Francis Holland School Newsletter April 2012 Happy 134th Birthday!
From the Headmistress Dear Parents, Congratulations to twelve Upper Sixth students who have achieved excellent results in their Extended Projects : 67% achieved A* and A grades! This is an academic qualification, open to anyone in the Sixth Form, which challenges the most able students, beyond A level. Many thanks to Miss Green, Director of Studies, who oversees and moderates all the FHS Extended Projects prior to submission to the Examination Board.
The oldest FHS student, Antonia Aveline and the youngest pupil, Amber Khan celebrate the 134th School Birthday with the Head Girl Rafaela Elliston. The three girls cut the school birthday cake which had been specially made by the FHS chef, Steve King.
the Sports Report on pages 14 and 15. Bronze, silver and gold FHS Olympic medals were awarded in assembly last week to the winners of the “mini marathon” which was undertaken by pupils in every year of the school, during lunch-time last Friday. Many thanks to Miss Tucker and Miss Mahieu for master-minding this “Olympic” event!
We were privileged to welcome the Chaplain of St Paul’s Girls’ School, the Rev’d Vanessa Baron, to lead our Ash Wednesday Service in St Cyprian’s Church, just before half term.
Celebrations for the Diamond Jubilee will be held early next term, in advance of the public and school examination season, which
On Sunday 20th March, FHS hosted the annual Model United Conference, which Nations involved Lower Fifth, Upper Fifth and Sixth Form students from several London schools. Many thanks to all those staff and sixth formers whose efforts ensured the success of the day - and above all, to Mrs Forbes, Mrs Francisco, Miss Triccas, Ms Green and several Sixth Form tutors.
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With best wishes for a happy Easter,
Mrs V M Durham
Follow us now on Twitter at Francis Holland@FHS_RegentsPark We have just launched on Twitter to make it easier for you to stay in touch with what is going on at school. Follow us now to receive immediate news updates and event information. Any questions please contact Vanessa McKinley, Director of Communications, at or on 07815 618 768.
The Olympic year is in full swing at FHS, as will be apparent from
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begins in May. During the Easter holiday Mrs Edwards and Miss Senegas will be leading a French trip to Château de la Bourdonnière in Normandy where the girls will be immersed in French language and culture.
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Staff News Mr Ward, the current Head of Physics and Senior Teacher, has been promoted to Head of Science from the beginning of the summer term.
Sixth Form Scholarships Congratulations to the following Upper Fifth pupils who have been awarded scholarships and exhibitions for the Sixth Form 2012/14.
Academic Scholarships
Catriona Biggs and Rebecca Harding
Academic Exhibitions
Sarah Mohammed and Srutti Suresan
Music Scholarship Natasha Lucas
Music Exhibition Srutti Suresan
Mr D Ward, Head of Science
The summer term is proving to be the most productive, as a number of our staff members will be going on maternity leave. Mrs Wright will be on maternity leave from April 2012, Miss Lowes will be taking over as acting Head of Biology. We will also be welcoming Dr Cardoso, who will be joining the Biology department from the beginning of the summer term. Mrs North will be going on maternity leave in the summer term and Mrs Orr will be our acting Head of Art while she is away. Miss Thomson will also be joining the Art department in the summer term. Mrs Chaimowitz will be on maternity leave from April 2012 and Ms Langley, current Head of Psychology at Rosebery School, will be the acting Head of Psychology from the beginning of the summer term.
Art Scholarship Zoe Suerdem
St Amedeus School Progress Update Progress at St Amedeus Secondary School has moved full steam ahead over recent months where further building works have taken place. With a tremendous combined effort in fundraising initiatives made by the students, parental support and generous input from the Parents' Association at FHS over recent months, the new Science Block is now well under way, along with the completion of the boys' dormitories. This is fantastic, and it won't be long now before the Science Block is this space! Recently students in Form Two at St Amedeus School performed exceptionally well in their National Examinations, securing a first place out of the 560 secondary schools in the Kilimanjaro region. As a result, they achieved a spot within the ten best schools nationwide! This is a wonderful achievement for the school and it is great to know that FHS has helped contribute to this huge success! Many thanks for your continued support with the project! Ms K Gallagher P E Department
Foundations of the new Science block at St Amedeus 2
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Sixth Form lectures spring Term 2011
Ahead of the Game Young Enterprise Competition
The Sixth Form lecture programme this term has been varied and interesting. Sarah Walter’s talk on how she has made a career in fashion journalism was inspirational for several of our pupils who love their clothes. Mike Perham, the youngest round the world yachtsman, was modest about his wonderful achievement, and also a very funny speaker. Mich Turner spoke about cake making and building a business - from nothing to serving royalty. One of the lectures was given by our own Emma Kutner and Rachel Lowe, who gave a dignified talk about their visit to Auschwitz, managing to maintain their composure through the most horrific details. Mr Sandford-Bondy also gave a very interesting lecture on the BP oil disaster. We are very grateful to all parents and everyone else who volunteers to share their experiences and expertise with our Sixth Form, via the lecture programme. Mrs Francisco and I were especially proud when Ben Riley came to give a talk on why it is important to be a blood donor. He said that our school had the highest percentage blood donor volunteers, following this presentation to the Sixth Form. Mrs H Forbes Head of Sixth Form
Upper Fifth Bowling
Margot, Clemency, Pandora, Matilda and Athena - the FHS team!
On Monday 19 March 2012, the Lower Sixth team represented Francis Holland at a GSA event at Burgess Hill School for Girls in West Sussex. ‘Ahead of the Game’, supported by Claire Young (finalist, The Apprentice 2008) is a national competition, the final round of which was held on 19 March 2012, inspiring girls to become the entrepreneurs of the future. After attending workshops on the main elements of business the girls were asked to submit a viable proposal for a fictitious business unit for a six month rental period between April and September. Tilly and Pandora bravely faced the panel and a large audience consisting of pupils and staff from the twenty-nine other competing schools to outline their ideas and explain how they would implement their plans. Only ten schools will proceed to the next stage of the competition in October 2012 and we wish the FHS team the best of luck! Miss A Conway Head of Economics
What do you want to be when you grow up? The Upper Fifth Work Experience Week 2012 With GCSEs completed, all girls in the Upper Fifth are sent out to sample the world of work during the last week of the summer term, from Monday 2nd-Friday 6th July 2012. Many girls have already organised placements, largely with the help of family and friends. A few however need a little help.
Many thanks to the staff who accompanied the trip.
If you have already offered a placement I will be contacting you very soon. If you have not, but would consider taking one of our enthusiastic post GCSE pupils, please contact me via the school office or by e-mail to kate.oakley@fhs-nw1. We are always looking for placements in theatre, film, photography, advertising, museums, and newspaper and magazine offices. However, my philosophy is that any experience is valuable experience: there is so much that girls can learn simply by being out there for a week, in terms of stamina, organisation, presentation, punctuality, diplomacy, the variety of things adults do and the patience and resourcefulness to do them.
Miss C Mahieu Head of Upper Fifth
Mrs K Oakley Head of Careers
Vicki, Nina, Katie, Julia and Kirsty having a blast at bowling!
To celebrate the end of the Upper Fifth GCSE mock examinations, the girls went bowling. Many a ‘strike’ and ‘spare’ were to be won (with the help of the gutter bumper system)… The evening inspired dancing and loads of fun was had by all. Very soon the Upper Fifth will be sitting their real GCSE’s and we wish them all well.
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Handel - Dixit Dominus; Chamber Concert
"La Nuova Musica" Consort
Eight FHS girls were invited to join David Bates’ amazing concert, La Nuova Musica at Harrow School on Tuesday 6 March 2012. This group has just been awarded the South Bank newcomers award. Pride, excitement and relief were the universal expressions on the faces of the girls as we sung our final ‘Amen’ of Handel’s Dixit Dominus, having overcome the challenges and complexities we faced in such a magnificent piece. Making our entries at the hazardous speed at which we sung the fifth movement and keeping up with the rapid scalic passages of the final Gloria were just two examples of this. The aspect of the performance which was for me the most inspiring was sharing the experience with professional
Emma, Zoe, Rebecca, Bethany, Thea, Natasha and Olivia
singers. Being interposed between two outstanding second sopranos was both a daunting and exciting prospect, and I was somewhat relieved to discover that even professionals make occasional mistakes and need to mark their scores. The soloists were remarkable, and, as aspiring singers ourselves, we listened in awe. The performance of Dixit Dominus was an incredible experience. We owe a lot to Mrs Rolfe Johnson, who gave us an opportunity which will no doubt prove invaluable in our musical lives, and we all worked exceptionally hard in a very small space of time to conquer one of the hardest and most wonderful works in the Baroque repertoire. Natasha Kleeman (LIVKO)
Upper Sixth Classical Civilisation Trip to the British Museum On Friday 13th January the three Upper Sixth Classicists, accompanied by Mrs Hillier, embarked on the long trip down the road to Bloomsbury to visit the British Museum. We were very excited to have first-hand experience of the pieces of Classical Art and Architecture that we had been studying for months. As a group our overall favourite was Metope XXVII from the Parthenon, showing a victorious Lapith with a sweeping cloak restraining a beaten Centaur. This was an amazing piece of life-like carving to which mere photos had not done justice. We also had the chance to see one of the Caryatids from the Erechtheion and a variety of beautifully painted vases which we had studied. We also had the opportunity to see historical artefacts from other ancient cultures. A visit to the shop and many postcards later, we returned to school exhausted from a very worthwhile trip. Xanthe Hirst, Leona Mehra and Daisy Startup (UVIAOT) 4
Leona, Xanthe and Daisy admire the head of Selene’s horse in the Parthenon gallery Ap r i l
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Sixth Form Girls outside Notre Dame, Paris
History of Art trip to Paris Sixth Form girls taking History of Art went to Paris from the 2nd to the 4th March, which was a great success for the enhancement of their study of 19th century painting, sculpture and architecture. The girls visited the extensive collection of Musee d'Orsay and the beautiful baroque building of the Paris Opera House, followed by the Notre Dame Cathedral. The girls also climbed the Eiffel Tower taking in the F r a n c i s
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sweeping views of the city to aid their understanding of the redevelopment by Baron Haussmann. Finally, they visited the collection of the Louvre and viewed the architecture of the Pompidou Centre. Many thanks to Miss Senegas, Miss Williams and Miss Green, who accompanied us on the trip. Mrs A Francisco Head of History of Art
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Mosaics for Jack Taylor Lower Sixth girls worked alongside pupils from Jack Taylor School (a community special school), and some of the elderly from St John’s Wood Neighbourhood Care, to create five amazing ‘Mondrian’ style mosaics which they gave to pupils at Jack Taylor School. Each mosaic supports the sensory timetable at Jack Taylor by representing a day of the week, combining different colours and types of music which are meaningful to The Jack Taylor and FHS mosaic group the pupils. They recognise each day of the week as they arrive for school by identifying not only a particular colour and genre of music, but
also a texture and scent. The mosaics, which were designed by our Art Department and took about 18 months to create, were unveiled to the delight of the pupils at Jack Taylor. Gary McIIhiney, Assistant Head at Jack Taylor, thanked Francis Holland for the mosaics and for their ongoing support, particularly in light of the school's closure in July 2012 and their pupils’ re-location to the Swiss Cottage School. Mrs V McKinley Director of Communications
FHS Classics Conference 2012
The Lower Sixth Latin group with Dr Llewlyn Morgan
The annual FHS Classics Conference, this year on AS Latin Literature, was a great success. 170 Classics students and teachers from 20 different schools attended on 3rd February, including Rugby School, Harrow School and the Perse School, with groups coming from as far as Canterbury and even Belfast. All of them were eager to learn more about this year's AS Latin set texts – Ovid Amores III and Cicero in Verrem. Both of the speakers were established lecturers from Oxford University; Professor Matthew Leigh from St Anne’s College and Dr Llewelyn Morgan from Brasenose College. As they are both specialists in Latin literature from the 1st century BC, it was a wonderful privilege and useful opportunity for our six Lower Sixth Latinists to hear their views on the texts that they had been studying over the course of the year. Not 6
only were the lectures thought provoking and academically focused, they were also appropriately engaging for sixthform students; the title of Matthew Leigh’s first lecture, The Adulterous Elegist, sufficiently encapsulates this! The lecturers sought to place the texts within their original historic and literary contexts, and the students were presented with a breadth of information that stretched far beyond the AS syllabus. As well as raising the intellectual bar with which our girls viewed the texts, the academic depth of the four lectures gave them a taste of university study, particularly Oxford and Cambridge. The girls were given a chance to speak to the lecturers personally afterwards. It was an inspiring day for all who attended. Miss H Baig Head of Classics Department Ap r i l
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The Duke of Edinburgh's Award New candidates in all three levels of the award have now been registered. A total of 81 girls will be either starting the award or moving onto the next level of the award this year. Congratulations and good luck to them all! Girls will be receiving their welcome packs very shortly and all Bronze participants will have an online information session with Miss Gallagher and Mrs Wood before the end of this term. Well done to the 26 girls who took part in the expedition training session on Saturday 25th February. This session was for our Gold and Silver participants and was led by the staff at Mountainwise. The girls took part in a variety of sessions including compass and map reading skills, camp cooking, first aid and route planning. They will put these skills to use during their expeditions in summer term.
Two Silver Award groups busy planning their routes
As I am sure you are all aware by now, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme has now moved to an online sign off system. If your daughter is having difficulty with any aspect of the ‘e D of E’ system, then please encourage her to come along to the Duke of Edinburgh clinic every Tuesday at short break in F12. Ms J Laytham D of E Co-ordinator
Zoe, Emma and Grace prepare for the Gold Award expedition over the summer
Sarah and Estella carefully planning day two of their expedition
Parents' Association News I hope I’m safe in saying that winter looks on the way out… fingers crossed. Nevertheless, it’s time to announce our next Parents’ Association social: The Spring Event. This year, we will be hosting a Quiz Night at the school, to take place in the Hall on Thursday 26th April. An invitation with a RSVP tearoff slip will be winging its way to you very soon. We would urge you all to reply by the end of term latest (30th March) so as to avoid disappointment. Places get filled very quickly.
• A personally signed cricket bat from Mahendra Singh Dhoni • Designer Handbag • Tea for Two at the Landmark Hotel • and many, many more…
We have an array of wonderful raffle and silent auction prizes this year, for example:
As is the case with all our events, we hope to raise as much money as possible to support the school’s various charities; in particular, the St Amedeus School in Moshi, Tanzania and the FHS Summer Camp for under-privileged children from Westminster. Your continued support by attending the PA events is invaluable – we can’t do it without you! Please put this important date in your diary and send in your completed voucher as soon as you get it.
• Bid for your daughter to be Headmistress of FHS for a day in the Summer Term
As always, many thanks again for your very kind support, and we look forward to seeing you on 26th April.
• 4 Olympics tickets
Mrs S Silkstone Chair, FHS Parents’ Association
Our Master of Ceremonies on the night will be Mr Hugh Pym, the BBC’s Chief Economics Correspondent and a father of one of our girls. The quiz will be general, not too difficult, and a lot of fun (Blackberries/iPhones at the ready…!!).
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The Inter-Form Drama Competition 2012 This February saw the return of the annual Inter-Form Drama Competition, and once again the school came together to watch the eight plays which made it through tough competition to the final round. It was a superb day. The stage was transformed in various ways from ancient Greece to a future world poisoned by radiation, and we were whirled from comedy to tragedy and back again. Judge and actress Charlotte Powell (once a Francis Holland girl herself, and a veteran of the Drama Competition) had a difficult task awarding prizes. She warmly praised the quality of acting, and also the effort and enthusiasm that had gone on behind the scenes of each play. In the end, the prize for Best Play was awarded to UVC, who put on a stunning performance of Journey’s End, and that of Best Actress was shared between Kitty Miles and Molly Teshuva. Performances by some of the younger girls promise a wonderful competition again next year.
Molly and Kitty are presented with the award for best actress by Charlotte Powell
Best play: 'Journey's End'
Jemma as Jeeves
The death of the wicked witch in Upper Fifth's 'Wizard of Oz'
Dr J Rush English and Drama Department
Poppy Menzies Walker and Caitlin Isaacs St Trinians
Best Design
The Wizard of Oz UIVS
Best Adaptation
Jemma Mendoza Jeeves and Wooster
Best Comedy Performance
Giada Pipicelli as Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Best Cameo
Nicole Chretien as Mr Bobinsky in Coraline
Best Supporting Actress
Jordana Belaiche as Jeeves in Jeeves and Wooster
Best Ensemble Cast Tin Can People LVT Best Directors
Florence Hastings and Isabelle Comber Antigone
Best Actresses
Kitty Miles and Molly Teshuva Journey’s End
Runner Up for Best Play
Tin Can People LVT Directors: Lorena Levi and Celia Stolper
Best Play
Journey’s End UVC Director: Romy Denton-Hall
The cast and backstage crew of 'Journey's End'
LVT explore the trials and tribulations of life in a post-nuclear world
Greta in 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'
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Dr Rush with guest judge Charlotte Powell
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Florence and Isabelle in 'Antigone'
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Upper Fifths celebrate winning best design
Ski Austria 2012 This year's ski trip had 30 girls and 4 staff flying to Wagrain in Austria. We were very lucky that there had been a large dump of snow over the previous few weeks, and this, with a lot of sunshine, provided us with ideal skiing conditions on the first two days. It then snowed during the second half of the week, which gave us the opportunity to ski on fresh, very deep snow. This was very challenging and a great source of entertainment. In the evenings the students also enjoyed Austrian curling, a Ms Hack quiz, dancing at the disco and a ski show. We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and returned feeling very tired, fulfilled and happy. Mrs R Grant (Ski trip organiser) Mathematics and Science Department
The Lower intermediates 'snaking' down the mountain!
Nadia enjoying the slopes
Zinnah showing off her skills
Contemplating a red slope
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The Natural History Museum
Emily, Hilary and Amy finding the answers on volcanoes!
On 9th February we all wrapped up in our coats, eager to visit The Natural History Museum. Ms Hack gave each of us a worksheet with questions on volcanoes and earthquakes, our next topic in Geography. We began our visit by watching a few videos of volcanoes erupting and causing massive ash clouds all over the sky, after which we entered another room where the structure of a volcano was displayed. We were then asked to write down five facts about a volcano, such as the fact that volcanoes are openings in the Earth’s surface. When active they let ash, gas and hot magma escape in what are sometimes violent eruptions. Basalt is an igneous rock, meaning one that has congealed from a molten state. The earthquake section entrance was great as it showed what it would be like if there was an earthquake while you were shopping. A platform would suddenly move and if you were well balanced then you would not feel a thing but I was caught off guard and almost went flying into my friend! We then filled out our worksheets, which included questions on how earthquake drills would make it less likely for so many people to die during an earthquake. I really enjoyed the trip and I am sure everyone else did as well.
Peyton, Georgia and Saffron filling out their work sheets! H o l l a n d
Lydia and Kathryn
This term, twelve girls in the Lower and Upper Fourth, and six girls in the Lower Sixth, entered the prestigious UK Linguistics Olympiad at Foundation and Advanced Level respectively. A competition designed to test linguistic aptitude, this difficult test asks pupils to use their linguistic analytical skills to decipher languages such as Yolmo, Esperanto, and even Arcturan (a fictional alien language)! Entrants must use their knowledge of linguistic concepts such as inflection, tenses, noun cases and other parts of speech to translate from and into these languages, chosen for their obscurity. The girls who entered found these puzzles challenging but rewarding, and discovered that they were able to use their knowledge of Latin and a wide variety of modern languages to answer the questions. At foundation level, Maddie Dunbar was the most successful of the pupils who entered. We await their positions compared with over five hundred others nationally who entered the competition at this level. Competition at Advanced Level was even more intense, against over one thousand contestants around the country. Congratulations to Zoe Cannell, who achieved the highest marks in the school, and was only two points short of winning a bronze award, an excellent achievement in this tough competition. Mrs C Wood Classics Department
Emily Jerijan (IIIJ)
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UK Linguistics Olympiad
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Alfie, Olivia and Amelia
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Is Mathematics invented to be discovered? This year Georgia Wright and Olivia Escudier were nominated for and accepted to attend the Royal Institute Mathematics Master classes for Year 9 in the spring term.
calculator, as has its better known sister pi π. The question in the title was postulated about the number as we alternately discovered or invented it.
They have been attending ten Saturday morning lectures at the esteemed Mayfair building, including one I watched by Jenny Sharp from CIMT at Plymouth University. She, and they, investigated the number phi , a remarkable number that appears in many different aspects in the world around us from mating rabbits and bees to beautiful people, our knuckles, the Mona Olivia and Georgia attend the Mathematics Master Class Lisa and the Parthenon. It is better known as the Golden Ratio or the Divine ProporMrs A Martin tion, and it is a number that ought to have its own entry on a Head of Mathematics
When questioned, Georgia revealed that she had learnt much in the classes, but was particularly excited by the lecture on Waves, which will help her understand her upcoming Physics module. Once again, the language of Mathematics can be used to explain the physical world that we observe. Next year we will be looking to nominate two more talented and keen mathematicians from the next Upper Fourth.
Francis Holland Model United Nations On Sunday, 18th March, a Model United Nations was held at Francis Holland. The Hall was transformed into the General Assembly, the Lecture Theatre into the Security Council and various committees were held in ground floor classrooms. The delegates, who came from our own school and several other London schools, including Godolphin and Latimer, Queen’s College and Northbridge House, among others, were all GCSE students. Normally MUN participants are at least Sixth Formers, if not university students, so they all did extremely well, representing countries as diverse as Uganda, Italy and Greece.
the event ran very smoothly. Special thanks go to Numaira Choudhary, Caitlin Keegan and Grace Whitehead, who oversaw the event with great efficiency.
Delegates share their country's resolutions
Thanks are also due to all the other members of the Lower Sixth who helped doing a variety of tasks, such as acting as runners, chairing the committees, publishing the MUNday Times, taking photographs etc. Everyone was very helpful and showed lots of initiative and good humour. Thank you also to staff who joined in helping with the MUN. Mrs H Forbes Head of Sixth Form
Some very interesting and original suggestions were made about how to solve the world’s problems; we narrowly avoided war, some delegates were taken hostage and Putin’s Russia proved that it is still a force to be reckoned with. Organising the Model United Nations is a very big responsibility, and the Sixth Form did an outstanding job, as
The girls discuss various policies 1 2
FHS girls discuss their plans for the day ahead
' Boys from Northbridge House regroup to discuss their country's position
FHS girls prepare their opening speeches Ap r i l
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Olympic Gymnasts at FHS!
Danusia assists with a hand-stand
Danusia Francis and Laura Mitchell with members of the FHS gym squad
After the half term, we had a very special visit from two Olympic gymnasts – Danusia Francis and Laura Mitchell spoke to the whole school and gave their insight on what it is like to be a world class athlete. They spoke of the hardships of study (they are both doing their A Levels) and pressure of performance, but also of the many rewards and accolades which come from their dedication and skill. Our own Gym Squads were then treated to a master class practice session with the athletes teaching many tricks and performance techniques – an experience I am sure every one of our girls will remember! Miss J Tucker Head of P E Department Danusia and Laura help the girls perfect the 'Bridge' F r a n c i s
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FHS Sports Report
Gym and Dance Display 2012 A wonderful evening was had by all at the 2012 FHS Gym and Dance Display. It was the culmination of many months and many terms of hard work and dedication to detail that made the evening’s entertainment so precise, so elegant and so powerful. Our girls were highly professional in their attitude and presentation. Pride filled our school hall in every student, staff and guest.
The business end of the term has come around and the ‘march’ of March has certainly been fleet of foot! It seems like yesterday we were going to compete in the Middlesex Gym competition, out to the Junior Middlesex Netball Tournament or off to the Southgate Hockey tournament with the Lower Fourths – all teams represented themselves very well! This term we have also had the Thirds and Lower Fourths’ Dance workshop; African and Bollywood dance was enjoyed by both year groups. February Fitness Fortnight has also been a great success this term, girls from each of the first four year groups have tested their strength, endurance, speed, agility and flexibility. Records will be kept by the PE Department so the girls can monitor their progress over time.
The FHS Cheerleading squad started the evening off with a dynamic routine of lifts, twirls and leaps. Focus and energy lifted the performance to new heights and showcased all of their hard work from the start of the year. The range and quality of our dancers this year surpassed expectation. From Flamenco (Nell Hewetson) to Street (Ali Golembo) and Modern (Isobel Dykstra & Claudia French) to Ballet (Willow Hellier Watts & Eleanor Shanahan), the beauty and passion of the various styles emanated from the performers throughout the crowd. A world class performance by Srutti Suresan (Sri Lankan Folk) was a real treat, and truly highlighted just how diverse and wonderful this country is.
U13 Netball at the Middlesex tournament
With summer sports just around the corner, our Tennis and Rounders trials have already begun. If you missed out on a team in the Autumn, please try out for one in our lovely summer term – it’s not too late to sign up! Fixtures have also been ticking along nicely throughout the term. Our Sri Lanka touring party has been toiling away in the early hours of the mornings in preparation for our impending Sports tour – well done girls, your fitness is really starting to improve!
Congratulations and thank you to all girls and staff involved in an outstanding 2012 FHS Gym and Dance Display - especially to the tireless efforts of Miss Mahieu, Miss Laytham, Miss Gallagher, Mrs Bain and Miss Withers, who were the driving force behind the whole production. The bar has been raised yet again, 2013 will definitely be one to watch!
Congratulations to all girls who received a Sports Commendation, Cup or Colour at the end of the spring term. Your effort, determination and commitment certainly were noticed and the PE Department will be on the lookout this summer term for more worthy recipients.
Lucy in attack mode at the Middlesex tournament
Miss J Tucker Head of Physical Education
Mr Ward has been busy running his part of the FHS Olympic 3-a-side Soccer Tournament, and it has been a huge success! Finals for the year groups will be in the first three weeks of the summer term. A new event has boldly been emblazoned into the hearts of all of the FHS sports fanatics – the FHS Mini Marathon has arrived! Conjured as a 2012 FHS Olympic event, the Mini Marathon is here to stay. The 3km run is the perfect distance for novice or expert runner, and a great test of fitness too.
Summer dates to note: Thursday
Srutti performs a traditional Sri Lankan dance
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FHS gym squad at the Middlesex Gym Competition
FHS cheerleading squad
Eleanor and Willow — graceful ballerinas
Nell and partner perform Flamenco
Lower Fourth gym troupe in full flight
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Regent’s Park
Thursdays ongoing
FHS Olympics 3-a-side Soccer School Playground
Summer Fixtures begin
Interform Swimming Gala
FHS Pool
10/07/12 Sports Day
Regent’s Park Hub
Miss J Tucker Head of Physical Education
Lower Fourth 'Bollywood' dance workshop
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19/04/12 Summer Sports Trials (cont.)
Thirds 'African' dance workshop
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Confirmation and Ascension Day Service at St Cyprian’s The Sainsbury's Active Kids scheme delivers real benefits in the form of equipment and coaching, that go beyond the traditional curriculum based sports and PE lessons, for all types of nurseries, schools, Scout and Guide groups and sports clubs, and for all ages and abilities. We will be collecting the ‘Sainsbury’s Active Kids’ vouchers for Jack Taylor School. Should you wish to contribute, there is a collection box situated outside my office. Thank you in anticipation.
Since January, five girls from the Thirds and Lower Fourth have been attending confirmation classes after school on Fridays. This has been a valuable time at the end of busy weeks, to learn about Christian teachings and explore what it means to live a Christian life. The girls’ commitment has been wonderful to see, and along with two other girls, who undertook classes last year, they are now preparing for the confirmation service next term. Confirmation will take place during the Ascension Day service on 17 May 2012 at St Cyprian’s Church. We will be welcoming the Right Reverend Edward Holland as the presiding Bishop. We uphold the following girls in our prayers as they take this important step in their lives.
Kate Gabriel
Madeleine Dunbar
Mrs F Forde Deputy Head Pastoral
Lulu Renney Willow Hellier Watts
Extended Project successes
Amy Hobson Alex Stephenson
Many congratulations to all the Upper Sixth students (supported by their staff mentors) who achieved such brilliant results in the Extended Project qualification this March. The award is worth half an A Level, and is a true reflection of the dedicated, independent work undertaken by the girls from June 2011-December 2011. The students were: Samar Ahmed, Brundle, Anastasia Kinsky, Emma Rachel Lowe, Katie Menzies, Michaelides, Tanya Robertson, Rutterford, Cecilia Schneider, Daisy and Elina Xilas.
Phoebe Kutner, Nicola Amber Startup
Mrs S Bexon R S Department
UK Intermediate Mathematical Challenge February 2012 The UK Intermediate Mathematical Challenge took place on Thursday 2nd February 2012, and we have received the results, which are as follows. The following Lower Fifth pupils have received Bronze certificates: Barbara Prunas, Katharine Marris, Lucy Streeten, Stella Moore, Ciara Bodicoat, Margot Smith, Olivia Hugh- Jones, Mariam Hanna, Sarah Kehoe, Alice Lumley, Isabelle Comber, Katie Lowe, Leana Sindi and Saskia De Borchgrave Niblett. Pandora Yadgaroff receives a Silver certificate.
Miss J Green Deputy Head Academic
Bronze certificates are awarded to the following pupils in the Upper Fourth: Jemima Sam Russell, Charlotte Robson, Georgia Wright, Rebecca Edge, Seran Aksoy and Valerie Ostroumova. A Silver certificate is awarded to Christina Mantafounis, who is awarded the Certificate for Best in School.
Sports Colours
Well done girls! Miss N Murugan Mathematics Department
Netball Rebecca Lumley Rafaela Elliston Alex Wilson Emma Dabbs Caitlin Keegan Hockey
Emma Caro
Future Dates for your Diary Sun 1 Apr Lower Fourth trip to Château de la Baudonnière
Tace Morgan Emma Harrison
Tue 17 Apr
Visit to Black Venn Farm ...................................... 9:30am-6:30pm
Gymnastics Amber Rutterford Florrie Alexander Mansi Patel
Tue 17 Apr Staff Inset day ........................................................................... 9am
Water Polo
Thu 3 May Summer Concert at St John’s Wood Church ........................ 7pm
1 6
Wed 18 Apr Summer Term begins .......................................................... 8:25am
Emma Kutner Becky Lumley
F r a n c i s
H o l l a n d 0 2 0
S c h o o l 7 7 2 3
R E G E N T ' S
0 1 7 6
w w w. f h s - n w 1 . o r g . u k
n w 1
6 X R Ap r i l
2 0 1 2