Fhs dec 2012 newsletter

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Francis Holland School Newsletter December 2012 FHS Sports Trip to Sri Lanka

From the Headmistress Dear Parents, My thanks to the many of you who supported the school at the biennial FHS Careers Evening on 1st November, masterminded by Mrs Oakley, Head of Careers. More than fifty professions were represented, enabling girls in the Lower Fifth, Upper Fifth and Sixth Form to gain an invaluable insight into the professional opportunities that lie ahead. The fifth annual Christmas Fair on Saturday 17th November, organised by the Parents’ Association Committee under the aegis of Mrs Sue Silkstone, was bigger and better than ever before. Thanks to the exceptional hard work of pupils, teachers and above all, FHS parents, the school was transformed into a flurry of festive excitement. Mr Keith Abbs and the Pink Ladies played jazz and on offer was everything from nail painting, mango chutney and FHS Christmas puddings, to vintage clothing, lucky jars, an Amnesty International book stall and a plethora of other stalls and activities. Particular thanks go to all members of the FHS Parents’ Association Committee; to Ms Triccas, Deputy Head; to Mrs Francisco (Staff Representative on the Parents’ Association Committee) and Miss MacDonnell (Director of Extracurricular Events) and to the many FHS parents who helped in the café and on the stalls. Kitty Miles and Anna Cutteridge, in the Lower Sixth, claimed to be unacquainted with F r a n c i s

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the more-than-usually jovial Father Christmas in Santa’s Grotto earlier in the afternoon. The money raised by this year’s Christmas Fair will be donated by the Parents’ Association Committee to charitable causes including the Teenage Cancer Trust. The sports tour to Sri Lanka during October half term, led by Miss Tucker, was an outstanding success, as can be seen on pages 6 and 7. In addition to their netball and hockey fixtures, the forty-one girls on the tour also undertook voluntary work at the Rainbow Centre, which was established by a FHS parent, Mrs Nagle. Many thanks to those teachers who also accompanied the sports tour: Miss Barton; Miss Gallagher; Miss Laytham and Miss Mahieu. Also during half term, Miss Langley and Mrs Forde accompanied FHS teams to the GSA national netball tournament in Shropshire. The annual Quondam AGM and lunch for former pupils of FHS was held on Saturday 3rd November. Lunch was noisier and more ebullient than ever – thanks to the class of ’82, for whom this was a thirty-year reunion. Mrs Drummond and Mrs Forde participated in the highly entertaining Quondam netball match in Regent’s

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Park, which preceded the lunch. For details of future events, follow Quondam on Facebook or contact the Quondam Administrator, Mrs Nadia Demetriou Ladas: quondam@fhs-nw1.org.uk. Amadeus by Peter Schaffer is the main school play this term, produced and directed by Mrs Oakley. Performances will be held in the Hall from Wednesday 5th December to Friday 7th December, inclusive. Tickets can be obtained via the school office. Parents and relatives are most welcome to attend the School Carol Service at 6:30pm on Monday 17th December in St Cyprian’s Church, Ivor Place. Please do join us for mince pies and mulled wine in the School Hall after the service. My sincere thanks to the many FHS parents who have so much contributed to school life this term: social evenings; Oxbridge interviews; sixth form lectures; school concerts and plays and many extra-curricular events. As ever, your support is deeply appreciated.

Mrs V M Durham

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Staff News Miss Ashleigh Robbie, our School Office Manager, is leaving at the end of the autumn term to return to her native South Africa and further her studies.

Autumn Term 2012


Nula Kenzie

Emma Monnickendam

Andrea Salgeuro Ramsohoye Ms Roisin Smith, our current School Secretary, has been promoted to School Office Manager with effect from January 2013. A new school secretary is currently being appointed.

Congratulations to Miss Karen Taylor on having been appointed Director of Music at Beaudesert Park School in Gloucestershire. We wish her every success for the future and thank her for all she has contributed to FHS.


Leora Browning


Saga Kjallgren


Cassia Thakkar


GAMES CAPTAINS Gabriella Rapp Alice Emlyn Jones Lily Abel Zoe Hamilton Rosie Holt Kitty Gilbey

THIRDS’ TRIP TO TATE MODERN On Friday 2nd November, the Art Department took all the Thirds on a trip to Tate Modern, to look at paintings in the public collection. The girls moved through the busy throngs of visitors to this exciting exhibition space, working purposefully upon sketches and notes to support their current project on colour. Miss J Orr Acting Head of Art Department

Hans Woyda Mathematics Quiz Competition In Round Two of the Hans Woyda Mathematics Quiz Competition, the FHS team won in a closely-contested match against King Alfred School. The team members are Aditi Bhandari, Ruby Sam-Russell, Sarah Mohammed and Phillipa Taylor. Well done, girls! Miss N Murugan Mathematics Department


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Autumn Concert at St Cyprian's The Autumn Concert was held on 10th October 2012 in St Cyprian’s Church where both the Symphony and String orchestras had their first outing of the year. The String orchestra amused us with Pure Imagination from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and the Symphony orchestra played a set of Delibes dances and was for the first time conducted by Mrs Watson. The concert started with some beautiful playing of Purcell’s Canzonet from the brass group followed by exemplary performances from all the FHS music scholars. All the choirs were in spectacular form and the concert raised over £500 for the Rainbow Centre in Sri Lanka. Mrs Rolfe Johnson Director of Music Larisa

Baroness Joan Bakewell visits FHS In October the Sixth Form was lucky enough to receive a talk from Baroness Joan Bakewell. The Baroness came as a guest lecturer to talk to us as part of the Peers in Schools programme. She explained the role of the House of Lords and raised a number of important points as to whether it should be reformed. Baroness Joan Bakewell's talk about the House of Lords further educated the Sixth Form about how Peers were appointed to the House of Lords, how the House of Lords is involved in passing legislation, how the Peers amend proposed legislation, how it differs from the House of Commons and her experience of being a Peer. She also engaged us in a discussion regarding whether the House of Lords should be reformed by raising issues such as the fact that Peers are not elected and yet are still part F r a n c i s

of a democratic parliament. I found the most riveting aspect of her talk to be the way in which she explained the relationship between the House of Lords and our law. I was also interested to learn just how diverse the body of Peers is. The Baroness mentioned that they are professionals from all walks of life; medics; lawyers; historians and novelists, and how there was the presence of a neutral party in the House of Lords; the crossbenchers. Dame Bakewell also mentioned that only 22% of the Peers are women, a topic that caught the attention of many in the audience. Thank you to Mrs Forbes for organising such a highly informative and inspirational lecture. Grace Whitehead (VINIG)

Baroness Joan Bakewell and some audience members

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Geography Department visit to Cadbury World When I went to Cadbury World I was expecting to learn solely about agriculture and making chocolate. I ended up learning a great deal more than expected, however. Firstly, I learned about the lifestyle of the factory workers during the time John Cadbury started up his chocolate factory. The living conditions were not very good in England and the housing was of a very low standard. We then compared these living conditions to the factory workers at Cadbury's who were living in the neighbouring town of Bournville. They were given either detached or semi-detached houses located near a variety of different facilities including schools, hospitals and playing grounds. I also learned about where chocolate came from and that chocolate then was very different from how it is today. Finally we went on a tour of the factory and learned all about how the Cadbury's factory was set up and that John Cadbury had passed the company on to his two sons who continued to treat the workers with kindness and respect. I loved my visit to Cadbury World and now every time I open a Dairy Milk or Crunchie bar, I will always remember where it came from. Thank you to all the teachers who accompanied us! Tatiana Green (UIVJ)

Ella field sketching

Annelise completing the environmental survey

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze expedition!

Congratulations to the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award participants who have completed their practice and assessment expedition weekends during the first half term of this term. The girls should be proud of their efforts, especially considering the heavy rain and wind that battered the groups when they were in Harlow. The girls should now be focusing on completing a project about one element of their expeditions; this should be handed to Miss Gallagher by the end of November. Girls must also upload all evidence onto the "eDofE" website, including any pictures taken over the expedition weekends. If your daughter needs help with the online aspect of the award then please encourage her to attend the clinics which take place 4

every Tuesday and Thursday at break in the ICT suite. Any girl in the current Lower Fifth who is thinking of progressing onto the Silver Award must complete three out of the four sections of her Bronze award before January 2013. Four former Francis Holland School students have been invited to St James’s Palace in mid-December to be presented with their Gold Award. I have been notified that the Duke of Edinburgh will be in attendance, which should make for an exciting day. Miss J Laytham Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Co-ordinator

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Chemistry department celebrates Mole Day!

Upper Sixth with their chocolate moles

On Thursday 11th October, Francis Holland celebrated Mole Day – in honour of the Italian scientist Avagadro and his glorious constant, 6.02 x 1023, which tells us how many particles there are in one mole of a substance. The school was whipped up into a frenzy throughout the day with the mole scavenger hunt, which saw students of all ages keenly scouring the walls of hallways and classrooms for little dancing moles. The Sixth Form, as a treat for all their hard work this term, constructed moles using doughnuts, copious amounts of chocolate icing and other delicious additions; resulting in some wonderful (and some peculiar) works of art. At lunchtime the Professors of the Dark Arts themselves, Dr Welch and Miss Hotchkiss, entertained the masses with bangs, fire and bright lights in the Chemistry magic show, somehow managing not to set off the fire alarm. Congratulations go to Ruby MacGregor and Grace Pulling for winning the Upper Fourth elements quiz; they will be joining the winners of last year’s Science Fair on a trip to meet Professor Brian Cox in November. Miss K Hotchkiss Science Department

Kate adds finishing touches to her mole

Chemistry magic show!

Talia showing off her mole F r a n c i s

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Rosie on the offensive


For twelve months the excitement built at a steady pace. Commitment, effort and reward from the twice-weekly fitness and practice training sessions that took place on chilly mornings at school, and the results were certainly visible against our foreign match opponents. The competition was tough, girls sometimes playing older girls, some even international representatives, but we held our own on the playing fields and our motivation was fired up in every match. The netball and hockey teams, the Squirrels, Hedgehogs, Kestrels, Foxes and Badgers, were perfect representatives of country and school, and they enjoyed every minute of the competition – even in the pouring rain! The Sports Tour soaked up as much of Sri Lanka’s diversity as possible. The girls visited the Temple of the

Tooth and paid homage to Buddha and enjoyed the cultural dance of Sri Lanka. One of the highlights was washing, feeding and riding the well-lookedafter elephants of the temples and making a splash white water rafting down a section of the longest river in Sri Lanka. The visit to the Rainbow Centre was unequivocally the educational highlight of the tour. Set up by a FHS parent after the tsunami of 2004, the Rainbow Centre provides daily education, welfare and loving support to children living in extreme poverty. Our day at the Rainbow Centre was magical – traditional dance greeted us on arrival, from which we then split into groups for art projects and face-painting. We gathered together to be led by the children in dance, before we joined in a massive dance party. To

ever hear five minutes of quiet from a group of FHS girls is a rare treat, but upon our home visit to the houses of the Rainbow Centre children, the silence was deafening. The ramshackle planks of wood placed sparingly together to form ‘homes’ opened eyes wider than ever before. It was a sombre trip back to our hotel that evening, but the thoughts were ticking over – louder than ever. The Sports Tour to Sri Lanka was a resounding success, due to the unwavering support of the parents, girls and PE staff at FHS. I cannot thank everyone enough for making this tour a special memory that will live long in all of our hearts. It really was a tour of a lifetime. Miss J Tucker Head of PE Department

Prize winners Christina and Issy

U14 "Foxes"

Millie and Jessie


Hazel and Ciara riding elephants!

Dania makes a friend

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Nicole visiting the "Room to Read" Charity

Tilly in action!

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2012 Prize-giving at the Queen Elizabeth Hall

Head of Science, Mr Derek Ward, presents an award to Emily

Alexandra performs an excerpt from Daisy Pulls it Off

Director of Music, Mrs Rolfe Johnson conducts the Senior Choir

Governor Elizabeth Buchanan presents an award to Coco

Pastoral Deputy Head, Miss Mahieu, presents prizes to Kitty and Harriet

The choir waits for the evening to begin

Mr Abbs conducts the Pink Ladies jazz band

Headmistress, Mrs Vivienne Durham

Head Girl Sophie and prize winner Riana

On Tuesday 2nd October 2012 we held the annual Prizegiving evening at the Queen Elizabeth Hall on the Southbank. The evening was led by the Deputy Chair of the FHS Governing Council, Mrs Alison Edelshain and included performances from the senior and junior choirs, individual pupils and the Pink Ladies jazz band. The academic and extra-curricular successes of the year were celebrated during the Prize-giving.


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Careers Evening I would like to thank all those parents and friends of FHS who gave up an evening in November to inspire girls from the senior year groups in the school by talking about their brilliant careers and their route to professional success. We had more than fifty consultants from all walks of life, from the forces to film directors, producers and designers, lawyers of all types, advertisers, specialists in digital media, economists, government advisers, investment bankers, HR and PR specialists. The girls are enormously lucky to have had such a wealth of professional expertise that made the evening a spectacular success. Mrs K Oakley Head of Careers

ESU Debating Success!

On Thursday 15th November Holly Fairgrieve and Lucy Streeten from the Upper Fifth took part in the first round of the ESU’s Mace Debating Competition for schools. The event was hosted at Francis Holland School and the other competing teams came from the American School in London, Portland Place School, and St. Marylebone. Holly and Lucy did fantastically well and won against the American school; debating over the difficult motion ‘This house would tie development aid to the enforcement of population control mechanisms’. This means that Francis Holland now progresses to the second round of the competition, which will take place in the New Year. Huge congratulations! Miss F Barton Head of Debating

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Sponsored Walk in Regent's Park On Thursday 4th October 2012 we held our annual sponsored walk. The entire school joined together to walk around Regent’s Park to raise money for the NSPCC. Teachers with long memories believed it was the driest walk in nine years, with absolutely no rain to ruin the day. Each year group enthusiastically dressed up in their designated fancy dress themes, and we saw not only superheroes and fairies, but also Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Thomas the Tank Engine and Robin Hood. Much to students’ delight even the teachers entered into the spirit of the day, with Mrs Rolfe Johnson and Mrs Oakley dressing up as Bill and Ben, the Flowerpot men! Everyone made a real effort, with some doing five laps of the route. Altogether the day was a great success with all the girls, their dogs and the teachers having a lot of fun for a very important cause. Miss J Farthing Head of Charity Help Fund Committee

Tweedle dum and Tweedle dee!

Lower Fourth setting the pace

Upper Fourth superheroes with their trusted sidekicks!

Eman, Bridget and Eleanor en route in Regent’s Park F r a n c i s

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Thirds bring fairy tales to life! ·

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Parents' Association News I don’t know where to begin thanking all those involved with our Christmas Fair on Saturday 17th November; it was a roaring success. So here goes: THANK YOU so much to all the volunteers, bakers, donors (Tombolas, Lucky Jars, Vintage/Classic/Designer clothing/ accessories etc), teachers, FHS office staff, caretakers, visitors to the Fair and by no means least, our girls!!!

Sophie and Caitlin browsing the stalls

Together we put on a warm, exciting and vibrant "welcome" to the happy Yuletide Season. The school was "jumping", the atmosphere electric and the goods to buy outstanding! For those who missed it, please come next year ... it’s such a happy event and everyone needs some cheer as the winter draws in. The approximate net total to date is about £4500 but the accurate figure will be published in the New Year. As you know, 50% of the final figure will be sent to the Teenage Cancer Trust and the balance distributed between the school charities. We have a few Christmas Puddings, jars of chutney/cranberry sauce and some of Steve’s amazing Christmas Cakes left – don’t miss the last opportunities to buy: firstly, on 6th December during the interval of Amadeus and, lastly, if there’s anything left, on 17th December after the Carol Service. Mrs S Silkstone Chair, Parents' Association

The Christmas fair in full swing!

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Vinisha, Christina and Ellen full of Christmas cheer!

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Harvest Festival at St Cyprian’s

Jessie, Caitlin, Kate and Willow with their scarecrow

Francis Holland’s long-standing tradition of celebrating Harvest Festival continued this year on 28th September, and took place in St Cyprian’s Church. The school rose to the occasion magnificently, with boxes overflowing with donations of food and clothing for the homeless. Following true Francis Holland tradition, the boxes were also decorated with innovative designs, Upper Fourth’s full-size scarecrow taking the prize for best decorated box! The weeks of

gathering food and clothes by the school culminated in a service by Father Beauchamp, who delivered an inspired sermon that reiterated the message of charity and thought for those less fortunate than ourselves. All donations have been sent to North London Action for the Homeless. Miss J Farthing Head of Charity Help Fund Committee

The RS Department visit the Central Hall, Westminster The Religious Studies department has enjoyed a busy and exciting Autumn Term, starting with the fifteen girls who are taking A Level Philosophy and Ethics visiting the Central Hall, Westminster. They had the great privilege of attending a lecture delivered by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams. The lecture focused upon ‘the person and the individual: human dignity, human relationships and human limits’. He was an inspirational public speaker and explored some exciting philosophical concepts. The girls were thrilled when they managed to meet him at the end of the event! On 14th November a group of Upper Fifth and Sixth Form girls attended a debate at Westminster Abbey to hear Professor Angie Hobbs and Professor John Milbank, both highly esteemed academics in their fields. They considered and debated whether faith and secularism can work together to shape our morality in a constantly changing society. It certainly gave the girls food for thought and created some interesting debate amongst ourselves. Miss J Farthing Head of RS Department

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Hannah, The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, Sasha, Harriet, Miss Hotchkiss, Mrs Bexon and Cora

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Annual Quondam lunch

It was wonderful to welcome such a large number of "Polished Corners" to school for the annual Quondam lunch on 3rd November 2012. Guests spanning the decades from the post-war years to the twentyfirst century enjoyed a convivial atmosphere aided considerably by a typically delicious lunch provided by school chef, Steve King. A special treat this year was a netball tournament master-minded by alumna Manuela Robson in liaison with Mrs Felicity Forde. Watched by husbands, children, familes and friends, teams of Eighties leavers threw themselves around the Regent's Park court as if they were still in the Thirds. Mrs Forde and Mrs Sue Drummond refereed and oversaw a victory for the class of 1989. After lunch, Quondam Chair, Alison Edelshain, paid a special tribute to Nadia Demetriou Ladas, Quondam co-ordinator, for her immense hard work in organising the event. "Polished Corners" from 1988 – 1990 enjoy a game of netball

Ms A Triccas Deputy Headmistress

Lunch in the School Hall

"Polished Corners" from 1986, 1988 and 1998 with Mrs Forde on the netball court

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FHS Sports Report The autumn term is definitely one of my favourite terms – its new beginnings, consolidation and finally, results starting to show. Our new Thirds epitomise this model and what a lively bunch they are too! In fact, all through the year groups this trend is healthy in all PE lessons. This enthusiasm runs over into our many sporting teams and we are enjoying increasing success as the consolidation continues. Our senior and intermediate netball teams have represented the school at the Middlesex Netball tournament this term, the U16 Netball team made it through to the next round for the National Schools tournament.The sports tour to Sri Lanka this term was an unbelievable experience (full report on middle page). Also at half term, the U13 and U14 Netball teams competed in the GSA tournament at Condover Hall in Shropshire. I would like to welcome a new member of the PE Department: Miss Anjeza Ahmagjoka is coaching the Gymnastics Squad in preparation for our forthcoming competitions and displays. Anjeza is with us on Mondays and Fridays for team practices. The new spring fixtures list can now be found online via the school website. Please do come along to the matches and cheer as loudly as you like! The Spring term is packed with many PE extra-curricular events; please make note a of them in your diaries, once your calendar arrives in the post. Miss J Tucker Head of PE Department

GSA Netball Tournament

U13 Netball team

This was the first ever netball tournament organised by Masterclass Sports for the GSA. The U13 and U14 teams played non-stop netball over the two days and their skills improved enormously. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and hope to return again next year! Mrs F Forde PE Department F r a n c i s

U14 netball in action! H o l l a n d

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Creative Writing Workshop On Saturday 3rd November 2012, Dr Sophie Breese led a workshop on creative writing to girls from the Upper Fourth to Upper Sixth. The workshop was completely voluntary, so we all enjoyed practising our writing without academic pressure. There was, however, a pressure of time which helped us to put ideas to paper and preventing us from over thinking anything. We were encouraged not to be shy about what we had written, no matter what, and we even wrote and read out the most clichéd poems that came into our heads; a highlight for everyone. We are grateful to Dr Breese who sent us all home with a short story and poem to work on and the right side of our brains reeling! Rebecca Kent (VIKFO)

Quondam Travel fund The deadline for applications is 24th February 2013 and more details about how to apply are on the school website at http://www.fhs-nw1.org. uk/alumni_quondam/Travel_Fund_ Entry_Rules.php

FHS Gymnasts On Sunday 25th November, three Lower Fifth students competed in the Carita House Gymnastics Competition at Lady Eleanor Holles School in Hampton. Ambre De Tourniel, Tilly Holt and Sasha Vanger combined to perform a trio routine as well as individual floor routines and vault. The girls have the honour of being the first students to represent our school at this comeptition. It was an enjoyable day and many thanks to Ani the gym coach for preparing the girls so well. We are very proud of our gymnasts.

Tickets cost £3 each for Francis Holland School students and £8 each for adults and all other students. Tickets may be obtained in one of three ways: 1: Email Ashleigh Robbie in the school office at admin@fhs-nw1.org.uk specifying your name, your daughter's name and form and the number and type of tickets you require. The total amount will be added to your termly bill. 2: Your daughter may buy tickets from Miss MacDonnell during short break or lunch time. 3: Buy tickets on the night but availability cannot be guaranteed. Tickets ordered in advance will be reserved at the door for you to collect on the night. We look forward to welcoming you to what will be a sparkling evening.

Mrs C Bain PE Department

Future Dates for your Diary

2nd Hand Uniform Sale

Tue 4th Dec

Lower Sixth parents’ evening ............................................................... 5:30pm

Wed 5th Dec School production of Amadeus in the hall ................................................ 7pm Thu 6th Dec

School production of Amadeus in the hall ................................................ 7pm

Fri 7th Dec

School production of Amadeus in the hall ................................................ 7pm

Mon 10th Dec Lower Fourth parents’ evening

Wed 12th Dec Lower Fourth parents’ evening

1 - 2pm Wednesday 30th January School Gymnasium 1 6

F rancis

(LIVJ and Andrews - Koenig LIVM) ................................................... 5:30pm

(LIVS and Lemos - Willis LIVM) ......................................................... 5:30pm

Mon 17th Dec Carol Service at St Cyprian’s church ................................................... 6:30pm

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