April 2018 issuu

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Volume 51 Issue 7

April 2018

Photo: Analisa Jeffries

The names of the victims of the Columbine massacre listed in chronological order. The middle is those who have passed, and the right and left columns were those injured.

April marks a month of remembrance

The 19th anniversary of one of the worst school shootings in America Hayley Guzzo Pates’ Post Editor

Today’s youth and teachers can benefit from learning about past instances of school violence. The Columbine school shooting is one of the most devastating mass shootings that has ever happened in the U.S; however, not everyone knows exactly what happened. “I believe it’s important for teachers to educate today’s youth on the Columbine shooting,” said Zanaya Daniel, junior. The morning of April 20, 1999

Majory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

seemed like a simple morning for students and faculty of Columbine High School. The people of the school located in a small area of Jefferson County, Colorado had experienced something that still, to this day, cannot fully be comprehended. Around eleven o’clock that morning, two students named Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold entered their school on a mission to cause terror. “Everyone should be aware of past events, especially something this important,” said Amanda Large, senior. The two students walked into school holding shotguns while also carrying knives and explosives that they had planned to use. They then went on for an hour terrorizing their classmates and teachers, and holding them hostage in the library and cafeteria. At the end of the attack, the death toll was 15, including both perpetrators. Before authorities could get inside the school, Harris and Klebold turned the guns on themselves. For almost two decades, tighter security has been discussed

throughout the country. “I don’t think extra security will help that much because it’s mainly the mentality of students,” said Large. This mass shooting struck the entire United States, and led to stricter gun laws and more awareness on the topic of violence in schools. This topic brought up discussions about violent video games, bullying, and zero-tolerance A diagram of Columbine High School where the policies in schools across the tragedy occurred. country. Photo: Wikimedia “I believe the environment inside the school is more influential than security measures,” said ic of gun violence in schools. Each Large. day will consist of different activities This past March, Freedom High that will be organized by Student School and some others across the Council, and students may decide Bethlehem Area School District par- whether or not they would like to participated in a walkout that consisted of ticipate. a 17-minute ceremony to honor the 17 “At the end of the day, it was not the victims of the latest mass school gun that did the damage; it was the shooting at Stoneman Douglas High human being that pulled the trigger. School in Parkland, Florida. There isn’t much that can be done In the last week of April, Freedom regarding gun violence because peowill be hosting a week of advocacy to ple still find ways to get around the help bring more awareness to the top- law,” said Daniel.

Photo: Wikimedia

Puerto Rico needs help Puerto Rico is still in need after Hurricane Maria hit Page 2

Freedom students forced to push themselves harder

Fun in the Lehigh Valley

The absence of an advance track

What is there to do in the summer locally?

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Colin Harms breaks school record for lacrosse Harms scores over 100 goals Page 11

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2 News

The Forum

April 2018

Puerto Rico needs all the help it can get People are still suffering months after the hurricane hit Ivana Troche Journalism Student

September 20, 2017 was the day Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, causing the island to lose power, food, homes, and lives. Tourists and locals have been trying to contact their families and get around the island which was flooded to the point where some have drowned. Now about seven months after this tragic natural disaster, people are still suffering in areas of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is slowly improving by getting power back in some parts, getting money to rebuild houses that were destroyed, and returning tourism to the island. On the other hand, the

rate of improvement is not as fast as it is in the rest of the United States. The U.S. territory is not getting the support they need to improve from this disaster. “Food is difficult to find, cell phone usage isn’t easy to get. Running water isn’t fully available,” said Ramzil Rios Ortiz, senior. Americans are forgetting that Puerto Rico is still suffering in some areas because it is not brought up much anymore. Things have not been improved. Some predict that it will be at least another six months before Puerto Rico is fully recovered. As a result of the enrollment process slowing down, many schools in Puerto Rico are closing, meaning children

do not have are many stuaccess to dents who education. have friends People are and family in fighting to Puerto Rico. get supplies “It was diffibefore they cult for me are no longer since I have available, family that which can be lives there. dangerous. They are livIn addition, ing comfortaA photo taken after Hurricane Maria hit. people are bly now but Photo: Wikimedia still dying it's still difficult from heat strokes, diseases, starvation, to deal with,” said Ortiz. and other medical issues. People have different ideas on what Not only is this affecting the people they think will happen, why to recovwho live in Puerto Rico, but their ery process is so slow, and what families who live here in the United should be done. States. At Freedom High School, there

Cherry blossoms bloom in Washington, D.C. The Cherry Blossom Festival has concluded

The Cherry Blossom Festival is a cherished Japanese tradition that has found its way into the hearts of Americans, providing all who come to Washington D.C. and many other locations the ability to see the wondrous blooming of the Cherry Blossom trees that reside there. It occurs from March 17 to April 15. This festival includes five events: the pink tie party, opening ceremony, blossom kite festi-

Ashley Calderon Journalism Student

Cherry blossoms

val, petal palooza, and the National Cherry Blossom parade. With so many things to choose from, anyone could find something that suits their tastes. “I’d consider going, a nice atmospheric change would be great, honestly,” said Chriselis Flete, junior. Even though going to these events can be fun, everyone should have some insight on the cherry blossoms and their history with the United States. Cherry Blossom trees, formally known as Sakura trees, are a symbol of renewal, hope, and of course, spring, but one is free to interpret them as anything they would like.

“I would assume they symbolize some sort of achievement since they are now becoming rare to see and are very beautiful,” said John Diaz, senior. Away from this, these trees are very special to people here in the U.S. due to them being a sign of Japan and America’s long lasting friendship, as 3,000 trees were given as a gift to America in 1912. Whatever the case may be, Cherry Blossom trees are absolutely stunning and are loved worldwide, so much so that they have started this festival in its glory.

Photo: Analisa Jeffries

Sharing school safety opinions FHS students’ perspectives on gun control Isabella Scipioni News Editor

After the devastating school shooting in Parkland, Florida in February 14, many Americans have expressed strong opinions for and against stricter gun control laws. In a study done by Quinnipiac University, sixty-six percent of Americans stated that they wanted stricter gun control laws. High school students from around the country and FHS have shared strong opinions on both sides of the issue. “I believe it has nothing to do with guns. I believe that there’s a severe mental health issue that our country is not tackling,” said Jon Carlos Sousa, junior. “I think we need to put more funding into mental health, we need to do more research, and we need to get more medication out there,” said Sousa, who is a former Rifle Team member. While most can agree that mental health is a severe issue, many believe that basic restrictions on guns should be put into place. “I think we need more comprehensive background checks, more com-

drastic action needs to be taken and that with proper prehensive retraining, armed teachers search into mencan save lives. tal illness, and “I think that it would be a more funding for great idea for teachers to mental illness be able to carry in schools; awareness,” said however, I agree that they Quentin Jimenez, should probably have them junior and capin locked safes and not on tain of the Debate their person in the classTeam. room,” said Sousa. Another debated Others believe that giving issue is whether teachers weapons is comor not semipletely unreasonable and automatic weapcan lead to more gun vioons should be lence, and even deaths in legal for civilschools. ians. “There are some teachers “If you decrease A march in Washington for gun control. that don’t feel comfortable the rate of fire abilPhoto: Wikimedia handling one and those who ity for civilians, don’t trust themselves with a you’re going to make it harder for used for hunting, pistols are used for gun near other students,” said Kenthem to defend themselves,” said Sou- self-defense, but assault weapons are neth Zuniga, sophomore. sa. used mainly just for murdering big While arguments about gun control While some believe they are neces- groups of people. I feel like they’re can sometimes get heated, everyone is sary for self-defense, others believe very unnecessary,” said Glenn Fun- entitled to their own opinions on how that they are dangerous and useless. derburk, sophomore. to make schools safer. “Assault weapons are made solely for One of the most controversial issues “I feel safe in school. Someone who the purpose of killing people. Every facing schools today regarding gun doesn’t feel safe in school should other type of gun has another purpose. control is whether or not teachers write to their senator,” said Jimenez. For example, shotguns and rifles are should be armed. Some believe that

3 Editorials

The Forum

April 2018

Flying the unfriendly skies Have airlines gone too far?

thing and they could not go,” said Mr. Jay Kolb, math teacher. Since the incident The terror attacks on September on United 3411, 11, 2001 led to massive reforms several other unproregarding air travel and security. fessional actions by President George W. Bush created airlines have made the Transportation Security Adminheadlines. In Januistration (TSA). Although a hassle ary, Instagram modat times, the new agency was el Jen Selter was praised for accomplishing its goal: escorted off an improving the safety of air travel. American Airlines In recent years, security in the air flight after making a industry has become some of the sarcastic comment An airplane sits on the runway at Lehigh Valley Airport. tightest in the world. New TSA to a flight attendant. regulations frustrate passengers, and Photo: Analisa Jeffries Last month, a United the stories of airlines treating their passenger’s pet dog the right to remove him from the passengers poorly dominate the news. died after being stored in a baggage flight. The manner in which Mr. Dao The string of stories began last compartment. was dragged off the aircraft drew conspring, after Chicago police forcibly While some are quick to point fintroversy, upsetting many people. removed David Dao off United Air“The most disappointing thing is gers at the airlines for their perceived lines Flight 3411. Dao had refused to when people get bumped unjustly bad behavior, others recognize that give up his seat, but a controversial from their seats. They paid for some- there are multiple sides to every story. policy stated that the airline reserved “People are far too sensitive to

Carson Swick Entertainment Editor

things that happen on commercial airline flights. They feel the need to whip out their phones and start recording at the slightest inconvenience on a flight,” said Erin Miller, senior. Regardless of security concerns and questionable policies, travelling from Point A to Point B is a stressful experience. It is very possible that travelers exaggerate stories in order to appear as if they are the victim. “One reason people are so sensitive when traveling is because they have seen the companies being manipulated for money over the media. They want to try to get money for themselves,” Miller said. Whatever the reason for someone’s travel, it is important to recognize and follow the rules of airlines. Even if they seem absurd, the rules are put in place for the safety of all passengers. Creating a huge scene out of a small burden is, ultimately, not worth the consequences.

Helping those who struggle with alcohol dependence April raises awareness for alcoholism Janelle Diaz Journalism Student

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and alcoholism is a big issue in the community we live in. Alcoholism is the inability to control drinking due to both physical and emotional dependence on alcohol. It is a chronic disease that can be treated if the individual is willing to take the help that is provided for them. Most times, counseling by a healthcare professional or even a detoxification program may help or reduce the urge of drinking alcohol. The NCADD (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence) was

established in 1987 to help individuals who are suffering from alcoholism. The NCADD is a program that helps reduce the use of alcohol and is now making a huge difference in the nation. This program also reaches out and encourages other communities to speak on alcohol and alcohol recovery. Almost 20 million individuals and family members are now living their lives in recovery from alcoholism in the United States. Support and love can help make the recovery process easier. Every April helps to shed some light on the serious issue of alcoholism.

For over 70 years the NCADD has helped many individuals and families who are in recovery. The NCADD is looking forward to decreasing the number of people who are suffering from alcohol dependence. This month, there will be plenty of events going on about treatment and the prevention of alcohol, all local, state, and national events. Bringing awareness to this major problem can help someone in their most desperate time of need.

Alcoholics Anonymous is a program that helps addicts. Photo: Wikimedia

Dear Ani: Helicopter parent makes high school harder Addressing the daily struggle of having an overbearing parent Analisa Jeffries Co-Editor-in-Chief

A mother and child

Dear Ani, I have a wonderful relationship with my mother, and I can honestly say that I am her best friend. I’m not saying that as a bad thing, but she spends so much time worrying about me and what I do. She is constantly texting me, checking up on me, and controlling what I do. She texts multiple times a day, and ensures that all of my grades are up to date. Luckily, for her, Freedom lets parents log in to the home access center to check their children’s grades. If I have anything less than a 90 on any assignment, she will get on my case about it. It’s like she thinks that getting on B will mean no college for me. Along with controlling my school life, she controls my soPhoto: Open Clipart cial life. While I understand that she’s my mom and has a say in

whether or not I go out, she has become ridiculous about it. I’m not allowed out past 10 p.m., and she has to “okay” who I hang out with. How do I escape the grasp of my overbearing mom? Sincerely, Jailbird

them when they come over, and they maybe will be able to stay later because your mom knows you are safe at home. Just remember, do not resort to lying about who you hang out with because that is a sticky situation that can always turn bad real quick. Best of luck,

Dear Jailbird, It is great to have such a supportive mom, but I agree that she may be going a little too far. She most likely means well and wants the best for you. You need to sit down and have a serious discussion with her. Preface this chat with the fact that you love her, and just want to discuss a few things. Tell her nicely and respectfully that you want to live life a little more, and maybe get your curfew pushed later. Be open to compromise. As far as her being okay with your friends, maybe bring the friends to your house before making any big plans with them. She can get to know


Photo: Analisa Jeffries

4 Editorials The Freedom Forum A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843 www.FHSForum.com

Co-Editor-in-Chief Analisa Jeffries Juliana Maffea News Editor Isabella Scipioni Riley Sweitzer Editorial Editor

Rachel Black Pates’ Post Editor Hayley Guzzo Entertainment Editor Carson Swick Center Spread Editor Gabrielle Rader Sports Editor T.J. Schaeffer Web Editor Gabrielle Rader Adviser Karla Erdman Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy For our editorial statement and correction policy, please go to www.fhsforum.com/about.html Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office. Follow us on Twitter, send us an email, and visit our website! @fhsforum, #fhsforum fhsforum@gmail.com www.fhsforum.com

L-R: Mr. Michael DiBilio, Mrs. Laura Sage, Mr. Michael LaPorta, Ms. Maureen Leeson, and Mr. William Cecchini Photo: Christmas City Studios

The Forum

April 2018

Freedom students forced to push themselves out of their comfort zones Thoughts on the absence of the advanced academic track Matison Piripavel Journalism Student

ors level in the classes they do well in; however, not all are successful by doing so. Academic to honors is a huge jump for most students, so the advanced academic track would be a good transition class that would prepare students for the movement towards honors or AP classes. Additionally, an advanced academic track could promote better study skills and reduce student anxiety. Many honors and AP level Freedom students push themselves so hard to succeed in these classes. This in turn creates undo stress and anxiety. In reality, some will never use their knowledge of these subjects in their future careers. Taking honors classes are unnecessary for students in some cases. High school brings a lot of stress to students for many reasons, and taking all honors classes is not worth the extra stress if they are not needed. Parents of Freedom students have also voiced their opinions on this topic in board meetings and to administration privately, but just like the students, their opinions just do not seem to be heard. “Studies show that students who are challenged are more successful in life. Although Freedom does offer a honors level track to challenge students, not all students are honors level students in ALL academic areas,” said Lori Walker, mother of a freshman student. Walker voiced her concerns about students not finding a class that is a good fit for them if the academic track is too easy, but the honors class is too difficult for them. She described the advanced academic track to be a “perfect home” for these type of students. Another conflict Walker sees in her kids’ lives is the struggle of balancing school and their many extracurricular activities. “As a result of all their activities and outside commitments, it would be extremely difficult for them to take honors level courses for all their academic subjects and still contribute to society in the same positive way that they are,” said Walker. A common counterargument to the addition of the advanced academic track is that a lower number of students would take the honors and AP classes offered to them, but many parents, including Walker, do not see how this is a valid argument for the success of their

children. “I believe that although those honors and AP course numbers may drop slightly, there will be an even bigger drop in the number of students in the academic level track at Freedom,” said Walker. In the end, Walker expressed how she believes all four of her children would definitely benefit from having the advanced academic track at Freedom. “As an educator myself, I believe decisions should be made not based on money or data numbers, but rather based on the best interests of the students. This track would be in the best interest of a large number of students. The biggest disadvantage, in my mind, then is that this population is currently being ignored,” said Walker. Freedom High School’s administrators have also spoken out about this topic and present a different perspective. “We want to welcome all students to challenge themselves and take on that higher level of intensity,” said Ms. Maureen Leeson, Freedom Assistant Principal. “We expect our students to be college and career ready and want to create those opportunities for students to prepare them to get into that AP program.” Ms. Leeson expressed her pride in Freedom’s academic success, and therefore believes that the advanced academic track is not something this school’s future will hold. She spoke about the strong product Freedom has and how it needs to stay maintained. “At this point in time, I don’t think that is something we’re discussing. We actually see less tracking occurring because we want to continue to accelerate their learning and challenging them,” said Ms. Leeson. Freedom has a great reputation when it comes to test scores and participation rates, so administrators do not see a reason for possibly tampering with them by adding a track below honors. Even though it is important for Freedom to have high ratings and a good name, it is just as important to keep their students sane. Although many students and parents express their hopes about the addition of an advanced academic track, it does not look like it will be in the future curriculum of Freedom High School anytime soon.

The differences between the two Bethlehem Area School District high schools in regards to curriculum have spurred numerous discussions between students, parents, and teachers. Both schools contain hardworking, high achieving students who give a good name to the district; however, some students push themselves too hard. Many strive to do well in honors or AP classes but fail to keep a high grade by the end of the semester. One solution to this problem is to take an advanced academic track class in between honors and academic, but this option is only provided to Liberty High School students. Both schools offer academic, honors, and even AP courses for their students, but the one course that could give students a healthy combination of challenging work and a little less stress only exists in one of Bethlehem’s high schools. Many students and parents argue that it is unfair that Liberty’s ninth and tenth grade students have the option of taking a “gray area” class in all four of their core classes opposed to Freedom students’ options, which are so black and white. Just because students do not want to take the highest class available to them in a given subject does not mean that they should be put in the lowest class for that subject or vise versa. “It’d be awesome to have a sort of middle ground because it gives students the opportunity to push themselves in something that they might not be interested in making a career out of, or they might not be great at and want to improve in without it being so hard that they fail,” said Avery Lynn, freshman. Lynn is enrolled in all honors courses, but she struggled to maintain her grade in biology at times and wished she had a more balanced schedule of academics. She felt overwhelmed with the rigors and challenges each class provided. Lynn feels as though Freedom students would definitely benefit from having the advanced academic track in their curriculum and believes that Liberty students have a better chance at success because of it. “I’d say it’s a bit unfair because Liberty kids have a better chance at getting a higher GPA and higher grades in classes that won’t kill them,” said Lynn. Although the advanced academic track is not weighted like the honors courses are, it is still a challenging track that is a little less intense than the honors or AP courses. This in turn allows students more time and flexibility to challenging material. Many students who take academic track classes eventually try The Advanced Academic classes are labeled as “Liberty Only” in the Program of Studies. Photo: Matison Piripavel to move up to the hon-

April 2018

Pates’ Post 5

The Forum

Float through the right path of life Freedom High School: A Bubble of Craziness Sarah Healy The Freedom Forum

Recently, Young Life held a special meeting, and the topic that was discussed was truly meaningful. The question, “How does it feel when you walk into school?” was asked. That question was really picked apart, and the realist conversation came out of it. Although Freedom High School brings so much joy, happiness, and excitement, it seems like people can negate those feelings which happens in a lot of schools all over. When people walk into school, they cannot be themselves. When students wake up in the morning, they are so cautious of what they look like, so they are not judged in the halls. They do not know how to feel because they do not know what people think of them. They do not know how to react

trust yourself and think highif and when peoly of yourself, ple talk behind but you first their back. They need to assess are unsure if it who you are. is a joke or not. When you fiSometimes it nally figure out seems like the who you are, people who tell you can then you to be youraccount for self are the peoothers’ opinple that ions. And then, “jokingly” make from there, you fun of you. All have the decithis right here sion whether creates the draor not to bema in high lieve those outPeople should be themselves rather than feel school. side opinions. pressure to always fit in. There are so Outside of Photo: Open Clipart many genuine school, some people in this school. There are many students feel they can be themselves. people who want others to perceive But, can they really? Drama goes with life as they do. It is so important to everyone everywhere. It is honestly

the hardest thing to keep up with. Some people live in a bubble of drama all the time. These are the people that need to realize it is not the way to live. This is not how reality works. Do not change who you are for others. You do not have to like every person you meet or know, but you should respect everyone and their differences. Just be nice to everyone and if they do not give back the same vibe, move on. Yes, a joke is just a joke and words are just words, but drama is torture for everyone. Do not take things to heart all the time because those people who are mean are just stuck in the drama bubble. Every day you wake up, you have the choice to be the person you want to be and think the way you choose. The power is in your hands.

Rader’s Rant: National Honesty Day National Honesty Day a day celebrated without honesty Gabrielle Rader Centerspread and Web Editor

In honor of National Honesty Day occurring on April 30, I thought I would write about all of the honest and dependable people who surround everyone’s daily lives. National Honesty Day is held in order to encourage honesty and straightforward communication between people. In fact, I specifically wanted to talk about the most trustworthy people, which are those who attend high school. I think I can speak for the majority of people when I say that untrustwor-

People who are not honest are not fun. thy people are the best type of Why wouldn’t you people. Especially those snakes want to be fun? that slither through the halls in Know who you can high school. If you are not spreadand can’t trust because ing lies and gossip then is it even there are too many high school? people who would raLife is filled with people who are ther hurt you than help not honest. Many people try to be you today. No one is someone they are not. I mean honest, although everytruthfully who would want to live Why you lion? one should be. It is Photo: PngImg more in a world where you truly only beneficial althave yourself, your bed, and your hough it may not seem mom? I mean I do not mind, but it than my pillow at times. that way. The truth hurts. If you canwould be nice to have more people Do not get me wrong there are peo- not take the heat, get out of the kitchthat you could confide in. It would ple who I can trust. That may only be en. Be careful that you do not get bit just feel nice to have someone else a handful but there are some at least. by any venomous snakes.

Theatre company dazzles audiences once again Once Upon a Mattress performances are among the best yet Carson Swick Entertainment Editor

Photos: Top from left to right: An ecstatic Prince Dauntless reacts to Queen Aggravain’s silence. Sir Harry and Lady Larken amidst a dispute. An overwhelmed Prince Dauntless is calmed by those in his kingdom. Bottom: Members of Queen Aggravain’s kingdom were often surprised throughout the show. Photos: Freedom High School Theatre Company Facebook

Freedom High School Theatre Company’s latest production, Once Upon a Mattress, was met with positive receptions across all audiences. The musical follows the story of Prince Dauntless and his desire to find a suitable princess to marry. His mother, Queen Aggravain, is very particular with who her son marries. Based on the story of The Princess and the Pea, the queen leads the effort to test all of the princesses who wish to marry into the family. While other conflicts between characters do arise, the musical’s main storyline is the romance between Prince Dauntless and Princess Winnifred. As in many musicals, the evil queen is thwarted by a group of the prince’s confidants, including the Jester, the Minstrel, and silent King Sextimus. All of the helping hands and actors came together to put on one last spectacular performance for Ms. Jennifer Wescoe’s final show as FHS theatre director.

Ghosts Haunt Bethlehem By: Kirsten Boyle, Journalism Student

Centerspread by: Carson Swick

Have Fun in the Fall By: Kirsten Boyle, Journalism Student Everyone loves a good scare during Halloween. Many people see Halloween as a chance for kids to dress up as their favorite characters and get free candy. The fun is not exclusive to children, since even adults dress up for trick-or-treat. “I love doing costumes with my family because we all get to dress up and we usually do a similar theme,” said Mrs. Lindsay Wieand, English teacher. Grim’s Greenhouse is a great place to pick pumpkins and gourds needed for Halloween. They even have a haunted maze attraction at night during October. Grim’s also offers apple picking during the fall. Of course, this is not the only place to go for Halloween decorations. “Michael’s always has really cool decorations, but they can be pricey.” said Mrs. Wieand. Another popular Halloween attraction is The Haunt at Dorney Park. This is one of the most attended attractions during Halloween in Pennsylvania. “The ratings certainly go up during the haunt. It’s a seasonal thing that only happens once a year,” said Logan Hicks, sophomore. And of course, there have been many debates about the most popular Halloween candy. Some say it’s the milky chocolates, and others say it’s the sweet sugary hard candies. However, it is a tie between Reese's peanut butter cups, Skittles, and M&Ms.

All photos and clipart from Pixabay

8 Entertainment

The Forum

April 2018

Stephen Hawking leaves his mark After Hawking’s passing, what comes next?

his exposure to the public as a pop culture icon truly did get it “out Sabrina Abdou there.” Journalism Student “Science wasn’t reserved for sciThe scientific commuence nerds anymore,” says Mr. Harnity is now beginning to vey, “There was always a disconnect recover from taking a between the real world and the scidevastating blow last ence world, but now, it’s not isolated month. The death of faanymore.” mous theoretical physicist Among Hawking’s greatest discovStephen Hawking. After a eries was that of self-named lifelong struggle with am“Hawking radiation,” a form of elecyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Possible radiation given off from the black hole. tromagnetic radiation that should, in better known as ALS, he theory, be emitted by black holes. The Photo: Genty died at 76 on March 14th. radiation itself is caused by a black Hawking left behind a lengthy career Mr. John Harvey, astronomy teacher. hole capturing a particle-antiparticle of incredible scientific discoveries, Author of A Brief History Of Time, pair in its event horizon during the having become “the most important Hawking’s work often seems confus- pair’s formation. “Out there” for sure, scientist since Einstein,” according ing to the vast majority of people, but but what comes next? According to

Mr. Harvey, what comes next is only good things. “He tied everything up with neat little bows, but not so tightly that no one will be able to touch it again,” said Mr. Harvey. “He left a good jumping point for future generations for the next Stephen Hawking.” Those will be large shoes to fill for this next generation of scientific entrepreneurs, but what matters most is the knowledge that taking the role is not impossible. In Mr. Harvey’s closing words, “The baton is ready to be passed. It’s just a matter of who’ll pick it up.”

Independent film Call Me By Your Name makes an impact Is this 2017 film as groundbreaking as people claim? Sabrina Abdou Journalism Student

Somewhere in Northern Italy, an independent film that has shaken the Oscars to its core this year surfaced: the movie adaptation of André Aciman’s novel, Call Me By Your Name. Nominated at the event for Best Picture, Best Actor, and emerging as the winner of Best Writing-Adapted Screenplay, there is no question about the movie’s quality, yet its subject matter has resulted in it remaining underappreciated and under the radar. Starring Timothée Chalamet as Elio Perlman and Armie Hammer as Oliver, Call Me By Y our Name takes place in the summer of 1983, where 17-year old Elio bides the time with his family in the Italian city of Normandy. He soon meets Oliver, a doc-

sentation it supplies to struggling and toral student and his father’s commonly written-off intern. The film follows their homosexual teens is blooming summer romance, crucial, and it is deand all the highs and lows of a serving of proper mefirst love. dia attention. Its valCall Me By Your Name is ues exceed that of largely considered to be a first some multibillionof its kind, one of few LGBTdollar projects that themed movies to make it into only act as cash mainstream media that doesn’t grabs, constantly refall under the category of Characters lounge in a scene from the movie. hashing the same fla‘tragedy’. vorless action scenes Screenshot: Sabrina Abdou “This movie breaks boundaand disguising them as ries,” says Morgan Johnson, senior sexualities. Call Me By Y our Name ‘ambitious’ and revolutionary. and fan of both the original novel and supplies those people, particularly “Representation is important, and its film adaptation. “It really does the teens, the valuable message that it is people who think representation isn’t LGBT community justice, and was okay to experiment, via passionate important have always had representalong overdue.” performances, artful visuals, and tion.” said Johnson, regarding the In today’s society, a large number of scriptwriting worthy of being called a ‘controversial’ nature of the independpeople feel insecure regarding their masterpiece. The much-needed repre- ent film.

Percy Jackson books versus the movies Never skip the book

to life, or take what Natalie Durham is in the Journalism Student book and make that Some people do not like the movie to read which is underwith the standable, but how far off little can the movie makers go changes until the movie loses the needed so book’s focus or fans are that it can questioning if the directors happen in even looked at the book. a way that “When you read a book makes you can connect with the sense. characters more than when There are you just watch the movie,” three said Tashanna Smith, kinds of freshman. changes a The Percy Jackson books movie have more background The Percy Jackson movie poster maker can information about the charmake. They Photo: Creative Commons acters, and with the book, it can make allows the readers to look small inside character’s minds to understand changes that they can get away with, what they are thinking and feeling which are the changes they have to which is something that actors in a make. Then there are the changes that movie cannot do. in no way make any sense to what the “The books give you more freedom book has done. Some of the changes with your imagination when you like age and race are understandably read,” said Smith. changed in order to get the right actor. A movie is supposed to bring a book Even if they don't look completely

like the characstory have a flow. If ter’s description, the movie plot is init is better than accurate, then it can having an actor change the entire that looks the part movie. Changing the but cannot play movie can change the the part. fan’s opinion, but it is “Even though up to each individual they are a lot difas to what he or she ferent than the likes. books I still real“You can tell the ly like the whole author put effort into visual aspect of the book were as it it,” said Taina looks like the movie Johnson, junior. makers just did it for The Percy Jacka quick cash grab,” son movie has a said Rodriguez. lot of visual efEvery author has a fects like most story to tell but for movies do, and some when their seeing how the The Percy Jackson book cover work is turned into a movie makers movie, it leaves somePhoto: Creative Commons show the powers thing to be desired. and effects is Others love what the something a lot of fans enjoy. movie makers did, but for the movies “The books are good, but the movies that just do not capture the thing that are really inaccurate and don’t have a makes the book special, those fans lot in common with the books,” said will always question whether the Nicole Rodriguez, sophomore. movie makers read the book or just When making a book into a movie did their own thing. A movie can the most important thing to keep in bring a book to life or take the book mind is the plot. It is what makes the down with it.

April 2018

The Forum

9 Entertainment

Creating a look for less money A review on how to get prom dress for a reasonable price Yaideliz Alicea Journalism Student

Every school year prom comes around, and girls who attend stress about what they are going to wear, how they are going to do their hair, and what shoes will match their dress. Other girls cannot attend prom because dresses are too expensive, but there are many different ways to get an affordable dress and attend prom. Girls who want to attend prom but do not want to spend hundreds of dollars on a prom dress can budget. Budgeting is the best way to save money. “Come up with your maximum

amount that you can spend first. Figure out what is a necessity and you buys these items first. For example the dress is obviously the necessity. Shoes are a necessity, but maybe you can borrow a pair from a friend. Before you buy anything know what the prices are and shop around first. Don't act on impulse or you will most like- Three prom dresses displayed on racks. Photo: Open Clipart ly go over budget,” said Mrs. Loretta Lohenitz, guidance counselor. There are many stores and boutiques dollars. Since most people depend on to shop at that have dresses for a rea- their phones and online shopping sonable price such as Macy’s, JCpen- there are even some websites that you ney, Windsor, Le Femme Boutique. can order a prom dress for an affordaDresses in these shops usually cost a ble price such as SimplyFabDress, little less or more than one hundred Hebeos, Fashionnova, and ASOS.

If choosing to order a dress online, be aware of fraud websites. There are many ways to tell when a website is a fraud such as if you can choose any color dress you want, if the websites says it will custom tailor to your size, or if the website says that their tailor time takes up to 10 to 25 days. “The best way to check and see if the website is real is to look and see if it has a phone number and call the company and ask them if the website is real and worth your money,” said Nancy Rodriguez, mother of a Freedom student. For this upcoming prom remember working with a budget can be a low cost way to attend prom.

Lehigh Valley offers fun activities this summer What the Lehigh Valley has to offer this summer 2018

away to somewhere warm and tropical. While vacations are exciting and fun they can also be a bit pricey. Thankfully, you do not have to look too far to have a good time. The Lehigh Valley offers a lot of things to do to keep summer vacation busy and lively. With school over, students have time to go out with their friends and bathe in the sunshine. The Lehigh Valley has a lot of parks with beautiful scenery to visit. Some of these parks are Jacobsburg State Park, The Allentown Rose Garden, and the Ringing Rock The SteelStack stand tall in Bethlehem Country Park. The BethlePhoto: Analisa Jeffries hem Township Community Center offers kids the opporAlthough we have not had much of a tunity to go for bike rides, walk, play spring with the cold weather and snow volleyball in the sand courts, monkey that keeps popping up, there is no around on the playground, or take a doubt that summer is soon approach- dip in the pool. ing us. The end of the school year is “I like hiking and trails a lot, there coming, and with not even two more are some not far away that I go to. months of school left, summer break Jacobsburg State Park is very fun to is about to begin. walk around in,” said Viktoria CerMany students are planning vaca- cone, freshman. tions and looking for ways to get Those who are looking for more of a

Abby Catera The Freedom Forum

thrill, can get their adrenaline pumping at Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom. For coaster lovers, Dorney Park has Thunderhawk, one of the oldest wooden roller coasters in the United States. It also has the sixth longest roller coaster in the world, Steel Force. If the thought of rollercoasters makes you want to scream and hide, Dorney Park also offers daily shows such as the All Wheel Sports Daredevil show and a walk through the park with dinosaurs for little ones. If shopping is more your style, there are plenty of malls and shops to explore the new fashions of the season. The Promenade Shops in Saucon Valley is a cool place to shop and walk around. Stop in and enjoy a movie at the AMC theater or go paint at color me mine. The Lehigh Valley Mall is also an option to escape the heat. “I really enjoy going to downtown Bethlehem, the Sands, and the Promenade Shops in the summer because they are fun outside things I can do with my friends,” said Jamie Mann, sophomore. Musikfest is an exciting time in the Valley, and it has been around for quite some time. This year is its 35th season, and it will be held from Aug. 3-12. Some really great singers such

as Brantley Gilbert and Jason Mraz will perform at Musikfest this year. Although Musicfest is a huge deal there is also other festivals around like the Dewery Fire Carnival and the Plainfield Farmers Fair, both happening in July. “Lehigh Valley has good festivals and parks to walk around in. SteelStacks is always a cool place to go, they have stands that give information about the stacks when they were in use. I also love to look at the huge train that just sits there right next to the stacks, it’s all old and just really neat to see,” said Viktoria Cercone, freshman. The Lehigh Valley has a lot of cool places to learn about the local history. Some museums include the Allentown Art Museum, America on Wheels, and the Liberty Bell Museum. Other places you can experience the history of the Lehigh Valley are at the SteelStacks, Downtown Bethlehem, The Burnside Plantation, or at Colonial Industrial Center. Whether you choose to get away on vacation or stay right here in the Lehigh Valley, exploring what it has to offer. Enjoy the summer and make it memorable and something unforgettable.

How Earth Day helps the environment The true meaning of a better environment Andrew Thompson Journalism Student

The main theme of Earth day is the action for the global community to address climate change, foster a sustainable and healthy environment and to protect our planet for future generations. In 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin believed that an issue to our environment was not addressed in politics or by social media; therefore, he created the holiday known today as Earth Day. He made the holiday date to be on April 22. A huge estimate of 20 million people nationwide attended the festivities that day. Also, people have realized that

life, such as recycling, improvements cleaning up are needed to after ourselves, help our planet and picking up to change it to a trash laying better planet. around. Since then, One important Earth Day marks fact is that our the anniversary planet is of the birth of known as the the modern enviBlue Planet ronmental movedue to its abunment. It is very Participate in Earth Day this year. dance of water. important to care Photo: Wikimedia The Earth is an about our planet incredibly combecause caring about our planet can plex and vibrant ecosystem, where be a very important factor of our lives. living organism interact with each Taking care of it is one of our tasks in other and their environment to create

the ideal condition for life. There are a lot of ways to help out with this event, one could learn more about the environment and its history. This includes joining an environmental group to be apart of something as well as to keep our planet clean and healthy. Whenever it is Earth Day, go participate at a fair; and most importantly, remember that everyday is Earth day. As George Bernard Shaw once said, “Progress is impossible without changes, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

10 Entertainment

The Forum

April 2018

Sometimes life needs a little magic Where is the cast of Harry Potter? Dymea Schippers The Freedom Forum

Since the first release of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, families have welcomed the tradition of passing on the fantasy-filled by J.K. Rowling’s to their children. Everyone who has watched even a few of the movies remembers the infamous and heroic Golden Trio (Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger), but where is the cast now? According to The Hollywood Reporter they are still helping people with their own magic. Now everyone is sure to remember the "Boy Who Lived," who had to endure numerous dreadful moments and encounters since he was first introduced to the wizarding world and even more while he was living with the Dursleys before ascertaining his magical abilities. Not to mention discovering his past and inevitable future, but what has become of the renowned Harry Potter now? His actor, Daniel Radcliffe celebrated his twenty-eighth birthday this past summer on July 23, which is not far from his character's date of birth

which is July 31. Radcliffe has played in other movies such as Now Y ou See Me 2 and Kill Your Darlings, where he met his girlfriend of five years Erin Darke, who played Gwendolyn. In 2009, Radcliffe began filming public service announcements for the Trevor Project, promoting awareness of homosexual teen suicide prevention. Later, he was prized with The Trevor Project's Hero Award in 2011 for his contributions. Without a doubt, Hermione Granger is the one of the most intellectual witches of her generation. She is the quintessential Gryffindor student because she possesses all of the primary characteristics - courage, bravery, resourcefulness and determination. During her education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, there was not a single obstacle Hermione could not overcome which makes her one of the most preeminent female characters. Her actress, Emma Watson, played the part suitably because she is just as adventurous and courageous aside from her acting in the Harry Potter franchise. As well as an actress, she is also a model and activist. During her

than adventure like his friends, Harry and Hermione. But he does not hesitate in helping his companions even knowing the consequences; he puts friends and family as his first priority. The red-headed actor also has a hunger to help others in times of need. Aside from his career Rupert Grint participated in the Wacky Rally in 2010, which raised funds for Britain's Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Grint is also involved with charThe complete Harry Potter series. ities, having donated items such Photo: Dymea Schippers as clothes to charity auctions. He career as a Women's Rights Activist, is also supportive of the Little Star Watson has promoted education for Award since 2011 in support of Cangirls, visiting Bangladesh and Zambia. cer Research UK. In July 2014, she was appointed as a Even outside of the Harry Potter UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. In films, the Golden Trio members disSeptember, Watson made her first play the same attributes they posvisit as a UN Women Goodwill Am- sessed as their characters, which enabassador in Uruguay, where she gave bles them to continue helping individa speech declaring the need for wom- uals today. They continue to add their en's political participation. During the own little magic to people’s lives and same time period, Watson delivered ensuring a better future with their inanother speech in New York City at fluence. UN Headquarters to launch the “They really are a role model to HeForShe campaign. society,” said Vaidehi Chinnawar, Since the beginning, Ron has always sophomore. had a bigger appetite for food rather

Siblings celebrate around the country What it is like to have a sibling on National Sibling Day Riley Sweitzer News Editor

other just like all family members According to U.S. do at some point. News, almost eighty “We get in percent of Americans fights that are have a sibling. The day about little to celebrate them is things, but not Tuesday, April 10, really often,” said which is National SibMorgan Cahill, ling Day. Having a senior. hold hands. brother or a sister can be A brother and sisterPhoto: There are many Wikimedia like having a permanent stereotypes that go friend for life. The loving relationship along with siblings. Typically, older between siblings is sometimes the siblings are expected to be an examlongest lasting relationship in a per- ple, since they are the first-born child. son’s life. It is not always as great as This comes with many responsibilities it seems. Siblings are known to argue and expectations that can sometimes and have disagreements with each be a lot to handle.

“I definitely agree that the younger sibling looks up to the older one, and that there is a lot expected of them. There is more expected of me at home,” said Adriana Graser, junior. Since siblings are with each other most of their lives, their relationship may change as they get older. “When we were younger, we competed for our parent’s attention a lot. Now we just fight over little things,” said Cahill. Sometimes the age difference between brothers and sisters can affect their relationships. If they are closer in age, it can be positive because things get to be experienced together, but sometimes too many things are shared with each other. “My sister and I are 22 months apart.

I think it’s a positive thing because we are able to have the same friends and do the same things, but sometimes we are too close for comfort,” said Cahill. However, a larger age difference can sometimes mean that siblings are not as close with each other. But they may be closer by having different interests, so there is a separation. “We are six years apart. I think this is negative because our age is too far apart that we’re not in the same school, so our interests aren’t the same,” said Graser. Overall, having a sibling is a great thing, even though there may be a few disagreements here and there. It is like having a friend forever. “We’re just opposites that work together,” said Cahill.

Toys ‘R’ Us closing signifies the end of an era The popular toy store closes its doors Tijir Bleam Journalism Student

In January 2018, Toys ‘R’ Us announced it will close 735 stores across the U.S. This marks the end of an era for the young adults who grew up with the store. The company stated that they had complied nearly $5 billion in tremendous debt. The last year the company had any kind of profit was in 2012. Toys ‘R’ Us originally planned to keep stores open until the end of 2018, but recent projections show that the store would gain even more debt. They will now stay open until around June 2018. The company also decided

to put their whole inventory on sale in order to help with some debt. With many students growing up with Toys ‘R’ Us as part of their childhood, this is news to them “I actually do remember visiting stores and thinking how great it was. It’s something that I wish my kids could have experienced also,” said Jaequan Swint, senior. The closing of the stores is viewed as a result of the new wave of online shopping. Many believe Amazon was a major competitor that wiped out Toys ‘R’ Us. “I think it’s more of the increased competition that online retailers are providing. This makes it much more

difficult for brick and mortar stores, like Toys ‘R’ Us, to compete,” said Phuoc Phung, senior. With websites like Amazon, Ebay, and Overstock, many more retail stores without an online business may soon be out of business. In terms of actual toys, many people believe that technology directly has an effect on what parents buy their children. Many children nowadays use tablets and have interactive technology causing actual toy sales to decline. The future of toys may most likely see a combination of technology and creativity. Moving forward brick and mortar stores look to be on the back end of businesses and online shopping will be the new thing to do.

Clearance and full out sales will continue following the closing of Toys ‘R’ Us. Photo: Wikimedia

April 2018

11 Sports

The Forum

Chaos until the last second

The Champions League quarter finals did not disappoint Derek Bast Journalism Student

The Union of European Football Associations, also known as UEFA, Champions League Soccer quarterfinal matchups are set and the top eight clubs in the world squared off for a chance to advance and to take home the crown on May 26, 2018 in Kiev, Ukraine. The most intriguing matchups going in were the rematch of the championship in last year’s tournament between Juventus and Real Madrid and the matchup between Premier League heavyweights, Liverpool and Manchester City. This matchup was meaningful to one of our own here at Freedom. Going into the first game Ben Reich, a junior, shared his thoughts on what he was looking for. “Considering Liverpool was Manchester City’s only loss in the Premier League this year, I would be satisfied with a draw and be confident for the second leg.” said Ben Reich, junior. He also had some high expectations for the rest of the tournament for his favorite team. “Well, of course as a fan of the club, I’m going to say Manchester City. The dominance they have shown in the Premier League this year is unlike anything we have ever seen and this will surely boost their confidence.” said Reich. The first legs, also known as games, of the quarterfinals were not very close. The only game that was decided by less than three goals was the matchup between Sevilla, a top spanish side, and FC Bayern, a german juggernaut. FC Bayern came out on

top 2-1 on the road to setup a 0-0 second leg that sent Bayern through to the semi-finals. Real Madrid, the defending champions, followed Cristiano Ronaldo’s two goals and one assist in the first leg to a 3-0 win over defending runner-ups Juventus. Madrid’s heated rivals, FC Barcelona, took on Roma, a powerful Italian club, led by Edin Dzeko and defeated them 4-1 in the first contest between the two sides. The final matchup was between two offensive powerhouses in Liverpool and Manchester City. Liverpool finished off the first round blowouts with a 3-0 win setting up a week of chaos for the second legs. Liverpool, led by top-scorer Mohamed Salah and aided by controversy, held on by a tight grip and pulled away at the end to win 5-1 on aggregate, or the total score between the two games. This happened to be the last non-exciting finish of the week. The odds were certainly stacked up against Roma going into the second leg vs Barcelona. Before the quarters even started, Michael Gschrey, a junior, shared his thoughts on the tournament. “The favorite has got to be Barcelona. They are the best team having the best season right now with the best player on the planet.” said Michael Gschrey, junior. Even the head coach for Roma said they needed a “miracle” to advance. And boy did they get one. Dzeko started the scoring early in the 6th minute of the second leg to put the pressure on the Spanish powerhouse of Barcelona. A penalty scored by Daniele De Rossi in the 58th minute

put Barcelona in an extremely uncomfortable position. As the minutes winded down, Roma got very desperate looking for the goal that would send them to the semi-finals. And in the 82nd minute, Kostas Manolas came through with a header on a corner that made it 3-0. This made the aggregate 4-4 but Roma moved on because they scored a goal on the road and Barcelona did not. This brings us to one of the craziest finishes in European soccer history. With Real Madrid leading 3-0 on aggregate and Juventus without their best player, Paulo Dybala, it seemed as if Real Madrid was already in the semis. But Mario Mandzukic and Juventus surged back and tied the match with only a half hour to go. A red card and penalty kick in the final moments set the stage for Cristiano Ronaldo to save Madrid again. With the entire world on its feet, Ronaldo was unphased and struck a beautiful penalty into the top right corner to save Madrid’s season. That leaves us with 4 unlikely teams who can take home the crown, except Bayern. They were always expected to be here. Just a few months ago, Ronaldo was struggling and Real Madrid seemed to be on the downward slope of disaster, Liverpool could not defend, and Roma was not even in the top 4 of their own league. It is hard to believe how far these teams have come, but no soccer fan is complaining about these tremendous storylines. To see how these stories unfold, keep an eye out on April 24-25 and May 1-2 when these 4 teams will square off only 3 games away from The final 4 teams remaining, pictured the storied Champions League trophy. above from top to bottom, in the UEFA Champions League are Bayern, Real Madrid, Liverpool, and Roma. Photo: Pixabay

Harms breaks lacrosse school record Colin Harms broke the school record for overall goals

Josh Benak Journalism Student

On Tuesday, April, 5th, Senior Colin Harms, broke the all time school record for goals over all four years of high school. On that day, he recorded six goals against Bethlehem Catholic. This performance propelled Harms over the old record, which was 132 goals by Ryan Skae. Many people, including his coach, did not think the record would be broken due to how high the bar was set. Harms had other plans. Breaking 100 goals is a huge accomplishment in lacrosse, and to go above and beyond is truly remarkable. “It’s a great feeling and it makes me feel like all my hard work has paid off,” said Harms. The lacrosse season is not even half way over, so he can really pumble that record. “I think I can get up to 160, maybe 170 goals, by the time the season is over,” said Harms. Not all the success was just done by Harms himself. His teammates play a big role in his game, especially his attack men who feed him the ball on offense. Justin Kinter, junior, has been play-

Colin Harms shooting against Nazareth. Photo: Kyle Craig

ing lacrosse with Harms since they were nine years old, so the chemistry is extremely high between those two. “I try to be a team player to help benefit my teammates and catch a dub for the squad,” said Kinter. So far Harms’ most impressive season was his junior year season. He recorded 68 goals and was selected for first team all area by The Morning Call. He also won Boys lacrosse player of the week. All in all, Colin Harms is a tremendous lacrosse player and hopes to shatter the school record.

Monday, May 14th: Algebra Keystone Tuesday, May 15th: No School Wednesday, May 16th: Algebra Keystone Thursday, May 17th: Literature Keystone Friday, May 18th: Full day for make-up exams Monday, May 21st: Literature Keystone Tuesday, May 22nd: Biology Keystone Wednesday, May 23rd: Biology Keystone Thursday, May 24th: Full day for make-up exams Friday, May 25th: Full day for make-up exams

All students taking exams will report to school at the normal time. All students not taking an exam will report on a three-hour delay schedule.

12 Sports

April 2018

The Forum

NBA playoffs are under way Who will take home the trophy? Zak Boncher Journalism Student

Buckle up. This year’s NBA playoffs are here, and the league has new teams leading the way. After three straight Golden St. Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers Finals match ups, are NBA fans poised to see something different this year? With both teams not living up to expectations this season, other teams have emerged with greater chances. The 2018 NBA season has been different than past years. Fans have seen the Warriors and Cavaliers dominance fall off, and other team’s successes rise. The Toronto Raptors, top seed in the Eastern Conference, and Houston Rockets, top seed in the Western Conference, look to continue their success on their road to the finals. Although this does not necessarily mean it will be easy and guaranteed. Surprise teams, like the Philadelphia

76ers, Utah Jazz, and State Warriors suffered injuries Portland Trail Blazers that will affect their teams’ look to cause unforeseen chances. trouble and threaten other For the Boston Celtics, losing teams’ chances. Kyrie Irving for the rest of the “If I was picking an upplayoffs is as critical and probaset in the East, the Sixers bly the worst thing for them, diwould be the team I’d go minishing their hopes for a title with,” said Mr. John Walthis year. lasea, history teacher and As for the Warriors, Steph CurNew York Knicks fan. ry is expected to return by round Though the Toronto 2, if they move on. Both injuries Raptors are a one-seed, will negatively affect their chancthey are known for com- Who will fall and who will rise? es. Photo: Flickr ing up short in the playoffs. Stars like LeBron James, James “Although, they’ll be a high seed, the Minnesota Timberwolves were most Harden, Kevin Durant, Joel Embiid, Raptors are an underdog because of disappointing. Though not living up to and Demar DeRozan look to propel lack of playoff experience, but they expectations, both teams could still their teams into making a run to comhave more than enough potential to make a big run and compete in the pete for the trophy. make a run,” said David Barnes, bas- playoffs. Although some teams are stronger ketball player and sophomore. Many other disappointing teams this than others, the NBA is filled with With as many surprising teams this season include the Denver Nuggets, professional players who can give season, there were a lot more teams Detroit Pistons, and the Charlotte their team a chance to succeed. Overthat did not live up to their potential. Hornets. all, every team has a chance to make a With the talent these two teams have, As the playoffs are underway, teams big run for the title. The Oklahoma City Thunder and like the Boston Celtics and Golden

One team dominates the competition March Madness had a bunch of crazy games Jeff Frank Journalism Student

March Madness was full of crazy events, with one being 16-seed UMBC 1-seed Virginia in the round of 64. This was the first time since the 1984-1985 March Madness. Another amazing story was how Loyola Chicago, a very small college near Chicago, Illinois, made it all the way to the Final Four but unfortunately losing to Michigan by a score of 69 to 57. They had a good run with the support of Sister Jean. Sister Jean was a die hard Loyola fan. She even went to the Final Four game against Michigan. After the game against Michigan,

her. After the game was over, she said to the players that she was proud of the whole team for their amazing ride. Now onto the champs. The Villanova Wildcats dominated the competition. Having a great team with experience shows that Villanova deserved to win it all. They started off playing a 16 seed and then a nine seed, winVillanova’s NCAA tournament celebration paning both games by over 20 rade. points. Then they played a five and a Sister Jean was waiting for the players three seed, beating both of those to go to the tunnel to give a hug and teams by over 10 points. Finally, the support them. A lot of the players last two games Villanova played a one were very emotional while being with and a three seed, beating both of those

teams by over 15 points. In the championship game against Michigan, Villanova won by a score of 79-62. That was their second title in the last three years. Experience counts, having 4 juniors on your their team helps the way Villanova played to win The 2018 March Madness. “I have Villanova winning in my bracket so that’s who I’m going to pick to win,” said Coach Stellato, FHS Basketball Coach and gym teacher. “I think that everyone was surprised that UMBC beat Virginia being that UMBC was a 16 seed and Virginia being a one seed,” said Coach Stellato. Who was also surprised how Virginia lost in the first round.

Catching up with athletic injuries ACL tears threaten athletic careers Jalen Stewart Journalism Student

Your “ACL” or anterior cruciate ligament is one of two ligaments in the center of the knee. The ACL prevents the tibia from sliding too far forward from underneath the femur. ACL tears are one of the most common history from professional athletes down to high school athletes. At Freedom High School there is no acception. Mr. Jeffrey Timlin , Freedom High School’s athletic trainer, has dealt with a number of ACL tears in his time here. “Since joining the FHS athletic staff I have dealt with 9-10 ACL injuries in 2 years,” said Mr. Jeffrey Timlin, FHS althetic trainer. This is obviously a very common injury which may occur for a number

recover from also of reasons. you must learn “ACL injuries how to walk again. are so common After that you can because of imstart doing miniproper mechanics. mal rehab such as Mechanics meanstretches and ing improper consquats without ditioning, malnuweight. Then you trition, and imafter you have proper form,” said strengthen your leg Mr. Timlin. enough you must ACL tears can learn how to run, also be a long and jump, and be able grueling process to to plant weight on Robert Roth is carried off the court come back from. that knee,” said after injuring his ACL. An ACL tear can be Mr. Timlin. Photo submission: Robert Roth anywhere from six One athlete that months to a year of can attest to this prorehab. cess is Robert Roth who has been “Rehab takes so long because an working to get back from his 2nd ACL tear requires surgery which that ACL surgery. He plays basketball for in itself takes about 2-3 months to Freedom High School, but has had to

battle this injury for quite a while. He knows just how tough rehab is. “The hardest thing about rehab is the fear that something could happen again and the repetition that you must go through. Doing the same exercises over and over again can be boring at times,” said Robert Roth, sophomore. Although it can be boring, this does not stop him from his end goal. Roth pushes himself to do better and work hard with his rehab because he wants to be back on the court as soon as possible. Mr. Timlin has helped Roth tremendously with rehab, and gives him the confidence to keep going. During his entire process Roth has always been upbeat and never stopped working toward his goal nor complained about his situation.

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