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Job searches

There are many sites where you can find jobs. You should also use several of them at the same time. Below is a simplified overview of important job sites.

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Other sites

www.jobs.ch www.students.ch www.jobscout24.ch www.monster.ch

www.topjobs.ch www.jobsuchmaschine.ch


Specialised job sites

Banking, finance www.bankingjobs.ch, www.jobeye.ch, www.efinancialcareers.ch IT www.itjobs.ch, www.job-box.ch, www.workfinder.ch Public sector www.publicjobs.ch Pharma, healthcare www.pharmastellen.ch, www.pharmapro.ch Environment, conservation www.naturschutz.ch, www.umweltprofis.ch, www.oebu.ch Non-profit organisations www.sinndrin.ch, www.cinfo.ch SMEs www.kmuverband.ch/kmu-jobs.html, www.kmu.jobs

Company websites

In addition, you can of course always search for vacancies on company websites. This is a very interesting option, especially for larger corporations.

Recruitment agencies

Recruitment agencies specialise in finding candidates for job profiles. They usually maintain extensive databases in order to quickly find the right people when needed. Of course, their work is not free – but the costs are covered by the future employer. If a recruitment agency charges you a fee, it is not above board.

Unsolicited applications (on your own initiative)

Jobs are often not advertised at all, but filled directly: companies fall back on a pool of applications they have received in the past. Of course, you can apply to a company at any time, even if there is no specific vacancy advertised. Your documents are then usually stored in a database and consulted as needed.

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