Curran Lisa Saville Katie Dozier Austin Seay Ellice Estrada Tannyr Seddon Sophie Gordon Kaylyn Shinault Maddie Hiatt Sidney Shelton Matt Hillis Brittany Steck Emily Katsianis Amanda Stallings Delores Lampkin Abby West Isabella Lanzara Director of Photography: Jessica Streiler Sports Photography Editor: Brandon Neer Online Photography Editor Kendrick Gaussoin Photographers: Erin D’Amico Michelle Spencer Kendra Barnard Sarah Teson Alexis Christo Erin D’Amico Ashley Haywood Maddie Nagel Azra Zec Murphy Riley Iesha Boll Ashley Brophy Areli Lara Maggie Curran

FHNTODAY STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Kaitlyn Williams Editor-in-Chief of Content: Kevin Beerman Editors: Online Editor: Nicole Piatchek Director of Video: Jaxon Nagel Podcast Editor: Christina DeSalvo Publicity Editor: Nick Bussell Web Staff Dan Wolters Kyle Schikore Chandler Pentecost Cole Kinnard Justin Hayden Video Staff Patrick Fountain Jon Doty Dan Stewart Advisers: Aaron Manfull Beth Phillips





Feature Stories Sports News Live Events Recaps and Reviews And Podcasts from previous years!

North Star Podcast #30 This episode of the Dec. 15 North Star Podcast features the paper review and 400,00 Faces.

Nathan Mills

Nathan Mills is a sophomore who has taken it upon himself to take seven honors classes. In this video, Dan Stewart takes a look at Nathan Mills’ balance between several extracurriculars and his tough schedule.

How To Make A Snow Globe Lauren Smith shows how to make a snow globe from common items.

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