October 2017

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Volume 51 Issue 2

October 2017

Freedom High School builds new turf field

Photo: Mrs. Maureen Calvo

Representing unity among the Aevidum family, students pose together with their hands in their air to symbolize the mantra “I’ ve got your back.”

What are your plans for Halloween?

Stomping out bullying

Highlighting Aevidum at Freedom Nada Younies and Samantha Taney Special to the Freedom Forum

“I’m taking my kids trick or treating and having some friends over” -Mrs. Amber Chiafulio, Science teacher.

“I’m going to dress up as a voodoo guy with some friends” -Mr. Eric Hatch, Science teacher.

“This Halloween I’m going trick or treating with my kids ” -Mr. Eric Blatz, Science teacher.

To kick start National Bullying Prevention Month, Aevidum invites you to join us in our efforts to reduce the stigma centered around mental health and stay connected in school. Aevidum is a student-created, student-led service that was started after a beloved classmate’s suicide in 2003 at Cocalico High School, PA. Derived from Latin roots, the word “Aevidum” was made up by these students to honor life and to promote the mantra “I’ve got your back.” Aevidum is a suicide awareness and prevention program aimed at educating young students about the importance of recognizing mental illness and attempting to tackle it each day. Freedom students involved in Aevidum recently attended a workshop at Nazareth High School where they participated in numerous activities that empowered them to make a difference in their community. Students learned about the four characteristics that make a healthy school environ-

lasting bonds. The hope amongst the ment: acceptance, acknowledgement, Aevidum peer tutors is that these auappreciation, and care. thentic one-on-one tutoring sessions Incorporating vital messages about will allow for an immense amount of suicide prevention, the workshop’s progress to be made throughout the purpose was to spread messages weeks, resulting in significant imabout love and provements in the acceptance of one tutees’ grades. another, making it Tutees and tutors acceptable to start at Aevidum can the discussion feel safe and comabout mental fortable and everyhealth nationwide one has a voice and how to help and no one gets those suffering. left behind. StuAt Freedom, dents are each othAevidum is a dual ers’ biggest allies, service focused so Aevidum works on including all on allowing stuAevidum in Nazareth workshop. students who dents to stick toPhoto: Mrs. Maureen Calvo want to have a gether and feel invoice in their school environment. cluded at meetings. While Aevidum at Freedom focuses Whether you are looking for an exon integrating students socially in a cellent and skilled tutor to assist you collaboration with the club “Freedom in your classes, or you simply want to Friends,” it also functions as an effi- join a club to make new friends and cient tutoring program. feel like you have a voice, then AeviKnowing school is a major stressor dum is the place for you! We’ve got for students, Aevidum takes in tutees your back. and pairs them with tutors to form

Taking on a larger role

Strutting down the runway

Take what you need, Fighting Cancer with give what you can Football

Welcoming a new assistant principal to Freedom

A highlight of Freedom senior, Kiara Boyce

A look at the positivity board in the hallway

The powder puff football game

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Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - www.FHSForum.com - @FHSForum

Celebrating over 50 years of serving the Freedom community

2 News

October 2017

The Forum

Freedom Family helps those in need A room with clothes and other supplies in the room next to the guidance office Carson Swick Assistant Editorial Editor Andrew Thompson The Freedom Forum

“I’m taking my kids trick or treating” -Mr. Diane Csekitz, Science teacher.

“I’m going to pass out candy ” -Mr. Jamie Bothwell, Science teacher. All photos : Ivory Velazquez

more would qualify, but are not registered. Needless to say, The busy world of rigorous the mark of a succlasses, part-time employcessful school is ment, and family responsibilhow well they ities is not always easy for equip students for high school students to balsuccess. FHS guidance. Completing a day full ance counselors of these activities often have partnered leaves people exhausted and The clothing room will be with the Backpack stressed out. This daily routine next to guidance. Pals and the ParentPhoto: Carson Swick may be tough, but imagine Teacher Organizahaving to trudge through it tion (PTO) to assist without any food, clothes, or stable students who would not have the essupport at home. sentials otherwise. They will be setting Students caught up in planning the up a room with clothes, food, and hyfuture are quick to turn a blind eye to giene products by the guidance office. less fortunate peers. For many students The room is designed for students to at Freedom High School, getting walk in and take anything they need. through each day is a struggle. Over “There is a need for long-term aid at 40% of students here receive reduced- Freedom. We are obligated to help out price lunches, and that number ac- students in need, especially over counts for only those registered. Many breaks and long weekends,” said Mrs.

Loretta Lohenitz, guidance counselor. According to Mr. Michael Hercik, another guidance counselor, helping those in need will have a positive impact on the Freedom Family. “This is another example of how the Freedom community rallies together to help one another. We will not only help Freedom students. We will help elementary and middle schools in the district as well,” said Mr. Hercik.. The effort of FHS guidance counselors has been extraordinary. When administrators go the extra mile for the community, it shows that they really do care about the well being of their students. The entire project is impossible without donations, so do not hesitate to bring clothes, food, or hygiene products to the guidance office today. “It could be a good thing to help out. There are kids that can’t just go home and change clothes,” said Cadence Mckay, freshman.

Taking on a larger role Mrs. Sage, from English teacher to Vice Principal TJ Schaeffer Sports Editor

Mrs. Sage in her new office in 101. Photo: TJ Schaeffer

The word “leader” follows Mrs. Laurie Sage all the way back to her small, wooden office tucked in the back of the room that many students know as the dreaded 101. She now takes a seat at her desk, and although she has only been behind this desk for about a couple of weeks, she looks and acts like she has been in this position for years. Mrs. Sage is not an unfamiliar face

around Freedom, as she is easily recognized by her former students when standing out in the hallways. Before this position, she was an Honors English 9 teacher at Freedom for the past 14 years. She is the new vice principal for students with the last names Gibson through O. She is replacing Mrs. Holly Denofa, who is now a principal at Bethlehem Catholic High School. Mrs. Sage, who likes to describe herself as quirky and sarcastic, is someone that likes change and is always looking for improvement. As a result, while teaching at Freedom, she went back to school and got her Master's of Education in Curriculum and Instruction degree. After that, she took more classes from 2014-2016 and ended up receiving her principal certification. When Mrs. Denofa moved

over to Bethlehem Catholic, a door of opportunity opened up, allowing Mrs. Sage to make the most of it. “She was flawless in all of her interviews. I see someone who is an educational teacher, someone who is strong in instruction, and someone who is very bright and very well spoken,” said Mr. Michael LaPorta, principal. As a former teacher and instructional coach, Mrs. Sage is looking to use her experience in these fields to help her succeed as a Vice Principal. Her personality has not changed, and she wants to keep the strong relationships with the students and teachers that she has previously created. Most importantly, she wants to put education at the forefront of a place where it can often be overlooked. “I want to be someone who the

brings curriculum and instruction piece to an office that has been more focused on discipline. I believe that I can handle the discipline piece while also being a curricular support to teachers. I also want to focus on the whole student, and a lot of times, discipline is a piece to it but there could be going on with something at home” said Mrs. Sage, Vice Principal. Going forward, Mrs. Sage is looking forward to having an impactful year at Freedom, and although she will be missed as a teacher, she definitely has a positive backing behind her. “The English department will definitely miss her as a colleague, but we are thrilled to have her as an administrator,” said Mr. George Ziegler, teacher/English department chair.

Let the building process begin

How people have been affected by the many, recent hurricanes Keri Kipp News’ Editor

The East Coast has definitely battled some of the worst conditions over these past few weeks. These places include Florida, Puerto Rico, Barbuda, Anguilla, Cuba, the Southeast Bahamas, and many other separated islands. The first island hit by hurricane Maria was Dominica, and unfortunately they had repercussions from the storm. As of right now, there are 15 people that have died and 20 people who are missing. “It was a “miracle” the death toll wasn’t in the hundreds, Dominica is going to need all the help the world has to offer,” said Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, The Guardian Website. The United States Government’s Disaster Preparedness Agency has

failed in their duties to track flooding in local neighborhoods. This leaves homeowners who have been affected by the hurricane extremely vulnerable with nowhere else to go. “I have been in contact with my cousin in Puerto Rico, and he said that they are doing good. The only thing is that they have to go all the way to their dad’s The weather map of the hurricane. job in Mexico in order to get serPhoto: Wikimedia vice,” said Jasmine Santiago, senior. As of Thursday, October 12, Puerto the time being until everything is reRico has no service whatsoever and built and has stable living conditions,” all water services have been shut off said Santiago. to 70 percent of the island’s customAlso on Thursday, Puerto Rico was ers, leaving the people restless. They declared as a “major disaster zone” by just want justice and a rebuilt version the White House and has been ordered of what was once called home. to receive federal assistance as soon “Right now, they are planning to go as possible. to Georgia to stay with my Uncle for Florida is in a rough place after Hur-

ricane Irma passed directly through the state. The devastation of the residents becomes obvious as they limp towards Georgia in need for help. “I have been pretty calm in this situation, considering I haven’t heard anything from my dad after the storms. He’s almost 90 years old, there’s only so much someone can take. I just have to stay optimistic,” said George Kipp, son of hurricane victim. With this being a very hard tragedy that the East Coast has faced, the population is coming together with their faith and emotional strength. Everyone needs a helping hand in a time like this one, and having someone who knows exactly what they are going through could just be what someone needs. In times like this, the United States needs to come together and create a security blanket for those who cannot defend for themselves.

The Forum

October 2017

3 Editorials

Writing recommendation letters Recommendation letters for college are starting to pour in on teachers’ desks Hayley Guzzo Pates’ Post Editor

Calling all seniors, it is officially letter of recommendation season. Time is ticking, and graduation is right around the corner. Meaning, students are starting to ask their teachers and guidance counselors about recommendation letters for college. Not all colleges and universities require every incoming freshman to provide letters from former teachers or counselors, but it is certainly a nice addition to a college application. One might be wondering, ¨Where do I start?¨ or, ¨How do I find someone to write a recommendation letter for me? ¨ A good place to start is a teacher a student has had a good relationship with. ¨Find a teacher that you connected

and participated with a pated often in that lot in class,¨ said Ms. class, and made it a Amy O’Connor, Engpoint to try and build lish teacher. a better academic and However, it is not a personal relationship standard rule that stuwith that teacher, then dents have to get a recthe more bragging ommendation letter that teacher can do. from a teacher. ¨The better your re¨Search out someone lationship, the more who knows you, and it great things they can doesn't always have to say about you,¨ said be a teacher. There are Ms. O'Connor. other administrators at An example of a college recAt the last minute, Freedom and through- ommendation form. students tend to go Photo: Hayley Guzzo straight for the English out the district,¨ said Mrs. Karla Erdman, English teachers because they teacher. ¨write better.¨ HowevIt is very important that students er, students may not know that if a choose a teacher or counselor who teacher does not know a student, has they connect with. If a student partici- never had them in class, or has no re-

lationship with them at all, than that student will probably get a ¨No¨ as their answer. Lastly, most teachers stop writing letters of recommendation after a certain date, so it is crucial that students take the initiative to ask early on, so the teachers have time in advance to plan out what they will say in that letter. Not all teachers are willing to write a recommendation letter for someone who is not serious about it ahead of time. ¨Any student who wants a recommendation should get it early,¨ said Mrs. Erdman. It is always important when finding a teacher to write a recommendation letter to search out a teacher whom one has maintained a good relationship throughout high school.

The fight for safe browsing Join the battle for net neutrality Chance Moore Journalism Student

Has anyone ever thought about who sees the things they post online? Millions of people across the entire planet have access to the internet and are able to see just about anything. However, there is a major threat on the rise, and it is up to civilians to stop it. “Net neutrality” is the idea of all internet data being treated as equal, meaning no unfair censorship or restrictions of any kind. Anything that is posted on the internet stays on the internet. Even if it is deleted from the surface, that post will still be buried deep in the coding of the website. However, the major Internet providers and cable networks like Verizon, AT&T, and Comcast are trying to end net neutrality for good. They are try-

ing to get the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on their side to persuade the government to repeal net neutrality. If that happens, safe browsing will be a thing of the past. Major companies will be able to control what everybody sees and does online. If they do not want online users to see something, or if they want only their advertisements to be viewed, they will have the power to make it happen. Most of the FCC is on board with this change, but Internet users cannot let that happen. A special event was held on Wednesday, July 12th of this year called the “Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality.” Protesters repeatedly emailed Congress and the FCC about saving net neutrality. The protesters have won some rights, but the fight is

not over yet. There is a way to help Team Internet, by spreading awareness of this problem to other net users, especially to those who use the web daily. By doing this, they can join together and come up with even more ways to help the cause. They do not want to lose Net Neutrality banner. Photo: Pixabay this battle, and they cannot win it alone. cans and people worldwide to connect Everyone has used the Internet at as an online community, because ussome point in their lives. It is only a ers do not have to worry about being matter of time before the battle ends, unfairly censored by big companies. If and they do not want to be afraid of the community does not make a searching something on Google. Join change, what will become of safe the fight to save net neutrality for browsing? Who will be able to see the good. screen from the user’s perspective? Net neutrality is what allows Ameri-

Trump takes aim at “Rocket Man” Does an international conflict lie ahead? Carson Swick Assistant Editorial Editor

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is such an absurd title that makes North Korea’s official name sound like one of a perfect utopia. In reality, a brainwashed society exists within the totalitarian state. North Korea has become a symbol of political and economic failure, a target of jokes among Americans and other westerners. Recently, North Korea has taken the target off itself and turned surrounding areas into targets. In 2017 so far, ten rockets have been launched from Pyongyang into the airspace of countries such as Japan and South Korea. The world is watching as Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un spends millions on nuclear weapons and his people starve in poor living conditions. North Korea’s weapons are considered illegal by the United Nations.

Despite the recent sanctions, the country has made no attempts to stop threatening the United States and it’s allies. President Donald Trump has lashed out at the regime on Twitter, referring to Kim Jong-un as “Rocket Man” and “Little Rocket Man.” Trump has also criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for attempting to “negotiate with North Korea.” The provocative threats from both sides have caused division and unrest in America, and the effects are felt even at Freedom High School. “I feel like the recent messages from President Trump have been too childish. He should be finding ways to solve the situation politically instead of Tweeting messages that will further increase tensions between the U.S. and North Korea,” said Nikunj Singh, junior. Singh also believes that Kim Jong-un is no laughing matter.

“The U.S. military should prepare taking more aggressive approaches to for an attack if North Korea keeps the conflict than their predecessors. launching missiles and ICBMs,” he Whether or not the strategies are efsaid. fective will only be determined in While the regime’s actions are very time. One thing is certain: as long as concerning, most experts still believe childish exchanges continue, there that all-out nuclear war is unlikely. will be no end to the instability on the “I am not very concerned about a Korean peninsula. global conflict with North Korea. I think this is just an act of brinkmanship being done to flex political and military muscles,” said Mrs. Jennifer Deily, history teacher. There are certainly arguments Provocative Tweets such as this one are partially to to be made on blame for escalated tensions with North Korea. both sides, but it is Screenshot from Twitter clear that both Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un are

4 Editorials The Freedom Forum A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue

Scott Pruitt’s EPA reeks of catastrophe Environmentalists should stay strong Rachel Black Editorial Editor

Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843 www.FHSForum.com

Co-Editor-in-Chief Analisa Jeffries Juliana Maffea News Editor Kerilyn Kipp

Pruitt speaks in Maryland . Photo: Gage Skidmore, Flickr

Editorial Editor Rachel Black

Pates’ Post Editor Hayley Guzzo Entertainment Editor Destiny Panik Center Spread Editor Madison Walther Sports Editor T.J. Schaeffer Web Editor Madison Walther Gabrielle Rader Assistant Editors Carson Swick Adviser Karla Erdman Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy For our editorial statement and correction policy, please go to www.fhsforum.com/about.html Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office. Follow us on Twitter, send us an email, and visit our website! @fhsforum, #fhsforum fhsforum@gmail.com www.fhsforum.com

L-R: Mr. Michael DiBilio, Mrs. Laura Sage, Mr. Michael LaPorta, Ms. Maureen Leeson, and Mr. William Cecchini

Photo: Christmas City Studios

October 2017

The Forum

Scott Pruitt, the notoriously conservative administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has already disappointed environmentalists worldwide. Pruitt was nominated by Donald Trump and approved in an 11-0 vote by the Senate in February, 2017. He succeeded democrat Gina McCarthy, the former administrator of the EPA who passionately combatted global climate change during her term. Pruitt has already set the exhausting tone of his administration for the upcoming years. Frankly, debate and dialogue is unnecessary when statistics scream louder than Pruitt’s opinions. He openly rejects sound scientific evidence that supports the linkage of fossil fuels and climate change.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2013 report on global warming found that human emissions of carbon dioxide have likely caused more than half of the global warming between 1951 and 2010. According to The New York Times, Pruitt rejects he evidence and continues to testify that “The human ability to measure with precision the extent of that impact is subject to continuing debate and dialogue.” Instead of concentrating on reducing global climate change, Pruitt focuses on denying Democrats’ petition to ban the harmful agricultural pesticide, chlorpyrifos. He also recently spent $900,000 of taxpayers’ dollars on round-the-clock personal security, private chartered flights, and a $25,000 sound-proof booth for his office. Ironically, in regards to spending on environmental protection programs, Pruitt recently told members of congress that he believes that the EPA can “fulfill the mission of our agency on a trim budget,” as reported by The NY Times. Evidently, the budget is not as trim as he says, if the EPA can afford a several-thousanddollar ‘privacy booth.’ Multitudes of environmentalists are sharing their critical insight on the EPA’s new leader. Mr. Eric Baltz teaches AP Environmental Science at Free-

dom High School. “I think that Pruitt, Trump, and his cabinet should lead by example. If they should expect to cut all of these programs, then they should reconsider how they travel and vacation,” said Mr. Baltz. Pruitt and the EPA should learn by McCarthy’s proud example. There are archaic laws that need reform, and there are natural resources that need protection. When it comes to what the EPA should emphasize in a rapidly-changing urban society, Mr. Baltz said “pollution control is a big one—and endangered species. Those are the two main things they should focus on.” Americans should not let the corrupted EPA be an excuse to stop trying to make a difference. There are many options for students and Bethlehem residents who are interested in making a positive contribution to the environment. Mr. Baltz also advises the Freedom Environmental Awareness Team commonly known as FEAT; the club meets most Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are also local organizations such as Camel’s Hump Farm in Bethlehem and Lehigh Gap Nature Center in Slatington which educate the public on environmental awareness. The appointment of Pruitt was a bad call on Trump’s part, but it will not be the end of the world—one would hope.

Dear Ani: school drains the life out of students Dear Ani, The list of things that make students feel like they are drowning at school and at home is endless. It is a bottomless pit that I feel like I cannot escape. How am I supposed to manage everything all at once? I would much rather spend my time hanging out with my friends than doing any amount of school work. I get all of my assignments in relatively on time, but it is at the point where I am starting to not care that much anymore. When I was little, I loved going to school, and I would wake up ready to run out the door. Once middle school hit, I dreaded it. Some middle schoolers are evil little people. Middle school changed almost everyone. My friends became different people who deliberately looked the other way when passing each other in the hallway. People I did not even know turned into closer friends, and life just went downhill. A few students would pick on others and point out their insecurities just to make themselves feel better. Bullying soared to an all new level which was nothing like what elementary school was. Then we changed more when high school hit. Some people seemed to get their act together and others did not. My former classmates took harder classes, and I stayed in classes that I felt were appropriate for me. It made me feel like I was not good enough or smart enough to be friends with them anymore. The friends that I kept did become very close with me, and I have two or three very good ones. Furthermore, the school is constantly pressuring to pick a major, and decide

my life for after high school. I am not ready. I am too young to pick what I want to be for the rest of my life. I am unprepared for college, too. Some teachers tell me that college is all learning on your own, but they do not help that much in giving students a taste of what it actually is like. There are just so many factors in my life that make it hard for me to want to go to school or do my assignments. How do I change this? If the straw keeps piling on my back, it will break. Please help me try to organize my life. Thank you, Broken Student

matter who it is, is better than having a whole group of fake ones. If that one friend would do more than that group combined then cherish that person forever. It is not a bad thing; quality over quantity is an important thing. Eventually, bullies will have to mature and get over their insecurities, but until that day, it cannot get in your head. Overcome the hate. For the students interested in enrolling in a college, the deadlines are quickly approaching. Becoming prepared will not happen overnight. Sometimes there is just a learning curve. To get past the hard times, push through. After a while, it will come naturally. Lastly, all the stressors in a person’s life do pile up, and one way to manage this is to take a step back. Remove the stress for a little bit, and think about the best option moving forward. Maybe the best solution is to stop doing an activity that causes unneeded stress or to talk to a professional. Letting out all the things that might be hidden under the surface could be a great way to sort out the important things. Even talking to a parent, friend, or teacher will help to organize the pieces in terms of priority. For some, stopping an activity that they participate in is seen as taboo. It is as if quitting is the worst thing ever. It is not. If something is unpleasant then it is unneeded. Happiness is key to living life to the fullest.

Dear Broken Student, You are not alone. Some other students feel exactly this way and are in similar situations. For school to be enjoyable, you have to make it enjoyable. Find something that brings happiness into the school day and hang on to it. Whether that is art, a class, or a sport, do not let any person take away the thing that brings happiness to a day. As far as not wanting to do the assignments, sometimes things have to be done that some do not want to do. It comes down to discipline. Give it everything and just know that high school is not forever. In a few years, when walking across the stage at graduation, smile and say “I made it.” There is not much to do about the notso-nice people in someone’s life. At Kind Wishes, least one person in another’s life will Ani not be kind. It is just the way it goes. Having even just one great friend, no

Photo Submission: Analisa Jeffries

October 2017

Pates’ Post 5

The Forum

Strutting down the runway A highlight of Kiara Boyce, a senior at FHS Sydney Zarzecki Journalism Student

Kiara Boyce is a 16 year old senior who got the opportunity to walk in the New York Fashion Week (NYFW) on September 11. With no other modeling experiences, Boyce was grateful enough to be able to dominate the runway for seven different designers. As it was her first show, Boyce’s family and boyfriend were in the audience giving her endless support. They plan on giving her even more support for any other shows she gets to walk in. Boyce learned of the opportunity to walk in the show from a doctor. The

doctor knew someone whose fashion line was going to be in the show. Boyce’s mother and sister were there with her, and instantly got to talking about who to contact to be able to walk in the show. She then submitted pictures to the designer, and the designer said Boyce could walk for her. “The experience of being in the show showed me how modeling is so different than what people say about it,” said Boyce. “People think that models have stereotypes and have to be tall and skinny, but it’s not like that at all. There were many different beautiful women in the show,” said Boyce.

She plans on continuing her modeling in the future as a side job, but also wants to be a psychiatric nurse practitioner as a full time job. Boyce is inspired by Naomi Campbell and Tyra Banks because they are legendary, and hopes to be like them in the future. “I will never be like them because they are on another level, but I definitely look up to them,” said Boyce.

Kiara Boyce Strutting down the runway in one of the seven designers she walked for. Photo Submission: Kiara Boyce

Rader’s rants: the fight against agenda books The annoyance of agenda books

Most of the Freedom student populaGabrielle Rader tion only uses their The Freedom Forum agenda book as a pass. What else is it even known for? Do people really write homework and assignments in it? If so, well that is a shocker. Who needs homework anyways? Whether they need to use Freedom’s sparkling, beautiful bathroom or need to visit the The agenda books. Photo Illustration: Gabrielle Rader nurse because they do not want to be in Ahh..the infamous agenda book. The class, your agenda book is basically lovely agenda books are multicolor your get out of jail free card. with a white background, and covered Lugging a book around Freedom is in many random symbols. Everyone’s not only very annoying, but unnecesfavorite item was received during the sary and unsanitary. For I do not dreadful first week of school. know where your grubby hands have

been. Especially, since it is cold and it is the flu season, there may be even more gross stuff on them. All of the germs and bacteria dancing around the hallways and onto agenda books..uh no thanks, I will pass. Toting your agenda book to the nurse makes it even worse because there is definitely a mass amount of gross things going on down there. Easily, those books could make you sicker than a dog. I mean, these books are our little adventure buddies that journey around Freedom with us. When visiting the bathroom we are required to bring our agenda books, since they are our pass. The thing is once you are doing your business, where are you supposed to put them? You can try holding them but it usually does not work that way. The option for girls is usually the floor. Uck. For guys, well I do not know and I do not want to know; no offense. For those of you who may use your

agenda book, if you need to go somewhere you have to write it on that day of the week. But where is your homework going to fit if that is where your pass is? I mean since after the teacher signs it, it takes the whole page up. What is the point of wasting money that could be used on more important items than on these little books many lose track of within a week’s time? Teachers end up keeping a few in their classrooms, and give them to kids when sending them on their way. Or another student decides to borrow it, and never give it back because some students are just the sweetest! Agenda books are a pain and not everyone’s favorite item. Most of us have had some kind of issue with these books. I know I have had my share of agenda book issues. Speaking of, I need to find mine.

Living the “Young Life” Young life in the Lehigh Valley Amarah Karlick Journalism Student

Young Life Lehigh Valley is a youth group organization run and sponsored by local Protestant and Roman Catholic churches, adult leaders, and student volunteers. This organization meets at 7:57 exactly on Monday nights and 6:15 Friday mornings. Meetings are also located at different student volunteers’ homes. Students can find out these different locations by following Young Life’s Twitter and Instagram. At these meetings, talented high school students lead the crowd through music which is followed by an adult leader addressing students about the Bible and Jesus Christ in terms youths can understand. Young Life is a safe place for adolescents to let their faith grow together. These meetings have a welcoming, and fun-loving environment, and all students are invited to attend. After-

wards, these students meet at the McDonald’s on Linden Street. There is also a fall weekend trip approaching. Attend any meeting for more information and a brochure. Shaun McNulty is a heavily involved student volunteer, who is also a senior at Freedom. “One of the main ideals in Young Life in my opinion is to not only to spread the message and relationship and love of God in our lives but to make our lives and days at Freedom easier,¨ said McNulty. He believes that Young Life´s purpose is to spread happiness and acceptance to all people of any walk of life. ¨Well for one I get to see and meet the amazing people at Young Life each week I wouldn’t get to as they come from these different walks of life. It helps me see what Freedom really is as a whole,” said McNulty. Grace Taylor is another heavily involved student volunteer, who is also a sophomore here at Freedom. In her

opinion, the purpose of Young Life is to bring people together, and teach them more about the lord. “I hope that they just feel comfortable, there’s some people who go to Young Life who maybe don’t have a lot of friends or something and the way of Young Life we just love to bring people and draw people to young life and bring a community of kids together who are just happy Young life activities. Photo: Amarah Karlick and who want to be there and I think it’s a really awesome thing. I it was my own. I always thought it think everyone should at least try it was like the church I went to. But ever out,” said Taylor. since I went to Young Life I realized Through Young Life, students can this is my own and I can share this gain knowledge on who Jesus is in a with people and I can share my faith whole new way. It is also a great way by just smiling at someone or giving for them to find their faith, and figure someone a hug,” said Taylor. out who they are as an individual. All students in Young Life are very “For me I gained knowing who Jesus passionate, and support of the ideals is in a whole different way, I didn’t and message of Young Life. really know what my faith was until I went to Young Life and I didn’t know

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FHS Riot Squad Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness during the pink out.

Two Freedom Students during the FHS vs. Nazareth Pink Out Football game.

Photo by : Joseph Fekete

Calendar with some upcoming events to support Breast Cancer Awareness. Photo from : Public Domain Pictures

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rvival rate for breast cancer

The Riot Squad during the Pink Out game. Photo by : Joseph Fekete

Breast Cancer Awareness Month By : Jasmine Figueroa October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer has to do with cells in the breast that start to move quickly and form a tumor. This tumor can be viewed on an x-ray, or it can be felt. Breast cancer mostly occurs in women; however, it is possible that men can get it as well. Most breast cancer forms in the ducts that carry milk. However, it can start in different parts of the breast. Some people with breast cancer do not know what to expect. Most people have never been through similar treatments, so those affected only know whatever the doctor tells them. “It's a very scary experience. I would not want anyone to go through it,” said Jessie Morales, a Breast Cancer survivor. According to Morales, cancer diagnoses vary from type 1 to type 4. “I was a type 2 patient, which was very slow paced. But since my tumor was over 5 centimeters in size, the doctor thought a type 3 cancer treatment would have been best for me,” said Morales. Breast Cancer Awareness was created to tell people about breast cancer, and also tell people why it’s important. The reason people wear pink is October, is to show respect for those with Breast Cancer. However wearing pink also proves a point and shows people that there are serious things out there. People worry more about the little things more than worrying about what is affecting society today. In one year Breast Cancer has killed approximately 40, 290 woman. Now think about it, how many people are dying from news?

On the other hand, some people that have or had Breast Cancer do not wear pink for Breast Cancer Awareness, because they do not want to. Not everyone has to wear pink, wearing pink is just to show compassion and kindness as well as advocacy for a worthy cause. “It was a complete shock, because it doesn’t run in my family,” says Joanne Kilpatrick, the principal's secretary. If people did not know about Breast Cancer, people would be dying without any reason why. Society is blessed to be able to have such great ideas and knows about what is out there. Every day people are coming up with new ways to find cancers or diseases, everyday people are finding new cancers and new illnesses, they are also finding new and better ways to cure these things. “I couldn’t do it without the Freedom Family,” says Kilpatrick. The Freedom Family is supportive of those with Breast Cancer, they let people know they are cared about. No matter what there is someone there, whether it is a teacher, a parent, a student, or a fellow employee. They will always support anyone and let them know that you are not alone. Not everyone may know it, but there were and are about five or more teachers in the Bethlehem Area School District that have or are survivors of Breast Cancer. So in that saying, respect people that have Breast Cancer, walk a mile in their shoes. No one wants to be alone. Awareness is a good thing to show everyone what's out there, so stand up and let people know what actually matters.

A girl finishing a walk for Breast Cancer. Source: Wikimedia

8 Pates’ Post

October 2017

The Forum

Mr. Bilotti shares words of wisdom The faculty highlight Delilah Oquendo Journalism Student

Mr. Bilotti and his wife. Photo Submission: Mr. Bilotti

Mr. Christopher Bilotti teaches a variety of math courses from Consumer Math to Honors Algebra 2 and has been teaching at Freedom High School for twelve years. His favorite math class to teach is Precalculus because it uses all the pre-

requisite skills from algebra and geometry and applies the concepts to real world problems. Mr. Bilotti does not have preference in a grade to teach, but does find it much easier to teach students who have a strong background of the concept that is being applied in the classroom and that have skills obtained in their previous math classes. “The smartest people in this world not only answer questions but also ask them,” said Mr. Bilotti. His biggest pet peeve is that the public education in the Bethlehem Area School District teaches Algebra 2 before Geometry even though many of the students are not at an advanced level of understanding to fully understand the concepts being taught to them at a freshman or sophomore level. Math teachers must rely on memorization from previous background math classes rather than making connections with previous knowledge. Being a teacher can be very difficult at times because students are very different and all learn in different ways and paces. Mr. Bilotti says the most challenging aspect

on being a math teach is that all students have a different background which makes it harder to connect with his students. He strongly believes to be a successful teacher and to overcome these challenges, a teacher must take interest in student lives. “Students don’t care how much you know until they see how much you care,” said Mr. Bilotti. Two people that have inspired and that have influenced Mr. Bilotti are Mr. Witko, 8th grade Earth Science teacher, and Mr. Copiague, 10th grade English teacher. His Earth Science teacher was always so energetic and passionate about his subject area and never was afraid to make jokes or find fun ways to motivate his students. Mr. Bilotti has always been known for his quick wit and puns and use of humor in class to help students succeed. “Everyone leaves a mark on this world in one way or another. Some leave a lasting impression, while others just leave a stain,” said Mr. Bilotti. Mr. Bilotti’s hero is his ather. His father's goal was to always make Mr. Bilotti’s life easier than his. His dad had moved from Italy to

Long Island and at three years old his parents had split resulting in Mr. Bilotti moving to Pennsylvania. Mr. Bilotti’s fiance's name is Kimberly Brill. She is an elementary special education teacher at Delfranco Elementary in Bangor, PA, and she works with students with multiple and severe disabilities. On a typical Saturday night Mr. Bilotti is watching college football and cheering on his favorite team, Penn State with his fiance and friends. His go-to meal for the football games are BBQ, weather it be ribs, chicken or wings he needs his BBQ. A song Mr. Bilotti knows all the lyrics to is “Downeaster Alexa” by Billy Joel and his favorite verse is “So I could own my Downeaster Alexa, And I go where the ocean is deep. There are giants out there in the canyons, And a good captain can't fall asleep” Mr. Bilotti may not be much into the October theme of horror as much as his soon to be wife but his top 3 favorite scary movies are Terminated 2, Silence of Lamb, and The Candy Man.

Serving the community one student at a time

Support staff of the month: community service office Keri Kipp News Editor

One of the graduation requirements for all high school students at both Freedom and Liberty High School is to complete At least 60 hours of community service. In order to make sure that all hours are accounted for , two women always make sure that the job gets done. Mrs. Alicia Cruz and Mrs. Jennifer Cooper share the community service office that is located in the back of the math wing and the cannon lobby. This office is an extremely useful tool that students can use in order for them to keep track of their graduation requirement. There is information all over the office inside, as well as pockets on the outside of the door in case nobody is there. Mrs. Cruz has spent a total of 14 years within the Bethlehem Area School District, and started as a secretary for the school. From there, she was promoted to the administrative

director of student services, Cruz as much as I can. and later on, finally obtained I may not always be her Bachelor’s Degree in here because we do go Psychology which led her to between both schools, where she is today. but this is where I “My whole input on the spend most of my community service requiretime,” said Mrs. ments is that students can Cooper. learn with their own commuA big question for nities while still at the needs seniors that tends to of their school. Students learn come up with those from this enough to be wellwho have not finished rounded after graduation, and their requirements is: may even be able to receive a “Am I still allowed to Flyer for the commucommunity service scholargraduate?” Their anship to enter college with,” said nity service deadline. swer to that question is Photo: Keri Kipp Mrs. Cruz. both a yes and a no. AltWhile Mrs. Cruz is the head hough yes, students will in charge, Mrs. Cooper is definitely be given the chance to complete their her second hand “woman.” She is in services and still receive their diplocharge of entering in all of the time ma, they will not be allowed to gradusheets at both LHS and FHS. Mrs. ate on time with the rest of the senior Cooper also supplies students with class. simple information and answers to “If a student does not finish in time their questions that she is able to help for the deadline, they will be given an with. option to complete by the end of the “I basically keep track of everything summer, so August 31. They must and where it is at, and I help out Mrs. complete ALL 60 hours, come back to

the school with verification, and then it must be approved. In order to get approved, I will have a meeting with the student’s guidance counselor so they can verify, approve, and change it on their transcript. From there they will then receive their diploma in the mail,” said Mrs. Cruz. The deadline for all students to hand in community service hours for this school year is April 15, 2018, no exceptions. In the past, these women have been pretty lenient with this date, but this year it is set in stone. “Please, please, please, do not wait until last minute to get all of your hours in. When April 15 does roll around, this office gets so hectic. We receive hundreds of timesheets from every student that we must make sure is correct for everyone. It’s not fair to us and it’s not fair to anyone else who is trying to get their hours on their end of the year transcript/report card. This is a must do, so please keep it as a priority and don’t procrastinate,” said Mrs. Cooper.

Get ready for the big game, and show Freedom support by wearing clothes according to the theme.

Photo: Wikimedia Photo: Pixabay

Monday 10/23 Pajama Day

Photo: Wikimedia

Photo: Pixabay

Photo: Pixabay

Tuesday 10/24 Tie Dye Day

Wednesday 10/25 College T-shirt Day

Thursday 10/26 Sports Jersey Day

Friday 10/27 Freedom Friday

Tuesday 10/31 Costume Day

October 2017

The Forum

9 Pates’ Post

Showing freshmen some love Student of the month: Jewel Levy The Freedom Forum

Freshman are usually overlooked when it comes to walking the long, cramped hallways of Freedom High School. However, one freshman that stands out among the rest is Jewel Levy, which is the Freedom Forum’s student of the month. Inside of school, Levy is the definition of a hardworking, intelligent student. She is taking all honors classes for her core academic classes, as well as a numerous amount of electives that work her way throughout her schedule. Outside of academics, Levy is very involved with a numerous amount of activities. She is involved with Freedom’s orchestra, playing the violin and piano. Also, she just recently ran

for student class president for the class of 2021. Additionally, she loves to play basketball, as she played on the freshman team here at Freedom last year as an eighth grader. “Basketball is definitely my priority and I’m thinking about trying shot put in the spring,” said Levy, freshman. When it comes to out of school activities, her favorite things are traveling and hanging out with her friends. Throughout the beginning of her freshman year, she has met new people, and has made many new friends. High school can be very intimidating, however Levy decided that it would be fun to try out for class president. One of Levy's main goals for the school is to be one of the first to stand up and conquer bullying. Although

this being a difficult task at hand, she believes that if everyone comes together, it will be possible. “In my speech I wrote that I’ll try to put a stop to bullying. Even though this is not an easy problem to fix, we can be the first to make an impact and stand up to bullying. I also said that I’ll introduce ideas for fun activities throughout the year and I also encourage others to join clubs and if anyone has any ideas for new clubs they could talk to me and I’ll try my best to make it happen,” said Levy. As Jewel grows as a person through her for years of high school, she can only look forward to her very bright future. Levy enjoys coming to school everyday and loves being a part of the school. “I love being a part of the Freedom A photo of Jewel Levy. Photo: Family! Everyone is so welcoming and it’s good to know there’s always someone that has your back,” said Levy

Josh Noel

Take what you need, give what you can A deeper look into the positivity board

anyone who needs it. “We often times are very much focused on ourselves, While most Freedom High and I think for anybody at School staff members offer a any time, it´s good to know helping hand or emotional supthat you´re not the only one port to their students, one teachwho feels this way, and er has gone above and beyond to there are people out there show the students of this school willing to help get you into a one thing, that they are not better spot,¨ said Parra. alone. Since the board went up, The “Take what you need, give Parra said he has seen the what you can” board is located The positivity board. board gain support from lots Photo: Isabella Jabbour outside Mr. Parra’s room, room of students, and has seen mes230, and gives students the opportuni- towards the students of Freedom. By sages being posted and taken everyty to anonymously leave positive mes- doing this, his goal was to show stu- day. While the board is able to offer a sages to encourage others who might dents that they are not alone and they helping hand to students, Parra wants be having a tough time. After pre- have support from their friends and to use it to help create a positive expeviewing the bullying video, Parra other students in Freedom. rience for everyone at Freedom. came to the conclusion that no child The board’s objective is to decrease “We all have bad days at some point, should feel want to do that and decid- the stigma of selfishness within socie- we all could use help at some point, so ed to take action to spread awareness ty, and to promote a helping hand to let’s do that for each other,” said Par-

Isabelle Jabbour Journalism Student

ra. Along with gaining support from students about the board, Parra also gained support from other staff members who would promote the board to their classes and participate themselves. However, because the board is fairly new, Parra is working on making sure it stays up all year around while trying to branch out to other bulletin boards outside of other classrooms. “I think that would be an awesome idea because there´s other boards throughout the school that aren´t being used, and if there´s something not being used, let´s use it,¨” said Parra. With this new idea of promoting a helping hand, Parra hopes the board stays up next school year as well to help students realize that it is

The struggle of being an employed and educated teenager The hardships of having a part time job Destiny Panik Entertainment Editor

Teenagers live in a generation where they are forced to grow up by age fifteen. Taking a standardized test that judges their intelligence level at age sixteen, deciding what they are going to with the rest of their life by age eighteen, and being shoved into adult- Teenagers working at a fast food place. Photo: Water Lin, Flickr hood before they are able to grow up, teenagers face the constant need for new clothes, food, harsh reality of becoming an adult and cars, and this forces many parents way too quickly. The work teenagers to have their young child obtain a job. do in and out of school is impeccable. Part time jobs seem simple to outsidMany parents are unable to supply ers. People assume that teenagers who the constant amount of funds needed work in retail or food do not strain to keep a teenager happy. There is a themselves too hard; however, that

claim is false. After seven hours at school, working students rush through traffic from their after-school activities to a five-hour shift. The flow of money is a necessity for some teenagers. However, overworking them is physically and mentally draining. Teenagers are told that school is their job, but they must coordinate a life that causes them to develop poor sleeping habits and unhealthy diets. The answer seems simple: just don’t have a job during the school year. However, that isn’t an option for many students. Adults can be oblivious to the hardships of teens. They believe their arrogance is just a result of the “teen years,” and not because not the fact that once we hit age 18 we are the age group with the highest stress level, according to www.nydailynews.com, a reliable news website.

Jobs do teach responsibility and prepare teenagers for the real world. But, the benefits of an education are priceless. However, as a teenager we deserve to be free and enjoy our childhood.

10 Entertainment

October 2017

The Forum

Scaring up fun around the Lehigh Valley Fun Halloween activities Riley Sweitzer Journalism Student

The fall and Halloween season can be very enjoyable, but sometimes it can be difficult to find an activity to take part in. Luckily, there are many seasonal events happening around the Lehigh Valley and even here at Freedom High School. If anyone is looking for a good scare, then Dorney Park Halloween Haunt may be a good option. The amusement park features rides, mazes, and monsters walking around the park. The Halloween Haunt runs every Friday and Saturday from September 15 through October 28.

here include a corn maze, hayride tours, and a fall festival. There are also many enjoyable events this season here. Sam Hicks, junior, said he enjoys “having fun at the FHS bonfire.” The bonfire takes place before the Freedom-Liberty game, and is a great place to spend time with friends. Grim’s Orchard and Family Farms offers a Cailin Connelly, freshman, variety of activities, including pick your own said she likes to attend the Freepumpkins. dom High School football games. Photo: Olde Town Apartments These occur on Friday nights, and joining the Riot Squad is a great Another festive activity to take part way to show your school spirit, and in is apple and pumpkin picking. also have a good time. Grim’s Orchard and Family Farms While these activities are all enjoyaoffers this and more. Other activities ble, it can still be difficult to find one

that sparks interest. One can always ask friends, family, peers, and more. Another way to find something to take part in is by looking on social media. Kaitie Burger, social media and communications manager at Discover Lehigh Valley said that social media helps “to spread the word about local events at a low cost and generate awareness around hashtags and locations”. So, if someone does not know what to do this season, social media can be a great place to start looking. No matter what one enjoys taking part in, the fall and Halloween season can be made very enjoyable by taking part in some of the many activities happening around the Lehigh Valley.

Teal is the new orange Teal pumpkins are becoming more popular Juliana Maffea Co-Editor-in-Chief

Teal pumpkins. Photo: Juliana Maffea

Every Halloween people are becoming more creative with their decorations. The usual orange pumpkin is so last year. As the times change, so do the simple decorations. Getting colored pumpkins with unique designs are all the rage. Not only do the colored pumpkins look snazzy on someone’s front porch, they also have a different meaning. One pumpkin in particular is a different color for a life saving reason. Teal pumpkins are kept on porches to inform the parents and children that non-

food treats are available as an alternative. Kids who are allergic to peanuts, chocolate, cherries, or any other type of food do not have to stand behind and watch as other kids get their treats that they cannot have. The teal pumpkins are an easier way for younger kids to recognize which house has non -food treats. If anyone is thinking about getting a teal pumpkin, Michaels is selling them. While walking around Michaels to get the teal pumpkins, look for different knick-knacks to use as treats for the kids. Finding different treats for sugar crazed kids can be difficult because appealing to everyone is nearly im-

possible . Have no fear, kids love anything and everything. Gender neutral toys are ideal because anyone can play with them. Stop by the dollar store and pick up some glow sticks, necklaces, slinkies, vampire fangs, or sunglasses to give out to the trick or treaters. Not having to buy big, expensive candy bags will save people money during the month of October. Purchasing teal pumpkins will not only add a splash of color to the front of a house, but it will help families on the lookout for different treats. No kid should ever be denied the chance to have a great Halloween. Buy a teal pumpkin, and hand out cool treats to be “that” house on the block.

Making costumes on a budget DIY Halloween costumes Korall Reed Journalism Student

end because you will be getting it for an affordable price. Halloween cosIf someone wanted tumes can be expento be a cute monster sive, and most people for Halloween, why will not wear them not consider being again anyway. AnyBoo from one can make their “Monsters, Inc.” own Halloween cosInstead of spending tumes. Halloween is around $50 on a approaching quickly, simple costume, and a lot of people why not spend half want the best Halof that. The first loween costume, but thing they would not everyone need to buy is a can afford the fancy long pink shirt. The and exciting ones thrift store will be sold at the store. your best friend for Well, here is a sothese costumes. Golution to that. By A man dressed as a homemade ing to the thrift making a Halloween cell phone. store, they will most Photo: Fred Benenson, Flickr costume, anyone can definitely have a long save money and have more fun. Dedi- pink shirt for around $5-$10. cation is the first step, putting in effort The next thing needed is purple aids in the process of creating the per- leggings which can also be found at fect costume. Depending on what a the thrift store. Thrifting a pair of legperson would want to be, the prices gings will cost around $3-$5. The last will vary, but it will be worth it in the thing needed will need for this look is

white canvas shoes. These can be bought pretty much anywhere considering they are pretty popular. They are sold for about $5-$10. There is also other ideas too. Anyone can also recreate Numbuh 5 from the show “Codename: Kids Next Door”. The first thing needed is a purple hat. If they go to the thrift shop, they will most likely find a hat for about $3-$5 max. They will also need a blue long sleeve shirt, this can also be found at the thrift shop. Homemade stoplights. Photo: SparkFun Electronics, Flickr This will only cost about $5$10 which is a very reasonable price. They will also need gold hoop earrings. Well, they do not tume is more efficient than buying have to be real gold of course, they one for double the price of a premade can be costume jewelry. These can be one . By creating an outfit, someone bought at places like Target or can also modify it how they would Walmart for around $5-$10 as well. like, and make it more personalized. Lastly, they will need any shoes of Anyone can do this with any ideas their preference. These are most defi- they have. Therefore, they are getting nitely free unless they want to buy their Halloween costumes on a budgshoes for the occasion. et. Making a personal Halloween cos-

October 2017

The Forum

11 Entertainment

Pumpkin spice takes over The craziness of the new flavor fad and menu in Bethlehem.

The famous fall drink is back and better than ever. However, pumpkin spice is not just for the pallet; it is found in lotions, hand sanitizers, and even candles once again for October. These are all wellknown pumpkiny heavens for the millions of pumpkin spice fans around the world, but what about the more unknown pumpkin spice products? When given a list of rather different pumpkin spice products such as pumpkin spice chicken, pumpkin spice hummus, pumpkin spice salmon, pumpkin spice salsa, pumpkin spice fish bait, and the craziest of all… pumpkin spice Pumpkin Spice scented lotion water, freshman Belinda Yeung Photo: Samantha Corvera gave her input to The Forum on this product. Leaves, sweaters, gorgeous fall “Why would people put pumpkin weather, and pumpkin spice WHAT? spice in water? It’s like putting chocoThe month of October is swept away late syrup in water,” said Yeung by pumpkin spice items in every store Yeung continued to talk about her

Samantha Corvera Journalism Student

dislike for pumpkin spice products. In fact, she claims that the only good part about pumpkin spice is the scent. However, she is not alone in her discomfort with the fall fad. Freshman, Angelina Calomino, feels that the pumpkin spice rave is simply “overrated”. When asked what the craziest pumpkin spice item she had heard of was, Calomino answered with, “Pumpkin spice in general. Who’s spicing pumpkins?”. Both girls budded heads with freshman, Laura Cierech, a fan of this traditional scent, during the interview. Cierech claims to have owned pumpkin scented candles and sanitizers. However, the interviews left all three girls with the same question: what is the mystery spice? According to the Washington Post, “Pumpkin spice is a combination of cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, ginger and sometimes actual pumpkin. It’s a polarizing flavor, mainly because of the variety of pumpkin-spiced foods on

the market each year gets a little more weird.” As listed, the pumpkin spice products are getting a tad out of hand. When asked their thoughts on the products, here is what the girls had to say: “Why? Please stop. Reevaluate.” said Cierech. Calomino claims that she felt “deeply disturbed” with these items and questioned who was spending their time creating them. Yeung, however, took a different approach when answering. “I feel like the fish bait could be used in science.” said Yeung. All of the girls finished expressing their feelings toward pumpkin spice by recommending it to those who have yet to try it, but only in frappuccinos and lattes. Luckily, they did not have to recommend it to fish because the fish clearly already enjoy their pumpkin-spiced fish bait.

Floating among the best Review of the IT movie Chriselis Fiete Journalism Student

Stephen King’s classic novel, “IT”, gets a head-turning remake as it is becoming the talk of every horror movie discussion. The film’s recent new adaptation is arguably the best presented onto theaters, having a charming cast while effectively introducing a fresh, suspenseful take of the dark movie for those who haven’t read the book. The young actors Finn Wolfhard, Sophia Lillis, Jaeden Lieberher, Jack Dylan Grazer, and Chosen Jacobs are each unique at bringing out fundamental features of their respective characters, effectively giving the film life. Although, the key villain, Pennywise, played by Bill Skarsgård definitely pulls off elements of unsettling

and fear. Its R rating gives it more room for imagery that would put anyone watching on edge. “I liked it even though the movie was really scary, it was enjoyable,” said Caroline Mcgibbon, junior. Also, the ideas of childhood anxieties, and allowance to show some bloody visuals made it of a higher quality. Moreover, the twenty-seven year gap between the original film to the recent one was clever for the most part which only enhanced its inevitable success. This film takes on half of Stephen King’s novel taking place during the nineteen-eighties rather than the nineteen-fifties, possibly nodding to the fact that chapter two may be set during present day. Additionally, “IT” starts off with the strange disappearance of Georgie following the rest of

the Losers’ club’s horrifying encounters as they slowly reveal Pennywise’s intentions and abilities. It is executed well enough so the audience can feel for the characters as they face their own individual fears. Despite the suspenseful aura, Richie played by Finn Wolfhard stands out as the foul-mouthed child who does not really understand the right timing for his peculiar jokes. But overall, there is a fair share of witty jokes to make some scenes memorable with its light-heartedness. The group’s dynamic is surely easily one of the redeeming qualities of this film as they seem quite comfortable with each other, giving more of a realistic interpretation of friendship between people. This film is well deserved of its praise as it had effective timing as well as commitment.

“IT” entices moviegoers for an experience they will never forget. Photo: IMDb

Win the Freedom Family Commemorative Quilt below by purchasing raffle tickets at Freedom events such as the Freedom Lib game and Bonfire. Tickets are on sale until October 28th. Photo: Mrs. Maureen Calvo

12 Sports

October 2017

The Forum

Student athlete accepted into division one school Hailey Silfies juggles life and two sports Isabella Scipioni Journalism Student

Playing two high school sports and applying for college at the same time is no easy task, but Hailey Silfies has proven that it can be done. As a senior, Hailey has committed to St. Francis College in Brooklyn where she will play basketball. St. Francis College is a Division 1 school, which means it is at the highest level of college athletics. Silfies currently plays volleyball and basketball at Freedom. “I prefer basketball. I love both sports but I’ve grown up with basketball,” said Silfies. Outside of sports, she is a member of BASD Mini-Thon and National Honor Society. Juggling school work, sports, and clubs is not easy, but she finds a way.

“I usually do homework after practice and I try to get ahead on assignments as much as I can,” said Silfies. This strategy helps her complete her work and manage stress. Even though she is very busy, she is still looking forward to many school events for seniors this year such as Senior Skip Day and Graduation. She also loves to go to football games in the Riot Squad. “I think I’ll miss the football games the most. They’re my favorite part of school because of the atmosphere and the Freedom Family concept. We all cheer each other on,” said Silfies. Throughout high school she has also been inspired by many professional athletes like Maya Moore, a WNBA player. “She’s on my favorite basketball team and I’ve always thought that she

was a smart player. I really looked up to her when I was growing up,” said Silfies. In college, Silfies plans on majoring in Nursing. Since her college is in Brooklyn, she is looking forward to being close to New York and experiencing college life in a different atmosphere. She also says that high school athletes hoping to play in college should work hard and make sure they have good grades throughout high school. “Definitely make friendships with your teachers and coaches and they’ll help you out along the way,” said Silfies. In conclusion, Silfies is excited to move on to the next chapter of her life where she can continue to play basketball and pursue her passion.

Hailey Silfies setting up a shot. Photo submission: Hailey Silfies

Soccer player balances school and sports August Jensen shoots for the stars Isabella Scipioni Journalism Student

August Jensen playing soccer for LV United.

August Jensen was only four years old when his family moved to Pennsylvania from Copenhagen, Denmark. Now a sophomore, Jensen spends most of his time playing soccer. Whether it is for Freedom or for his LV United team, Jensen cannot get enough of the sport. Spending so much time on the field can make completing schoolwork a challenge. “When I get home from school I try to work on my homework as soon as possible. Sometimes I’ll even work on the bus,” said Jensen, sophomore.

Despite his crushing workload, he still finds a way to balance it all. He has managed to be successful in sports and athletics. Jensen says that all athletes should always work hard in and out of practice to succeed. He hopes to keep up his grades and to become a great soccer player. “I hope to be ranked in the top fifty in my class and maybe even play soccer professionally in the future,” said Jensen. These dreams are certainly not unattainable. Two of Jensen’s biggest role models have also found athletic success.

“I really look up to Cristiano Ronaldo and Christian Eriksen,” said Jensen. Cristiano Ronaldo, a player of Real Madrid, has lead his team to winning several championships including the Fifa Club World Cup. Christian Eriksen is a very young, talented player for Denmark. Jensen hopes to be as successful as these two someday. Being a student athlete definitely is not easy. It requires hard work and determination to be successful. Even with all the challenges, Jensen and other student athletes prove to us that it is possible.

Photo submission: August Jensen

Fighting cancer with football The Powder Puff game hosted by Mini-THON

week, so it is a great way for anyone associated with Freedom to enjoy another action-packed activity leading up to the big game Overall, although the game may not be a huge success money wise, the students running the event believe that the awareness and attention the game will attract is going to be a big win. “For us to do it, and then raise money for pediatric cancer also.... It’s pretty cool” said Ashley Wickemeyer, junior.

TJ Schaeffer Sports Editor

Since it’s creation in 1869, football has always been an integral part in American society. Go to any high school football field on any Friday night, and one is more than likely to find hundreds and hundreds of dedicated fans screaming and cheering as two teams battle for a win. Football has grown so much that it is hard to picture American life without it. However, one tradition of football that is very popular among high schoolers across the nation is powderpuff football. Powderpuff football is when the girls take the field instead of the boys to play football, usually for a charity or cause. Courtesy of Freedom’s BASD mini-THON, Freedom will be holding a powderpuff game of it’s own. “It will bring awareness, a lot of awareness to the Freedom Family. It will be a lot of fun for everyone” said Elena Spengler, senior. On October 24, BASD mini-THON will be running a single-elimination powderpuff football tournament. The tournament will take place on Free-

Powder Puff football. Photo: Wikimedia

dom’s turf field at 7 pm, and it is opened to girls of all grades to join and participate. The games will be two 10-minute halves, with a five minute halftime in-between. The seniors will play the freshman and the juniors will play the sophomores in the first round, and the winners of these games will move on to play in the championship game. In between the semifinal and championship games, a boy’s

cheerleading section will be used as a comic relief to the fans. Tickets will be $2, and merchandise will be sold at the game as well. All proceeds from this game will go to THON, which is a cause run by students at the Pennsylvania State University to raise money and support for kids and families affected by pediatric cancer. The game will be taking place during the Freedom-Liberty football

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