Fhs june 2014 newsletter

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Francis Holland School Newsletter June 2014 Olympic Gold Medallist Rebecca Adlington to visit FHS

From the Headmistress Dear Parents, The GCSE and A level season has arrived and we wish girls every success in their public examinations this term. We are delighted to be hosting Fr Furaha, Headmaster of our sponsor school, St Amedeus in Moshi, Tanzania, for a two-week visit to London after half term. Fr Furaha will speak in assembly and talk to classes, during his visit. The Upper Sixth Leavers’ Evening, which is always a wonderfully happy and nostalgic valedictory event for parents, girls and staff, will be held on Tuesday 1st July. I would like to thank the Upper Sixth Head Girl’s Team for the huge amount they have contributed to school life, since they were elected last summer. The Head Girl, Rebecca Harding, and the Head Girl’s Team: Molly Carl, Hannah El Gazzar, Talia Glantz, Sasha Khan, Harriet Mallender, Sarah Mohammed and Kirsty Pym, have led everything from School Council meetings to charity events, with enthusiasm and efficiency. Sincere thanks to Mrs Laurel Rafter and all members of the Parents’ Association Committee for organising such a hugely enjoyable Supper Quiz Evening at the beginning of this term. Quizmaster Simon O’ Hagan dashed from his day job at The Independent to join Hugh Pym, who had again kindly agreed to compere the evening. Volunteers from the Upper Fourth and Lower Fifth impressed everyone with F r a n c i s

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On Monday 16th June, FHS will welcome Olympic gold medallist Rebecca Adlington. Britain’s most successful swimmer will be giving a talk followed by a swimming lesson to pupils. We greatly look forward to her visit. their excellent waiter-service. Thanks to the generosity of parents, the raffle and silent auction raised several thousand pounds for the Parents’ Association’s three designated charities this year. I look forward to seeing many of you at the plethora of extra-curricular events in the second half of this term, especially the Junior Concert on Tuesday 17th June; the Junior Drama Plays on 26th and 27th June; the annual Lower Fourth Science Fair on Monday 30th June and Sports Day in Regent's Park on Wednesday 2nd July. Full details of these and all extra-curricular events can be found in the calendar on the school website.

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On Thursday 11th and Friday 12th September there will be two very special evening performances in aid of SAAFA, the forces charity, entitled FHS Remembers WW1. A talented team, led by Mr Adrian Smith, Miss Clare MacDonnell, Mrs Felicity Forde, Mr Harry Clayton, Miss Emma Williams, Mrs Kath Whiteman and Mr Robert Patterson, have compiled a remarkable programme of music, poetry and history. The evening will include unique FHS archival material from the early war years. Tickets will be available later this term.

Mrs V M Durham

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Staff News We offer our congratulations to Mrs Kirsty Lombard who has been promoted to Head of PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) from September 2014. Mrs Lombard succeeds Miss Langley in this role.

Mrs Kirsty Lombard

We welcome Mrs Sally Kenyon, who has been appointed as Music Teacher (maternity cover). Mrs Kenyon joins us from Lancing College.

Summer Term 2014 Form Captains Games Captains Cleo Coleman IIIJ Kalliopi Hadjipateras Avery Sarrail IIIM Alicia Regis Mattie Owencroft IIIS Emilia Upton Alice Bartholomew LIVJ Anna Clayton Riana Modi LIVM Hannah Barlay Laura Phasouliotis LIVS Kitty Gilbey Holly Anness-Bradshaw UIVJ Ruby Lowsley-Williams Andie MacArthur UIVM Clarice Willis Saffron Taylor UIVS Helena Mantafounis Poppy Menzies Walker LVB Nicole Chretien Amy Rostas LVH Emma Mead Maya Emberton LVP Aditi Bhandari

Congratulations! Congratulations to Sophia Charap and Claudia French in the Lower Fifth who have been selected for the National Youth Theatre.

Mrs Sally Kenyon

Lower Sixth work experience exchange in Berlin

We offer congratulations to Mrs Maggie Watson and her husband Michael on the birth of their first baby Jemima on Friday 16th May 2014.

Mrs Watson and Jemima


Along with pupils from Latymer Upper School, Cordelia Nagle in the Lower Sixth participated in a work experience exchange with the "Canisius Kolleg" in Berlin during the Easter holidays. Cordelia gained valuable experience at the gallery "Haus am Waldsee" which displays International Art from Berlin. One of her tasks included being part of the production team for a brochure for the upcoming "Biennale"; one of the most important art exhibitions in Germany. Cordelia stayed with a German family and she is looking forward to hosting her German exchange student in the summer.

Cordelia on work experience in Berlin

Mr Rene Diesel German Department J u n e

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FHS unveils new school plaque

Friends and colleagues were delighted to welcome back Miss Jo Green, who retired in August 2013 as Academic Deputy Head, to unveil the plaque which she has commissioned and donated to the school on Friday 2nd May. The engraved glass plaque is a representation of the school crest and can be found opposite the staff room.

Former Academic Deputy Head Miss Jo Green

Summer Concert in St John’s Wood Church

The rain did not dampen a wonderful evening of music making at St John’s Wood Church, with a variety of solos, duets, quartets, ensembles and choirs performing everything from Mozart to Paul Simon. The evening concluded with the Upper Sixth singing an ABBA medley from memory and they received justified rapturous applause from the audience. Mr Robert Patterson Director of Music

The Upper Sixth perform a medley from ABBA F r a n c i s

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Model United Nations 2014 Francis Holland’s annual Model United Nations took place this year on Saturday 22nd March. The MUN allows students in the Lower and Upper Fifth to take part in a prestigious event which, whilst being a lot of fun, is also highly relevant to understanding and debating the most salient matters in global politics and current affairs. The participants were determined to give voice to their resolutions and amendments, and by the afternoon there was animated discussion about many important world issues such as Russian foreign policy, overpopulation, and women’s rights around the world. Many of the Lower Sixth took part and huge thanks to them for making the day a success by running around delivering messages between committees and delegates, and working flat-out in the press room, to produce an entertaining hourly update of the conference in their newsletter, edited by Ruby MacGregor of the Lower Fifth. Well done to Lucy Streeten, Georgia Morris, Flo Hastings and Natasha Waddell for their faultless organisation of the day. Thanks also to my colleagues, Miss Barton and Miss Lewis who helped oversee this worthwhile event. We eagerly look forward to next year’s MUN conference at FHS. Mr Harry Clayton Head of History Department

Inter-form Debating Competition Final The final of the Inter-form Debating Competition took place on the last day of the Spring Term. There had been some fantastic debates in the rounds, with motions on topics ranging from added sugar, to the right to strike, to designer babies! In the final, Emily Maguire and Lizzie Quacquarelli of the Upper Fifth took on Lower Sixth pupils Cordelia Nagle and Lucy Streeten, debating the motion This house believes that Britain remains a classbased society. All four girls spoke brilliantly and coped extremely well with the daunting task of speaking in front of the whole school. It was close, but on account of their arguments and strong closing speech, the debate was given to Cordelia and Lucy, who had opposed the motion. Lucy and Emily were named as best speakers. Many members of the school from the Thirds upwards also enjoyed taking part in the floor debate. We were very grateful to Judy Piercy, the Deputy Head of Francis Holland Sloane Square, who came to judge the debate. Thanks also go to Alisha Mukherjee and Tilly Ruback who chaired the debate. Congratulations to all girls who took part; and Cordelia and Lucy in particular! Ms Flora Barton History Department

Former FHS Regent's Park teacher, Mrs Judy Piercy, with finalists Lucy, Cordelia, Lizzie and Emily


Lizzie competes in the Debating final

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Lower Sixth teams excel at London Young Enterprise Competition Congratulations to INVERSE and Elemento who made it through to the second round of the Young Enterprise Competition. The event was held at the international law firm Berwin Leighton Paisner in London Bridge on Tuesday 6th May. The girls really enjoyed the experience and both gave fantastic business pitches! This has been an extremely successful year for Francis Holland’s Young Enterprise teams. End of Year accounts confirm combined profits in excess of one thousand pounds. Both teams have exciting plans to take their businesses forward with an exciting new range of T-Shirts and reversible clothing. I wish them every success in their endeavours! Miss Ann-Marie Conway Head of Economics Department

Rim, Barbara and Lorena talking to one of the judges

Young Enterprise Team INVERSE

Lower Sixth Theatre Studies performance of Jane Eyre On 9th May 2014, the Lower Sixth Theatre Studies group performed Jane Eyre in the school hall. The play was based on Bronte’s novel and written for Shared Experience by Polly Teale, as a five-hander for our talented Lower Sixth Theatre Studies Group. The girls took to it immediately, fascinated by the idea of presenting Bertha as Jane’s alter ego, the passionate self she learns to repress at Lowood, and then learns to love when she encounters Rochester. The piece is fast-paced and semi-naturalistic, semi-Brechtian, with a clear feminist agenda. At its core is Jane Eyre’s passionate plea for opportunities for the intelligent middle-class woman: “women feel just as men feel; they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts, as much as their brothers do; they suffer from too rigid a restraint, too absolute a stagnation, precisely as men would suffer; and it is narrowminded in their more privileged fellowcreatures to say that they ought to confine themselves to making puddings and knitting stockings, to playing on the piano and embroidering bags.”

Lorena and Nancy

Congratulations to Danah Cred, Rim Douba, Flo Hastings, Lorena Levi and Nancy Paul for a polished and moving performance. Mrs Kate Oakley English Department Florence as Jayne Eyre F r a n c i s

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Trip to Black Ven Farm Once again, a lucky group of girls celebrated the last of the Easter holidays with a wonderful trip to Black Ven Farm, near Nutley in Sussex. Accompanied by Miss Lowes and Mrs Forde, the girls were introduced to the delights of this beautiful organic farm by its owner, Francis Holland Governor and "Polished Corner", Miss Elizabeth Buchanan. We were fortunate this year that our trip coincided with a visit from the local vet, coming to tend to a number of Sussex cattle at the farm. This was fascinating, and also provided the older students with an opportunity to assist and discuss ideas with a practising veterinarian. This was followed by the ever-popular lamb-cuddling session and a sunny walk around the fields to meet some of the Black Ven Farm’s most characterful residents. After lunch, the girls enjoyed leaping into muddy puddles in the stunning bluebell woods, and ended the day happy but almost unrecognisable under a thick coating of mud. I would like to thank Miss Buchanan, who was a spectacular host, providing doughnuts and teacakes alongside her detailed knowledge and infectious enthusiasm for the farm that she loves. Miss Magda Lowes Head of Biology Department

!Anastasia had a little lamb!

Governor Miss Buchanan with the students

Sixth Form Psychology Trip The Psychology Department were thrilled to have tickets to see one of the most distinguished living psychologists, Philip Zimbardo. The students had studied his famous and controversial Stanford Prison Experiment. It was inspiring to hear him talk about his new focus the Heroic Imagination Project. Zimbardo’s aim is to understand the nature of everyday heroism and the psychology of personal and social growth. We also had the privilege of hearing Professor David Wilson speak about his experience with criminals and some of the misconceptions of why people commit crimes. It was a thoroughly worthwhile day and the students were enthused about the many different fields in Psychology. I would like to thank Mrs Wynne for accompanying the trip. World renowned psychologist Dr Philip Zimbardo


Miss Harry Langley Head of Psychology Department

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GCSE Lower Fifth Geography trip to the Lake District

Maddy checks me


The Lower Fifth went to the Lake District after Easter to undertake fieldwork skills for their Geography IGCSE. We spent a rather rainy day taking measurements of rivers, slopes, a salt marsh and a beach profile. The next day, the weather cheered up and we enjoyed stunning views over Lake Windermere and an afternoon studying the impact of tourism in Bowness. My thanks to the girls for their excellent behaviour and to Miss Hallett and Miss Bain for their help and support.

Alice, Kate, Jessie and Ella measure the velocity of the stream with a hydro prop F r a n c i s

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Ms Sarah Hack Head of Geography Department p a r k

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Lower Fifth Charity Fashion Show On Friday 28th March the Lower Fifth organised a Fashion Show which featured girls from each year group. They modelled styles from different decades as well as a teachers team which represented the 1980s. The show was a huge success and all the proceeds, over £700, will go to the Pigs4Kids campaign set up to support Swiss Cottage School, which provides a quality and exclusive education for pupils with severe learning difficulties. The money raised will enable them to buy new iPads for the benefit of some of these youngsters. The event was enjoyed by everyone. Ms Marjorie Gustave Head of Lower Fifth

Groovy movers

Thirds enjoy the charity fashion show Alice and Anna strike a pose at the charity fashion show

Parents’ Association News

Supper Quiz Evening and Silent Auction

Quizmasters Mr Pym and Mr O'Hagan with two of the winning parents

For the third year in a row, the Parents’ Association hosted a Supper Quiz Evening and Silent Auction to raise funds for our chosen charities, Swiss Cottage Specialist School, the FHS Summer Camp and St Amedeus School in Tanzania. Simon O’Hagan of The Independent was superb acting again as the quizmaster. He tested us on topics ranging from Twitter bios to arcane record labels from the seventies. Hugh Pym kept everything under control, scoring the quiz sheets and stamping out any smartphone-based cheating.

other parents was that this meant that the teachers did not win yet again. Steve King the school chef produced an excellent dinner, which was served by the Upper Fourth and Lower Fifth girls. The evening ended up raising over £10,000.

One table astounded all the others with their knowledge across so many topics and won comfortably. The only pleasure for the

Mrs Laurel Rafter Chair, Parents’ Association


We invite all parents to join us with their daughters for the first annual Tennis Hit&Giggle and Barbeque Event on Friday 6th June from 4pm to 8pm at Regent's Park Tennis Centre. We hope that post-exams this will be a great way to finish the week. See you there!

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Easter Classics Trip to Sicily Our Classics Department Tour of Sicily took place during the Easter holidays from 8th-12th April, led by Mrs Packford, Mrs Wood and Ms Farthing. Sicily is such a fascinating destination for all Classicists, as being such a fertile and conveniently located island, it was an important to both the Greek and Roman empires, and was inhabited by a variety of different colonies. The girls were therefore able to experience the art, architecture and history of both of these cultures, which provided an exciting and detailed backdrop to their study of Latin, Greek and Classical Civilisation in the Upper Fourth and at GCSE. As we stayed

Chiara, Ruby, Aditi and Mrs Wood at the temples F r a n c i s

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in three different cities over the course of the five days, we packed a lot of historical sites into our visit, including the amazing temples at Segesta, Selinunte and the Valley of Temples, the beautifully preserved baths complex and series of mosaics at a Roman villa at the Piazza Armerina, and the stunning Greek theatre at Taormina. The beauty and interest of our surroundings was enhanced by the wonderful weather (and hence plenty of gelati!) we experienced throughout the week. Mrs Hana Packford Head of Classics Department

Posing at the Valley of Temples 路

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FHS Mini Marathon

The Lower Fourth take off

In perfect conditions, this year’s FHS Mini Marathon was a thoroughly enjoyable and successful event in Regent’s Park. The three kilometre course tested the fitness of our finest runners and the general public definitely knew that FHS had arrived in the park! Many thanks to the whole of the Sixth Form for their help on the day and to the Staff who helped as well.

Winners from each of the year groups are: Thirds – Amelia Carney Lower Fourth – Ella Roeser Upper Fourth – Jessie Weller Lower Fifth – Cara Heppell Upper Fifth – Millie Williams Sixth Form – Helena Hains Ella was also the fastest in the school! Ms Jane Tucker Head of PE Department

Sprinting to

the finish!

Duke of Edinburgh News

Over the May Bank Holiday weekend, 20 girls from the Lower Fifth walked approximately 40km through the lovely countryside of Chelmsford as a part of their practise weekend for their Silver Award. The weather was superb and the group enjoyed the challenging yet fun experience.

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A BIG thanks to Miss Hotchkiss for accompanying the girls over the weekend! Mrs Kirsty Lombard Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator

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Summer Term Sports Report It is hard to remember back to the bleak days of last term, but they do conjure fond memories of the Inter-form Netball tournament and the spectacular winning form of the staff against the Sixth Form.

Hub in Regent’s Park. It is a great day and a great time to see your daughters in action! We also have our Inter-form Swimming Gala on Tuesday 1st July 2014, however spectators are limited to students only due to space in the pool area. Also incorporated into the Inter-form Swimming Gala day will be the UIV and LV Water Polo and Volleyball competitions which now have a firm place in the FHS sporting calendar.

Sports Day is on the horizon, so make sure all you parents clear your calendars for Wednesday, 2nd July 2014 from 11am at the

Ms Jane Tucker Head of PE Department

The summer is here! Fixtures have started, Tennis coaching has begun and the sun is trying its best to shine. Rounders club is back on a Friday – so sign up for a lunchtime of fun.

Inter-form Netball Tournament in Regent's Park

The 2014 Inter-form Netball Tournaments winners; Thirds – IIIM Lower Fourths – LIVS Upper Fourth – UIVJ Lower Fifth – LVP Upper Fifth – UVC Sixth Form – VIAM Sixth Form v Staff – Staff!

The anticipation and excitement before the Inter-form Netball Tournament never fails to disappoint – and this year’s tournament was an absolute cracker! The weather was perfect and the girls were definitely up for a fight. Well done and thanks to all of the teams, staff and girls!

Best and Fairest players of the Netball Tournament: Thirds – Tyger Ritblat Lower Fourth – Hannah Barlay Upper Fourth – Clarice Willis Lower Fifth – Jessie Clayton Upper Fifth – Lizzie Quacquarelli Sixth Form – Cora Catford Staff – Miss Hallett

The staff netball team!

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Alex Bellos launches his new book at our "local" book store

UK Linguistics Olympiad

Last term we attended the launch of Mr Alex Bellos' Alex through the Looking Glass​ at Daunt Books in Marylebone. Mr Bellos delivered a thoroughly entertaining talk on how Life Reflects Numbers and Numbers Reflect Life with chart topping news about our top ten favourite numbers and the frankly bizarre reasoning that ordinary folk use to explain their choices — we love seven because it is unique and reflects our uniqueness; it’s the world’s favourite number, lucky 7 indeed. For the nonmathematicians among us the book opens a small window on that fascinating world of pure Mathematics.


‘HIT AND GIGGLE’ TENNIS This year, four girls competed in the UK BASH & atBBQ Linguistics Olympiad Intermediate Level: Riana Modi, Claudia Prettejohn, Aditi BhandariFRIDAY and Ruby MacGregor. JUNE 6TH 4PM – 8PM This is an extremely challenging REGENT’Swhich PARK TENNIS competition tests CENTRE linguistic Inner circle, Regent’s Park aptitude and independent thinking, and

all four girls are to be congratulated on

All are welcome to attend – bring your whole family for an afternoon of fun and their –excellent results the competition. entertainment whether you’re havingin a hit or not (all abilities catered for). A bar will open from 4.30 and the They had to decipher scripts and linguistic BBQ fires up at 5.30pm for one of Steve’s gourmet burgers!

Copies of the new book can be found in the school library. Mrs Anjali Martin Head of Mathematics Department


features of languages as wide-ranging as Mokilese, anddetails Kairak. done! Rsvp Turkish and payment by Well emailing: PA@fhs-nw1.org.uk by Monday, 2 nd June

Mrs Claire Wood £10 per personDepartment inc. BBQ, Court hire, Racquet hire & balls Classics

Ruby and Katia with Mr Bellos who was thrilled to hear of the popularity of his book in our school library

In aid of: Swiss Cottage School, St Amedeus School, FHS Summer Camp

Francis Holland Parents' Association

London Marathon

invites you to our first annual

Parent / Daughter "Hit and Giggle" Tennis Bash & BBQ

Friday 6th June 4-8pm Regent's Park Tennis Centre, Inner Circle, Regent's Park All are welcome to attend – bring your whole family for an afternoon of fun and entertainment – whether you’re having a hit or not (all abilities catered for). A bar will open from 4:30 and the BBQ fires up at 5:30pm for one of Steve’s gourmet burgers! RSVP and payment details by emailing PA@fhs-nw1.org.uk by 2nd June Tickets £10 per person including BBQ, court hire, racquet hire and balls In aid of Swiss Cottage School, St Amedeus School, FHS Summer Camp

Ella strides through her leg of the 2014 London Marathon.

Future Dates for your Diary

Second Hand Uniform Sale

Fri 6th Jun

Parents' Prayer Group ........................................................................ 9-10am

Fri 13th Jun

Thirds day trip to France ................................................................ 7am-9pm

Tue 17th Jun

Junior Concert in St Cyprian's Church ............................................. 6:30pm

Sun 22nd Jun Upper Fourth leave for Knapp House ................................................. noon Thu 26th Jun Junior Drama Play in the Hall (preceded by drinks in the library) 6pm Fri 27th Jun

Junior Drama Play in the Hall (preceded by drinks in the library) 6pm

Sun 29th Jun Senior Choir perform Carmina Burana with the

3pm Tuesday 24th June School Gymnasium 1 2

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Sloane Square Choral Society at Holy Trinity, Sloane Square ........... 7pm

Tue 1st Jul

Inter-form Swimming Gala ............................................................ 9am-4pm

Tue 1st Jul

Head Girl's Team lunch for form captains and their deputies ... 12:50pm

Wed 2nd Jul

Sports Day in Regent's Park (parents welcome to attend) ........... 12-4pm

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