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Wage negotiations

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Factors in wage determination

Your salary is determined by a number of factors, including your degree (field of study, level, specialisation), age and experience. In addition, the requirements of the position (e.g. management tasks), industry differences, regional wage differentials or the size of the company can also be a factor. Good preparation will show you what you can realistically expect.

Tips for wage negotiations

Wage negotiations are not arguments – they are about finding a common denominator that works for both parties. This also means that both you and the employer must show a willingness to compromise. The wage issue is usually raised by the employer. Answer as specifically as possible in terms of the annual salary you expect. You can find out in advance what salary level is realistic – depending on the industry, the function and the region (see below). Display healthy self-confidence, a willingness to negotiate, and be open. Most of the time, the second offer from the employer is also the last one. So your room for negotiation should not be stretched too far. Of course, successful wage negotiations also depend to a large extent on your tone: so be friendly, communicate with "I" messages ("I consider an industry-standard wage to be important") and don't lose your sense of humour.

Fringe Benefits

Fringe benefits include perks and freebies associated with the job. Typical examples include discounted or free meals in a canteen or drinks in a break room, allowances for mobility (rail passes or half-fare cards, parking spaces at the office), sports programmes for employees, home office options, company car or mobile phone, allowances and infrastructure for childcare, support for continuing education (in the form of time credits and/or financial allowances).

Starting salaries after a degree

The FH Switzerland 2021 salary study (www.fhlohn.ch) shows that with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration FH you can expect an annual salary of CHF 78,000 (median, full time). Of course, there are significant differences between the sectors. For a Master's degree in Business Administration FH, the median is CHF 90,000. Students of business information systems achieve a median of CHF 82,500 (Bachelor FH) or CHF 87,100 (Master FH).

Salary studies

FH Schweiz www.fhlohn.ch

Federal Statistical Office

https://www.gate.bfs.admin.ch/salarium/public/index.html Swiss Trade Union https://www.sgb.ch/service/lohnrechner

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