Fhs june 2012 newsletter

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Francis Holland School Newsletter June 2012 Ascension Day

From the Headmistress Dear Parents, As this goes to press, the laughter (and tears!!) generated by the leavers in their final assembly before study leave is fading into memory. Congratulations to India Owens in LIVS who was awarded the “persona grata” cup by the Head Girl’s team. We wish the Upper Sixth the very best of luck in their A level examinations and thank them for the exceptionally strong contribution they have made to all aspects of school life during their seven years at FHS. Particular thanks go to Rafaela Elliston (Head Girl), who led an outstanding Head Girl’s team: Megan Fletcher; Sophie Khan; Rebecca Lumley; Natasha O’Sullivan; Blair Paskin; Charlotte Prinsley and Natalia Riley. 2012 is set to be a significant year in our archives as well as in national history. A special week of morning school assemblies celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of HRH Queen Elizabeth II; a mug has been commissioned for pupils of the two FHS schools and we are supporting the street

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On the morning of the 17th May at our Ascension Day Service, The Right Rev’d Edward Holland ( Associate Bishop of London and retired Bishop in Europe) presided , assisted by Father Gerald Beauchamp (St Cyprian’s). The service included the baptism of Emma Caro and Madeleine Dunbar as well as their confirmation along with Amy Hobson, Willow Hellier-Watts, Lucinda Renney, Kate Gabriel and Alexandra Stephenson. This was a wonderful occasion, shared by the parents and relatives of the girls as well as the whole school. We congratulate the girls, and pray for them as they continue their Christian journey; many thanks to Mrs Bexon, who prepared the girls for their confirmation. After the service, the confirmands and their families joined the Bishop for coffee in the Gloucester Room, where they were presented with their Confirmation Certificates and a Bible, a gift from the school.

party, which will be held in Glentworth Street during the Bank Holiday weekend. FHS has been assigned free teacher and pupil tickets for several Olympic and Paralympic events this summer and the lucky recipients were decided via a raffle drawn at the end of a school assembly on one morning, earlier this term. During the summer holidays, several areas of the school will be re-decorated and refurbished. The

school office and the medical room will be re-developed. From Tuesday 26th June the school office will relocate temporarily to G3, a main form room opposite the School Hall. Invitations to the 2012 Prize-giving evening in the Queen Elizabeth Hall on the South Bank on Tuesday October 2nd are being sent to FHS parents. Many thanks to the Parents’ Association Committee for organising a lively and memorable Supper

Quiz earlier this term. Miss Gallagher will lead a swimming training trip to Cyprus during June half term, accompanied by Miss Tucker and Mrs Forde: we wish them sunshine and good luck for the training week. With best wishes for the Diamond Jubilee bank holiday,

Mrs V M Durham

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Staff News

Effort, Achievement & Contribution to School Spring Term 2012

Congratulations to Mrs Forbes (Head of Sixth Form) who will be an official driver for the Olympics during the summer!

Form Effort

Achievement Contribution


Angela Vasilev

Julia Casanova

Emily Jerjian


Aika Tahara

Amber McDonnell

Aisling Sheehan


Matilda Acton

Saffron Taylor


Natalia Ruhe

Daniela Garcia


Helena Mantafounis

Madeleine Harding Poppy Menzies Walker

Eleanor Bogle Caitlin Isaacs


India Owens

Cara Heppell

Maya Emberton


Habiba Peracha

Isabelle Shirley

Ambre de Tourniel


Seran Aksoy

Elisabetta Quacquarelli

Sasha Vanger


Matilda Holt

Sawyer Eaton

Sofia Girling


Giorgi Polydor

Athena Thrasyvoulou


Ruby Sam Russell

Sarah Kehoe


Ciara Bodicoat

Rachel Cowan


Zehra Khan

Tessa Sandford-Bondy

Nina Gharbi


Cleodora Fabian

Talia Glantz

Natasha Lucas

FHS continues to be a productive and expanding community!


Catherine Jones

Harriet Mallender

Jemma Mendoza

Congratulations to three colleagues who are currently on maternity leave; Mrs Chaimowitz (Head of Psychology) who gave birth to her daughter, Eliya, on 15 April 2012, Mrs Wright (Head of Biology) on the birth of her daughter, Eleanor, on 14 May 2012 and Mrs North (Head of Art) who gave birth to her son, George, on 20 May 2012.


Marisa Goldstein


Mansi Patel

Zoe Silkstone

Caitlin Keegan


Yasmine Benazha

Cornelia Pianim

Georgia Beeston


Meera Santiapillai

Stephanie Gunther

Grace Whitehead


Nicole Morrell

Anastasia Kinsky

Phoebe Brundle


Joanna Sandler

Tanya Robertson

Amber Rutterford


Lola Wallis

Sophie Khan

Blair Paskin


Katie Greenberg

Frederica Feely

Emma Roberts

Mrs Forbes in her Olympic uniform

Congratulations to Miss Farthing (Head of RS) who has been selected to review religious books for the School Librarian magazine.

Mrs Wright and Eleanor 2

Eliya Chaimowitz

Isabelle Comber Danah Cred Eleanor Hewetson

Roxaneh Afifi-Sabet Elizabeth Teplukhin

George Pip North J u n e

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Lambing at Black Ven Farm Girls from the Thirds to the Lower Sixth leapt at the chance to be included on the inaugural trip to Black Ven Farm, which was hosted by Francis Holland Governor, Miss Elizabeth Buchanan, who is a “polished corner” herself. The morning of April 17th dawned dark and grey, but this did nothing to dampen the spirits of the sixteen excited adventurers on their way to the organic farm near Nutley in Sussex. As the coach ventured south, the skies lightened and the sun began to make appearances between the clouds; by the time we arrived among idyllic green fields the weather had brightened to match our mood.

Ellen makes a new friend!

First stop was for freshly baked doughnuts in the cosy farmhouse kitchen, but it wasn’t long before all the girls were out in the barn, cuddling lambs and admiring Jumble the dog. This was, for a number of girls, their first visit to a farm, and it proved an unrivalled introduction. Miss Buchanan led the group round a full tour of the animals and pastoral land, providing inspiring and fascinating information as we went. Highlights for many included rescuing a lamb separated from its mother in a field, hunting for orchids in the woods and jumping in the muddiest of puddles. But throughout all of this was the sense of care that is embedded in the workings of this farm. It was an enlightening experience for many to see the other end of the story for many of the products they take for granted in everyday life.

Miss Hotchkiss finds her inner child

Our day at Black Ven Farm provided a delightful start to the summer term, and I would like to thank Miss Buchanan for providing such a wonderful opportunity. Miss M Lowes Acting Head of Biology Department

School Governor, Miss Elizabeth Buchanan, shows a lamb to the girls

MY BRILLIANT CAREER! Advance notice of our next biennial Careers Evening, this event will take place on Thursday 1st Novembr at 7.00pm. Guest experts from a wide range of career fields will be giving their time and insights. All girls from the Lower Fifth to the Upper Sixth and their parents are invited to come and find out what it takes to be a doctor, or an engineer, to work in television, digital media, marketing, music, PR, and even teaching! F r a n c i s

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Watch this space for further information in the autumn. I would love to hear from any FHS parents who are willing to share their career experiences with enthusiastic young future professionals on 1st November: please contact me on kate.oakley@fhs-nw1.org.uk. Mrs K Oakley Head of Careers p a r k


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History Department visit to National Portrait Gallery

Miss Barton points out some of the key features of Thomas Hawker's portrait of Charles II

The History Department took the whole of the Lower Fourth to the National Portrait Gallery for a superb lecture on ‘Portraits and the English Civil War’. The girls learnt, for instance, why English monarchs were always painted wearing their ‘royal garters’, why Charles was always painted next to a pillar or tree, and why Cromwell commissioned a painting ’warts and all’! Afterwards, the girls spent an hour visiting the galleries and putting their new knowledge to the test. Mr Clayton and Lower Fourth girls outside the National Portrait Gallery


It was a lovely way to spend a Monday morning, and I am sure that the girls would like to thank the teachers who accompanied them; Miss Barton, Mrs Francisco, Miss Shah, Miss Bain and Mrs Drummond. Mr H Clayton Head of History and Polictics Department

Mrs Francisco helps the girls analyse paintings from the collection

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he 2012 Francis Holland Summer concert took place for the first time in the elegant St John’s Wood Church, a beautiful space with an excellent acoustic that did justice to the many and various items performed on a pleasant May evening. The choirs were in full splendour as ever under the direction of Mrs Rolfe Johnson and Miss Taylor, singing lustily and sweetly by turn with the rich, characteristic sound that always astonishes listeners hearing it for the first time. The orchestra was also in fine fettle, giving a spirited rendition of the Finale of Haydn’s London Symphony, with its lovely melodies and sudden outbursts of energy. The String Orchestra gave us magnificent music by Handel, delivered at a cracking pace under the able direction of Catriona Parker.

Summer Concert at St John's Wood Church

There was also Jazz, of course, from the Pink Ladies ensemble, grown bigger and slicker year by year under the direction of Keith Abbs, and in a more intimate form from the Jazz Quartet. The Acoustic Group, recently formed and directed by members of the Sixth Form, also contributed to the popular genre with an arrangement of a Beatles song. But the evening was, as ever, the province of the girls who have reached their final year at the school, having given so much of their time, talent and enthusiasm in the service of Francis Holland. These performances were all of an astonishingly high standard, and a great credit to the girls, all well-chosen to suit their special talents and executed with confidence and panache. The audience went away once more entertained and greatly impressed with the variety and high standards of performance, and the leavers ready for new challenges and opportunities in the years to come. Mr P Thorne Music Department

Bethany playing the cello

The Pink Ladies in full swing! F r a n c i s

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History Trip to Ypres The Upper Fourth visited the battlefields of the First World War at the end of March, taking advantage of our lovely early summer. Travelling to Belgium by coach and ferry, we stopped first at the new Passchendaele Memorial Museum, where the girls experienced what it must have been like to live in a dug-out ten metres below ground. That evening in the hostel, we spent an hour or so discussing what we had found out in the museum, and generally sharing our thoughts about the war. Dr Rush read a particularly moving extract from Birdsong. The next day we headed into France; first to the beautiful Canadian Vimy Ridge Memorial and then on to the Somme. After a quick lunch at the Ulster Tower, we moved on to Newfoundland Park, one section of the front line where the trenches have been left undisturbed. Our final stop was at the awe-inspiring Thiepval Memorial, built to commemorate the lost in the Battle of the Somme; those soldiers who died but who have no known grave. The girls were visibly moved by the sheer scale of the place, and the endless columns engraved with

Issy, Rosie, Katie and Valerie reading grave records at Tyne Cot cemetery


the names. That evening we attended the Menin Gate Last Post Ceremony and then enjoyed some ‘R and R’ at the infamous chocolate shop in Ypres’ pretty market square. Our final morning was spent visiting the German cemetery in Langemark and the Allied cemetery at Tyne Cot, both of which made large impressions on the girls, though for very different reasons. After a quick visit to the Hooge Crater Museum, we headed for home, unfortunately arriving in Calais too late for our annual shopping spree in Cité Europe. Nonetheless, the trip was a great success, and I would like to thank my colleagues, who did a wonderful job helping me out; Miss Barton, Dr Rush, Mrs Forde, Mrs Grant and Miss Farthing. I would also like to praise the Upper Fourth, who were quite simply a delight to be with: on two occasions, members of the public commented on the girls’ thoughtful attitude and superb behaviour. Mr H Clayton Head of History and Politics Department

Amelia and Arisa in Tyne Cot cemetery

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French Department Trip to Normandy

At the beginning of the Easter holiday, Mrs Edwards, Miss Sénégas and eighteen girls from the Lower Fourth spent a most enjoyable and productive week in a French château in Normandy. Château de la Baudonnière is situated near to Arranches in the depths of the Normandy countryside, and it is an activity centre where only French is spoken.

Our girls rose to the challenge magnificently. Helped by sunny weather every day, girls undertook rock climbing, an assault course, and initiative exercises in the woods. In the evening there were quizzes, treasure hunts, a talent show and a fancy dress competition – all in French, of course! Mrs B Edwards Head of Modern Foreign Languages

La grande trouvaille avec François

À la ferme F r a n c i s

Mlle Sénégas adore les escargots! H o l l a n d

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Francis Holland Celebrates the Diamond Jubilee of HRH Queen Elizabeth II Francis Holland, Regent’s Park, which was founded in 1878, has a history of celebrating Jubilees, and 2012 is no exception! Pupils have been treated to a week of whole school assemblies about the Diamond Jubilee and HRH Queen Elizabeth II. The first assembly was led by Mrs Durham, who focused on the links between FHS in 1952 and the accession of HRH Queen Elizabeth II to the throne in 1952. Photographs showing the school in 1938 and 1952 from our own Francis Holland archives were shown by Mrs Durham. Ms Triccas, Deputy Head, provided girls with a comprehensive look at the history of Jubilees as we know them. The first modern Jubilee was celebrated in 1809 in honour of King George III’s fifty years on the throne. Since then we have celebrated Queen Victoria’s Silver, Golden and Diamond Jubilees, King George V’s Silver Jubilee and Queen Elizabeth II’s Silver, Golden and Diamond Jubilees!

The Queen was born Princess Elizabeth in 1926, the elder daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York who would become King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

Mr Clayton, Head of History, gave an entertaining insight into the constitutional position of Queen Elizabeth II in relation to the political role of our current Prime Minister. The FHS Diamond Jubilee in 1938 was marked by a special visit from HRH the Duchess of Kent. However, we are no strangers to royal visits, as a future queen, HRH the Duchess of York (the Queen Mother) presented prizes here in 1923.

On 6 February 1952, Princess Elizabeth acceded to the throne as Queen Elizabeth II. The coronation was held the following year on 2 June 1953 in Westminster Abbey.

We are delighted, therefore, to be able to share some of our own FHS history with the school as well as to mark this very special national occasion. The Queen celebrates 60 years as monarch in 2012

Mrs V McKinley Director of Communications

The school's Diamond Jubilee was marked by a special visit from Princess Marina, HRH the Duchess of Kent.

In 1952, Francis Holland's Headmistress was Miss Joslin.

Francis Holland pupils and staff in 1952


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Easter Concert at Harrow School

Elgar was a Wagnerian, and for many English music lovers in 1900 Wagner was still very difficult modern music. The modernity of Elgar’s writing in Dream of Gerontius was too much even for the experienced Birmingham Festival Choir, but not for the girls of Francis Holland! The work is based on the Cardinal Newman poem, and the choir’s participation is to follow the journey of Gerontius, enacting a group of demonsthand also singing the angelic hymn of praise Praise to the Holiest in the height. On March 27th nearly seventy members of FHS were involved

in a wonderful performance of this work at Harrow School. The girls were fantastic, and rarely have I heard even adult choirs sing it with such accuracy. Bright sounds, impeccable intonation and a real knowledge of this very difficult work were the order of the evening. Many hours of detailed rehearsals really paid off and I’m sure that the girls will know this work for ever, demons and all!

What a evening we had on 26 April atMrs the Quiz Night. Over 120 people Rolfe Johnson Members Director of Musicbuzzing with the clinking attended; our best yet, and the schoolDear Hall was of glasses, much chatter and amusement over the myriad of questions posed to us Association by Simon O’Hagan from the Independent newspaper. Our Parents' News own parent, Hugh Pym – many will know him from the BBC One News – What a evening we had on 26th April at the Quiz Night! Over 120 was a brilliant Ceremonies people attended; our bestMaster yet, and the of school Hall was buzzing and they both really kept us on our with the clinking of glasses, plus much chatter and amusement toes. over the myriad questions posed to us by Simon O’Hagan from the Independent newspaper. Our own parent, Hugh Pym – many will know him from the BBC One News – was a brilliant Master of Ceremonies, and they both really kept us on our toes.

With 3 staff tables the competition was fervent but we gave as good as With got. three staff tables the competition fervent but we we There was muchwasbantering between Mrs Durham’s table and Mrs gave as good as we got. There was much bantering between Triccas’ latter’s bywon one Mrs Durham’sand and Msthe Triccas’ table, andwon the latter’s by point; the place was jumping when one point; the place was jumping when Simon announced the Simon announced the results and Mrs Durham had just a little egg on her results, and Mrs Durham had just a little egg on her face … it was really a wonderful evening,aand a good time wasevening had by all. face…it was really wonderful and a good time was had by all. Hugh Pym, Sue Silkstone, Mrs Durham and Simon O'Hagan Seriously though, one of the most important reasons for hosting such events is to raise much needed funds for the chosen charities this year – St Amedeus School, Moshi in Tanzania and the FHS Summer Camp. I am thrilled to announce that the net profit for the Quiz Night was almost £7000 – the highest profit so far from one single event; THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!

Hugh Pym, Sue Silkstone, Mrs Durham

W a o p o w to

W w T S fa

important reasons for hosting such events and Simon O’Hagan for the chosen charities this year – St ania and thewhoFHS For those missed itSummer this year, we doCamp. hope you’ll getI inam early in 2013!! profit for the Quiz Night was almost £7000 Seriously though, one of the most importa Our next exciting happening will be on 7th November 2012 – the is to raise much needed funds for the one single THANK YOU ALL SOat AGM plusevent; very interesting speaker; details will be confirmed the beginning of next term. Then, of course, there’s the Christmas Amedeus School, Moshi in Tanzania an Fair on 17th November … so much to look forward to!! thrilled to announce that the nett profit fo Wishing you all a very happy summer. – the highest profit so far from one sin we do Mrs hope you’ll get in early in 2013!! S Silkstone MUCH!! Chair, FHS Parents’ Association Ms Triccas flushed with success th be on 71 0 November 2012 – the AGM and J u n e 2 0 1 2 will be confirmed at the beginning of next For those who missed it this year, we do th

GCSE Geography Fieldtrip While the UK experiences its first torrential rainfall whilst in a drought since 1976, the Geography Department took 39 Lower Fifth GCSE geographers to Castle Head Field Study Centre in the Lake District, to undertake fieldwork for their IGCSE Alternative to Coursework paper. We were blessed with sunny, but cold, weather and we spent time in the River Eea measuring the changes in channel variables, then we walked along the coast to measure beach profiles and the vegetation on a salt marsh. Our second day was spent investigating the impact of tourism in Lindale, a rural settlement, before walking up Orist Head to see the rather cloudy view of Lake Windermere. The girls ended the day with an hour sightseeing in Bowness-on-Windermere. My thanks go to Miss Sainty and Ms Bain for their support in accompanying the trip. Ms S Hack Head of Geography Department

Measuring the velocity of the stream using a hydro prop

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The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Congratulations to the following girls who received their Duke of Edinburgh Awards in March: Bronze Silver Laila El-Khazen Laila El-Khazen Srutti Suresan Yasmin Ng Vicky Higham Naylor Talia Glantz Francesca La Costa Julia Muccio

Silver News On the May Bank Holiday weekend, 18 girls walked 40km through the lovely countryside near Chelmsford as a part of their practice weekend for their Silver Award. Given the heavy rain of late, the group was lucky that the weather was kind and not too damp. The weekend was certainly a challenging yet fun experience, and many thanks to Miss Hotchkiss who accompanied the girls for the weekend. The assessment expedition is on the 29th June – 1st July 2012 in Chesham, and we wish all girls good luck. Bronze News To girls in the Upper Fourth who have signed up to participate in the Bronze Award this year a reminder that your compulsory training starts in June. These training dates are extremely important, as you will learn the skills required for your expeditions in September. All of the sessions listed below will be held in school from 4–6pm; if there is any reason you are unable to attend these dates you must see Miss Gallagher or Mrs Wood. The training dates for the Bronze Award are 12th and 19th June, 9th July and 11th and 20th September. Ms J Laytham Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator Central heating in the country

Time for a kit check!

The girls, enthusiastic and ready for a day's walking! 1 2

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Jack Taylor Easter Party On Friday 23rd March the Lower Fifth organised a wonderful Easter party for the Jack Taylor School, which provides a quality and exclusive education for pupils with severe learning difficulties. The event was a huge success, and everyone had a good time. This year the girls chose a marine theme, and the hall was decorated with a variety of sea creatures. Some of the Jack Taylor pupils spent a lot of time in the ‘colouring-in’ station while others danced. The Jack Taylor School staff were so impressed that they asked if some of them could stay to watch the dance competition, also in aid of their school, which raised £820. Various age-groups took part, but the winners were LIVJ with their performance of Glee. The money raised will be used to buy various types of equipment which help to exercise both sides of the brain, and therefore will make a huge difference to the lives of these youngsters with profound and multiple needs. Miss M Gustave Head of Lower Fifth

FHS girls with their friend from Jack Taylor

Inter-form Debating Competition This year’s Inter-form Debating Finals took place on the last day of the Spring Term. Tamsin Taylor and Emily Maguire of UIVS took on Zoe Silkstone and Numaira Choudhary of LVI ERJ for the motion ‘This house cannot prove that any of this is really happening’. The girls rose magnificently well to this challenging motion, looking into issues such as dreams, memory, and proof. The speeches showed confidence and humour, and succeeded in keeping the attention of a very packed and excitable hall – no mean feat on the last day of term! It was also lovely to see pupils from the Thirds right through to the Upper Sixth making some excellent points in the floor debate. We were pleased to welcome Lizzie Bauer, a former England squad debater, to adjudicate the debate. She awarded the traditional FHS ‘debating spoon’ to Tamsin and Emily. All the girls involved should be extremely proud of their achievement. Special congratulations to Tamsin and Emily, as it is rare for Lower School teams to win this prestigious award. Afterwards, Lizzie gave each of the girls some individual feedback, which will hopefully come in handy when they prepare their speeches for next year’s competition! Miss F Barton History Department

Central Young Enterprise

Young Enterprise

North London Area Innovation Awards: Monday 26 March 2012

to Vibe and Oxygen Central Congratulations North London Area Innovation Awardsfor surviving the perils of

Best Trade Stand at the Central North London Area Innovation a year in business and making a joint profit of £3664.22! With a Awards! Well done to both teams, who now have a wealth of revenue of £4567 from Jumpers and a net profit of £2399.22, experience and a considerable bank balance! Mondaytotal 26 March 2012 Oxygen were the most financially successful business in the Congratulations to VibeLondon and Oxygen surviving perilsofof£1265 a yearfrom in business Central North area! for Vibe made the a profit Missand A Mmaking Conway sales of of £3664.22! tie-dye T-Shirts and snoods, and won the award for Head of Economics Department joint profit

Young Enterprise Group: Vibe

Young Enterprise Group: Oxygen F r a n c i s

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Interform Netball Tournament 2012 The annual Interform Netball Tournament was held on Thursday 29th March. Team spirit was high, and forms were ready to hit the courts in the hope of securing the trophy as well as the all-important Olympic medal points for their form. Close games and well played netball were highlights on the day. Every form from the Thirds to the Upper Sixth submitted teams to compete in the tournament. Some outstanding netball was played in the brilliant sunshine, cheered on from the crowd, many of whom were dressed in their Olympic team colours. The Regent’s Park Tennis Centre almost resembled an Olympic venue; it was so alive with competition and colour! Even though it was a very warm day, each team played tirelessly in a number of matches against other forms in their year group. We had some of our closest results ever and congratulations must go to all of the girls who took part. Many thanks also to Miss Gallagher, Miss Withers, Miss Mahieu and Miss Tucker for umpiring all the matches and to all of the teachers who helped make the day a huge success. In all Olympic events there has to be a medal ceremony, and the results are: Thirds 1st Place = IIIS 2nd Place = IIIJ 3rd Place = IIIM

Lower Fifth 1st = LVP 2nd = LVT 3rd = LVF

Lower Fourth 1st = LIVS 2nd = LIVJ 3rd = LIVM

Upper Fifth 1st = UVC 2nd = UVH 3rd = UVP

Upper Fourth 1st = UIVM 2nd= UIVJ 3rd = UIVS

Sixth Form 1st = UVI ADM/RLR 2nd = LVI KO/ERJ 3rd = UVI AF/NG 4th = LVI AMC/SP

Staff V Sixth Form In this Olympic year it is really no surprise that Team Great Britain (the staff team) WON. Team GB are the staff and they were victorious - 7 goals to 4. So Lower Sixth had better start their training now! Best and fairest player awards from each year group were given to; Thirds - Minnie Kilgour Lower Fourth – Nicole Chretien Upper Fourth – Miranda Soskin Lower Fifth – Rosie Minderides Upper Fifth – Nina Gharbi Sixth Form – Issy Stone-Wilson

Thanks to both staff and girls for a fantastic afternoon of sport. I look forward to another exciting tournament next year! Miss J Laytham P E Department

LVP's Italian campaign

The Upper Sixth team

LVT play against LVP 1 4

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FHS Sports Report In biblical proportions, the rain came and tried to disrupt our summer – but to no avail, as we have managed to dodge the downpours and set ourselves up for a magnificently green Olympic summer. Our own FHS Olympics competition continues, and the noise produced in the playground this term has reached seismic magnitude. The Inter-form Football Tournament finals’ fever hit Francis Holland and was a great spectacle for all! Our fixtures have managed to start with a staggered entry, due to the slippery conditions, and wins have been plentiful. Summer term tennis coaching in lessons has worked well again this year, and the return to Rounders in class is always a hit. Girls should be reminded to bring along sunscreen, hat and bottled water – even when it’s cloudy, as being sun smart is extremely important! Looking back to the end of the Spring Term invokes strong and fond memories of the Interform Netball tournament and the FHS Mini Marathon, which were both hugely successful events. The Mini Marathon was the first of its kind here at Francis Holland, and with over 130 finishers it will undoubtedly be repeated in

years to come. Both of these competitions were part of the FHS Olympics, in which forms representing countries vie for glory. Sports Day is fast looming, so make sure all you parents clear your calendars for Tuesday, 10th July 2012 from 11am at the Hub in The Regent’s Park. It is a great afternoon, and a great time to see your daughters in action! We also have our Interform Swimming Gala on Monday, 9th July 2012; however, spectators are limited to students only due to space in the pool area. Also incorporated in the Interform Swimming Gala day will be the Upper Fourth and Lower Fifith Water Polo and Volleyball competitions, which were such a success last year. Important Summer PE dates to note: Mon 9 Jul Tue 10 Jul

Inter form Swimming Gala (+ Water Polo & Volleyball), School Pool Sports Day 11am start, Regent’s Park Hub

Miss J Tucker Head of P E Department

Mr Clayton starts off the mini marathon with the Thirds in hot pursuit!

Interform Football Tournament Finals The playground was transformed into an amphitheatre of noise and colour, especially for the lower school competitions. The small playing area lent itself well to fast and furious exchanges with considerable skill also being demonstrated. This tournament will definitely take place annually as it generated so much excitement, fun and frenzy! Amongst the mayhem of the competition the following players stood out: Mim Sandler Chadwick (Australia), Rosie Minderides (Italy), Lottie Bridgham (France), Alice Haine (Mexico) and Dani Dunkley (Canada) for their skill and composure under pressure. Our form winners are as follows: IIIM – Canada UIVJ – France UVC – Russia

LIVJ – Brazil LVF – Germany LVI AC/SP - Australia

Mr D Ward Head of Science & Football F r a n c i s

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Claudia on the ball with Lucy ready to pounce! S c h o o l


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Zoe Silkstone LVIERJ

Paperless mailings

A Literary Talk by Sir Christopher Ricks On Thursday 21st June, the hall of Francis Holland School will be filled with pupils from schools across London, eager to hear the afternoon’s eminent speaker, Sir Christopher Ricks. Described as “the greatest living critic”, he is Warren Professor of the Humanities and Co-Director of the Editorial Institute at Boston University, and prior to this was Professor of Poetry at Oxford University, so it is a rare privilege to be able to host a lecture by Sir Christopher, who will be discussing King Lear.

In order to minimise use of paper, and reach one of its environmental targets, FHS will be aiming to use email more frequently for routine mailings to parents. We will be using the Clarion Call system, which will keep your contact details private and secure. It is important,therefore, that we have accurate and up-to-date records of parents' email addresses and mobile numbers so that our communications systems work effectively.

We have Zoe Silkstone to thank for the organisation of this event. After reading Sir Christopher’s critical review of Seamus Heaney’s Death of a Naturalist (an AS English set text), Zoe was inspired to attend a poetry reading where he was speaking. She Sir Christopher Ricks introduced herself and invited him to speak at our school on his next visit to the UK. Happily he agreed! Well done Zoe!

Do please let us know if your contact details change. Letters to parents will also be available to view or download from our website www.fhs-nw1.org.uk and there will also be some copies available for girls to collect from the school office.

The talk will commence at 5pm and finish at 6pm with an opportunity for questions afterwards. Refreshments will be served in the library from 4:30pm. The talk will be highly relevant to anyone studying A level English, as King Lear is the A2 set Shakespeare play from September, but anyone with a love for literature is most welcome to attend. If you would like to reserve a seat for this event, then please email me at: emma.williams@fhs-nw1.org.uk, by the 1st June.

If you would prefer to be sent paper copies of mailings, please contact the school office manager, Ashleigh Robbie, on 020 7723 0176, or e-mail admin@fhs-nw1.org.uk.

Miss Williams Head of English and Drama

Summer Term Sixth Form Monday Lectures 2012

Swimmers go National! Two of the school's competitive swimmers, Olivia Willis and Charlotte Hogarth, have been selected to represent The English Schools Swimming Association (ESSA) London Division at the ESSA Inter-Divisional Championships. This competition is to be held from Friday 29th June to Sunday 1st July at the Liverpool Aquatics Centre, where they will compete against students from other schools across the country.

June 11th

University Admissions Day – all day

June 18th

Head Girl’s election speeches

June 25th

Media, Digital Media and Advertising, Mr Drayton

July 2nd

The impact of Globalisation “Studyindia”

July 9th

Gap Year talk – Project Trust

Future Dates for your Diary

It is an absolutely fantastic achievement to have been selected, and we wish them every success at the competition! Go girls!!

Tue 12 Jun

Lower Sixth outings with tutors ............................................................ 9am

Wed 20 Jun Pre-concert drinks for parents and staff in the library ....................... 6pm Junior Concert in St Cyprian's Church ........................................... 6:30pm

Miss K Gallagher PE Department

Art Exhibitions

Thu 21 Jun

Lower Fifth Italian drama workshop by Legal Aliens in the Gloucester Room .............................................. 4pm

Tue 26 Jun

Parents’ prayer group in the Gloucester Room ............................... 8:30am

Thu 28 Jun

Sixth Form induction day for Upper Fifth ......................................... 10am

All parents and pupils are warmly invited to the GCSE and A level Art exhibitions, held from 5:30 until 7:30pm in the Art rooms, on 14th and 25th June respectively.

Fri 29 Jun

Second-hand uniform sale in the gym ................................................. 2pm

Wed 4 Jul

Junior drama plays (Thirds and Lower Fourth) in the school hall 6pm

Thu 5 Jul

Junior drama plays (Thirds and Lower Fourth) in the school hall 6pm

Miss J Orr Acting Head of Art Department

Tue 10 Jul

Sports day in Regent’s Park ................................................. midday - 4pm all parents are welcome to attend

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