December 2019

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December 2019

Volume 53, Issue 3

“It’s a Wonderful Life” cast and crew sporting their new t-shirts.

Photo: Katherine Harper

Capturing talent with the theatre troop Jeff Frank The Freedom Forum What was your worst Christmas gift ever?

“A doll.”

Ivonne Zamora Laguna Freshman

“A Pez dispenser.”

Jonathan Snyder Junior

The Freedom High School Theatre Company’s production high school career and has enjoyed Samantha Corvera all worth it,” says Katherine Harper, every moment of it. News Editor junior. “The FHSTC Family is the only With the help of crew members, place in Freedom where I have been The time of year for winter family, and many others, the FHSTC treated like a person and not like a production has come once again. has been able to build fantastic sets brainless child, they mean a lot to me Freedom High School’s Theatre and integrate all of their members’ and it is the only part of Freedom that Company has produced “It’s a hard work. Actors and stage crew I will actually miss. I’ve also grown Wonderful Life”. Student actors have members have been able to work personally because of the family that come together to put on a show like alongside Justin Amann, FHSTC we have. My high school career no other for fellow pupils, faculty, director, for the past two years. Mr. would have been way worse if it and family members from around the Amann has taught and helped weren’t for them,” states Mattia. community. This production follows enhance the young talent that Since Mattia is a senior, he shared the story of George Bailey, a man Freedom has within its walls. Among bittersweet emotions about the stuck in quite a pickle, who is these talented students is 16-year-old FHSTC Family. confident that his life has no purpose. Katherine Harper, who played a “With the next show coming up I His guardian angel must remedy his secretary in “It’s a Wonderful Life.” feel incredibly excited and although it situation before it is too late in order Harper, a FHS junior, has been fills me with sadness that it’s my last to save him and receive her wings. involved in theatre since she was a year, I know that when I am done I’ll Opening night called for a rush of kid and has starred in many be overwhelmed by a lot of different emotions from both the people on productions including “The Little ways to feel about leaving, but as of stage as well as off. Nerves and Mermaid Jr,” “Shrek Jr,” “Once right now, I feel like I’m going to excitement filled the auditorium, Upon a Mattress,” “A Christmas leave and the FHSTC will be in good creating a welcoming atmosphere for Carol,” and “Anything Goes.” hands,” said Mattia. the show to begin. The audience Katherine believes that watched in awe and remained being on stage astonished until the very end of the transforms a person and show. allows for expression “I felt really excited to finally be through song and act. performing after rehearsing for what Another incredible felt like forever. I was kind of talent that allows the nervous, but mostly excited. A lot of FHSTC to continue time goes into this kind of production; blooming is senior, a lot of hours. You give up homework Michael Mattia. Mattia and sleep for so many different levels has been a part of of rehearsals and set building, but it’s theatre throughout his “It’s a Wonderful Life” cast rehearsing in choir room. Photo: Katherine Harper

“Battery-operated show shine buffer.”

Mr. Reszek Security Guard

Bethlehem 2020 Census

Disney +

Teacher Profile

Excelling on the field

FHS students design logo

Is the price worth the nostalgia?

Getting to know Mrs. Del Priore

Highlighting two spectacular athletes

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Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - - @FHSForum

Celebrating over 50 years of serving the Freedom community

2 Editorials

December 2019

The Forum

Ranking the top Democratic candidates for this election A little bit of background on who wants the oval office AJ Minnich that his main goal is not to just sustain Entertainment Editor the nation and build the economy but For the last three years, the results to prepare it for the future. of the 2016 election have left the One of Yang’s main goals is to nation the most divided since the prepare blue-collar workers such as 1960s. To say Donald Trump’s truckers and factory workers for the presidency has been divisive is a time when automation takes over massive understatement. those jobs. With Forbes calling his This divide has spread to the point November debate performance “mic that not only are the two main parties dropping” while still having some of divided but so are the parties the least time to speak, it is apparent themselves. The 2020 Democrat that he is quickly making large waves presidential lineup is a prime example through his infectious personality and of this with candidates that are so unique policies. radically diverse that it is simply Some more of Yang’s main shocking they are all technically under proposals include his value-added tax the same roof. As the next primary and his universal basic income comes closer, it is increasingly proposal. His value-added tax would apparent that it could be the most essentially mean that every American important in a very long time. gets a small slice of every whopper, Businessman entrepreneur and every google search, and every online legend, Andrew Yang has Amazon sale which will then be used made surprising advances in the polls for universal basic income. when compared to the top contenders Yang’s proposal for it would be that every American would receive $1000 per month which he calls the “freedom dividend” a similar policy was passed in Alaska in which every Alaskan receives $1-2000 per year which has created thousands of jobs and has helped to reduce income inequality. Numerous historical figures have also proposed similar policies such as Thomas Paine, Richard Nixon, and Martin Luther King Jr. As the race continues, Yang has proved to be one of the most interesting candidates and possibly the best fit for the oval office. Next, former Vice President, Joe Biden has become the most Photo: Wikimedia controversial among the three front runners for the democrats and such as Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, possibly has the best chance of but what sets him apart from the rest winning the nomination if current is that he does not follow traditional polling statistics are accurate. guidelines. Biden is often described as an Yang has made it abundantly clear Obama-era democrat due to many of

Photo: Wikimedia

his policy proposals being similar to that of Obama’s. He said that he wants to finish the job he and Obama started in 2008. With this in mind, he has fairly generic policy proposals but has one huge outlier that could win him the vote for many including educators. This proposal is to triple the federal spending of schools in low -income neighborhoods and increasing teachers and educators’ pay. With this in mind though, Biden’s foreign policy is not particularly strong and his proposals mainly consist of reverting what Trump has done during his presidency. Though not the greatest or most unique of the candidates, Biden is possibly the safest option out of all the front runners which is shown by the large lead he has in the polls. Additionally, Massachusetts senator, Elizabeth Warren had a rough start at the beginning of her campaign but has now risen to be at the top of the polls alongside Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. Finally, Vermont senator, Bernie Sanders is the longest sitting independent senator in American history. He is also primarily economics focused on similar policies to both Warren and Booker.

The cornerstones of his campaign are raising the minimum wage, free college, Medicare for all, and he is a prominent supporter of the new green deal. The new green deal would cost over 90 trillion dollars over the course of 10 years which is money the country doesn’t have. As for Medicare for all, it would not cost nearly as much yet it still would take up more than half of the federal budget because it does not just extend an olive branch to lower-income individuals but it completely abolishes private healthcare. It is completely unnecessary to use federal funds to give people health care that they already can afford instead they should be used for other arguably more important social programs such as education. While increasing the minimum wage is a sound idea his other economic policies would plunge the nation into enormous amounts of debt and would not only require higher taxes on the rich but also on the middle class. Bernie Sanders is a candidate with big yet empty promises that appeal to the masses but once the layers of these policies are peeled it quickly becomes apparent that his plans are simply not sustainable in this country.

Photo: Bernie Sander’ twitter page

Bethlehem is taking part in the 2020 Census made a committee to prepare the questions Getting prepared for the big 2020 census next year to be part in the census. The suggestions Bryan-Luis Rivera were likely debated in the House, and Virginia Journalism student Representative James Madison recommended five of Our nation gets one chance each decade to count the population. The census counts everyone in the US. Through a process called apportionment, the information obtained by the census determines how many seats each state has in the US House of Representatives. In the 2020 Census, they will have to count the growing population of around 330 million people. The Census Bureau must build an address list of every housing unit (more than 140 million housing units), maximize self-response to the Census, and follow up with those who do not respond. Some background information on the census: The first census was taken in 1790, and a census has been taken every decade subsequent to that. So it started over a year after the inauguration of President Washington and before the second session of the first Congress ended. The First Congress

to design their own logo to be used on Bethlehem’s website. Over 50 designs were submitted for consideration, and the winner was announced on Wednesday, October 30, 2019. The winning logo the six questions. The six inquiries in 1790 called for was submitted by Aidan Swenor, a sophomore. questions on gender, race, relationship to the head of household, name of the head of household, and the number of slaves, if any. Congress assigned responsibility for the 1790 Census to the marshals of the U.S. judicial districts. Some marshals collected data on occupation and the number of buildings (houses, apartments, or other places of residence) in a city or town. The city of Bethlehem is creating its own count committee. They will let more people know and keep them aware about what the 2020 census is and explain why the survey should be completed. They say there will be around 10 questions and all answers will be confidential. (left to right): Superintendent Dr. Roy, Mayor Kicking off this upcoming 2020 Bethlehem Donchez, Aidan Swenor, Mrs. Spang, and Principal Census, the City of Bethlehem revealed its official LaPorta holding the Census 2020 Bethlehem logo Census 2020 logo. Photo: Bethlehem Area School District website Freedom High School students had the opportunity

Break Days

Photo: Bethlehem Area School District website





















December 2019 The Freedom Forum A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue

The Forum

Disney+ is a nostalgic cash grabber An argument against Disney’s nostalgia monopoly Carlo Brienza The Freedom Forum

Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843

Editors-in-Chief Dymea Schippers Isabella Scipioni News Editor Samantha Covera Editorial Editor Sarah Healy Pates’ Post Editor Anna Isbell Entertainment Editors Carly Grozier AJ Minnich Center Spread Editors Dymea Schippers Isabella Scipioni Sports Editor TBA Newscast Producer Carly Grozier Advisor Mrs. Karla Erdman Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy For our editorial statement and correction policy, please go to Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office.

As children, we were raised by the light of the Disney Channel. Now, as high schoolers, many of us have grown into an entertainment environment dominated by Disney and its vast array of properties. And as we have grown, Disney content grew with us. We ate into the Disney-Pixar offerings of Toy Story. We drank the kool-aid of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And we reveled in our parents' nostalgia for Disney’s Return of the Jedi. Now, at the precipice of adulthood we are confronted by the sum of these memories with Disney Plus. Indulgence is the greatest claim Disney has. The company staked a fortune on its grasp of our minds and so far it seems to be working. I personally gave into my Disney overlords about a week ago and since forking over my $6.99, I have given the service a fare share of my attention, but I can not say that is because the service is offering me something others would not. In fact, almost all the content offered by Disney Plus is content I have already seen. Even the originals are not new ideas at all but rather a repackage of the same consumable bits the world has eaten up for years. All of this is nothing new for Disney. From my perspective, Disney has been peddling the same rehashed ideas for years, because it works. Never before has society been so advanced that it spends most of its time wishing to go backwards. It holds as a testament to what can happen when everyone's needs are

Photo: Christmas City Studios

always fulfilled. With no need to struggle, there is no ambition to do more and so we recline into the comfort of what we know: our past. Disney knows this, and they have turned into a decade long racket. The Force Awakens culminated Disney’s nostalgia arch. For Disney, the critical acclaim gifted to this slideshow of childhood memories outlined their entire plan for the future. Why make something new, when what is old will serve much better. Now we are given Disney Plus, a feast for which we can gorge ourselves upon endlessly. But I think this is where Disney’s “nothing new” philosophy will finally find its breaking point. See, it's one thing to get people through the door to watch the same movie with a different coat of paint, but it's another entirely to expect them to actually watch the same movie again. With nostalgia, you can never actually feel what your mind is telling you felt the first time you experienced something. By providing us all with curated delights just as they were in our youth, we tend to see them for how they are to us now, which is not how we remembered them. For example, I went to watch the Suite Life of Zack and Cody on Disney Plus only to find myself physically face palming into the sweat of my undersized hand. At around six minutes into the first episode, I was concerned I would have an episode of my own and smartly decided to find the nearest bleach can for disinfecting purposes. While washing the last speck of filth from my eyes, I saw my father look back at me through the mirror telling five year old me to turn off the trash I was watching. The original content struck much into

the same nostalgic vain. While these offerings are new content, they certainly are not original. The Mandalorian is Star Wars at its very best, but it is still just Star Wars doing the same thing it's done forever. The same concept is echoed through its other original programming. I enjoyed every moment of watching it, but with no more episodes left to view, I do not feel like a got a truly new experience. My biggest concern for Disney Plus long term is that pure indulgence in nostalgia might finally be at its end. With an endless content library of all that I am nostalgic for, I still sit on the app wishing to re-experience it. No matter what, watching these shows now will not make me feel better; all it will do is ruin the memories I have of watching it as a child. My headspace has changed and seeing animated classics from growing up makes me feel no more full than if I had never seen them again at all. I would predict that given original content is going to be very spread out, this service will struggle to maintain its subscribers as more and more they finally look in the mirror and say, I am not a kid anymore and nothing is going to change that.

The Disney+ logo Photo: Digital Trends

The right time to decorate for Christmas A Look Into People's Differences Dylan Cardenas Journalism student

When is it the right time to decorate? The right time to decorate is up to a personal opinion, not everyone is going to agree on when it is the right time. It @fhsforum, #fhsforum was once considered to be the general rule-of-thumb to wait until after Thanksgiving before decorating for Christmas, but, in modern times, that no longer seems to be the case. A majority of people think that decorating should be before and after Thanksgiving, so there is no right answer as this is a personal opinion. Many people get into the holiday spirit at different times each year. Some years, people do not care to decorate inside or outside any more than two weeks out from Christmas. Other times, people decorate before Thanksgiving. People prefer to decorate and put up the tree early for many reasons. Maybe they have had a tough year, and decorating early will bring some much needed happiness, or people just appreciate the look of holiday decorations and a Christmas tree in and around their home. Christmas lights can be hung as early as the second of November, even though most people prefer to decorate over the course of a few days or even weeks. L-R: Mr. Michael DiBilio, Ms. “I decorate at random days. I start on Laurie Sage, Mr. Michael LaPorta, one day and end another. I feel it is a lot Ms. Maureen Leeson, Mr. William easier so you don’t have to stay outside Cecchini in the hot or cold weather,” said Fernando Serrano, freshman. There is no set rule on Christmas lighting, but decorators want to wait

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3 Editorials

until after Halloween to hang any lighting. After Halloween passes, people can be expected to hang their lighting the weekend after Thanksgiving, if people are seeking to store cash on their electricity invoice. Christmas lights are a nostalgic tradition of the vacation season in fashion, so people can get away with placing their light decorations a chunk earlier than normal. While people may hang their wreath after Thanksgiving, tour wreaths are a tremendous image of fall and winter. Depending on the wreath style, it is important to maintain the wreath outside the front entrance before Thanksgiving if people want to have fun in the fall season. For example, in case the wreath is simple and consists of signature fall hues, it can be hung throughout many holidays during fall As winter approaches, waiting until after Thanksgiving to preserve a Christmasthemed wreath that has purple and green ornaments adorned with ribbons. As for Christmas trees, generally fresh timber remaining for four weeks is recommended to put on a Christmas tree until the weekend after Thanksgiving. Putting up a Christmas tree too early might dry out the tree in advance, then when Christmas day comes around it will not look the same. Remember to place up the tree in a cool spot since warmth can make the pine tree dry out faster. When putting up a fake Christmas tree, there is some flexibility that allows people to position up the tree on every occasion during the holiday season.

However, this calls for placing the Christmas tree up the day after or the weekend of Thanksgiving. “I start decorating after Thanksgiving because I feel it is more fun and you have something to do while you wait until Christmas,” said Angie Nelson, freshman. Decorating the mantelpiece for Christmas is another widespread item on everyone’s Christmas list. From displaying personalized Christmas cards to adding custom Christmas stockings, you will wish to form your mantlepiece a concentrate in the Christmas ornament line-up. For people planning not to decorate the mantlepiece for Thanksgiving, adorn the mantelpiece with Christmas ornament anytime in November or early December. Since this can be an internal item on the Christmas decoration list, there is no onerous rule on once to place up Christmas mantelpiece ornaments.

FHS Christmas tree in the main lobby Photo: Dymea Schippers

6 Pates’ Post

December 2019

The Forum

Capturing the life of a photographer A picture is worth a thousand words Nat Durham Journalism student Lights, camera, action. Click; a picture is taken. There are many types of photography and because of that there are many different types of photographers. Every photographer has his or her own unique style. Some people take digital, others take film, some people enjoy taking a photogram or even pinhole photography. Digital photography is easy and well known. It is something most people can do simply with a phone, though it can also be done with a digital camera, then the photographer can edit their picture if so desired. Taking a digital photo is something that can be easily done, all the photographer has to do is edit the picture, then print it with digital photography. There is a high probability that nothing will go wrong and the picture will come out properly.

However, film photography is a bit different compared to digital photography. In this case, the photographer cannot see the picture that has been taken and with the film only 24 pictures can be taken. Also with film, unless using colored film, the pictures will come out in black and white. The process of film photography is also longer than with digital photography. For film, the first step is setting up the camera and once the pictures are taken a photographer has to put the film on a wreal in complete and total darkness. This film cannot be exposed to even the smallest, dimmest light, otherwise, the parts of the film that were exposed will not come out. It will be black. Putting the film on the wreal is the hardest part. There are a lot of things that a photographer cannot do during the process. For example, having the lights on to see is just one of them. The underside of the film must not be touched or the film will have fingerprints on it after it is developed,

which can alter the image while it is being processed. The film has to be wrapped perfectly. If it is too tight and close together, then the developing process will be messed up, but if it is to loose-fitting, then there will be no room to wrap it. Film photography also requires very accurate work. The film has to be cut carefully in order to not wreck the pictures on the film. The wrapped film is placed in a special container after. From there, the developing process occurs, which takes about 28 minutes. Once that is done, the next step is to take the lid off and see the pictures. Usually a photographer will have all 24 photographs while other times there could be no pictures developed. There are a lot of reasons for this outcome, which usually includes errors from the initial steps in this process. When any number of photos are developed, a contact sheet has to be made in the dark room using an enlarger. Then it is time to make the test strips, which tells how much light

and time you need for your final photo. Finally, after that a final print of the photo can be fully developed. Every time a photographer wants to make a final photo a test strip for that photo must be made. Film photography is a longer and harder process, and it is so easy for something to go wrong, but that is why people like it. The feeling of accomplishment a photographer gets when a picture comes out is satisfying and fulfilling.

An image using film photography of a girl at the Steel Stacks Photo: Nat Durham

Dear Dymea: Senior-Life Crisis The most stressful time of the year Dymea Schippers Co-Editor-in-Chief Dear Dymea, I am a senior who plans on going to college after high school, and I followed the usual protocol when applying to colleges -- sending my SAT scores, filling out college essays, and applying for financial aid and FAFSA. In this process, I made sure to apply to as many back-up colleges as possible, even though I think I have a good chance at getting accepted into my first choice judging by my grade point average and my SAT scores. However, with the holiday season approaching, the waiting period makes me a little apprehensive, and my mind keeps going back to the “what if I don’t get accepted” scenario. Hearing my friends boast about getting their acceptance letters already is not easing my stress either. I am an honor roll student and I am involved in various clubs, along with my role as a captain for the basketball team, so I know colleges will view me as a well-rounded student. Of course I added this information in my college application, but I am worried that I will not stand out among the thousands of applications that my first choice college receives. I have read and edited my essays about a thousand times over, and I even had some of my English teachers go through a few of them with me on how

to phrase certain sentences. I developed my writing style and wrote about certain aspects of my life that I thought were important in hopes of making myself more unique among the other applicants. My back-up universities offer just as many programs and majors as my first choice college, so I would not mind going to one of them as an undergraduate, but I know if I do not get accepted into my first choice I will be a little disappointed. Not to mention the acceptation and rejection letters will all be released around Christmas time, so it will literally make or break my holiday, if I do not get accepted into my first choice. Do you have any advice that will help ease my worries, and at least raise my hopes of getting into my first choice?

I could expand on in my writing, and I incorporated how that experience, event, or skill would benefit me at whichever college I will be accepted into. Like you, I also have a first choice among my list of colleges, and I would be disappointed too if I do not get in, but I just keep reminding myself that even if I do not get accepted, I can always obtain my degree from another university first and apply to my first choice again. As for the dreadful waiting period between now and the date of when you are expected to receive your letter, do not stress too much. Some colleges of earlier release dates than others, so you just have to be patient and wait. Sincerely, Dymea

Sincerely, Stressed Senior Dear Stressed Senior, From one senior to another, I can definitely relate to the stress you are going through. From your letter, it sounds like you have nothing to worry about though. Since you are a well-rounded, athletic student who participates in many school clubs and activities, this will surely make colleges more The Common App allows students to apply to as many colleges as they want through an online submission interested in you among their other applicants. I went through the same cycle of writing process Screenshot: Dymea Schippers numerous college application essays, only to revise them repeatedly. I chose from a list of prompts that

Getting to know more of the Freedom family Teacher Profile: Mrs. Dawn Del Priore Alec Lutz Journalism student Freedom High School currently has a new teacher recently added to our staff, Mrs. Dawn Del Priore. Mrs. Del Priore is the new Home Economics teacher her at Freedom. She is a big traveler I am going to give a little overview of some of the places she has travelled and some of the cultural differences she has experienced all over the world. To start, she has been to many places for vacation, but she actually lived in Scotland for a little over a year before she came back to Bethlehem. Before she moved to Scotland, she was a teacher at Nitschmann Middle School. She moved to Scotland because her husband had to go assist a branch of his company overseas. Some more countries that she has visited are Seychelles, Singapore, Austria, Hungary, Aruba, Costa Rica, Mexico, France, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, and Spain.

One of the countries she visited was Seychelles, this is a beautiful island off the east coast of Africa in the Indian Sea, the water is a lively turquoise color and it is warm all year round, she visited in February and it was at least 90 degrees at all times. Another place she had visited was the Czech Republic, she specifically told me about the scenic city of Prague. Prague is home to beautiful waterways, castles and bridges. Prague is nicknamed “The City of a Hundred Spires,” it is known for its Old Town Square, the heart of its historic core, with colorful baroque buildings, Gothic churches and medieval Astronomical Clock, which gives an animated hourly show. Completed in 1402, pedestrian Charles Bridge is lined with statues of Catholic saints and beautiful One more great place she visited was Hungary, she actually just visited Budapest for the holidays to go browse the local markets, however everywhere other than the USA Thanksgiving is not celebrated. She said it was very hard to find a turkey and other Thanksgiving foods in Europe. Budapest is full of

picturesque buildings and gothic architecture. Budapest is also known for their Museum of Fine Arts and the world famous Budapest Opera House. Mrs. Del Priore moved back to Bethlehem and began teaching at Freedom High School. She has visited many countries still loves to travel especially around holiday time to get the full cultural experience, because you can miss a lot of the actual culture if you only go during the summer. For anyone who would like to learn more about Mrs. Del Priore do not hesitate to ask. She is one of the most interesting, approachable teachers here at Freedom. Budapest, where Mrs. Del Priore just visited for Thanksgiving Break Photo: Flickr Commons

December 2019

The Forum

7 Entertainment

So, what’s up with Boomer? A Brief Look at a Viral Political Statement unwilling to listen. “Ok, boomer” allows, in one short Carlo Brienza phrase, someone to acknowledge that The Freedom Forum another individual was heard, and immediately dismiss the often You know the situation. An older factually devoid statement they so self man locks eyes with you and out of -centeredly uttered. resentment for your youthfulness, “I use the term boomer when people decides you have done something are ignoring any and all logic, so then wrong. He self-righteously confronts I equate it to an older generation who you on how lazy your generation is, appeals to a route of selfhow whiny everyone is now, and how righteousness,” said Michael Weber, you should just make something of senior. yourself. Normally you would take it A boomer is the stereotypical, “pull in stride, but not today. Today you yourself up by your bootstraps” older know exactly what to say to a man individual who has patronized the who is unwilling to give your youth for being unable to thrive as arguments a cursory glance… “ok, they once did despite this inability boomer”. being almost entirely their fault. “Ok, boomer” is a phrase that has, Boomers are the people who talk in only a short amount of time, seen down the youth on Twitter. They are wide adoption. While many use it as a the ones who for some reason can’t meme, for some people, “ok, boomer” seem to find anything better to do serves as the perfect response to a with their lives than to talk about how stuck up older generation that is much trouble all the millennials are.

“As a Boomer myself, I'm not offended by the "OK Boomer" catchphrase. I mean, Millennials have access to so much technology; in fact, they can check their latest phones, smartwatches, or expensive laptops to go online to see that they have no money in their bank accounts,” said Mr. Ziegler, a teacher at Freedom High School. In one mainstream example, the phrase was used by the New Zealand MP Chlöe Swarbrick during a speech about the Zero Carbon Bill. In a section referencing age and how laws now would affect her future, she was heckled for being only 25. Swarbrick kept her cool and swiftly retorted by saying “Ok, boomer” and then returned back to her speech as if nothing had occurred. Following the incident, Swarbrick made a tweet pointing out how the people who hear it and actually get angry as a result, such as Bob

Lonsberry, who compared it to a racially charged slur, gives the phrase its strength. Swarbrick said of the response that it acknowledges “that perhaps energy is better spent elsewhere.” She also said that it is a "simple summarization of collective exhaustion" felt towards attempting to argue with someone so unmoving in their opinion that debate is impossible.

A drawing representing the “ok, boomer” trend.

Photo: Sage Hillier

Christmas Controversy: Which Grinch is better? A comparison of the different movies of the Dr. Seuss classic illustration styles, the movie gives an authentic look Katya Tiffany and copies Seuss’ style. Journalism student “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” represented Many adore the classic story of the mean Grinch the original story exactly as it was in the book and who lives on the towering Mount Crumpit. He hides did an extraordinary job bringing the story to life. away and despises Christmas, which the inhabitants The movie featured Boris Karloff as the Grinch and of Whoville, the town at the base of Mount Crumpit, narrator and Thurl Ravenscroft as the singer. celebrate. The second movie adaptation starring Jim Carrey There have been multiple adaptations of the Dr. as the Grinch provided a different adaptation of the Seuss favorite, spanning across live-action and illustrated book. The 2000 movie, “How the Grinch cartoon movies, Broadway productions, and Stole Christmas,” was shot in real life and provides television shows. One may not be familiar with all backstory for the Grinch and why he despises the of the different versions of the story that have been Christmas holiday. It also features a love story using developed over the years, but they all tell the same new characters that were not depicted in the original holiday story in their own unique way plot. Starting in 1957, the story of the Grinch begins in The movie follows the original Dr. Seuss story but Dr. Seuss’ original story, “How the Grinch Stole has additional plots and characters to lengthen the Christmas!” The story follows the Grinch and his movie and provide a more realistic version of the dog, Max, in the typical rhyming style that Dr. Seuss same story. used. The final movie adaptation of the original “How The story is pretty basic since it is a short story for the Grinch Stole Christmas,” is the 2018 animated children, and it does not go too in-depth about the film that gives the original cartoon a new look and backstories of characters. The book features Dr. animation style. Seuss’ own drawings as illustrations, just like many The Grinch also adds characters and fun that was of his books. not featured in the original Dr. Seuss book and the The first movie adaptation of the Grinch, made in prior movies. Many showed displeasure when 1966, is one of the closest adaptations of the original hearing how the story was changed in the newer story. By using the words and mimicking visual adaptation, but many also showed a liking to the

changes. After analyzing the three movies, the best would have to be the 1966 “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” It is simplistic and gets to the point while mimicking the original story without implanting love interests or too much backstory. Although the alternative versions of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” including the 2018 and 2000 movies show many silly jokes and fun side characters and plots, the adaptation that is closest to the original book is what satisfies me most as a viewer.

Drawing of The Grinch Photo: Katya Tiffany

Carly’s Critique: Gather around the TV Getting cozy and watching “The Knight Before Christmas” Carly Grozier Entertainment Editor As soon as Thanksgiving passes, I jump right into Christmas. One of my favorite ways to get into the spirit is to get cuddled up in front of the TV and turn on a cheesy holiday movie. I love to watch tons of Hallmark movies throughout the holiday season. They always involve a little cheesiness, which I can handle. In the past, I have been hesitant to stray from the Hallmark channel around this time of year. I went out of my comfort zone this year and hopped onto Netflix. This year, Netflix released a movie titled, “The Knight before Christmas.” In the movie, a knight from medieval times, played by Josh Whitehouse, time travels to modern day looking to achieve a quest. He ends up in a small, cheerful town where he falls in love with a high school teacher, played by Vanessa Huggens. Me, being the avid High School Musical fan I am, I could not help but click on a movie with Hudgens as one of the main characters. Before even watching it I could have concluded it was good, just because

she was in it. I am glad I did not jump to conclusions this time. This movie seemed to have put a little too much cheese in their movie, because it was too much for my taste buds to handle. The whole idea of a Knight time traveling to modern day was different, I will give them that. Although, Whitehouse acting like a knight who knew nothing about modern day was a little cringey. I think Whitehouse and Hudgens could have done a better acting job, which could have scrapped a little cheese away. An important part about casting a show or movie is finding the chemistry between two actors playing any kind of intimate relationship. Chemistry is something Whitehouse and Hudgens lacked. When Hudgens played the role of Gabriella Montez in High School Musical you could feel the chemistry between her and the actor who played Troy Bolton, Zac Efron. There was no chemistry between Hudgens and Whitehouse in, “The Knight Before Christmas.” When they interacted I did not feel all warm and cozy inside, I just cringed. I would give the movie a six out of ten. I probably

would not watch it again next year, but I have seen way worse Christmas movies. If you are into the super cheesy Christmas movies, I would suggest giving this one a try. For now, I will stick to Hallmark movies, or better yet, High School Musical.

The movie ready to play on my TV Photo: Carly Grozier

8 Sports

The Forum

December 2019

FHS athletes excelling on the field Spotlighting two D1 commits Jalen Stewart Journalism student Freedom High School students are no strangers to excelling on their respective athletic fields. Katie Flynn and Kaden Moore both have been dominant in their sport throughout their high school athletic careers and plan on continuing their athletic careers through college. On November 13, 2019, Katie Flynn officially signed her letter of intent to become a member of the Temple Owls lacrosse team. That signing signified the long journey and hard work that went in to Katie reaching her goal. “It has always been a dream because I have had to put in a lot of hard work, and I have had a lot of coaches in my life help me become a better player,” said Katie Flynn, senior. Before deciding to choose Temple University, Flynn had picked up a scholarship from Stetson University, but all it took was one visit to Temple for Flynn to make up her mind. “Picking Temple was a no brainer because as soon as I saw the campus I

fell in love. Also what coach had to tell me had a very big influence on me. The atmosphere felt like home and I knew I was going into a family,” said Flynn. It has been a long journey to get to this point and Katie couldn’t have done it alone. “I credit all of my club coaches, parents, my brother, my teammates, and friends for where I am today,” said Flynn. Kaden Moore has been one of the best offensive linemen in the state, No. 22 player in the state and No. 6 best offensive lineman according to 24/ On July 14, 2019 Moore committed to Bowling Green University. “Playing at a Division 1 school has always been a goal of mine because I wanted to go to college for free,” Kaden Moore, senior. His goal of playing on the highest level of college football directly impacted his decision on where he decided to further his education. “Some of the reasons I committed were the fact that it was a D1school and playing on that level has always been my dream as well as some of the big opponents and venues that I will

get to play, such as Ohio State. Also the rest of their recruiting class is very good so it checked all of the boxes,” said Moore. When Moore committed on July 14, he knew that it was early to close his recruiting, but he knew that Bowling Green was the right fit for him. “It was hard committing, because it was early and I did not know if I would get anymore offers that would interest me,” said Moore Similar to Flynn, Moore could not have gotten to this point in his athletic career alone. “I would credit my parents and Coach Roeder for getting me this far,” said Moore. Moore will study sports management at Bowling Green University. Both of these athletes have put in the time and work to reach their goals. Playing at a D1 school is a great accomplishment that the NCAA estimates on 3.8 percent of high school athletes will achieve. Because of their persistence, Flynn and Moore were able to accomplish this impressive feat.

Katie Flynn Commitment Edit Photo: Katie Flynn

Kaden Moore celebrating with teammate against Easton High School Photo: Kaden Moore

Freedom and Liberty clash on ice Should there be more ice hockey? Alexis Swoyer Journalism student For many years Freedom and Liberty’s rivalry was brought to the ice, but this year the teams combined into one BASD team. For the first time, the Winter Classic game, the Freedom versus Liberty’s hockey match, was not a part of the season. The main reason the two schools were pushed together was because both schools did not have enough players to have a full team. Combining the two teams is beneficial to the coaches and the teams since it gives players a chance to play with old teammates or friends instead of competing against each other. “I like the combined teams, and I would like to keep it that way because it gives more kids to take onto the team, more skilled players, and I have a lot of friends from Liberty that I enjoy playing with,” said Justin Musella, sophomore.

Putting the teams together was also a way for both “It would be a good social gathering. It’s a fun sides of the city to show off their skills as one team. sport to watch and would be for a good cause if we However, many are disappointed since the found the right charity to support it,” said Bender. combination of the teams means there is no Winter Classic game to end the season. One idea to appease some people would be to create a new Winter Classic. It is an easy way to give to different charities, which was a goal of the previous Winter Classic games. But it is hard to find a team to create such a big event in the Lehigh Valley. “Northampton has always had good attendance to their hockey games. Also, the past couple years against them have always been interesting. So if Liberty and Freedom both put in efforts to share information, the game would have potential to be big and create a good charity event,” said Luke Bender, junior. BASD team playing against The Saints, which is The Winter Classic games were always a fun and Bethlehem Catholic and Central Catholic easy way to have students show school spirit for Photo: Alexis Swoyer their teams.

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