Tiger Topics N the Red, Volume 14, Issue 6, 3/10/2020

Page 19


N the Red


University of Michigan players shoot around during an official ournament practice on March 16 at Bankers Life Fieldhouse. Photo by Nate Albin.

Streaming madness

Beginning of NCAA tournament brings issues with distracted classrooms Nate Albin



pwards of 70 million brackets will be filled out according to the merican ambling ssociation for this year s C tournament. ith so many o ce pools and competitions bet een friends, it is not hard to imagine hy people all over the nation ill be glued to screens to ma e sure they do not miss a moment of the action. ith the advent of streaming, the tournament has been an enemy of or places all across merica. o usiness reports that merican businesses ill lose roughly billion due to a lac of or er productivity. hile schools ill not lose money from the games being streamed, some cite a lac of productivity during gametime. t has absolutely been a problem,” math teacher van eynolds said. no it s going to happen.” hat eynolds says he e pects has been confirmed by students. ophomore nthony c uisto admitted to streaming the games in class. uch to the disapproval of my teachers, ve definitely streamed,” c uisto said. round tournament time, al ays do nload the arch adness app on my phone or laptop to atch.” he C s arch adness ive app serves as the o cial streaming service for the tournament. t is easily accessible the app is free and available on different devices. ue to the accessibility, the arch adness ive app helps some in their streaming uest. f have an online assignment in class, have t o tabs open,” junior la e ac es said. ne ith the assignment, one ith the game. r people hide their phone.”

or some, the C tournament is more about ho they are atching ith rather than rooting for their favorite teams and players. ecause of this, atching carries a different meaning. very year, me and my family and friends go to lorida over brea ,” ac es said. hile e re there, e al ays atch the inal our and championship game together.” istoric, e citing moments dra people in to atch the tournament each year. o upsets, eorgia tate do ning aylor and labama irmingham stunning o a tate, happened roughly minutes apart from each other midday on arch , . his as one of the first years the app as in its current form. ith these moments, some struggle to eep the jubilation in. t s hard to contain my e citement,” c uisto said. ost of the time, on t. here are a lot of fist pumps, but don t thin the teachers mind because they no hat is going on.” ith that, teachers li e eynolds say they still believe in the school s policies regarding technology. ven ith that in place, they understand the inevitable. try to stress et your or done first,” eynolds said. hat you do after is your time.” tudents cite struggling to or after the day is over, especially hen considering first and second round games do not conclude until after p.m. do home or and atch simultaneously,” c uisto said. ut try to get as much bas etball in as can. t s the end of the season and the players are putting it on the line for ultimate glory and every game means so much.”

Tournament Fast Facts March 17 - April 6 68 Teams Single Elimination Final Four Host: Atlanta Reigning Champ: Virginia Midseason Number 1: Baylor Odds-On Favorite: Kansas. +550 (As of March 3) TV Networks: CBS, TBS, TNT, TruTV

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