Francis Holland School Newsletter September 2013 History trip to Vietnam and Cambodia
From the Headmistress Dear Parents, The new academic year has got off to a flying start and the new Thirds have impressed everyone by finding their feet so quickly. In accordance with tradition, in the first assembly of term, Sophie Watson (Head Girl 2012/3) presented the antique Head Girl’s badge to Rebeccca Harding, who is this year’s Head Girl. As you will read in this newsletter, Summer Camp 2013, in late July, was a huge success. What words and pictures cannot convey is the energy, good humour and personal commitment of the FHS students and staff involved. Without doubt, the children from Westminster, all of whom are in foster care, had a holiday they will never forget. My thanks to Mr Chiverton for masterminding Summer Camp – and above all, to Mr Smith who led the whole week. Dr Cardoso, Miss Farthing, Miss Lowes and Ms MacDonnell all devoted days from their summer holiday to this most worthwhile of charitable endeavours.
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On the first day of summer holidays, twelve girls from the Lower and Upper Fifth, accompanied by Mme Senegas, Miss Barton and myself delved into the mesmerising chaos and beauty of Vietnam and Cambodia. The full report can be found on page five. Mr H Clayton Head of History Department As you will read on page three, public examinations results this summer were some of the best ever achieved at FHS – a fitting legacy for Miss Jo Green, who retired this summer as Academic Deputy Head, having worked at FHS since 1977. Many congratulations to the Upper Sixth who achieved outstanding results and achieved places at their chosen universities. During the summer holidays, Mr Clayton led
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a memorable History trip for senior students to Vietnam and Cambodia, accompanied by Miss Barton and Mme Senegas. In mid July, Mr Gridelli and Ms Conway took a group of Hispanists to Salamanca, combining language lessons in the morning with sightseeing for the remainder of the day. Miss Laytham’s immaculate organisation ensured the success of the Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award expeditions (practice and
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assessed) which took place this summer. There are many school events this term, details of which are in the school calendar and can be found on the school website w w w. f h s - n w 1 . o r g . u k . I look forward to seeing many of you at our annual Prize-giving evening at the Queen Elizabeth Hall on Tuesday 1st October.
Mrs V M Durham
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Staff News We welcomed several new colleagues this term. New to the Senior Leadership Team are the Deputy Head, Mrs Kath Whiteman, who was previously Deputy Head at Christ's College, Finchley, and to the new Academic Deputy Head, Miss Jacqueline Zugg, who joins us from North London Collegiate School.
Deputy Head Mrs Kath Whiteman
Autumn Term 2013
Form Captains
Games Captains
Rosie Morris
Antonia Wolf LIVM Ella Sprosta
Gabby Rapp
Ella Roeser
Fatma Hammad
Emilia Kalff
Rae Farrow
Andie Macarthur UIVM Marita Andrews
Peyton Sarrail UIVS Saffron Taylor
Martha Barron
Alice Haine
Rose Brookfield
Lucy Minderides
Claudia French
Jessie Clayton
Georgia Young
Tilly Holt
Ambre de Tourniel
Asia Nicoletti
Sawyer Eaton
UVH Jess Tuli
Academic Deputy Head Miss Jacqueline Zugg
We also like to extend a warm welcome to: Miss Kristina Lewis History department Dr Francesa De Bono English department Mrs Alice Montgomery History of Art department Ms Penny Freely Geography department Mr Geoff Wood Facilities Manager Mr Toks Oladuti Director of IT for the Francis Holland Schools' Trust
At the National Tatler Awards in early September, Mrs Durham was the only woman shortlisted for "Best Head of a Public School". It is the second time she has been nominated for an award; in 2007, she was shortlisted for "Best Headmistress of a Public School". Mrs Durham said, "It is a great honour to be nominated as Best Head of a Public School, but the credit is due to the extraordinary commitment and hard work of staff at FHS."
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Jumping for joy! Congratulations to the Sixth Form leavers who attained spectacular A level results. Francis Holland students achieved a 5% increase in A* grades this year, and 57% of examination papers secured the highest grades at A level. We are extremely proud of our hard working Sixth Formers; through their dedication onethird of our students achieved at least three A grades. Mrs A Francisco Head of Sixth Form
Spanish Trip to Salamanca
Enjoying the Spanish weather
At the beginning of the Summer holidays, a group of Upper Fourth, Lower Fifth and Lower Sixth students went to Salamanca, Spain, with Miss Conway and myself. The girls attended lessons for a total of six hours over two days at a local languages school. As part of our cultural visits, the girls were given a guided tour of Salamanca and visited the Prado museum in Madrid. They also took part in numerous activities including an excursion to the nearby town of Zamora, a paella making course, a Flamenco lesson and, of course, lots of food tasting. The girls proved to be excellent linguists and enjoyed their time in Spain and we, the staff, were absolutely impressed by the girls’ enthusiasm and behaviour. Mr N Gridelli Head of Italian and Spanish Department
Showing off their course certificates
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Summer Camp 2013 This was the seventh FHS Summer Camp, concocted to the same happy formula as always: senior pupils from FHS, "Looked After Children" from Westminster, a brilliant team of social workers from Westminster, and staff from FHS. The objectives are several: to extend our pupils’ vision beyond school; to make a real difference to the lives of youngsters in need through challenge and friendship; and to give our time and talents for the good of many. Sayers Croft is the ideal environment: it’s a Grade 2 listed complex of huts and buildings, originally built to house an entire boys’ school, evacuated from Catford during the Blitz. Add to this fifty acres of fields and ancient woodland, rope courses, orienteering, shelter building, campfires, barbecues and an outdoor pool, and you have a place where young people thrive. Many thanks to our girls, who excelled in their energy, tact and ability to deal with situations. As a result, the Looked After Children had a wonderful week, full of learning and fun. Thanks also to the staff who came this year: Miss Lowes, Miss Farthing, Dr Cardoso and Ms MacDonnell.
Check, mate!
Mr A Smith Summer Camp Leader
Lending a helping-hand
Relaxing by the fire
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History Trip to Vietnam and Cambodia
Taking a tour on Ha-long Bay
In Hanoi
Admiring the view
For ten days in early July, twelve girls from the Lower and Upper Fifth, together with Mme Senegas, Miss Barton and Mr Clayton, delved into the mesmerising chaos and beauty of Vietnam and Cambodia. There were too many highlights to describe here, but we all loved staying in the Old French Quarter of Hanoi with its sidewalk cafés and elegant colonial French mansions, where simply crossing the road was an art form. We relaxed on a yacht in magical Ha-long Bay, some of us eating fresh seafood caught that day; we visited the museums and tunnel of Vietnam’s unforgotten and allpervasive war; we shopped in Phnom Penh’s bustling markets; F r a n c i s
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we were thrilled with our visits to the amazing Angkor Wat temple complex, and of course we were deeply moved by our trip to the Killing Fields of Cambodia, and the horrors of Pol Pot’s regime. Everyone of us has our own favourite moments, but we all agree that Vietnam and Cambodia are both unbelievably beautiful and fascinating, and that these words barely scratch the surface of our experience there. Mr H Clayton Head of History Department
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Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Congratulations to four Sixth Form students who set off to successfully complete their expeditions for the Gold Level of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. The girls were fortunate to complete both the practise expedition in the Peak District in July, and the assessment expedition in North Wales during the last week of August with great weather. The participants, Kiki Biggs, Jade De Tourniel, Talia Glantz and Srutti Suresan, must be congratulated for their tremendous
efforts. Well done, girls! The Bronze Duke of Edinburgh participants are also currently mastering their teamwork and map and compass skills to complete their expeditions section of the award. Good luck, girls! Mrs K Lombard Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator
Parents' Association News This term the Parents’ Association will host two events. The Annual Meeting will be on Wednesday 6th November at 6:30 for 7:00pm. Following a very brief business portion of the meeting, we have invited parenting expert Karen Doherty to speak. Karen, mother to four teenagers, will share her top tips on simple ways to be a better parent. Karen has lectured and appeared on radio, television and in the press throughout the UK. She has inspired thousands of parents internationally to find their natural strengths and to raise confident, motivated, happier children. Invitations will be sent out just before half term. The FHS Christmas Fair will be on Saturday 23rd November from 1:30 to 3:30pm. We will be sending out notices and letters soon explaining how to help. Volunteers on the day will be needed for various stalls and the café. We are also asking for donations of chocolates and gifts for the Magic Christmas Tree. It is a fun afternoon and the perfect way to start the holiday season. Mrs L Rafter Chair of Parents’ Association
Parents' Association Committee 2013 Mrs Vivienne Durham - President Mrs Laurel Rafter - Chair Mr Rob Haine - Treasurer Mrs Fran Whitehead - Secretary Ms Clare MacDonnell - Teacher liasion
Sixth Form trip to Moliére’s Le Malade Imaginare Earlier in the summer, staff from the French Department took Sixth Form girls to see Moliére's Le Malade Imaginaire. The play was staged in an underground cellar, which made the event atmospheric. Touches of modern humour and music added to the enjoyment of this classical play. It was a very enjoyable outing for the Sixth Form pupils. Mrs B Edwards Head of Modern Foreign Languages Department
Ms Angharad Langley - Teacher liasion Mrs Varney Polydor Mrs Shalini Hinduaja Mrs Susan Pym Mrs Tina Hughes Mr Paul Turner Mrs Sally Cowan Mrs Dawn Hobson Mrs Rose Campbell Mrs Louise Reina
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Thirds' Activity Day at Sayer's Croft Despite this year's inauspicious date of Friday 13th, the Thirds' Activity Day proved to be a resounding success. Once again, Sayer's Croft in the Surrey countryside, played host to the entire year group and seven of their teachers. We were glad that the menacing weather predictions did not come to fruition and everyone enjoyed a pleasant day getting stuck into a variety of outdoor pursuits. In particular the zip wire and high ropes course proved to be highly popular (if the shrieks of excitement were anything to go by!) and the team challenges, archery and ballista building were great ways for the girls to get to work with their peers and begin to forge new friendships. My thanks go to Dr Young, Miss Bain, Mme Senegas, Mrs Wood, Mrs Watson and Miss Thomson for their help on the day and to the girls for their energy and enthusiasm. Mr M Chiverton Head of Thirds
Getting roped in
Tackling the obstacle course
Not as easy as looks!
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Balancing act
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Science Fair 2013 On Monday 8th July, parents, staff and members of the Lower Fourth attended the final presentations for the annual Science Fair. All members of the Lower Fourth worked hard to research and answer a self-chosen science topic.
Ms MacDonnell admires a student's work
After some hotly contested heats the finalists were: LIVJ Holly Anness-Bradshaw and Emilia Wilson Why do we get scared? Rae Farrow and Ellen Pallant How do animals get their spots and stripes? Poppi Haynes and Alice Ward What is lightning?
Science Fair in progress
LIVM Marita Andrews and Eva Gimpel-Oxinalde What are bubbles? Shree Kharwar and Lara Mayers How do glow sticks work? Vinisha Khemaney and Andie Macarthur What is sleep? LIVS Emma Caro and Saffron Taylor What is the difference between fission and fusion? Shreya Chakraborty and Peyton Sarrail What happens when we dream? Amy Hobson and Maya Lee Born How do touch screens work? The overall winners were Amy Hobson and Maya Lee Born and they each won family tickets for London Zoo. The runners up were Rae Farrow and Ellen Pallant (LIVJ) and Marita Andrews and Eva Gimpel-Oxindale (LIVM). Everyone was impressed with their research and depth of knowledge exhibited in their clear and logical presentation. We were thrilled to welcome our judge this year, Dr Dorothy Walgate. Dorothy studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge, focusing on Physics and Material Sciences. After her Ph.D. she went on to lecture at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL and then progressed into education and was Head of Science at two North London schools. The girls really appreciated her expert critique and analysis.
Maya and Amy proudly display their trophy!
Well done to all participants; your hard work made it a really successful Science Fair. Mr D Ward Head of Science Department Guest judge Dr Walgate with the prize winners
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Lower Sixth Geography and Biology Trip to Norfolk Having finished their AS exams, the Lower Sixth Geographers and Biologists spent a lovely wekend away in Norfolk in June. The main activity was to study a sand dune ecosystem and measure the succession from the sea inland. Quadrats, ranging poles and tape measures were srewn across the beach at Winterton as the girls took recordings for their A2 examinations.
sampled vegetation and insects found in the area.
On the Sunday, the Geographers walked into Cromer to study tourism impact on this coastal town whilst the Biologists
Ms S Hack Head of Geography Department
Julia and Nina collecting sand dune data
A great time was had by all (apart from the rain storm which rather drenched us). The weekend culminated with fish and chips at the best restaurant in town! Thanks to Miss Hallett and Dr Cardoso for accompanying us on the trip.
Testing soil pH
Lower Sixth Geographers F r a n c i s
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Sports Day in Regent's Park 2013 The roars, squeals and screams of the FHS 2013 Sports Day can still be heard echoing around the trees of Regent's Park even to this date! You could not have wished for a better event to finish off the school year and the sun shone favourably on the whole FHS family. Many thanks to all of our supporters – a throng of parents enjoyed the day and probably came away a little hoarse… As ever, the Rounders tournament was the event that every form wanted to win. Fierce rivalries have deepened over the years and friendships were suspended for the duration of the matches! Intertwined with the Rounders, the Athletics allowed individual talents to shine. Lightning speed and raw power flashed around the park, setting new school records and blazing new trails. Our novelty events once again gathered the biggest crowds and offered the most hilarious moments of the day – it is easy to see why the winning ribbons are most coveted!
At the start of the LIV 800m race
In the end though, there can be only one winner – the Staff vs Sixth Form Rounders match was eventful to say the least. Commiserations to the Sixth Form, they tried hard but were out-gunned by a star-studded Staff team in a thrilling finale. Individual flair and fantastic team performances headlined the day, it is easy to see the wonderful spirit and pride that the girls have for FHS. Many thanks to all of the students, staff, parents and visitors who came along to enjoy a fun filled day. Special thanks must be given to all of the PE staff; Miss Mahieu, Mrs Lombard, Miss Laytham, Mrs Drummond and Mrs Bain, without whom the day would not have happened. Put it in your calendars now – Sports Day 2014, it’s not to be missed! Miss J Tucker Head of PE Department
Emer prepares to launch the shot put
Fierce competition in the three-legged race
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Summer term: Sports Report Where did the summer go? Not to worry, with the autumn sports now alive and kicking, there has hardly been a minute to rest. Trials are over and the team fixtures have begun with a bang. It would be lovely to see as many parents as possible at our matches and a comprehensive fixture list can be found on the school website.
Summer Term Cups
Junior Rounders Saffy Taylor
Senior Rounders Ella Nickerson
Sports Day 2013 surpassed all expectation yet again – our girls just keep getting faster, stronger and louder! Entwined with the end of term excitement was the Interform Swimming Gala. There were some sensational individual and class performances – across all both the Junior and Senior Galas. The Interform Water Polo and Volleyball competitions for the Upper Fourth and Lower Fifths were also a close and exciting, if not contentious battle between the year levels. Congratulations to all of our winners (listed below) and for everyone else – training starts now for next year!
Junior Swimming Kitty Gilbey & Clarice Willis
Looking ahead, the new Thirds should keep an eye out for the Hockey trials sign-up sheet, which will start in the week before the half term – all welcome! And it will not be long before the Interform Hockey competition week starts up in December at the Paddington Recreational Ground; spectators are most welcome to all PE extra-curricular events!
Volleyball Cup Lucy Morris
Junior All Rounder Kitty Gilbey For all round excellence in PE
Miss J Tucker Head of PE Department
Senior Swimming Charlotte Hogarth
Most Improved Swimmer Riana Modi Junior Tennis Emilia Kalff
Intermediate Tennis Zinnia Silver
Senior Tennis Serena Ashdown
Senior All Rounder Lizzie Quacquarelli For all round excellence in PE
Contribution to Sport Nina Gharbi
INTER-FORM SWIMMING GALA The annual Inter Form Swimming Gala saw some outstanding results in the pool during the last week of term. During the day, cheers, splashes and excitement could be heard as many girls took part in a variety of events with their classmates cheering them on. The following forms in particular, are to be congratulated for their efforts: 3rd place overall: LIVM 2nd place overall: IIIM 1st place overall: UIVS & LVW
Swimming Gala Results
Junior Backstroke Georgia Boardman
Senior Backstroke Lucy Minderides
Junior Breaststroke Maxine Freeman
Senior Breaststroke Yael Levine
Junior Butterfly Elizabeth Sinden
Senior Butterfly Aditi Bhandari
Junior Freestyle Grace Crawley
Senior Freestyle Janet Thomson
Palariet Cup Charlotte Hogarth Open Backstroke
Rosamund Leach Cup Charlotte Hogarth Open Breaststroke
Speed Cup Isabelle Cryer Open Freestyle Individual Medley Cup Charlotte Hogarth Open Individual Medley
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FHS is green!
Sixth Form Lectures
September 9th University admissions LVI – ALIS, UVI – Amelia / UCAS 16th Drugs Mandy Saligari: Drugs, Addiction and Recovery 23rd Medicine Dr Raina Zarb Adami: Women in Plastic Surgery
30th Law Emma de Ronde, Young Partner at Norton Rose: Women in Law October 7th Food / Entrepreneurism / Television Mich Turner, Little Venice Cake Co. Television presenter Couture Cakes with Mich Turner and judge on the new ITV’s Britain's Best Bakery 14th Film and Television Industrial Scripts: Screenwriting and Script editing careers
Caretakers Jorge and Kenny packing boxes for School-Aid
Just before the end of term the "green warriors" of FHS (aka Ms Foy and members of the sixth form recycling team) urged colleagues and peers to clear out their cupboards and donate redundant textbooks, sports equipment, stationery, art and music equipment, sports clothes and shoes to School-Aid. Approximately 60 boxes and bags were sorted, labelled and then lifted into the School-Aid, van to be further sorted at the central depot, and allocated to schools in Africa, in need of equipment and books.
21st and 28th Half term November 4th Art / Psychology Angela Findlay: Crime, prisons and offenders – the role the Arts can play 11th Public Service / Medicine Andy Byrne: Blood and Transplant Donation 18th Charity / Animals The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association: Blind speaker accompanied by ‘Jodie’ her guide dog. 25th Economics / Government and Politics / Journalism Hugh Pym: BBC's Chief Economics Correspondent
Mrs Lombard and students are taking a further three boxes of books to Tanzania in October, to the school in Moshi that FHS has been sponsoring for a number of years.
Our major school production this term is Shakespeare’s hilarious comedy of love, practical jokes and verbal tennis and dirty tricks! Twenty five girls from the Upper Fourth to the Upper Sixth have begun rehearsing the play, which goes into production on 4th, 5th and 6th December 2013, starting at 7pm each night.
Ms N Foy English Department
Tickets will be available after half term, and can be booked online or by telephone via the school office, price £3.00 for FHS students and £8.00 for everybody else. Thank you to those parents who have kindly offered to help with the production: Mrs Oakley will be in touch very soon! Mrs K Oakley English Department
Careers Guidance Programme This term the Upper Fifth will be taking part in a specialist Careers Guidance programme called OASIS. Based on data provided by psychometric tests and academic information from the school, OASIS offers each girl a tailored report, recommending Careers fields to research, relevant work experience and suitable ‘A’ level subject choices to match her abilities, interests and aptitudes, and two one-to-one interviews with a Careers specialist from Cambridge Occupational Analysts. Further information can be obtained from Mrs Oakley at F rancis
H olland
Future Dates for your Diary
Fri 4th Oct Fri 11th Oct Thu 17th Oct Sat 19th Oct Sat 9th Nov Tue 19th Nov Thu 21st Nov Sat 23rd Nov Wed 11th Dec Thu 12th Dec S chool
Sponsored Walk in aid of Plan UK and FHS Summer Camp in Regent's Park ............................................................................ 1:30-4pm Harvest Festival in St Cyprian's Church ....................................... 8:40am Pre-Concert drinks in the Library ................................................. 6:30pm Autumn Concert in St Cyprian's Church .......................................... 7pm Trip to Tanzania (returning Fri 1st Nov) Sixth Form Art History trip to New York (returning Wed 23rd Nov) Upper Fourth History trip to Ypres (returning Mon 21st Oct) Sixth Form academic scholarship examination for Upper Fifth in the Gloucester Room ...................................................................... 10am Quondam birthday lunch ............................................................. 12:30pm Thirds parents' evening for IIIS and IIJ (A-H) ............................. 5:30pm Thirds parents' evening for IIIM and IIIJ (I-M) ........................... 5:30pm Parents' Association Christmas Fair ..................................... 1:30-3:30pm Lower Fourth parents' evening for LIVJ and LIVM (A-Me) ..... 5:30pm Lower Fourth parents' evening for LIVS and LIVM (Mo-W) ... 5:30pm
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