Foothill High School | Vol. 41, No. 2
Novmber 2014
FOOTHILL'S SPIRIT FEVER INSIDE Homecoming Week p16 Halloween p6 November: Month of Service p9 p11 FALCON SPOTLIGHT
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Top 4 Youtube Channels p13 Christine and Sharon’s Food Corner p15 Gone Girl Review p14
inflightmagazine NOVEMBER 2014
editors’ letter Even with the first-month-of-school fervor winding down, we have only gotten busier. In the past month, one of our own has been honored to play in the US Army All-American Bowl. We performed in skits, cheered for our class, voted for royalty, and danced the night away during Homecoming Week. Our spirit fever is turning up a notch. And it’s going to keep rising next week. It’s time to beat the school across town, as our football team heads off to compete in the annual tradition next Friday. As we head off to November, few more things come to mind. The first, Halloween. In this issue, we grapple with the question: should high schoolers be trick or treating? We also discuss some heavy topics: Ebola, same-sex marriage, invisibility cloaks, Iran, and the Occupy Central Movement. These all have made headlines all over the world and probably still be making the news in November. More and more the world calls for the attention of the generation of the future, and we think it’s time to delve into what each topic is all about. Lastly, as we have fun and engage in school spirit for Halloween and more, remember that November is officially the Month of Service. So as the holiday season nears, why not start giving back to the community? Let’s put a smile on somebody’s face.
Stay classy, Falcons.
Kaitlyn Wang and Arthur Hwang, Editors in Chief
contents News p3-4 Opinions p5 Halloween Spread p6-7 Features p8-10 Sports p11 Arts&Entertainment p12-15 Homecoming p16 COVER: Our favorite campus supervisor Bud dyed his mustache at the Homecoming Rally
View Our Full Issue At FHS JOURNALISM STAFF 2014-15 PHOTO EDITOR ADVISOR Anthony Minaise Mrs. Mary Crawbuck BUSINESS/MARKETEDITOR-IN-CHIEF ING MANAGER Arthur Hwang Christine Deng Kaitlyn Wang BUSINESS/MARKETING TEAM ONLINE MANAGING Robert Lee EDITOR Michael Jurich Alice Lee Anjali Kantharuban NEWS EDITOR Jessica Ou STAFF REPORTERS SPORTS EDITOR Gabrielle LaFrank Adit Shrstha Sanjana Singh OPINIONS EDITOR Sofia Barrera Tori Knuppe Natalie Burge FEATURES EDITOR Sahna “Charlie” Das Monica Azmi Augustin “Augie” Chen Sharon Chu Karen Pham A&E EDITOR Kayvon Heravi Jennifer Kim Daniel Downey Antony “Tony” Italiano
Iran’s Nuclear Program By Kayvon Heravi, Staff Reporter The Iran nuclear program is a Long and difficult talks are curvery prevalent situation in our world today. rently held between the P5 nations, (U.S, While some nations such as Israel are very France, U.K, Russia, and China), Germany, opposed to the enrichment of uranium as and Iran in meetings held in Vienna, Austria shown in the Huffington Post, Iran insists with U.S. correspondent John Kerry. He its actions are for peaceful purposes only. believes that an agreement can definitely be Also if comprehensive nuclear talks succeed, reached in time, but he says its not certain. the relations of Iran, the United States, and Russia’s foreign minister is working with Western European countries may thaw after Iran’s minister Javad Zarif to come up with approximately 30 years. a comprehensive solution, and believes it is CBS News shows how a deal may Iran’s international right to be able to use finally be reached during mid November nuclear centrifuges for peaceful purposes. of this year, but the possibility of another When asked what his opinion was deadline extension is also apparent. Accordon the issue, and if Iran should be able to ening to BBC, the agreement is very important rich nuclear energy, Rupak Mukherjee (’15) to Iran’s interests, because the sanctions it has replied: “Yes, I believe it is within their right are very hurtful to its economy. If the sancas a nation to do so.” Rachael Heiman (’15) tions are lifted, it would be beneficial to the had a similar stance. “You can’t take away Iranian economy, and Iran would no longer their right. They should be able to pursue be isolated from the rest of the Western nanuclear energy.” tions. Business Insider shows how American U.V. Singh (’15) had a different and European businesses are eager for a thaw perception of the issue. “No, it’s very dangerin relations, because there would be many ous. I don’t think right now is a good time monetary opportunities available for them. for this to happen,” he explained.
Ebola Health Scare By Tony Italiano, Sports Editor
The Ebola virus infecting and killing people in West Africa is the worst recorded outbreak, according to the World Health Organization. The first case of Ebola in a patient diagnosed in a U.S. hospital was confirmed by the center for disease control. In past outbreaks, up to 90% of humans who contract the virus have died. It's unknown what the natural host for Ebola is, but it's believed to be the fruit bat. If an outbreak among animals is suspected, the best practice is to quarantine the animals, cull the infected animals and bury or incinerate the carcasses. In the current outbreak, most cases are the result of human-to-human transmission, when there is direct contact with bodily fluids, secretions, the mucous membrane or broken skin of an infected person.
Initial symptoms include fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat, followed by vomiting, diarrhea, rash, impaired kidney and liver function and sometimes internal and external bleeding. According to the CDC, symptoms usually appear 8-10 days after infection. The virus is transmitted from wild animals to humans, and is spread the virus through contact with blood or other body fluids of an infected person, as well as exposure to objects like contaminated needles, according to the CDC. Aditya Jhanwar (‘15) says, “The government should intervene with precaution to take a roll to prevent it successfully.” Emily Ayad (‘15) agreed by saying, “It’s kind of scary that it can spread that easily. Hopefully it doesn’t come close to the bay area and the govern-
ment intervenes in someway to help prevent it.” Ebola is only contagious when patients begin showing symptoms. According to infectious disease experts, infection control measures in place in U.S. hospitals means it's unlikely the virus will spread far. People who are at risk include health workers and family members or others who are in contact with the infected people. Gary Johnson, a math and engineering teacher, says, “It’s scary because as a teacher I’m around a lot of people so I’m worried and nervous if it comes around the bay area.” Currently, there is no vaccine. Treatment consists only of "supportive therapy," according to the CDC. There are several vaccines being tested. None are available for clinical use. 3
Invisibility Cloak By Tony Italiano, Staff Reporter
That’s right! Another device only heard of in books and movies is here: an invisibility cloak. And not only does it work in three dimensions, where its predecessors only worked in two, but it’s also so easy to make you can have one in your own home! The technology website covers this piece of technology. According to Cnet, this surprisingly simple device, called the Rochester Cloak, is just a series of lenses, calibrated to focus and refocus light in such a way that the light goes around an object. The simplest version of this device pinpoints light, creating a thick ring around the center of the lense that masks the object behind it. The light then reaches a series of lenses behind the object that return it to its normal focus, effectively projecting an image of the background without including the foreground. The only flaw in this system is the visible center, which can be solved using a much more complex layout. But the best part of it is that the viewer can move around and the object being cloaked can be moved around, without compromising its invisibility. “This is the first device that we know of that can do 3-dimensional multi-directional cloaking, which works for transmitting rays in the visible spectrum.” says its developer John Howell, a professor at Rochester University. In layman’s terms, this configuration of lenses allows the viewer to move without warping the background (the background will appear as it should based on your perspective) or the foreground coming into view (as long as it remains in the borders of the lense). While you may have figured out that the cloak is impractical for concealing something from someone, as the party you are hiding it from could easily spot the lenses, that is not the only potential use for the cloak. This device can be used in medicine, cloaking a surgeon’s hands so they do not obstruct the view of the patient. It can also be used on the road, proving to be an effective safety precaution for truck drivers, allowing them to see through their truck and into their “blind spot”, thus avoiding a potential collision. There are many applications for the cloak, and with its relatively simple and affordable design, this device could find its way to many homes and workplaces.
Occupy Central CBS says that since summer, a peaceful pro-democracy movement known as Occupy Central with Love and Peace has been developing in Hong Kong. Hong Kong, a former British colony, was handed back to China in 1997. Ever since 1997, Hong Kong has been categorized as a special administrative region (SAR) by the People’s Republic of China, and has been able to control everything autonomously under the “one country, two systems” concept besides diplomatic relations and national defense. The Chinese government has promised direct elections for the leader of Hong Kong by 2017, but has stated that voters may only vote from a list of predetermined candidates. Although this seems democratic, 4
Same Sex Marriage in the U.S By Karen Pham, Staff Reporter The Supreme Court is currently refusing to hear cases about same-sex marriage in Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin. On October 16, more than 100 gay couples gathered in Boise, Idaho where they waited for the clerk’s office to issue marriage licenses and to be recognized as the latest state to accept same-sex marriage. As of October 17, 31 states have allowed gay marriage, with 19 still waiting. The long fight for acceptance is still undergoing, yet so close to the finish line. source:
By Augie Chen, Staff Reporter all of these candidates are approved by the Communist Party of China and do not necessarily express fully what the people of Hong Kong want. On July 1, 2014, 510,000 protesters peacefully demanded universal suffrage. This date was also the 17th anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover to China. More than 500 people were arrested, but it was considered a peaceful civil disobedience action. By September 22, 2014, university and high school students began boycotting class. Thirteen thousand students participated in civil disobedience that day, linking Occupy Central to student activists. The official Occupy Central with Love and Peace movement was announced on September 28
early in the morning by movement founder Benny Tai. The largest demonstration yet took place a day later on September 29, when 50,000 Hongkongers took part in the protests. Police used tear gas and 41 people were injured in addition to another 78 people who were arrested as part of the Umbrella Movement. Michael Cheung (‘15), said “it is good that the students are fighting for what they want, democracy, but it is kind of realistic because of the communist government.” As of October 15, protestors are still on the streets carrying umbrellas and protesting peacefully, but police altercations have intensified, with multiple beatings being reported.
YES MEANS YES Redefining Consent
By Daniel Downey Staff Reporter Image from KCoy-KeyT-KKFX News
In today’s society there are many topics that are considered as taboo: purposefully forgotten and absent from most conversations. Rape, amongst many other cases of injustice, is one of these topics. In recent months, California has passed the ‘Yes means Yes’ law which has sparked conversation about this topic amongst many citizens. The law, which was passed in August, specifies that consent must be conveyed by a verbal ‘yes’ or a non-verbal signal, simply not resisting does not convey consent. Since the ratification of the law, some have strongly supported or rejected the law, whereas others lie somewhere in the middle. Writing legislation about this topic allows room for conversa-
tion, and causes awareness for the topic. The new law is also a large improvement from the old policy, which was not nearly specific enough and extremely subjective. ‘Yes means Yes’ also protects the falsely accused. According to Business Insider, a case happened in Occidental College in September of 2013, when a young man was expelled from school because he was accused of rape, even though police determined that it was consensual between both parties. In this circumstance both were under the influence of alcohol , and the accuser texted her friends that she was going to have sex. Although he wasn’t charged with a crime the boy, who was an honor student and the valedictorian of his high school, was expelled from Occiden-
tal. If the new law had been established at this time , Occidental wouldn’t have been able to expel this young man. Despite the undeniable benefits that this new law brings, it still isn’t enough. To truly combat the issue, we need to inspire social change in our nation. Parents need to talk to their kids about rape. Daughters need to learn to protect themselves and sons need to learn to treat girls and themselves with respect. We need to make it okay for victims to openly talk about the injustice they are put through, but we also need to condemn those who falsely accuse others. ‘Yes means Yes’ is the first step to the path of change, however it by itself is simply not enough.
Too Old to Trick-or-Treat? By Sofia Barrera Staff Reporter
Image from Wikimedia
Trick or Treating: an American tradition intended to supply kids with lots of teethrotting candy on Halloween. Every year, debates have risen about whether there should be an age limit on this famous tradition. Many adults believe some kids are too old to beg for candy with silly plastic buckets or pillow cases. If you’ve ever been Trick-or-Treating past the age of 13, you’d know that you’ll probably get at least 4 doors slammed in your face on Halloween night. The question every year is, how old is too old? Trick-or-Treating is a great way to get some exercise and get candy on
Halloween. Not to mention, you get to show off your cool costume! Although Trick-or Treating tends to be more popular with younger kids, some teens like Ronald Nguyen (‘10) agree that you are never to old to go trick-or-treating. “Heck no! It’s free candy!,” he said. Getting free candy is the main reason why some kids continue to Trick-or-Treat into their teen years. I mean, who doesn’t like free food? Trickor-Treating is okay until you reach about 16 years old. By then, a lot of teens find other things to do on Halloween such as going to parties, or simply staying in with friends and watching scary movies.
The candy-givers waiting at their door, tend to think that there should be an age limit. Jose Barrera, a Foothill parent, thinks that once you hit high school, you are definitely too old to Trick-or-Treat. “The best part of Trick-or-Treating, for an adult, is seeing the cute little kids with their costumes on, coming to ask you for candy….when a teen comes to the door, you feel cheated because you know that all they want is free candy….it ruins the innocence of the holiday,” Barrera says. Despite the opposing opinions, Trickor-Treating is fun for all ages and anyone can do it if they want to. 5
By Michael Jurich and Tori Knuppe
Trick or Treating Who doesn’t love candy? Candy may be the universal love of everyone’s life yet each one of us likes different types. Personally I like Kit-Kats but many others prefer candy like Skittles or Starbursts. If you’re looking for the honey pot of trick-or-treating candy, go to John Maddens house, where it is rumored that 1 pound candy bars are handed out each year. Also, be aware of pre-opened candy when going through your loot at the end of your evening.
pirates of emerson Looking for a night full of fright? Look no further than Pirates of Emerson. Nothing is scarier than being chased by pirates and ghouls while going through haunted houses. This is a great place to hang out with friends and enjoy the Halloween spirit. LOCATION: Alameda county Fairgrounds PRICE: $25
Business hours: Friday / Saturday: 7:05-11:00 Thursday/Sunday: 7:05-10:00 Halloween: 7:05-12:00
Get lost!: Corn Maze You don’t want to spend a lot of cash, but you want a fun-filled fall evening with friends. What better to do than spend an evening wandering aimlessly through rows of starch? Location: G & M Farms, 487 E Blvd, Livermore, CA Price: Mon-Thurs Adults $8, Children $7 Fri-Sun: Adults- $10, Children $9 Business Hours: Mon-Thurs 4-8 pm, Fri 4-10 pm, Sat 10 am-10 pm, Sun 10 am-8 pm
Caramel Apples and Apple Bobbing ! If you like to eat, party, or both, apples are a great treat to take advantage of. Caramel apples and apple bobbing are two awesome features to have at any Halloween party! Caramel Apples What You’ll Need: 8 apples, 8 wooden chopsticks, 1 cup butter, 2 cups packed brown sugar, 1 cup light corn syrup, 1 can sweetened condensed milk, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Directions: search “caramel apples” on Apple Bobbing What You’ll Need: a large wine barrel, 10-15 apples, a hose or water source Directions: fill the barrel with water, dump the apples in, and have a ball! If desirable, set up two barrels and hold a competition with prizes!
Pumpkin Palooza Whether you want a spooky porch decoration or a fun Halloween party activity, pumpkin carving is the thing for you! But first, you’ve got to find a pumpkin. Of course, there’s always your average grocery store pumpkin. Even better, find a pumpkin the fun way by visiting G & M Farms in Livermore or KR Farms, located at the Alameda County Fairgrounds! G & M Business Hours: Mon-Fri 2-6 pm, Sat-Sun 10 am-6 pm KR Business Hours: Mon-Fri 10 am-9 pm, Sat-Sun 9 am-9 pm And now for the Carving! Tools: heavy duty blades, big spoon, Sharpie (optional), Stencil (optional), Ziplock to collect seeds (optional)
Scare Screening Scary movie marathon! Scary movies are a classic Halloween pass time, but with so many to pick from its hard to make a decision. Grab some popcorn and snuggle up on your couch and prepare to be scared. Some of the best in past years have be HBen flicks like The Conjuring and Paranormal Activity. The more recent Annabelle is the scary movie of this year and has gotten good reviews so far. If you’re looking for non-scary halloween movies you might want to find another holiday.
DAY OF THE DEAD By Sanjana Singh Dia de Los Muertos, also known as Day of the Dead celebrates the dead, rather than mourning them. Dìa de Los Muertos, occurs from October 31st through November 2nd and is observed in Mexico and other Latin American countries. Family and friends of the deceased use the three days to honor, remember, and pray for their deceased loved ones. Generally November 1st is used to remember the infants and children who passed away, and November 2nd is to remember the adults. The holiday is not as celebrated at Foothill, but there are still some small ways you can participate in and enjoy the fascinating festival. The three main things associated with the Day of the Dead are altars, sugar skulls, and marigolds. Something else that comes to mind is papel picado, which is a paper decoration that is used very often during this festival. Here are ways to participate: 1. Make an altar for a deceased loved one. Look online to find some cool ideas on how! 2. Decorate your house with marigold flowers, papel picado and skeletons. (The skeletons also fit in quite well with the Halloween theme.) 3. Learn how to make and decorate a sugar skull. Use this link below to help! http://www.celebrate-day-of-the-dead. com/how-to-make-sugar-skulls.html .4 Write a calavera: a small poem with the things you loved most about the deceased in it. Use the poem to remember and honor them, not to be sad for their passing away. Write about things about them that made you laugh or smile. Hopefully, you can use some of these fun and quick ideas to help you celebrate the dead like many others cultures do, and help you connect with your deceased loved ones.
By Arthur Hwang, Editor in Chief, and Anjali Kantharuban, Staff Reporter
1. His goal is to visit all major league baseball stadiums. Been to 20/30 so far. 2. Favorite teams: Oakland A’s, Oakland Raiders 3. His childhood neighbor designed the Oakland Raiders logo. 4. He got his first hole-in-one this summer—and he has video proof. 5. As a big soccer/golf fanatic he has been to the 2006 Germany World Cup and the Masters. 6. His sister works in the same school district, at
Connections. That is what our new vice principal, Mr. Templeman, is about. Graduating from Harvest Park, Amador, and St. Mary’s college as a history major, he has now taught in the district for 13 years. Why did he come back? Because he “really feels that this school district did a lot for [him] growing up” and he is “in a way, giving back” to the community that made him who he is today . As our new VP, he has a lot planned for the future of our school, including improving the AVID and Restorative Justice Program.
Q: How is Foothill so far? A: I’m lovin’ it. I’m having a great time, the staff and students have been very welcoming. It’s obviously and adjustment going to a new school whether you are a student, teacher, or an admin. This is the fourth school I’ve worked at, technically, in a year and a half. I’ve been moving quite a bit, but I’m happy I landed here and there’s a lot of good things going on at Foothill right now and I’m just happy to be a part of it.
Q: What are some of your hobbies outside of school? A: I go golfing, I like to read, I watch movies. I was a film minor in college and so I watch any kind of movie. Love it. And, I don’t make movies, but I used to write scripts in college as part of my class. I’m a big As’ and Raiders’ fan, which I think people are shocked with the Raiders part because I don’t wear face paint or anything. My parents were born in Oakland, then they moved to San Leandro, and their neighbor was the guy who designed the Raiders’ logo, and so, since then me and my parents were there when the Raiders’ came to town or came to be, through thick and thin, mostly whichever one is bad lately, still a fan. But also, I have two little kids. I have a four year old boy and a two year old daughter. They keep me occupied, and they are a lot of fun. I try to spend as much time with them as possible. So that is kind of my hobby. That is my main hobby right now. That and my wife.
Q: How did you decide to change schools and come here? A: So, last year I worked at two schools, PMS and Harvest Park, and it was challenging, but I still enjoyed it and the middle school level, like working with the kids and the teachers, but an opportunity came up, and there was a position open at the high school level here, at foothill, and I’m obviously more comfortable with high school stuff, meaning the curriculum, the classes, student issues, I think the student issues at high school versus middle school are different. So, anyways, I just felt like it was a natural fit, being at high school, regardless of whether it was Amador or Foothill.
Photo: Arthur Hwang
Q: What do you like best about our school? A: I think the kids here are really respectful, I think that they have a great connection with their teachers. I think our administrative team is really personable, and, I think, approachable, so I think we see a lot of students coming up to us and talking to us. We have a lot going on here, you know, from clubs to sports to band and everything, which is what I think makes this place really unique.
Q: Did you face any challenges in your life that you have had to overcome? A: Well, this isn’t huge, but it is interesting. This is the third time I have tried to work at Foothill. When I interviewed for a teaching job, I interviewed at both Amador and Foothill. And, though I ended up at Amador, I was intrigued about working at Foothill because I didn’t go to school here. And a couple years ago I applied for the administrative position. I didn’t get that. And, so, I was finally hired this year.
features if not me, who, if not now, when
[ask yourself]
---Watson in her speech at the UN Headquarters
Solidarity Movement for Gender Equality
Having already touched millions through her powerful acting performances, extremely successful 24 year old Emma Watson has begun to influence the world in a whole new way through her new campaign for gender equality: HeForShe. Unlike many other gender equality endeavors, which have led to ideas such as feminine superiority and “manhating,” Watson has created a movement that strives to avoid these missteps in the gender equality journey. Straight from the official website, HeForShe distinguishes itself as a “solidarity movement for gender equality that brings together one half of humanity in support of the other half of humanity for the benefit of all.” In other words, as the name clearly represents, the campaign is asking men to join in the fight for gender equality with women. As of October 12, 2014, the movement has garnered over 179,900 supporters all over the country, with the greatest concentration in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, and support continues to grow. The movement has become the talk of the town at Foothill amongst both feminists and neutral fans of Emma Watson. “She’’s a great role model and I appreciate Photo: United Nations HeForShe
the stand she is taking,” says Chasia Wong (‘15). Watson was appointed as UN Women Goodwill Ambassador in 2014 and has every intention to live up to her title. She announced her campaign during her speech at the UN HQ in New York City. Her speech cleared up many misconceptions of being just another feminist campaign as she defined feminism as “the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities” and that “man-hating has to stop.” Touching the hearts of the listeners in the room, Watson’s speech prompted a standing ovation. Joining the movement is simple. All one has to do is go to the official HeForShe website www.heforshe. org and make the commitment by the single click of the “I Agree” button. The website also provides an Action Kit in multiple languages that provides general information about the campaign, simple implementation steps, and a list of accessible campaign tools and resources. HeForShe members can also show their support through social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram by liking the Facebook page and tweeting or Instagramming a picture along with the hashtag #HeForShe. 9
CANDY FOR CHARITY UNICEF Club’s Trick-or-treat Fundraiser
By Alice Lee, Online Mangaing Editor
Instead of spending their Halloweens partying in fanciful costumes with their friends, these Falcons have donned those same costumes to raise money for charity. This month, Foothill’s UNICEF Club collaborated with members at Amador to introduce elementary school kids to the basics of the internationally renowned charity. Members of the club rehearsed
skits about UNICEF and introduced the concept of charity to students at Lydiksen and Fairlands Elementary Schools. They also passed around donation boxes at the two schools as well as a number of churches, and donated the funds received to UNICEF’s current cause. In the weeks approaching Halloween, club members prepared for their school visits to Lydiksen and Fairlands by practicing skits and planning out costumes.
“After Trick-or-treat, we plan to host other events like Caroling for a Cause, as well as a hypothetical Color Run for Pleasanton,” says club president Harshita Kaushal (’16). For those students looking to claim community service hours and have fun at the same time, look to this club for your volunteer opportunities!
People Help the People Give Back This November
By Kaitlyn Wang, Editor in Chief
November’s most well-known holiday is Thanksgiving, a holiday meant to remind people of what they have so they can give gratitude. And what better way to say thanks than to give
back? InFlight and many others have for you to give back. Interact treasurer dubbed November the month of Megan Do (’16) says, “The benefits community service, meant to spread of community service can be as small awareness of the community and as a smile or as big as a lasting imallow you to find more opportunities pact someone’s life.” It’s easy to get to help out. There are many ways to involved, in fact, InFlight has provided get involved, of course, and many a short list below. Find the full list at places for you to find the perfect way LOCAL OPPORTUNITIES o Open Heart Kitchen o American Cancer Society Discovery Shop o Tri-Valley Youth Court o Local animal shelters VOLUNTEER RESOURCES o o
Isaiah Langley (‘15) is well known at Foothill High School for being a Football player for Foothill High School. He plays cornerback, and wide receiver, and plays for different teams outside of the school. He played for US- Army All American and Rivals 100. Being on the Football team, Langley is set as the Role model. They want to play like him and follow his way to success in Football. Langley is going to USC on scholarship to play football and will be graduating from Foothill High School in 2015. He has passion for playing Football and he enjoys playing football with his teammates and respects his coach, Matt Sweeney. One of the biggest events that happened to Langley was making the All American Bowl Team. All American Bowl is a team that picks 90 players from the East and West to match up every January. As Langley was one of the players that was chosen he was honored. “The word ‘honor’ is what comes to mind,” Langley said of his bowl selection. “It is such an honor to play for our troops and to get out there with other athletes who
are headed to college. I’m just honored that I get to play and support our troops for all they do for us.” Langley’s family is excited and honored that he made the team. As Langley’s father attended to the interview he was very happy and excited about Isahiah’s achievements. Isaiah’s father, Patrick Langley, said. “He’s come a long way and put in a lot of work. This was one of his goals this year, to make the all-American team, and he worked hard to make it happen. He’s very motivated and has made me extremely proud.”
Photo: Robert Lee
arts&entertainment Saving People, Filming Shows By Anthony Minaise, Photo Editor
There have been a rise in superhero TV shows based on the Marvel and DC super heroes. Even though they might not be the most popular heroes, they still play a major role in these two different universes. Of the DC superheroes out there, there are three live action shows: Arrow, Gotham, and The Flash. In the Marvel universe, there are the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and the announced Guardians of the Galaxy animated series. Arrow, about the Green Arrow, Oliver Queen, started airing on The CW on October 10, 2012 with three seasons. Queen comes back to Starling City after being stranded on an island for five years after being the only survivor of a shipwreck to fulfill his father’s dying wish. Gotham is about the Batman franchise and premiered on September 22, 2014 with one season so far on FOX. The series starts off with Detective James Gordon trying to solve the high profile case of Thomas and Martha Wayne’s. Gordon meets Bruce Wayne, who is taken care of by his butler, Alfred, and is determined to catch the criminal. The Flash is based on the superhero Flash, Barry Allen, and started on October 7, 2014 on the CW channel. Affected by the
malfunction of the nearby particle accelerator, Allen gains his powers, and is compelled to find out who mysteriously murdered his mother and caused his father to take the blame and go to jail. The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D is connected to the Marvel cinematic universe, where all the Marvel movies are connected, and aired on September 24, 2013 on ABC with two seasons. The series is about how Agent Phil Coulson put together a small team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to handle strange new cases. There isn’t too much information out about the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy television series, since it was announced at the New York Comic Con and broadcasted next year. From the NYCC, we know that the whole gang from the movie will be back with Thanos as the enemy and a sequel is already planned to the hit movie in 2017. “I think it’s great because a lot of these superhero shows and movies, while being entertaining to watch, also touch on a lot of important topics. Like in Arrow, Oliver Queen struggles between wanting to keep the city safe and the guilt he feels about the people he’s had to kill,” says Laurette Hanna (‘16). These shows aren’t always just showing the unrealistic side of superheros, but also modern day struggles like the grief Queen feels, as Hanna said.
The Legacy of Percy Jackson By Sahna Das, Staff Reporter Fans around the world said goodbye to Percy Jackson and the rest of our demigod heroes when the last book of the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan was released on October 7th. Blood of Olympus signifies the end of a series that formed a sequel to the original Percy Jackson and the Olympians books, leaving fans of both series mourning what many considered their childhood. Social media sites like Tumblr exploded after the release. For the past few weeks, the series has been one of the most discussed topics at FHS. “It’s the best ending we could have gotten,” says Remy Tate (’18), pleased with the way the book turned out. While many agree with her, there are still some left feeling unsatisfied. “I don’t really feel that complete with the ending,” says Emily de la Peña (’18). Whether or not the readers were happy with it, the book and author definitely left a lasting effect on them. Rick Riordan, the author of the famous series, has begun a new series on Norse Mythology. The first book, titled Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, is said to come out in the fall of 2015. Some are wary of the complications the new series could cause to the Riordan’s fictional universe. However, many are still looking forward to next year’s release. “I’m excited for the new series because I’ve always loved Norse mythology and I’m excited to meet a new cast of fun and hopefully sassy characters,” says de la Peña.
The Stars of By Jessica Ou, News Editor On February 14, 2005, a video-sharing site was created so users could upload and view videos. The new website quickly boomed in popularity and by July 2006, it had over 100 million views on videos per day. This site, known as Youtube, is still widely used around the world today and has become the source of fame for many video makers. The video makers create a large variety of videos, ranging from parodies of songs and movies to makeup tutorials to video game reviews. These popular Youtube users, known as Youtubers by their fans, have helped shape the Youtube that many of us see today. Many Youtubers have collaborated together to entertain their millions of viewers, creating a family-like environment on the site.
Comedy ComedyComedy
Ryan Higa, better known as Youtuber user nigahiga, has been making videos since 2006, where he made spoofs of a few trending songs with his friends. Soon after, he began making comedic videos meant for entertainment. Higa’s not-so-serious How To videos, skits, parodies and rants spread across the internet and attracted a large audience, especially those with an Asian background. Nigahiga is one of the most wellknown Youtube channels, having over 13 million subscribers. Similar Channels: kevjumba, smosh, RayWilliamJohnson
beauty beauty beauty
Michelle Phan is a talented makeup artist who began posting tutorials on her Youtube channel in 2007. In 2010, Buzzfeed posted two of her makeup tutorials on its site, causing the videos to go viral. Her videos were praised for being simple and direct, with clear directions that are easy to follow. She started her own makeup line and was approached by Youtube to start a multi-channel network called FAWN, a channel dedicated to makeup, design and fashion for women. Similar Channels: bubzbeauty, zoella280390
gaming gaming gaming
Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, also known as PewDiePie on Youtube, is a Swedish video game commentator. His videos consist of Let’s Plays, which are videos where the gamer records him or herself playing and showing viewers different strategies and secrets in the games, often through commentary. He specializes in horror and action games and currently is the most subscribed channel on Youtube, with 31 million subscribers. Similar Channels: Markiplier, chuggaaconroy
education education education The VlogBrothers is a vlog created in 2007 consisting of brothers Hank Green and award-winning author John Green. Although they had stated that the vlog was “not about anything in particular”, they began focusing on more educational-styled videos. The most popular series of videos they released is known as Crash Course, which consists of educational videos teaching a certain topic on all subjects in around fifteen minutes or less. Similar Channels: Khan Academy, vsauce 13
“Gone” Twisted By Monica Azmi, Features Editor Gone Girl goes beyond just figuring out what happened to Nick Dunne’s (Ben Affleck) wife Amy (Rosamund Pike). It raises questions like: who killed her? Is she really dead? Why is Nick acting so mellow? Clues that the detectives find allow the audience to be torn between who to believe in this “missing persons” case. The suspense of the movie moves you to constantly change your opinion about whether you believe Nick or Amy. Amy Dunne, known as the character of the books “Amazing Amy,” goes missing, and the media spirals out of control trying to figure out what happened to her. The interesting part of this movie was that it showed how people’s lives can crumble behind the scenes and how the reality of what is a lie and what is true. It makes you reevaluate how the media works and how we get the news.
And do we really know someone based on what we hear from others? As the movie progresses, it throws surprises, twists and turns, and leaves you with many questions. Director David Fincher does an excellent job of not revealing anything too soon. As Nick’s character is continually scrutinized for murdering his wife, he acts as if he doesn’t care what happened to her, leaving the audience to think he truly killed her. Amy’s character is so suspicious that I never knew what she was thinking or her intentions. Their acting was my favorite part because it kept me guessing. It wasn’t your typical clean storyline. I had to think about everything during the movie to develop a solid opinion about a character. Gone Girl is surprisingly realistic. We tend to see these kinds of stories on the news and we follow up on it and develop our own opinion on the case, even with little evidence and information.
Bay Area Concerts By Gabi LaFrank With numerous venues and a younger, music-loving population, it is no question why the San Francisco Bay Area is a popular destination for many musicians and bands. The final months of 2014 include many concerts and music festivals at a variety of locations within an hour’s drive. British indie rock band Bastille rose to fame in the United States with the release of “Pompeii”, the fourth single off their album titled Bad Blood. As announced on lead singer Dan Smith’s social media pages, after a successful tour of North America, Europe, and South Africa, the band returns to the United States and Canada for the “Bad Blood Last Stand” tour. Bastille will be playing with support act Ella Eyre at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco on Monday, November 17. Phillip Phillips continues his North American tour at the Ruth Finley Person Theater in Santa Rosa on Friday December 17. “I’m waiting to see how the live show’s going to 14
be, how the fans react to things,” Phillips told USA Today after the release of his newest album Behind The Light. Since that interview, Phillips took a monthlong tour with O.A.R. across the United States to give fans the first taste of his newest music. On Saturday November 22, Oracle Arena in Oakland will host a show of Justin Timberlake’s “The 20/20 Experience World Tour”. According to Ticketmaster, VIP packages are still available for the concert that premiers Timberlake’s new album. Other smaller shows will be held throughout the Bay Area in the next few months as well. English Rock Quartet The 1975 will be performing at the Nob Hill Masonic Center in San Francisco on the night of Tuesday, November 18. Christian punk rock band Relient K will be at Slims in San Fran-
cisco on Veterans’ Day (Tuesday, November 11). December 29-31 is scheduled to be the dates for the annual Snowglobe music festival in South Lake Tahoe. While it may be a longer drive, the 3 day midweek show includes artists such as Disclosure, Porter Robinson, and Skrillex. According to the Snowglobe website, ticket packages from general admission to VIP will be on sale soon for a variety of prices.
Artists, we loved your submissions this month. Thank you to everyone who participated -- we wish we could fit more! If you would like to be published, send in your pieces to with your name and grade for our new theme: Celebration of Color
Grace Wang (‘15)
“Morning Giant” Omeed Ziari
“Hidden Treasure” Diana Shallow
Christine and Sharon’s
Modern French Fusion. The setting of the restaurant itself already lets you know how comforting and relaxing your meal will be. With two large window panes opened, you have a clear view of our Downtown Pleasanton. You’re served freshly baked garlic rolls (they’re shaped like little balls and are super adorable) which smell heavenly and taste great without any butter or vinegar. Every item on the dish will surprise your taste buds - from their Beef Carpaccio (raw beef topped with a variety of spices and vegetables) to their Niman Ranch Burger( natural beef topped with swiss, mushrooms, avocado). P.S. this is a cute brunch idea for Mom or your significant other. Photos: Christine Deng and Sharon Chu
A classy fusion of American and Italian cuisine. Located near Tara’s Ice Cream and Tully’s Coffee, this place is hard to miss. I was intrigued by the blackberry sauce-covered grilled salmon dish Fontina’s had. I love salmon, and Fontina’s salmon dish sure didn’t disappoint. The veal and shrimp skewer dish my friend had ordered was impressive as well. The sweet, dark sauce on the salmon was not overly sweet, and the mashed potatoes for both dishes were creamed to perfection. Both were served with grilled vegetables and green beans. The lamb shank dish, on the other hand, was unappealing to the eye and difficult to eat. The service here was mediocre as well; even worse, the prices were ridiculously high, even for a restaurant in such a fine location. The only thing that’ll keep me coming back is the blackberry salmon plate.
At first this restaurant is seemingly hidden in an alley, but don’t let that affect your decision of whether or not to step in. The rolls here are superb, eye-catching, and at a decent price of $10-$12. The seafood is always fresh and flavorful unlike many subpar sushi hangouts. The service here is very friendly and incredibly polite. Christine’s personal favorites are the Hamachi Roll(choose this over a sashimi plate because they have more yellow tail for a cheaper price!) and the Lion King Roll(sweet baked salmon over a soft California Roll). Other than rolls, their teriyaki chicken and pork katsu satisfies. Within Pleasanton, Main Sushi is definitely her second favorite sushi restaurant for the price. Next issue, we’ll review the best one yet. 15
Photo: Olis Bidkram
Photo: Stacy Lin
Photo Credit: Anthony Minaise