Francis Holland School Newsletter September 2014 FHS Remembers the First World War Charity Evenings in aid of SSAFA
From the Headmistress Dear Parents, As this goes to press, arrangements are being finalised for the annual the school Prize-giving in the Queen Elizabeth Hall on Wednesday 1st October. The success of FHS students in public examination results this summer will be one of the many achievements to be celebrated on this evening. At A level this summer, almost 20% of all grades were A*; 89% grades A* and B. These results are a tremendous achievement and we are congratulate the Upper Sixth on securing some of the most competitive university places in Britain and the USA. Congratulations also to our current Lower Sixth, who achieved superb GCSE results in the country: 95.8% were awarded A*, A or B and a significant number of girls achieved exclusively A and A* grades. Six girls in the current Lower Sixth achieved eleven A* grades at GCSE this summer. Such stellar results are a testament to the hard work and commitment of both the girls and their teachers. Initiated by Mr Mark Chiverton in 2006, FHS Summer Camp has become one of the most important aspects of the school’s charitable work. A team of Upper Fifth, Sixth Formers and teachers voluntarily gave a week in their summer holidays to provide Westminster children in foster care with a memorable activity holiday week. Mr Mark Chiverton and Mr Adrian Smith co-led FHS Summer Camp 2014, with Ms Roisin Smith, Ms Jane Orr, Ms Flora Barton, and Miss Kay Hotchkiss. Proceeds from our annual sponsored walk in Regent’s Park on Friday 3rd October will go to this year’s designated school charities, including SSAFA and FHS Summer Camp 2015. F r a n c i s
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Many thanks to all the parents who attended these charity evenings in support of the National Armed Forces Charity, SSAFA. As a school community, we have spent months planning how we could best commemorate the outbreak of war in August 2014 and eventually decided to focus upon the immediate impact of war on the pupils and staff, particularly as the School was in a state of flux, as, in the summer of 1913, a compulsory purchase order had been served on the school at its original site next to Baker Street tube station, forcing a move to York Place in Regent’s Park, whilst a new school was built here in Ivor Place. (Continued on page 2) Millie in Victorian dress as redoubtable Former Headmistress Miss Alice Stephenson (1912-1918).
My thanks to the many FHS parents who have volunteered to talk about their professional life and represent your profession at our Careers Evening on Thursday 16th October. All Lower Fifth, Upper Fifth and Sixth formers attend the Careers evening and FHS parents are most welcome to accompany their daughters. Refreshments will be available in the School Library, from 7pm onwards. My thanks to Mrs Kate Oakley, Head of Careers, and Miss Jo Hallett who have master-minded this important biannual event. Two exciting school trips will take place during October half term. Miss Jane Tucker will lead a ten-day Sports Tour to Malaysia. Girls have been training hard before school twice a week to ensure good levels of fitness. We wish them all a great tour and every success in their netball and hockey fixtures. Mr Harry Clayton, Head of History and Politics Department, will lead a trip to Moscow and St Petersburg. My thanks to all colleagues who have volunteered to accompany these school trips.
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I look forward to seeing many of you at the Parents’ Association AGM at 6:30pm on Thursday 6th November when the speaker will be Sue Kumleben talking about raising happy and well balanced daughters. All FHS parents are most welcome to attend. The Parents’ Association Committee is already preparing for the annual FHS Christmas Fair on Saturday 22nd November from 1:30-3:30pm. Grateful thanks to Mrs Laurel Rafter, Chair of the Parents’ Association, for leading the organisation of this annual festive event - and to all those parents who have offered to help. Finally, my thanks for your many kind messages and emails re the Tatler Award in September: it is an accolade for the whole school.
Mrs V M Durham
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Staff News Congratulations to Ms Helen Gardner in the Art Department who has been shortlisted for the prestigious Derwent Art Prize 2014 for drawing. Helen’s work was one of only eighty shortlisted from over 4,000 international entries. The work will be included in an exhibition at the Mall Galleries in September.
Ms Helen Gardner
Mrs Sally Kenyon (Music Department) will be playing the cello with Classical Opera, on Wednesday 8th October at the Barbican Hall. The ensemble are performing Mozart Requiem and Schubert Unfinished Symphony. Classical Opera is a period instrument orchestra and so they will be playing exactly as in the time of Mozart and Schubert!
Autmn Term 2014 Form Captains Games Captains Isabella Knox LIVJ Georgia Glick Swathy Suresan LIVM Hannah Unwin Amy Cash LIVS Thea Gavanski Yasmin Morrell UIVJ Mina Guessous Riana Modi UIVM Lily Abel Ella Roeser UIVS Rosie Holt Helena McBurney LVC Natasha Lowsley-Williams Emily Jerjian LVF Ruby Lowsley-Williams Shree Kharwar LVT Saffy Taylor Zinnah Bell UVB Ella Barker Maddy Harding UVH Lucy Minderides Saydee Brown UVP Zinnia Silver
FHS Remembers the First World War Continued from page 1.
Mrs Sally Kenyon
We offer our congratulations to Madga Lowes, Head of Biology who married Oliver on the 26th July 2014. She will now be known as Mrs Lockwood.
In these two evenings, we tried to capture the sense of innocence that greeted the outbreak of war, drawing on the evocative music of such pieces as George Butterworth’s A Shropshire Lad, as well as, the archive material of our school. We structured the evening from the declaration of War through to the opening of the "new school" in December 1915. Through our research we were struck by the juxtaposition of innocence, "a curiously detached way in which one went about one’s daily work", (E Moberly Bell, Old Girl) gymnastic competitions continuing, and yet a profound sense that many were aware they were living in momentous times. Miss Stephenson, the Headmistress from 1912-1918, was one such lady and her foresight and leadership of the School was remarkable. Many thanks to all my colleagues involved in this project, particularly to the "Team", Mrs Vivienne Durham, Mr Harry Clayton, Mrs Felicity Forde, Mr Robert Patterson, Mr Adrian Smith and Miss Emma Williams and to all the students who sang and read so powerfully.
Mrs Magda Lockwood
Miss Clare MacDonnell Director of Extra-curricular Activities
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Best Head of a Public School 2014 On Thursday 11th September at the Annual Tatler Schools’ Awards evening held in the ballroom in the Dorchester, Mrs Vivienne Durham was awarded "Best Head of a Public School 2014". Accepting the award, the Head said, "I am grateful and astonished to receive this award which I accept on behalf of the amazing teachers and girls at FHS Regent’s Park. Teachers at this school inspire pupils everyday - they also inspire me everyday."
Mrs Durham accepting her award for "Best Head of a Public School 2014"
Head Girl Danah Cred led the congratulations in school assembly by presenting a cake specially made by school chef Steve King.
Exceeding Expectations!
Congratulations to all our Upper Sixth leavers on their excellent A level results. Francis Holland students achieved a 4% increase in A* grades this summer, and secured A and A* grades in 57% of their subjects. Onethird of our students achieved at least three A grades and six gained two or more A* grades. We are very proud of their achievements, which are a tribute to their dedication to their studies, and we wish them the very best in their future studies. F r a n c i s
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Congratulations also to last year’s Upper Fifth students, who achieved some of our best ever GCSE and IGCSE results. Seven girls gained straight A* grades and over two-fifth of the year group achieved straight As and A*s. Top grades were secured in 79% of examinations. Miss Jacqueline Zugg Academic Deputy Head
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FHS Summer Camp 2014
Making smores around the camp fire
From 28th July to 1st August this year the eighth annual Francis Holland Summer Camp took place at Sayers Croft in Surrey. Summer Camp is a school community charity project, the aim of which is to provide a fun holiday for less fortunate children from Westminster. Since 2007 Francis Holland girls in the Upper Fifth and Lower Sixth, together with FHS staff, have helped over one hundred young people in foster care from Westminster by organising an exciting and memorable activity holiday at the wonderful Sayers Croft Field Centre. This year fourteen girls from the Upper Fifth and Lower Sixth, six members of staff (Ms Barton, Ms Smith, Ms Hotchkiss, Ms Orr, Mr Smith and I), together with six social workers from Westminster Social Services accompanied a group of thirteen fostered or "looked-after children" to Sayers Croft for five days of fun, activities and plenty of sunshine!
Lending a hand on the ropes course
A host of different people deserve to be thanked for their support in making Summer Camp such a success. The Parents’ Association’s generous donations to Summer Camp and the school Sponsored Walk have been invaluable sources of funding over the years. Thanks must also go to many of your teachers who gave up a week of their holidays in order to come along. However, the last and biggest thank you should go to the Francis Holland girls from last year’s Upper Fifth and Lower Sixth, whose energy and enthusiasm made the week such a resounding success for all concerned. It would not be able to happen without them. The girls who participated this year are Rim Douba, Vida Fatemi, Zoe HarrowellDaniels, Amelia Mehra, Georgia Morris, Ella Nickerson, Nancy Paul, Habiba Peracha, Lizzie Quacquarelli, Tilly Ruback, Isabelle Shirley, Natasha Waddell, Penny Whitehead and Millie Williams. Mr Mark Chiverton Summer Camp Leader
Mapping out a busy day!
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Italian trip to Bellaria
At the Piazza Maggiore, Bologna
In the first week of the summer holidays, a group of nineteen students in Upper Fourth, Lower Fifth and Upper Fifth enjoyed a fantastic trip to Bellaria from 5th to 9th July with Madame Gustave and myself. The girls took part in beach activities, namely beach rugby, beach volley and beach tennis, all conducted in Italian by qualified instructors. As part of our cultural visits, the girls visited the town of Bologna, which host the eldest University in the world, and could appreciate the medieval centre and its many historical sights. We also visited Ravenna, the city of mosaics, which was capital of the Roman Empire for three times as well as the town of Rimini rich of unique masterpieces from the Roman to the Renaissance period. Finally, the girls took part in numerous activities including, of course, lots of food and ice cream tasting. The girls proved to be excellent linguists and enjoyed their time in Italy and, we, the staff, were absolutely impressed by the girls’ enthusiasm and behaviour and we were also delighted about the organisation of the trip. Mr Nick Gridelli Head of MFL Department F r a n c i s
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Students at the former capital of the Roman empire in Ravenna S c h o o l
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Lower Fifth University visit to Oxford Sixteen Lower Fifth girls, accompanied by Ms Hotchkiss and Miss Gustave, went on an open-day visit to Oxford University on 3rd July. The girls were also given a tour of various colleges by a group of enthusiastic students who put their minds at rest about living away from home and talked to them about the range of extra-curricular activities on offer, from choirs to rowing. They were able to visit lecture theatres, libraries and sleeping accommodations. After lunch in the University Parks Ms Hotchkiss took us to the Faculty of Sciences, where she spent hours, as a student, doing experiments, and she also showed us her favourite laboratory. We then walked to Jesus College and admired its immaculate quads and impressive chapel. Our tour included the famous Bodleian library housed in a remarkable group of buildings which form the historic heart of the University. The girls also enjoyed the Pitt Rivers Museum where they saw the shrunken heads which are mentioned in His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman. The trip was most enjoyable and inspiring and Ms Hotchkiss gave the girls a valuable insight on the working of Oxford University. Students from the Lower Fifth at Oxford University
Miss Marjorie Gustave Head of Lower Fifth
Academic Enrichment Lectures We are delighted to offer a further opportunity for senior pupils to extend themselves academically and engage with their subjects beyond the curriculum. The Academic Enrichment Lectures, which take place once a month, are open to all students in the Lower Fifth and above. The lectures are given by members of staff and will cover a range of topics and subject areas, including Art, Science, English and Music. This year’s series started with a talk by Miss Jacqueline Zugg, Academic Deputy Head, entitled Slicing Cones, which covered Ancient Greek geometry, Renaissance Art and rocket science. The next lecture, on the sung Latin Requiem Mass, will be given by Mr Robert Patterson, Director of Music, on Wednesday 15th October at 4:20pm. We strongly encourage students in the Upper Fifth and the Sixth Form to attend. Programme of Lectures: Autumn Term 2014 Wednesday 17th September Miss Jacqueline Zugg, Academic Deputy Head Slicing Cones: Ancient Greek geometry, renaissance art and rocket science Wednesday 15th October
Mr Robert Patterson, Director of Music Music, Death and Religion: The sung Latin Requiem Mass
Wednesday 19th November Dr Francesca de Bono, English Department Literary Hospitality: Ghosts, Writing Tuesday 9th December
Mr Derek Ward, Senior Teacher; Head of Science and Physics Looking inside the body
The lectures start at 4:20pm and finish at 5pm. Miss Jacqueline Zugg Academic Deputy Head
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Confirmation Service: July 2014 On the final day of the summer term we were privileged to welcome The Bishop of Edmonton, the Right Reverend Peter Wheatley, to preside at our annual Confirmation service. The school gathered in St Cyprian’s church to celebrate the end of the academic year and witness the Confirmation of Tabitha Dickson, Lara Evans and Allegra Nardi. This was a wonderful occasion and was able to be shared by the friends and relatives of the confirmands. We congratulate them and pray for them as they continue their Christian journey. After the service the confirmands and their families joined Mrs Durham and the Bishop of Edmonton for a reception in the Gloucester Room, where they were able to be presented with their Confirmation certificates and a Bible as a reminder of the day. It was a fitting way to end a busy term, and remind us of the Anglican foundation of our school laid down by the Reverend Canon Francis Holland over 136 years ago. Mrs Sharon Bexon Religious Education Department
Confirmands Tabitha, Lara, and Allegra with the Bishop of Edmonton and Mrs Bexon
Lower Fifth Art trip to Saatchi Gallery On Friday, 19th September 19th Lower Fifth GCSE Art students enjoyed exciting trip to the Saatchi Gallery. On exhibition was Pangaea, new art from Africa and Latin America, as well as New Order 11 which showcased contemporary British art. The girls enjoyed a lecture and tour of the galleries before gathering research for their coursework projects. Ms Jane Orr Head of Art Department
Pupils from the Lower Fifth at the Saatchi Gallery F r a n c i s
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Parents’ Association News
Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Welcome back. It seems like September is flying by. The Parents’ Association has two events planned this term, both in November.
During the Summer Holidays, girls from the Sixth Form took to the hills of the Peak District and Snowdonia to complete their Gold Practice and Assessment Expeditions.
On 6th November, the PA will be hosting our AGM in the evening. An AGM will be followed by speaker, Sue Kumleben of the Parenting Practice. Her talk is titled Raising Girls - Perfectionism and Self-Esteem. The talk will look at issues that are especially relevant to girls. Techniques that Speaker Sue Kumledben parents can use to bring up daughters to be strong, confident, and willing to try new things will be discussed. Further information will be sent out in October. Sue trained at The New Learning Centre in 2002 and is an Effective Parenting Educator as trained by Bonnie Harris. She joined the parent practice in 2004. Sue was born and raised in the US. After graduating, she took a law degree and after two years each at a Wall Street law firm and Remy Martin, she moved to London with her South African husband Paul. While pregnant with their third child, Sue earned a Masters in Voluntary Sector work at the LSE.
Tilly Holt, Issy Cryer, Ambre de Tourniel, Miranda Soskin and Amelia Braddick McMinnies battled the elements and must be congratulated for doing so in challenging conditions. Despite tiredness setting in, the girls remained enthusiastic and also demonstrated excellent navigational skills and team work! Well done, girls! Bronze expeditions take place this September and October and we wish all girls in the current Lower Fifth the very best for these. Mrs Kirsty Lombard Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Co-ordinator Amelia, Tilly, Ambre, Issy, and Miranda completing their Gold Practice and Assessment Expeditions
Sue is a warm, inspirational teacher who brings empathy and thoroughness to her teaching. She is constantly studying the field of parenting and brings fresh ideas and new material to the team. On 22nd November, the annual Christmas Fair will take place. This fun afternoon will jump start the Christmas Spirit. Vendors fill the hall and there are activities and stalls organized by the girls through out the school. We are happy to receive donations for the Magic Christmas Tree and Chocolate tombola. If you would like to participate as a stall holder or would like to volunteer on the day, please email me at PA@fhs-nw1. Mrs Laurel Rafter Chair of Parents’ Association
Royal Institute Mathematics Master Classes 2014 Congratulations to Rosie Holt, Ella Roeser and Reimi Takagi who were accepted onto the Royal Institute Mathematics Master Classes 2014 and are attending the ten scheduled three-hour sessions with other top Year 9 candidates from London schools at the iconic Mayfair building. Here they are pictured with Richard Hamming’s error correcting codes, the reason why we can all jog comfortably with music playing from our iPods. This year’s lectures will feature a taste of undergraduate life when girls will attend a special event at UCL. This is a brilliant start for them in the first year of their Mathematics IGCSE studies. Mrs Anjali Martin Head of Mathematics
Congratulations to Rosie, Reimi and Ella
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Thirds’ Activity Day at Sayer’s Croft With coaches full of excited Thirds, we set out early on Friday 12th September for the Surrey countryside and the annual Thirds’ Activity Day. Once again, the wonderful Sayers Croft Field Centre played host to the entire year group and seven of their teachers. The day was filled with exciting activities such as archery, high ropes and zip wire. The centre’s new tunnelling system proved to be highly popular (if the shrieks of excitement were anything to go by!) and the team challenges and ballista building were great ways for the girls to get to work with their peers and
begin to forge new friendships. We all enjoyed a picnic lunch in the beautiful late summer sunshine and celebrated Eleni Papanayotou’s (IIIJ) birthday with cakes and other treats. My thanks go to Dr De Bono, Ms Spera, Mrs Wood, Ms Bain, Ms Lewis and Ms Mahieu for their help on the day and to the girls for their energy and enthusiasm. Mr Mark Chiverton Head of Thirds
Balanced and poised!
Students from the thirds tackle the ropes course
Working together as a team
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Getting into position for the obstacle course
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Sports Day in Regents Park 2014
Racing to the finish!
If there is a better way to end the school year than Sports Day, then somebody needs to fill me in! The day could not have been better with the perfect amount of sunshine and laughter to echo throughout central London. Many thanks to all of our parent supporters; your cheers and shouts certainly added value to the fantastic atmosphere on Marylebone Green. The inter-form Rounders tournament was the number one prize for the day and forms battled with good cheer to hold up the trophy at the end of the day. There was an awesome display of athletic ability in our track and field events and quite a few very talented juniors on the rise - watch this space! The novelty events once were fiercely contested and a great test of team work. And then came the Staff vs Sixth Form Rounders: with the whole school watching, the stage couldn’t have been more set for the triumphant win to the Sixth Formers. There are still some appeals in the courts, but really, no one could deny the gritty displays and heroic feats of the Sixers. Well done. I am sure that there is still blood, sweat and tears to be found on the pitches of Regent’s Park in the aftermath of FHS Sports Day 2014! There were many superb individual efforts and even more wonderful team performances in what was to be an excellent Sports Day. You can certainly see a massive amount of school pride and exuberence flowing through all of the girls and everyone is to be thanked for their input and energy. Special thanks must be given to all of the PE staff; Mrs Bain, Miss Laytham, Mrs Lombard, Mrs Drummond, and Miss Mahieu, without whom the day would not have materialized.
On your marks ...
Miss Jane Tucker Head of PE Department Rounders Tournament Best and Fairest III – Eva Perez (M) LIV – Melissa Symons (M) UIV – Ruby Lowsley-Williams J LV – Zinnia Silver (P) VI – Ruby Sam Russell (KH) & Sarah Kehoe (AM)
1st Place Rounders III – M & S’s LIV – M’s UIV – J’s LV – P’s VI – NG/KH’s
Overall Winners UIV J (185 points) 2nd Place – III J (143), 3rd Place – LV B (141), 4th Place – LIV M (134), 5th Place – LIV S (129)
Miss Tucker presents the awards
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FHS September Sports Report
FHS students at the Girls Go Gold Conference at St. Catherine’s School, Bramley
I am happy to announce that autumn is the new summer! We have had fantastic weather to kick-start the new school year of sports and fun! Teams have been chosen and fixtures have been aplenty; with a good spread of wins and losses to boot. A comprehensive fixture list can we found on the school website, so come along and support your daughters whenever you can grab a moment - they really do like it when you are there. The GCSE PE girls have already had a great trip to the Girls Go Gold Conference at St Catherine’s School, Bramley. They were lucky enough to be inspired by fantastic talks by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson and gold medal winning rower, Anna Watkins MBE. I was also very pleased to award the Junior and Senior "AllRounder" Sports Cup to Saffy Taylor and Jessie Clayton respectively at the QEH Prize-giving ceremony at the start of the month. They both had an exceptional year of sport and were deserved of their prize. I would also like to announce our new Sports Captain for the year as Rosie Minderides.
Swimming Gala Results Junior Backstroke: Larisa Soskin Senior Backstroke: Lucy Minderides Junior Breaststroke: Rita Broberg Senior Breaststroke: Yael Levine Junior Butterfly: Tizzy Ritblatt Senior Butterfly: Aditi Bhandari Junior Freestyle: Hannah Barlay Senior Freestyle: Janet Thomson Palariet Cup (Open Backstroke) Charlotte Hogarth Rosamund Leach Cup (Open Breaststroke) Charlotte Hogarth Speed Cup (Open Freestyle) Charlotte Hogarth
Looking ahead, the new Thirds should keep an eye out for the Hockey trials sign-up sheet, which will start in the week before the half term - all welcome! And it will not be long before the Inter-form Hockey competition week starts up in December at the Paddington Recreational Ground; spectators are most welcome to all PE extra-curricular events!
Individual Medley Cup (Open Individual Medley) Charlotte Hogarth Volleyball Cup – UIV J Best & Fairest: Cara Heppell Water Polo Cup – LV P
Miss Jane Tucker Head of PE Department
Best & Fairest: Lily Rutterford
Summer Term Cups
Junior Rounders: Hannah Barlay Senior Rounders: Jessica Clayton & Lucy Minderides Junior Swimming: Anna Clayton Senior Swimming: Clarice Willis Most Improved Swimmer: Phoebe Bor Junior Tennis: Olivia Muccio Intermediate Tennis: Emilia Kalff Senior Tennis: Zinnia Silver Volleyball: Julia Casanova Junior Fencing Cup: Rita Broberg Senior Fencing Cup: Poppy Menzies Walker Junior All Rounder: (For all round excellence in PE) Saffron Taylor Senior All Rounder: (For all round excellence in PE) Jessica Clayton Contribution to Sport: Rosie Minderides F r a n c i s
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Displaying their medals at the Girls Go Gold Conference r e g e n t ' s
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Scholars’ Music Concert
Annual FHS Christmas Fair
On Wednesday 17th September all the school music scholars gathered to present a recital in front of friends and family.
Please join us on Saturday 22nd November 1:30-3:30pm including The Magic Christmas Tree and Chocolate Tombola Please contact Mrs Laurel Rafter at for more information
Although very early in school year, the scholars nevertheless presented some fine and polished performances ranging from a Chopin funeral march to a lively Scott Joplin ragtime. The concert marks the first of many concerts to be given by the music scholars. Mr Robert Patterson Director of Music
Autumn term Sixth Form Lectures
The 2014 Careers Evening 16th October 7.00pm
8th September 15th September 22nd September 29th September 6th October 13th October 3rd November 10th November 17th November 24th November 1st December 8th December 15th December
Come and find out what the future might hold in store for you! An invitation to all girls and their parents from the Lower Fifth to the Upper Sixth to come and pick the brains of a host of over fifty experts representing a wide range of careers. • Presentations Friday 5th December • Individual consultations • Sound advice from the 9-10am people who know
Parents' Prayer Group Breakfast All are welcome
The Challenge
Future Dates for your Diary
Congratulations to Xiusi Li, Rebecca Edge, Emily Maguire, Eleanor Frame and Vida Fatemi who all took part in The Challenge over the summer holidays. The Challenge is national charity which offers an intense threepart, primarily residential programme for 15-17 year-olds with the aim to develop a combination of skills including leadership, teamwork and community engagement through residential activities at outdoor activity centers and social action projects.
Sat 8th Nov
Quondam birthday lunch ................................................................. 12:30pm
Mon 10th Nov Thirds’ Art trip to the Tate Modern ......................................... 12:50-4:30pm Tue 11th Nov Piano Concert in the School Hall ...................................................... 6:30pm Sat 22nd Nov History of Art Sixth Form Trip to the Ways of Seeing Exhibition at the British Museum ................................................................... 10am-4pm Thu 27th Nov Pre-concert drinks for parents in the Library .................................. 6:30pm Autumn Concert at St Cyprian’s Church .............................................. 7pm Fri 28th Nov JOINT INSET DAY with FHS Sloane Square (Pupil Reading Day: no students required in school unless requested for Guys and Dolls rehearsal) ............................ 9am-4pm
Miss Clare MacDonnell Director of Extra-curricular Activities F rancis
University Admissions TV/Media Mrs Natalie Spanier The Skills of Public Speaking Mr Robin Kermode Sport - Olympic Sprinter Jennifer Stoute English former sprinter Geography - Up the Amazon with a Paddle Miss Jo Green Former Academic Deputy Head Geography - Travelling the world by bike Alastair Humphreys Filmmaking Ms Coky Giedroyc, Lady Bowyer-Smyth NSPCC / Silver Line Esther Rantzen CBE Geography / Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran Mr John Pilkington Gap year opportunities Ms Heidi Tanner, Projects Abroad, Peer Presentation Extended Project Qualification Presentations Charity activity in the local community Carol Singing in various tube stations Geography – Polar Exploration Alex Hibbert
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