N the Red
Arts & Culture
Men’s fall fashion Innovative, stylish ways men can dress fashionably this fall Mason Gushwa
s weather shifts, so does the thirst for fashion. Anyone can throw on a sweater and jeans during these fall months, but those who crave the above and beyond, uni ueness and diversity, find opportunities to create something fresh within the world of fashion. tandard fall clothing for men includes boots, sweaters, eans, annels and more, but when males begin to e plore beyond that hori on, or males that are comfortable enough to e plore beyond that hori on choose to, they could face backlash. I wore a crop top yesterday,” sophomore mir asr said. ell, not really a crop top but a shorter shirt, and I felt very insecure because it is something that is widely considered as feminine.” ociety clusters things as masculine” or feminine” the ideal that boys should wear clothes that are boyish” and girls should wear clothes that are girly.” his ideal is placed in brains of children and morphed into stereotypes as adults. tereotypically, men are not considered to be interested in fashion. en that do decide to pursue diverse fashion could face controversy, which potentially scares men away from fashion. If one were to scroll through Vogue and look at men’s fall fashion,they would reali e trends are very different from what everyday men are wearing. versi ed, vivid, colorful and diverse are ust a few of the words used to describe ogue s men s fall fashion looks. o some men, those ad ectives could be horrifying, and to others those words look like the gates of heaven. nother very popular fall fashion trend for men is layering, something that is simple and easy to put together. ayering includes an inner or base layer, which includes cotton or wool, and a mid layer which consists of a eece. astly, an outside layer, known as a shell layer, which could be a windbreaker. ne of my favorite fall fashion trends is layering clothes,” unior am atto said, earing a shirt over a sweatshirt is something that I do often, and it keeps me warm in the school.” So, determining a universal code of fall fashion for men is tricky. Fashion and trends vary person to person, therfore anything can be considered a trend if you want it to be.
red and lue annel utton up is good or la ering and ound at ost retail stores pair o light lue deni ean oggers can e purchased at ue pair o urgund oots good or all wheather can e ound at Citi Trends. Photos by Mason Gushwa.
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