October 2013 issuu

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Volume 47 Issue 2

October 2013

Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - www.fhsforum.com - @fhsforum

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Government Shutdown (p.3) School Uniforms (p.4) Graduation Bucket List (p.5) “Breaking Bad” (p.10) Faculty Football Game (p.12)

Is the Apple iPhone a good pick this fall? A review of the new iPhone 5s and 5c By Carly Pfaff The Freedom Forum

Apple has recently began selling its newest line of high end products: the iPhone5c and the iPhone 5s. Strong demands, record sales, and large crowds are once again surrounding Apple. So which device matches you? Both options of the new iPhone contain new features. The iPhone 5c is described as “color through and through” according to Apple. The biggest change from any past iPhone model, is the iPhone 5c now offers a white, pink, yellow, blue, or green exterior. Because of the infusion of color, the design of the iPhone 5c was changed to a steel

reinforced frame with a plastic outer shell. This is seen as both a positive and a negative to consumers. Reviews of this advancement range from “bright and fun” to “cheap and plastic.” On the other hand, the iPhone 5s was designed around the idea of “forward thinking.” The iPhone 5s provides consumers with an incredibly thin, light, and powerful smartphone. Apple took this model of the iPhone to the next level by creating Touch ID, a fingerprint identity sensor, that no longer requires the memorization of passcodes. The infusion of color on the iPhone 5s does not quite compare to the bright new colors offered with the iPhone 5c. However, color options include silver, space

gray, and gold. The gold model of the phone has been extremely popular.

cleaner, brighter, and more enjoyable experience. Furthermore, the device is made

The iPhone 5s (left) and the iPhone 5c (right). Photo: macrumors.com

With all these differences, what is the same between these devices? Both the iPhone 5c and 5s offer iOS7. With this new edition, icons are redesigned giving a

and iPhone 5c models during the first weekend the devices went on sale. Demand for this new line of products was so high that it had even exceeded the initial supply. It’s no secret that Apple has continued to raise the standards with its new line of products. With new editions such as bright colors found in the iPhone 5c, and Touch ID found in the iPhone 5s, the opportunities are endless. As fall quickly approaches, its no question that the Apple iPhone 5c and 5s will continue to be and stay “in season” throughout this year.

more capable with features such as a control center and multitasking between apps. According to USA Today, Apple said it sold a record nine million new iPhone 5s

Principal’s Message What makes Spirit Week so special? Michael LaPorta, Principal Special to The Freedom Forum

I can recall my very first spirit week nine years ago when I first came to Freedom High School as an assistant principal. The excitement and energy was amazing. Each day of the week had a thematic style of dress culminating with our traditional “Black and Yellow Freedom Friday.” On the eve of our bonfire,

our students gather themselves by grade level and engage in a tremendous competition of hallway decorating. The winning class is announced at the Freedom versus Liberty pep rally. It is this hallway decorating night that lives on for many years as one of the greatest memories for many former students. I can attest to this as many alumni talk about this night when they come back for reunion tours of our school. During this week the bond and unity among students,

Costume Friday

Pajama Day Monday

Fri. 10/25

Mon. 10/28

teachers, and our total school community is closer than ever. All who walk the hallways of our school feel the true essence of Freedom Family. So what makes this week so special? I suppose it is the tradition of all of the events that bring our school together in preparation for the big game. That is, Freedom versus Liberty. The rivalry is intense. The competition is fierce. On this Saturday afternoon, our families gather outside of BASD Stadium for perhaps one of

the largest high school foot- School and our Freedom ball tailgates in the Common- Family. wealth. The anticipation of a Freedom victory over our archrival and sister school parallels the day before Christmas for some. And then, sometime around 4:00 p.m., the George “Shadow” Resetco Trophy is held high by the victor. As the BASD Stadium clears, it is the essence and memories of Spirit Week that will live on forever as one of the fondest memories for any Mr. Michael LaPorta graduate of Freedom High Photo courtesy of Christmas City Studio

Twin Tuesday Wild Wednesday (or couples) (Animal)

Tues. 10/29

Wed. 10/30

Throwback Thursday

Freedom Friday

Thurs. 10/31

Fri. 11/1

2 News

The Forum

The Freedom Forum

Exercise for the A

A Publication of Freedom High School, Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610)867-5843 www.fhsforum.com

How does being fit affect grades?

Editor-in-Chief Samantha Lutz

By Noah Gonzalez News Editor

News Editor Noah Gonzalez

A new study has found that young students who are involved in physical activity grasp and retain information better than those that are not physically active. This has been known by exercise scientists for quite some time: physical activity helps children pay attention, which directly affects their ability to learn. In May, a study from the American College of Sports Medicine found that elementary school students who ran vigorously for ten minutes before a test scored significantly higher than ones who had sat before the exam.

Editorial Editor Jack Ogozaly Pates’ Post Editor Logan Handwerk Entertainment Editor Faarah Ameerally Sports Editors Mitchell Coriell Chase Hoover Centerspread Editor Erin Heaney Photo Editor Trevor Watlington Web Editor Anissa Vasquez Columnist Fyniss Frazier Tweeter Steven Singer

Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy For our editorial statement and corrections policy, please go to www.fhsforum.com/about.html Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office. Follow us on Twitter, send us an email, and visit our website! @fhsforum, #fhsforum fhsforum@gmail.com www.fhsforum.com

In addition, a larger study The latest study done by recompleted in August consist- searchers at the University of ed of the examination of Illinois at Urbana- Cham12,000 Nebraska students paign examined the ways that showed that the children that physical fitness specifically had the best physical fitness affects the ability to learn. performed the best on standThe researchers examined ardized test. the aerobic fitThe test conness of nine and sisted of a timed ten year old boys run, body mass and girls and index measurethen immediatement, and ly try to memoachievement in rize difficult inEnglish and formation. math. The fitThe results of ness related to the study the test scores, showed that the but the body children that mass surprisingwere in better Photo: edutopia.org ly did not. Chilphysical condidren who were tion could memmeasured to be overweight, orize the most difficult inforbut fit performed better aca- mation after a couple of days. demically than less-fit lighter This conclusion suggests that kids. physically fit students could

perform better in challenging situations that need intellectual thinking. “The more difficult something is to learn, the more physical fitness may aid children in learning it,” said Gretchen Reynolds, a writer for the New York Times. These studies seem to suggest that recess or other physical activity programs in school could ultimately have more benefits than promoting a healthy lifestyle, but also increase students ability to perform academically. Charles Hillman, a professor of kinesiology at the University of Illinois insists that students engage in vigorous physical activity for at least an hour a day. This could ensure that people are taking advantage of all their academic potential.

Are we prepared?

Adviser Mrs. Karla Erdman Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta

October 2013

Do standardized test scores demonstrate how successful we will be in the future? By Jack Ogozaly Editorials Editor

According to the college board 43 percent of students will not be prepared for their first year of college. This surprising number of students seems outrageous. These scores might give insight to problems with the current state of education in America. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 66 percent of

the 2012 graduating class, went on to some sort of college or university. “As a nation, we must set ambitious goals and take strong action to address this consistent problem," said ACT chief executive officer Jon Whitmore. “It’s crazy to think how a little number on a test can determine your future,” said Abdullah Jafar. Many students feel the pressure from the SAT, ACT, and

PSAT tests. Students are told from a young age that how they do in high school, determines their future. Only 66 percent of our graduating senior class will go on to college or a university. The other 33 percent will go on to fill other positions. Although in our society, the expectation is to go on to college and achieve a degree. However, many well paying jobs are within the reach of a High School Diploma. Some jobs that do not require a diploma such as subway and streetcar operators

make a median of $62,700 a year, according to Yahoo finance. Airplane pilots make $117,000 a year. Nuclear power reactor operators make on average $75,000 a year. Of course, it is not determined that people who go into these fields right after high school are debt free and ready to live there life. Nonetheless, any path taken after high school can lead to rewarding outcomes.

For the record “A bad apology is worse than no apology.” - Randy Pausche. Part of life is making mistakes; however, part of learning is the acknowledgement of errors and striving to do better next time. The Freedom Forum sincerely regrets the errors made in the previous issue. Below are the corrections needed in order to abide by the journalistic ethic of accountability.

Freedom vs. Liberty Football Game November 2 1 p.m. BASD Stadium

The article “Joseph J. McIntyre Memorial Gymnasium gets a facelift” stated that Freedom had a new scoreboard. This is incorrect. The scoreboard is not new; however, the insert for the scoreboard is new. It reflects the naming of the gym after Joseph J. McIntyre.

The article “Joseph J. McIntyre Memorial Gymnasium gets a facelift” incorrectly named Marius Pontmercy as a student who helped design the new gym floor. Lex Donatelli was the student who assisted in the design of the floor.

In the Sept. 2013 issue, Mrs. Broczkowski’s and Mrs. Iticovici’s article were switched. Below are the corrected articles including corrected bylines.

Tara Broczkowski, Science By Julia Gialanella

Mrs. Tara Broczkowski is new to the Freedom High School science department, but she is definitely not new to teaching. In the past, she spent 8 years at Saucon Valley High School, and 10 years at Stroudsburg High School. Beyond teaching, her most recent job was at the Da Vinci Science

Center. She loved working there. Being a mom is her favorite “job;” she has two children. So far, Mrs. Broczkowski has enjoyed being here and is happy to be teaching again. “I love Freedom. I feel like I have found a new family. Everyone has been very welcoming to me,” said Mrs. Broczkowski.

Nicole Iticovici, Science By Zachary Wright

The new honors biology teacher is Mrs. Nicole Iticovici. Her former experiences of teaching have been at Northwestern Lehigh Middle School and East Hills Middle School. She is also a very interesting person. “I breed mice, write science fiction stories, play piano, and compose music,”

said Mrs. Iticovici. In addition, she wrote a book, although it was not published. “They were trying to change my message,” said Mrs. Iticovici. In fact, if she could not be a teacher, she would be a “Conservation biologist; they help animals in danger and protect their environment,” said Mrs. Iticovici.

News 3

The Forum

October 2013

Mutual destruction to further negotiation The low down on the government shutdown By Jack Ogozaly Editorials Editor

On Thursday Oct. 17 the Government booted right back up after a temporary shutdown after 16 days of a political hostage crisis. The sudden rush of compromise was brought on by a risk of mutual financial destruction. Minutes before the midnight deadline, Congress agreed to raise the debt ceiling. This of course is only a

temporary solution, and by Jan. 15 this problem will have to be resolved, again. The debt ceiling is defined as, an upper limit set on the amount of money that a government may borrow. The debt ceiling sounds like an awesome idea. But as the recent government shutdown shows us, the debt ceiling can be a dangerous idea. Every year, you hear about the President’s budget and how the President controls all of the Government’s finance. This, however, is misleading when in truth, Congress has all the power when it

Government agencies were temporarily shutdown, such as NASA. Photo: wikimedia.com

comes to approving a budget.

This is where some trouble can occur. Congress has a habit of spending more than they actually have. This is where the President comes in. The President is legally forced to take loans, collect taxes, and to spend the budget congress has assigned. When Congress spends more than they have, the President is forced to borrow the amount of money that is missing. This sounds reasonable so far, but the debt ceiling is a tricky bugger. Congress has a set amount of money that the

President can borrow. This is where you hear the President’s reckless spending has made us reach the debt limit. To Congress, the debt ceiling is great. It forces a problem on the President that only Congress can solve. The debt ceiling forces compromise. It is a sort of leverage to use against the President. Congress can use the threat of mutual destruction to help their negotiations.

Lack of funding equals lack of life Lack of government funding for cancer research By Erin Heaney Centerspread Editor

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is here, and Fox News takes a look at the government funds for cancer. Cancer could become the nation’s top killer, above heart disease, if the government does not provide more money for research and treatment. A main reason for the in-

crease in cancer problems is due to old age patients. “Researchers note that cancer is becoming an increasingly large problem in the United States as the population ages. Currently, 75 percent of cancer diagnoses occur in people ages 55 and older,” said Foxnews.com. Poor diets and obesity put people more at risk for cancer. By 2030, cancer diagnoses will increase by 9.8 million. Due to this number, researchers are asking for more government funding to make

it a top priority again. "Despite this sobering reality, federal policymakers can put biomedical research back on course," said Dr. Charles Sawyers, president of the AACR, and Dr. Margaret Foti, chief executive of the AACR. Among the cuts of funding, the National Institute of Health have cut back the funds they give by $1.8 billion and the National Cancer Institute have cut their funds by $293 million. Their budgets have suffered due to the

sequester and their funded projects reached their lowest level since 2001. Lack of research funding and support for a cure is deteriorating. Research must

increase, or victims of cancer will continue to grow. "The current course is simply unacceptable, and Congress must intervene,” said Sawyers and Foti. If the cancer research budget continues to get reduced, it might directly result to the lost of the lives of patients.

4 Editorials

The Forum

October 2013

Allentown makes a fashion statement Allentown School District announces new uniform policy By Cassie Sedler The Freedom Forum

The Allentown School Board recently implemented a district wide uniform policy in an effort to provide a safer, more effective learning environment for its students. The issue was discussed for several years before finally coming into effect on Sept. 3, Allentown students’ first day of school. According to the Morning Call, “The Board of Directors asked questions and proposed changes to make certain that this new policy was vetted to meet the needs of all Allentown School District fami-

lies.” objections. 98 percent of Al- forms reasonable and the When this policy was first lentown’s students, elemen- dress code rules simple,” said introduced, many were tary to high school, were The Express-Times. against the idea. Some be- seen properly attired in their That is exactly what Allenlieved the uniforms would new uniforms, ready for the town did. The uniforms made only force parents to spend first day of school. for the students include, khaeven more money toki or black pants, and a wards the already expolo shirt coordinated pensive school year. to the colors of “I've gotten some the school they attend. emails from high This helps to ensure school students that that the transition to don't like it, or don't uniforms runs smoothly think it'll help anyin any given financial thing with bullying or situation. student safety,” said “Admittedly, this Robert Smith Jr., Preschange will not cure ident of the School everything in our eduBoard, to the Morning cational society, but it A marquee at William Allen High School Call. is a significant leap in Although there are, reminds students of the new policy. setting a proper context of course, students for learning,” said C. Photo: Cassie Sedler who are opposed to Russell Mayo, superinthe dress code, the outcome “Allentown is doing it right tendent of Allentown School was far superior than their - keeping the cost of uni- District, to the Morning Call.

It is believed that the new uniforms in Allentown will make way for a better learning experience to children of all grade levels. “We hope the focus now is for anyone who sees an Allentown student to look beyond what they wear, look beyond the saggy pants, look beyond the name-brand clothes, to really see who they really are,” said Nick Perez, leader in the move toward uniforms, to the Express Times. The transition Allentown School District made to uniforms and the positive outcome that resulted has many other school districts, including Bethlehem, involved in the discussion of uniforms. So, who knows, perhaps Freedom may be next?

Has the NFL gone too far? Concussions are being sidelined, not the players By Chase Hoover Sports Editor

The world of sports has been left in awe by the effects of concussions as player after player seems to go down every week. The concussion effect has hit the NFL strongly as there have been lawsuits filed against the NFL, and new safety precautions have been implemented. “Just two years after I retired, I have neurological damage. I try to manage it. I know what can trigger head-

aches and try to avoid it. I have short term memory problems,” said Hall of Fame linebacker, Harry Carson. Carson along with other former NFL players recently filed a lawsuit against the NFL after having post concussion injuries. Since the lawsuit, the NFL has tried to devise a system in which players can now be better protected from concussions. Head hits to players now can result in fines, suspensions, and penalties. “Serious injuries can and do happen, but most resolve

themselves within 7 to 10 days with no lasting effects. The major concern is Second Impact Syndrome when a player goes back too early and gets hit again. This can be very dangerous and lead to massive swelling of the brain,” said Dr. James P. Kelly, former neurologist of the Bears. But, many fans and players disagree saying that the rules have taken away from the game as big hits are less and less common. Ray Lewis was even heard saying that the game could be turned into flag football with the way things are headed.

In my opinion, I see the The NFL is headed in the NFL concussion rulings as right direction trying to progood and bad. The good is tect their players. that the NFL is caring about their players and attempting to make the game safer. While, the bad side is it is taking away from the excitement of the game. Players are paid big money to entertain fans with exciting mo- Andre Johnson receiving medical attenments and dra- tion after suffering a concussion in 2012. matic hits. The NFL is trying to Photo: Corbis Images take that away.

Legitimately serving the community Extracurricular receive unwarranted amount of community service hours By Shaina Palmer The Freedom Forum

It is required by the Bethlehem Area School District that each student complete 65 hours of community service to graduate. Students can receive 15 hours for their participation in an extracurricular activity; however, this credit can only be claimed once throughout the entire four years of high school. This hour allowance applies regardless of whether or not the activity encompasses any genuine “service.” Members of clubs that do

not actually contribute to the betterment of the community and participate for selfserving reasons also qualify for the 15 hours. Included in this category are athletes. Sure, sports teams provide entertainment to the community and add school spirit to Freedom, but the individuals are not directly performing a task with the goal of helping society. Athletes play sports for personal enjoyment, success, and to appeal to colleges and have scholarship opportunities. To say that their involvement in sports is community service is a stretch. Meanwhile, leaders who put in time and effort to make the activities available to Freedom and successful often put in many more than

15 hours, yet they are unable to receive credit for all of their time invested. Ms. Samantha Kleinrock, who manages students’ community service hours, just started her position at the beginning of October, and is still gaining a full view of the policies. Coming in with a fresh perspective, she has recognized that there are many circumstances in which balance is lacking between the amount of time students put into activities at school and the credit they receive for it, in cases of students being both over and under compensated. Ms. Kleinrock points out, though, that the limit of 15 The Community Service office is hours for extracurricular ac- located between rooms 114-115. tivities pushes students to Photo: Gabriela Wamba

serve outside of the school community. “We don’t want students just getting all sixty hours here in school,” said Ms. Kleinrock. There is an obvious dilemma of providing students with the correct amount of community service hour credits they truly deserve.

Pates’ Post 5

The Forum

October 2013

Kicking the unhealthy habits Tip and tricks to get the healthy and fit body you deserve By Priyanka Patel The Freedom Forum

Fitness; It can be heard about all the time whether it is in health/gym class or through the media, but what is it? According to Webmd.com, being fit means to have, “The energy and strength to feel as good as possible.” Need the energy and

strength? Here are some quick and easy tips to get a jump start towards a healthier lifestyle. The first fitness rule is to drink plenty of water. By doing so, weight loss is heightened because liquids trick the body into thinking it is full. Replacing water with drinks such as juice and soda is a great way to decrease unhealthy amounts of sugar in one’s diet as well. Of course, getting fit means that one will have to cut down on unhealthy foods, but

have no fear because there are various options for snacks that taste great and are healthy, too. By eating healthier, one will not only keep the undesirable cholesterol, fats and calories away from his or her body, but one will get the good effects from ingredients like nutrients that provide an extra boost of natural energy to keep him or her going throughout the day. Now, here comes the tip everyone has been waiting for: exercise. Undoubtedly,

exercise is an essential part activities that are enjoyable is of losing the best way to exerweight or just cise because it instaying fit, but creases one’s motithat doesn’t vation. mean it has to So, the next time a be a monotohealth teacher gives nous activity. a lecture about getExercising ting fit, use inforcan be doing mation from here to anything that look like an expert. gets the body moving. If one loves to play a sport or dance, Some healthy snacks do it. Getting that also taste good. Photo: Priyanka Patel involved in

Make the most before you throw the cap A bucket list for seniors before graduating By Christine Myers The Freedom Forum

By definition, a bucket list is a list of things a person wants to achieve or experience before reaching a certain age. Due to the popular movie, The Bucket List, more and more people are making bucket lists. Similarly, many students of Freedom High School have bucket lists containing things they would like to accomplish before they throw that cap at

Stabler Arena. “It would be great to get a silver cord for graduation, but other than that I would just like to get into college,” said senior, Kate Balliet. A goal for many seniors is to attain the silver cord for graduation, which requires one to complete 135 community service hours. Getting into college is also a very common goal for the senior class. Whether applying for Kutztown, West

Chester or Harvard, the process of applying is very stressful and can take a colossal toll on high school stu-

the minds of the senior class, so is, creating memories that will last a lifetime. Years from now people look back on their high school careers; one can only hope that those memories are extraordinary. By being a part of the school and being involved in various after school activities and clubs, it becomes easier to make amusing and indelible Photo Illustration: Logan Handwerk high school memories. dents. “On my senior bucket list I While academics and grad- would like to create a senior uation requirements are on movie, have an amazing sen-

ior skip day, and prank Liberty,” said Omar Elsayed, senior. As an avid member of the riot squad, it is not a surprise that Elsayed’s bucket list pertains to activities involving the school and student body. Bucket lists are ways to remind people of their goals and ambitions. After accomplishing something on a bucket list, people get a feeling pride because they were able to achieve one of their particular goals. Studies have shown that bucket lists have the ability to boost a person’s

“I have had enough” Biggest pet peeves people do during class By Faarah Ameerally Entertainment Editor

Are some of your actions someone’s biggest pet peeve? There are just certain things we all hate to endure during class. Unnecessary noises can become extremely irritating after a short period of time. If you’re someone that likes to snack in class, think twice before popping open that bag of chips. Crinkling wrappers, chomping, and rummaging through a bag is one of the

most disturbing things you could do in class. “It’s just so annoying, stay quiet. I’m trying to focus,” said Lissette Acosta, senior. Someone might pop into your head instantly when the word “obnoxious” is said. The class clown or intentionally dumb girl that sits in the second row. Those people just seem to be unavoidable. “There always seems to be a kid that has a one-liner for everything. Nothing comes

BASD & FHS news

without a caveat,” said Mr. Harakal. It is almost impossible to ignore the student that never comes prepared to class that happens to sit right next to you. After burning through two packs of college-ruled paper and ten pencils, one would most likely be at their limit. I can be agreed that there is not enough courtesy from other students in the class room. There is no consideration for others trying to hear, see, and learn what is going on in class. It is difficult to stay focused on information

so when other students around you are talking, laughing, texting, or acting rude, it makes it difficult for everyone in the class to learn anything. Students complain that too many of their peers are not there to learn and seem to enjoy disrupting the class. As high school students, we have all had to deal with a variety of different personalities and behaviors. Over time, some things start to get to us. These pet peeves have been so commonly complained about, we almost expect them now.

Eating in class is a pet peeve for many people. Photo Illustration by Faarah Ameerally

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Columbus Day


Columbus Day is a U.S. holiday that commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in America. Columbus entered the new world on Oct. 12, 1492, but Columbus Day was not a federal holiday until 1937. Christopher Columbus sailed with a 90 man crew on 3 ships, the Santa Maria, the Nina, and lastly the Pinta. During his voyage, which lasted 6 months, fellow crew members suffered with sickness, famine, and exhaustion. Now we celebrate Columbus Day every October. Not all states celebrate Columbus Day, such as California, Nevada, and Hawaii, Columbus Day is not a public holiday. By Fyniss Frazier

Halloween is celebr States, but are people aw and treats started?

Halloween is believed cient Celtic festival of S ple lit bonfires and wore

Mischief Night

“My favorite holiday about it,” said Mrs. Mut

Everyone loves a good prank once and awhile. Most would think that April Fool’s Day is the only day of the year that we have to prank people, but we also have Mischief Night.

In the eighth century, ber first, that marks the ciated withofdeath. winter, This at Saint’s Day, which ha

Mischief Night is the night before Halloween, when all the kids, teens, and maybe even adults come out at night ready for a night of jokes and pranks. Pranks include soaping car windows, smashing pumpkins, egging, and even ding dong ditching in their neighborhoods. So, this year when you are watching “13 Nights of Halloween” on ABC family, grab By Gabriela Wamba

5 12

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Kickoff Freedom High School is full support given to people fighting breast cancer, including a Freedom Family member, Mrs. Linda Jolly. "The hardest thing I had to do while I was fighting breast cancer was to keep my spirits up, and I did that by going to work everyday,” said Mrs. Jolly.


Mrs. Jolly knows over 15 people who currently have or have beaten breast cancer. There is a sisterhood between them. "When I was diagnosed, I was given 3 bracelets, and once I felt that I had enough strength to give them away, I gave them to other people who are fighting it," said Mrs. Jolly. By Jonathan Fiorentino



ated everywhere in the United ware of how this holiday of tricks

d to have originated with the anSamhain. During the festival, peoe costumes to scare off ghost.

y is Halloween; I love everything th.

, Pope Gregory III made Novembeginning of winter, a time assoZachary Wright time day became aByholiday called All ad traditions from Samhain. The

(Above) Staff and faculty celebrate the kickoff of Domestic Vio(Left) Mrs. Terry Jacobs and Mrs. Joanne Carraghan show support for Photos: Trevor Watlington and Samantha Lutz

Domestic Violence Awareness Month Kickoff In 1987, the first Domestic Violence Awareness month was observed in October. This month was made to connect advocates across the US who work to end violence against women and their children. Ms. Perry Emig, a teaching assistant at Freedom High School lost her daughter to domestic violence in April, 2007. Michele Emig, 30, was killed by her husband. Michele was being abused by him for years and had filed for divorce. Her husband killed her for doing so, and then killed himself. “I think it [domestic violence awareness month] gives my daughter a voice,” Ms. Emig said, “and a voice to all the other women who have been victims of domestic violence homicide.” Thousands of women each year are victims of domestic violence, and over a thou-

By Seth Rivas sand, like Michele,

Adopt-a-Shelter Dog Month The American Humane Association holds a special celebration in the month of October, which is known as, Adopt-A-Dog Month. This celebration encourages people to adopt a rescue or shelter dog. It acknowledges the littlest things in life that could make people the happiest. This is a chance to save a life of an innocent dog. One that greets people with a little wagging tail on their hardest days, or the one who will always know how to make someone smile. This month gives everyone the opportunity to make a new lit-

By Brittany Weaver tle

8 Pates’ Post

Mrs. West joins Freedom Another addition to the Freedom Family

So far, Mrs. West loves Freedom. She says her coltaught until she was in 12th leagues are great and supBy Gavin Johnson Journalism student grade. Despite having this portive, and she also loves subject late into her school her students because they are Home economics teacher career, this quickly became motivated and have goals. Mrs. Pat West is the new her favorite subject; she said What Mrs. West is looking teacher on the block at forward to the most this Freedom High School. year is growing the deShe went to John F. partment which is a Kennedy High school in position to interest Willingboro, New Jermore students about sey. cooking, design, and She originally worked sewing. at Norristown Middle A piece of advice she School, until it was shut has for students is down, and she has now “Keep your perspeccome to Freedom High tive, keep your focus, School. Mrs. West has learn who you are as an been teaching fine arts individual, so you can and home economics for do and be who you are Mrs. Pat West poses for a picture in her 28 years. intended to be on this “I was inspired by a classroom where she teaches consumer earth. Who needs to be Photo: Gavin Johnson in the front aisle, who teacher who was teach- science. ing in a school of pregneeds to be in the balnant girls,” Mrs. West said. this was because she had a cony, be who you are deShe wanted to teach this lot of creativity, and a Betty signed to be.” subject because it was not Crocker easy bake oven.

Going the extra mile Overachieving: is it a good or bad thing?

by their classmates with eye -rolls and gossiping of “wow how annoying...they What is an overachiever? are such an overachiever.” Is it someone that sticks out The student sucks up to the from the crowd? teacher with questions like Every student has known “what extra work can I do to bring up my grade?” when really they have a 98% in the class. The so called overachiever only sees themStudents demonstrate the difference between over selves as and underachievers. being Photo Illustration by Carli Markle motivatthat one classmate who ed even though they make it hands in assignments way a point to outshine everyahead of time, and his or body else in the class on a her handwriting looks per- daily basis. The term overafect and neat while other chiever simply implies that students haven’t even start- one has gone past what is ed it. He or she is glared at required and done work that By Carli Markle Journalism student

is completely unnecessary in order to stand out. In his or her eyes, he or she has to have the best grades, be the most athletic, be the best dressed, most popular and most of all, they have to appear happy. But is being an overachiever such a bad thing? Why watch other students reach overachievement while others just put in the minimal work required? Why not show off? Do other students only look down upon overachievers because they are jealous? It wouldn’t be surprising. Don’t hold back in fear of being called an overachiever; find motivation to go above and beyond and be greater than average. This does not just apply to schoolwork, but also in sports, clubs and other activities outside the classroom.

We have all heard it before, “I don’t do anything after school because when school ends I go home.” While legally you are able to leave Freedom High School at 2:22, sometimes it can be fun to stay after. Do you have a burning passion for writing, debating, or even playing hacky sack? Well then there’s a club for

you. Clubs are a great way to fine tune your interests. They also give you a chance to immerse yourself in a field that you would not normally go in to. Not to even mention the new people and friends you’ll meet in clubs. Any student who wants to consider going to a top rated school, should get involved in their schools. One thing colleges look for on your college application is, what clubs were

Ask Fyniss By Fyniss Frazier The Freedom Forum

Dear Fyniss, I'm a sophomore this year, but barely. Last year I got in trouble, and I failed some classes. But over the summer, I realized that I needed to make a change. So this year I am trying to make new friends and get more involved in school. The problem is that I know people are still judging me by my past mistakes, and it is making it hard for me to move on. Sincerely, Making a Fresh Start

It is very helpful to find people that will support you; they should always be there to give you words of encouragement and help you get through the rough times. People will doubt you, and it is important to have someone there for you during this time. Using adults around you such as your guidance counselor or even a teacher you feel comfortable with is also a productive way of letting out how you feel. I credit some of my success to the teachers who helped me and my counselor; they aided with the times when I felt like it was me against the world. At the end of the day, you have nothing to prove to anyone if you know that you are honestly trying your best. If it is not good enough for others, then those people do not need to be involved in your life. The best thing to do is make yourself happy in knowing you are making the right decisions that will better prepare you for the future.

Dear Making a Fresh Start, I understand your frustration with trying to start over and not being recognized for the good you are doing but instead for your past mistakes. I too have had some hurdles to jump over when it comes to failing classes and changing my social environment. It is good that you saw you needed to change yourself and your group of friends. It takes an extremely strong person to be able to confront their dilemmas and actual- Sincerely, Fyniss ly fix them. Surrounding yourself with people who are actually doing well for themselves and aren’t involved drama is the best way to go about starting over. Also, you can ease the transition by having peers who see that you are trying to change and support your decisions. Photo: Freedom Forum

See Mr. Bachman in 810 for details & forms One thing many students do not take advantage of is the school library. The school library is a great place to sit after school and read a book. Maybe you want to make a little study group for your class. It is a place to help you and your friends to study and provide resources for your use. Not to mention provides a quiet work environment that encourages productivity. Most teachers encourage you to stay after where they can you apart of? Did you show help you one on one. Maybe any roles of leadership? the thing that is holding you

Using the school for what it is worth By Jack Ogozaly Editorials Editor

October 2013

The Forum

back is just one little concept that the teacher did not elaborate in class. One on one help with offer you that time to ask for a further explanation on the topics you don’t understand. Many students do not realize how important and invaluable this is. In many cases a tutor can cost you $100 dollars for 2 hours. Hopefully these tips can save you time, money, and a disappointing report card.

The Forum

October 2013

Pates’ Post 9

Surviving the college app process Tips to skip the stress By Samantha Lutz Editor-in-Chief

“Once you hit junior year, every conversation you have turns into a college discussion,” said Alyson Picione, senior. The entire concept of college begins to stress high school students well before they hit their senior year. Applications can come as the most stressful part of the process. Choosing which col-

leges to apply to comes as a close second. Before filling out any applications, the typical checklist is standardized tests, recommendation letters, essay or personal statement, and of course the application fee. These things are important to have before submitting an application. By doing so, an admission decision could be received sooner. The anticipation of receiving an admission decision can be the peak of stress. Checking your mailbox

(physical and technological), will not speed up the process. Trust me. According to Shoham Geva of the University of Michigan, “Finishing your college applications does call for a monumental celebration.” So, allow yourself to really feel that sense of accomplishment. Although the applications are finished, there is more. Make sure to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and apply for scholarships. College is

expensive, and there is no way around it. Most importantly, get all of this done early. Waiting until the last minute gets risky. Finally, make sure you write down all of your usernames and passwords somewhere in order to check on your application status. Every college has different requirements, and some will just assign you one. Having to call an admissions office to tell them you cannot log in will not look very good for you.

Honestly, as obvious as it may seem, the number one rule for the college application process is to not stress. You will only aggravate yourself. After applications are submitted or admission decisions are received, be sure to relax and enjoy your senior year.

Recruiting for the U.S. Armed Forces Ever considered serving for the United States? By Jada Blount-Frazier The Freedom Forum

High School is a crucial time for teenagers; they have to make decisions about their future and that can be quite difficult. If one is still undecided then it may be a good idea to think about the U.S. Armed Forces. “For some people I think it is an important career choice” said Dr. William Feigley, Freedom High School

guidance counselor. Students in Freedom often feel as though they are pushed toward a college or university, but it is very important to consider all options before making such a big decision. “I think that is a personal choice, but the people in each branch are proud of what they do,” said Dr. Feigley. There are several different branches of the U.S. Armed Forces; options include the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. The U.S Army is the oldest

branch and protects America’s security and resources. It recruits from the ages of 18 to 41, but with a parent’s consent will recruit a 17-year -old. A high school diploma is preferred although GED would be accepted. The Marines are usually the first group on the ground in major conflicts. They recruit from the age of 18 to 29 also with parental consent for a 17 -year-old, but to be recruited one has to have a high school diploma. The Navy protects America's right to trade, travel and

protect national interests overseas. One needs a parental consent to join the Navy at 17, but one may also join the ages of 18 to 34. A high school diploma is preferred, but a GED would be accepted. The Air Force is an innovative branch that focuses on air, space and cyberspace superiority. It recruits from the ages of 18 to 27; however with a parental consent one may join at 17 years old. The Coast Guard protects America's waterways and connects with the Navy dur-

ing wartime. If one is 17 and receives parental consent he or she may join the Navy, but one can also join at the ages of 18 to 27. A high school diploma is preferred, but a GED would be accepted. Being in the U.S. Armed Forces is an important decision, so before one decides, be ready to be able to handle the hard work.

10 Entertainment

October 2013

The Forum

“Breaking Bad” ends with a bang A review of the hit television show By Nayris Abreu The Freedom Forum

The combination of drama, crime, and thrill leave “Breaking Bad” currently the highest rated T.V. series. AMC will be nothing without the airing of “Breaking Bad.” With a wife and two kids the chemistry teacher, Walter White, starts to create a meth lab with his partner Jesse Pinkman. To provide for his family after falling ill to cancer, he had to make the best

meth that Albuquerque had ever seen. His family relationship ends up strained due to Walter White’s drug dealing personality, Heisenberg. The creative team knew from the very beginning that Walter’s death could not occur without tying up all the loose ends. The only way the series could end the final season would be that Walter either dies or lives. With foreshadowing, fans anticipate the ending from what they have seen in previous episodes. These tricks come together to form an impressive episode and conclu-

sion. GQ Magazine did not hesitate to call the show “The greatest show on tv!” “Breaking Bad” left millions of fan emotional. “[I am] disappointed that the extraordinary show came to an end on Sept. 29 with 5 season and 63 episode no one will forget,” said Meagan Ryer, sophomore. Sadly, Noah Balshi, freshman, missed the season finale. “I love all the other episodes, and when I’ll get a chance, I will be watching the season finale,” said

Bashi. It is difficult knowing that “Breaking Bad” is one of the best shows out there and some people have never even watched it before. “I never watched it because I do not know what it is,” said Spencer Manganiello, sophomore. Luckily “Breaking Bad” fans can attach themselves to the giant time eating leech, known as “Game of Thrones.” A “Breaking Bad” poster. Photo:IMDB

Super screaming spots to check out Haunted attractions to visit this Halloween By Logan Handwerk Pates’ Post Editor

It is October, and that means time for the leaves to fall, to go to the pumpkin patch and most importantly to visit haunted houses. In good ol’ Pennsylvania, there are some of the best haunted houses in the country. Of course many of the students visited Dorney Park’s “The Haunt,” and it was as fun as it could possibly get. As high school comes along, it is time to grow up a

bit, and that means aiming for something much scarier. Living in such a rural state like Pennsylvania, there are many scary corn fields and wooded regions to turn into daunting temptations. According to HauntWorld.com, the number one haunted attraction in Pennsylvania is the Bates Motel in Glen Mills, Pa. It has been featured on the travel channel, and it was turned into a successful show on A&E. This attraction features a

twenty-five minute haunted hayride through dozens of bone-chilling actors and

The Bates Motel is a recommended attraction.

props that make the experience seem a bit too real. Jason’s Woods, also nationally ranked and featured in many magazines, is a bloodcurdling adventure through the middle of the wilderness in Lancaster, Pa. Jason’s Woods is known for its haunted hayride, the Chamber of Horrors – the newest and most scary attraction, and Pirate’s Revenge. Probably the most talked about in Freedom this year is the Shocktoberfest Scream Park in Sinking Spring, Pa. Although they have been open for years, this year they

debuted their “Naked and Scared Challenge” which will be something only some Freedom’s students will be able to experience. It is 18+ years old to get in. Before entering, participants remove their clothing except for their underwear and shoes. As reported on the official Shocktoberfest website, having participants undress pushes them out of their comfort zone and makes them more vulnerable to different types of fear. With the Halloween season approaching, it is time to get in the spooky spirit and visit some attractions.

Michael Sheehan, Creative Commons

Express yourself this Halloween A review of costumes for the haunt By Jada Blount-Frazier and Gabriella Greenhoward The Freedom Forum

It is the time of year where our fellow high students are ready to get the latest Halloween costumes. There are all different types of styles on the market. “For teen girls there are, “The Wizard of Oz” rag dolls and kinds of goth looking baby dolls,” said Alice Jo

Scouton, an employee at Halloween City. In the Halloween store, they were many varieties of costumes. It had everything from Smurf outfits to rainbow masks. Every year, there is a popular Halloween “theme” to some extent. Scouton said that this year’s theme seems to revolve around movies. These are definitely the costumes being grabbed off of

the shelves the quickest. Since their are so many movies out there with a certain style going on, it is a common choice among teens. There always seems to be a problem with costumes. This year it was prices. “Well a lot of time, they are expensive,” Scouton said in reference to customer comments and concerns. The costumes prices range from $20 to $60 depending on the design and quality. When asked about her per-

sonal recommendation, Scouton gave quite an extensive answer. “I like pirates. I encourage everyone to be a pirate. Pirates are fun. The costume is easy, its not going to get in your way and it is still fun,” said Scouton. Halloween is not meant to be a day filled with pressure to be “in” or to feel like you are being judged. Halloween is meant to be a day filled with fun and getting all dressed up. Take on a new

look in a costume that makes you feel comfortable.

Greatness continues outside of Freedom’s walls Freedom’s theatre teacher receives local award By Fyniss Frazier The Freedom Forum

Every year Bethlehem gives out the Fine Arts Commission Award, and this year Ms. Jennifer Wescoe, Freedom’s drama and theatre teacher, received the award. “I just knew it was a differ-

ent type of award that I never received before; I was really honored. It was a huge honor because the city of Bethlehem was honoring me. It was also very humbling to see who got the awards in the past years,” said Ms.Wescoe. Other people who have also received this award are An-

drew Po, the owner of Homebase Skate Shop, and Jeffrey Boerner and Cliff Buckner the owners of The Fab Lab’s. Ms.Wescoe won this award for her outstanding leadership and teaching. “The award was for my work with theatre arts and students with special needs. I was really happy to know that a lot of students nomi-

nated me,” said Ms. Wescoe. Ms.Wescoe’s students believe that she was the perfect person to receive this award. “Ms. Wescoe is a loving and caring teacher. She is always helping others and encouraging her students to do bigger and better things,”said Brittney Gardner, junior. Freedom congratulates Ms.

Wescoe on her achievement, which is well deserved as she continues to be successful each year.

The Forum

October 2013

Entertainment 11

Dining reviews of Bethlehem A review of the Bethlehem Diner By Nicole Rissmiller Journalism student

A short drive from Freedom High School takes you to a fabulous diner on Catasauqua Road, Bethlehem Diner. When I first walked into the Bethlehem Diner, I was greeted by the beautiful sights and smells of fresh baked goods. The diner has everything a person could

imagine from different types of cakes and pies to éclairs and baklava. The bakers even have a couple of their own creations such as little pastries shaped like mice. The friendly staff are extremely welcoming at the counter by asking someone is doing and then seat

patrons at a table or booth. It is always nice to see people who care about their customers well-being and comfort while at their restaurant. Once I was seated, the friendly waitress asked what I would like to drink, and the soda was pretty good as far as Coca-Cola

goes. After a couple of minutes, the waitress asked me if I was ready to order my meal. I ordered a Caesar salad with chicken. In no time at all, she came out with my salad. It looked delicious. The chicken was grilled to perfection and cut into strips over the lettuce. It also had nicely toasted croutons and Caesar dressing on it. The whole thing was covered in parmesan cheese. After cutting the chicken into smaller pieces and mix-

ing the salad, I took a bite. It was really tasty. I loved the way everything went well together, especially how the parmesan cheese complemented the dressing. After eating my salad, I left happy and with a full belly. I would definitely recommend the Bethlehem Diner to anyone, and I will surely be returning again soon.

What is hiding in Bethlehem? Secret spots in Bethlehem “records?” Vinyl records By Amy Rissmiller Journalism student

It is easy to see that the Lehigh Valley a mix of urban and rural areas, but there are many things to do for high school students. Anybody who loves anything or everything about music can go to the “Compact Disc Center.” It is a fantastic music store full of CDs, posters, and records. Wait, did that say

are actually making a comeback–sales were up over 16 percent, according to digitalmusicnews.com. The store has all different genres of music. It carries nearly anything one could think of. The Compact Disc Center has mugs and Tshirts, too. It has a wide selection of vintage movies for $5 which could be an enjoyable way to have a movie night with friends. It also allows customers to listen to anything before purchasing

it, so there is no need to worry about not liking it. People are stunned when they walk in and see the walls of CDs, albums, records, pins, posters, and movies. Next time someone is picking up food at Little Caeser’s or at a Freedom football game, stop and visit the Compact Disc Center. Another great place is the Monocacy Park. It is a great place to relax during finals week or to take a jog. It is located along the Monocacy River off of Illick’s Mill

Road. There is beautiful scenery, peacefulness of nature, birds soaring through the sky and the calm sound of the water rushing down the rocks. It is a great place to host parties, have get-togethers, walk the dog or just enjoy a peaceful “lazy day.” It is also a great place for fishing; the river is stocked with trout, so there is usually a decent amount swimming around all year. If anyone is ever looking for a place to go to just get away

from it all, suggest the Compact Disc Store or Monocacy Park.

Photo: Amy Rissmiller

Volume 47 Issue 2

October 2013

The Forum

Freedom to…fight for a cure All about the Freedom vs. Liberty faculty football game By Caitlin McCadden The Freedom Forum

Freedom High School has always been eager to give back to the community with events such as Freedom to Fly for the late wife of our assistant principal, Mr. Cecchini, and raising money for the Sandy Hook victims. This year Freedom High School is pleased to announce its first involvement in a Freedom vs. Liberty faculty flag-football game.

One may be wondering how this game relates back to philanthropy; the proceeds raised will be donated to the Race for Adam Foundation which benefits children with Niemann-Pick Disease. This year the high school welcomed a freshman, Adam Recke, who is living with Niemann Pick Type C Disease. Presently, this disease does not have a cure. For this reason, the Race for Adam Foundation is dedicated to

Adam Recke eagerly awaits game day. Photo: Caitlin McCadden

Batting into the postseason with the MLB MLB postseason predictions By Chase Hoover Sports Editor

Excitement is in no short supply for the Major League Baseball (MLB) Postseason, with many headliners coming into this year’s postseason. The wildcard games started on Oct. 3, with the Pirates and Rays moving into the final spots of the playoffs. “I’m looking forward to the postseason; it should be fun to watch the Pirates who haven’t been there in over 21 years,” said Chris Fereno, sophomore. Including the Pirates, there are many new faces in the 2013 postseason. There is also the Oakland A’s, who have only the 5th biggest

Can the high scoring Tigers prevail to another World Series or will the Dodgers’ amazing season continue straight through the Postseason and take them to World Series champs? Many will surely have their eyes glued to their television sets this October. World Series Prediction Dodgers over A’s in six.

salary cap of the 2013 season. The Los Angeles Dodgers are in as well partially due to the help of the best pitcher in the league, Clayton Kershaw. The Dodgers, led by Puig and Kershaw, have battled to the first seed in the West after a miraculous second half of the season. “I am so pumped up for this year’s postseason; go Pirates,” said Joe Rodgers, sophomore. With a lot of headlines popping up in this year’s postseason, it is hard to not to be excited for this Yasiel Puig batting against the Giants. October. Photo: Corbis Images



Doug Leeson

Jaclyn Vanbilliard

raising awareness and funding programs to help collect money to find a cure. The event will be held on Oct. 30, 2013 at the Frank Banko Field (BASD Stadium) at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Joseph Stellato has played an enormous part in putting together the event. If you have any questions please feel free to contact him. “It will be a wonderful event for all involved, and I hope we get a great student section turn out,” said Mr. Stellato. Every student is encouraged to help Adam fight back

against his disease by attending the game. “The game will be a rewarding cause for Adam, who is now a freshman here at Freedom, and a good way to welcome him into the Freedom Family,” said Mr. Stellato. Looking forward to seeing the entire Freedom Family come together for such a worthwhile cause and to cheer on our faculty members as they face the Liberty faculty. It would mean a great deal to not only Adam, but also to the foundation.

The “Bowl” is up for grabs NFL predictions By Chuck Tichy Journalism student

Football is finally back. After a controversial off-season with the New England Patriots, will they have an off year? Is Peyton Manning destined to be league MVP? Will the Baltimore Ravens win back to back Super Bowls? How will the Philadelphia Eagles perform under new head coach, Chip Kelly? These are just a few of the questions that will be answered this season. The Patriots have had a rough offseason to say the least. With quarterback Tom Brady's favorite target Wes Welker, wide receiver, gone and the release of tight end, Aaron Hernandez, this sea-

son is not looking too bright. However it is not all bad news. Newly acquired wide receiver, Danny Amendola, will surely be a threat this season. Also, tight end Rob Gronkowski will be returning soon, which will be a big boost to their offense. So, hope is not lost for the Patriots this year. According to espn.com, “Of the 35 total predictions, the Seattle Seahawks and Denver Broncos are favorites to be crowned Super Bowl champion with eight votes each, followed closely by Atlanta (seven) and San Francisco (four).” Last year, the Baltimore Ravens defeated the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl XLVII. Now, the question is: can they do it again? With the retirement of allstar linebacker Ray Lewis, safety Ed Reed, and offensive threat Anquan Boldin, it is not looking too promising. Jake Petro, freshman, thinks that this years Super Bowl will be the Denver Broncos against the Seattle Seahawks, with the Broncos winning. This season will surely be a very exciting one.



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Keep it up, Freedom!

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