Action 1.1: Diagnostic

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Action 1.1: Diagnostic Prof. Patrick Llerena, BETA (Unistra-CNRS-INRA-AgroTech)

W.P. 1.1. Diagnosis of the Upper Rhine Area Activities completed •

Online Survey for Industry 4.0 Readiness adressed to Alsace’s Manufacturing Companies Designed by ISI-FhG Karlsruhe, Unistra & CCI Administrated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industrie Alsace Eurometropole (CCIAE) Opened until early January 2019 and phoning phase planned after More then 100 answers, high significance of the answers

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Gathering and treatment of the alsatian data (Unistra, CCI, ISI Karlsruhe) Integrating the German (Bade) and Swiss data (ISI, BETA) to finalize the report - report available end november Organization of a Workshop to present and validate the results with the UR4.0 Partners – Strasbourg 22 oct. 2019 at CCIAE Case studies

Students project Still open to contributions from other partners of the U.R. 4.0 projects Consists of Case studies of Companies’ 4.0 initiatives About 12 cases available, and ready to be diffused online (in french) Contributions of the U.R 4.0 partners are welcome…

Readiness I4.0 in the Upper Rhine region A. Jäger | Dr. C. Lerch | Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe

Study „Readiness I4.0 in Upper-Rhine region“: § description of the state of development towards Industry 4.0 of the Upper-Rhine region § tri-national comparison of the « readiness » of firms to the 4.0 technologies in the three regions covered by the Upper-Rhine regions (Alsace, Bade, and Basel area) § as well as of the distribution of nearly I4.0 technologies among manufacturing firms Analyses based on three data sources § regional extract of the European Manufacturing Survey Switzerland 2018 § regional extract of the European Manufacturing Survey Germany 2018 § regional survey conducted by CCI Alsace Eurometropole (CCIAE) and BETA (Université of Strasbourg) addressing manufacturing firms in the French Upper-Rhine region 2018 with the following main characteristics: § (representative) sub-samples of manufacturing firms with at least 20 employees § covering production characteristics as well as use of technologies

Data from three parts of one region Upper-Rhine region Joint data set § n = 339 § representative for each regions § however, not adjusting for the different density of firms, but rather § equally representing all three areas

Manufacturing firms Swiss part (n = 136)

German part 4 municipalities and 10 “rural” districts additionally two neighbor districts included (n = 37)


Germany German part (n = 79)

French part 2 departments: Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhine Swiss part

French part (n = 124)


4 cantons: Basel 2x, Aargau, Jura, Solothurn

4.0 Readiness Level Digital production Management

Production system

Digital Management Systems

Near Cyber-PhysicalProduction System (CPS) processes

Product-LifecycleManagement Systems Software for production planning and scheduling

Digital data exchange with customers and/or suppliers Automation and management of internal logistics


Wireless humanmachine cooperation Mobile/wireless programming and/or operating systems and/or machines Digital visualization

I4.0 Readiness Top group CPS-related processes

Basic levels IT-related processes

Near real-time production control system

Level 5 Level 4

Several CPSrelated processes in use

Level 3 Level 2

Individual or several IT-related processes in use

Level 1


Level 0

No I4.0 enabling technologies in use

Main results Status of readiness Level 0


Level 1 bis 3

No use (yet) 22%

Level 4 und 5



20 percent with I4.0 readiness 0%


Share50% of firms


71 percent of IT near processes 9% 11% 100%


In general, no large differences on the readiness level of manufacturing firms between the UR sub-regions


Readiness level of firms strongly depends on firm and production characteristics (especially on firm size, product complexity, batch size)


Firms of the UR region are likely to use to a higher share digital technologies in production

W.P. 1.1. Diagnosis of the Upper Rhine Area To do Next : • Presentation at the VDE Meeting in Karlsruhe, 10 dec. 2019 (cf Philipp Nenninger)

• Official presentation of the results by organizing a conference with firms also including round tables with surveys’ participants – to be organised with CCIAE early 2020 • Diffusion of the report by end of 2019 / early 2020.

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