February 2018 issuu

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Volume 51 Issue 5

February 2018

Freedom High School builds new turf field

Photo: Wikimedia

Arctic ice sheet slowly being broken up due to climate change and increasing temperatures.

Global warming effects places all around the world A deeper look into climate change and how it is affecting the Earth Isabelle Jabbour Journalism Student

Since the industrial revolution, the need and use of fossil fuels has increased greatly, causing the planet to suffer from a phenomenon known as global warming. As most people use the terms “global warming” and “climate change” interchangeably, both phrases do have different meanings and should be used correctly. Global warming is the increase in Earth’s average surface temperature because of rising levels in gases and fossil fuels. These rising temperatures have lead to climate change, which is a long term change in Earth’s climate. Climate change, however, is not just a rise in temperature; climate change can also be seen as rising sea levels, plant booming, and extreme weather events. Within the last one hundred years, the Earth’s temperature has risen 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit. The 17 warmest years since 1895 have all been after 2001. Because of this, there is a large deprivation in Arctic Sea, ice as well

as a decrease in glacisuch as a decrease er size. in wildlife, stronger For a more specific hurricanes, and a insight, Glacier Nadecrease in freshwational Park, founded ter. According to in 1910 in Montana, the Union of Conwas home to 150 cerned Scientists, glaciers and now has scientists have conabout 30 glaciers Temperature predictions. cluded that global Photo: Wikimedia which have shrunk drawarming is primarily matically in size. Scientists have caused by humans producing too linked these effects to global warming much carbon. The way this epidemic and increasing temperatures, coming is dealt with varies around the world. to the conclusion that glaciers in other In Europe especially, more specificalparts of the world may be completely ly Germany and Sweden, efforts to gone by 2035. “go green,” are at an all time high and While the glaciers are melting and the results are outstanding. Sweden the ice is thinning, sea levels are ris- will be one of the first countries to ing around the world. Since 1870, sea completely diminish fossil fuels, and levels have risen about eight inches Germany currently produces seventyand are expected to rise even higher in eight percent of their daily electricity the future. Just by the end of this cen- through renewable energy. The Unittury, sea levels are expected to rise ed States has the second highest wind between seven and twenty-three inch- energy capacity in the world. Howeves, maybe more due to melting ice er, there is still room for improvement from the North and South Poles. and the use of more renewable reThese however, are just some effects sources. from the global warming and climate While learning about these topics change of this planet. through social media and news outClimate change can also cause things lets, students at Freedom High School

have the option to take environmental classes such as AP Environmental Science, taught by Mr. Eric Baltz. In this class, he is able to touch these topics and talk about things like climate change. “Climate change is one of the last chapters we cover so we usually spend a few days to a week on it,” said Mr. Baltz. Near the end of the course his students already have previous knowledge about climate change and have already learned about topics that relate directly to climate change. Because of this, the topic becomes easier to talk about as a class. “To go green, I think first it is about educating the public. I think government agencies should promote helpful information and things that we can do,” said Mr. Baltz. Going green is just starting to take off and will hopefully launch the earth into a healthier state for living. With helpful information from government agencies as well as following in the footsteps of other “green” countries, America can begin to combat climate change and prepare for a better tomorrow.

Surgical robots help save lives

Reflecting back on 30 years at Freedom

Highly missed Vine makes a comeback

Russia banned from the 2018 Olympics

A look at robotics in the medical field

Mrs. Whirl, support staff of the month

The follow up to the beloved app

Why was Russia banned and what does it mean?

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Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - www.FHSForum.com - @FHSForum

Celebrating over 50 years of serving the Freedom community

2 News

The Forum

February 2018

Battling for the right to free browsing Net Neutrality on the verge of fall out Chance Moore Journalism Student

On December 14, 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to repeal the laws of Net Neutrality. The official vote, taken in the FCC’s office, came out as three over two, which was highly anticipated by the public. Many supporters and followers of Net Neutrality had given up after the vote was announced, but the true fight was just beginning. The FCC does not make the final decision on whether the vote will pass

or not. That decision is made by Congress and its representatives. While there is the possibility that Congress will be against the vote and choose to veto, the possibility of them accepting the vote is rather difficult to ignore and openly on the table. If the vote goes through, it will mean the end of Net Neutrality. Thus, the end of equal internet rights. Internet and cable providers will be able to charge more money for certain features to be available online. They will even be able to slow down or even block specific websites from their customers.

Internet and cable providers are not the only ones that are up charging their services with this new repeal. If a user were to want to access their personal social media, they may have to pay a premium social media package. At the beginning of 2018, internet activists The front of a political building. launched a campaign to Photo: Rob Cogswell, Flickr get rid of the lawmakers who do not vote to overturn the FCC’s now, the congressional ruling has not decision. There is however, still hope been decided, yet there is not much for “team internet” because, as of time left.

Surgical robots could help save lives An overview of how robots are utilized in the health care field Jasmine Figueroa Journalism Student

very helpful when it comes to providing Has anyone ever transportation. They thought about how are able to move healthcare works? It around easily and are somewhat resembles very intelligent, mean“Justice League,” as ing it would be easier to medical profesfor them to complete sionals are the supertasks, such as going to heroes fighting a patient’s home to crime, such as diseastake care of them by Healthcare robot . es and health probgetting them food, a Photo: Medicalfuturist.com lems in us all. Howevdrink, or anything else er, if these extraordithey may need. nary bots are much like superheroes, Procedures and careers including do they too need a trusty side- radiation treatment from eye surgery, kick? That question is answered rehabilitation from a hair transplantawhen robots come into place. tion, therapists, pharmacists, and even Robots in the medical field can be a phlebotomist, healthcare robots

“One with the guy that throws an umbrella at another umbrella and screams “run.””

-Nick Sciarra, freshman

“Hi my name is Trey and I have a basketball game tomorrow.” -Karrington Hall, sophomore

seem to be not only transforming but also enhancing healthcare and fields of medicine around the world. The most well-known medical robot is the Da Vinci® Surgical System made by Intuitive Surgical. The robotassisted surgical system was used successfully on millions of patients. Robots can also serve in saving hospitals. This new technology does not need to be paid for their services, saving the hospitals money. Hospitals will also not need staff to stay overnight because the robots can do this. Robots do not have a schedule for sleeping. The patients will not be worried about being treated by a robot because they will feel that they are in the hands of a professional much like a doctor. “Robots are a great idea. They are a

“Road work ahead, yeah, I sure hope it does.” -Fatema Kitabwalla, junior

great way to have more accurate solutions and less error,” said Mr. Jonathan Ayre, a biology teacher and Project Lead the Way advisor. This all may sound like a good idea; however, stop and think about what may come in the future. Workers could get laid off from the lack of jobs and labor costs being too high for businesses. Robots may also start replacing many things starting in specifically hospitals over time. Doctors, nurses, etc., will no longer get over time due to robots never having to stop working. There may once come a day that robots will reign, and people will not be needed to work in hospitals anymore.

“Road work ahead, yeah, I sure hope it does.” -Saad Chaudry, senior

February 2018

3 News

The Forum

Teen drivers equal mayhem The student parking lot at Freedom has become a sight for speed racing and accidents Hayley Guzzo Pates’ Post Editor

The day a teen gets his or her license is one of the most exciting times in his or her life. It is a ticket to freedom and independence. However, it can also lead to a lot of chaos. Just look at the student parking lot at Freedom. It almost seems like everyday there is either an accident or crazy traffic jams that lead to unfortunate actions. ¨Car accidents can be devastating on multiple levels,¨ said Amanda Large, senior. The student parking lot by the tennis courts separating Freedom and Bethlehem Area Vocational Technical School (BAVTS) is where much of mayhem usually starts. Many of the students who drive to school have only had their license for a couple months to a year. Therefore, there are many inexperienced drivers on the road. However, the new drivers do not always seem to be the problem.

The problem is the immature students who aim to impress their peers by driving awfully on purpose. These days, many of the accidents in the parking lot are due to the students who think that it is a race track. ¨My car has almost been hit several times by people racing and drifting. It's really annoying,¨ said Colin Curtin, senior. Not only are there students who do not look where they are going in the halls, but there are also a surplus of students who do not look where they are going on the streets. ¨I'm really surprised some kids pass their driving test. The way they act you might as well give cars to toddlers,¨ said Curtin. These fender benders happen when students decide to swerve through the parking spots at 40 miles an hour. For example, earlier this year, an accident occurred when a car that was driven by a student of Freedom cut through parking spaces and ended up smash-

The parking lot is not always this calm. Photo: Hayley Guzzo

ing into the side of another student's car. Fortunately, no one was hurt. However, the cars were not in great shape afterwards. ¨The amount of ignorance that teenagers have with several-ton vehicles puts the people I care about at risk and

I don't tolerate it,¨ said Curtin. Of course, another look into why there is so much madness everyday at 2:30 in the parking lot is the fact that everyone seems to be so impatient when leaving the lot. Cutting people off and racing to the first parking lot exit they see seems to be the way to go these days, and it is becoming more and more dangerous. ¨This is what causes major accidents. Since I've graduated, I've noticed it's progressing worse and worse as each student gets their first car,¨ said Jawsalynn Kleckner, former Freedom student. The bottom line is that everyone has somewhere to be after school, whether it be work, home, or a friend's house. However, if all drivers would just slow down in these parking lots and be more cautious, it would be a lot smoother around here. Not to mention, the accident rate would decrease. ¨I’d rather be over cautious and worry about other people than ignore it,¨ said Large.

“The Donald” takes charge of a nation Looking back at the celebrity’s first year in office Carson Swick Entertainment Editor

debate. Regardless, Trump wasted “Fire, fury, and no time in frankly power.” bringing his Perhaps no other ideas to the quote better deforefront. scribes Donald J. Within his Trump’s unorthofirst months, dox approach to President the Presidency. Trump impleThe real estate mented a quesmogul’s transfortionable policy mation into poliwhich banned tics was just an- Trump stands at the podium and speaks. immigration Photo: CNN.com other element that from seven premade 2017 such a dominantly Muswild year. lim nations. Although the ban itself Trump first flirted with running for was temporary, its enactment poured President in the 1990s, and his dream salt into the wound of a divided counbecame a reality upon his victory over try. Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. “When Trump comes to mind, I Whether or not Vladimir Putin had think about the large number of peoanything to do with that is still up for ple that shame him online,” said

Rachael Iacovone, junior. Donald Trump’s Twitter account quickly became a mecca for furious Americans. The President used the social media to express his frustration toward the “fake news” media, “Crooked” Hillary Clinton, and “Rocket Man” Kim Jong-un. Trump’s most recent sparring with Kim Jongun led to suggestions of nuclear war on the Internet. Unsurprisingly, Donald Trump’s Tweets have hurt his approval ratings, which currently sit at 42%. “The best thing Trump can do moving forward is keep his head low on social media and keep his attention on deep-seated issues,” said Thomas Wilson, junior. While “The Donald” has an army of conservative supporters, the majority of Americans are skeptical of the new President. Many major questions have followed Trump since his inauguration. Is he really the “stable genius”

he claims to be? Is there a method to his madness? Or is Trump simply out of touch with the times? Nothing haunts Trump more than his lack of filter, especially when it comes to minorities. Other than his moments of misogyny (“locker room talk”), the President has faced numerous accusations of racism. In addition to his promises to “build a wall,” Trump was attacked for not taking a strong stance against white supremacists during the Charlottesville protests this summer. “Trump needs to stop saying racist things and apologize for what he has already said,” said Iacovone. Donald Trump’s first year in the White House was nothing short of chaos. Despite this, he still has three more years in office. It is about time that the American people come together and realize no whining will change the fact that Trump is the leader of our nation.

Dear Ani: Uncertainties create confusion for the next step in life being said, you should probably to expect an 18-year-old to present the idea decide what he or she wants of going to to do in life without expericommunity colencing things for themlege for a year selves. In a perfect world, I or two to your would travel in my gap year mother. It will and see what the world has save money and to offer. Obviously, I don’t offer a way to have the money for that. complete genPlease help me figure out eral studies. where to go from here, and After commuwhat do I do about college? nity college, Sincerely, there is always The wall in office 207 that will Travelling Dan time to see the guide students with college world before condecisions. Photo: Analisa Jeffries tinuing your eduDear Travelling Dan, There is nothing wrong with cation or going to not knowing what the next step is. work. Sometimes it is okay to let fate take Another option that your mom may its course and see what happens. That not like is just getting a job during the

A student needs help deciding what to do after graduaAnalisa Jeffries Co-Editor-in-Chief

Dear Ani, This year I’m a senior and since summer all of my friends have been applying to colleges and getting into their dream schools. It makes me happy to see everyone else achieving their goals, but I don’t think it’s for me right now. My parents are very much involved, and they are pushing me to visit and apply to all of these colleges. I have no desire to do so, and I just want to take a gap year. Saying that I want the year off in front of my mother is like the worst thing imaginable to her. I don’t see the problem with me taking a year. I think that it is ridiculous

day and figuring out different career pathways when you come home from work. Who knows, maybe working through the rest of high school and the summer, you will save up enough to visit some different states. Whether you decide to take a gap year or work, the first step should be to have a serious talk with your mom. She may be open to the idea of community college. Good luck.


Photo: Analisa Jeffries

4 Editorials The Freedom Forum A publication of Freedom High School

February 2018

The Forum

Facebook group protests pet shop in mall Demanding change for voiceless animals kept in inhumane conditions

Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843 www.FHSForum.com

Co-Editor-in-Chief Analisa Jeffries Juliana Maffea News Editor Kerilyn Kipp Editorial Editor Rachel Black

Pates’ Post Editor Hayley Guzzo Entertainment Editor Carson Swick Center Spread Editor Gabrielle Rader Sports Editor T.J. Schaeffer Web Editor Gabrielle Rader Adviser Karla Erdman Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy For our editorial statement and correction policy, please go to www.fhsforum.com/about.html Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office. Follow us on Twitter, send us an email, and visit our website! @fhsforum, #fhsforum fhsforum@gmail.com www.fhsforum.com

L-R: Mr. Michael DiBilio, Mrs. Laura Sage, Mr. Michael LaPorta, Ms. Maureen Leeson, and Mr. William Cecchini Photo: Christmas City Studios

rights. “We got to the mall at approximately 7 p.m. Only a few days into when I noticed two pupthe new year, the pies in the window,” said Lehigh Valley suffered Pugliese in her viral Fafrigid cold temperacebook post which has tures diving below accumulated over 3,300 negative ten degrees. comments and 8,400 However, upon arrival shares. Only a thin glass to The Pet Shop at the window separated the Palmer Park Mall on two, homeless puppies Thursday, January 4, from the arctic temperaMarissa Pugliese notures which had cancelled ticed something appal- Two small dogs were kept in schools and businesses in ling in the store window the windowsill pictured on the area during the week. January 4. ---freezing puppies. Security confirmed to Photo: Rachel Black With pen mightier than Pugliese that the store sword, she took to social closed early at 5 p.m., and media and documented it would not open again what she saw. Since then, Pugliese has until 10 a.m. the next day. become a local spokesperson for animal This is not what the local animal lover wanted to hear. She knew that the paper bedding and hamster water bottle would not satiate the dogs for 17 hours. Pugliese has started a Facebook Group with a self-explanatory name, called “Close The Pet Shop, PA”. It has over 1,160 members. The leader of the group has explained that her goal is to bring justice to the animals the right way. “Please, everyone, violence and breaking the law is not an option,” said Pugliese in her public Facebook status. “This post was made to raise awareness and get the right authorities to investiWith sparse paper shavings, a dog gate this chain of pet stores,” she said. takes a nap mid-day on the floor. Photo: Rachel Black This is a long overdue movement in the Lehigh Valley. For years, Scott Rachel Black Editorials Editor

Small dog, next to a sleeping companion, looks desperate for a home. Photo: Rachel Black

Wilkes has owned three Pet Shops in the area. The Palmer store received a citation for a similar incident in 2015. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s website, on January 7, 2015 during a state kennel license inspection, the inspector witness puppies shivering. The manager of the store said the shop was waiting for parts for the heating system, which broke five days prior. What the community needs to do is boycott businesses that sell designerbreed dogs and cats for profit. Adopt from shelters, and spread the word. Let it be known that pet stores that sell designer dogs, living in disgusting conditions, have no place in society. “They have no voice, something needs to be done,” said Pugliese.

Women march for justice and equality The 2017 women’s march movement progress Amarah Karlick Journalism Student

Last January 21 marked the 2017 Women’s March, which is an annual event that takes place in many big cities including Washington D.C., Los Angeles, and Philadelphia. It is a very expressive event that holds several different methods of protest and demonstrations to address the topics of women’s rights today. Some of these issues include reproductive rights, LGBT rights, gender equality, labor rights, and immigration reform. Women protest on the streets. “It’s no secret, women are still not treated the same as men these days,” said Aliyah Major, senior. officials since the inauguration of PresiThe 2017 Women’s March in Wash- dent Trump. Not to say that these cerington was one of the largest single-day tain issues of rights in the community demonstrations recorded in US History are of only recent relevance, but certain since the anti-Vietnam War protest days events within the last year have been in 1969 and 1970. Crowd scientists pre- found extremely offensive, which dict at least 470,000 people were in at- sparked even more outrage within the tendance mid-day at the 2017 Women’s country. March. However, worldwide participaDespite the motivation, the process of tion is estimated to be around five mil- change itself through this campaign lion. came from both big names and small “There has to keep being movements people. Actress Scarlett Johansson, a to protests women’s rights, otherwise powerful voice throughout this contropeople will seem to quickly forget about versy, spoke in Washington on the day it,” said Major. of the 2017 Women’s March. Some of The Women’s March protesting ideals the big topics Johansson brought up in are in response to a lot of recent sexual her speech had to do with women’s remisconduct cases involving government productive rights and especially planned

parenthood. “I attended the march to support the people, and to have our voices be heard. Many people believed the march was anti-Trump, but it really wasn’t anti-anything. It was pro-people. Everyone was there to support each other. Although there was anger, it also felt very loving. All of us came together to support each other’s opinions, I Photo: Wikimedia thought it was amazing,” said Evelyn Carpenter, freshman. Evelyn Carpenter, a freshman at Freedom High School, Carpenter attended the 2017 march in Washington, and plans on going to other rallies in the future. Change is a slow process as it has only been a year since the 2017 Women’s March on Washington. All of the many values fought for are still awaiting significant change. Despite the lack of immediate political reform, this movement has brought together millions. It truly showed the power of the people and spirit of America. A touching call to not just do something today- but tomorrow and the next.

February 2018

The Forum

Pates’ Post 5

Freedom band director shares experience Mr. Michael Moran has been with the Freedom High School band for 20 years Delilah Oquendo Journalism Student

Many people throughout the world love music. However, Mr. Michael Moran has taken it further than enjoyment. Mr. Moran is and has been the music director at Freedom High School for 20 years. During his 20 years at Freedom, Mr. Moran will never forget working with the wonderful students and taking fantastic trips to places like Ireland and Hawaii with the band. One memory that stands out to him is when the marching band won “Best Overall Band” in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Dublin, Ireland in 2008. In the beginning of his career, it took years for students and parents to accept Mr. Moran’s style and way of accomplishing tasks. But he took his job very seriously and envisioned a great future for the band through his passion for music. He continues to

realize that each and every year as students move through the music program and find success for themselves. Mr. Moran said the easiest part of his job is working with the wonderful faculty. He said the teachers have always been fun to work with and are very supportive of one another. His musical talent lies in his ability to play the trombone and conduct a band, both on and off the field. Mr. Moran started playing the trombone in fourth grade, and he has progressed to becoming an amazing musician. He believes that he is dedicating his life every day to his students by trying to help spread the love and understanding of music. A graduate of West Chester University, he was part of the marching band, wind ensemble, orchestra, and jazz band. He was a busy man in college as he was also in two fraternities. Mr. Moran said he will never forget the weeklong trips with the jazz band

to Florida and New York in the summer. He met many great people and had such a great experience all while improving as a musician and learning how to teach. Mr. Moran’s love of travel has him traveling in the Mediterranean this coming summer. The cruise will stop in cities in Italy and Greece where he plans to do a lot of sightseeing. In addition to music, Mr. Moran loves playing card games, especially Pinochle, and videogames in his spare time. He also enjoys spending time with his family and close friends. The best advice Mr. Moran gives to the students of Freedom is to never give up on their dreams. “Don't practice something till you get it right, practice until you never get it wrong,” said Mr. Moran. There will be obstacles that may challenge someone to work extremely hard to achieve a certain level of suc-

Mr. Moran on picture day. Photo: Christmas City Studios

cess. He said it may take a any amount of time to succeed, but when one is passionate about something, one should not let anyone or anything defer from that passion.

Reflecting back on nearly 30 years at Freedom Mrs. Whirl, the attendance secretary, shares her story and memories of being a beloved part of Freedom Family Keri Kipp News Editor

When a student is late, absent, suspended, goes on vacation, or anything else, somebody must be in charge of making sure things are up to date and easy to find if necessary. Mrs. Patricia Whirl one of Freedom’s two attendance secretaries, is the “record keeper” of the school. “I keep all of the files for the students with the last names A through L,” said Mrs. Whirl. Mrs. Whirl has also been involved in Freedom High School (FHS) for many years, even though she was not in her position the entire time. “My father was the very first athletic trainer here, my husband taught for 29 years in the district, and I’ve just been

here for so long. My husband and I got involved right away when we first got here. We would chaperone the band, and attend numerous athletic events. It just made the job so much easier and gave me the opportunity to build bonds with the students and faculty Mrs. Whirl before I obtained the job,” said Mrs. Whirl. The job of an attendance secretary is not a usual job that someone would always dream to have. However, for Mrs. Whirl, stepping out of the box

was the right idea for her. “I wanted to do something different with my life from everyone else, so I thought to be a secretary. This job kept me in contact with the kids, whether it be absent notes or talking to their parents,” said Mrs. Whirl. Photo: Keri Kipp So many memories have been shared by Mrs. Whirl with many people over the almost 30 years that she has been a part of the Freedom Family. She has very much enjoyed her time here at Freedom.

“Doing the 50th Anniversary celebration was definitely one of my greatest memories. I wanted it to be an old fashioned reunion for everybody so when they came back it would feel like they were in Freedom High School again.,” said Mrs. Whirl. Another generation of students is once again about to depart from FHS to embark on their future. According to Mrs. Whirl, she cannot wait to see what great things this senior class will do with their lives. “I’m so excited to see this class graduate, as I am every year. It is so nice to see the looks of accomplishments on each and every one of their faces. I sort of think to myself, I hope I’ll see them again,” said Mrs. Whirl

Mrs. Glaser calls it a career after 16 years Freedom gym teacher finishes her last semester Carson Swick Entertainment Editor

Between final exams and new classes lies a break for most of the Freedom Family. On exam make-up day, students enjoy a day away from the classroom, while teachers grade exams and prepare for the semester ahead. However, one special teacher is looking well beyond the second semester. The end of the first semester marks the end of Mrs. Barbara Glaser’s time at Freedom High School. A central figure in the school’s health and physical education program, Mrs. Glaser has decided to retire after 16 years at Freedom. Previously, she taught students at BASD’s Broughal Middle School. “I originally went to college for vet-

dents and coworkerinary medicine. But ers at Freedom there were more opporHigh School have tunities in education, so helped her to grow I changed my major,” as a person. Headsaid Mrs. Glaser. ing into retirement, Before working as a she left some partgym teacher, Mrs. Glaing words for The ser was a stay-at-home Freedom Forum: mother. Since she had “I have grown the experience coaching most from lessons swimming, Glaser was I’ve learned from convinced by a district the people I’ve employee to apply for a worked closely Mrs. Glaser (fourth from right) poses with the rest of the gym teachers . position in teaching. with. I would like Photo submission: Mrs. Barbara Glaser “Teaching teenagers to to thank Freedom swim is my favorite part High School from of my job. It’s a great feeling to see college, animals also hold a special 2001 until now for everything: the students’ confidence grow as they place in her heart. Mrs. Glaser lives students, staff, and parents. Everylearn to swim,” said Mrs, Glaser. among the company of five dogs and thing my colleagues have given me In her retirement, she plans to con- four cats. She also loves to ride horses has made me a better person. Freedom tinue her involvement with swim- in her free time. is really and truly a family.” ming. As evident through her time in Mrs. Glaser believes that her stu-

Triumph in the everlasting fight for equality The importance of Black History Month Sarah Healy

Black History Month is an annual celebration that honors the achievements of African Americans and recognizes their role in U.S. history. In the United States, the month of February is allocated as Black History Month. This Week, ington action

month branches off from Negro History created by Carter G. Woodson in WashD.C. in February 1926. Woodson took for all black Americans knowing that what they experienced was too important to overlook. The development of Black History Week into a full month was proposed by the leaders of the Black United Students at

Kent State University in February 1969. Then in 1976, the bicentennial of the United States, President Gerald R. Ford expanded African American week into a full month. Black History Month is an essential part of our nation’s tradition in which we promote positive examples of poignant historical events, exemplary leaders, and societal advances. This remembrance is not only deeply meaningful for the African American community, but imperative for the greater understanding of national and world history.

As we celebrate this month in today’s time, it is important to understand that Black History Month should be celebrated forever. The significance lies within the fact that it helps us to be better stewards of the privileges we have gained. Carter G. Woodson was the creator Without awareness of the past, we would never be able to appreciate the blessings we of Negro History Week.

enjoy in the present. Additionally, celebrating Black History Month creates awareness for all people. As we look back on the past, it gives us a chance to learn about how minority groups overcame the struggles that society threw at them.

Former President Gerald Ford, who expanded African American week into a full month. Source: Wikipedia

Through reliving and remembering history, we create awareness of the struggles and challenges that African Americans overcame in this country. Black History Month is not just a special month, but also a symbol that represents the change from struggle to triumph.

Photo Source: Wikipedia

Born into a life of slavery, Harriet Tubman was one of the most renowned heroes in history. With the hope of freedom burning in her heart, she made her escape from Maryland. However, she could not leave the other slaves to suffer. With a long network of trails and safe spots, called the “Underground Railroad,” Tubman lead hundreds of slaves out of plantations and into the North where they were free. Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons

Defying the law to make a statement is a bold move. On December 2, 1955, Rosa Parks chose not to give up her seat for a white man in order to peacefully protest against segregation. In response to her rebellious actions, police arrested her. On December 5, 1955, Martin Luther King Jr. and his followers had begun a peaceful protest called the “Montgomery Bus Boycott.” In result of the protest, colored people refused to ride on public buses. This lasted until December 22, 1956. Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons



1955 1849

Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons

Mary Mcleod Bethune was a child of former slaves. In 1904, Bethune founded the Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute for colored girls which later on became Bethune-Cookman College. Bethune worked as an educator for almost ten years and believed that education was the key to racial advancement according to biography.com. In 1923, the school combined with the Cookman Institute for Men, while Bethune became the school’s president and leader.

Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons

As many know, Michelle Obama was the first African American First Lady. Obama graduated from Princeton University with a B.A. in Sociology, and went on to earn a J.D. from Harvard Law School. Later in life, she married Barack Obama in October of 1992 and has two children, both girls. In April 2009, Obama was featured on the cover issue of Oprah Winfrey’s O, The Oprah Magazine. Obama became the only other person to be on the cover besides Winfrey herself.

Celebrating Black History Black History in the past, present, and future Abigail Catera Martin Luther King Jr. once said in his famous “I Have A Dream” speech, “I have a dream that one day little black boys and little black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.” Through all of these years, his dream, as well as the similar hopes and dreams of the black community and others have come true.

Americans in U.S. history.

It is clear the United States has become more culturally diverse in the last century. Even at Freedom, we can see this just by walking through the halls; one can see different people of different races and cultural backgrounds. We once lived in a world where two people of different races could not even be in the One achievement of the black community since same room, so what reasons are there behind this 1976 is the month of February being dedicated to change? black history. Canada, the Netherlands, and the One area where we can the celebrate of the black United Kingdom community is the people of the past who have stood also devote a month up for others and their beliefs. Some of these advoto celebrating black cates are Martin Luther King Jr., a civil right’s activhistory. Black Hisist; Nelson Mandela, who spent most of his life camtory Month is the paigning for an end to the Apartheid in South Africa; annual celebration and Frederick Douglass, a former slave who became of achievements by a leading figure in the anti-slavery movement. black Americans, Among many others, these leaders contributed to the and a time for recembracement and impact of the black community. Picture of a Black Lives Matter ognizing the influNow, people of today want to keep these important protest ential role of African people well-known and their names alive.

“I have seen many good changes in the past years in regards to the black community, but lately I have seen some negativity starting to spread. People are trying to resurrect a lot of the negativity of the past. They are focused on the money related to everyMartin Luther King Jr. an iconic thing now instead of the impact the per- African American historic figure. son makes,” said Photo Source: Wikipedia Commons Pierre Morgan, Freedom High School Security Guard. There are many different ways to celebrate black history. People can celebrate by taking time to read about some of the great works of African American writers and listening to some of the great musicians from the past who have helped shape music into what it is today or by watching classic films starring some of the famous African American actors. All in all, black history is an important part of America to-

Photo Source: Flickr

In 7th grade, Allyson Felix went out for the track team at her school. She ended up seventh in the 200 meter dash at the CIF California State meet. In 2004, Felix finished second in the 200 meter dash at the Summer Games and earned herself a silver medal. She earned another silver at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing and she earned her first gold that year, with the women's 4-by-400-meter relay team. Felix became a three-time Olympic gold medalist in 2012 and won two gold medals, in the women's 200 and the 4-by-100-meter relay. Fun Fact: Felix’s nickname was “Chicken Legs” due to her long, lanky legs. Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons

This American athlete shows no fear when it comes to balancing acts. Simone Biles has incredible talent, style, and not to mention, athletic achievement. Biles is considered an “Olympian super star” by the Huffington Post. As well as amazing athleticism, Biles has a knack for acting and dancing. She has appeared in the hit TV show, “Dancing With the Stars,” where she performed a tango with Sasha Farber. Fun Fact: Biles is the first ever American gymnast to


Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons


Photo Source: Wikipedia

Oprah Winfrey is one of the few female billionaires in the world and she hosted her own talk-show. In 2013, President Obama awarded her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom due to her contributions to society. Winfrey would be nowhere today if it were not for her deep past to push her to become an inspiration to other women. When Winfrey was only nine years old she was raped by her older cousin who was babysitting her, but it was not the only time she had been sexually abused. At the age of thirteen, Winfrey ran away from home, and at the age of fourteen and became pregnant. Her son later died from a sickness shortly after his birth. She believed the death of her son had given her a second chance at life which she then started her new and improved life.


2016 Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons

A winner of many proportions, Rafaela Silva is a Brazilian judoka, a skilled judo martial artist. This Olympic athlete has won two gold medals in the 2013 Judo Championships, as well as the 2016 Summer Olympics. Due to a spark of racism, Silva has almost quit Judo altogether, but her perseverance has been rewarded greatly. Fun Fact: Silva was the first Brazilian to become world champion in Judo. Time-line blurbs: Chance Moore and Sydney Zarzecki

8 Pates’ Post

The Forum

February 2018

Freedom welcomes new physical education Say hello to Mrs. Laubach Carson Swick Entertainment Editor

Mrs. Laubach smiles on Photo submission: Mrs. Laubach

The second semester brings new hope to students and teachers at Freedom High School. Whether that hope revolves around academics, athletics, or other achievements, students enjoy a fresh slate of teachers to help them achieve their goals. Gym teacher Mrs. Barbara Glaser retired upon the close of the first semester, leaving an open position for a new teacher. Luckily, Freedom High School had no issue in filling this position. Mrs. Michele Laubach was hired and began working at Freedom on January 25. Mrs. Laubach has long recognized her passion for physical education.

“I wanted to become a gym teacher because I am an athletic person and I like being active. I knew I didn’t want to sit,” said Ms. Laubach. Just like her fellow gym teacher, Mr. Karam, Mrs. Laubach attended Lock Haven University, a small college between Williamsport and State College. It was there that Mrs. Laubach fell in love with softball. After college, she began her physical education career at Liberty High School, coaching softball on the side. “Softball is my favorite activity. I plan to meet with Freedom’s softball coaches soon,” said Mrs. Laubach. In addition to coaching softball, Mrs. Laubach directs and runs a youth field hockey program. She put teaching on

hold to raise three children, and returned to the BASD to teach at Freedom High School. Even after a few days, she feels welcomed by the students and staff of the Freedom Family. “I’m looking forward to being part of the Freedom Family and getting involved in the future. Please introduce yourself. I want to help students have positive high school experience,” said Mrs. Laubach. Mrs. Laubach offers a breath of fresh air for students who are looking someone new to talk to. Do not hesitate to introduce her to the best that Freedom has to offer.

New psychologist joins Freedom staff Mrs. Kozza joins Freedom Family in room 236 Analisa Jeffries Co-Editor-in-Chief

The freedom family welcomes another member this semester, and her name is Mrs. Samantha Kozza. She joins the family as our new school psychologist. Previously, Mrs. Kozza worked at Lehigh Valley Academy and in Camden City School District. However,

she did not always know she would be working at a school. When she started college she was majoring in clinical psychology. Then she decided that working in a school was a better fit for her after shadowing a school psychologist. Mrs. Kozza’s favorite part about this job is that she gets to work face to face with students here.

When asked to share a few fun facts about her, Mrs. Kozza said that she used to be a competitive figure skater for 10 years. She is also enjoying life newly married and living with two cats and a dog. She cannot wait to see what the future holds for her here. “I’m happy to be at Freedom,” said Mrs. Kozza. Mrs. Kozza in her office. Photo: Analisa Jeffries

Rader’s Rants: All you need is love, supposedly Reasons and more on how to be happy without love in your life Gabrielle Rader Center Spread and Web Editor

love is not all you need. I mean we need Ahhh, welcome back loveoxygen, water, birds. Hopefully you all had and vitamins. a wonderful break filled Love and feelwith laughter, happiness, ings just help and love; since love is supus get through posedly all you need. I am life a little bit not sure if you know who easier. “The Beatles’” are but if you Do not get me do not well then, you are Screenshot from ‘VSCO’ of wrong; being lame. You must live under a “Things to be Happy about” see in love is a rock. My point here is that you do not need love to be hap- wonderful they once wrote a song called, py! thing. People Screenshot: Gabrielle Rader “All you need is Love,” but is are happier and it really true that all you need more pleasant. is love? Everyone gets along more often too, Yes, I know love is magical and is which we all need since drama surjoyful but the world is not all butter- rounds most of our lives, *sigh.* Peoflies and rainbows, sweetheart. Now, I ple in love just want to spread more am not trying to be a sweet-tart but love and let everyone feel happy like

they do. Love may make people happy, but it is not the only thing that can make you or them filled with joy. Trust me on this one though, you seriously do not need love to be happy. You can be an independent man/ woman and be as happy as someone in a relationship. Maybe even happier since all you need to worry about is yourself. There are many things that make people happy even if they do not love it, but simply like it. On a real note, have you seen puppies? Puppies make me extremely happy. Unless you are more of a cat person, #yikes. And food, bro do not even get me started, food makes me happier than anyone ever could. Fresh sheets and a clean room make me happier than a kid in a candy store, yes this may make me a mom or lame but I did not ask for your opinion this is

my rant anyways. You do not only need love to be happy. February is basically the month dedicated to love and all things along with it. Gifts, flowers, chocolate covered strawberries, and more are given to honor the one or ones, for those players out there ;), we love. Love cannot be bought. Love is not something you receive from buying things for others. If in fact all we need is love, what kind of love must it be? Is it for another person, animals, or for food? What exactly were the Beatles’ referring to? Do you know? I do not, maybe I should consult Google for that one. All in all, just remember my little thirsty lovebirds that you do not only need love. Happy Valentine’s Day.

Add more flavor to your playlist Marteen’s new song excites teens Samantha Corvera Journalism Student

Upcoming star Marteen released his new debut single, “Sriracha,” recently, and it was a hit. Its classic piano accommodates for those who like more of a classy side to music while also allowing for a more energetic type of beat. The mix and match of instruments used in the song adds to the hip style that Marteen has used to describe himself. Although the message of the song

and the video itself may seem a little provocative, simply listening to the song for its beat is no problem at all. The song packs a lot of flavor. The song is definitely worth listening to if you enjoy some chill vibes. It was just added to my playlist. Another one of Marteen’s songs, “We Cool,” was on television recently on VH1. So, he is making his way into teen’s lives pretty quickly. Photo: Moxie

February 2018

9 Pates’ Post

The Forum

Analisa Jeffries (Left) This year I am lucky to be one of the Editor-in-Chiefs of this newspaper. Juliana Maffea and I layout this entire issue together. As far as my personal life, I have five dogs and work at a vet, which I love. I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends when I am not drowning in school work. Juliana Maffea (Right) I am the Co-Editor-in-Chief with Analisa Jeffries. I am also a member of BASD MiniThon. I love creating an issue every month for people to read, and I am very proud of the work Analisa and I have done. I enjoy spending my time with my friends and family. I hope everyone has a fantastic rest of their school year. Good luck.

Photo submission: Analisa Jeffries

Photo submission: Juliana Maffea

Photo submission: Rachel Black

Photo submission: Hayley Guzzo

Rachel Black Editorial Editor I am the Editorial Editor for The Freedom Forum. I enjoy writing journalistically about pressing environmental and social issues in Bethlehem, the United States, and beyond. At Freedom, I am the president of the senior 2018 class. After graduating, I will continue my education at the University of Pittsburgh where I intend to major in environmental studies and sustainability.

Hayley Guzzo Pates’ Post Editor I am a senior. This is my second year as an editor of The Freedom Forum. I have amazing friends and family to whom I look to for encouragement every day. I am the youngest in my family. I am shy, but once you get to know me, I am a very humble person.

Photo submission: TJ Schaeffer

TJ Schaeffer Sports Editor I am currently a senior at Freedom. I have been a writer for The Forum all four years of high school, and the sports editor of the paper for the past two years. Outside of The Forum, I am involved in mini-THON, FBLA and Freedom boys’ tennis. I plan to attend a four-year university to study journalism. Looking forward to what the future holds for me!

Gabrielle Rader, Center Spread and Web Editor I am the Center Spread and Web editor of The Freedom Forum. I am also a BASD Mini-THON Helping Hands Captain, and I am involved in Student Council. I love reading and writing, but I also love going on hikes with my friends. My favorite place is the beach, and I love dogs more than people. Carson Swick, Entertainment Editor I am a junior and the Entertainment Editor for The Freedom Forum. I am a member of the FHS chess team, and I teach chess to children in my spare time. On the rare occasion that I sit at home, I enjoy writing stories, making short videos on my computer, and playing pool. In the future, I hope to attend college, hopefully at the University of Connecticut, and pursue a journalistic or educational career. Photo submission: Gabby Rader

Photo submission: Carson Swick

Thank you to all of the Freedom Forum staff members for making this organization run as smoothly as it does. This newspaper would not be the way it is without everyone’s help and cooperation. Welcome to the staff Isabella Scipioni and Riley Sweitzer! Photo: Top left to right: Mrs. Karla Erdman, Abby Catera, Sarah Healy, Dymea Schippers, Delaina Laudenslager, Andrew Thompson, Isabella Scipioni, and Riley Sweitzer Bottom left to right: TJ Schaeffer, Keri Kipp, Rachel Black, Analisa Jeffries, Juliana Maffea, Gabby Rader, Hayley Guzzo, and Carson Swick

Photo submission: Analisa Jeffries

10 Entertainment

The Forum

February 2018

Keeping up with the cutest feature ever People with dimples Korall Reed Journalism Student

Dimples are not a common feature on everyone. They are something that most people find to be attractive or cute. What most people, including scientists, cannot figure out is why some people have dimples. Many people believe the popular theory that it is a muscle defect call “zygomaticus major”. This is the muscle that is supposed to be on the side of ones face. Sometimes, this muscle can get divided, causing some people to have dimples. Other people also think it’s genetically passed down

from one’s parents. Only about 20 percent of the population have dimples leaving the rest of the 80 percent without them. “I never thought that dimples was a deformity, I think that having dimples is actually pretty Nijall’s dimples are clearly visible. Photo Submission: Korall Reed fun, I get compliments all the time about them,” said Nijall Reed. of them when he was little. According Nijall Reed says that he never really to Reed, people with dimples are not liked having dimples as a child. Some more special. He thinks of them as students in his class would make fun regular people.

As most people make know dimples are mainly only present when they smile. This is making them look “more attractive.” Just because someone has dimples does not make them more or less attractive than someone without. Everyone is beautiful with or without dimples. Of course other people have different views on people with dimples. Some may think they are cute and others may not think anything of them. Dimples are mainly considered cute to most people and in most places but most people do not know they may be a deformity.

Happiness can be found in the strangest of ways

Comic: Chriselis Flete

What to binge watch on Netflix in February New additions to Netflix this month

uary, Netflix plans to get rid of shows and add Juliana Maffea new ones to fill their Co-Editor-in-Chief place. In the beginning of January, some new movies to highlight are Apollo 13, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Justin Bieber: Now Say Never, Love Actually, The Shawshank Screenshot: Analisa Jeffries Redemption, and more. The addition of these Netflix is always updating their movies will benefit all people of all shows and movies to fit the desires of ages. They are classics that will altheir audiences. This time they contin- ways satisfy the want for a good movued to add new selections for the new ie. year. All throughout the month of JanSome of the new shows to binge-

watch in the new months are Chef & My Fridge: 2017, Rita: season 4, Grace and Frankie: season 4, and Trolls: The Beat Goes On!. The new seasons for the already existing shows gives people more options as to what to watch, while satisfying the regulars who already watch the show. Unfortunately, Netflix has to get rid of shows and movies to meet the audience’s needs. Some of the shows leaving Netflix in January include Lost, Sirens, and Futurama seasons 7-10. As sad as it is to see these shows go, it still is exciting to think that better, newer shows will be taking their places. Have no fear, Netflix knows what it is doing. There are a bunch of movies leaving

Netflix in January. The movies leaving include movies like Mean Girls, The Mighty Ducks, The Parent Trap, White Chicks, and more. Knowing that these iconic movies are leaving Netflix might cause a panic amongst people, but everything happens for a reason. Netflix might add the movies or shows back that are being taken off. As the consumer, everyone has a voice. If letters or emails are written, the iconic, loved shows might be brought back for good. With the new year, finding new shows and movies to watch is essential. Start the new year with new things to watch, and leave 2017 behind with the old moves and shows.

February 2018

The Forum

11 Entertainment

Highly missed Vine makes a comeback The underappreciated app now has a follow up app Samantha Corvera Journalism Student

Excitement arises with this special occasion. As the original Vine continues to be missed, Vine 2 allows a second chance for more memories to be created. Don Hoffman recently teased “going to work on a follow-up” as an outside project attached to a photo of the Vine logo with the number two next to it on Twitter. Moments later, fans began to go crazy with excitement. They shared their emotions all throughout

different social media sites, and the reactions went viral. Freshman Angelina Calomino spoke about Vine 2. “At the time when Vine ended I did not really use it, but seeing what I missed out on… it hurts. I am so excited for Vine 2,” said Calomino. Freshman Jacob Cierech also shared his opinions on Vine two. “I loved Vine so I’m really excited for Vine 2,” said Cierech. There is no official release date for Vine 2, but it is rumored to come out in 2018. Anyone (Viner or not) is welcome to join the Vine family in Vine 2. However, there are certain people

who appeal to and new Vincrowds more than ers begin to others. Both Caloemerge. mino and Cierech “I wouldn’t stated that they consider mywere most definiteself a “Viner,” ly not excited for but I am going Logan Paul or Lele to use the app Pons to return to a lot more, Vine two. Lele whether it is Pons is not funny A parody of the poetry book “Milk and for actually according to Calo- Honey.” This includes famous Vines writ- making videos mino, and Logan ten poetically. or just watching Photo: Samantha Corvera videos,” Paul has made some said bad decisions acCalomino cording to Cierech. As its release approaches, Vine 2 As the release date closes in, old prepares to gain many new members Viners prepare to make grand returns, without losing old members.

One last celebration before a time of reflection and peace Traditions of Mardi Gras, both in and out of the Untied States

another popular tradition that people wear. These beads are thrown during parades, another common form of celebraMardi Gras is a traditional tion. Beignets and king’s French holiday known as Fat cake are popular foods that Tuesday. It takes place the day people eat during this time. before Lent begins on Ash When king’s cake is made, a Wednesday. This year, Mardi small toy baby is placed inGras occurs on Feb. 13. side the cake. Whoever eats “It is a celebration before a the slice of cake with the baquiet time, when spring is alby inside is crowned king or most here. It is a precursor bequeen for the day. fore a time of reflection and However, the traditions in peace,” said Mrs. Kristen PazNew Orleans are a bit differzaglia, French teacher. ent than those in France. The In the United States, Mardi parades in New Orleans inGras celebrations are most popclude floats, while those in ular in New Orleans, Louisiana. France have dance troops. Mardi Gras masks on sale at a store. A common time for people to Additionally, during parades Photo: Riley Sweitzer visit the city for celebrations is in New Orleans, beads and trinthe weekend before Mardi Gras. ciated with the holiday are green, pur- kets are thrown into the crowd, but Traditions are a very important part ple, and gold. These colors are used to that does not usually happen in of Mardi Gras. The three colors asso- decorate masks and beads, which are France.

Riley Sweitzer Journalism Student

Feelings differ about this holiday dedicated to love Different views on the annual romantic holiday Nia Campbell Journalism Student

also be day of “too much affection” for those who are not fond of the occasion. “I think that Valentine’s Day is overrated because it is a day that love is being noticed when it should be noticed on a daily basis. On the other hand, it is also a day that is dedicated to show your loved ones how much you love them by materialistic things,” said Cherish Symbolic Valentine’s Day art. Photo: Wikimedia Moore, senior. Though Valentine’s Day is thought of as a day Valentine’s Day is always recog- where you show your companion nized as “the day of love.” People that you love them, family is far gift their loved ones with treats, ted- from excluded from the matter. dy bears, flowers, or other romantic Gifts from parents, siblings, or any gestures. However, some view it as other relative are counted as gesan overrated holiday with gaudy tures to show their unconditional presents. love. For years, many people have car“I believe that Valentine’s Day is ried on the tradition of showering very overrated. People believe that their significant other with love and not having a boyfriend or girlfriend care on Valentine’s Day. On the is bad, when it’s really not,” said other hand, Valentine’s Day can Kiana Gilbert, senior.

“I think Valentine’s Day is a perfect day to spend with the people that you love, not just with chocolates a boyfriend or girlfriend. It is better spent with family. Personally, my mother gifts me with chocolates every year for Valentine’s Day. She also tells me that how much she loves me,” said Tiara King, junior. Whatever the case, Valentine’s Day is nothing less of a day full of love that is spread amongst others.

“My favorite traditions are eating king’s cake and wearing the colors of Mardi Gras,” said Mrs. Pazzaglia. “I have also been to Brazil and France to celebrate as a student. In Brazil, they celebrate with different dance troops in different costumes based on the troop. In France, I watched the parades and had a party on the beach.” Mardi Gras is also celebrated at Freedom High School. French students from East Hills join the high school students in the French Club for a Mardi Gras celebration. The middle schoolers also have a competition, where they decorate a hat with Mardi Gras themed items. Games are played and traditional snacks are served. The holiday is also integrated into French classes. “In class, we research French holidays and talk about similarities and differences between them,” said Mrs. Pazzaglia.

Celeb births Famous people born this month Sydney Zarzecki Journalism Student

February is a popular month because it contains some of the most popular celebrities birthdays. Not only was senior Rachel Black, school president, born in February, many celebrities like Harry Styles, Dr. Dre, Rihanna, and many more were also born in February. Harry Styles starts off the month by being born on the first of February while Shakira was born on the second. Next is Chris Rock who was born on the seventh, Jennifer Aniston born on the eleventh, Gucci Mane on the twelfth, The Weeknd on the sixteenth, Dr. Dre on the eighteenth, and Rihanna on the twentieth.

Cupid getting ready to shoot his arrow. Photo: OpenClipart, Pixabay

Rihanna. Photo: Flickr

12 Sports

The Forum

February 2018

Russia banned from the 2018 Olympics Doping scandal in Russian Government leads to severe punishment Isabella Scipioni Journalism Student

The Russian Federation is facing punishment from the International Olympic Committee after it was revealed that the country ran a state-funded doping program to help Russian athletes win international events. According to the Washington Post, their doping program helped at least 695 Russian athletes avoid drug testing. As a result, Russian athletes and officials have been banned from the 2018 Winter Olympics, the country cannot display their flag or play their national anthem, and the Russian Olympic Committee will be forced to pay a $15 million fine. In addition, athletes who have been caught doping have been stripped of their titles. “I believe in working hard to earn what you get. I kind of see those kinds of athletes as weaker and not able to handle the work that they

why anyone would want to need to put in,” said Jimuse them,” said Mr. Mimy Moniz, sophomore and chael Cleffi, Freedom High Freedom Ice Hockey playSchool gym teacher. er. Despite the risks, many Some believe that the Inathletes believe they do not ternational Olympic Comhave a choice. Some Rusmittee’s decision will imsian coaches have told pact sports positively. their athletes that they will “We need to make a have no future in sports stand, and if we’re going unless they dope. to make that stand at the “I think that’s ridiculous. Olympics, it could trickle Obviously there are sucdown to professional levcessful people that aren’t els,” said Mr. Joseph Stel- A crowd of Russian citizens cheering on their country at doping, so I think it’s absothe 2014 Winter Olympics. lato, Freedom High School lutely absurd for a coach to Photo: Wikimedia gym teacher. say that,” said Mr. Stellato. Russian president Vladimir However, there is a silver Putin has rejected any evidence of damage, increased risk of heart lining for Russian athletes. If aththe country’s doping program, and attack, and damage to brain sys- letes can prove they have never has even released false news re- tems. doped, they can compete as neutral ports that all charges against Rus“We’ve seen enough athletes in athletes. sia have been dropped. the past that have died because of “Now they can represent themIn addition, doping risks the steroid use or other stimulant drugs selves as clean athletes,” said Mr. health and safety of athletes. Sev- that have lead to cardiovascular Daniel Kremus, Freedom High eral studies have found that doping disease or organ failure. It’s not School Gym Teacher. can lead to kidney failure, liver worth it, and I don’t understand

A super event creates excitement all over America The 2018 Super Bowl and the traditions for it TJ Schaeffer Sports Editor

In the world of American sports, there is one event that takes place every year that catches more attention and popularity than any other event in the country. Taking place at the very beginning of every February, football and even nonfootball fans get together to watch the Super Bowl, the event that crowns the champion of the National Football League (NFL). The National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC) divide the NFL into two divisions, and the winner from each conference play in the Super Bowl for the title of national champion. “It’s the culmination of the entire season. Everything is on the line. One team is going to win, one team is going to lose. It’s that championship atmosphere,” said Mr. Petrosky, teacher. Last year’s Super Bowl can be considered one of the greatest sports events of all time. According to Fortune.com, the game drew a 48.8 overall viewing rating, which means that close to half of America sat down and watched the game. For those who did watch it, they watched as the AFC champion New England Patriots came back from a 28-3 deficit in the second half to pull of the greatest upset in history and defeat the NFC champion Atlanta Falcons 34-28. Quarterback Tom Brady became the first player in history to win 5 Super Bowl rings for one team.

Outside of that game, there are plenty of others that hold a big place in people’s hearts. “It would be Super Bowl XL when the Steelers beat the Seahawks in Detroit because that was the first Steelers Super Bowl I witnessed,” said Mr. Petrosky, a respective Pittsburgh Steelers fan. Two things that separate the Super Bowl from other large live events are the halftime show and the commerSuper Bowl XLIII. cials. Compared to other major sports championship, the Super Bowl is one game, ways very funny,” said Mr. Walwhich allows for one big event to laesa, teacher and also Pittsburgh take place at halftime. Plenty of Steelers fan. notable music celebrities including Outside of the actual game, there Bruno Mars, Jay-Z, Beyonce and are plenty of other exciting activimany more have taken their talents ties that surrounding the game. For to this huge event. Furthermore, one, many fans of the Super Bowl with so many people watching, that watch the game have traditions companies take advantage of such that last from year to year. For exa big event and pour their money ample, my family does a 100 into a 30-second commercial to squares game in which the players hopefully attract new consumers. write their initials in the boxes and According to justjared.com, a 30 based on the score of the game and second Super Bowl commercial what box relates to the score, that cost $5,000,000. Notable brands person wins like a dollar or two. like Budweiser and Doritos have Outside of that, games like Super made some of the most memorable Bowl trivia and bingo are also commercials through this large widely played. event, making people laugh, cry Overall, the Super Bowl is a recand so much more. ommended watch for anyone look“I have always liked watching the ing for something good to watch, Budweiser commercials. I like the so make sure your turn the channel Clydesdales, I like the humor. Al- to NBC when Super Bowl LII

Photo: Wikimedia

takes place on Sunday February 4 at 6:30 p.m. Super Bowl Update: Fly, Eagles, Fly. E-A-G-L-E-S The underdog Eagles team won its first Lombardi trophy on Sunday, February 4, 2018. Final Score: Eagles 41 Patriots 33

Photo: Wikimedia

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